Tag Archive for: nature

Manifiesto: El Living Lab de Dacia

  • Manifesto es un concept car que encarna y reafirma los valores que representa la marca Dacia
  • Es esencial pero fresco, robusto, construido para actividades al aire libre y eficiente desde el punto de vista económico y ambiental.
  • Manifesto Concept es un laboratorio de ideas con algunas de sus características pioneras que mejoran los futuros automóviles de producción Dacia.

Con la revelación de Manifesto Concept, Dacia reafirma enfáticamente su visión inigualable de un automóvil esencial, moderno, robusto, asequible y ambientalmente eficiente. Aunque no prefigura un próximo modelo, Manifesto es un laboratorio de ideas con algunas de sus características innovadoras disponibles en futuros vehículos de la gama Dacia.

Manifesto explora una conexión con la naturaleza al ser respetuoso con el medio ambiente, robusto y al demostrar su utilidad al aire libre. Es una declaración audaz sobre el objetivo de la marca de apoyar a los clientes a medida que se vuelven cada vez más entusiastas de probar actividades al aire libre, al tiempo que amplían los valores y cualidades que han ayudado a construir el éxito de Dacia.


Manifesto Concept está redefiniendo lo esencial, ofreciendo una experiencia cada vez más simple y genuina. No hay barreras entre los pasajeros y el entorno: ni puertas, ni ventanas, ni parabrisas. Por lo tanto, el conductor y el pasajero están completamente inmersos en la naturaleza. Mientras se prepara para sus actividades al aire libre, no hay nada tan conveniente como una superficie de trabajo resistente que sirve para una variedad de propósitos en lugar de una puerta trasera.

Los pasajeros también pueden estar cerca de la naturaleza y, al mismo tiempo, permanecer conectados con los servicios disponibles en su teléfono inteligente: el enfoque simple, eficaz y económico de traer su propio dispositivo de Dacia hace posible integrar completamente un teléfono inteligente en el tablero y en el ordenador de a bordo Este ingenioso sistema ya está disponible en varios de los modelos actuales de la marca y evolucionará en el futuro de lujo.

Manifesto Concept demuestra otra pieza del pensamiento inteligente de Dacia con YouClip, un sistema muy simple para asegurar una variedad de accesorios prácticos y modulares. Esta idea pionera se integrará en los futuros modelos Dacia.

Por último, dado que lo genial a menudo se superpone con lo útil en Dacia, Manifesto ofrece un solo faro: ¿por qué usar dos si uno proporciona toda la luz que necesita? ¡Esto también se puede desmontar para usarlo como una potente linterna!

Los autos Dacia son famosos por ser robustos y confiables. Duster, Jogger y Sandero Stepway se destacan como autos con los que los clientes pueden contar para sus actividades al aire libre. Manifesto Concept empuja los límites aún más, convirtiendo un automóvil en un intermediario al conectar a las personas y la naturaleza.

Manifesto Concept viene con todas las características todoterreno, incluida la tracción en las 4 ruedas, una altura de manejo muy generosa, ruedas grandes y una carrocería construida para resistir los terrenos más difíciles.

Es resistente al agua: se puede limpiar el interior con un chorro de agua.

Además, los tapizados desmontables de los asientos se convierten en sacos de dormir en segundos.

Para mayor practicidad, el portaequipajes de techo puede transportar todo tipo de cargas, ya que las barras de transporte pueden cambiar a una variedad de configuraciones. Dacia ya ha demostrado excelencia en esta área con barras de techo modulares innovadoras disponibles en Sandero Stepway y Jogger, que pronto llegarán a Duster.

Una batería extraíble y dedicada suministra energía a través de un tomacorriente doméstico, lo que convierte a Manifesto Concept en una fuente de energía para cualquier actividad al aire libre que requiera energía.

Con Manifesto Concept, la marca muestra con orgullo su visión de un vehículo con una huella ambiental mínima. Al ser compacto y ligero, consume menos energía. Esta búsqueda de la eficiencia se remonta a mucho tiempo atrás en la gama Dacia: el Jogger, por ejemplo, es 300 kg más ligero que sus rivales de 7 plazas.

Las principales partes plásticas de la carrocería de Manifesto Concept contienen una porción significativa de material reciclado. Llamado Starkle®, está hecho de polipropileno ya procesado, con un efecto jaspeado.

El interior está equipado con materiales naturales como el corcho que cubre el salpicadero. Al igual que con los últimos modelos de Dacia, el cromado decorativo se ha ido.

El concepto de neumáticos sin aire es otra característica innovadora, ya que su objetivo es el respeto por el medio ambiente y el ahorro. El principio subyacente es la durabilidad, ya que los neumáticos son a prueba de pinchazos y duran tanto como el vehículo.

Al comentar sobre Manifesto, David Durand, director de diseño de Dacia, dijo: “En Dacia, nos gusta mantenerlo real. A medida que desarrollábamos y explorábamos nuevas ideas, sentimos que necesitábamos superar las simulaciones en 3D y ver cómo se ven en la vida real. Además de ser un objeto de diseño, Manifesto Concept resume nuestra visión y combina una amplia gama de innovaciones; algunas implican una implementación extrema, pero siguen siendo asequibles para los clientes. Usaremos algunos de ellos en los futuros modelos de Dacia”.

Lionel Jaillet, director de rendimiento de productos de Dacia, dijo: “Queremos crear una gama de productos que fortalezca nuestra promesa de marca, centrándonos en los elementos esenciales de lujo y adaptando nuestros vehículos para actividades al aire libre. Más allá de nuestros modelos, también estamos trabajando en características innovadoras que se ajustan aún más a las necesidades y estilos de vida de nuestros clientes. Manifesto Concept es un “laboratorio” para probar y simular nuevas ideas. ¡La versión que puedes ver hoy seguirá evolucionando a medida que sigamos explorando! Así que no te pierdas los próximos modelos: ¡serán cada vez más inteligentes, cada vez más adaptados a las actividades al aire libre y cada vez más Dacia!”.

