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7 recién llegados a Dubái: los mejores muebles de lujo

Se acerca 2023 y Boca do Lobo te trae Novedades únicas para este año increíble. Nuestra marca siempre está al día en nuevas tendencias y , por supuesto, nuevos productos . ¡ Descubre estos 7 nuevos diseños de muebles de lujo perfectos para el estilo de vida de Dubái y prepárate para sentirte inspirado para redecorar cualquier habitación de tu casa con una pieza que destaque!

NOVEDADES en muebles de lujo para 2023

Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

Fortuna es una mesa de comedor contemporánea con una estética de diseño única y una declaración refinada para las mentes más influyentes.


Representando la esencia del empoderamiento , la sofisticación y la mística , Fortuna cuenta con una exclusiva superficie de pátina de latón pulido para comedores innovadores.

Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

Con una estética de diseño única en su clase y una declaración refinada para las mentes más influyentes, la Fortuna es una mesa de centro contemporánea adecuada para cualquier entorno lujoso.


Representando la esencia del empoderamiento, la sofisticación y la mística, Fortuna cuenta con una exclusiva superficie de latón dorado para espacios extravagantes.

Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

The Empire es una consola sublime construida en mármol con detalles en latón pulido. Sus grietas están talladas a mano e insertadas a través de láminas de latón pulido, las cuales son martilladas a mano para un acabado único. Diseñado para causar una buena impresión , este mueble de lujo es una obra maestra única que encajará perfectamente en sus entradas o pasillos exclusivos y espacios empoderadores.


Una pieza de declaración refinada hecha para aquellos con mentes y gustos refinados.

Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

Ver también: 7 espejos de lujo para Dubai: una selección curada
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

La consola Pietra juega con la función y la forma escultórica para crear una experiencia de diseño atemporal a través de su aura griega clásica y el mármol más fino.


Un recordatorio de la era del renacimiento , su parte superior descansa suavemente sobre dos columnas de mármol únicas y resistentes que se conciben a partir de un bloque sólido que luego se esculpe a mano.

Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

Un noble mueble de lujo tallado en los talleres de Boca do Lobo que es ideal para una gran entrada, un majestuoso pasillo u otros ambientes abiertos y opulentos.


Esta consola Pietra es elegante sin esfuerzo y es adecuada para aquellos que buscan una pieza contemporánea con un estilo revival helénico.

Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
Descubre las novedades de Boca do Lobo para 2023
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

La mesa de centro Newton es un destacado momento de inspiración. Un mueble de lujo creado para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes que buscan lo más inesperado y lo más extravagante en el diseño de muebles contemporáneos .


Una pieza de diseño fuerte con detalles lujosos , hecha con materiales de alta calidad.

Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
Descubre las novedades de Boca do Lobo para 2023
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

Siendo el orden el placer de la razón, el desorden es el deleite de las emociones. Lo que parece confuso y desordenado puede, en una mirada, adquirir un nuevo significado capaz de inspirarnos y encantarnos. The Glance Mirror cuenta una historia sobre la encrucijada de la vida y la razón del caos.


La belleza única de este diseño de muebles de lujo proviene de atreverse a arriesgar y desafiar el diseño convencional a través de la mejor artesanía .

Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023
¿Cuál de estas novedades en muebles de lujo prefieres?
Ver también: 7 espejos de lujo para Dubai: una selección curada
Descubra las novedades de Boca do Lobo en muebles de lujo para 2023

Una pieza de tu tiempo: ¿Qué significa regalarle un reloj a una mujer?

Desde el siglo XVI, los relojes han sido un lujo que tiene mucho más valor sentimental que simplemente dar la hora. Hoy en día, regalar un reloj todavía tiene mucho significado. Si ese regalo es de un hombre a una mujer, es aún más significativo.

Si ha recibido uno de nuestros relojes de lujo de alta gama como regalo del hombre especial en su vida, es posible que se pregunte qué significa. Para ofrecer una idea, hemos resumido solo algunas de las maravillosas razones por las que los hombres han comprado a sus novias, prometidas o esposas un reloj Backes & Strauss.


Los relojes de pulsera han sido un accesorio de moda imprescindible desde que se hicieron populares a principios del siglo XX. Tan pequeños como son, dicen mucho sobre el usuario, y los diseños clásicos pueden complementar incluso al seguidor de la moda más dedicado.

Nuestros relojes han sido diseñados para usarse durante décadas y se vinculan con los gustos cambiantes en el mundo de lo que está de moda. Cuando recibe el reloj perfecto, obtiene el resultado de pensar detenidamente en su gusto y estilo de vida específicos. Con suerte, recibirá un accesorio que complemente su estilo general y lo haga lucir mucho más fabuloso.

Ya se trate de un cronógrafo aerodinámico o de un espumoso reloj de oro rosa con una correa delicada, cada reloj Backes & Strauss tiene un carácter propio. Al igual que tú. La persona que compró su reloj habrá considerado su esencia y su reloj debe expresar esto.


