Tag Archive for: Pixel Cabinet

Thinking about redecorating your luxury house? It’s time to upgrade your home decor with Dubai‘s Most Wanted Modern Furniture Pieces of 2022. These exquisite designs will leave every guest mesmerized, and mostly yourself! Sometimes, one incredible piece is all you need to set the mood. Today, Inspiration And Ideas takes you on a tour through the most coveted design!

1. Lapiaz Sideboard

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

The Lapiaz Sideboard is a Modern Furniture piece born from the cold and freshly cracked to show off the world its rich, golden details. This contemporary sideboard is an exclusive piece designed to enrich your entrywayliving room, or even home office since its exceptional design awakens your passion while presenting unmatched versatility.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

2. Lapiaz Center Table

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

The Lapiaz Center Table is one of the latest projects developed by Boca do LoboLapiaz was the inspiration for this Modern Furniture piece. The french word is the name given to the typical karst formations produced by the surface dissolution of limestone or dolomite rocks. It can also be caused by freezing and thawing in cold climates. This is how the Lapiaz luxury coffee table emerged.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

3. Navarra Center Table

The design of Navarra center table captures unique Spanish warmth and the finest craftsmanship. An exclusive marble modern furniture piece and a polished choice for your home interiors, Navarra will bring a unique flair into your luxury living room.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

4. Glance Mirror

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

With order being the pleasure of the reason, the disorder is the delight of emotions. What seems confused and cluttered can, at a glance, acquire a new meaning capable of inspiring and charming us. The Glance Mirror tells a story about the crossroads of life and the reason for the chaos.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

5. Symphony Sideboard

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

The Symphony Sideboard is handmade by experienced craftsmen, each with different specialities, from metal work to wood carving. It features a cluster of polished brass tubes enveloping an exotic wood structure, creating a harmonious artful juxtaposition to the rhythm of the pipes.

6. Pixel Cabinet

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Iconic and unparalleled, the Pixel Cabinet by Boca Do Lobo presents a ground-breaking modern furniture design. Made out of 1088 triangles, the upper part of the Pixel Cabinet plays with perception and combines exceptional materials with multicolored compositions to give the cabinet a unique, striking design: handmade leaf gilding triangles, 10 different types of wood leaves from palisander to African walnut veneer, and acquiring.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

7. Metamorphosis Dining Table

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Metamorphosis Dining Table embodies handmade techniques such as wood carving, metal cutting, and hammering, and polishing, executed by some of the best craftsmen in Portugal. A modern furniture piece for those who have a peculiar taste for limited edition pieces and conceptual designs.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022
Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

8. Imperfectio Sofa

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Imperfectio is a modern furniture piece that praises artisanal work as the ultimate form of art that is quite intentionally imperfect; an appeal to the art which is truer to life. Part of the Imperfectio collection, it presents the most functional yet exclusive design.

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

Modern Furniture: Dubai's 8 Most Wanted Pieces of 2022

New York is irreverent. The city that doesn’t sleep has groundbreaking architecture and a very strong cultural scene that influences its aesthetics. From mid-century to contemporary, design is very much present in every corner of the city. This curated selection represents some of the favorite luxury furniture pieces by Boca do Lobo in New York. Very much like the city, they are bold and it is impossible to be indifferent to their flair.

Glance Mirror

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

The Glance Mirror tells a story about how a bit of chaos can still be harmonious, very much like the city of New York. The concept of a defragmented statement mirror brings out its noblest gold backdrop meticulously handcrafted from the most skilled goldsmiths. A contemporary furniture piece with a gold accent for luxurious interiors and elegant rooms, from stylish bedrooms to upscale halls or living rooms. The unique beauty of this round mirror comes from daring to risk and challenge conventional design through the finest craftsmanship. Both New York and the Glance Mirror are groundbreaking, which is why it made it to our luxury furniture pieces curated selection.

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

Imperfectio Sofa

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

This luxury furniture piece is about finding beauty in something flawed. The Imperfectio Sofa is the expression of imperfect aesthetic, the appeal of that which is authentic. It praises artisanal work and its irregularities and flaws over the manual hammered brass expose the beauty of imperfection. Some parts are roughly asymmetrical at the surface yet comfortable and smooth, a beautiful and functional choice to elevate your living room.

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

Supernova Chandelier

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

Supernova Chandelier was born from the cataclysmic explosion of a massive star. Supernovas can briefly outshine entire galaxies and radiate more energy than our sun will in its entire lifetime. The suspended brass particles of Supernova Chandelier will offer you a timeless, brightest, and magnificent setting. This piece is an ode to contemporary design and craftsmanship and will elevate any room!

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

Lapiaz Center Table

Imagine a frozen stone freshly cracked to show the entire world a rich, golden interior. The polished brass details and mirrored sides attribute this luxury design artwork an artic yet comfy and warm beauty. A luxury furniture piece for the most exclusive interiors!