Nacido en 1968, luego relanzado por el Grupo Renault a partir de 2004 en Europa y los países mediterráneos, Dacia siempre ha ofrecido los mejores autos con la mejor relación calidad-precio al redefinir constantemente lo esencial. Como punto de inflexión, Dacia propone coches sencillos, polivalentes y fiables en sintonía con el estilo de vida de los clientes.

Los modelos de Dacia se han convertido en una referencia en el mercado, incluido Sandero, el coche minorista más vendido en Europa cada año desde 2017; Duster, el SUV más vendido para clientes minoristas europeos desde 2018; y Jogger, el automóvil familiar versátil del segmento C. Presente en 44 países, Dacia ha vendido más de 7,5 millones de vehículos desde 2004.

Dacia se lanzó en el Reino Unido en enero de 2013 y disfrutó del comienzo más exitoso para una nueva marca de automóviles en el Reino Unido. Más de 220.000 vehículos Dacia se han vendido en el Reino Unido hasta la fecha.

Manifesto: The Living Lab of Dacia

  • Manifesto is a concept car that embodies and reaffirms the values that the Dacia brand stands for
  • It is essential but cool, robust, built for outdoor activities and efficient from an economic and environmental standpoint
  • Manifesto Concept is a lab for ideas with some of its pioneering features enhancing future Dacia production cars

With the reveal of Manifesto Concept, Dacia is emphatically reaffirming its unrivalled vision of an essential, cool, robust, affordable and environmentally efficient car. Although it does not prefigure an upcoming model, Manifesto is a lab for ideas with some of its innovative features available on future vehicles in the Dacia range.

Manifesto explores a connection to nature by being environmentally friendly, robust and by demonstrating usefulness in the outdoors. It is a bold statement about the brand’s aim to stand by customers as they become ever keener to try outdoor pursuits, while expanding on the values and qualities that have helped to build Dacia’s success.

Manifesto Concept is redefining the essentials, offering an ever simpler and more genuine experience. There are no barriers between the passengers and the environment – no doors, no windows, no windshield. The driver and passenger are therefore fully immersed in nature. As you prepare for your open-air activities, there’s nothing quite as convenient as a hard-wearing work surface that serves a variety of purposes instead of a tailgate.

Passengers can also be close to nature and at the same time remain connected with the services available on their smartphone: Dacia’s simple, effective and economical Bring-Your-Own-Device approach makes it possible to fully integrate a smartphone into the dashboard and on-board computer. This ingenious system is already available on several of the brand’s current models and will evolve in the luxuxy future.

Manifesto Concept demonstrates another piece of smart thinking by Dacia with YouClip, a very simple system to secure a variety of handy and modular accessories. This pioneering idea will be built into future Dacia models.

Lastly, as cool often overlaps with useful at Dacia, Manifesto offers a single headlamp – why use two if one provides all the light you need? – this can also be detached to be used as a powerful torchlight!

Dacia cars are famed for being sturdy and dependable. Duster, Jogger and Sandero Stepway stand out as cars that customers can count on for their outdoor pursuits. Manifesto Concept pushes the limits even further, turning a car into a go-between by connecting people and nature.

Manifesto Concept comes with all the off-road hallmarks, including 4-wheel drive, very generous ride height, large wheels and a body built to withstand the toughest terrain.

It is waterproof: you can clean the inside with a jet washer.

What’s more, the removable seat coverings become sleeping bags in seconds.

For extra practicality, the roof rack can carry all sorts of loads as the carrier bars can shift into a variety of configurations. Dacia has already demonstrated excellence in this area with innovative modular roof bars available on Sandero Stepway and Jogger, soon coming to Duster.

A dedicated and removable battery supplies power through a household outlet, turning Manifesto Concept into an energy source for any outdoor activities requiring power.

With Manifesto Concept, the brand is proudly showing its vision for a vehicle with a minimal environmental footprint. As it is compact and lightweight, it consumes less energy. This quest for efficiency goes back a long way in the Dacia range – Jogger, for instance, is 300kg lighter than its 7-seat rivals.

Manifesto Concept’s main plastic body parts contain a significant portion of recycled material. Called Starkle®, it is made from already processed polypropylene, with a flecked effect.

The interior is fitted with natural materials such as the cork covering the dashboard. As with the latest Dacia models, the decorative chrome plating is gone.

The concept airless tyres are another innovative feature, as they aim for environmental friendliness as well as savings. The underlying principle is durability as tyres are puncture-proof and last for as long as the vehicle.

Commenting on Manifesto, David Durand, Dacia Design Director said: “At Dacia, we like to keep it real. As we were developing and exploring new ideas, we felt we needed to push them past 3D simulations and see what they look like in real life! As well as being a designer object, Manifesto Concept encapsulates our vision and combines a wide range of innovation – some involve extreme implementation, but they are still affordable for customers. We will be using a few of them on future Dacia models.”

Lionel Jaillet, Dacia Product Performance Director, said: “We want to build a range of products that strengthens our brand promise, focusing on the luxuxy essentials and adapting our vehicles for outdoor activities. Beyond our models, we are also working on innovative features that match our customers’ need and lifestyles even more closely. Manifesto Concept is a “lab” to try out and mock up new ideas. The version you can see today will keep on evolving as we keep on exploring! So don’t miss the next models: they will be ever smarter, ever more tailored to outdoor activities and ever more Dacia!”

Born in 1968, then relaunched by Renault Group from 2004 across Europe and Mediterranean countries, Dacia has always offered the best value for money cars by constantly redefining the essentials.  As a game-changer, Dacia proposes simple, multi-purpose, reliable cars in tune with customers’ lifestyles.

Dacia models have become a reference on the market, including Sandero, the best-selling retail car in Europe each year since 2017; Duster, the best-selling SUV to European retail customers since 2018; and Jogger, the C-segment versatile family car. Present in 44 countries, Dacia has sold more than 7.5 million vehicles since 2004.