Incluso las suntuosas obras maestras artesanales con incrustaciones de diamantes que creamos son artículos utilitarios. Por muy avanzados que seamos tecnológicamente, ¡la gente todavía necesita relojes!

Es bueno mantenerse organizado, y esto significa llevar un registro del tiempo a lo largo del día. Pero como muchas mujeres pueden estar de acuerdo, no siempre es la tarea más sencilla hurgar en su bolso para encontrar su teléfono celular. Un rápido vistazo a un hermoso reloj en su muñeca es mucho más fácil y mucho más satisfactorio. Además, proporciona un recordatorio sutil pero constante de la persona especial que también le regaló su reloj.


No hay nada que se pueda comparar con abrir un regalo de lujo y Backes & Strauss hace que esta parte del proceso sea especialmente agradable. La suntuosidad de nuestros diseños se extiende a cómo se empaquetan nuestras piezas, ¡y nos aseguramos de que cada segundo que pase con uno de nuestros artículos cuente!

Al igual que las joyas, existe el exquisito suspenso al abrir la caja para revelar lo que hay dentro y luego la pura alegría por la belleza que encuentras. Ya sea un regalo de cumpleaños, un regalo para la temporada navideña o simplemente porque, cuando le regalas un reloj a una mujer, también le estás regalando un símbolo de opulencia y esplendor.


Otra metáfora significativa que entra en juego con un reloj de regalo es la de darle tiempo a alguien. Este es un bien del que todos desearíamos tener más con los que amamos. Alta relojería pueden incluso convertirse en reliquias preciadas, transmitidas a la próxima generación de mujeres poderosas de la familia para marcar hitos importantes. En ese sentido, el fuerte valor sentimental de su reloj no tiene límite de tiempo: debe ser disfrutado por las generaciones venideras.

¡Usar su nuevo regalo puede incluso ayudarlo a llegar más a tiempo! Después de todo, te eleva y te hace lucir más pulido y profesional. Esto contribuye en gran medida a prepararlo para los desafíos que enfrenta todos los días.


No hay nada descartable en el regalo de un reloj. Después de todo, han sido cuidadosamente diseñados para usarse, usarse y disfrutarse todos los días. También son una de las únicas cosas que se pueden usar todo el tiempo y darle a alguien un reloj significa que pensarán en ti más a menudo.

Un reloj de pulsera le recordará a una mujer a la persona que se lo regaló cada vez que se lo ponga, cada vez que lo mire durante el día o la noche. Y luego, una vez más, cuando se lo quita antes de ducharse, bañarse, nadar o para descansar bien por la noche.

Para las parejas comprometidas, los relojes pueden ser un regalo poético y romántico que simboliza el tiempo que pasan juntos. Los relojes clásicos son ideales como regalo de aniversario, ya que representan el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Un hombre que te da este tipo de regalo te está comunicando la profundidad de su compromiso y su afecto permanente por ti.

Si aún no estás prometida y has recibido algo de este calibre del hombre de tu vida, casi siempre significa que está comprometido contigo. Significa la profundidad de su relación y consolida la idea de que le gustaría compartir cada segundo, minuto y hora juntos.


Lo que hace que el reloj de pulsera perfecto sea un regalo ideal para las mujeres es el hecho de que se necesita tanto cuidado y atención para elegirlo. No solo atesorarás la excelencia artesanal que define nuestras piezas, sino también su significado personal. Te dice que el dador valora tus deseos y necesidades y profundiza tu relación con el reconocimiento de tu individualidad.

El regalo del reloj de pulsera muestra que se ha pensado mucho en el presente y que el donante está interesado en ti y quiere saber lo que te gusta. Tan complejo como es este proceso, es la simplicidad misma y es evidencia de una conexión profunda y duradera entre dos personas.

Dar algo tan personal y significativo como un reloj de pulsera Backes & Strauss requiere que el donante haga un riesgo calculado porque tiene que entenderte para comprarte algo que te encantará. Es una forma de establecer un lazo emocional aún mayor entre una pareja y se trata de que tu amado tome un papel más activo en tu vida.

Se pueden atribuir muchos significados literales y figurativos a la entrega de un reloj como regalo. Pero al final del día, depende de ti descifrar cuál es la intención detrás de esto. Sin embargo, es una suposición bastante segura que si alguien se ha tomado el tiempo para tratar de averiguar qué tipo de reloj se adapta mejor a usted y sus necesidades; ¡ha sido alcanzado por la flecha de Cupido!


ROLEX Oyster Perpetual Lady Date-just the audacity of excellence

“A classic designed for a lady”. So might some describe the Oyster Perpetual Lady-Datejust. Maybe they’re right. If “classic” means perpetuating tradition with a blend of elegance and precision, grace and resistance, beauty and technical performance. If being “a lady” means constantly pursuing a higher standard with unyielding determination. Then indeed the Lady-Datejust is a classic designed for a lady.



