Tag Archive for: Pantheon

En 1900, el cofundador de Rolls-Royce, Charles Rolls, profetizó un futuro eléctrico para los automóviles. Habiendo adquirido un vehículo eléctrico llamado The Columbia Electric Carriage, previó su idoneidad como una alternativa limpia y silenciosa al motor de combustión interna, siempre que hubiera suficiente infraestructura para respaldarlo. Hoy, más de 120 años después, ha llegado el momento de que Rolls-Royce Motor Cars cumpla la profecía de su padre fundador.

  • Rolls-Royce presenta Spectre, el primer automóvil totalmente eléctrico de la marca
  • Spectre es una profecía cumplida, una promesa cumplida y una empresa cumplida
  • Spectre “demuestra cuán perfectamente se adapta Rolls-Royce a la electrificación”
  • Spectre anuncia el comienzo de la era totalmente eléctrica para Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
  • Construido sobre la arquitectura de lujo de aluminio de Rolls-Royce
  • Spectre utiliza la nueva arquitectura de software SPIRIT con integración completa de Whispers
  • El primer Super Coupé eléctrico de ultra lujo del mundo es el sucesor espiritual del Phantom Coupé
  • Primeros automóviles de clientes que se entregarán en el cuarto trimestre de 2023

“Spectre posee todas las cualidades que han asegurado la leyenda de Rolls-Royce. Este increíble automóvil, concebido desde el principio como nuestro primer modelo totalmente eléctrico, es silencioso, potente y demuestra cuán perfectamente se adapta Rolls-Royce a la electrificación. El sistema de propulsión totalmente eléctrico de Spectre asegurará el éxito sostenido y la relevancia de la marca, al tiempo que aumentará drásticamente la definición de cada característica que hace que un Rolls-Royce sea un Rolls-Royce.

“En Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, la perfección es algo más que fabricar los mejores productos. Es una cultura, una actitud y nuestra filosofía rectora. De hecho, es nuestro padre fundador, Sir Henry Royce, quien dijo: “lucha por la perfección en todo lo que haces”. Spectre ha sido concebido dentro de esta cultura. Está perfectamente en sintonía con la sensibilidad de nuestro tiempo. Establece la dirección para el futuro de nuestra marca y responde perfectamente a la llamada de las personas más exigentes del mundo para elevar la experiencia del automóvil eléctrico, porque Spectre es primero un Rolls-Royce y luego un automóvil eléctrico.

“Este es el comienzo de un nuevo y audaz capítulo para nuestra marca, nuestros extraordinarios clientes y la industria del lujo. Por esta razón, creo que Spectre es el producto más perfecto que jamás haya producido Rolls-Royce”.


Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Director Ejecutivo, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“El coche eléctrico es perfectamente silencioso y limpio. No hay olor ni vibración. Deberían volverse muy útiles cuando se puedan organizar estaciones de carga fijas”.
El Honorable Charles Stewart Rolls, cofundador de Rolls-Royce, 1900


En 1900, el cofundador de Rolls-Royce, Charles Rolls, profetizó un futuro eléctrico para los automóviles. Habiendo adquirido un vehículo eléctrico llamado The Columbia Electric Carriage, previó su idoneidad como una alternativa limpia y silenciosa al motor de combustión interna, siempre que hubiera suficiente infraestructura para respaldarlo. Hoy, más de 120 años después, ha llegado el momento de que Rolls-Royce Motor Cars cumpla la profecía de su padre fundador.

Esta profecía no podría haberse cumplido sin una promesa más reciente, cuando el CEO de Rolls-Royce, Torsten Müller-Ötvös, se comprometió públicamente con la electrificación al anunciar que lanzaría un Rolls-Royce totalmente eléctrico al mercado en la década actual. La profecía de Charles Rolls y la promesa de Torsten Müller-Ötvös llevaron a un momento histórico. En septiembre de 2021, la marca confirmó que había comenzado las pruebas de Spectre, el primer Rolls-Royce concebido y diseñado desde el principio como un automóvil eléctrico.

Para asegurarse de que este automóvil transformador estuviera lo suficientemente preparado para el consumidor más exigente del mundo, el cliente de Rolls-Royce, la marca ideó el programa de pruebas más exhaustivo que jamás había concebido. Spectre está siendo sometido a un viaje de más de 2,5 millones de kilómetros, simulando más de 400 años de uso de un Rolls-Royce. Cuando esté terminado en 2023, Spectre representará una profecía cumplida, una promesa cumplida y una empresa cumplida.

Spectre no es solo un momento histórico para Rolls-Royce, sino también un momento histórico para la electrificación: con Spectre, la marca confirma que la tecnología ha alcanzado un estándar que puede contener la experiencia de Rolls-Royce. Con ese fin, Rolls-Royce ha confirmado que para finales de 2030 toda su cartera de productos será totalmente eléctrica.


Spectre es más que un automóvil. Es una declaración de intenciones y un símbolo de un futuro brillante y audaz a medida que Rolls-Royce avanza hacia una era completamente eléctrica. Este compromiso con un tren motriz totalmente eléctrico solo mejorará la experiencia de Rolls-Royce: par instantáneo, funcionamiento silencioso y la sensación de un engranaje imperceptible han definido las características de un extraordinario canon de productos que se remonta al primer Rolls-Royce, el 1904 10 HP

Con Spectre, Rolls-Royce ha aprovechado un revolucionario sistema de “inteligencia descentralizada” que permite el intercambio de información libre y directo entre más de 1000 funciones del vehículo, elevando aún más la célebre calidad de conducción de la marca. Sus diseñadores han capturado una estética contemporánea pero atemporal que hace progresar significativamente la iconografía de la marca a medida que se embarca en su era eléctrica. Sus artesanos han creado un conjunto de posibilidades de personalización contemporáneas de prêt-à-porter, incluidas Starlight Doors y Illuminated Fascia, que inspiran a los clientes a realizar sus propias visiones a medida.


Al presentar Spectre, Rolls-Royce sienta un nuevo precedente en la creación de una clase de automóvil completamente original: el Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé. Esta designación se refiere a las proporciones indulgentes de Spectre, especificadas en respuesta al compromiso de que no hay mayor lujo que el del espacio.

Los diseñadores de la marca están profundamente arraigados en el contexto que ocupan sus automóviles. Por lo tanto, su inspiración proviene de mundos mucho más allá de la automoción, incluida la alta costura, la escultura modernista, el diseño náutico, la sastrería y el arte contemporáneo. Al concebir los bocetos principales de Spectre, los creativos de la marca se sintieron atraídos por los conceptos de yates modernos, específicamente la claridad y precisión de la línea, el uso inteligente de la reflexión y la aplicación de la forma cónica para emocionar las siluetas.

Desde el frente, el tratamiento de los faros divididos de Spectre se cruza con la parrilla más ancha jamás otorgada a un Rolls-Royce. Las aletas de la parrilla Pantheon ahora tienen una sección más suave y un ajuste más plano, diseñado para ayudar a guiar el aire alrededor de la parte delantera del automóvil.

El ángulo relajado y el acabado de acero inoxidable pulido de la parrilla contribuyen en gran medida a realzar la presencia de Spectre mediante el reflejo ambiental. Junto con una figura Spirit of Ecstasy aerodinámica, producto de 830 horas combinadas de modelado de diseño y pruebas en túnel de viento, la parrilla mejora el coeficiente de resistencia sin precedentes del automóvil, que con solo 0,25 cd convierte al Spectre Rolls-Royce en el automóvil más aerodinámico. , alguna vez.