Dacia launched in the UK in January 2013 and enjoyed the most successful start ever for a new car brand in the UK. More than 220,000 Dacia vehicles have been sold in the UK to date.

Manifesto: The Living Lab of Dacia

  • Manifesto is a concept car that embodies and reaffirms the values that the Dacia brand stands for
  • It is essential but cool, robust, built for outdoor activities and efficient from an economic and environmental standpoint
  • Manifesto Concept is a lab for ideas with some of its pioneering features enhancing future Dacia production cars

With the reveal of Manifesto Concept, Dacia is emphatically reaffirming its unrivalled vision of an essential, cool, robust, affordable and environmentally efficient car. Although it does not prefigure an upcoming model, Manifesto is a lab for ideas with some of its innovative features available on future vehicles in the Dacia range.

Manifesto explores a connection to nature by being environmentally friendly, robust and by demonstrating usefulness in the outdoors. It is a bold statement about the brand’s aim to stand by customers as they become ever keener to try outdoor pursuits, while expanding on the values and qualities that have helped to build Dacia’s success.

Manifesto Concept is redefining the essentials, offering an ever simpler and more genuine experience. There are no barriers between the passengers and the environment – no doors, no windows, no windshield. The driver and passenger are therefore fully immersed in nature. As you prepare for your open-air activities, there’s nothing quite as convenient as a hard-wearing work surface that serves a variety of purposes instead of a tailgate.

Passengers can also be close to nature and at the same time remain connected with the services available on their smartphone: Dacia’s simple, effective and economical Bring-Your-Own-Device approach makes it possible to fully integrate a smartphone into the dashboard and on-board computer. This ingenious system is already available on several of the brand’s current models and will evolve in the luxuxy future.

Manifesto Concept demonstrates another piece of smart thinking by Dacia with YouClip, a very simple system to secure a variety of handy and modular accessories. This pioneering idea will be built into future Dacia models.

Lastly, as cool often overlaps with useful at Dacia, Manifesto offers a single headlamp – why use two if one provides all the light you need? – this can also be detached to be used as a powerful torchlight!

Dacia cars are famed for being sturdy and dependable. Duster, Jogger and Sandero Stepway stand out as cars that customers can count on for their outdoor pursuits. Manifesto Concept pushes the limits even further, turning a car into a go-between by connecting people and nature.

Manifesto Concept comes with all the off-road hallmarks, including 4-wheel drive, very generous ride height, large wheels and a body built to withstand the toughest terrain.

It is waterproof: you can clean the inside with a jet washer.

What’s more, the removable seat coverings become sleeping bags in seconds.

For extra practicality, the roof rack can carry all sorts of loads as the carrier bars can shift into a variety of configurations. Dacia has already demonstrated excellence in this area with innovative modular roof bars available on Sandero Stepway and Jogger, soon coming to Duster.

A dedicated and removable battery supplies power through a household outlet, turning Manifesto Concept into an energy source for any outdoor activities requiring power.

With Manifesto Concept, the brand is proudly showing its vision for a vehicle with a minimal environmental footprint. As it is compact and lightweight, it consumes less energy. This quest for efficiency goes back a long way in the Dacia range – Jogger, for instance, is 300kg lighter than its 7-seat rivals.

Manifesto Concept’s main plastic body parts contain a significant portion of recycled material. Called Starkle®, it is made from already processed polypropylene, with a flecked effect.

The interior is fitted with natural materials such as the cork covering the dashboard. As with the latest Dacia models, the decorative chrome plating is gone.

The concept airless tyres are another innovative feature, as they aim for environmental friendliness as well as savings. The underlying principle is durability as tyres are puncture-proof and last for as long as the vehicle.

Commenting on Manifesto, David Durand, Dacia Design Director said: “At Dacia, we like to keep it real. As we were developing and exploring new ideas, we felt we needed to push them past 3D simulations and see what they look like in real life! As well as being a designer object, Manifesto Concept encapsulates our vision and combines a wide range of innovation – some involve extreme implementation, but they are still affordable for customers. We will be using a few of them on future Dacia models.”

Lionel Jaillet, Dacia Product Performance Director, said: “We want to build a range of products that strengthens our brand promise, focusing on the luxuxy essentials and adapting our vehicles for outdoor activities. Beyond our models, we are also working on innovative features that match our customers’ need and lifestyles even more closely. Manifesto Concept is a “lab” to try out and mock up new ideas. The version you can see today will keep on evolving as we keep on exploring! So don’t miss the next models: they will be ever smarter, ever more tailored to outdoor activities and ever more Dacia!”

Born in 1968, then relaunched by Renault Group from 2004 across Europe and Mediterranean countries, Dacia has always offered the best value for money cars by constantly redefining the essentials.  As a game-changer, Dacia proposes simple, multi-purpose, reliable cars in tune with customers’ lifestyles.

Dacia models have become a reference on the market, including Sandero, the best-selling retail car in Europe each year since 2017; Duster, the best-selling SUV to European retail customers since 2018; and Jogger, the C-segment versatile family car. Present in 44 countries, Dacia has sold more than 7.5 million vehicles since 2004.

Dacia launched in the UK in January 2013 and enjoyed the most successful start ever for a new car brand in the UK. More than 220,000 Dacia vehicles have been sold in the UK to date.

Minotti 2022 Hospitality Vision - Waterrock Boutique Hotel and

Minotti 2022 Hospitality Vision – Waterrock Boutique Hotel and Villas Video

Minotti’s hospitality vision is increasingly evolving in terms of its design and stylistic language, giving shape, as every year, to a new and exclusive virtual project. 2022 sees the arrival of “Waterrock Boutique Hotel and Villas”, a concept that interprets the current trends of contemporary living in the residential and high-end hospitality sectors.

