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Feria Internacional de Nuevo Arte Contemporáneo

UVNT Art Fair celebra su séptima edición del 23 al 26 de febrero de 2023 en la sede del COAM en Madrid. Un espacio para explorar los lenguajes más frescos, integrar diferentes códigos estéticos y encontrar nuevas tendencias en el mundo del arte. Una feria donde encontrar artistas emergentes, artistas de mitad de carrera y entre ellos algunos grandes nombres de la escena contemporánea internacional.



Tras seis ediciones, la feria ha madurado y evolucionado y, en febrero de 2023, abrirá sus puertas para seguir posicionándose como cita imprescindible en la semana del arte de Madrid. Más de una treintena de galerías nacionales e internacionales estarán presentes para reflejar, como cada año, las tendencias artísticas actuales y seguir manteniendo la frescura y la innovación que forman parte de su ADN desde sus inicios.


COAM. Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Madrid

Calle Hortaleza 63

23 al 26 de febrero

Jueves 23: 12h-16h

Jueves 23: 16h-22h

*Invitación previa confirmación.




Emirates invierte US$ 135 millones en nuevo centro de formación de pilotos

  • Una instalación avanzada con Full Flight Simulator Bays (FFS) para la nueva flota de Airbus A350 y Boeing 777X de Emirates
  • Cuando esté lista en 2024, la nueva instalación tendrá el potencial de ampliar la capacidad de formación de pilotos de Emirates en un 54 % anual


Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, 20 de febrero de 2023:  Emirates construirá pronto una instalación de formación avanzada para acomodar 6 Full Flight Simulator Bays (FFS) para sus futuros aviones Airbus A350 y Boeing 777X. La nueva instalación de 63,318 pies cuadrados está programada para abrir en marzo de 2024.

Su Alteza el Jeque Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, presidente y director ejecutivo de Emirates Airline and Group, dijo: “Esta inversión de 135 millones de dólares para construir un nuevo centro de formación de pilotos garantizará la preparación de Emirates para comenzar su formación de pilotos antes de la entrega de su nueva flota de aviones a partir de 2024. El edificio estará equipado con los últimos simuladores tecnológicamente avanzados para brindar la mejor capacitación a los pilotos, mientras se utiliza energía solar para reducir el consumo de energía”.

El nuevo edificio estará junto a las instalaciones de formación de Emirates existentes en Dubái, lo que proporcionará una gran integración y proximidad a todos los demás centros de formación de pilotos.

Los pilotos en formación también se beneficiarán de poder instalar y configurar el entorno de la cabina utilizando dispositivos personalizados como parte del módulo de formación de pilotos y cargar los datos en el Full Flight Simulator (FFS) antes de comenzar su sesión de formación. Este concepto innovador, primero en su tipo, está diseñado para acortar el tiempo de preparación del alumno dentro del simulador, ayudarlo a mantener el enfoque y aprovechar al máximo la duración del entrenamiento.

Con la incorporación del nuevo edificio a las escuelas de formación existentes de Emirates en Dubái, la aerolínea tendrá el potencial de ampliar su capacidad de formación de pilotos en un 54 % al año. En los edificios de entrenamiento de la aerolínea, los pilotos de Emirates tendrán una mayor flexibilidad e instalaciones para perfeccionar sus habilidades de vuelo con 17 bahías completas de simuladores de vuelo que ofrecen una capacidad de más de 130 000 horas de entrenamiento al año.

En línea con la entrega programada del primer avión Airbus A350 de Emirates, la escuela de formación más nueva de la aerolínea comenzará a formar a su primer lote de pilotos A350 en junio de 2024.

Además de las modernas instalaciones de capacitación para su tripulación de cabina de vuelo, la aerolínea ofrece una variedad de programas de capacitación y desarrollo de clase mundial para su fuerza laboral y para otros profesionales de la aviación. En Dubai, estos incluyen: la Academia de entrenamiento de vuelo de Emirates para cadetes, la Universidad de aviación de Emirates, el Centro de entrenamiento de tripulantes de cabina de Emirates y numerosos programas creados especialmente para diferentes segmentos de sus empleados.

The new anthracite dial Historiador Asturias

Cuervo y Sobrinos just released a new edition of the Historiador Asturias, featuring an anthracite dial. In addition, the Asturias collection is now equipped with the CYS 5124 movement, produced on a La Joux-Perret G100 base which has an impressive 68-hour power reserve.
Historiador Asturias – Soldier

Cuervo y Sobrinos was founded in 1882 by Cuervo and his nephews. This group of remarkable entrepreneurs and highly skilled goldsmiths originated from Asturias, a region in northwest Spain.
Historiador Asturias – Event Historiador Asturias – Event

The Historiador Asturias honours those courageous emigrants who, in the 19th century, sailed to the Americas in the pursuit of fortune. Cuba proved a popular choice for the intrepid Asturians, eager to discover a new world and make a better life.