Este tratamiento inteligente se ha casado con la iconografía del predecesor espiritual de Spectre, el Phantom Coupé. Spectre reconoce claramente a su antecesor con sus generosas proporciones y el tratamiento de los faros divididos, un principio de diseño contemporáneo de Rolls-Royce. Las nítidas luces de circulación diurna del Spectre enfatizan el imperioso ancho de dos metros del automóvil y están compensadas con grupos de luces inferiores que parecen oscurecidos, a primera vista, pero ocultan carcasas cromadas oscurecidas como un joyero para los faros. Para afirmar la expresión de Spectre después del anochecer, la parrilla está suavemente iluminada, con 22 LED que iluminan la parte trasera pulida con chorro de arena de cada una de las aletas, su suave brillo se refleja en las superficies frontales pulidas para una firma nocturna sutil y tridimensional.

De perfil, la línea de proa vertical y nítida en la parte delantera del Spectre atrae la mirada hacia atrás, hacia sus flancos monolíticos. La línea inferior, conocida como “línea de onda”, se inspira directamente en el diseño de yates. En lugar de exagerar el movimiento con detalles recargados o aplicaciones, la carrocería de Spectre se acomoda suavemente en el alféizar, aligerando la superficie y creando una sencilla sensación de movimiento al reflejar el camino que pasa por debajo, del mismo modo que el casco de un yate de carreras refleja el océano cuando corta a través del agua Esta “línea de flotación” es la representación visual del “paseo en alfombra mágica” y su barrido ascendente hacia el frente está inspirado en la proa que se eleva suavemente de un bote a motor que acelera.

La característica más dramática de la silueta es el fastback de Spectre, que recuerda a los automóviles y embarcaciones de motor más evocadores de la historia. La uniformidad de la superficie del invernadero contribuye significativamente a lograr el coeficiente de resistencia aerodinámica más bajo para un Rolls-Royce. Siguiendo la línea trasera del techo, las luces traseras están colocadas en el panel de una sola carrocería más grande jamás producido para un Rolls-Royce, que se extiende desde el pilar A hasta el maletero. Las luces traseras verticales en forma de joya son incoloras por su neutralidad, anticipándose a la gran cantidad de combinaciones de colores seleccionadas por los clientes durante el proceso de puesta en marcha. Su precisión y dimensiones reducidas complementan el generoso flujo de la carrocería desde los musculosos hombros hacia atrás hasta la sección de la cola con su característica vista en planta que se estrecha.

Las demandas proporcionales de la escala de Spectre requirieron que Rolls-Royce envalentonara su estrategia de ruedas. Spectre es el primer coupé de dos puertas de producción equipado con ruedas de 23 pulgadas en casi cien años.

En el interior, Spectre cuenta con las características Bespoke tecnológicamente más avanzadas hasta el momento, inspirándose en la mística atemporal del cielo nocturno. Por primera vez en un Rolls-Royce de producción en serie, Spectre está disponible con puertas Starlight, que incorporan 4.796 “estrellas” suavemente iluminadas. Las puertas de los autocares también se pueden encargar con un fondo de madera Canadel Panelling, que toma su nombre de la cala del sur de Francia donde Sir Henry Royce y su equipo de diseño pasaban los inviernos.

El tema nocturno etéreo continúa con la fascia iluminada de Spectre. Desarrollado a lo largo de dos años y más de 10.000 horas colectivas, incorpora la placa de identificación de Spectre rodeada por un grupo de más de 5.500 estrellas. Ubicadas en el lado del pasajero del tablero, las iluminaciones son completamente invisibles cuando el automóvil no está en funcionamiento.

Junto con las extraordinarias superficies iluminadas, Spectre está equipado con una arquitectura digital de lujo completamente rediseñada llamada SPIRIT, presentada en el estilo por excelencia de Rolls-Royce. SPIRIT no solo administrará las funciones del automóvil, sino que se integra perfectamente en la aplicación Whispers de la marca, lo que permite a los clientes interactuar con su automóvil de forma remota y recibir información en vivo seleccionada por los especialistas en inteligencia de lujo de la marca.

Por primera vez, los clientes ahora pueden extender su encargo Bespoke más allá del mundo físico y hacia la arquitectura digital que sustenta a SPIRIT. Inspirándose en el amor de los clientes de la marca por los relojes a medida, el color de las esferas ahora puede complementar el tono interior del automóvil.

Al igual que con todos los automóviles Rolls-Royce, la suite interior de Spectre ofrece a los clientes posibilidades casi infinitas a medida. El nuevo diseño de los asientos delanteros se ha inspirado en la sastrería británica, con secciones de solapa que se pueden presentar en colores contrastantes o a juego con la base principal. La costura a medida, el bordado y la tubería intrincada se han considerado, como siempre, en sus inicios.


2003 vio el primer Phantom de la era Goodwood, construido sobre su propia arquitectura Bespoke. Este renacimiento de la marca fue Rolls-Royce 1.0. Después de esto, se concibió la ‘Arquitectura de lujo’: una nueva arquitectura de marco espacial completamente de aluminio altamente flexible y una proeza visionaria de la ingeniería, que podría adaptarse a la propulsión eléctrica, así como a los modelos Phantom, Cullinan y Ghost de hoy, y Coachbuild. proyectos Esta expansión de la oferta de la marca fue Rolls-Royce 2.0. La capacidad de adaptar la Arquitectura de lujo para la propulsión eléctrica fue una consideración fundamental cuando se concibió por primera vez. Sin embargo, solo ahora la tecnología de propulsión eléctrica está lo suficientemente avanzada como para cumplir con la experiencia de Rolls-Royce. La introducción de un sistema de propulsión totalmente eléctrico y de inteligencia descentralizada en la cartera de la marca representa Rolls-Royce 3.0 y el comienzo de la nueva y audaz era totalmente eléctrica.

Al asegurarse desde el principio de que la Arquitectura de Lujo pudiera adaptarse a los requisitos de un Rolls-Royce totalmente eléctrico, los ingenieros de la marca aseguraron la continuidad de la experiencia de su cartera actual, cada evolución de la cual ha hecho mucho para asegurar la continuidad de la marca. éxito global. De hecho, la flexibilidad inherente de la arquitectura y la facilidad de integración de un sistema de propulsión eléctrico ha liberado a los ingenieros, diseñadores y artesanos para centrarse en la calidad de la experiencia, la autenticidad del diseño y la innovación en Bespoke.

Para Spectre, los ingenieros de Rolls-Royce han desbloqueado más beneficios. Las sofisticadas secciones de aluminio extruido y la integración de la batería en la estructura del automóvil le permiten ser un 30 % más rígido que cualquier Rolls-Royce anterior. La flexibilidad de la arquitectura también ha permitido a los ingenieros colocar el suelo a mitad de camino entre las estructuras del alféizar en lugar de encima o debajo de ellas. Se ha creado un canal para el cableado y las tuberías de control climático entre la batería y el piso, con la batería montada debajo, proporcionando un perfil bajo el piso perfectamente liso. Esto no solo crea una posición de asiento baja y una cabina envolvente, sino que realiza una función secundaria para la batería: casi 700 kg de insonorización.


Para Spectre, los ingenieros de Rolls-Royce han visto pasar gran parte de su disciplina del taller al espacio digital. Spectre es el Rolls-Royce más conectado de la historia, y al aprovechar el poder de las notables capacidades de procesamiento de inteligencia descentralizada del automóvil, hay más requisitos que nunca para la experiencia humana experta.

Para garantizar la continuidad de la experiencia de Rolls-Royce, así como su progresión, la marca seleccionó a los ingenieros de pruebas y desarrollo más experimentados para liderar el proyecto, algunos de los cuales llevan más de dos décadas en la marca y fueron responsables de crear el primer Phantom de la ‘era de Goodwood’. Estos ingenieros describen la experiencia que ofrece Spectre como similar a “Rolls-Royce en alta definición” debido a la velocidad y precisión de la respuesta del automóvil a una variedad de condiciones climáticas y de la carretera en todo el mundo.

