Tag Archive for: Porsche

The beauty of imperfection: Daniel Arsham’s 356 Bonsai

The beauty of imperfection: Daniel Arsham’s 356 Bonsai

In his latest project, Daniel Arsham bows down before Japanese craftsmanship: it is based on his 1955 Porsche 356 Speedster, the American artist has reconceived the nearly 70-year-old sports car – laying bare the raw materials that make up the car and embracing the rich history of the vehicle through the Japanese aesthetic concept, Wabi Sabi.

Over the span of two years, Arsham took steps to reveal the vehicle’s age and wear, leaning into the car’s production history, inspired by Arsham’s reverence towards Japanese culture and its many specialized craftspeople. The acceptance of ‘imperfection’ and finding peace in the natural processes of time come through in both the stripped-down raw metal exterior and the indigo-dyed interior of the 356 Bonsai.

For the exterior of the 356, Arsham has stripped all of the paint from the car, removing the original finish and years of restorations, revealing all of the welds, pit marks, and natural wear over the course of time. Now, only a layer of linseed oil protects the raw metal from the elements, in accordance with original Japanese manufacturing processes. On the rear engine grille of the vehicle, Arsham has added a patinated bronze relief in the shape of a Bonsai tree. However, the patinated exterior does not stop at the body, as the artist also found all-original well-worn components for the rest of the exterior – from the headlight covers to the vintage license plate.

Though the exterior of the car may appear worn, the 356 Bonsai is fully drivable, with all components related to function, including the original numbered engine, having been restored to off-the-factory-floor level. For the technical works, Arsham collaborated with Willhoit Auto Restoration and the Bridgehampton Motoring Club.

“The 356 sits in such an interesting position within the Porsche catalog as the starting point for the heritage brand,” says Arsham. “The nearly 70-year-old vehicle contains the roots of the modern Porsche brand that we know and love in the purest form.”

Textiles rich in tradition and old processing techniques

Arsham ruminates, “Throughout my career, I have looked to Japan as a source of inspiration for their love and dedication to craft. These sensibilities were the base for the Bonsai 356. We produced all textiles in Japan using traditional craftsmen.”

For the interior of the vehicle, the artist worked alongside Japanese fashion designers Motofumi ‘Poggy’ Kogi and Yutaka Fujihara to outfit the complete interior with traditional Japanese fabrics from boro patchwork to Japanese selvedge denim. For the driver and passenger seat, along with the boot cover, these are made of indigo-dyed boro patchwork textiles. Originally, this Japanese mending technique was used to extend the quality and durability of garments, embracing the natural wear and tear of local workwear. Alongside the boro, Arsham added more indigo-dyed cotton fabric punctuated with sashiko-stitched lines on the door trim and edge of the seats. As the final fabric, Arsham and team produced a Japanese denim to upholster the roof, covering the car’s interior. These three fabrics come together to enhance the Wabi Sabi influence on the car as a whole – selectively choosing materials that are intended to progress with use and age.

In the trunk, a Japanese tatami mat sits under the spare wheel in the luggage compartment. Made of rice straw, these mats are a classic element of Japanese architecture, and are usually fitted as a floor covering in living areas. The connection between the car interior and home architecture is a detail that nods to the artist’s admiration of omotenashi, like wabi-sabi, better experienced than explained: warmth and the welcoming of guests into a household.

About Daniel Arsham

Daniel Arsham was born on 8 September 1980, in Cleveland, Ohio and raised in Miami, Florida. As an iconic artist of our time, Arsham breathes new life into the everyday, experimenting structurally to connect past, present and future in unexpected forms. His work is distinguished by subtle changes, in particular when he amalgamates objects in order to transform familiar structures. The 356 Bonsai is Arsham’s third project involving a car from the Zuffenhausen-based sports car manufacturer. Porsche Japan plans to exhibit the 356 Bonsai in Tokyo at the end of the year.

Debut for the newest generation of the Porsche 911 GT3 R

Debut de la nueva generación del Porsche 911 GT3 R

El nuevo Porsche 911 GT3 R se presentará al público en las 24 Horas de Spa-Francorchamps de este año. Comenzando con la Rolex 24 At Daytona, los equipos de clientes de Porsche pueden promocionar el nuevo vehículo de carreras en eventos de automovilismo en todo el mundo que se adhieren a las regulaciones de GT3. El vehículo se basa en el último 911 de la generación 992. En comparación con su predecesor, el nuevo 911 GT3 R cuenta con un motor más grande que produce hasta 565 CV (416 kW), un rendimiento aerodinámico más constante y un equilibrio del vehículo optimizado.

Con la última generación del 911 GT3 R, Porsche presenta un nuevo auto de carreras para clientes. El nuevo retador de la serie GT3 en todo el mundo se basa en la actual generación 992 de la icónica plataforma 911 y estará listo para competir a principios de la temporada 2023. El desarrollo comenzó en 2019. Se dio prioridad a mejorar aún más la capacidad de conducción para los conductores con varios conjuntos de habilidades, así como a aprovechar mayores reservas de rendimiento para diferentes clasificaciones de Balance of Performance (BoP). Otro enfoque fue optimizar el manejo del auto de carrera para los equipos y reducir los costos de funcionamiento. Porsche Motorsport ahora ofrece el nuevo 911 GT3 R a los clientes norteamericanos a un precio de $567,210 y extras opcionales. En los Estados Unidos y Canadá, el nuevo corredor solo está disponible a través de Porsche Motorsport North America.

“En América del Norte, GT3 es la categoría superior de las carreras de GT, como pronto lo será en todo el mundo”, comentó Volker Holzmeyer, presidente y director ejecutivo de Porsche Motorsport North America. “Esto hizo que la nueva generación del 911 GT3 R fuera especialmente importante para nuestro mercado. Su desarrollo, que incorpora no solo las lecciones aprendidas de la generación anterior del GT3 R, sino también del monomarca de la Copa GT3 y del 911 RSR, ha hecho que este coche sea muy atractivo para los equipos de nuestros clientes. La capacidad de conducción es muy importante para la amplia gama de conductores que tenemos compitiendo aquí y ese fue el enfoque del modelo 992 911 GT3 R. Ya hemos tenido un gran interés en el automóvil y estamos ansiosos por verlo girar por primera vez. aquí pronto. Después de que la clase GT3 fuera anunciada como una categoría profesional en el Campeonato IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar de América del Norte, el Campeonato Mundial de Resistencia (WEC) de la FIA hará lo mismo. A partir de 2024, los autos de carreras GT3 como el nuevo 911 GT3 R podrán participar en las 24 Horas de Le Mans por primera vez.

“Dimos en el blanco con el predecesor enormemente exitoso. En consecuencia, el listón para su sucesor es alto”, enfatiza Sebastian Golz, Gerente de Proyecto 911 GT3 R en Porsche Motorsport. “Nuestra tarea consistía menos en hacer que el nuevo 911 GT3 R fuera aún más rápido: la clasificación dentro de las ventanas de rendimiento establecidas por el BoP anula rápidamente esta ventaja. Para nosotros, se trataba principalmente de que nuestros clientes pudieran conducir el auto de carreras rápido durante más tiempo. Esto requiere durabilidad y es por eso que nos enfocamos principalmente en mejorar la capacidad de conducción. Esto se refleja en la banda de revoluciones utilizable más amplia del nuevo motor de 4.2 litros, una aerodinámica más estable y constante y menores cargas en los neumáticos traseros, lo que permite que su potencial dure más tiempo”.

Motor basado en el 911 generación 992

En el núcleo del nuevo auto de carreras se encuentra el motor casi estándar basado en el motor 911 de la generación 992. Como en el modelo anterior, se trata de un motor bóxer de seis cilindros refrigerado por agua con tecnología de cuatro válvulas e inyección directa de gasolina. La principal novedad es el desplazamiento. Al igual que el 911 RSR, la capacidad del nuevo 911 GT3 R ha aumentado un cinco por ciento, de 3.997 a 4.194 cc. Esto ha aumentado la potencia máxima del motor a alrededor de 565 HP (416 kW). Sin embargo, lo que es más importante, Porsche ha optimizado la curva de par y potencia en todo el rango de revoluciones. En consecuencia, el nuevo seis cilindros y 4,2 litros se adapta mejor a una gama más amplia de experiencias de conducción.