Audrey Hepburn was captivating Hollywood, Sylvia Earle obtained her Master of Science, Françoise Sagan was shaking up the literary landscape, Pat Smythe reigned supreme in equestrian sport, and fashion designer Adèle Simpson had New-York clamouring for her latest creations. Women were changing.

No less ladylike than their mothers, they were enjoying new, active lifestyles. Hans Wilsdorf, the founder of Rolex, understood this: the modern woman wanted to manage her time to control her destiny. She needed as much precision as men. And so was born, in 1957, Rolex’s classic women’s watch: the Lady-Datejust. A watch of smaller proportions built on unwavering standards of excellence. A watch for women that was every bit as reliable as a man’s. With this innovation, the brand had broken new technical ground in terms of the case size, while also obtaining COSC chronometric certification for this small model.

The Lady-Datejust was inspired by audacity. It addressed not only a technical challenge but a cultural one, too: this watch would serve to further women’s independence. An uncompromising creation, combining elegance and accuracy on the wrist of a modern, graceful and accomplished woman. A symbol of assertiveness expressed in exquisitely feminine form.

Incorporating several decades of watchmaking innovations, the Lady-Datejust has established itself as the ultimate classic women’s watch: a piece of technical prowess
made for women who believe in themselves.




Adopted by women whose steadfast determination has led them to remarkable achievements, the Lady-Datejust graces the wrist of the marine biologist Sylvia Earle, the golf champion Annika Sörenstam, and the singer Dame Kiri Te Kanawa. As pioneers in each of their fields, they portray a new image of femininity: engaged, modern and in permanent pursuit of excellence.

Inspired by their legacy, the next generation is bringing renewed vigour to disciplines across the spectrum. Whether it be the prodigious pianist Yuja Wang, the tennis champion Garbiñe Muguruza, the biologist Emma Camp working to protect coral reefs, or the sitar virtuoso Anoushka Shankar, these women are the new faces of
contemporary femininity.

• Classic timeless elegance
• Instantaneous date with Cyclops lens
• Many variants (large selection of dials, bezels and bracelets)
• Superlative Chronometer certification, specific to Rolex
• International five-year guarantee
• Self-winding mechanical movement, COSC certified
• Power reserve of 55 hours
• Syloxi hairspring in silicon
• High-performance Paraflex shock absorbers
• 28 mm Oyster case, waterproof to a depth of 100 metres (330 feet)




The Lady-Datejust’s Oyster case, 28 mm in diameter and guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 100 metres (330 feet), is a paragon of robustness and elegance. The middle case is crafted from a solid block of Oystersteel, a particularly corrosion-resistant alloy, or from 18 ct gold. The case back, edged with fine fluting, is hermetically screwed down with a special tool that allows only certified Rolex watchmakers to access the movement.

The Twinlock winding crown, fitted with a double waterproofness system, screws down securely against the case. The crystal, with a Cyclops lens at 3 o’clock for easy reading of
the date, is made of virtually scratchproof sapphire. The waterproof Oyster case provides optimum protection for the Lady-Datejust’s movement.




The Lady-Datejust is equipped with calibre 2236, a self-winding mechanical movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex. A consummate demonstration of technology, this movement carries a number of patents. It offers outstanding performance in terms of precision, power reserve, resistance to shocks and magnetic fields, convenience and reliability. The oscillator of calibre 2236 has a balance wheel with variable inertia regulated extremely precisely via gold Microstella nuts. It is held firmly in place by a height-adjustable traversing bridge enabling very stable positioning to increase shock resistance. The oscillator is also fitted on high-performance Paraflex shock absorbers, designed and patented by Rolex.

Calibre 2236 is fitted with a self-winding module via a Perpetual rotor, which ensures continuous winding of the mainspring by harnessing the movements of the wrist to provide constant energy. It offers a power reserve of approximately 55 hours.

The movement of the Lady-Datejust will be seen only by certified Rolex watchmakers, yet it is beautifully finished and decorated in keeping with the brand’s uncompromising
quality standards.


Calibre 2236 incorporates a Syloxi hairspring in silicon, which is patented and manufactured by Rolex. Insensitive to magnetic fields, the Syloxi hairspring provides great stability in the face of temperature variations and remains up to 10 times more precise than a traditional hairspring in case of shocks.

The Syloxi hairspring found in calibre 2236 has a geometry that guarantees the regularity of the movement in any position. It also includes a paramagnetic nickel-phosphorus
escape wheel.


The quintessentially classic watch, known for its timeless and inimitable style, the Lady-Datejust has, over time, unveiled a variety of bezels and dials that reflect as much the personality of its wearer as the model’s ability to renew its own elegance in fine detail. It beckons its owner to shape its own future.