Para que esto se lleve a cabo, se ha diseñado un control específico para cada una de las 141 200 variables de emisor-receptor y, en casi todos los casos, los ingenieros han diseñado varias subvariables más para las variaciones en el clima, la velocidad de avance, el tipo de carretera, el estado del vehículo y la conducción. estilo. Estos han sido elaborados a lo largo del programa de pruebas de 2,5 millones de kilómetros de Spectre, tanto en campos de pruebas avanzados como en carreteras reales de todo el mundo.


En las pruebas de Spectre, el proceso incluye condiciones de manejo extremas: el desarrollo del automóvil comenzó a solo 55 km del círculo polar ártico en Arjeplog, Suecia, a temperaturas tan bajas como -40 grados centígrados, y continuará en el sur de África, a temperaturas de hasta a 55 grados centígrados. Sin embargo, el 55 % de las pruebas se realizan en las mismas carreteras por las que se conducirán muchos Spectre de producción. De particular importancia fue la Riviera francesa. Fue en la Costa Azul donde se finalizó la evolución digitalmente integrada de Spectre del renombrado sistema de suspensión Planar.

La suspensión plana es una orquesta de sistemas con respuestas definidas con precisión a las acciones del conductor y las condiciones de la carretera, que es posible gracias a los últimos desarrollos de software y hardware, y ofrece el característico “paseo en alfombra mágica” de Rolls-Royce.

Usando un conjunto de nuevos componentes de hardware y aprovechando las capacidades de procesamiento de alta velocidad de Spectre, el sistema Planar puede desacoplar las barras estabilizadoras del automóvil, lo que permite que cada rueda actúe de forma independiente, evitando el movimiento de balanceo que ocurre cuando un lado del vehículo golpea una ondulación en El camino. Esto también reduce las imperfecciones de conducción de alta frecuencia causadas por deficiencias en la calidad de la superficie de la carretera.

Una vez que se identifica una esquina como inminente, el sistema Planar vuelve a acoplar los componentes y endurece los amortiguadores, el sistema de dirección en las cuatro ruedas se prepara para la activación para garantizar una entrada y salida sin esfuerzo. En las curvas, se monitorean 18 sensores y se ajustan los parámetros de dirección, frenado, entrega de potencia y suspensión para que el Spectre se mantenga estable. El resultado es un control sin esfuerzo.


Las cifras finales de potencia, aceleración y alcance aún se están refinando, ya que la extraordinaria tarea de perfeccionar a Spectre entra en su fase final antes de concluir en el segundo trimestre de 2023. Los datos preliminares muestran que se espera que Spectre tenga un alcance totalmente eléctrico de 320 millas. /520 kilómetros WLTP y ofrece 900 Nm de par motor de su tren motriz de 430 kW. Se prevé que alcance 0-60 mph en 4,4 segundos (0-100 km/h en 4,5 segundos).

Con muchos meses de prueba y optimización de Spectre aún por delante, estas cifras están sujetas a cambios antes de la confirmación oficial antes del lanzamiento al mercado en el cuarto trimestre de 2023.

Número de puertas / asientos         2 puertas / 4 asientos

Longitud del vehículo                         5453 mm/214,685 pulgadas

Ancho del vehículo                           2080 mm/81,889 pulgadas

Altura del vehículo (sin carga)          1559 mm/61,377 in

Distancia entre ejes                              3210 mm / 126,378 pulgadas

Círculo de giro                           12,7 m

Peso en vacío                             2975 kg



Spectre está disponible para comisión de inmediato, y las primeras entregas a clientes comenzarán en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. Los precios de Spectre se ubicarán entre Cullinan y Phantom.


WLTP: Consumo de energía: 4,6 mi/kWh. / 21,5 kWh/100km*. Autonomía eléctrica: 323 millas / 520 kilómetros*. Emisiones de Co2 0 g/km.

*Datos preliminares aún no confirmados, sujetos a cambios.


  • Rolls-Royce debuts Spectre, the marque’s first fully-electric motor car
  • Spectre is a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed
  • Spectre “demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification”
  • Spectre heralds the beginning of all-electric era for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
  • Built on the Rolls-Royce all-aluminium Architecture of Luxury
  • Spectre uses new SPIRIT software architecture with full Whispers integration
  • World’s first Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé is spiritual successor to Phantom Coupé
  • First customer cars to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023

“Spectre possesses all the qualities that have secured the Rolls-Royce legend. This incredible motor car, conceived from the very beginning as our first fully-electric model, is silent, powerful and demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification. Spectre’s all-electric powertrain will assure the marque’s sustained success and relevance while dramatically increasing the definition of each characteristic that makes a Rolls-Royce a Rolls-Royce.

“At Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, perfection is about more than making the very best products. It is a culture, an attitude and our guiding philosophy. Indeed, it is our founding father Sir Henry Royce who said, ‘strive for perfection in everything you do’. Spectre has been conceived within this culture. It is perfectly in tune with the sensibilities of our time. It states the direction for the future of our marque and perfectly answers a call from the most discerning individuals in the world to elevate the electric motor car experience, because Spectre is a Rolls-Royce first and an electric car second.

“This is the start of a bold new chapter for our marque, our extraordinary clients and the luxury industry. For this reason, I believe Spectre is the most perfect product that Rolls-Royce has ever produced.”

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration. They should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.”
The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls, Co-Founder, Rolls-Royce, 1900


In 1900, Rolls-Royce co-founder, Charles Rolls, prophesised an electric future for the motor car. Having acquired an electric vehicle named The Columbia Electric Carriage, he foresaw its suitability as a clean, noiseless alternative to the internal combustion engine – providing there was sufficient infrastructure to support it. Today, more than 120 years later, the time has come for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars to fulfil the prophecy of its founding father.

This prophecy could not have been fulfilled without a more recent promise, when Rolls-Royce CEO, Torsten Müller-Ötvös, made a public commitment to electrification by announcing that he would bring a fully-electric Rolls-Royce to market within the current decade. Charles Rolls’ prophecy and Torsten Müller-Ötvös’ promise led to an historic moment. In September 2021, the marque confirmed that it had commenced testing of Spectre, the first Rolls-Royce to be conceived and engineered from the very beginning as an electric car.

To ensure that this transformative motor car was sufficiently prepared for the most demanding consumer in the world – the Rolls-Royce client – the marque devised the most exhaustive testing programme it had ever conceived. Spectre is being subjected to a journey of more than 2.5 million kilometres, simulating more than 400 years of use for a Rolls-Royce. On its completion in 2023, Spectre will represent a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed.

Spectre is not only an historic moment for Rolls-Royce, but also an historic moment for electrification – with Spectre, the marque confirms that the technology has reached a standard that can contain the Rolls-Royce experience. To that end, Rolls-Royce has confirmed that by the end of 2030 its entire product portfolio will be fully-electric.


Spectre is more than a motor car. It is a statement of intent and a symbol of a bright, bold future as Rolls-Royce progresses into an all-electric era. This commitment to an all-electric powertrain will only enhance the Rolls-Royce experience – instant torque, silent running and the sense of one imperceptible gear have defined the characteristics of an extraordinary canon of products dating back to the very first Rolls-Royce, the 1904 10 H.P.

With Spectre, Rolls-Royce has harnessed a revolutionary ‘Decentralised Intelligence’ system that allows for the free and direct exchange of information between more than 1,000 vehicle functions, further elevating the marque’s celebrated quality of ride. Its designers have captured a contemporary yet timeless aesthetic that significantly progresses the brand’s iconography as it embarks on its electric age. Its craftspeople have created a suite of contemporary prêt-à-porter personalisation possibilities, including Starlight Doors and Illuminated Fascia, inspiring clients to realise their own Bespoke visions.


In unveiling Spectre, Rolls-Royce sets a new precedent in the creation of an entirely original class of motor car: the Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé. This designation refers to Spectre’s indulgent proportions, specified in response to a commitment that there is no greater luxury than that of space.