The new project is ideally located in a natural Mediterranean setting, lying on a coastal hilly area and offering panoramic sea views; a fascinating location designed to act as a new backdrop and maximise the dialogue between indoor and outdoor spaces and between furnishing pieces and architecture, values at the heart of the 2022 Collection.

The architectural style and materials used are closely linked to the spirit of the new collection, in absolute harmony with the mood proposed last year, in the sophisticated contrast between exposed concrete and satin-finish steel, scratched wood, lacquers and mirrored surfaces.

The spaces on offer combine the elements of the history of architecture ranging from Rationalism to Mid-Century American taste through to Brutalism, to give shape to picturesque atmospheres, the same ones that distinguish the style and identity of the brand in different contexts.

The main building in the complex is the Waterrock Boutique Hotel, home to three different areas dedicated to conviviality: the Ishi Bar, the Mizu spa and the Oleander Grill restaurant, spaces whose names refer to the Orient and its elegant and minimal atmospheres.

The lounge of the boutique hotel is animated by two different seating systems, both designed by Rodolfo Dordoni: Twiggy, which stands out thanks to its rigorous geometric shapes and the sophisticated sartorial flavour of tone-on-tone stitching, and Goodman which, available in various configurations, has compact, comfortable volumes capable of adapting to the space and needs of the individual living there.

The indoor environments of the Ishi Bar, on the other hand, see the alternation of areas dedicated to conviviality with the Twiggy seating system with informal dining areas with the Sendai lounge little armchairs, combined with the Oliver lounge tables, recreating a harmonious, enveloping atmosphere that extends to open spaces, set up with the elegant simplicity of the Yoko Cord Outdoor designed by Inoda+Sveje seats and the Patio Teak modular seating system by GamFratesi.

Suspended between inside and outside, the relaxation area at the Mizu spa is furnished with pieces that reaffirm the flexibility and transversal nature of Minotti furnishings, such as the Horizonte indoor seating system by Marcio Kogan / studio mk27 and the Patio system accompanied by the Belt Cord Outdoor seats, perfect for creating an atmosphere of welcoming intimacy in the poolside area. In the adjacent one, dedicated to relaxation, the Florida seating system not only furnishes but also defines the paths of the open-air space.

Large panoramic windows and perforated concrete partitions allow a glimpse of the landscape and its light, while the alternation of steel and lacquered surfaces in bright colours bring to mind a reinterpretation of contemporary, helping to create dynamic contrasts that become architecture.

In the Oleander Grill, the atmosphere is consistent with the Minotti language, capable of enhancing the projects and the different stylistic and cultural identities of the designers behind the collection. In this environment, the dining areas, both indoor and outdoor, are punctuated by relaxation islands in a continuous back and forth, with no interruptions, between inside and outside, between areas for conversation, work and hospitality.

Inside, the Lars and Sendai sofas alternate with the Linha Fina tables and the Yoko dining little armchairs, while the outside with the Bellagio tables and the Belt Cord Outdoor armchairs is instead characterised by the bright colours of the outdoor fabrics, inspired by nature and perfectly in harmony with the open-air space that hosts them.

The Waterrock Boutique Hotel is flanked by three different types of villas immersed in the landscape – Lotus Tree, Maple Tree and Cherry Tree – buildings differing in size, but united by the ability to accommodate the pieces from the 2022 Collection to best express the mood and eclecticism of the furnishings in different contexts.


The Chopard Insofu Emerald

Chopard presenta una selección de piedras extraordinarias  Entre ellas una esmeralda en bruto de 6 225 quilates Un diamante rosa fancy intense de 10,88 quilates y   Un diamante azul fancy intense de 4,22 quilates

Con ocasión de la Semana de la Alta Costura de París, la copresidenta y directora artística de Chopard, Caroline Scheufele, presenta una selección de piedras excepcionales. Homenaje a una naturaleza generosa que no cesa de inspirar a Chopard, estas gemas de una pureza sin igual han atraído la mirada experta de esta entendida alimentando su fecunda imaginación. Entre todos estos tesoros destaca la esmeralda Chopard Insofu como la piedra más espectacular de todas. Se trata de una esmeralda en bruto de 6 225 quilates extraída en Zambia en una iniciativa de trazabilidad y responsabilidad inédita para una gema de tal importancia. De una pureza excepcional y de un tamaño récord, la esmeralda Chopard Insofu permite augurar a los especialistas un gran número de piedras talladas de gran calidad. Unas joyas por nacer, de las que los talleres de Chopard, bajo la égida de Caroline Scheufele, elaborarán una colección de joyas. Otra piedra destacada, un diamante rosa de 10,88 quilates, expresa la pasión del alma creativa de la Casa por los diamantes de color. De talla radiante, se encuentra situada en el corazón de una sortija de oro ético certificado Fairmined. Y, por último, la colección cuenta con una magnífica sortija «Tú y Yo» formada por un excepcional diamante azul fancy intense de 4,22 quilates y un diamante blanco, ambos de la más alta calidad.

From La Vie en Rose to the Garden of Kalahari, Chopard’s jewellery history has always been punctuated by exceptional stones. This fascination for the magnetism and sovereign beauty of stones has informed the choices and career path of Caroline Scheufele. As Co-President and Artistic Director of Chopard, she has taken the development of Haute Joaillerie to an unprecedented level of excellence – a trajectory that she pursues in symbiosis with her deep-felt convictions regarding responsible and sustainable luxury. The Chopard workshops thus give birth to jewellery creations exuding the incomparable radiance of a resolutely ethical approach. They sparkle with gems of uncommon beauty featuring a clearly traceable history – from their place of origin to the way in which they have been cut and designed in order to light up a more just and responsible world.

El saber hacer único de la Alta Joyería Chopard

Famosa por su saber hacer y por su creatividad, la Alta Joyería Chopard es también sinónimo de piedras excepcionales. Sus talleres, nacidos hace más de veinte años a iniciativa de Caroline Scheufele, han tenido un desarrollo extraordinario. Su existencia ha estado marcada por grandes hitos, como las colecciones Red Carpet y Animal World, además de Garden of Kalahari – un aderezo completo concebido a partir de un diamante en bruto de 342 quilates de una pureza excepcional. Hoy la Casa reúne una cantidad muy importante de piedras extraordinarias demostrando que sabe conjugar la sofisticación de su saber hacer con la elección de materiales nobles.