Multiple dial variations are possible on the Lady-Datejust. They are available in a wealth of materials, colours, motifs and markers – indices, Roman or Arab numerals – with numerous gem-setting options for the hour markers or the dial itself. Among the iconic champagne-colour, silver, white, pink and diamond-set dials, the dial in mother-of-pearl
stands out for its singularity. Domed, fluted or gem-set, the bezel of the Lady-Datejust is available in three different designs, each conferring its own distinctive aesthetic.


Mother-of-pearl is by its nature full of mystery and surprises. Depending on its origin, it can be pink, white, black or yellow. It differs in colour, intensity and structure according to the part of the shell from which it is extracted. At Rolex, mother-of-pearl is never artificially coloured. Instead, particular know-how and skill are devoted to simply highlighting its natural beauty and preserving the original hues. As all mother-of-pearl dials are unique pieces, an identical dial will never be found on another wrist.


The Lady-Datejust is available in several metal alloys: Oystersteel, 18 ct yellow, white or Everose gold, and in a Rolesor version (combining Oystersteel and yellow, white or
Everose gold).


Whether yellow, white or Everose, the 18 ct gold of the Lady-Datejust shines with a special radiance. Rolex has its own foundry and develops its gold alloys from the purest
raw materials. From casting to the shaping and polishing of the gold, everything is carried out in the Rolex workshops with meticulous care to ensure impeccable quality. Everose gold, an exclusive 18 ct pink gold alloy developed and patented by Rolex, owes its unique hue to its exclusive composition.


In 2021, Rolex introduced a new sparkling version of its Oyster Perpetual Lady-Datejust. This entirely gem-set version in 18 ct yellow gold is draped in glittering diamonds. The case is entirely set with 158 brilliant-cut diamonds on the case sides and lugs, while the bezel features 44 brilliant-cut diamonds. This new Lady-Datejust is fitted on a President bracelet set with 596 brilliant-cut diamonds. Its dial is paved with 291 brilliant-cut diamonds.

Through our exclusive and luxury furniture, we at Boca do Lobo intend to inspire the design world with our creations, focused in the craftsmanship of older times, brought to life in new, innovative ways. Today, we are focusing on the Boca do Lobo Furniture Family: Metamorphosis.

Diamond Metamorphosis Sideboard

Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family diamond metamorphosis 01

Introduced to the public at iSaloni 2016, the Diamond Metamorphosis was the first test of the metamorphosis concept. The merging of metamorphosis as an evolutionary process, commonly associated with insects, with the philosophical connotation of the word that originates from Kafka’s prime work, the Diamond Metamorphosis Sideboard questions the meaning of beauty and seeks to provoke a reaction.

Metamorphosis Dining Table

Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family metamorphosis dining hr 01
Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family metamorphosis dining table 02 hr 1

This piece of Boca do Lobo furniture has come to symbolize the evolutionary history of life, representing the last stage of the cycle through the usage of sculpted fossils on display at the top of the table.

Metamorphosis Wall Lamp

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Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family metamorphosis sconces 07

Similar to the dramatic transformation and the sudden change in the animal’s body structure, the Metamorphosis wall lamp experiences new unexpected design techniques, noble finishes through a meticulous artistic process.

Metamorphosis Center Table

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Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family metamorphosis center table 02

This Boca do Lobo furniture piece is composed by two fragments finished in mirror and noble marble and beautified by the presence of golden creatures that are prepared for their ultimate metamorphosis.

Metamorphosis Convex Mirror

Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family convex metamorphosis mirror 04 boca do lobo
Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family convex metamorphosis 03

Playing on the concept of evolution, and challenging the notion of beauty, the Convex Metamorphosis Mirror takes a clean form and transforms it into an exceptional piece of luxury furniture.

brands contemporary

Covet House Boca do Lobo Luxxu Maison Valentina PullCast Circu

Metamorphosis Console Table

Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family metamorphosis console 04 boca do lobo 1
Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family metamorphosis console 01 boca do lobo

The Metamorphosis console table has come to symbolize the evolutionary history of life, representing the last stage of the cycle through the usage of sculpted fossils on display at the top of the table. This Boca do Lobo furniture piece embodies handmade techniques such as hammering and polishing, executed by some of the best craftsmen in the country. The strong geometric design is coupled by two brass plated feet with casted brass details. A unique product for those who have a peculiar taste for limited edition pieces and conceptual designs.

Metamorphosis Snooker Table

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Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family metamorphosis snooker table 01 boca do lobo

A playful and remarkable design imagined for those who appreciate the good things in life, finding beauty in the most unexpected places. An extraordinary English snooker table of 10-foot playground, founded by 8 statement designed black wood legs which portray unexpected chaos of high-end materials and unexpected casted brass black bugs and gold scorpions, for an emotional experience.