El seis cilindros de altas revoluciones continúa sin turboalimentación y se sienta en la posición trasera clásica, mejorando así la tracción y el frenado. Sin embargo, se ha inclinado hacia adelante 5,5 grados, creando más espacio para el difusor debajo de la carrocería. Los componentes auxiliares, como el alternador y el compresor del aire acondicionado, se movieron significativamente hacia adelante y hacia abajo en un espacio frente al motor y la caja de cambios, lo que tiene un efecto positivo en el equilibrio de peso del 911 GT3 R. El concurso secuencial de seis velocidades La caja de cambios de malla se deriva del actual auto de carreras 911 GT3 Cup. Las paletas de cambio controlan un actuador de tambor de cambio electrónico que permite cambios de marcha particularmente rápidos y precisos.

Suspensión modificada en muchos detalles.

La suspensión del nuevo 911 GT3 R (muchos detalles de la cual se han modificado) favorece la facilidad de conducción, permite una dirección más precisa, garantiza un menor desgaste de los neumáticos traseros y reduce el tiempo dedicado a los cambios de configuración. Para ello, se tomaron numerosos componentes y soluciones técnicas del 911 RSR. En el eje delantero, un diseño de doble horquilla de última generación controla las ruedas. El eje trasero luce un diseño multibrazo. Los amortiguadores KW se mejoraron aún más y ofrecen cinco configuraciones de ajuste. Las modificaciones de configuración se realizan con las llamadas cuñas. Estas placas permiten ajustes de precisión sin necesidad de volver a alinear la suspensión después, lo que requiere mucho tiempo.


La posición optimizada de los puntos de pivote centrales en el eje delantero libera espacio para el concepto aerodinámico de “carrera bajo el suelo”. Al igual que en el 911 RSR, esta parte inferior de la carrocería elevada permite un flujo de aire limpio hacia el difusor trasero y reduce la sensibilidad de cabeceo del coche de carreras, es decir, una gran inclinación al frenar. Las ruedas traseras se han movido más hacia atrás, lo que amplía la distancia entre ejes de 2459 a 2507 milímetros (8,0 pies a 8,22 pies). Esto también reduce la carga sobre los neumáticos traseros y mejora la consistencia del rendimiento de los neumáticos en períodos más largos.

Pinzas de freno de competición del especialista AP

Además de las pinzas de freno de carreras monobloque de aluminio, los discos de freno del nuevo 911 GT3 R ahora también son suministrados por la empresa especializada AP. Los discos delanteros de acero ranurados y ventilados internamente miden 390 mm (15,35 pulgadas) de diámetro y son activados por seis pistones. En la parte trasera se montan pinzas de cuatro pistones y discos de 370 mm (14,56 pulgadas). Una sofisticada aplicación de software para el ABS de carreras de quinta generación reduce el desgaste de los neumáticos y los frenos. El sistema de control de tracción de Porsche también recibió un mayor desarrollo.

El nuevo 911 GT3 R es el segundo coche de carreras de Porsche Motorsport basado en el modelo actual 992 911 después del 911 GT3 Cup. Su carrocería liviana con un diseño inteligente compuesto de aluminio y acero se basa en el modelo de producción, aunque con importantes modificaciones para su uso en el 911 GT3 R. Casi todos los paneles de la carrocería están hechos de fibra de carbono liviana, incluidas las tapas delantera y trasera, puertas, laterales paneles, alerón trasero y techo. Los pasos de rueda están hechos de fibras de aramida.

Cuerpo ligero con un diseño compuesto de aluminio y acero

En un vehículo como el nuevo 911 GT3 R, la funcionalidad es clave. Sin embargo, Grant Larson de Style Porsche volvió a tener éxito en la creación de formas particularmente impresionantes y armoniosas. Acentúan la herencia del Porsche 911 y la combinan con una eficiencia sofisticada. En particular, esto se refleja en la aerodinámica. Los puntos clave incluyen una parte inferior elevada por delante del eje delantero, por primera vez junto con una bandeja inferior lisa y un difusor trasero. Esta combinación mejora la carga aerodinámica sin un aumento significativo en la resistencia. El alerón trasero ahora cuenta con una montura de cuello de cisne. Esto asegura un flujo de aire limpio debajo del ala y, por lo tanto, mejora la eficiencia aerodinámica del componente.

El interior del nuevo automóvil continúa con el tema de la eficiencia y la evolución. El asiento se ha movido más cerca del centro del automóvil. Esto permitió a Porsche adaptar de manera óptima la posición más ergonómica del asiento a la jaula antivuelco mejorada y a los nuevos mandatos de protección contra impactos laterales de la FIA. Al igual que en el predecesor, el volante y los pedales se pueden ajustar longitudinalmente para adaptarse al conductor manteniendo un asiento fijo. Los especialistas de Porsche volvieron a examinar de cerca el arnés de seis puntos. Las lengüetas ahora se deslizan aún más rápido en el cierre a través de rampas especiales, ahorrando alrededor de un segundo durante las paradas en boxes para los cambios de conductor. El diseño del volante también recibió más mejoras en el modelo anterior. Incorpora elementos que han demostrado su eficacia en los coches de carreras 911 GT3 Cup y 911 RSR de última generación. La pantalla de 10,3 pulgadas, por ejemplo,

Los faros LED de alto rendimiento del 911 GT3 R se basan en la tecnología de colimador, que Porsche desarrolló para el nuevo prototipo IMSA GTP y WEC LMDh 963, entre otros. Este dispositivo funciona como una lupa, solo que al revés. Ilumina un área particularmente grande de la pista de carreras y es una mejora significativa con respecto al modelo anterior, que había sido considerado líder de su clase. La información detallada sobre el nuevo 911 GT3 R.

Datos técnicos Porsche 911 GT3 R (992) modelo año 2023

Concepto  • Coche de carreras monoplaza para clientes; homologado para la categoría FIA GTE; base de homologación: Porsche 911 GT3 (serie 992).

• Peso base: aprox. 1.250 kg (dependiendo de la clasificación BoP); distancia entre ejes: 2.507 mm.
• Longitud: 4.619 mm; ancho: 2.039 mm (eje delantero) / 2.050 mm (eje trasero).

• Bóxer de seis cilindros refrigerado por agua, montado en la parte trasera; cilindrada 4.194 cc, carrera 81,5 mm, diámetro interior 104,5 mm; revoluciones máx. 9250/min; potencia: aprox. 416 kW (565 CV); tecnología de cuatro válvulas; sistema de mariposa de un solo acelerador; inyección directa de combustible; unidad de control del motor Bosch MS 6.6; lubricación por cárter seco con intercambiador de calor aceite-agua; volante monomasa; sistema de escape de carrera con tubos de escape dobles y convertidor catalítico certificado por DMSB; Calidad del combustible: Superplus sin plomo hasta E20 (mín. 98 octanos).

• Caja de cambios secuencial de malla constante de seis velocidades Porsche; levas de cambio en el volante con actuador de cambio electrónico; diferencial de deslizamiento limitado mecánico con unidad de sistema de precarga ajustable; Embrague de carrera de carbono de tres placas.