Insofu es un nombre que muestra respeto por la tierra de origen de esta esmeralda, ya que significa “elefante” en lengua bemba por su forma que evoca la trompa del animal. Su impresionante tamaño despierta respeto y admiración, como el mismo venerable paquidermo.

Como todos los tesoros, Chopard Insofu no revela todos sus secretos a la vez. Eso es también, por supuesto, lo que las hace tan hermosas y es particularmente cierto en el caso de las esmeraldas: en su estado bruto, nadie puede prever o hacer pronunciamientos definitivos sobre su naturaleza exacta. A diferencia de un diamante, que se puede analizar con precisión para determinar cómo se verán las piedras finales, la esmeralda es una piedra oscura que solo revelará todo su potencial durante el proceso de corte. También es la gema más frágil de todas: un impacto mal posicionado puede romper la piedra en una multitud de fragmentos irrecuperables. En un gesto noble de una verdadera amante de las gemas, Caroline Scheufele ha decidido aceptar el desafío de esta frágil y espléndida belleza. Esta trazabilidad permite a Caroline Scheufele acompañar cada etapa del desarrollo de la piedra preciosa, hasta la pieza final de joyería. Comenzando con la piedra preciosa en bruto que ha identificado y obtenido, primero seguirá el proceso de corte lo más cerca posible, asegurándose de que ya tiene un conocimiento profundo de la colección de diferentes gemas, de las cuales se inspirará posteriormente para diseñar la Haute. colección de joyería. Ella dice: “Es profundamente conmovedor ser confrontado con la belleza y el misterio de tal tesoro, recogido de las profundidades de la Tierra, formado hace millones de años, y que finalmente ha llegado a nosotros para ser enriquecido por la mano de artesanos que desvelarán toda su belleza transcribiendo las emociones que suscita.” Estos lazos intensamente personales que teje a lo largo de las sucesivas transformaciones le permiten desarrollar una singular conexión sensible del lapidario con las piedras preciosas que compondrán sus colecciones, y así para participar en un proceso creativo con un poder narrativo incomparable. Caroline Scheufele continúa: “Desde que era una niña, me han fascinado las piedras preciosas y he tenido la suerte de trabajar con algunas de las más bellas del mundo. Por razones que escapan a cualquier forma de razón, algunos de ellos te dejarán boquiabierto de inmediato, pero el sentimiento que me invadió con el Insofu Emerald superó cualquier emoción que haya conocido. Desde el momento en que me vi Sabía que sería una piedra muy importante para Chopard y estoy inmensamente emocionado de comenzar esta aventura hoy”.

Mientras que las piedras preciosas guardan preciosamente los misterios de sus inclusiones que solo se revelarán en el momento del corte, los especialistas son, sin embargo, capaces de evaluar la calidad general de una esmeralda en bruto y, por lo tanto, predecir las promesas que alberga. Sean Gilbertson, director de Gemfields, detectó un potencial excepcional en esta piedra en particular: “Insofu, como el poderoso elefante que le da nombre, provoca una sensación de asombro. El tamaño y la calidad del cristal lo convierten en un hallazgo raro y estamos muy emocionados de ver qué secretos revela la gema. Saludamos a DiaColor y Chopard por su presciencia al reconocer el encanto cautivador de ofrecer una colección cápsula dedicada de joyas elaboradas a partir de un solo cristal esmeralda, y que marcó un hito histórico para la trazabilidad hasta la mina de origen, el santo grial para consumidores que desean una comodidad suprema en el origen de sus gemas de colores”. Chopard Insofu es también la primera esmeralda de tal tamaño y pureza que cumple con los requisitos de trazabilidad.

Trazabilidad, una visión responsable de cada etapa productiva

En el mundo acelerado en el que vivimos, a veces es difícil establecer un vínculo entre el glamour y la belleza de una pieza de Alta Joyería y su lugar de origen. Sin embargo, las piedras preciosas encarnan la memoria de la Tierra. Dan testimonio de una actividad mucho más antigua que cualquier forma de vida humana y precisamente porque expresan una forma de permanencia, comprometen nuestra responsabilidad hacia el mundo del mañana. Saber de dónde vienen y saber que las condiciones en las que se extraen son respetuosas con el medio ambiente del que provienen, así como con las comunidades involucradas a lo largo de la cadena de suministro, es una parte inseparable del orgullo que sentimos al usar un precioso Roca.

Caroline Scheufele ha llevado a Chopard a ser pionera en términos de sostenibilidad dentro del campo de la Alta Joyería. Rápidamente se dio cuenta de su responsabilidad de cambiar las prácticas y hacer evolucionar las normas implícitas en la industria del lujo. Esto implicó reemplazar una forma de opacidad con transparencia y conciencia, ya que la cuestión del abastecimiento respetuoso y la trazabilidad de las materias primas se encuentra en el centro de las cuestiones éticas.