Concave Metamorphosis Mirror

Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family concave metamorphosis 01

The Concave Metamorphosis Mirror portrays a territorial dispute, where chaos is indulged and spread across simplicity represented by the clean slate upon which it takes place.

Metamorphosis Side Table

Boca do Lobo Furniture: Metamorphosis Family metamorphosis side table 02

The enormous success of the Metamorphosis Series gave birth yet to another unique creation – Metamorphosis Side Table. Similar to the dramatic transformation and the sudden change in the animal’s body structure, this Boca do Lobo furniture piece experiences new unexpected design techniques, noble finishes through a meticulous artistic process.

American 1921 Pièce unique: The iconic American 1921 watch faithfully recreated as if in 1921

Vacheron Constantin | American 1921 Pièce unique: The iconic American 1921 watch faithfully recreated as if in 1921

  • To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the American 1921, Vacheron Constantin has faithfully created this emblematic model from the Roaring Twenties while safeguarding its original attributes.
  • This exceptional one-of-a-kind creation symbolises the Manufacture’s commitment to the transmission and enhancement of traditional skills.

Geneva, May 25th 2021 – To mark the 100th anniversary of the American 1921 watch, Vacheron Constantin has delved into its archives and its horological expertise to offer a faithful reproduction of the timepiece emblematic of an era. Stemming from an impressive technical and human epic saga pushing the limits of fine craftsmanship excellence, the creation of the American 1921 Pièce unique watch mobilised the remarkable expertises of the Maison’s Restoration workshop and the Heritage department for an entire year. This approach might be a first in the watch industry, reflecting Vacheron Constantin’s commitment to the conservation, transmission and continuous enrichment of its heritage and of traditional skills.

Only 24 pieces of the reference dated 1921 were originally manufactured. Today only one of them is part of Vacheron Constantin’s private collection, making it an extremely rare and sought-after timepiece for collectors and watch connoisseurs. Some watches tell stories, inviting us to travel back in time, to retrace origins and immerse oneself in bygone eras. Faithfully recreated as if in 1921, the American 1921 Pièce unique watch presented this year is a case in point, offering a journey into the creativity of the Roaring Twenties and reviving the beauty of artisanal skills as practiced a century ago. More than a jubilee watch, it is the fruit of a fascinating odyssey into the heart of the artisanal know-how cultivated by Vacheron Constantin for over 265 years.

American 1921 Pièce unique: The iconic American 1921 watch faithfully recreated as if in 1921

American 1921 Pièce unique: The iconic American 1921 watch faithfully recreated as if in 1921

Heritage and Restoration departments’ commitment to perpetuate the art of high watchmaking

When the idea of faithfully recreating an American 1921 model from the Vacheron Constantin private collection first took shape, the project looked set to be both exciting and ambitious.

A bridge between the past and future of the Maison, the Vacheron Constantin Heritage department has a place of its own within the Manufacture. Spanning an exceptional timeline that began in 1755, and overseeing a unique collection, it is anything but a dusty museum. The research and expertise of the teams working there on a daily basis are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the creation of new collections and a masterful reference for the Restoration workshop. The department preserves 800 machine tools, workbenches and sets of watchmaking tools, along with substantial documentary and iconographic archives. No less than 420 linear metres are taken up by an infinite wealth of production and accounting registers comprising foreign sales, correspondence between associates, suppliers and clients, various documents and photographs. All contribute to shedding both historical and artistic light on Vacheron Constantin’s activity through the years and centuries. They represent a sum of written instruments serving to ensure the traceability of a creation since its origins, given that all the models produced are systematically referenced in the production registers. This unprecedent heritage helped retrace the history of the creation of the American 1921 and provided a solid basis for the Restoration workshop teams. The latter thus took up the authentic challenge of reviving some forgotten skills and combining today’s techniques with yesterday’s know-how.

Few Manufactures are able to restore all the watches that have come out of their workshops for centuries. That is why Vacheron Constantin makes it a point of honor to pass on this watchmaking know-how and to ensure that the great history of each of its timepieces continues. The skill and style of the Restoration artisans thus consists in showing respect for ethical considerations in their work. To achieve this, they can draw upon a substantial stock of components, adjust component blanks or entirely remake them – the latter being the most delicate task of all and calling for particularly complex size calculations. Experts in the art of maintaining Vacheron Constantin’s oldest timepieces without altering their nature, the Restoration workshop’s seasoned watchmakers are thus accustomed to combining a historian’s perspective with scientific analysis, but until now they had never undertaken to reproduce an antique watch in its entirety. This unprecedented work of reconstitution, respectful of ethics because it is faithful and precise down to the smallest detail, called upon the multiple competencies of these artisans, who pursued an empirical approach throughout this year-long project.