• Cuerpo ligero con diseño inteligente compuesto de aluminio y acero; puntos de montaje para dispositivo de elevación, escotilla de rescate extraíble en el techo; jaula antivuelco soldada; homologado para uso como copiloto en circuitos; asiento de competición de carbono de seis tornillos según FIA 8862-2009; arnés de seguridad de seis puntos para uso con HANS®; conjunto de pedales ajustables longitudinalmente y columna de dirección ajustable con sensor de ángulo de dirección; cubierta frontal con sujetadores de liberación rápida integrados, conducto de aire de salida del enfriador y entrada de aire central para la ventilación de la cabina; parachoques delantero ensanchado con borde de alerón; guardabarros con extensiones; moldura trasera con luz de lluvia integrada de acuerdo con FIA; puertas, portón trasero y alerón trasero de fibra de carbono; alerón trasero con soportes de “cuello de cisne”; acristalamiento completamente de policarbonato con revestimiento duro; parabrisas calefactable; sistema de toma de aire de cuatro postes; puntos de montaje de válvulas en ambos lados; Pila de combustible FT3 de 117 litros delante del coche.
• Molduras interiores de fibra de carbono, volante multifuncional de fibra de carbono con acoplamiento de liberación rápida, levas de cambio y pulsadores iluminados; panel táctil digital ergonómico con retroiluminación multicolor; redes de seguridad (centro y lado del conductor) de acuerdo con las últimas normas de seguridad de la FIA; protección integrada contra impactos laterales CFK; asiento del conductor con ventilación de asiento; sistema de extinción de incendios con unidad de disparo electrónico.

• Brazos de control y soportes superiores de aluminio forjado, rigidez optimizada; cojinetes esféricos de alta resistencia con protección contra el polvo; cubos de rueda con cierre centralizado; amortiguadores de carreras ajustables en cinco direcciones, diseño de válvula específico para deportes de motor y función de soplado; ajuste de la suspensión mediante cuñas; barras antivuelco tipo espada ajustables en ambos lados; potenciómetro de recorrido de resorte; sistema de control de presión de neumáticos.

Eje delantero: 
• Eje delantero de doble horquilla, altura de manejo, camber y convergencia ajustables.
• Dirección asistida electrohidráulica.
• Llantas de aleación de una sola pieza, 12,5J x 18, tamaño de neumático 30/68-18.

Eje trasero:
• Suspensión trasera multibrazo, altura de manejo, camber y convergencia ajustables.
• Cardán de competición con bridas trípode.
• Llantas de aleación de una sola pieza, 13,5J x 18, tamaño de neumático 31/71-18.

• Dos circuitos de frenos independientes que incorporan sensores de presión de frenos en los ejes delantero y trasero, distribución de la fuerza de frenado ajustable por el conductor a través del sistema de equilibrio de frenos; pastillas de freno de carreras; conductos de freno optimizados; sensores de temperatura de frenos; Posicionamiento ergonómico del pedal de freno para frenar con el pie izquierdo y derecho.
• ABS de competición Generación 5 de Bosch
• Eje delantero: pinzas de freno de competición monobloque de aluminio de seis pistones muelles de pistón ‘anti-kback’; discos de freno de acero multipieza ventilados internamente de 390 mm x 35,7 mm; cámara de disco de freno de aluminio.
• Eje trasero: pinzas de freno de carreras monobloque de aluminio de cuatro pistones con resortes de pistón ‘anti knock-back’; discos de freno de acero multipiezas de 370 mm x 32,1 mm ventilados internamente; cámara de disco de freno de aluminio.

Sistema eléctrico
• Arquitectura 992 EE Motorsport; nuevo conjunto de herramientas Porsche más fácil de usar con un manejo más optimizado; componentes electrónicos Cosworth de última generación; Unidad de registro de Porsche; Caja de energía Porsche; Pantalla a color Porsche de 10,3 pulgadas con RLU integrado, registro de datos a través de lápiz de EE. UU.; batería LiFePo4 a prueba de fugas de 12 V, 40 Ah en el espacio para los pies del pasajero; alternador de 210 A; panel táctil digital con retroiluminación multicolor; Limpiaparabrisas monobrazo con accionamiento directo (intermitente y continuo).
• faros LED con luces auxiliares integradas; Luces traseras LED más luz de lluvia. Anexos para Registrador de Datos de Accidentes (ADR).

Debut for the newest generation of the Porsche 911 GT3 R

Debut for the newest generation of the Porsche 911 GT3 R

The new Porsche 911 GT3 R will be unveiled to the public at this year’s 24 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps. Beginning with the Rolex 24 At Daytona, Porsche customer teams can campaign the new racing vehicle in worldwide motorsport events that adhere to the GT3 regulations. The vehicle is based on the latest 992-generation 911. Compared to its predecessor, the new 911 GT3 R features a larger engine producing up to 565 HP (416 kW), a more constant aerodynamic performance and an optimized vehicle balance.

With the latest generation of the 911 GT3 R, Porsche unveils a new customer racing car. The new challenger for GT3 series around the world is based on the current 992 generation of the iconic 911 platform and will be ready to race at the beginning of the 2023 season. Development began in 2019. Priority was given to further improving the drivability for drivers with various skillsets, as well as tapping larger performance reserves for different Balance of Performance (BoP) classifications. Another focus was on streamlining the handling of the race car for the teams and reducing the running costs. Porsche Motorsport now offers the new 911 GT3 R to North American customers at a price of $567,210 and optional extras. In the United States and Canada, the new racer is only available through Porsche Motorsport North America.

“In North America, GT3 is the top category of GT racing, as it soon will be around the world,” commented Volker Holzmeyer, president and CEO of Porsche Motorsport North America. “This made the new generation of the 911 GT3 R especially important to our market. Its development, which incorporates not only lessons learned from the previous generation GT3 R but also from the GT3 Cup one-make car as well as the 911 RSR, has made this car very appealing to our customer teams. Drivability is remarkably important to the wide range of drivers that we have competing here and that was a focus of the type 992 911 GT3 R. We have already had overwhelming interest in the car, and we are looking forward to seeing it turn its first wheel here soon.” After the GT3 class was announced as a professional category in the North American IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) will follow suit. Beginning in 2024, GT3 racing cars such as the new 911 GT3 R will be eligible to take part in the 24 Hours of Le Mans for the first time.

“We hit the bull’s eye with the enormously successful predecessor. Accordingly, the bar for its successor is high,” emphasizes Sebastian Golz, 911 GT3 R Project Manager at Porsche Motorsport. “Our task was less about making the new 911 GT3 R even faster – the classification within performance windows set by the BoP quickly cancels out this advantage. For us, it was primarily about our customers being able to drive the racing car fast for longer. This requires durability and that’s why we focused predominantly on improved drivability. This is reflected in the new 4.2-liter engine’s broader usable rev band, more stable and constant aerodynamics and lower loads on the rear tires, which allow their potential to last longer.”

Engine based on the 911 generation 992

At the core of the new racing car is the near-standard engine based on the 992-generation 911 powerplant. Like in the previous model, it is a water-cooled flat-six engine with four-valve technology and direct fuel injection. The main new development is the displacement. Like the 911 RSR, the capacity of the new 911 GT3 R has increased by a five percent from 3,997 to 4,194 cc. This has boosted the engine’s peak output to around 565 HP (416 kW). More importantly, however, Porsche has optimized the torque and power curve across the entire rev range. Consequently, the new 4.2-liter six-cylinder is better suited for a wider range of driver experience.

The high-revving six-cylinder continues without turbocharging and sits in the classic rear position, thus enhancing traction and braking. However, it has been tilted forward by 5.5 degrees, creating more space for the underbody diffuser. Auxiliary components such as the alternator and the air conditioning compressor were moved significantly forward and further down into a space in front of the engine and gearbox, which has a positive effect on the weight balance of the 911 GT3 R. The sequential six-speed contest-mesh gearbox is derived from the current 911 GT3 Cup race car. Shift paddles control an electronic shift drum actuator that enables particularly rapid and precise gear changes.

Suspension modified in many details

The new 911 GT3 R’s suspension – many details of which have been modified – supports driveability, allows more precise steering, ensures less wear on the rear tyres and reduces the time spent on set-up changes. For this, numerous components and technical solutions were taken from the 911 RSR. At the front axle, a state-of-the-art double wishbone layout controls the wheels. The rear axle sports a multi-link design. The KW shock absorbers were further improved and offer five adjustment settings. Set-up modifications are done with so-called shims. These plates enable precision adjustments without the need for the time-consuming re-alignment of the suspension afterward.