Después de convertirse en miembro del Consejo de Joyería Responsable, Chopard lanzó su Journey to Sustainable Luxury en 2013. Pionera en el uso de oro certificado Fairmined, la Maison presentó la colección Green Carpet, una cápsula de alta joyería elaborada únicamente con materiales extraídos de manera responsable. Representa la garantía de que toda la cadena de producción de joyas permanece bajo control, desde las minas de oro y piedras preciosas hasta la alfombra roja. A lo largo de los años, la colección ha acogido numerosas creaciones de oro engastadas con diamantes, ópalos y turmalinas Paraiba extraídos de forma responsable. En 2016, Chopard también integró esmeraldas responsables en su colección a través de una asociación con Gemfields. Caroline Scheufele ha trabajado incansablemente para establecer los elementos que permitan que esta visión estratégica esté bien establecida hoy en día en todos los niveles de la Maison, incluso dentro de sus equipos creativos. Como ella explica: “Al comprar una piedra en bruto, podemos seguir todo su recorrido hasta la creación final. Chopard tallará la esmeralda en bruto y recogerá todas las gemas talladas que emergen de ella, que nuestros talleres utilizarán para nuestras creaciones de joyería”. Aseguramos una cadena completa de trazabilidad que es rara en piedras de tal calidad”. Esta búsqueda de transparencia, dirigida a garantizar un abastecimiento consciente y controlado de proveedores que demuestren prácticas responsables a nivel social, ambiental y económico, encarna la nobleza perdurable de un viaje impulsado por la elegancia y la convicción sinceras.

Chopard y piedras preciosas excepcionales, una historia de amor atemporal

La premisa de toda la creación es el asombro, lo que es inherente a una visión de la vida venidera. Cuando Caroline Scheufele observa piedras preciosas, el brillo más brillante está en sus propios ojos. De todas las piedras preciosas, las esmeraldas siguen siendo el último símbolo de la feminidad: la profundidad y la frecuencia vibratoria emitida por los colores más puros lanzan un hechizo único. Una intuición, un magnetismo innegable, una llamada: antes de cualquier forma de análisis científico, el vínculo que se crea a primera vista con una piedra preciosa sigue siendo puramente instintivo. El Chopard Insofu Emerald emana este aura particular. Su pureza es una promesa, pero la calidad de sus inclusiones es lo que lo hace extraordinariamente vivo. La sensación de las joyas por venir, así como la sensación de las preciosas horas que se iluminarán con su brillo extravagante, es una verdadera danza que comienza en la mente de Caroline Scheufele al contemplar una piedra excepcional.

La copresidenta y directora artística de Chopard ha mostrado una genuina fascinación por las piedras a lo largo de sus colecciones de Alta Joyería, incluidas La Vie en Rose y Garden of Kalahari, un juego completo de joyas diseñado a partir de un diamante en bruto excepcionalmente puro de 342 quilates. Están en el corazón de su inspiración y proceso creativo, que ella ve, sobre todo, como una forma de resaltar la belleza intrínseca de cada piedra. Colores, formas y formas de resonancia: una piedra preciosa guía la sinfonía de joyas orquestada a su alrededor. Un jardín extraordinario donde la poesía, la luz y el brillo son las únicas reglas del juego. En su forma más simple o transfigurada, la piedra representa el origen de una creación joyera y el lugar donde se inventa.

Reconocido unánimemente y celebrado por la destacada experiencia de sus talleres, así como por su creatividad ilimitada, Chopard Haute Joaillerie se dedica más que nunca a obtener piedras excepcionales para celebrar su belleza imperecedera. Esta decisión estratégica señala su entrada en una era de madurez e integra su compromiso con el lujo sostenible en la determinación de mantener una consistencia creativa absoluta. Al adquirir una piedra excepcional descubierta en una mina gestionada de manera responsable, y luego supervisar cada etapa de su transformación hasta las creaciones finales de Alta Joyería que se extraen y esculpen de ella, Chopard hace que todo el proceso de joyería sea transparente y rastreable, adoptando así un postura que es rara de hecho la escena de lujo. En el corazón de su Viaje hacia el Lujo Sostenible, Chopard consagra la conciencia de que ningún triunfo de la joyería puede celebrarse sin un respeto inquebrantable por la nobleza de sus materiales originales, así como la integridad de su camino a través de cada etapa de su transformación.

The Chopard Insofu Emerald

Chopard presents a wonder of nature

A gem of exceptional size and purity: a 6,225-carat rough emerald

A landmark stone, an extraordinary discovery lighting up the history of jewellery. The culmination of a quest and a promise of marvels to come. Named Chopard Insofu (‘insofu’ meaning elephant in Bemba, the language of the people living in  the region of origin of the stone), this exceptional and rare stone discovered in the Kagem mine in Zambia is one of the most important ever found in terms of both weight (6,225 carats) and quality. Experts detected the enormous potential of this gift of the Earth, still in its rough state and clearly brimming with possibilities: remarkable jewels will be carved from this emerald of extremely rare purity and quality. A fabulous treasure which – in the hands of the finest stone-cutters – will give rise to a collection of unique and singular gems, the beginnings of a forthcoming Haute Joaillerie collection.

From La Vie en Rose to the Garden of Kalahari, Chopard’s jewellery history has always been punctuated by exceptional stones. This fascination for the magnetism and sovereign beauty of stones has informed the choices and career path of Caroline Scheufele. As Co-President and Artistic Director of Chopard, she has taken the development of Haute Joaillerie to an unprecedented level of excellence – a trajectory that she pursues in symbiosis with her deep-felt convictions regarding responsible and sustainable luxury. The Chopard workshops thus give birth to jewellery creations exuding the incomparable radiance of a resolutely ethical approach. They sparkle with gems of uncommon beauty featuring a clearly traceable history – from their place of origin to the way in which they have been cut and designed in order to light up a more just and responsible world.

The Chopard Insofu Emerald, a stone of infinite possibilities

It is a quest for the most beautiful fruits of the Earth formed by the miraculous conjunction of space and time. Zambia is a land renowned for the incredible fertility of its geological strata. It is estimated that the precious stones to come were already forming their nourishing cocoon 500 million years ago and leading gemstone mining company Gemfields has learned all the secrets of this biotope through respectful exploration. It is here, in the open-pit mine in Kagem, at the heart of a rich and well-preserved biotope, that an emerald of rare size and purity was found in 2010: 6,225 carats – a weight that instantly endowed the Chopard Insofu Emerald with legendary, epoch-making status. The Kagem mine is run by Gemfields, a leader in emerald extraction. Gemfields has implemented in Zambia respectful exploration and responsible mining practices.