American 1921 Pièce unique: The iconic American 1921 watch faithfully recreated as if in 1921

American 1921 Pièce unique: The iconic American 1921 watch faithfully recreated as if in 1921

Several months of research in the Manufacture’s archives, weeks of reflection and observation, numerous experiments, as well as unsuccessful attempts and successful trials were necessary to produce such a work. The American 1921 Pièce unique will be in the spotlight throughout 2021 through prolonged exposure in Vacheron Constantin boutiques around the world.

Antique machines and tools

In order to reproduce the hand-crafted operations performed back in the day, artisans had to work with some historical tools from Vacheron Constantin’s Heritage. A late 19th century facing lathe enabled them to faithfully recreate the elements composing the case; a rounding-up (topping) tool from the latter half of the 19th century served to modify the profile of wheel teeth and to adjust their diameter. Watchmakers used an 18th century upright drilling accessory to drill through the movement’s mainplate. To drive the jewels into their settings, they resorted to an early 20th century staking tool.

These vintage machines were complemented by tools specially made for this project, such as custom-made milling-cutters and riveting tools in line with those of the early 20th century, enabling the artisans to work in a manner attuned to that period and closely reproducing the operations and development techniques of the time. The result of this remarkable stylistic exercise is an exceptional collector’s item symbolising Vacheron Constantin’s unwavering commitment to the transmission, enhancement and continuous enrichment of its production skills.

Rebirth of a vintage movement

While the watchmakers in Vacheron Constantin’s Restoration workshop fully master the art of bringing back to life the most exceptional timepieces produced by the Manufacture in the course of its long history, never before had they been called upon to rebuild a vintage calibre from scratch.

They began by disassembling and examining every single component of the original 11-ligne Calibre Nouveau powering the original model. Apart from the bridges and mainplate which had to be recreated, the Restoration workshop’s stocks proved to be a goldmine for the artisans who thereby had access to all the necessary blank parts. This involved extremely laborious research, since a vintage case could contain an infinite number of components, all different in terms of size and shape. In order to identify them one by one, the first stage consisted in taking the measurements and dimensions of each of the 115 components of the original movement. This meticulous work of observation and comparison subsequently led watchmakers to make plans and mock-ups of the calibre, a particularly delicate task requiring extremely complex sizing calculations.

At this stage, the archive documents safeguarded by the Heritage department proved extremely valuable, notably in recreating the bridges and the mainplate according to the specificities of this vintage movement. How could each component be adjusted and calibrated prior to assembly? How should the vintage machines be regulated? How could the jewels be set on the movement, whereas they are now generally driven in? How could the exact colour of the gilding on the wheels be achieved? At what distance and at which height should they be placed in order to be faithful to the original calibre? These were all issues that the watchmakers had to resolve by assembling the components one by one, as any potential error could jeopardise the entire project.

Setting the jewels on the movement was also a real tour de force. Since the 1940s, it has been customary to drive in the jewels, and while the watchmakers in Vacheron Constantin’s Restoration workshop are accustomed to replacing damaged jewels on very old timepieces, until now they had never had the opportunity to make the settings themselves. Successfully hollowing out the metal to the exact depth required to fit the stones to the nearest hundredth required multiple trials. Not to mention the patient research work required to develop the system for reproducing the unique ribbed pattern which, alongside various manual engravings, adorns the movement in the same way as was done at the time.

A dial and case distinguished by sophisticated craftsmanship

Accurately reproducing the exterior of the American 1921 also represented a real feat of manual workmanship. Here again, Vacheron Constantin’s watchmakers had to provide answers to numerous technical questions by observing the 1921 timepiece in minute detail, while comparing it with archive documents, and then individually crafting each element of the case and dial.

Some period components were available in the stocks of the Restoration workshop, such as rough blanks of the crown and hands. Others had to be entirely recreated, starting with the 31.5 mm case, according to the dimensions of the original American 1921. It was crafted by a Restoration workshop goldsmith from the specific gold alloy used for the historical model (18K 3N yellow gold), identified with the help of a spectrometer in order to reproduce its exact colour. Only a laser engraving applied to the case back, for customs purposes, distinguishes the American 1921 Pièce unique watch from its ancestor.

The creation of the dial also called for highly specialised expertise on the part of the artisan responsible for restoring the grain and unique beauty of the original dial. Crafted in Grand Feu enamel, an ancestral technique considered to be one of the most delicate in the field of watchmaking ornamentation, it required numerous firings in the kiln at a temperature of over 800°C. It features vintage numerals and logo, along with slender open-tipped hands that have been hand-blued by the Restoration workshop using the production techniques of the time.

And since no detail is left to chance, the exercise in style has continued right the way through to the end of the strap, whose pin buckle in 18K 3N yellow gold (the same alloy as the original model) was also produced in the Vacheron Constantin workshop.

A tribute to the art of wearing a watch in 1921

Because it retains all the original properties of the original American 1921, this unique, identically recreated timepiece reflects a historian’s approach.

