Tag Archive for: Motorsport



Julio 2022 – Banbury, Reino Unido. Prodrive ha revelado el simulador de carreras que se entregará por primera vez a los clientes a finales de este año.

Creado para ser una pieza escultórica de declaración, la casa de diseño e ingeniería CALLUM ha combinado materiales tradicionales y modernos para diseñar un mueble que ocupará un lugar privilegiado en cualquier hogar o lugar.

El monocasco de carbono esculpido que alberga el asiento del conductor, la pantalla, el volante y la caja de pedales parece flotar debajo de un llamativo dosel de 16 capas de abedul, envuelto en un elegante acabado lacado en negro brillante. No solo es hermoso verlo desde el exterior, sino que envuelve al conductor para brindar una experiencia tan inmersiva que se siente como estar en la cabina de un auto de carreras.

Además de su hermosa forma, el Prodrive Racing Simulator tiene el rendimiento para igualar y ofrece al conductor una experiencia de simulador de primera clase. Con un sistema especialmente diseñado con una tarjeta gráfica GeForce RTX de 12 GB y 16 GB de memoria en el centro, los gráficos fluidos se reproducen en la pantalla curva de 49” con alta frecuencia de actualización. El volante Precision SIM junto con un motor de dirección Simcube permite entradas de conducción precisas, y la caja de pedales mecánicos se ha seleccionado a propósito para completar la experiencia realista.

Una vez que hayan registrado su interés, los clientes serán invitados a la sede central de Prodrive en Banbury, donde  además de recorrer las operaciones de tecnología y deportes de motor de clase mundial de la compañía, podrán probar el simulador de primera mano en su propia sala de exposición. Luego, como parte de la compra, Prodrive entregará e instalará el simulador con los clientes en sus propios hogares.

A medida que más y más dispositivos digitales encuentran lugar en nuestros hogares, el presidente de Prodrive, David Richards, tuvo la idea de crear la llamativa pieza de escultura doméstica. Él dijo:

“Los últimos años han visto una explosión de personas que se dedican a los juegos y los deportes electrónicos. Pero quería algo que combinara tecnología con muebles contemporáneos, algo que estaría orgulloso de tener en exhibición en su hogar como un piano de cola, en lugar de estar escondido. Estoy orgulloso del resultado, es algo que no se vería fuera de lugar en una galería de arte contemporáneo”.

El proyecto comenzó el año pasado, cuando Richards se acercó a CALLUM, que estaba muy involucrado con Prodrive, habiendo ayudado a diseñar los recientes proyectos Hunter Dakar e Hypercar de la compañía, para crear algunos conceptos.

Ian Callum dijo:

“Había una visión muy clara para este proyecto: crear algo técnicamente estimulante y visualmente impactante. En lugar de tomar la ruta funcional y trillada de una estructura similar a un automóvil, optamos por algo más abstracto, contemporáneo y elegante. Este diseño intriga. Sabes que es un simulador, pero luego tienes que mirar de nuevo. La forma amplia y el acabado brillante ‘piano black’ llevan al Racing Simulator a un lugar completamente nuevo: es un mueble que se puede colocar con elegancia en un espacio habitable”.

El Prodrive Racing Simulator ahora está disponible directamente desde Prodrive, con un precio de £ 39,000 sin IVA, aranceles y envío. Para registrar su interés, los compradores potenciales deben visitar prodrive.com/simulator antes de ser invitados a la sede central de Prodrive en Banbury para probar el simulador de primera mano.



Simulador a medida con 12GB

Tarjeta gráfica GeForce RTX y memoria de 16 GB

Software preinstalado

ajuste de carrera


AOC 49” Dual-QHD Resolución 5k curvo

monitor con frecuencia de actualización de 165Hz


Precisión SIM LM Pro con 5 diales giratorios,

12 pulsadores y paletas de fibra de carbono

Motor de dirección

Motor de dirección Simucube 2 PRO

Caja de pedales

​Caja de pedales mecánica, ajustable eléctricamente


Cobra Nogaro Street

Dimensiones (L x Al x An)

Longitud 3,3 m

Altura 1,35 m

Ancho 0,8m (1,25m incl. pantalla)


Auriculares Bowers & Wilkins PX7


£ 39,000 sin IVA, aranceles y envío

Acerca de Prodrive

Prodrive es una de las empresas de tecnología y deportes de motor más grandes y exitosas del mundo. Más de 500 empleados están empleados en su sede de Banbury y sus instalaciones de fabricación de compuestos en Milton Keynes. Si bien la empresa es quizás más conocida por los deportes de motor, hoy en día es solo una parte de una organización que en la última década se ha diversificado para convertirse en una empresa de tecnología que trabaja en una variedad de sectores y brinda una variedad de servicios.