Insofu is a name showing respect for this emerald’s land of origin, since it means “elephant” in the Bemba language because of its shape evoking the animal’s trunk. Its impressive size arouses respect and admiration, just like the venerable pachyderm itself.

Like all treasures, Chopard Insofu does not disclose all its secrets at once. That is also of course what makes it so beautiful and holds particularly true in the case of emeralds: in their raw state, no one can really foresee or make any definite pronouncements on their exact nature. Unlike a diamond, which can be analysed with precision to determine how the final stones will look, emerald is a dark stone that will only reveal its full potential during the cutting process. It is also the most fragile gem of all: a wrongly positioned impact can shatter the stone into a multitude of irrecoverable fragments. In a noble gesture from a true gem-lover, Caroline Scheufele has chosen to accept the challenge of this fragile and splendid beauty. This traceability enables Caroline Scheufele to accompany each stage of the gemstone’s development, right the way through to the final piece of jewellery. Starting with the rough gemstone that she has identified and sourced, she will first follow the cutting process as closely as possible, ensuring that she already has an intimate knowledge of the collection of different gems, from which she will subsequently draw inspiration to design the Haute Joaillerie collection. She says: “It is profoundly moving to be confronted with the beauty and mystery of such a treasure, collected from the depths of the Earth, formed millions of years ago, and which has come to us at last to be enhanced by the hand of artisans who will reveal the full extent of its beauty while transcribing the emotions it arouses”. These intensely personal ties that she weaves throughout the successive transformations enable her to develop a uniquely sensitive lapidary’s connection with the precious stones that will compose her collections, and thus to engage in a creative process with incomparable narrative power.  Caroline Scheufele continues “Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by precious stones and lucky enough to work with some of the most beautiful in the world. For reasons that escape any form of rationale, some of them blow you away immediately, but the feeling that overcame me with the Insofu Emerald surpassed any emotion I have ever known. From the moment I saw it, I knew that it would be a hugely important stone for Chopard and I am immensely excited to begin this adventure today.”

While precious stones preciously safeguard the mysteries of their inclusions that will only be revealed at the time of cutting, specialists are nonetheless capable of assessing the overall quality of a rough emerald and thus predicting the promises it harbours. Sean Gilbertson, director of Gemfields, detected exceptional potential in this particular stone: “Insofu, like the mighty elephant after which it is named, commands a sense of wonder. The size and quality of the crystal make it a rare find indeed and we are highly excited to see what secrets the gem reveals. We salute DiaColor and Chopard on their prescience in recognising the captivating enchantment of delivering a dedicated capsule collection of jewellery crafted from a single emerald crystal, and one that set an historic milestone for traceability back to the mine-of-origin, the holy grail for consumers wanting supreme comfort in the origin of their coloured gemstones.” Chopard Insofu is also the first emerald of such size and purity to meet traceability requirements.

Traceability, a responsible vision of each production stage

In the fast-paced world we live in, it is sometimes difficult to establish a link between the glamour and beauty of a piece of Haute Joaillerie and its place of origin. Yet gemstones embody the memory of the Earth. They bear witness to an activity far older than any form of human life and precisely because they express a form of permanence, they engage our responsibility towards the world of tomorrow. Knowing where they come from and knowing that the conditions under which they are mined are respectful of the environment from which they originate – as well as of the communities involved throughout the supply chain – is an inseparable part of the pride we take in wearing a precious stone.

Caroline Scheufele has led Chopard to be a pioneer in terms of sustainability within the field of Haute Joaillerie. She rapidly became aware of her responsibility to change practices and evolve the norms implicit in the luxury industry. This involved replacing a form of opacity with transparency and awareness as the question of respectful sourcing and traceability of raw materials does indeed lie at the heart of ethical issues.

After becoming a member of the Responsible Jewellery Council, Chopard launched its Journey to Sustainable Luxury in 2013. A pioneer in the use of Fairmined-certified gold, the Maison presented the Green Carpet Collection, an Haute Joaillerie capsule crafted only from responsibly mined materials. It embodies the assurance that the entire jewellery production chain remains under control, from gold and gemstone mines to red carpet. Over the years, the collection has welcomed numerous gold creations set with responsibly mined diamonds, opals and Paraiba tourmalines. In 2016, Chopard also integrated responsible emeralds into its collection through a partnership with Gemfields. Caroline Scheufele has worked tirelessly to put in place the elements enabling this strategic vision to be well established today at all levels of the Maison, including within its creative teams. As she explains: “By purchasing a raw stone, we are able to follow its entire journey through to final creation. Chopard will cut the raw emerald and collect all the cut gems emerging from it, which our ateliers will use for our jewellery creations. We ensure a complete chain of traceability which is rare for stones of such quality.” This quest for transparency – aimed at ensuring conscious and controlled sourcing from suppliers demonstrating responsible practices at a social, environmental and economic level – embodies the enduring nobility of a Journey driven by heart-felt conviction and elegance.

Chopard and exceptional precious stones, a timeless love story

The premise of all creation is wonderment – that which is inherent in a vision of life to come. When Caroline Scheufele observes precious stones, the brightest sparkle is in her own eyes. Of all gemstones, emeralds remain the ultimate symbol of femininity: the depth and vibratory frequency emitted by the purest colours cast a unique spell. An intuition, undeniable magnetism, a call – before any form of scientific analysis, the bond that is forged at first sight with a precious stone remains purely instinctive. The Chopard Insofu Emerald exudes this particular aura. Its purity is a promise, yet the quality of its inclusions is what makes it extraordinarily alive. The feeling of the jewellery to come, as well as a sense of the precious hours that will be lit up by their flamboyant sparkle, is a real dance that begins in Caroline Scheufele’s mind when gazing at an exceptional stone.