It subtly mirrors the social and cultural context of the 1920s, the effervescence and the wind of freedom blowing across the United States and Europe at the dawn of the Roaring Twenties. Its distinctive design illustrates the stylistic creativity of Vacheron Constantin which revelled in expressing its “classic with a twist” style through multiple case shapes.

It also tells the story of the early days when the wristwatch began to become more widespread. At that time, men’s wristwatches were only just beginning to take precedence over pocket watches, until then regarded as more robust and accurate. Despite the considerable progress made by watch manufacturers in terms of movements’ resistance, reliability and miniaturisation, water-resistance requirements as we understand them today were not yet a reality. Choosing to wear time on the wrist thus meant exposing the watch to more risks in terms of shocks and external aggressions such as dust, humidity or water. In order to avoid any possible damage, watch owners took numerous precautions, notably including placing their wristwatch on the edge of the washbasin when they washed their hands. The watch was regarded as a life companion that was taken care of and had to be wound every day by hand.



Enriched by a heritage based on the transmission of watchmaking expertise and stylistic research through generations of master artisans, Vacheron Constantin continues to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the American 1921 by recreating this emblematic model from scratch. From the 11-ligne Calibre Nouveau to the gold case along with the decorations and exterior components, the American 1921 Pièce unique watch reproduces the original properties of its ancestor created a century ago. This highly complex and unprecedented process involved the most experienced watchmakers in the Restoration workshop and the Vacheron Constantin Heritage team, who spent a year reviving old tools and forgotten know-how in the course of a passionately exciting human and technical adventure. The result is an exceptional one-of-a-kind timepiece, a symbol of the Maison’s attachment to its heritage and to the continuous enrichment of traditional know-how.


American 1921 Pièce unique

Reference 1921H/000J-B949

Developed and crafted by Vacheron Constantin Mechanical, manual-winding
24.8 mm (11‘’’) diameter, 4.31 mm thick
Approximately 30 hours of power reserve
2.5 Hz (18,000 vibrations/hour)
115 components
16 jewels

Hours, minutes
Small seconds

18K 3N yellow gold, same alloy as the 1921 original timepiece
Hand-crafted in the Vacheron Constantin restoration workshop
31 mm in diameter, 8.75 mm thick

White, Grand Feu enamel
Blued steel open-tipped hands – blued in our workshops

Brown calf leather, hand-sewn, tone-to-tone stitching, Calf lining

18K 3N yellow gold pin buckle, same alloy as the 1921 original timepiece

Hand-crafted in the Vacheron Constantin restoration workshop



Le Brassus, – Swiss Haute Horlogerie Manufacturer Audemars Piguet presents its Only Watch unique piece 2019: the two-tone Code 11.59 by Audemars Piguet Tourbillon Openworked.


The unique model’s two-tone case emphasizes the architectural complexity of Code 11.59 by Audemars Piguet. Its 18-carat pink gold octagonal middle case subtly contrasts with the 18-carat white gold extra-thin bezel, lugs and caseback. Satin-brushed, bevelled and polished, the bezel, lugs and case present refined finishing techniques usually found on calibres. The caseback is engraved with “Unique Piece.”



This watch houses a hand-wound tourbillon openworked movement, calibre 2948. Its rhodium-toned openworked plate, finished with vertical traits-tirés, is enhanced by pink gold-toned titanium tourbillon and barrel bridges with polished rhodium-toned angles. Echoing the two-tone colour of the case, the decoration of this movement amplifies the watch’s multi-tiered construction. With 70 hand-polished angles, the hand finishing on this movement pushes the openworking art to new heights.

The opaline silver-toned white gold inner bezel nicely frames the openworked movement and accentuates the extra-thinness of the watch’s bezel, barely visible around the dial. The long 18-carat pink gold hands add yet another subtle touch of colour.



This unique model comes with a black alligator strap, which further highlights the refinement and artistry of the watch’s case and movement.
François-Henry Bennahmias, Audemars Piguet Chief Executive Officer, rejoices over Audemars Piguet’s participation in this event: “We are proud to contribute to this charity auction once more and help advance scientific and medical research.”

Code 11.59 by Audemars Piguet Tourbillon Openworked // 41mm
Tourbillon, hours and minute.
18-carat pink gold case, 18-carat white gold bezel, lugs and caseback, glareproofed sapphire crystal and caseback, water-resistant to 30m.
Opaline silver-toned 18-carat white gold inner bezel, openworked, 18-carat pink gold hands.
Hand-stitched “large square scale” black alligator strap with 18-carat white gold folding clasp.
Hand-wound Manufacture calibre 2948
Total diameter: 31.65 mm (14 lignes)
Total thickness: 4.97 mm
Number of parts: 196
Number of jewels: 19
Minimal guaranteed power reserve: 80 h
Frequency of balance wheel: 3 Hz (21,600 vibrations/hour)
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About Audemars Piguet