The marque’s designers are deeply rooted in the context occupied by their motor cars. Therefore, their inspiration is drawn from worlds far beyond automotive, including haute couture, modernist sculpture, nautical design, tailoring and contemporary art. In conceiving the principal sketches for Spectre, the marque’s creatives were drawn to modern yacht concepts, specifically the clarity and precision of line, intelligent use of reflection and application of taper to emotionalise silhouettes.

From the front, Spectre’s split headlight treatment is intersected by the widest grille ever bestowed on a Rolls-Royce. The vanes of the Pantheon grille are now smoother in section and a flusher fit, designed to help guide the air around the motor car’s front.

The relaxed angle and polished stainless steel finish of the grille does much to enhance Spectre’s presence using environmental reflection. Along with an aero-tuned Spirit of Ecstasy figurine – itself the product of 830 combined hours of design modelling and wind tunnel testing – the grille enhances the motor car’s unprecedented drag coefficient, which at just 0.25cd makes Spectre Rolls-Royce’s most aerodynamic motor car, ever.

This intelligent treatment has been married to the iconography of Spectre’s spiritual predecessor, the Phantom Coupé. Spectre clearly acknowledges its forebear with its generous proportions and split headlight treatment – a contemporary Rolls-Royce design tenet. Spectre’s sharp daylight running lights emphasise the motor car’s imperious two-metre width and are offset with lower lamp clusters that appear darkened, at first glance, but hide jewellery box-like darkened chromium housings for the headlights. To affirm Spectre’s expression after dark, the grille is softly illuminated, with 22 LEDs lighting up the sandblasted rear side of each of the vanes, their gentle glow reflected in the polished front surfaces for a subtle and three-dimensional night signature.

In profile, the sharp, vertical bow line at the front of Spectre draws the eye rearward to its monolithic flanks. The lower line – known as the ‘waft line’ – borrows directly from yacht design. Instead of exaggerating movement with busy detailing or appliqués, Spectre’s coachwork gently tucks into the sill, lightening the surfacing and creating an uncomplicated sense of motion by reflecting the road passing beneath it, much as the hull of a racing yacht reflects the ocean as it cuts through water. This ‘waft line’ is the visual representation of the ‘magic carpet ride’ and its upwards sweep toward the front is inspired by the gently lifting bow of an accelerating power boat.

The silhouette’s most dramatic feature is Spectre’s fastback, which recalls the most evocative motor cars and watercraft in history. The seamlessness of the greenhouse surfacing significantly contributes to achieving the lowest drag coefficient ever for a Rolls-Royce. Following the roofline back, the tail lamps are set into the largest single body panel ever produced for a Rolls-Royce, which extends from the A-pillar to the luggage compartment. The jewel-like vertical tail lamps themselves are colourless for neutrality, in anticipation of the myriad of colourways selected by clients during the commissioning process. Their precision and reduced dimension complement the generous flow of the bodywork from the muscular shoulders backwards into the tail section with its characteristic tapering plan view.

The proportional demands of Spectre’s scale required Rolls-Royce to embolden its wheel strategy. Spectre is the first production two-door coupé to be equipped with 23-inch wheels in almost one hundred years.

Inside, Spectre is provisioned with the most technologically advanced Bespoke features yet, drawing inspiration from the timeless mystique of the night’s sky. For the first time on a series production Rolls-Royce, Spectre is available with Starlight Doors, which incorporate 4,796 softly illuminated ‘stars’. The coach doors can also be commissioned with a backdrop of wood Canadel Panelling, which takes its name from the cove in the South of France where Sir Henry Royce and his design team spent their winters.

The ethereal night-time theme continues with Spectre’s Illuminated Fascia. Developed over the course of two years and more than 10,000 collective hours, it incorporates the Spectre nameplate surrounded by a cluster of over 5,500 stars. Located on the passenger side of the dashboard, the illuminations are completely invisible when the motor car is not in operation.

Alongside the extraordinary, illuminated surfaces, Spectre is equipped with a completely redesigned digital architecture of luxury named SPIRIT, presented in quintessential Rolls-Royce style. Not only will SPIRIT manage the motor car’s functions, but it is seamlessly integrated into the marque’s Whispers application, allowing clients to interact with their car remotely, and receive live information curated by the marque’s luxury intelligence specialists.

For the first time ever, clients are now able to extend their Bespoke commission beyond the physical world and into the digital architecture that underpins SPIRIT. Inspired by the marque’s clients’ love of bespoke timepieces, the colour of the dials can now complement the interior hue of the motor car.

As with all Rolls-Royce motor cars, Spectre’s interior suite offers clients near-infinite Bespoke possibilities. The all-new front seat design has been inspired by British tailoring, with lapel sections that can be rendered in contrasting or matching colours to the main base. Bespoke stitching, embroidery and intricate piping has, as ever, been considered in their inception.


2003 saw the first Goodwood-era Phantom, built upon its own Bespoke architecture. This renaissance of the brand was Rolls-Royce 1.0. Following this, the ‘Architecture of Luxury’ was conceived – a new, highly flexible all-aluminium spaceframe architecture, and visionary feat of engineering, that could be tailored for electric drive, as well as today’s Phantom, Cullinan and Ghost models, and Coachbuild projects. This expansion of the marque’s offering was Rolls-Royce 2.0. The ability to tailor the Architecture of Luxury for electric drive was a fundamental consideration when it was first conceived. However, it is only now that electric drive technology is advanced enough to fulfil the Rolls-Royce experience. The introduction of a fully-electric powertrain and Decentralised Intelligence into the marque’s portfolio represents Rolls-Royce 3.0 and the beginning of the bold new all-electric era.

By ensuring from the outset that the Architecture of Luxury could be tailored to the requirements of an all-electric Rolls-Royce, the marque’s engineers ensured the continuity of experience from its current portfolio, each evolution of which has done much to secure the brand’s ongoing global success. Indeed, the inherent flexibility of the architecture and ease of integration of an electric powertrain has freed engineers, designers and craftspeople to focus on the quality of experience, authenticity of design and innovation in Bespoke.

For Spectre, Rolls-Royce engineers have unlocked further benefits. The sophisticated extruded aluminium sections and integration of the battery into the structure of the motor car enable it to be 30% stiffer than any previous Rolls-Royce. The flexibility of the architecture has also allowed engineers to place the floor halfway between the sill structures rather than on top or underneath them. A channel has been created for wiring and climate control pipework between the battery and the floor, with the battery mounted underneath, providing a perfectly smooth underfloor profile. This not only creates a low seating position and enveloping cabin but realises a secondary function for the battery – almost 700kg of sound deadening.


For Spectre, Rolls-Royce’s engineers have seen much of their discipline pivot from the workshop to the digital space. Spectre is the most connected Rolls-Royce in history, and in harnessing the power of the motor car’s remarkable Decentralised Intelligence processing capabilities there is more requirement than ever for expert human experience.

To ensure the continuity of the Rolls-Royce experience, as well as its progression, the marque selected the most experienced test and development engineers to lead the project, some of whom have been with the marque for more than two decades and were responsible for creating the first ‘Goodwood-era’ Phantom. These engineers describe the experience offered by Spectre as akin to “Rolls-Royce in high definition” on account of the speed and accuracy of the motor car’s response to a worldwide spread of road and weather conditions.

For this to be realised, a dedicated control has been handmade for each of the 141,200 sender-receiver variables, and in nearly all cases engineers have designed several more sub-variables for variations in climate, ground speed, road type, vehicle status and driving style. These have been crafted over the course of Spectre’s 2.5 million kilometre testing programme both on advanced proving grounds and on real roads around the world.