The optimized positioning of the central pivot points at the front axle frees space for the aerodynamic “race underfloor” concept. Like in the 911 RSR, this elevated underbody allows for a clean flow of air to the rear diffuser and reduces the pitch sensitivity of the racing car – i.e. a high rake under braking. The rear wheels have been moved further back, which extends the wheelbase from 2,459 to 2,507 millimeters (8.0 feet to 8.22 feet). This also reduces the load on the rear tires and improves the consistency of the tires’ performance over longer stints.

Racing brake callipers by the specialist AP

In addition to the aluminum monobloc racing brake calipers, the brake discs on the new 911 GT3 R are now also supplied by the specialist company AP. The internally vented and slotted front steel discs measure 390 mm (15.35 inches) in diameter and are activated by six pistons. Fitted at the rear are four-piston calipers and discs measuring 370 mm (14.56 inches). A sophisticated software application for the fifth-generation racing ABS reduces wear on the tires and brakes. Porsche’s traction control system also received a further development.

The new 911 GT3 R is the second racing car from Porsche Motorsport to be based on the current type 992 911 after the 911 GT3 Cup. Its lightweight body with an intelligent aluminum-steel composite design draws on the production model, albeit with major modifications for use in the 911 GT3 R. Almost all body panels are made of lightweight carbon fiber, including the front and rear lids, doors, side panels, rear wing and roof. The wheel arches are made of aramid fibers.

Lightweight body with an aluminium-steel composite design

In a vehicle like the new 911 GT3 R, functionality is key. Nevertheless, Grant Larson from Style Porsche again succeeded in creating particularly stunning and harmonious shapes. They accentuate the heritage of the Porsche 911 and blend it with sophisticated efficiency. Most notably, this is reflected in the aerodynamics. The key points include an elevated underbody ahead of the front axle, for the first time in conjunction with a smooth undertray, and a rear diffuser. This combination improves downforce without a significant increase in drag. The rear wing now features a swan-neck mount. This ensures clean airflow under the wing and thus improves the aerodynamic efficiency of the component

The interior of the new car continues the theme of efficiency and evolution. The seat has moved closer to the center of the car. This enabled Porsche to optimally adapt the more ergonomic seat position to the improved roll cage and the newly developed FIA side impact protection mandates. Like in the predecessor, the steering wheel and pedals can be adjusted longitudinally to suit the driver while maintaining a fixed seat mount. Porsche specialists took another close look at the six-point harness. The tongues now slide even faster into the clasp via special ramps – saving about a second during pit stops for driver changes. The steering wheel design also received further upgrades on the previous model. It incorporates elements that have proven themselves in the latest generation 911 GT3 Cup and 911 RSR race cars. The 10.3-inch display, for example, comes from the successful one-make cup racer, with the multi-switch concept adopted from the Le Mans class winner.

The high-performance LED headlights on the 911 GT3 R rely on collimator technology, which Porsche developed for the new IMSA GTP and WEC LMDh 963 prototype, among others. This device works like a magnifying glass, only in reverse. It illuminates a particularly large area of the race track and is a significant improvement on the previous model, which had been regarded as the class leader.Detailed information on the new 911 GT3 R is available on the Porsche website at this link.

Technical data Porsche 911 GT3 R (992) model year 2023

Concept • Single-seater customer race car; homologated for the FIA GTE category; homologation basis: Porsche 911 GT3 (992 series).

• Base weight: ca. 1,250 kg (depending of BoP classification); wheelbase: 2,507 mm.
• Length: 4,619 mm; width: 2,039 mm (front axle) / 2,050 mm (rear axle).

• Water-cooled six-cylinder boxer, rear-mounted; capacity 4,194 cc, stroke 81.5 mm, bore 104.5 mm; max rpm 9,250/min; power: ca. 416 kW (565 PS); four-valve technology; single throttle butterfly system; direct fuel injection; engine control unit Bosch MS 6.6; dry sump lubrication with oil-water heat exchanger; single mass flywheel; race exhaust system with twin tailpipes and DMSB certified catalytic converter; fuel quality: Superplus unleaded to E20 (min. 98 octane).

• Porsche six-speed sequential constant-mesh gearbox; shift paddles on the steering wheel with electronic shift actuator; mechanical limited slip differential with adjustable preload system unit; three-plate carbon race clutch.

• Lightweight body featuring intelligent aluminium-steel composite design; mounting points for lifting device, removable rescue hatch in the roof; welded-in roll cage; approved for co-driver use on circuits; six-bolt carbon racing seat pursuant to FIA 8862-2009; six-point safety harness for use with HANS®; longitudinally adjustable pedal assembly and adjustable steering column with steering angle senor; front cover with integrated quick-release fasteners, cooler exit-air duct and central air intake for cockpit ventilation; widened front bumper with spoiler lip; fenders with extensions; rear trim with integrated rain light in accordance with FIA; doors, carbon-fibre rear lid and rear wing; rear wing with “swan neck” mounts; fully polycarbonate glazing with hard coating; heated windscreen; four-post air jack system; valve mounting points on either side; 117-litre FT3 fuel cell in front of the car.
• Carbon-fibre interior trim, multifunctional carbon-fibre steering wheel with quick release coupling, shift paddles and illuminated push buttons; ergonomic digital touch panel with multi-color backlighting; safety nets (center and driver’s side) in accordance with latest FIA safety regulations; integrated CFK side impact protection; drivers’ seat with seat ventilation; fire extinguishing system with electronic release unit.

• Forged aluminium control arms and top mounts, stiffness optimised; highy-duty spherical bearings with dust protection; wheel hubs with central locking; five-way adjustable racing shock absorbers, motorsport-specific valve design and blow-off function; suspension adjustment via shims; sword-type anti-roll bars adjustable on both sides; spring travel potentiometer; tyre pressure monitoring system.

Front axle: 
• Double wishbone front axle, adjustable ride height, camber and toe.
• Electro-hydraulic power steering.
• Single-piece alloy rims, 12.5J x 18, tyre size 30/68-18.

Rear axle:
• Multilink rear suspension, adjustable ride height, camber and toe.
• Racing driveshaft with tripod flanges.
• Single-piece alloy rims, 13.5J x 18, tyre size 31/71-18.

• Two independent brake circuits incorporating front and rear axle brake pressure sensors, driver adjustable brake-force distribution via brake balance system; racing brake pads; optimised brake ducting; brake temperature sensors; ergonomic brake pedal positioning for left and right foot braking.
• Generation 5 racing ABS from Bosch
• Front axle: Six-piston aluminum monobloc racing brake callipers ‘anti knock-back’ piston springs; internally vented multi-piece 390 mm x 35.7 mm steel brake discs; aluminium brake disc chamber.
• Rear axle: Four-piston aluminum monobloc racing brake callipers with ‘anti knock-back’ piston springs; internally ventilated multi-piece 370 mm x 32.1 mm steel brake discs; aluminium brake disc chamber.

Electrical system
• 992 EE Motorsport architecture; new easier-to-use Porsche toolset with more streamlined handling; latest generation Cosworth electronic components; Porsche Logger Unit; Porsche power box; 10.3-inch Porsche colour display with integrated RLU, data recording via USA stick; leak-proof LiFePo4 battery 12V, 40 Ah in the passenger footwell; 210 A alternator; digital touch panel with multi-colour backlighting; single-arm windscreen wiper with direct drive (intermittent and continuous).
• LED headlights with integrated auxiliary lights; LED taillights plus rain light. Attachments for Accident Data Recorder (ADR).

Debut for the newest generation of the Porsche 911 GT3 R

Debut for the newest generation of the Porsche 911 GT3 R

The new Porsche 911 GT3 R will be unveiled to the public at this year’s 24 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps. Beginning with the Rolex 24 At Daytona, Porsche customer teams can campaign the new racing vehicle in worldwide motorsport events that adhere to the GT3 regulations. The vehicle is based on the latest 992-generation 911. Compared to its predecessor, the new 911 GT3 R features a larger engine producing up to 565 HP (416 kW), a more constant aerodynamic performance and an optimized vehicle balance.

