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Ferox Corp | Azaris is a six wheeled Off-Road advanced vehicle.

Unbound by the traditional nexus between the wheels, drivetrain and chassis – providing exceptional capabilities for extreme terrains.

Using Ferox technology, Azaris pushes the boundaries of vehicle design and brings future envisaged transport to life.

As our first fully operating prototype, Azaris is just the beginning.

There’s nothing else like Azaris in the world.


During a creative process, we use a combination of internal elements, such as our experiences and intuition, as well as external factors from the world around us to spark ideas.

Creating theme boards is a way of visually compiling our thoughts, ideas, inspiration and research that forms a tool, in which to draw from.

Theme boards can be used to build a story, as a collection of ideas to explore or as a way to establish a certain feeling or mood.


The core of the Azaris vehicle is its innovative technology which uses fluid as the medium to transfer force.

Fluid flows, is free and is alive. From these qualities various ideas were explored and combined to inspire our design language.

A splash of water is one way of seeing water in motion. Every splash of water is individual in nature; however, shares a set of common characteristics – as the water stretches it forms a flow, creating soft and sharp lines whilst also generating negative space.

We drew further inspiration from the human muscular system. Seeing how each muscle wraps and intertwines around the other, each serving a purpose with strength and adaptability, forming the basis of our movement.

Continuing to draw from life, we explored the structure that exists within all living beings. That structure being the DNA strand. This unique form was the underlying inspiration for the DNA Arms on Azaris.


In keeping with the water theme for the Azaris, a few different forms of water were explored.

Ice caves and geodes were the main inspiration behind the Azaris’ headlight design.

This geometric aesthetic was chosen to contrast against the fluid surfaces of the Azaris’ body, adding interest to the Azaris’ ‘eyes’.

We see prisms and faceted lenses as a key design element in the future of Advanced Vehicles to assist vehicles with interpreting their surroundings.


During the design process, we use colour and trim theme boards to guide the aesthetics of a vehicle, from the physical form all the way through to the surface treatment and colours.

How a vehicle is perceived and initially experienced is largely influenced by its colour.


During the concept stage, the Azaris’ strong, tough and agile capabilities were identified.

To express this, we explored a dark colour palette comprising of gunmetals and anodised finishes, evoking a robust and stealthy presence.


Another early concept highlighted the Azaris’ innovation and potential for futuristic advancement.

Here a rather clean ‘Utopian’ aesthetic was created with the use of white, contrasted with metals, silvers and translucency, giving the vehicle a lighter, efficient feeling.


The Ferox Technology has the potential to make vehicles more connected to and conscious of the environments they operate in, with the Azaris prototype being the first step in the journey.

Drawing inspiration from our natural world, and in particular paying homage to the Australian landscape, red earthy tones would be combined with watery blues and raw materials such as metals and stone.


In keeping with the water theme for the Azaris, we explored one of the most powerful forces of water – an ocean wave.

An ocean wave consists of a plethora of different blues, ranging from dark to light, warm to cool and satin to glossy finishes.

These contrasting colour features illustrate motion and expresses the transformative nature of the Ferox Technology.

This concept was selected and further developed for the Azaris colour scheme.

This case study has been put together to help educate and share our process with the community. 

The images used in our theme boards come from various sources as a part of our internal research process.

Al administrar estratégicamente y entregar energía, Mojave conquista con seguridad superficies impredecibles como arena, grava y tierra suelta.


Probado y probado para resistir el calor intenso, arena gruesa, grava suelta y polvo intrusivo que acompañan a los implacables entornos desérticos.


Con una innovadora suspensión ajustada al desierto, Mojave aborda el terreno ondulado del desierto con un control y una comodidad inquebrantables.
Al escalar dunas de arena empinadas o atravesar pisos abiertos, la dirección de precisión le permite girar alrededor de espacios estrechos y navegar con confianza por el terreno.


Las holguras de carrera maximizadas con una suspensión optimizada le permiten a Mojave llegar a las dunas, atravesar gritos y más.


El nuevo  Gladiator Mojave florece en ambientes secos e implacables. Hemos reforzado el cuadro y los ejes, hemos agregado nudillos de dirección de hierro fundido y mejorado la suspensión con un elevador delantero de 1 pulgada para crear un corredor de desierto de alta velocidad que puede dominar el estrés de correr rápido en la arena mientras se maniobra sin esfuerzo en terrenos irregulares (Divulgación1)

Para ayudar a resistir el castigo, el Gladiator Mojave tiene parachoques hidráulicos delanteros FOX exclusivos de la industria. Los amortiguadores internos de derivación FOX de 2.5 pulgadas mejorados con depósitos externos ofrecen un rendimiento impresionante a través de obstrucciones topográficas irregulares (Divulgación1).
Presione el botón Off-Road + cuando esté en 4HI y su Gladiator Mojave está listo para conducir en 4×4 en alta velocidad. El sistema Off-Road + ajusta automáticamente el acelerador, la transmisión, los puntos de cambio y el control de tracción para obtener el máximo rendimiento en pases de mayor velocidad.

Supere los obstáculos gracias a los deslizadores de arena para escalones resistentes que ayudan a proteger el cuadro y las ruedas de 17 pulgadas envueltas en neumáticos todo terreno de 33 pulgadas que brindan un rendimiento excepcional, fuera de la carretera (Disclosure1) y encendido.

El interior del Gladiator Mojave es tan hermoso como un oasis en el desierto. Con refinamientos de primera calidad y superficies suaves al tacto, incluidos los asientos tapizados en cuero gris acero disponibles, los detalles de diseño reflexivos y las características tecnológicas avanzadas disponibles agregan detalles distintivos a una camioneta que de otro modo sería impresionante.

Una calcomanía de Mojave gris oscuro y naranja oscuro y una capucha de rendimiento agresivo con una pala central distinguen al Gladiator Mojave. El capó es compatible con el parabrisas abatible para que pueda disfrutar de una gran libertad.

Impresionantemente impresionante
El Gladiator Mojave mejora la comodidad interior con asientos tapizados en cuero disponibles que cuentan con refuerzos de primera calidad para ayudarlo a mantenerse en su lugar, un volante inspirado en la competencia y costuras con acento naranja para detalles llamativos.
Libera los tonos tierra apagados del desierto con acentos exteriores brillantes como ganchos de remolque anaranjados (dos en la parte delantera y dos en la parte trasera), calcomanías en el capó naranja y distintivos inconfundibles de Desert Rated.