In testing Spectre, the process includes extreme driving conditions – development of the motor car began just 55km from the arctic circle in Arjeplog, Sweden, at temperatures as low as -40 degrees centigrade, and it will continue across Southern Africa, in temperatures of up to 55 degrees centigrade. Yet, 55% of testing is taking place on the very roads that many production Spectres will be driven on. Of particular significance was the French Riviera. It was on the Côte d’Azur that Spectre’s digitally integrated evolution of the renowned Planar suspension system was finalised.

Planar suspension is an orchestra of systems with precisely defined responses to driver inputs and road conditions, made possible by the latest software and hardware developments, delivering Rolls-Royce’s hallmark ‘magic carpet ride’.

Using a suite of new hardware components and leveraging Spectre’s high-speed processing capabilities, the Planar system can decouple the car’s anti-roll bars allowing each wheel to act independently, preventing the rocking motion that occurs when one side of a vehicle hits an undulation in the road. This also reduces high-frequency ride imperfections caused by shortcomings in road surface quality.

Once a corner is identified as imminent, the Planar system recouples the components and stiffens the dampers, the four-wheel steering system is then prepared for activation to ensure effortless entry and exit. Under cornering, 18 sensors are monitored, and steering, braking, power delivery and suspension parameters are adjusted so that Spectre remains stable. The result is effortless control.


The final power, acceleration and range figures are still being refined, as the extraordinary undertaking of finessing Spectre enters its final phase before concluding in the second quarter of 2023. Preliminary data shows that Spectre is expected to have an all-electric range of 320 miles/520 kilometres WLTP and offer 900Nm of torque from its 430kW powertrain. It is anticipated to achieve 0-60mph in 4.4 seconds (0-100km/h in 4.5 seconds).

With many months of testing and optimisation of Spectre still ahead, these figures are subject to change ahead of official confirmation prior to market launch in Q4 2023.

Number of doors / seats         2 doors / 4 seats

Vehicle length                         5453 mm / 214.685 in

Vehicle width                           2080 mm / 81.889 in

Vehicle height (unladen)          1559 mm / 61.377 in

Wheelbase                              3210 mm / 126.378 in

Turning circle                           12.7 m

Kerb weight                             2975 kg



Spectre is available for commission immediately, with first client deliveries commencing in Q4 2023. Spectre pricing will be positioned between Cullinan and Phantom.


WLTP: Power consumption: 2.9 mi/kWh. / 21.5 kWh/100km*. Electric range: 323 miles / 520 kilometres*. Co2 emissions 0 g/km.

*Preliminary data not yet confirmed, subject to change.


  • Rolls-Royce debuts Spectre, the marque’s first fully-electric motor car
  • Spectre is a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed
  • Spectre “demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification”
  • Spectre heralds the beginning of all-electric era for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
  • Built on the Rolls-Royce all-aluminium Architecture of Luxury
  • Spectre uses new SPIRIT software architecture with full Whispers integration
  • World’s first Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé is spiritual successor to Phantom Coupé
  • First customer cars to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023

“Spectre possesses all the qualities that have secured the Rolls-Royce legend. This incredible motor car, conceived from the very beginning as our first fully-electric model, is silent, powerful and demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification. Spectre’s all-electric powertrain will assure the marque’s sustained success and relevance while dramatically increasing the definition of each characteristic that makes a Rolls-Royce a Rolls-Royce.

“At Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, perfection is about more than making the very best products. It is a culture, an attitude and our guiding philosophy. Indeed, it is our founding father Sir Henry Royce who said, ‘strive for perfection in everything you do’. Spectre has been conceived within this culture. It is perfectly in tune with the sensibilities of our time. It states the direction for the future of our marque and perfectly answers a call from the most discerning individuals in the world to elevate the electric motor car experience, because Spectre is a Rolls-Royce first and an electric car second.

“This is the start of a bold new chapter for our marque, our extraordinary clients and the luxury industry. For this reason, I believe Spectre is the most perfect product that Rolls-Royce has ever produced.”

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration. They should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.”
The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls, Co-Founder, Rolls-Royce, 1900


In 1900, Rolls-Royce co-founder, Charles Rolls, prophesised an electric future for the motor car. Having acquired an electric vehicle named The Columbia Electric Carriage, he foresaw its suitability as a clean, noiseless alternative to the internal combustion engine – providing there was sufficient infrastructure to support it. Today, more than 120 years later, the time has come for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars to fulfil the prophecy of its founding father.

This prophecy could not have been fulfilled without a more recent promise, when Rolls-Royce CEO, Torsten Müller-Ötvös, made a public commitment to electrification by announcing that he would bring a fully-electric Rolls-Royce to market within the current decade. Charles Rolls’ prophecy and Torsten Müller-Ötvös’ promise led to an historic moment. In September 2021, the marque confirmed that it had commenced testing of Spectre, the first Rolls-Royce to be conceived and engineered from the very beginning as an electric car.

To ensure that this transformative motor car was sufficiently prepared for the most demanding consumer in the world – the Rolls-Royce client – the marque devised the most exhaustive testing programme it had ever conceived. Spectre is being subjected to a journey of more than 2.5 million kilometres, simulating more than 400 years of use for a Rolls-Royce. On its completion in 2023, Spectre will represent a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed.

Spectre is not only an historic moment for Rolls-Royce, but also an historic moment for electrification – with Spectre, the marque confirms that the technology has reached a standard that can contain the Rolls-Royce experience. To that end, Rolls-Royce has confirmed that by the end of 2030 its entire product portfolio will be fully-electric.


Spectre is more than a motor car. It is a statement of intent and a symbol of a bright, bold future as Rolls-Royce progresses into an all-electric era. This commitment to an all-electric powertrain will only enhance the Rolls-Royce experience – instant torque, silent running and the sense of one imperceptible gear have defined the characteristics of an extraordinary canon of products dating back to the very first Rolls-Royce, the 1904 10 H.P.

With Spectre, Rolls-Royce has harnessed a revolutionary ‘Decentralised Intelligence’ system that allows for the free and direct exchange of information between more than 1,000 vehicle functions, further elevating the marque’s celebrated quality of ride. Its designers have captured a contemporary yet timeless aesthetic that significantly progresses the brand’s iconography as it embarks on its electric age. Its craftspeople have created a suite of contemporary prêt-à-porter personalisation possibilities, including Starlight Doors and Illuminated Fascia, inspiring clients to realise their own Bespoke visions.


In unveiling Spectre, Rolls-Royce sets a new precedent in the creation of an entirely original class of motor car: the Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé. This designation refers to Spectre’s indulgent proportions, specified in response to a commitment that there is no greater luxury than that of space.

The marque’s designers are deeply rooted in the context occupied by their motor cars. Therefore, their inspiration is drawn from worlds far beyond automotive, including haute couture, modernist sculpture, nautical design, tailoring and contemporary art. In conceiving the principal sketches for Spectre, the marque’s creatives were drawn to modern yacht concepts, specifically the clarity and precision of line, intelligent use of reflection and application of taper to emotionalise silhouettes.

From the front, Spectre’s split headlight treatment is intersected by the widest grille ever bestowed on a Rolls-Royce. The vanes of the Pantheon grille are now smoother in section and a flusher fit, designed to help guide the air around the motor car’s front.

The relaxed angle and polished stainless steel finish of the grille does much to enhance Spectre’s presence using environmental reflection. Along with an aero-tuned Spirit of Ecstasy figurine – itself the product of 830 combined hours of design modelling and wind tunnel testing – the grille enhances the motor car’s unprecedented drag coefficient, which at just 0.25cd makes Spectre Rolls-Royce’s most aerodynamic motor car, ever.