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

Pixel Cabinet

The Pixel is the epitome of luxury furniture! Made from 1088 triangles, the upper part of the cabinet plays with perception and combines exceptional materials with multicolored compositions to give it a unique, striking design: handmade leaf gilding triangles, 10 different types of wood leaves from palisander to African walnut veneer, and lacquering. This bespoke furniture piece carries the dedication and art of those who built it, a variety of traditional production techniques to craft an avant-garde cabinet that is authentic, joyful and a perfect match for the digital age. Its playful character is captured in shape and color palette, challenging design, and finest craftsmanship.

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

Lapiaz Sideboard

Lapiaz Sideboard takes exceptional craftsmanship and design to a new realm. Finding beauty in the most unexpected places, this contemporary design piece is inspired by authentic karst formations. This luxury furniture piece is a functional artwork piece born from cold and freshly cracked to show off the world rich, golden details.

Navarra Center Table

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

The design of Navarra Center Table captures unique Spanish warmth and finest craftsmanship. The rich color background set off by thick and thin veins alike carries the eyes to the top of this table, framed by brass. This luxury furniture piece will bring an elegant flair into your home decoration, with its contemporary design, the center table is composed by two square marble modules, linked by an organic marble surface element on top enveloped by casted brass. An exclusive luxury furniture piece and polished choice for your modern home.

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

Hera Round II Suspension Lamp

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

Hera, the Greek goddess, represents the blossom of a golden new era full of life and inspiring beauty. Defined by strong and emotional paths filled with intricate details, this mythological entity is the magical inspiration behind this lighting piece. Modeled to resemble the features of a round golden branch, with two different tiers with pendant lights hanging from a round structure, this suspension lamp is what you need to elevate your luxury home. Handmade from cast brass, this chandelier has an organic shape and intricate contemporary details to create an adjustable arrangement in a harmonious ensemble.

New York’s Favorite Bespoke Furniture Pieces

Did you enjoy our New York’s Favorite Luxury Furniture Pieces curated selection?

El diseño interior exclusivo de lujo que te hará soñar

Cualquier casa necesita tener un diseño interior exclusivo para que pueda alegrar tus días y convertir tu hogar en una casa elegante y con encanto.

Venice Mirror

Este exclusivo espejo de pared le llevará a la realeza a su propia casa encantadora. Añadiendo un aspecto de lujo a cualquier pared y aportando el exclusivo diseño interior.

Glance Mirror

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Glance Mirror

Si quieres conseguir el mejor interiorismo exclusivo vas a necesitar este mueble de lujo, con un diseño creativo y un color deslumbrante, que puede combinar con cualquier pieza Lapiaz o incluso con las sillas Nº11. Representando tan bien la mejor artesanía.

Fortuna Dining Table

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Fortuna Table

Esta magnífica mesa de comedor agregará valor a su hogar único, con los detalles dorados que llaman al estado de lujo y la sofisticación, que realzarán su comedor o incluso su oficina. La exclusiva superficie de latón dorado encajará perfectamente con cualquiera.

Newton Suspension Lamp

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Newton Lamp

Este candelabro único y elegante es el complemento perfecto para una habitación dorada y es muy fácil tener una habitación dorada, con la pieza de Boca do Lobo llena de lujo para agregar a su exquisita casa.

interior design miami

Piccadilly Mirror

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Piccadilly Mirror

Este espejo exclusivo y elegante es una pieza que representa tan bien el asombroso trabajo de Boca do Lobo, agregar esta pieza a su hogar va a agregar el diseño interior exclusivo.

Diamond Sideboard

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Diamond Sideboard

¿Quién no ama los diamantes? Es imposible no dejarse hipnotizar por ellos. Esta exquisita pieza llamada Diamante con el diseño exclusivo, con diferentes colores y personalización es la pieza que convertirá cualquier casa sencilla en un diseño interior exclusivo.

Monochrome Sideboard

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Monocrhome Sideboard

¡El diseño exclusivo de esta pieza dejará una primera impresión espectacular! La creatividad mezclada con el lujo es siempre la respuesta correcta.

Pixel Cabinet

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Pixel cabinet

Nada es más colorido y elegante que esta pieza, este gabinete agregará tanta vida a su exclusivo diseño interior.

Symphony Sideboard

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Symphony Sideboard

El aparador Symphony es un mueble que aporta todo el lujo y la paz, representando la perfección. Para el diseño interior exclusivo, sueña con que puede agregar el espejo de filigrana a juego con el diseño elegante.

Heritage Sideboard

The Exclusive Interior Design That Will Make You Dream | Heritage Sideboard

Esta obra de arte tradicional es perfecta para cualquier habitación, donde agregar los muebles perfectos lo cambiará todo.

Quédate con Boca do Lobo para inspirarte en diseños de interiores exclusivos

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