Historiador Asturias – Event Asturias is a principality located in northwest Spain. The industrial revolution reached this region at some point around 1830. The area was heavily dependent on coal mining and iron production. However, many citizens dreamed of a new life and chose to emigrate to the Americas, including Argentina, Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Mexico and, most pertinently, Cuba.
Ramón Fernández Cuervo an immigrant from Pravia, a town in Asturias, established a jewellery store in Havana in 1862. Many of the Asturians were entrepreneurial and some returned to their home in northwest Spain as wealthy individuals, however, Ramon remained in Cuba and when his business was on a sound footing, he invited many of his family members to join him in Havana.

The Cuervo y Sobrinos Historiador Asturias celebrates the birthplace of Don Ramon Cuervo, the founder of the company, his nephews and the many citizens from Asturias who chose to make Cuba their home. Collectively, these individuals have enriched Cuban society and helped make it what it is today.

Grant Dalton, Emirates Team New Zealand CEO

La marca italiana SLAM se convierte en proveedor oficial de indumentaria de America’s Cup Defender Emirates Team New Zealand

La marca italiana de ropa de navegación de alto rendimiento SLAM ha unido fuerzas con el cuatro veces ganador de la America’s Cup, el Emirates Team New Zealand, en la preparación de la 37.ª edición del icónico evento en Barcelona el próximo año.

Grant Dalton, Emirates Team New Zealand CEO

Grant Dalton, Emirates Team New Zealand CEO

SLAM, una marca global que se fundó en Génova en 1979, se sumará a la campaña de Nueva Zelanda como proveedor oficial de indumentaria mientras el equipo prepara su defensa de la America’s Cup en octubre de 2024.

Emirates Team New Zealand defendió con éxito la America’s Cup en Auckland en 2021 después de haber ganado previamente la competencia deportiva internacional más antigua del mundo en 1995, 2000 y luego nuevamente en 2017.

SLAM cambió de manos en 2021, fue comprada por VAM Investment Group y se embarcó en un nuevo viaje de alto perfil con el regatista campeón del mundo Enrico Chieffi a la cabeza como director ejecutivo y un fuerte enfoque en ropa de navegación de clase mundial técnicamente innovadora y de alto rendimiento.

El Emirates Team New Zealand defenderá la America’s Cup contra los ganadores de la Challenger Series, que será disputada por cinco equipos ultracompetitivos: el INEOS Britannia del Reino Unido dirigido por el multicampeón olímpico Sir Ben Ainslie; los dos veces ganadores de la Copa de Suiza Alinghi Red Bull Racing; el equipo italiano Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli dirigido por Max Sirena como director y patrón del equipo; American Magic dirigido por Terry Hutchinson con los ganadores de la medalla de oro olímpica Tom Slingsby y Paul Goodison; y el K-Challenge francés liderado por Stephan Kandler.

Enrico Chieffi, director ejecutivo de SLAM
El CEO de Emirates Team New Zealand, Grant Dalton, dijo: “SLAM ha demostrado su estrategia clara y positiva al trabajar para convertirse en una de las mejores marcas de ropa de navegación de alto rendimiento del mundo y todos nosotros en Emirates Team New Zealand esperamos trabajar junto a ellos en eso”. misión.

“Somos un equipo de más de 100 personas en una amplia gama de roles vitales, desde ingeniería hasta construcción de barcos y navegación, que deben trabajar juntos para ganar la Copa América. Esta filosofía se extiende a todos nuestros socios y SLAM y su compromiso con su indumentaria de calidad”.

El acuerdo hará que SLAM suministre ropa técnica al Emirates Team New Zealand luego de una colaboración en el desarrollo de materiales y diseño de productos. Se comercializará a nivel mundial una versión réplica de la indumentaria que viste el equipo con las mismas características técnicas.

Enrico Chieffi dijo: “Es un verdadero honor firmar este acuerdo y unirme a la campaña del Emirates Team New Zealand. Haremos todo lo posible para contribuir a su defensa de la America’s Cup. Grant Dalton y yo nos conocemos desde hace muchos años. Siempre ha existido una sintonía y un profundo respeto entre nosotros, incluso cuando a menudo fuimos protagonistas en los eventos más importantes de la vela mundial, primero como atletas y luego como gerentes.

“SLAM ha desempeñado un papel central en el mundo de la navegación durante más de 40 años y nuestro objetivo es establecer su lugar entre las mejores marcas de navegación de alto rendimiento del mundo. Esta asociación es un paso importante en ese camino”. The Emirates Team New Zealand la ropa técnica es el resultado de una estrecha colaboración en el desarrollo de materiales y diseño de productos”, agregó Chieffi, quien fue campeón mundial en las clases 470 y Star, doble regatista olímpico y táctico en el retador de la Copa América de Italia Il Moro di Venezia. en 1992.