This intelligent treatment has been married to the iconography of Spectre’s spiritual predecessor, the Phantom Coupé. Spectre clearly acknowledges its forebear with its generous proportions and split headlight treatment – a contemporary Rolls-Royce design tenet. Spectre’s sharp daylight running lights emphasise the motor car’s imperious two-metre width and are offset with lower lamp clusters that appear darkened, at first glance, but hide jewellery box-like darkened chromium housings for the headlights. To affirm Spectre’s expression after dark, the grille is softly illuminated, with 22 LEDs lighting up the sandblasted rear side of each of the vanes, their gentle glow reflected in the polished front surfaces for a subtle and three-dimensional night signature.

In profile, the sharp, vertical bow line at the front of Spectre draws the eye rearward to its monolithic flanks. The lower line – known as the ‘waft line’ – borrows directly from yacht design. Instead of exaggerating movement with busy detailing or appliqués, Spectre’s coachwork gently tucks into the sill, lightening the surfacing and creating an uncomplicated sense of motion by reflecting the road passing beneath it, much as the hull of a racing yacht reflects the ocean as it cuts through water. This ‘waft line’ is the visual representation of the ‘magic carpet ride’ and its upwards sweep toward the front is inspired by the gently lifting bow of an accelerating power boat.

The silhouette’s most dramatic feature is Spectre’s fastback, which recalls the most evocative motor cars and watercraft in history. The seamlessness of the greenhouse surfacing significantly contributes to achieving the lowest drag coefficient ever for a Rolls-Royce. Following the roofline back, the tail lamps are set into the largest single body panel ever produced for a Rolls-Royce, which extends from the A-pillar to the luggage compartment. The jewel-like vertical tail lamps themselves are colourless for neutrality, in anticipation of the myriad of colourways selected by clients during the commissioning process. Their precision and reduced dimension complement the generous flow of the bodywork from the muscular shoulders backwards into the tail section with its characteristic tapering plan view.

The proportional demands of Spectre’s scale required Rolls-Royce to embolden its wheel strategy. Spectre is the first production two-door coupé to be equipped with 23-inch wheels in almost one hundred years.

Inside, Spectre is provisioned with the most technologically advanced Bespoke features yet, drawing inspiration from the timeless mystique of the night’s sky. For the first time on a series production Rolls-Royce, Spectre is available with Starlight Doors, which incorporate 4,796 softly illuminated ‘stars’. The coach doors can also be commissioned with a backdrop of wood Canadel Panelling, which takes its name from the cove in the South of France where Sir Henry Royce and his design team spent their winters.

The ethereal night-time theme continues with Spectre’s Illuminated Fascia. Developed over the course of two years and more than 10,000 collective hours, it incorporates the Spectre nameplate surrounded by a cluster of over 5,500 stars. Located on the passenger side of the dashboard, the illuminations are completely invisible when the motor car is not in operation.

Alongside the extraordinary, illuminated surfaces, Spectre is equipped with a completely redesigned digital architecture of luxury named SPIRIT, presented in quintessential Rolls-Royce style. Not only will SPIRIT manage the motor car’s functions, but it is seamlessly integrated into the marque’s Whispers application, allowing clients to interact with their car remotely, and receive live information curated by the marque’s luxury intelligence specialists.

For the first time ever, clients are now able to extend their Bespoke commission beyond the physical world and into the digital architecture that underpins SPIRIT. Inspired by the marque’s clients’ love of bespoke timepieces, the colour of the dials can now complement the interior hue of the motor car.

As with all Rolls-Royce motor cars, Spectre’s interior suite offers clients near-infinite Bespoke possibilities. The all-new front seat design has been inspired by British tailoring, with lapel sections that can be rendered in contrasting or matching colours to the main base. Bespoke stitching, embroidery and intricate piping has, as ever, been considered in their inception.


2003 saw the first Goodwood-era Phantom, built upon its own Bespoke architecture. This renaissance of the brand was Rolls-Royce 1.0. Following this, the ‘Architecture of Luxury’ was conceived – a new, highly flexible all-aluminium spaceframe architecture, and visionary feat of engineering, that could be tailored for electric drive, as well as today’s Phantom, Cullinan and Ghost models, and Coachbuild projects. This expansion of the marque’s offering was Rolls-Royce 2.0. The ability to tailor the Architecture of Luxury for electric drive was a fundamental consideration when it was first conceived. However, it is only now that electric drive technology is advanced enough to fulfil the Rolls-Royce experience. The introduction of a fully-electric powertrain and Decentralised Intelligence into the marque’s portfolio represents Rolls-Royce 3.0 and the beginning of the bold new all-electric era.

By ensuring from the outset that the Architecture of Luxury could be tailored to the requirements of an all-electric Rolls-Royce, the marque’s engineers ensured the continuity of experience from its current portfolio, each evolution of which has done much to secure the brand’s ongoing global success. Indeed, the inherent flexibility of the architecture and ease of integration of an electric powertrain has freed engineers, designers and craftspeople to focus on the quality of experience, authenticity of design and innovation in Bespoke.

For Spectre, Rolls-Royce engineers have unlocked further benefits. The sophisticated extruded aluminium sections and integration of the battery into the structure of the motor car enable it to be 30% stiffer than any previous Rolls-Royce. The flexibility of the architecture has also allowed engineers to place the floor halfway between the sill structures rather than on top or underneath them. A channel has been created for wiring and climate control pipework between the battery and the floor, with the battery mounted underneath, providing a perfectly smooth underfloor profile. This not only creates a low seating position and enveloping cabin but realises a secondary function for the battery – almost 700kg of sound deadening.


For Spectre, Rolls-Royce’s engineers have seen much of their discipline pivot from the workshop to the digital space. Spectre is the most connected Rolls-Royce in history, and in harnessing the power of the motor car’s remarkable Decentralised Intelligence processing capabilities there is more requirement than ever for expert human experience.

To ensure the continuity of the Rolls-Royce experience, as well as its progression, the marque selected the most experienced test and development engineers to lead the project, some of whom have been with the marque for more than two decades and were responsible for creating the first ‘Goodwood-era’ Phantom. These engineers describe the experience offered by Spectre as akin to “Rolls-Royce in high definition” on account of the speed and accuracy of the motor car’s response to a worldwide spread of road and weather conditions.

For this to be realised, a dedicated control has been handmade for each of the 141,200 sender-receiver variables, and in nearly all cases engineers have designed several more sub-variables for variations in climate, ground speed, road type, vehicle status and driving style. These have been crafted over the course of Spectre’s 2.5 million kilometre testing programme both on advanced proving grounds and on real roads around the world.


In testing Spectre, the process includes extreme driving conditions – development of the motor car began just 55km from the arctic circle in Arjeplog, Sweden, at temperatures as low as -40 degrees centigrade, and it will continue across Southern Africa, in temperatures of up to 55 degrees centigrade. Yet, 55% of testing is taking place on the very roads that many production Spectres will be driven on. Of particular significance was the French Riviera. It was on the Côte d’Azur that Spectre’s digitally integrated evolution of the renowned Planar suspension system was finalised.

Planar suspension is an orchestra of systems with precisely defined responses to driver inputs and road conditions, made possible by the latest software and hardware developments, delivering Rolls-Royce’s hallmark ‘magic carpet ride’.

Using a suite of new hardware components and leveraging Spectre’s high-speed processing capabilities, the Planar system can decouple the car’s anti-roll bars allowing each wheel to act independently, preventing the rocking motion that occurs when one side of a vehicle hits an undulation in the road. This also reduces high-frequency ride imperfections caused by shortcomings in road surface quality.

Once a corner is identified as imminent, the Planar system recouples the components and stiffens the dampers, the four-wheel steering system is then prepared for activation to ensure effortless entry and exit. Under cornering, 18 sensors are monitored, and steering, braking, power delivery and suspension parameters are adjusted so that Spectre remains stable. The result is effortless control.