Chopard’s Co-President and Artistic Director has shown a genuine fascination for stones throughout her Haute Joaillerie collections, including La Vie en Rose, and the Garden of Kalahari – a complete jewellery set designed from an exceptionally pure rough 342-carat diamond. They are at the heart of her inspiration and creative process – which she sees, above all, as a way of highlighting the intrinsic beauty of each stone. Colours, shapes and forms of resonance: a precious stone guides the jewellery symphony orchestrated around it. An extraordinary garden where poetry, light and brilliance are the only rules of the game. In its simplest form or transfigured, the stone represents the origin of a jewellery creation and the place where it is invented.

Unanimously recognised and celebrated for the outstanding expertise of its ateliers as well as its boundless creativity, Chopard Haute Joaillerie is more than ever dedicated to sourcing exceptional stones in order to celebrate their enduring beauty. This strategic decision signals its entry into an age of maturity and embeds its commitment to sustainable luxury in a determination to maintain absolute creative consistency. By acquiring an exceptional stone discovered in a responsibly run mine, then supervising each stage of its transformation right up to the final Haute Joaillerie creations that are extracted and sculpted from it, Chopard is rendering the entire jewellery process both transparent and traceable, thereby adopting a stance that is rare indeed the luxury scene. At the heart of its Journey towards Sustainable Luxury, Chopard enshrines an awareness that no jewellery triumph can be celebrated without unfailing respect for the nobility of its original materials, as well as the integrity of their path through each stage of their transformation

LUMIPOD, the small prefabricated curved cabin designed to connect with nature

The French company LUMICENE has designed ‘LUMIPOD’, a prefabricated module designed to offer urbanites an idyllic retreat in a cabin in the middle of nature. The concept behind the project aims to allow people to reconnect with natural landscapes, achieving this thanks to a large glass facade of 5 meters in diameter that can be opened to the outside.

The LUMIPOD plane is enclosed in a simple circle only 5.45 m in diameter. In this small space of 17 m2, everything you need for a short stay is projected, including a bedroom, a bathroom and a shower.

LUMIPOD is built around a LUMICENE® window. This new concept uses curved glass in aluminium frames sliding between two rails, allowing the interior space to be occasionally transformed into an outdoor space.

Closed, LUMIPOD is a comfortable cocoon but fully immersed in Nature.

In a single gesture, LUMIPOD eliminates the boundary between interior and exterior for an unforgetable experience.

With the installation of a curved LUMICENO window that occupies most of the space, the compact area aims to immerse visitors in nature. The curved glass is placed in aluminum frames that slide between two rails, allowing the interior space to open up to the exterior space.


LUMIPOD‘s structure is positioned on 4 ‘light’ foundations. Depending on the type of soil different options are possible. We recommend screw piles as they minimize the impact on the installation site. Water and electricity connections are prepared prior to installation.


LUMIPOD‘s structure is made of steel to guarantee the level of rigidity required by the LUMICENE window. It consists of a frame placed on 4 foundation plots; a rear module integrating all the technical equipment and totally manufactured within the factory; a front module bolted on the rear module directly onsite. The curved exterior wall is wood frame and incorporates 20cm of rockwool, a protective rain sheeting on its outer face, and a moisture protection film on the interior layer. The roof and the floor are insulated with 8cm of polyurethane insulation panels and 15cm of rockwool.

Waterproofing is made using a Firestone EPDM membrane installed in the workshop. Water pipes are incorporated within the rear poles.

Exterior cladding

LUMIPOD is wrapped into a dark wood exterior cladding. But it offers an almost infinite choice of coverings to fit perfectly into its new decor.


LUMIPOD is equipped with a 5m diameter LUMICENE window made of curved glass. It consists of curved panels sliding on a circular rail.
The aluminum profiles are with thermal breaks and all RAL colors are available.
By default the LUMICENE window comes with a 6FE(20)6 (Ug 1.1 W / m2K) curved double glazing. Other options are available depending on weather conditions, including triple glazing 6FE(12)4(12)6.
The window is equipped with 2 locks at each end. LUMICENE is entirely manufactured by the Saint-Gobain Group in a factory based in Chambéry, France.

Interior Design

LUMIPOD has been designed as a luxury hotel room … in the middle of nature. The full height wall cabinetry between bedroom and bathroom is made of in Natural oak timber veneer with a mat finish. It includes a wardrobe positioned to the right of the bed. The bed is like suspended, and integrated in a shallow niche. A curved rod allows to accommodate blackout curtains in front of the entire glass surface. The ceiling is made of wool felt panels and the floor of light oak with mat varnish. Door handles and joinery pulls are coming in anodized sanded black finish.


The bathroom is equipped with a toilet, a basin, a shower.
Axor fittings come with a chrome steel finish by

default, but other finishes are possible.
The floors and walls are covered with ceramic mosaic tiles.

Heating and cooling

By default, a Mitsubishi reversible air conditioning system is used ​​to manage both heating and cooling requirements. A disbursement in the roof accommodates the outdoor unit. Other options are available.
LUMIPOD can for example be equipped with a wood burning stove if there are no cooling requirements in summer.
A CMV is positioned in the bathroom, and the water heater is integrated in the technical space in between wardrobe and toilets.

Water and electricity

In its current version, LUMIPOD has to be connected to electricity, water and wastewater networks.

Transport and installation 

LUMIPOD has been designed to be compatible with both road and maritime transport. The installation is coordinated by our teams, sometimes relying on local companies depending on the installation site. A LUMIPOD is assembled within 2 to 3 days (except foundations and networks which will have been prepared upstream).

In addition to connecting people with nature, the LUMIPOD also tries to impact the landscape as little as possible. To this end, the unit is constructed from two modules resting on four piles of screws to minimize impact on site, and the exterior is clad in charred wood so as not to stand out in a natural setting.

Designed and currently manufactured in the French city of Lyon, the complete cabin can be assembled in 2 days and delivered anywhere in the world in less than 6 months.

The next challenge for the LUMICENE team is to design a completely “Off the Grid” version of the LUMIPOD exploring new technologies for the bathroom, which they hope to have ready by the end of 2020.

More information: www.lumi-pod.com