Dentro del Grupo Prodrive, hay cuatro áreas comerciales distintas pero interconectadas: Automovilismo, programas operativos de carrera y rally para fabricantes de vehículos y marcas globales; Tecnología Avanzada, proporcionando tecnología innovadora para los sectores automotriz, aeroespacial, de defensa y marino; Composites, desarrollando componentes compuestos ligeros para los sectores automotriz, aeroespacial y marino; y Brand& desarrollo de ropa y complementos a medida para primeras marcas.


Acerca de Callum

CALLUM es una empresa de diseño e ingeniería que crea productos personalizados y de edición limitada.

CALLUM se centra en el diseño, el estilo de vida y los viajes, asumiendo proyectos que intrigan, emocionan y cuentan una historia. Es una colaboración de personas talentosas con experiencia en marcas de arte, audio, automoción, moda y automovilismo.

Ágil y ágil, CALLUM produce un diseño exquisito respaldado por una ejecución de calidad, con sus instalaciones de Warwick de 30,000 pies cuadrados que albergan la última tecnología para brindar servicios de diseño, creación de prototipos, mecanizado y recorte.

Entre sus miembros fundadores se encuentra el diseñador británico Ian Callum CBE, admirado por su prolífico trabajo automotriz, que incluye Aston Martin Vanquish, Vantage y DB9, Jaguar F-Type, F-PACE, XJ y, más recientemente, World Car of the Year. El galardonado I-PACE, entre otros.




July 2022 – Banbury, United Kingdom. Prodrive has revealed the Racing Simulator due for first delivery to customers later this year.

Created to be a statement sculptural piece, design and engineering house CALLUM has blended traditional and modern materials together to design a piece of furniture that would take pride of place in any home or venue.

The sculpted carbon monocoque housing the driver’s seat, the screen, steering wheel, and pedal box appear to float beneath a striking canopy of 16 layers of birch, encased in an elegant, lacquered gloss black finish. Not only is this beautiful to look at from the outside but wraps around the driver to give such an immersive experience that it feels like being in the cockpit of a race car.

As well as its beautiful form, the Prodrive Racing Simulator has the performance to match offering the driver a first-class simulator experience. Featuring a purpose built system with a 12GB GeForce RTX graphics card and 16GB of memory at its heart, smooth graphics are rendered across the sweeping curved 49” high refresh rate display. The Precision SIM steering wheel coupled with a Simcube steering motor allows for precise driving inputs, and the mechanical pedal box has been purposely selected to complete the realistic experience.

Once they have registered their interest, customers will be invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters, where  alongside touring the company’s world-class motorsport and technology operations they will get to try the simulator first hand in its own showroom. Then, as part of the purchase, Prodrive will deliver and install the simulator with customers in their own homes.

As more and more digital devices find places in our homes Prodrive chairman, David Richards had the idea to create the striking piece of home sculpture. He said:

“The last few years have seen an explosion in people taking up gaming and e-sports. But I wanted something that married technology with contemporary furniture, something you would be proud to have on display in your home like a grand piano, rather than tucked out of the way. I’m proud of the result, it’s something that would not look out of place in a gallery of contemporary art.”

The project began last year, when Richards approached CALLUM, which was closely involved with Prodrive, having helped design the company’s recent Hunter Dakar and Hypercar projects, to create some concepts.

Ian Callum said:

“There was a very clear vision for this project – to create something technically stimulating and visually striking. Rather than taking the functional and well-trodden route of a car-like structure, we opted for something more abstract, contemporary and elegant. This design intrigues. You know it’s a simulator, but then you have to look again. The sweeping form and ‘piano black’ gloss finish take the Racing Simulator to a whole new place – it’s a piece of furniture that can elegantly sit in a living space.”

The Prodrive Racing Simulator is now available direct from Prodrive, priced at £39,000 ex VAT, duties and shipping. To register interest potential purchasers should visit prodrive.com/simulator before being invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters to try the simulator first hand.



​Bespoke simulator computer with a 12GB

GeForce RTX graphics card & 16GB memory

Pre-Installed Software

Race trim


AOC 49” Dual-QHD 5k resolution curved

monitor with 165Hz refresh rate

Steering Wheel

Precision SIM LM Pro with 5 rotary dials,

12 push buttons & carbon fibre paddles

Steering Motor

Simucube 2 PRO steering motor

Pedal Box

​Mechanical pedal box, electrically adjustable


Cobra Nogaro Street

Dimensions (L x H x W)

Length 3.3m

Height 1.35m

Width 0.8m (1.25m incl. screen)


Bowers & Wilkins PX7 headphones


£39,000 excluding VAT, duties and shipping

About Prodrive

Prodrive is one of the world’s largest and most successful motorsport and technology businesses. Over 500 staff are employed across its Banbury headquarters and composites manufacturing facility in Milton Keynes. While the company is perhaps best known for motorsport, today it is just one part of an organisation that in the last decade has diversified to become a technology business working in a range of sectors and providing a range of services.