The final power, acceleration and range figures are still being refined, as the extraordinary undertaking of finessing Spectre enters its final phase before concluding in the second quarter of 2023. Preliminary data shows that Spectre is expected to have an all-electric range of 320 miles/520 kilometres WLTP and offer 900Nm of torque from its 430kW powertrain. It is anticipated to achieve 0-60mph in 4.4 seconds (0-100km/h in 4.5 seconds).

With many months of testing and optimisation of Spectre still ahead, these figures are subject to change ahead of official confirmation prior to market launch in Q4 2023.

Number of doors / seats         2 doors / 4 seats

Vehicle length                         5453 mm / 214.685 in

Vehicle width                           2080 mm / 81.889 in

Vehicle height (unladen)          1559 mm / 61.377 in

Wheelbase                              3210 mm / 126.378 in

Turning circle                           12.7 m

Kerb weight                             2975 kg


Spectre is available for commission immediately, with first client deliveries commencing in Q4 2023. Spectre pricing will be positioned between Cullinan and Phantom.


WLTP: Power consumption: 2.9 mi/kWh. / 21.5 kWh/100km*. Electric range: 323 miles / 520 kilometres*. Co2 emissions 0 g/km.

*Preliminary data not yet confirmed, subject to change.


  • Rolls-Royce debuts Spectre, the marque’s first fully-electric motor car
  • Spectre is a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed
  • Spectre “demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification”
  • Spectre heralds the beginning of all-electric era for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars
  • Built on the Rolls-Royce all-aluminium Architecture of Luxury
  • Spectre uses new SPIRIT software architecture with full Whispers integration
  • World’s first Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé is spiritual successor to Phantom Coupé
  • First customer cars to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2023

“Spectre possesses all the qualities that have secured the Rolls-Royce legend. This incredible motor car, conceived from the very beginning as our first fully-electric model, is silent, powerful and demonstrates how perfectly Rolls-Royce is suited to electrification. Spectre’s all-electric powertrain will assure the marque’s sustained success and relevance while dramatically increasing the definition of each characteristic that makes a Rolls-Royce a Rolls-Royce.

“At Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, perfection is about more than making the very best products. It is a culture, an attitude and our guiding philosophy. Indeed, it is our founding father Sir Henry Royce who said, ‘strive for perfection in everything you do’. Spectre has been conceived within this culture. It is perfectly in tune with the sensibilities of our time. It states the direction for the future of our marque and perfectly answers a call from the most discerning individuals in the world to elevate the electric motor car experience, because Spectre is a Rolls-Royce first and an electric car second.

“This is the start of a bold new chapter for our marque, our extraordinary clients and the luxury industry. For this reason, I believe Spectre is the most perfect product that Rolls-Royce has ever produced.”

Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

“The electric car is perfectly noiseless and clean. There is no smell or vibration. They should become very useful when fixed charging stations can be arranged.”
The Hon. Charles Stewart Rolls, Co-Founder, Rolls-Royce, 1900


In 1900, Rolls-Royce co-founder, Charles Rolls, prophesised an electric future for the motor car. Having acquired an electric vehicle named The Columbia Electric Carriage, he foresaw its suitability as a clean, noiseless alternative to the internal combustion engine – providing there was sufficient infrastructure to support it. Today, more than 120 years later, the time has come for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars to fulfil the prophecy of its founding father.

This prophecy could not have been fulfilled without a more recent promise, when Rolls-Royce CEO, Torsten Müller-Ötvös, made a public commitment to electrification by announcing that he would bring a fully-electric Rolls-Royce to market within the current decade. Charles Rolls’ prophecy and Torsten Müller-Ötvös’ promise led to an historic moment. In September 2021, the marque confirmed that it had commenced testing of Spectre, the first Rolls-Royce to be conceived and engineered from the very beginning as an electric car.

To ensure that this transformative motor car was sufficiently prepared for the most demanding consumer in the world – the Rolls-Royce client – the marque devised the most exhaustive testing programme it had ever conceived. Spectre is being subjected to a journey of more than 2.5 million kilometres, simulating more than 400 years of use for a Rolls-Royce. On its completion in 2023, Spectre will represent a prophecy fulfilled, a promise kept and an undertaking completed.

Spectre is not only an historic moment for Rolls-Royce, but also an historic moment for electrification – with Spectre, the marque confirms that the technology has reached a standard that can contain the Rolls-Royce experience. To that end, Rolls-Royce has confirmed that by the end of 2030 its entire product portfolio will be fully-electric.


Spectre is more than a motor car. It is a statement of intent and a symbol of a bright, bold future as Rolls-Royce progresses into an all-electric era. This commitment to an all-electric powertrain will only enhance the Rolls-Royce experience – instant torque, silent running and the sense of one imperceptible gear have defined the characteristics of an extraordinary canon of products dating back to the very first Rolls-Royce, the 1904 10 H.P.

With Spectre, Rolls-Royce has harnessed a revolutionary ‘Decentralised Intelligence’ system that allows for the free and direct exchange of information between more than 1,000 vehicle functions, further elevating the marque’s celebrated quality of ride. Its designers have captured a contemporary yet timeless aesthetic that significantly progresses the brand’s iconography as it embarks on its electric age. Its craftspeople have created a suite of contemporary prêt-à-porter personalisation possibilities, including Starlight Doors and Illuminated Fascia, inspiring clients to realise their own Bespoke visions.


In unveiling Spectre, Rolls-Royce sets a new precedent in the creation of an entirely original class of motor car: the Ultra-Luxury Electric Super Coupé. This designation refers to Spectre’s indulgent proportions, specified in response to a commitment that there is no greater luxury than that of space.

The marque’s designers are deeply rooted in the context occupied by their motor cars. Therefore, their inspiration is drawn from worlds far beyond automotive, including haute couture, modernist sculpture, nautical design, tailoring and contemporary art. In conceiving the principal sketches for Spectre, the marque’s creatives were drawn to modern yacht concepts, specifically the clarity and precision of line, intelligent use of reflection and application of taper to emotionalise silhouettes.

From the front, Spectre’s split headlight treatment is intersected by the widest grille ever bestowed on a Rolls-Royce. The vanes of the Pantheon grille are now smoother in section and a flusher fit, designed to help guide the air around the motor car’s front.

The relaxed angle and polished stainless steel finish of the grille does much to enhance Spectre’s presence using environmental reflection. Along with an aero-tuned Spirit of Ecstasy figurine – itself the product of 830 combined hours of design modelling and wind tunnel testing – the grille enhances the motor car’s unprecedented drag coefficient, which at just 0.25cd makes Spectre Rolls-Royce’s most aerodynamic motor car, ever.

This intelligent treatment has been married to the iconography of Spectre’s spiritual predecessor, the Phantom Coupé. Spectre clearly acknowledges its forebear with its generous proportions and split headlight treatment – a contemporary Rolls-Royce design tenet. Spectre’s sharp daylight running lights emphasise the motor car’s imperious two-metre width and are offset with lower lamp clusters that appear darkened, at first glance, but hide jewellery box-like darkened chromium housings for the headlights. To affirm Spectre’s expression after dark, the grille is softly illuminated, with 22 LEDs lighting up the sandblasted rear side of each of the vanes, their gentle glow reflected in the polished front surfaces for a subtle and three-dimensional night signature.

In profile, the sharp, vertical bow line at the front of Spectre draws the eye rearward to its monolithic flanks. The lower line – known as the ‘waft line’ – borrows directly from yacht design. Instead of exaggerating movement with busy detailing or appliqués, Spectre’s coachwork gently tucks into the sill, lightening the surfacing and creating an uncomplicated sense of motion by reflecting the road passing beneath it, much as the hull of a racing yacht reflects the ocean as it cuts through water. This ‘waft line’ is the visual representation of the ‘magic carpet ride’ and its upwards sweep toward the front is inspired by the gently lifting bow of an accelerating power boat.