With the latest generation of the 911 GT3 R, Porsche unveils a new customer racing car. The new challenger for GT3 series around the world is based on the current 992 generation of the iconic 911 platform and will be ready to race at the beginning of the 2023 season. Development began in 2019. Priority was given to further improving the drivability for drivers with various skillsets, as well as tapping larger performance reserves for different Balance of Performance (BoP) classifications. Another focus was on streamlining the handling of the race car for the teams and reducing the running costs. Porsche Motorsport now offers the new 911 GT3 R to North American customers at a price of $567,210 and optional extras. In the United States and Canada, the new racer is only available through Porsche Motorsport North America.

“In North America, GT3 is the top category of GT racing, as it soon will be around the world,” commented Volker Holzmeyer, president and CEO of Porsche Motorsport North America. “This made the new generation of the 911 GT3 R especially important to our market. Its development, which incorporates not only lessons learned from the previous generation GT3 R but also from the GT3 Cup one-make car as well as the 911 RSR, has made this car very appealing to our customer teams. Drivability is remarkably important to the wide range of drivers that we have competing here and that was a focus of the type 992 911 GT3 R. We have already had overwhelming interest in the car, and we are looking forward to seeing it turn its first wheel here soon.” After the GT3 class was announced as a professional category in the North American IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) will follow suit. Beginning in 2024, GT3 racing cars such as the new 911 GT3 R will be eligible to take part in the 24 Hours of Le Mans for the first time.

“We hit the bull’s eye with the enormously successful predecessor. Accordingly, the bar for its successor is high,” emphasizes Sebastian Golz, 911 GT3 R Project Manager at Porsche Motorsport. “Our task was less about making the new 911 GT3 R even faster – the classification within performance windows set by the BoP quickly cancels out this advantage. For us, it was primarily about our customers being able to drive the racing car fast for longer. This requires durability and that’s why we focused predominantly on improved drivability. This is reflected in the new 4.2-liter engine’s broader usable rev band, more stable and constant aerodynamics and lower loads on the rear tires, which allow their potential to last longer.”

Engine based on the 911 generation 992

At the core of the new racing car is the near-standard engine based on the 992-generation 911 powerplant. Like in the previous model, it is a water-cooled flat-six engine with four-valve technology and direct fuel injection. The main new development is the displacement. Like the 911 RSR, the capacity of the new 911 GT3 R has increased by a five percent from 3,997 to 4,194 cc. This has boosted the engine’s peak output to around 565 HP (416 kW). More importantly, however, Porsche has optimized the torque and power curve across the entire rev range. Consequently, the new 4.2-liter six-cylinder is better suited for a wider range of driver experience.

The high-revving six-cylinder continues without turbocharging and sits in the classic rear position, thus enhancing traction and braking. However, it has been tilted forward by 5.5 degrees, creating more space for the underbody diffuser. Auxiliary components such as the alternator and the air conditioning compressor were moved significantly forward and further down into a space in front of the engine and gearbox, which has a positive effect on the weight balance of the 911 GT3 R. The sequential six-speed contest-mesh gearbox is derived from the current 911 GT3 Cup race car. Shift paddles control an electronic shift drum actuator that enables particularly rapid and precise gear changes.

Suspension modified in many details

The new 911 GT3 R’s suspension – many details of which have been modified – supports driveability, allows more precise steering, ensures less wear on the rear tyres and reduces the time spent on set-up changes. For this, numerous components and technical solutions were taken from the 911 RSR. At the front axle, a state-of-the-art double wishbone layout controls the wheels. The rear axle sports a multi-link design. The KW shock absorbers were further improved and offer five adjustment settings. Set-up modifications are done with so-called shims. These plates enable precision adjustments without the need for the time-consuming re-alignment of the suspension afterward.

The optimized positioning of the central pivot points at the front axle frees space for the aerodynamic “race underfloor” concept. Like in the 911 RSR, this elevated underbody allows for a clean flow of air to the rear diffuser and reduces the pitch sensitivity of the racing car – i.e. a high rake under braking. The rear wheels have been moved further back, which extends the wheelbase from 2,459 to 2,507 millimeters (8.0 feet to 8.22 feet). This also reduces the load on the rear tires and improves the consistency of the tires’ performance over longer stints.

Racing brake callipers by the specialist AP

In addition to the aluminum monobloc racing brake calipers, the brake discs on the new 911 GT3 R are now also supplied by the specialist company AP. The internally vented and slotted front steel discs measure 390 mm (15.35 inches) in diameter and are activated by six pistons. Fitted at the rear are four-piston calipers and discs measuring 370 mm (14.56 inches). A sophisticated software application for the fifth-generation racing ABS reduces wear on the tires and brakes. Porsche’s traction control system also received a further development.

The new 911 GT3 R is the second racing car from Porsche Motorsport to be based on the current type 992 911 after the 911 GT3 Cup. Its lightweight body with an intelligent aluminum-steel composite design draws on the production model, albeit with major modifications for use in the 911 GT3 R. Almost all body panels are made of lightweight carbon fiber, including the front and rear lids, doors, side panels, rear wing and roof. The wheel arches are made of aramid fibers.

Lightweight body with an aluminium-steel composite design

In a vehicle like the new 911 GT3 R, functionality is key. Nevertheless, Grant Larson from Style Porsche again succeeded in creating particularly stunning and harmonious shapes. They accentuate the heritage of the Porsche 911 and blend it with sophisticated efficiency. Most notably, this is reflected in the aerodynamics. The key points include an elevated underbody ahead of the front axle, for the first time in conjunction with a smooth undertray, and a rear diffuser. This combination improves downforce without a significant increase in drag. The rear wing now features a swan-neck mount. This ensures clean airflow under the wing and thus improves the aerodynamic efficiency of the component

The interior of the new car continues the theme of efficiency and evolution. The seat has moved closer to the center of the car. This enabled Porsche to optimally adapt the more ergonomic seat position to the improved roll cage and the newly developed FIA side impact protection mandates. Like in the predecessor, the steering wheel and pedals can be adjusted longitudinally to suit the driver while maintaining a fixed seat mount. Porsche specialists took another close look at the six-point harness. The tongues now slide even faster into the clasp via special ramps – saving about a second during pit stops for driver changes. The steering wheel design also received further upgrades on the previous model. It incorporates elements that have proven themselves in the latest generation 911 GT3 Cup and 911 RSR race cars. The 10.3-inch display, for example, comes from the successful one-make cup racer, with the multi-switch concept adopted from the Le Mans class winner.

The high-performance LED headlights on the 911 GT3 R rely on collimator technology, which Porsche developed for the new IMSA GTP and WEC LMDh 963 prototype, among others. This device works like a magnifying glass, only in reverse. It illuminates a particularly large area of the race track and is a significant improvement on the previous model, which had been regarded as the class leader.Detailed information on the new 911 GT3 R is available on the Porsche website at this link.

Technical data Porsche 911 GT3 R (992) model year 2023

Concept • Single-seater customer race car; homologated for the FIA GTE category; homologation basis: Porsche 911 GT3 (992 series).

• Base weight: ca. 1,250 kg (depending of BoP classification); wheelbase: 2,507 mm.
• Length: 4,619 mm; width: 2,039 mm (front axle) / 2,050 mm (rear axle).

• Water-cooled six-cylinder boxer, rear-mounted; capacity 4,194 cc, stroke 81.5 mm, bore 104.5 mm; max rpm 9,250/min; power: ca. 416 kW (565 PS); four-valve technology; single throttle butterfly system; direct fuel injection; engine control unit Bosch MS 6.6; dry sump lubrication with oil-water heat exchanger; single mass flywheel; race exhaust system with twin tailpipes and DMSB certified catalytic converter; fuel quality: Superplus unleaded to E20 (min. 98 octane).

• Porsche six-speed sequential constant-mesh gearbox; shift paddles on the steering wheel with electronic shift actuator; mechanical limited slip differential with adjustable preload system unit; three-plate carbon race clutch.