Within the Prodrive Group, there are four distinct but interconnected business areas: Motorsport, operating race and rally programmes for vehicle manufacturers and global brands; Advanced Technology, providing innovative technology for the automotive, aerospace, defence and marine sectors; Composites, developing lightweight composite components for the automotive, aerospace and marine sectors; and Brand& developing bespoke clothing and accessories for leading brands.


About Callum

CALLUM is a design and engineering business creating bespoke and limited-edition products.

CALLUM is focused on design, lifestyle and travel, taking on projects that intrigue, excite and tell a story. It is a collaboration of talented individuals with experience across art, audio, automotive, fashion and motorsport brands.

Nimble and agile, CALLUM produces exquisite design supported by quality execution, with its 30,000 sq. ft Warwick facility housing the latest technology to deliver design, prototyping, machining and trim services.

Amongst its founding members is British designer Ian Callum CBE, admired for his prolific automotive work, which includes the Aston Martin Vanquish, Vantage and DB9, Jaguar F-Type, F-PACE, XJ and, most recently, the World Car of the Year Award-winning I-PACE, amongst others.




July 2022 – Banbury, United Kingdom. Prodrive has revealed the Racing Simulator due for first delivery to customers later this year.

Created to be a statement sculptural piece, design and engineering house CALLUM has blended traditional and modern materials together to design a piece of furniture that would take pride of place in any home or venue.

The sculpted carbon monocoque housing the driver’s seat, the screen, steering wheel, and pedal box appear to float beneath a striking canopy of 16 layers of birch, encased in an elegant, lacquered gloss black finish. Not only is this beautiful to look at from the outside but wraps around the driver to give such an immersive experience that it feels like being in the cockpit of a race car.

As well as its beautiful form, the Prodrive Racing Simulator has the performance to match offering the driver a first-class simulator experience. Featuring a purpose built system with a 12GB GeForce RTX graphics card and 16GB of memory at its heart, smooth graphics are rendered across the sweeping curved 49” high refresh rate display. The Precision SIM steering wheel coupled with a Simcube steering motor allows for precise driving inputs, and the mechanical pedal box has been purposely selected to complete the realistic experience.

Once they have registered their interest, customers will be invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters, where  alongside touring the company’s world-class motorsport and technology operations they will get to try the simulator first hand in its own showroom. Then, as part of the purchase, Prodrive will deliver and install the simulator with customers in their own homes.

As more and more digital devices find places in our homes Prodrive chairman, David Richards had the idea to create the striking piece of home sculpture. He said:

“The last few years have seen an explosion in people taking up gaming and e-sports. But I wanted something that married technology with contemporary furniture, something you would be proud to have on display in your home like a grand piano, rather than tucked out of the way. I’m proud of the result, it’s something that would not look out of place in a gallery of contemporary art.”

The project began last year, when Richards approached CALLUM, which was closely involved with Prodrive, having helped design the company’s recent Hunter Dakar and Hypercar projects, to create some concepts.

Ian Callum said:

“There was a very clear vision for this project – to create something technically stimulating and visually striking. Rather than taking the functional and well-trodden route of a car-like structure, we opted for something more abstract, contemporary and elegant. This design intrigues. You know it’s a simulator, but then you have to look again. The sweeping form and ‘piano black’ gloss finish take the Racing Simulator to a whole new place – it’s a piece of furniture that can elegantly sit in a living space.”

The Prodrive Racing Simulator is now available direct from Prodrive, priced at £39,000 ex VAT, duties and shipping. To register interest potential purchasers should visit prodrive.com/simulator before being invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters to try the simulator first hand.



​Bespoke simulator computer with a 12GB

GeForce RTX graphics card & 16GB memory

Pre-Installed Software

Race trim


AOC 49” Dual-QHD 5k resolution curved

monitor with 165Hz refresh rate

Steering Wheel

Precision SIM LM Pro with 5 rotary dials,

12 push buttons & carbon fibre paddles

Steering Motor

Simucube 2 PRO steering motor

Pedal Box

​Mechanical pedal box, electrically adjustable


Cobra Nogaro Street

Dimensions (L x H x W)

Length 3.3m

Height 1.35m

Width 0.8m (1.25m incl. screen)


Bowers & Wilkins PX7 headphones


£39,000 excluding VAT, duties and shipping

About Prodrive

Prodrive is one of the world’s largest and most successful motorsport and technology businesses. Over 500 staff are employed across its Banbury headquarters and composites manufacturing facility in Milton Keynes. While the company is perhaps best known for motorsport, today it is just one part of an organisation that in the last decade has diversified to become a technology business working in a range of sectors and providing a range of services.