The silhouette’s most dramatic feature is Spectre’s fastback, which recalls the most evocative motor cars and watercraft in history. The seamlessness of the greenhouse surfacing significantly contributes to achieving the lowest drag coefficient ever for a Rolls-Royce. Following the roofline back, the tail lamps are set into the largest single body panel ever produced for a Rolls-Royce, which extends from the A-pillar to the luggage compartment. The jewel-like vertical tail lamps themselves are colourless for neutrality, in anticipation of the myriad of colourways selected by clients during the commissioning process. Their precision and reduced dimension complement the generous flow of the bodywork from the muscular shoulders backwards into the tail section with its characteristic tapering plan view.

The proportional demands of Spectre’s scale required Rolls-Royce to embolden its wheel strategy. Spectre is the first production two-door coupé to be equipped with 23-inch wheels in almost one hundred years.

Inside, Spectre is provisioned with the most technologically advanced Bespoke features yet, drawing inspiration from the timeless mystique of the night’s sky. For the first time on a series production Rolls-Royce, Spectre is available with Starlight Doors, which incorporate 4,796 softly illuminated ‘stars’. The coach doors can also be commissioned with a backdrop of wood Canadel Panelling, which takes its name from the cove in the South of France where Sir Henry Royce and his design team spent their winters.

The ethereal night-time theme continues with Spectre’s Illuminated Fascia. Developed over the course of two years and more than 10,000 collective hours, it incorporates the Spectre nameplate surrounded by a cluster of over 5,500 stars. Located on the passenger side of the dashboard, the illuminations are completely invisible when the motor car is not in operation.

Alongside the extraordinary, illuminated surfaces, Spectre is equipped with a completely redesigned digital architecture of luxury named SPIRIT, presented in quintessential Rolls-Royce style. Not only will SPIRIT manage the motor car’s functions, but it is seamlessly integrated into the marque’s Whispers application, allowing clients to interact with their car remotely, and receive live information curated by the marque’s luxury intelligence specialists.

For the first time ever, clients are now able to extend their Bespoke commission beyond the physical world and into the digital architecture that underpins SPIRIT. Inspired by the marque’s clients’ love of bespoke timepieces, the colour of the dials can now complement the interior hue of the motor car.

As with all Rolls-Royce motor cars, Spectre’s interior suite offers clients near-infinite Bespoke possibilities. The all-new front seat design has been inspired by British tailoring, with lapel sections that can be rendered in contrasting or matching colours to the main base. Bespoke stitching, embroidery and intricate piping has, as ever, been considered in their inception.


2003 saw the first Goodwood-era Phantom, built upon its own Bespoke architecture. This renaissance of the brand was Rolls-Royce 1.0. Following this, the ‘Architecture of Luxury’ was conceived – a new, highly flexible all-aluminium spaceframe architecture, and visionary feat of engineering, that could be tailored for electric drive, as well as today’s Phantom, Cullinan and Ghost models, and Coachbuild projects. This expansion of the marque’s offering was Rolls-Royce 2.0. The ability to tailor the Architecture of Luxury for electric drive was a fundamental consideration when it was first conceived. However, it is only now that electric drive technology is advanced enough to fulfil the Rolls-Royce experience. The introduction of a fully-electric powertrain and Decentralised Intelligence into the marque’s portfolio represents Rolls-Royce 3.0 and the beginning of the bold new all-electric era.

By ensuring from the outset that the Architecture of Luxury could be tailored to the requirements of an all-electric Rolls-Royce, the marque’s engineers ensured the continuity of experience from its current portfolio, each evolution of which has done much to secure the brand’s ongoing global success. Indeed, the inherent flexibility of the architecture and ease of integration of an electric powertrain has freed engineers, designers and craftspeople to focus on the quality of experience, authenticity of design and innovation in Bespoke.

For Spectre, Rolls-Royce engineers have unlocked further benefits. The sophisticated extruded aluminium sections and integration of the battery into the structure of the motor car enable it to be 30% stiffer than any previous Rolls-Royce. The flexibility of the architecture has also allowed engineers to place the floor halfway between the sill structures rather than on top or underneath them. A channel has been created for wiring and climate control pipework between the battery and the floor, with the battery mounted underneath, providing a perfectly smooth underfloor profile. This not only creates a low seating position and enveloping cabin but realises a secondary function for the battery – almost 700kg of sound deadening.


For Spectre, Rolls-Royce’s engineers have seen much of their discipline pivot from the workshop to the digital space. Spectre is the most connected Rolls-Royce in history, and in harnessing the power of the motor car’s remarkable Decentralised Intelligence processing capabilities there is more requirement than ever for expert human experience.

To ensure the continuity of the Rolls-Royce experience, as well as its progression, the marque selected the most experienced test and development engineers to lead the project, some of whom have been with the marque for more than two decades and were responsible for creating the first ‘Goodwood-era’ Phantom. These engineers describe the experience offered by Spectre as akin to “Rolls-Royce in high definition” on account of the speed and accuracy of the motor car’s response to a worldwide spread of road and weather conditions.

For this to be realised, a dedicated control has been handmade for each of the 141,200 sender-receiver variables, and in nearly all cases engineers have designed several more sub-variables for variations in climate, ground speed, road type, vehicle status and driving style. These have been crafted over the course of Spectre’s 2.5 million kilometre testing programme both on advanced proving grounds and on real roads around the world.


In testing Spectre, the process includes extreme driving conditions – development of the motor car began just 55km from the arctic circle in Arjeplog, Sweden, at temperatures as low as -40 degrees centigrade, and it will continue across Southern Africa, in temperatures of up to 55 degrees centigrade. Yet, 55% of testing is taking place on the very roads that many production Spectres will be driven on. Of particular significance was the French Riviera. It was on the Côte d’Azur that Spectre’s digitally integrated evolution of the renowned Planar suspension system was finalised.

Planar suspension is an orchestra of systems with precisely defined responses to driver inputs and road conditions, made possible by the latest software and hardware developments, delivering Rolls-Royce’s hallmark ‘magic carpet ride’.

Using a suite of new hardware components and leveraging Spectre’s high-speed processing capabilities, the Planar system can decouple the car’s anti-roll bars allowing each wheel to act independently, preventing the rocking motion that occurs when one side of a vehicle hits an undulation in the road. This also reduces high-frequency ride imperfections caused by shortcomings in road surface quality.

Once a corner is identified as imminent, the Planar system recouples the components and stiffens the dampers, the four-wheel steering system is then prepared for activation to ensure effortless entry and exit. Under cornering, 18 sensors are monitored, and steering, braking, power delivery and suspension parameters are adjusted so that Spectre remains stable. The result is effortless control.


The final power, acceleration and range figures are still being refined, as the extraordinary undertaking of finessing Spectre enters its final phase before concluding in the second quarter of 2023. Preliminary data shows that Spectre is expected to have an all-electric range of 320 miles/520 kilometres WLTP and offer 900Nm of torque from its 430kW powertrain. It is anticipated to achieve 0-60mph in 4.4 seconds (0-100km/h in 4.5 seconds).

With many months of testing and optimisation of Spectre still ahead, these figures are subject to change ahead of official confirmation prior to market launch in Q4 2023.

Number of doors / seats         2 doors / 4 seats

Vehicle length                         5453 mm / 214.685 in

Vehicle width                           2080 mm / 81.889 in

Vehicle height (unladen)          1559 mm / 61.377 in

Wheelbase                              3210 mm / 126.378 in

Turning circle                           12.7 m

Kerb weight                             2975 kg


Spectre is available for commission immediately, with first client deliveries commencing in Q4 2023. Spectre pricing will be positioned between Cullinan and Phantom.


WLTP: Power consumption: 2.9 mi/kWh. / 21.5 kWh/100km*. Electric range: 323 miles / 520 kilometres*. Co2 emissions 0 g/km.

*Preliminary data not yet confirmed, subject to change.