• Lightweight body featuring intelligent aluminium-steel composite design; mounting points for lifting device, removable rescue hatch in the roof; welded-in roll cage; approved for co-driver use on circuits; six-bolt carbon racing seat pursuant to FIA 8862-2009; six-point safety harness for use with HANS®; longitudinally adjustable pedal assembly and adjustable steering column with steering angle senor; front cover with integrated quick-release fasteners, cooler exit-air duct and central air intake for cockpit ventilation; widened front bumper with spoiler lip; fenders with extensions; rear trim with integrated rain light in accordance with FIA; doors, carbon-fibre rear lid and rear wing; rear wing with “swan neck” mounts; fully polycarbonate glazing with hard coating; heated windscreen; four-post air jack system; valve mounting points on either side; 117-litre FT3 fuel cell in front of the car.
• Carbon-fibre interior trim, multifunctional carbon-fibre steering wheel with quick release coupling, shift paddles and illuminated push buttons; ergonomic digital touch panel with multi-color backlighting; safety nets (center and driver’s side) in accordance with latest FIA safety regulations; integrated CFK side impact protection; drivers’ seat with seat ventilation; fire extinguishing system with electronic release unit.

• Forged aluminium control arms and top mounts, stiffness optimised; highy-duty spherical bearings with dust protection; wheel hubs with central locking; five-way adjustable racing shock absorbers, motorsport-specific valve design and blow-off function; suspension adjustment via shims; sword-type anti-roll bars adjustable on both sides; spring travel potentiometer; tyre pressure monitoring system.

Front axle: 
• Double wishbone front axle, adjustable ride height, camber and toe.
• Electro-hydraulic power steering.
• Single-piece alloy rims, 12.5J x 18, tyre size 30/68-18.

Rear axle:
• Multilink rear suspension, adjustable ride height, camber and toe.
• Racing driveshaft with tripod flanges.
• Single-piece alloy rims, 13.5J x 18, tyre size 31/71-18.

• Two independent brake circuits incorporating front and rear axle brake pressure sensors, driver adjustable brake-force distribution via brake balance system; racing brake pads; optimised brake ducting; brake temperature sensors; ergonomic brake pedal positioning for left and right foot braking.
• Generation 5 racing ABS from Bosch
• Front axle: Six-piston aluminum monobloc racing brake callipers ‘anti knock-back’ piston springs; internally vented multi-piece 390 mm x 35.7 mm steel brake discs; aluminium brake disc chamber.
• Rear axle: Four-piston aluminum monobloc racing brake callipers with ‘anti knock-back’ piston springs; internally ventilated multi-piece 370 mm x 32.1 mm steel brake discs; aluminium brake disc chamber.

Electrical system
• 992 EE Motorsport architecture; new easier-to-use Porsche toolset with more streamlined handling; latest generation Cosworth electronic components; Porsche Logger Unit; Porsche power box; 10.3-inch Porsche colour display with integrated RLU, data recording via USA stick; leak-proof LiFePo4 battery 12V, 40 Ah in the passenger footwell; 210 A alternator; digital touch panel with multi-colour backlighting; single-arm windscreen wiper with direct drive (intermittent and continuous).
• LED headlights with integrated auxiliary lights; LED taillights plus rain light. Attachments for Accident Data Recorder (ADR).

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors Brand teams up with Chicago-based Pretty Cool Ice Cream to launch five unforgettable flavors Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors Atlanta/Chicago. Individualization is at the core of Porsche sports cars. Ranging from more than 160 Paint to Sample colors to the Paint to Sample Plus custom colors, along with the traditional color options, the German automaker aspires to fulfill every customer’s wish for their dream Porsche. In honor of National Ice Cream Day on Sunday, July 17, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. today announced the launch of limited-edition ice cream pops inspired by Porsche paint colors that coincidentally could double as ice cream flavors. In collaboration with Pretty Cool Ice Cream, a small-batch creamery based in Chicago, the following five ice cream pops were created with eye-catching packaging to match: Mint Green: a green mint cookies and cream ice cream with a mint green white chocolate shell. Strawberry Red: cream Cheese ice cream dipped in a strawberry red shell. Made with real freeze-dried strawberries. Macadamia Metallic: roasted macadamia ice cream in a sparkling macadamia metallic colored chocolate shell. Frozen Berry Metallic: black raspberry ice cream in a sparkling frozen berry colored Ruby chocolate shell. Lime Gold Metallic: key lime pie ice cream in a sparkling lime gold colored caramel shell. “This has been a fun project and one we hope will evoke a smile, just like the customizable colors available on all of our cars. We genuinely thought there weren’t many things cooler than one of our special colors for your dream Porsche, but this ice cream might just have that beat,” said Ayesha Coker, Vice President of Marketing of Porsche Cars North America. “Pretty Cool Ice Cream has been as meticulous and passionate as we are about getting the color just right – and on top of that they’ve come up with delicious flavors to match. We hope Porsche fans and enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy the ice cream as much as we’ve loved creating it!” “My uncle, 'Targa Dan,' has always had a passion for restoring Porsche cars and has brought over 200 cars back to life over the last 50 years, so I grew up very close to the brand. When Porsche reached out to me to make some custom ice cream inspired by the paint colors, I was thrilled,” said Dana Salls Cree, Owner of Pretty Cool Ice Cream. "Similar to all Porsche sports cars, the ice cream pops are truly a passion project that I couldn’t be more excited to share.” The Pretty Cool Lincoln Park (709 West Belden) location in Chicago will offer the ice cream pops on National Ice Cream Day on July 17. The custom ice cream pops will also be available at select Porsche events later this year. About Pretty Cool Ice Cream Pretty Cool Ice Cream is a small handmade ice cream company in Chicago Illinois by award-winning pastry chef Dana Cree, author of Hello, My Name Is Ice Cream, and celebrated hospitality hero Michael Ciapciak, founder of Bang Bang Pie and Biscuits. Launched in 2018 in the Logan Square neighborhood, Pretty Cool Ice Cream specializes in frozen novelties, like your favorite treats from the ice cream truck, all hand dipped and decorated by our talented team of skilled artisans with the best ingredients we can find. Each item is individually packaged, and we work with local artists to create the art and design for each flavor to achieve an overall look that is as diverse as our windy city. You’ll find our shops filled with ice cream bars, vegan pops, ice pops, and ice cream sandwiches, all hand-dipped and decorated in classic and contemporary flavors. Since 2018, Pretty Cool Ice cream has continued to grow throughout the city of Chicago, opening additional ice cream shops and partnering with restaurants, boutique grocery stores, and events across Chicago. Pretty Cool is available year-round, because Chicago is an all-weather ice cream city! Jade A. Logan

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors

Brand teams up with Chicago-based Pretty Cool Ice Cream to launch five unforgettable flavors