Within the Prodrive Group, there are four distinct but interconnected business areas: Motorsport, operating race and rally programmes for vehicle manufacturers and global brands; Advanced Technology, providing innovative technology for the automotive, aerospace, defence and marine sectors; Composites, developing lightweight composite components for the automotive, aerospace and marine sectors; and Brand& developing bespoke clothing and accessories for leading brands.


About Callum

CALLUM is a design and engineering business creating bespoke and limited-edition products.

CALLUM is focused on design, lifestyle and travel, taking on projects that intrigue, excite and tell a story. It is a collaboration of talented individuals with experience across art, audio, automotive, fashion and motorsport brands.

Nimble and agile, CALLUM produces exquisite design supported by quality execution, with its 30,000 sq. ft Warwick facility housing the latest technology to deliver design, prototyping, machining and trim services.

Amongst its founding members is British designer Ian Callum CBE, admired for his prolific automotive work, which includes the Aston Martin Vanquish, Vantage and DB9, Jaguar F-Type, F-PACE, XJ and, most recently, the World Car of the Year Award-winning I-PACE, amongst others.


BMW M Motorsport MBEDDED

‘MBEDDED’ #3:’EMBEDDED’ #3: El nuevo episodio del video documental brinda información exclusiva detrás de escena del BMW Team RLL y el proyecto LMDh.

Cuando se puso en marcha el proyecto LMDh, BMW M Motorsport lanzó un nuevo video documental en tiempo real que brinda información exclusiva detrás de escena, sigue de cerca a los responsables y brinda a los espectadores perspectivas totalmente nuevas de los principales procesos de toma de decisiones: ‘MBEDDED’. El tercer episodio cubre Petit Le Mans en Road Atlanta (EE. UU.).

Munich. Cuando se puso en marcha el proyecto LMDh, BMW M Motorsport lanzó un nuevo video documental en tiempo real que brinda información exclusiva detrás de escena, sigue de cerca a los responsables y brinda a los espectadores perspectivas totalmente nuevas de los principales procesos de toma de decisiones: ‘MBEDDED’.

El tercer episodio cubre Petit Le Mans en Road Atlanta (EE. UU.). Muestra al BMW Team RLL y a los conductores mirando imágenes del BMW M LMDh por primera vez y captura sus reacciones. El video también ofrece un perfil del director del equipo, Bobby Rahal. Está disponible en el canal de YouTube de BMW M Motorsport

“Sexy, agresivo, hermoso, una declaración poderosa” son las palabras que vinieron a la mente de los miembros del BMW Team RLL y los conductores de BMW M Works al ver las primeras imágenes del nuevo BMW M LMDh, que se les permitió tomar un mira a puerta cerrada en Petit Le Mans.

A ellos se unió un equipo de cámara, que documentó toda la acción en torno al anuncio de BMW Team RLL como el equipo LMDh de cerca y en persona para el tercer episodio de ‘MBEDDED’. El video sigue a los jugadores clave en el proyecto LMDh en BMW M Motorsport, Mike Krack y Maurizio Leschiutta, en sus reuniones ultrasecretas durante el transcurso del fin de semana.

‘MBEDDED’ también brinda perfiles del director del equipo, Bobby Rahal, y su tripulación, quienes están listos para luchar por las victorias generales en la serie IMSA para BMW M Motorsport a partir de 2023. “No puedo encontrar las palabras para describir lo emocionado y orgulloso que estoy que se nos está dando esta oportunidad de competir con este auto para BMW M Motorsport”, dijo Rahal durante una entrevista en su autocaravana. “Es un gran cumplido para nosotros. Y la razón principal por la que es tan emocionante es que podremos luchar por las victorias generales”.

Tickets for Goodwood’s 2022 motorsport events now on sale

08 November 2021

Tickets for Goodwood’s 2022 motorsport events now on sale

  • Tickets for Goodwood’s three headline motorsport events are now on sale.
  • The 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport will be held on 9-10 April and is exclusive to GRRC Members and Fellows.
  • The Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard will be held on 23-26 June.
  • The Goodwood Revival will be held on 16-18 September.

Goodwood is delighted to announce that tickets for its 2022 motorsport events – the 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport, the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, and the Revival – are now on sale at goodwood.com.