Acerca de Slam
Slam S.p.A. es una reconocida marca italiana de ropa de navegación de alto rendimiento fundada en Génova en 1979. La empresa es propiedad de VAM Investment Group desde 2021, y Enrico Chieffi, campeón mundial, atleta olímpico, táctico de la Copa América y exitoso hombre de negocios, es el director ejecutivo. Con el apoyo clave del nuevo socio financiero y estratégico de la empresa, Chieffi se encarga de llevar adelante la misión de gestionar la nueva fase de desarrollo de SLAM, con el objetivo de desbloquear todo el potencial de la marca y establecer a SLAM entre las mejores marcas de navegación de alto rendimiento del mundo.

Acerca de VAM Investment Group spa
VAM es una sociedad de cartera de capital privado dirigida por el consejero delegado y accionista Marco Piana, controlada por el presidente Francesco Trapani y participada por Tages, una sociedad internacional de gestión de activos activa en fondos alternativos, infraestructura y, a través de sus accionistas, deuda en dificultades/NPL, con Umberto Quadrino como presidente y Panfilo Tarantelli como director general. VAM realiza inversiones de capital privado junto con empresarios y gerentes, proporcionando una combinación exclusiva en el mercado de conjuntos de habilidades comerciales, administrativas y financieras. A los socios de VAM se une un grupo cercano de oficinas familiares italianas e internacionales de alto perfil que conforman el VAM Investments Club. Recientemente, VAM ha llevado a cabo operaciones de inversión clave, incluida la del Grupo Florence, nombre líder en la cadena de suministro textil de Italia, y la cotización de un SPAC valorado en 210 millones en la bolsa de valores de Ámsterdam.

D50 Coupé, the new flagship of the Barcelona-based brand

De Antonio Yachts will present the D50 in its new Coupé version at the Düsseldorf Boat ShowDuring the Düsseldorf Boat Show, De Antonio Yachts will present the World Premiereof the new D50 Coupé model, a unique design that exceeds all expectations in its lengthand reinvents the walkaround concept.

Based on the D50 Open and inheriting thewaterlines of its predecessor the D46, European Boat of the Year winner, it offers impressivesailing performance in a perfect combination of sportiness and efficient cruising powered by hidden outboard engines in 4-unit 350hp or 400hp or 2-engine 600hpcombinations.

The new flagship of the Barcelona brand stands out for its stylised superstructure, whichfurther highlights its avant-garde architecture, offering its occupants an encloseddrivingarea for greater comfort and allowing its central part to open up thanks to the retractable canvas roof.

Its deck layout offers impressive sunbathing areas for relaxation, outdoor galley andgenerous deck spaces, without renouncing a very spacious and customisable interior layout with 2 or 3 cabins, one of which can be adapted for a crew cabin or servicecabin. Likewise, the interior can also contain up to two bathrooms, adapting to the needs of each owner. Elegant, sporty, spacious and cabrio, this is the D50 Coupé. Its world premiere will take place at Boot, the Düsseldorf International Boat Show, from21 to 29 January at the brand’s stand (Hall 5/Stand no. 5B20)

Antonio Yachts

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”

France: Historic Château du Marais in France has a new owner

  • Engel & Völkers brokers sale of historic estate with an asking price of 52 million euros

Hamburg / Paris, 13 October 2022. Some 36 kilometres west of Paris, Château du Marais is located in the French municipality of Le Val-Saint-Germain, in the Essonne region. The château was built in the 18th century by the architect Jean Benoît Vincent Barré and is known as “Petit Versailles”.

For many years the estate was owned by the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families, who commissioned Engel & Völkers with the sale. “Every château stands as testimony to a long tradition where history passed down to a new custodian. Brokering such properties requires proven expertise, particularly when it comes to potential concepts for use, renovation work and dealings with heritage authorities,” says Alexis Caquet, Managing Director of the Engel & Völkers Market Center in Paris.

The real estate specialists in the French capital managed every stage and detail of the sales process, finding a new buyer through the international Engel & Völkers network. Château du Marais changed hands in June 2022. The new owner is the Czech businessman Daniel Křetínský.

Magnificent château steeped in history

Château du Marais is regarded as one of the most remarkable buildings from the regency period of Louis XVI and is listed as a historic monument. The interiors cannot fail to impress with their original period details, including furnishings, paintings, sculptures and handcrafted objects. The estate includes a 35-hectare landscaped park featuring magnificent gardens and a 550-metre-long mirror lake running towards the west façade of the main château.

The aristocratic families who have owned and resided in the château include the Noailles, Castellante, Talleyrand-Périgord dynasties and, most recently, the Pourtalès and Frotier de Bagneux families. “Acquiring and maintaining properties with such an immense heritage involves taking on enormous responsibilities and goes hand in hand with a real passion, expertise and attention to detail,” says Alexis Caquet, adding, “Chateaux are true gems that rarely come onto the market. So the need for expert advice on both the buyer and seller side is very high.”