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors Brand teams up with Chicago-based Pretty Cool Ice Cream to launch five unforgettable flavors Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors Atlanta/Chicago. Individualization is at the core of Porsche sports cars. Ranging from more than 160 Paint to Sample colors to the Paint to Sample Plus custom colors, along with the traditional color options, the German automaker aspires to fulfill every customer’s wish for their dream Porsche. In honor of National Ice Cream Day on Sunday, July 17, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. today announced the launch of limited-edition ice cream pops inspired by Porsche paint colors that coincidentally could double as ice cream flavors. In collaboration with Pretty Cool Ice Cream, a small-batch creamery based in Chicago, the following five ice cream pops were created with eye-catching packaging to match: Mint Green: a green mint cookies and cream ice cream with a mint green white chocolate shell. Strawberry Red: cream Cheese ice cream dipped in a strawberry red shell. Made with real freeze-dried strawberries. Macadamia Metallic: roasted macadamia ice cream in a sparkling macadamia metallic colored chocolate shell. Frozen Berry Metallic: black raspberry ice cream in a sparkling frozen berry colored Ruby chocolate shell. Lime Gold Metallic: key lime pie ice cream in a sparkling lime gold colored caramel shell. “This has been a fun project and one we hope will evoke a smile, just like the customizable colors available on all of our cars. We genuinely thought there weren’t many things cooler than one of our special colors for your dream Porsche, but this ice cream might just have that beat,” said Ayesha Coker, Vice President of Marketing of Porsche Cars North America. “Pretty Cool Ice Cream has been as meticulous and passionate as we are about getting the color just right – and on top of that they’ve come up with delicious flavors to match. We hope Porsche fans and enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy the ice cream as much as we’ve loved creating it!” “My uncle, 'Targa Dan,' has always had a passion for restoring Porsche cars and has brought over 200 cars back to life over the last 50 years, so I grew up very close to the brand. When Porsche reached out to me to make some custom ice cream inspired by the paint colors, I was thrilled,” said Dana Salls Cree, Owner of Pretty Cool Ice Cream. "Similar to all Porsche sports cars, the ice cream pops are truly a passion project that I couldn’t be more excited to share.” The Pretty Cool Lincoln Park (709 West Belden) location in Chicago will offer the ice cream pops on National Ice Cream Day on July 17. The custom ice cream pops will also be available at select Porsche events later this year. About Pretty Cool Ice Cream Pretty Cool Ice Cream is a small handmade ice cream company in Chicago Illinois by award-winning pastry chef Dana Cree, author of Hello, My Name Is Ice Cream, and celebrated hospitality hero Michael Ciapciak, founder of Bang Bang Pie and Biscuits. Launched in 2018 in the Logan Square neighborhood, Pretty Cool Ice Cream specializes in frozen novelties, like your favorite treats from the ice cream truck, all hand dipped and decorated by our talented team of skilled artisans with the best ingredients we can find. Each item is individually packaged, and we work with local artists to create the art and design for each flavor to achieve an overall look that is as diverse as our windy city. You’ll find our shops filled with ice cream bars, vegan pops, ice pops, and ice cream sandwiches, all hand-dipped and decorated in classic and contemporary flavors. Since 2018, Pretty Cool Ice cream has continued to grow throughout the city of Chicago, opening additional ice cream shops and partnering with restaurants, boutique grocery stores, and events across Chicago. Pretty Cool is available year-round, because Chicago is an all-weather ice cream city! Jade A. Logan

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors

Atlanta/Chicago. Individualization is at the core of Porsche sports cars. Ranging from more than 160 Paint to Sample colors to the Paint to Sample Plus custom colors, along with the traditional color options, the German automaker aspires to fulfill every customer’s wish for their dream Porsche. In honor of National Ice Cream Day on Sunday, July 17, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. today announced the launch of limited-edition ice cream pops inspired by Porsche paint colors that coincidentally could double as ice cream flavors. In collaboration with Pretty Cool Ice Cream, a small-batch creamery based in Chicago, the following five ice cream pops were created with eye-catching packaging to match:

    • Mint Green: a green mint cookies and cream ice cream with a mint green white chocolate shell.
    • Strawberry Red: cream Cheese ice cream dipped in a strawberry red shell. Made with real freeze-dried strawberries.
    • Macadamia Metallic: roasted macadamia ice cream in a sparkling macadamia metallic colored chocolate shell.
    • Frozen Berry Metallic: black raspberry ice cream in a sparkling frozen berry colored Ruby chocolate shell.
  • Lime Gold Metallic: key lime pie ice cream in a sparkling lime gold colored caramel shell.

“This has been a fun project and one we hope will evoke a smile, just like the customizable colors available on all of our cars. We genuinely thought there weren’t many things cooler than one of our special colors for your dream Porsche, but this ice cream might just have that beat,” said Ayesha Coker, Vice President of Marketing of Porsche Cars North America. “Pretty Cool Ice Cream has been as meticulous and passionate as we are about getting the color just right – and on top of that they’ve come up with delicious flavors to match. We hope Porsche fans and enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy the ice cream as much as we’ve loved creating it!”

“My uncle, ‘Targa Dan,’ has always had a passion for restoring Porsche cars and has brought over 200 cars back to life over the last 50 years, so I grew up very close to the brand. When Porsche reached out to me to make some custom ice cream inspired by the paint colors, I was thrilled,” said Dana Salls Cree, Owner of Pretty Cool Ice Cream. “Similar to all Porsche sports cars, the ice cream pops are truly a passion project that I couldn’t be more excited to share.”

The Pretty Cool Lincoln Park (709 West Belden) location in Chicago will offer the ice cream pops on National Ice Cream Day on July 17. The custom ice cream pops will also be available at select Porsche events later this year.

About Pretty Cool Ice Cream
Pretty Cool Ice Cream is a small handmade ice cream company in Chicago Illinois by award-winning pastry chef Dana Cree, author of Hello, My Name Is Ice Cream, and celebrated hospitality hero Michael Ciapciak, founder of Bang Bang Pie and Biscuits.

Launched in 2018 in the Logan Square neighborhood, Pretty Cool Ice Cream specializes in frozen novelties, like your favorite treats from the ice cream truck, all hand dipped and decorated by our talented team of skilled artisans with the best ingredients we can find. Each item is individually packaged, and we work with local artists to create the art and design for each flavor to achieve an overall look that is as diverse as our windy city.

You’ll find our shops filled with ice cream bars, vegan pops, ice pops, and ice cream sandwiches, all hand-dipped and decorated in classic and contemporary flavors. Since 2018, Pretty Cool Ice cream has continued to grow throughout the city of Chicago, opening additional ice cream shops and partnering with restaurants, boutique grocery stores, and events across Chicago. Pretty Cool is available year-round, because Chicago is an all-weather ice cream city!

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors Brand teams up with Chicago-based Pretty Cool Ice Cream to launch five unforgettable flavors  Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors Atlanta/Chicago. Individualization is at the core of Porsche sports cars. Ranging from more than 160 Paint to Sample colors to the Paint to Sample Plus custom colors, along with the traditional color options, the German automaker aspires to fulfill every customer’s wish for their dream Porsche. In honor of National Ice Cream Day on Sunday, July 17, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. today announced the launch of limited-edition ice cream pops inspired by Porsche paint colors that coincidentally could double as ice cream flavors. In collaboration with Pretty Cool Ice Cream, a small-batch creamery based in Chicago, the following five ice cream pops were created with eye-catching packaging to match:  Mint Green: a green mint cookies and cream ice cream with a mint green white chocolate shell.  Strawberry Red: cream Cheese ice cream dipped in a strawberry red shell. Made with real freeze-dried strawberries. Macadamia Metallic: roasted macadamia ice cream in a sparkling macadamia metallic colored chocolate shell. Frozen Berry Metallic: black raspberry ice cream in a sparkling frozen berry colored Ruby chocolate shell.  Lime Gold Metallic: key lime pie ice cream in a sparkling lime gold colored caramel shell.   “This has been a fun project and one we hope will evoke a smile, just like the customizable colors available on all of our cars. We genuinely thought there weren’t many things cooler than one of our special colors for your dream Porsche, but this ice cream might just have that beat,” said Ayesha Coker, Vice President of Marketing of Porsche Cars North America. “Pretty Cool Ice Cream has been as meticulous and passionate as we are about getting the color just right – and on top of that they’ve come up with delicious flavors to match. We hope Porsche fans and enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy the ice cream as much as we’ve loved creating it!”  “My uncle, 'Targa Dan,' has always had a passion for restoring Porsche cars and has brought over 200 cars back to life over the last 50 years, so I grew up very close to the brand. When Porsche reached out to me to make some custom ice cream inspired by the paint colors, I was thrilled,” said Dana Salls Cree, Owner of Pretty Cool Ice Cream. "Similar to all Porsche sports cars, the ice cream pops are truly a passion project that I couldn’t be more excited to share.”  The Pretty Cool Lincoln Park (709 West Belden) location in Chicago will offer the ice cream pops on National Ice Cream Day on July 17. The custom ice cream pops will also be available at select Porsche events later this year.  About Pretty Cool Ice Cream Pretty Cool Ice Cream is a small handmade ice cream company in Chicago Illinois by award-winning pastry chef Dana Cree, author of Hello, My Name Is Ice Cream, and celebrated hospitality hero Michael Ciapciak, founder of Bang Bang Pie and Biscuits.  Launched in 2018 in the Logan Square neighborhood, Pretty Cool Ice Cream specializes in frozen novelties, like your favorite treats from the ice cream truck, all hand dipped and decorated by our talented team of skilled artisans with the best ingredients we can find. Each item is individually packaged, and we work with local artists to create the art and design for each flavor to achieve an overall look that is as diverse as our windy city.  You’ll find our shops filled with ice cream bars, vegan pops, ice pops, and ice cream sandwiches, all hand-dipped and decorated in classic and contemporary flavors. Since 2018, Pretty Cool Ice cream has continued to grow throughout the city of Chicago, opening additional ice cream shops and partnering with restaurants, boutique grocery stores, and events across Chicago. Pretty Cool is available year-round, because Chicago is an all-weather ice cream city! Jade A. Logan