Whether you join us for the food, fun and festivities on offer at the Members’ Meeting, the fascinating future tech on display at the Festival of Speed, or to discover fabulous second-hand treasures at the Revival – in addition to the unrivalled and up-close access to cars and bikes from across the automotive annals as well as rip-roaring racing, demonstrations and hillclimb action – Goodwood’s motorsport events have it all.

Festival of Speed 2021

This year saw Goodwood make an incredible return to the motorsport and motoring calendar, and we are delighted to have welcomed back our passionate fans after more than 18 months away. We are already looking forward to next year when the events will not only revert to the usual order, but will run at full capacity. We are also pleased to share that Festival of Speed customers who purchase their tickets before 31 March 2022 will be able to benefit from the UK Government’s ‘creative industry tax relief’ with a reduced VAT rate of 12.5%.

We have a range of ticket options on offer, with children under 12 going free at all our motorsport events, and a Young Person ticket available for those aged between 13 and 21 years of age. Event-goers can make use of our plentiful parking, or travel by train to Chichester and hop on one of the regular shuttle buses that run between the station and the events.

Those wishing to attend the Goodwood Road Racing Club-only 79th Members’ Meeting in April, can join the GRRC Fellowship to purchase tickets. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship offers a range of benefits in addition to Members’ Meeting access, including exclusive video archives, competitions, offers and much more. You could even make a start on your Christmas shopping and give the gift of Goodwood motorsport, by purchasing the Fellowship as a gift subscription, complete with a certificate that can be downloaded and printed, or emailed.

In addition to tickets, Goodwood’s unrivalled hospitality packages are also now available to book for the 2022 Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival. Whether customers are looking for a great day out with friends, entertaining clients or celebrating something special, Goodwood’s hospitality provides the ultimate setting to enjoy the events. Email hospitality@goodwood.com or call 01243 755054.

Also launching at Goodwood in 2022, will be Goodwoof (28-29 May) and Eroica Britannia (6-7 August). The two new events will bring ‘all things dog’ and vintage cycling to the estate’s impressive and popular events portfolio. Tickets to Goodwoof are on sale now at goodwood.com, with Eroica Britannia to follow at the end of the year.

Image credit: Jayson Fong

2022 Event Dates:

  • Goodwoof, Saturday 28 – Sunday 29 May 2022
  • 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport, Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 April 2022
  • Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, Thursday 23 – Sunday 26 June 2022
  • Eroica Britannia, Saturday 6 – Sunday 7 August 2022
  • Goodwood Revival, Friday 16 – Sunday 18 September 2022

Tickets can be purchased via goodwood.com or by calling the Ticket Office on 01243 755055.

For an extra special day out, hospitality is also available across the event and can be organised by emailing hospitality@goodwood.com or calling 01243 755054.

Goodwood wants customers to be able to book with confidence and if it is deemed that Goodwood events cannot take place on advice from the UK Government due to the ever-changing pandemic, the ‘Ticket Guarantee’ means customers can transfer their ticket to the following year or receive a full refund.

Goodwood’s number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved, whether working behind-the-scenes, at the wheel, or attending the spectacle. Goodwood continues to work closely with Public Health England and UK Government advisory groups and all events will be run strictly in accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 guidelines.

About the Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport
The Goodwood Members’ Meeting is an epic weekend of motor racing founded by the Duke of Richmond, which aims to recreate the atmosphere and camaraderie of the original BARC Members’ Meetings held at Goodwood throughout the 1950s and 1960s.

As well as a full programme of racing, the Members’ Meeting features all kinds of cars from classic tin-tops and GTs, to motorcycles and open wheeled Formula 3 and F1 machines, offering visitors a friendly and intimate atmosphere with no crowds, thanks to being exclusively available to GRRC Members and Fellowship. A winning formula of spectacular cars, high-speed track demonstrations, fun-packed festivities and great entertainment; along with the very best food and drink. Joining the GRRC Fellowship is the only way to become a full GRRC Member.

About the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard
First staged in 1993, the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard is the world’s largest automotive garden party; set against the spectacular backdrop of Goodwood House in West Sussex, UK. Over 600 cars and motorcycles spanning the phenomenal history of motoring and motorsport take part along with legendary figures from the automotive world. Highlights include Future Lab presented by bp, Electric Avenue, Forest Rally Stage, Michelin Supercar Paddock, Michelin Supercar Run, F1 paddock, Drivers’ Club, GAS Arena, Cartier Style et Luxe Concours d’Elegance, Aviation Exhibition and Bonhams Auction.

About the Goodwood Revival
The Goodwood Revival is the world’s greatest historic motor race meeting, and the only sporting event of its kind to be staged entirely in a period theme. More than just an unrivalled weekend of historic racing, it is a whimsical step back in time; an immersive celebration of a less disposable world, where “make do and mend” was a way of life rather than a casual slogan.