Audemars Piguet is the oldest fine watchmaking manufacturer still in the hands of its founding families (Audemars and Piguet). Since 1875, the company has written some of the finest chapters in the history of Haute Horlogerie, including a number of world firsts. In the Vallée de Joux, at the heart of the Swiss Jura, numerous masterpieces are created in limited series embodying a remarkable degree of horological perfection, including daring sporty models, classic and traditional timepieces, splendid ladies’ jewellery-watches, as well as one-of-a-kind creations. www.audemarspiguet.com
©Audemars Piguet 2019


“Hasta que uno haya amado a un animal, una parte del alma no está despierta”. Empujando los límites de la forma y la forma, la colección ANIMAGIC de Matteo es una celebración de las formas de animales con un diseño andromorfo. Una extraña mezcla de humor, lujo y utilidad, estas piezas van más allá de ser muebles: son objetos mágicos, escultóricos, casi reales, que te hacen sonreír cada vez que los miras.



Esplendor Escarlata – Animagic

Enclavadas en algún lugar de la tierra de fantasía entre Willy Wonka y Alicia en el país de las maravillas, estas lujosas piezas de diseño te dejarán boquiabierto. Conoce a Scarlet Splendor.

Scarlet Splendor: la primera vez que usamos el nombre de la empresa, que describe exactamente quiénes son, como el título de un artículo. Los colores cálidos de la India, las estrellas calientes de la pantalla plateada y el esplendor que todo esto evoca. Agregue una gran cantidad de humor, las extraordinarias habilidades de diseño de sus fundadores, la artesanía india y lo mejor de lo que Italia ofrece al mundo del diseño internacional de muebles, y el éxito es casi un hecho.

Casi, pero no del todo. Al igual que una comida preparada por un chef superior, todos los ingredientes deben medirse y ubicarse exactamente en los lugares correctos y, por supuesto, un elemento clave es el espíritu empresarial. Los hermanos Ashish Bajoria y Suman Kanodia estrenaron su primera colección de 15 piezas, titulada Vanilla Noir, durante la Semana del Diseño de Milán en 2015, rindiendo homenaje a la era de las películas mudas con su ironía desenfadada y su profundidad subyacente en blanco y negro, y Lo logró con solo tres meses de preparación. No es de extrañar entonces que esta marca con sede en Calcuta se haya expandido tan rápidamente.

Más de 50 viajes a varias ciudades y regiones italianas más tarde, los fundadores se dieron cuenta de que unir el diseño europeo y la artesanía india es lo que crea el tipo de sinergia nunca antes vista que buscaban. Scarlet Splendor trasciende con éxito las fronteras geográficas mientras se mantiene fiel a su misión: preservar las tradiciones artesanales de la India y abrirlas al resto del mundo a través del mejor diseño internacional.

Above: The Ciuco Cabinet by Matteo Cibic is a decadent conversation piece.

Las piezas, cuyo diseño se vincula principalmente con la India, están principalmente en los colores y ciertos detalles de diseño del conjunto, vuelan entre el surrealismo, el absurdo, el Art Deco, las obras lúdicas de artistas como Barry Flanagan y Jeff Koons, y no menos importante, el funcionalismo, aunque en tiempo, tal vez, ellos mismos se convertirán en un “ismo”.

Cada pieza es sorprendente: “Para nosotros, el drama se trata de destacar y crear impacto”, y cada una ha sido diseñada por los fundadores o sus colaboradores de primer nivel y realizada con los más altos estándares de artesanía india. Cada uno también tiene un elemento de diversión, desde las cabezas y las orejas de los conejos en los gabinetes de bebidas bastante sobrios hasta las formas escandalosas, las puertas y otros detalles. Ver su gabinete Madame Verdoux de la colección Vanilla Noir, por ejemplo, es reírse ante lo absurdo de una botella de agua de dos metros de altura y observar el pasado colonial de la India. Ver las patas de araña en sus piezas de Nika Zupanc, que parecen flotar sobre el piso, es darse cuenta del genio del diseño de muebles de la década de 1950, y ver el gabinete 88 Secrets Bar es saber que estas personas tienen un gran respeto por el Arte. Periodo de deco. En pocas palabras, ellos saben lo que hacen.

Above: Siblings Ashish Bajoria and Suman Kanodia

UDesign habló con Ashish Bajoria poco después del lanzamiento de la última colección de la marca, que reúne a diseñadores de Italia, Eslovenia y Holanda.

El lema de su empresa es “Artesanía, drama y lujo”. ¿Dónde encaja el drama?

Cada producto está hecho a mano, cada uno es una pieza de lujo, y cada uno es dramático y maximalista también. Sabemos que crea un cierto drama en el espacio que lo rodea, donde sea que esté. Para nosotros, el drama se trata de destacar y crear impacto. No quiero llamarlos piezas de declaración, pero de hecho son dramáticas.