The Revival is, at its heart, a celebration of craftsmanship and sustainability, from an age when possessions were made to last and be cherished. It promotes a thoroughly modern ethos – to “reduce, reuse, repair, restore and recycle” – in the most authentic way possible. All the cars are original, having been lovingly maintained since new, many of the outfits have been handed down through generations, and even the retailers specialise in pre-owned artefacts – everything from clothes and accessories to automobilia and books.

It is, proudly, the world’s biggest and most glamorous second-hand event, encouraging attendees to embrace its Revive and Thrive ethos.

Goodwood Announces 2022 Motorsport Event Dates

  • The 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport will be held on 9-10 April.
  • The Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard will be held on 23-26 June.
  • The Goodwood Revival will be held on 16-18 September.
  • Tickets go on sale to the general public on Monday 8 November at 9am.
  • Customers can get early access from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Goodwood is pleased to announce the dates for its 2022 motorsport and automotive events. Kicking off the season will be the 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport on 9-10 April, followed by the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard on 23-26 June and finishing with Goodwood Revival on 16-18 September.

2021 saw Goodwood make an incredible return to the motorsport and motoring calendar, with all three events taking place over the summer and autumn, welcoming back our passionate fans after more than 18 months away. Looking ahead to next year, the events will not only revert to the usual order – starting with the Members’ Meeting in April – but they will run at full capacity and bring back many popular aspects as well as new celebrations, moments, car launches and interactive customer experiences.

Members’ Meeting will remain the playground for Members and Fellows of the Goodwood Road Racing Club (GRRC), with a weekend of exceptional racing, high-speed demonstrations, off-track festivities and fireworks, and of course the unique school ‘house’ rivalry.

Festival of Speed 2021

The Festival of Speed will return as the destination for innovation, technology and future mobility, as well as hosting perennial favourites including Formula 1, drift, contemporary teams, champion drivers and riders of past, present and future, and more than a century of motorsport history. The awe-inspiring Future Lab will wow event-goers, as will the latest supercars in action on the Hill, and the world’s leading manufacturers launching their latest cars. Electric Avenue – the ultimate place for consumers to immerse themselves in the world of electric mobility – will be back after its debut in 2021.

Revival will once again host the world’s greatest weekend of historic racing, accompanied by fabulous vintage fashion and glamour, set within the iconic Goodwood Motor Circuit. Popular new initiatives for 2021, including the Make Do & Mend corner and Revival Car Boot Sale, will make a welcome – and enhanced – return, as Goodwood continues to celebrate and showcase sustainability and second-hand lifestyle, encouraging attendees to embrace the event’s Revive and Thrive ethos.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Further details and announcements on what will feature at this year’s events will be announced in the months ahead.

Commenting on next year’s events, The Duke of Richmond said: “I am thrilled that our much-loved, sell-out motorsport events will be making a spectacular return in 2022. Thank you to everyone who attended and partnered with the Festival of Speed, Revival and Members’ Meeting this year. Your loyalty and support after a challenging 18 months made them more special than ever, and we can’t wait to see you back at Goodwood again next year. It really will be a season not to miss.”

When do tickets go on sale?

Tickets for the 79th Members’ Meeting, Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will be on sale at goodwood.com on the following dates:

  • Saturday 30 October 2021 – GRRC Members
  • Monday 1 November 2021 – GRRC Fellowship
  • Monday 8 November 2021 – Public

As in previous years, children aged 12 and under go free and a Young Person ticket will also be available for those aged between 13 and 21 years of age.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, exclusive video content, competitions, offers and much more.

Goodwood’s unrivalled hospitality packages are available to book now for the 2022 Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival by emailing hospitality@goodwood.com or calling 01243 755054. Whether customers are looking for a great day out with friends, entertaining clients or celebrating something special, Goodwood’s hospitality provides the ultimate setting to enjoy the events.

Also launching at Goodwood in 2022, will be Goodwoof (28-29 May) and Eroica Britannia (6-7 August). The two new events will bring ‘all things dog’ and vintage cycling to the estate’s impressive and popular events portfolio. Tickets to Goodwoof are on sale now at goodwood.com, with Eroica Britannia to follow at the end of the year.

2022 Event Charities

The Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will also partner with two new charities in 2022. Race Against Dementia, a charity set up by Sir Jackie Stewart OBE will be supported by the Festival of Speed and local charity Aldingbourne Trust will be supported by the Revival.

Race Against Dementia is a global charity established to fund pioneering research to find a prevention or treatment for dementia. The Race Against Dementia (RAD) Fellowship Programme draws from the most promising early career scientific talent around the world. Collaboration with forward-thinking teams in Formula One and other innovative organisations brings the dynamic attitude, dedication and agility of Grand Prix teamwork to drive results in dementia research. The programme not only accelerates the Fellows’ personal research agendas but also aspires to catalyse a change in dementia research culture globally.

The Aldingbourne Trust provides real skills, care and jobs in a 21st Century way. Through strong partnerships and social enterprise, they enable adults with learning disabilities to have real choices and to lead more independent lives. The trust provides much-valued support in all aspects of their lives including accommodation, training, employment, advice and having fun!

Image credit: 1. Jayson Fong | 2. Dominic James | 3. Jayson Fong | 4. Dominic James | 5. Jayson Fong

Goodwood Revival 2021

Tickets for the Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival go on sale to the public on Monday 8 November at 9am at goodwood.com, with priority booking available for GRRC Members and Fellows. Customers can join the Fellowship at any time to receive priority booking for the 2022 events.

2022 Event Dates:

  • 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport, Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 April 2022
  • Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, Thursday 23 – Sunday 26 June 2022
  • Goodwood Revival, Friday 16 – Sunday 18 September 2022


Tickets can be purchased via goodwood.com or by calling the Ticket Office on 01243 755055.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, access to video archives, competitions, offers and much more.

For an extra special day out, hospitality is also available across the event and can be organised by emailing hospitality@goodwood.com or calling 01243 755054.

Goodwood wants customers to be able to book with confidence and if it is deemed that Goodwood events cannot take place on advice from the UK Government due to the ever-changing pandemic, the ‘Ticket Guarantee’ means customers can transfer their ticket to the following year or receive a full refund.

Goodwood’s number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved, whether working behind-the-scenes, at the wheel, or attending the spectacle. Goodwood continues to work closely with Public Health England and UK Government advisory groups and all events will be run strictly in accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 guidelines

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About the Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport
The Goodwood Members’ Meeting is an epic weekend of motor racing founded by the Duke of Richmond, which aims to recreate the atmosphere and camaraderie of the original BARC Members’ Meetings held at Goodwood throughout the 1950s and 1960s.

As well as a full programme of racing, the Members’ Meeting features all kinds of cars from classic tin-tops and GTs, to motorcycles and open wheeled Formula 3 and F1 machines, offering visitors a friendly and intimate atmosphere with no crowds, thanks to being exclusively available to GRRC Members and Fellowship. A winning formula of spectacular cars, high-speed track demonstrations, fun-packed festivities and great entertainment; along with the very best food and drink. Joining the GRRC Fellowship is the only way to become a full GRRC Member.

About Audrain Motorsport
Audrain Motorsport is all about the chance to share extraordinary experiences centred around the way you want to engage with cars and motorcycles. No matter where your passion connects, on a tour, rally or back country drive; exploring the limits of your car and your talent against the clock on a track; as an insider at the world’s leading Concours d’Elegance and historic races; or sharing conversation with the movers, shakers and legends of the motoring world in an intimate setting, we are here to make it possible.

Audrain Motorsport promises “curated immersive automotive experiences” for all its members who are looking to take their passion to the next level, and to operate at the top of the automotive lifestyle chain. For more information please visit, www.AudrainMotorsport.com and stay up-to-date with all news and information by following us on our YouTube Channel and social media platforms.

About the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard
First staged in 1993, the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard is the world’s largest automotive garden party; set against the spectacular backdrop of Goodwood House in West Sussex, UK. Over 600 cars and motorcycles spanning the phenomenal history of motoring and motorsport take part along with legendary figures from the automotive world. Highlights include Future Lab presented by bp, Electric Avenue, Forest Rally Stage, Michelin Supercar Paddock, Michelin Supercar Run, F1 paddock, Drivers’ Club, GAS Arena, Cartier Style et Luxe Concours d’Elegance, Aviation Exhibition and Bonhams Auction.

About the Goodwood Revival
The Goodwood Revival is the world’s greatest historic motor race meeting, and the only sporting event of its kind to be staged entirely in a period theme. More than just an unrivalled weekend of historic racing, it is a whimsical step back in time; an immersive celebration of a less disposable world, where “make do and mend” was a way of life rather than a casual slogan.

The Revival is, at its heart, a celebration of craftsmanship and sustainability, from an age when possessions were made to last and be cherished. It promotes a thoroughly modern ethos – to “reduce, reuse, repair, restore and recycle” – in the most authentic way possible. All the cars are original, having been lovingly maintained since new, many of the outfits have been handed down through generations, and even the retailers specialise in pre-owned artefacts – everything from clothes and accessories to automobilia and books.

It is, proudly, the world’s biggest and most glamorous second-hand event, encouraging attendees to embrace its Revive and Thrive ethos.

Porsche 911 GT3 with Motorsport expertise

Stuttgart. Porsche takes the new 911 GT3 off the leash. The seventh edition of this high-performance sports car was also developed in close collaboration with Porsche Motorsport. It transfers pure racing technology into a production model even more consistently than ever before: the double wishbone front axle layout and sophisticated aerodynamics with swan neck rear wing and striking diffuser originate from the successful GT race car 911 RSR and the 375 kW (510 PS) four-litre six-cylinder boxer engine is based on the drivetrain of the 911 GT3 R, tried and tested in endurance racing. The acoustically impressive, high-revving engine is also used practically unchanged in the new 911 GT3 Cup. The result is a brilliant driving machine: efficient and emotional, precise and high-performance – perfect for the circuit and superb for everyday use.

Porsche 911 GT3 with Motorsport expertise

Porsche 911 GT3 with Motorsport expertise

The distinctive strength of the 911 GT3 lies in the sum of its characteristics. With a top speed of 320 km/h (318 km/h with PDK) it is even faster than the previous 911 GT3 RS. It accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds. Porsche also offers the new model with a six-speed manual transmission for a particularly puristic driving experience. The sophisticated aerodynamics benefit from the experiences gained from motor racing and generate significantly more downforce without noticeably affecting the drag coefficient. In the performance position, the manually set wing and diffuser elements significantly increase the aerodynamic pressure for high cornering speeds.

This is, however, reserved strictly for outings on the circuit, as it is there that the 911 GT3 can play all its trump cards. During final testing, it lapped the Nuerburgring-Nordschleife, traditionally the ultimate proving ground for all sports cars developed by Porsche, over 17 seconds quicker than its predecessor. Development driver Lars Kern took just 6:59.927 minutes for a full 20.8-kilometre lap.

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The shorter 20.6-kilometre track, which had previously served as a benchmark, was completed by the 911 GT3 in 6:55.2 minutes. Running on the optionally available Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 R tyres, the new model consistently delivered its performance over several laps in the expert hands of Porsche brand ambassador Jörg Bergmeister. For Bergmeister, it is “by far the best production car” that the experienced professional driver has ever driven in the “Green Hell”.

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Despite a wider body, larger wheels and additional technical features, the weight of the new GT3 is on a par with its predecessor. With manual gearbox it weighs 1.418 kilograms, with PDK 1.435 kilograms. The front bonnet made of carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP), lightweight glass windows, optimised brake discs and forged light-alloy wheels ensure weight discipline, as does the cover for the rear seat compartment. The lightweight sports exhaust system reduces the weight by no less than ten kilograms. With infinitely electrically adjustable exhaust flaps, it harmonises a highly emotional sound experience with the Euro 6d ISC FCM (EU6 AP) emissions standard. The combined consumption of the 911 GT3 is 13.3 litres/100 km (PDK 12.4).

Its racing genes are expressed in practically all the details of the new 911 GT3. The cockpit is in line with the current model generation. A new feature is the track screen: at the touch of a button, it reduces the digital displays to the left and right of the central rev counter, which reaches up to 10,000 revs, to information such as tyre pressure indicator, oil pressure, oil temperature, fuel tank level and water temperature, which are essential when driving on the circuit. It also includes a visual shift assistant with coloured bars to the left and right of the rev counter and a shift light derived from Motorsport.

Especially for the Porsche GT models, customers are increasingly requesting customised equipment. For this reason, the Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur range is also available for the new 911 GT3 and is supplemented by GT 3-specific options such as a lightweight roof made of exposed carbon fibre. Other highlights include exterior mirror tops made of carbon, darkened LED matrix main headlights and matching Exclusive design rear lights with an arc of light with no red components. Guards Red or Shark Blue painted wheel rims enhance the black alloy wheels. In the interior, equipment details such as the dials for the rev counter and Sport Chrono stopwatch, seatbelts and trim strips set elegant accents in the body colour or other desired colour.

As exclusive as the 911 GT3 itself is the individual chronograph that Porsche Design offers exclusively to customers of the high-performance sports car. Like its motorised role model, it boasts a dynamic design, consistent performance and high-quality workmanship. Its housing reflects its Motorsport genes. Just like the connecting rods of the GT3 engine, it consists of robust, lightweight titanium. The timepiece is powered by an individual winding rotor reminiscent of the wheels of the 911 GT3. The coloured ring of the dial can be customised in the paint colours of the 911 GT3.

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Porsche is offering the new 911 GT3 with a starting price of 152,416 euros including VAT and country-specific equipment*. Delivery is set for May 2021.
*The equipment options and price may change for the change in the model year.

Project Dakar: Q Motorsport becomes Audi factory team

Project Dakar: Q Motorsport becomes Audi factory team