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors

Brand teams up with Chicago-based Pretty Cool Ice Cream to launch five unforgettable flavors

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors Brand teams up with Chicago-based Pretty Cool Ice Cream to launch five unforgettable flavors Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors Atlanta/Chicago. Individualization is at the core of Porsche sports cars. Ranging from more than 160 Paint to Sample colors to the Paint to Sample Plus custom colors, along with the traditional color options, the German automaker aspires to fulfill every customer’s wish for their dream Porsche. In honor of National Ice Cream Day on Sunday, July 17, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. today announced the launch of limited-edition ice cream pops inspired by Porsche paint colors that coincidentally could double as ice cream flavors. In collaboration with Pretty Cool Ice Cream, a small-batch creamery based in Chicago, the following five ice cream pops were created with eye-catching packaging to match: Mint Green: a green mint cookies and cream ice cream with a mint green white chocolate shell. Strawberry Red: cream Cheese ice cream dipped in a strawberry red shell. Made with real freeze-dried strawberries. Macadamia Metallic: roasted macadamia ice cream in a sparkling macadamia metallic colored chocolate shell. Frozen Berry Metallic: black raspberry ice cream in a sparkling frozen berry colored Ruby chocolate shell. Lime Gold Metallic: key lime pie ice cream in a sparkling lime gold colored caramel shell. “This has been a fun project and one we hope will evoke a smile, just like the customizable colors available on all of our cars. We genuinely thought there weren’t many things cooler than one of our special colors for your dream Porsche, but this ice cream might just have that beat,” said Ayesha Coker, Vice President of Marketing of Porsche Cars North America. “Pretty Cool Ice Cream has been as meticulous and passionate as we are about getting the color just right – and on top of that they’ve come up with delicious flavors to match. We hope Porsche fans and enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy the ice cream as much as we’ve loved creating it!” “My uncle, 'Targa Dan,' has always had a passion for restoring Porsche cars and has brought over 200 cars back to life over the last 50 years, so I grew up very close to the brand. When Porsche reached out to me to make some custom ice cream inspired by the paint colors, I was thrilled,” said Dana Salls Cree, Owner of Pretty Cool Ice Cream. "Similar to all Porsche sports cars, the ice cream pops are truly a passion project that I couldn’t be more excited to share.” The Pretty Cool Lincoln Park (709 West Belden) location in Chicago will offer the ice cream pops on National Ice Cream Day on July 17. The custom ice cream pops will also be available at select Porsche events later this year. About Pretty Cool Ice Cream Pretty Cool Ice Cream is a small handmade ice cream company in Chicago Illinois by award-winning pastry chef Dana Cree, author of Hello, My Name Is Ice Cream, and celebrated hospitality hero Michael Ciapciak, founder of Bang Bang Pie and Biscuits. Launched in 2018 in the Logan Square neighborhood, Pretty Cool Ice Cream specializes in frozen novelties, like your favorite treats from the ice cream truck, all hand dipped and decorated by our talented team of skilled artisans with the best ingredients we can find. Each item is individually packaged, and we work with local artists to create the art and design for each flavor to achieve an overall look that is as diverse as our windy city. You’ll find our shops filled with ice cream bars, vegan pops, ice pops, and ice cream sandwiches, all hand-dipped and decorated in classic and contemporary flavors. Since 2018, Pretty Cool Ice cream has continued to grow throughout the city of Chicago, opening additional ice cream shops and partnering with restaurants, boutique grocery stores, and events across Chicago. Pretty Cool is available year-round, because Chicago is an all-weather ice cream city! Jade A. Logan

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors

Porsche celebrates National Ice Cream Day with limited edition ice cream pops inspired by custom paint colors

Atlanta/Chicago. Individualization is at the core of Porsche sports cars. Ranging from more than 160 Paint to Sample colors to the Paint to Sample Plus custom colors, along with the traditional color options, the German automaker aspires to fulfill every customer’s wish for their dream Porsche. In honor of National Ice Cream Day on Sunday, July 17, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. today announced the launch of limited-edition ice cream pops inspired by Porsche paint colors that coincidentally could double as ice cream flavors. In collaboration with Pretty Cool Ice Cream, a small-batch creamery based in Chicago, the following five ice cream pops were created with eye-catching packaging to match:

    • Mint Green: a green mint cookies and cream ice cream with a mint green white chocolate shell.
    • Strawberry Red: cream Cheese ice cream dipped in a strawberry red shell. Made with real freeze-dried strawberries.
    • Macadamia Metallic: roasted macadamia ice cream in a sparkling macadamia metallic colored chocolate shell.
    • Frozen Berry Metallic: black raspberry ice cream in a sparkling frozen berry colored Ruby chocolate shell.
  • Lime Gold Metallic: key lime pie ice cream in a sparkling lime gold colored caramel shell.

“This has been a fun project and one we hope will evoke a smile, just like the customizable colors available on all of our cars. We genuinely thought there weren’t many things cooler than one of our special colors for your dream Porsche, but this ice cream might just have that beat,” said Ayesha Coker, Vice President of Marketing of Porsche Cars North America. “Pretty Cool Ice Cream has been as meticulous and passionate as we are about getting the color just right – and on top of that they’ve come up with delicious flavors to match. We hope Porsche fans and enthusiasts of all ages will enjoy the ice cream as much as we’ve loved creating it!”

“My uncle, ‘Targa Dan,’ has always had a passion for restoring Porsche cars and has brought over 200 cars back to life over the last 50 years, so I grew up very close to the brand. When Porsche reached out to me to make some custom ice cream inspired by the paint colors, I was thrilled,” said Dana Salls Cree, Owner of Pretty Cool Ice Cream. “Similar to all Porsche sports cars, the ice cream pops are truly a passion project that I couldn’t be more excited to share.”

The Pretty Cool Lincoln Park (709 West Belden) location in Chicago will offer the ice cream pops on National Ice Cream Day on July 17. The custom ice cream pops will also be available at select Porsche events later this year.

About Pretty Cool Ice Cream
Pretty Cool Ice Cream is a small handmade ice cream company in Chicago Illinois by award-winning pastry chef Dana Cree, author of Hello, My Name Is Ice Cream, and celebrated hospitality hero Michael Ciapciak, founder of Bang Bang Pie and Biscuits.

Launched in 2018 in the Logan Square neighborhood, Pretty Cool Ice Cream specializes in frozen novelties, like your favorite treats from the ice cream truck, all hand dipped and decorated by our talented team of skilled artisans with the best ingredients we can find. Each item is individually packaged, and we work with local artists to create the art and design for each flavor to achieve an overall look that is as diverse as our windy city.

You’ll find our shops filled with ice cream bars, vegan pops, ice pops, and ice cream sandwiches, all hand-dipped and decorated in classic and contemporary flavors. Since 2018, Pretty Cool Ice cream has continued to grow throughout the city of Chicago, opening additional ice cream shops and partnering with restaurants, boutique grocery stores, and events across Chicago. Pretty Cool is available year-round, because Chicago is an all-weather ice cream city!


Dando un salto cuántico, la inteligencia artificial (IA) es una tecnología clave para la industria automotriz

Cada vez más funciones de los vehículos se basan en la inteligencia artificial. Sin embargo, los procesadores convencionales e incluso los chips gráficos están llegando cada vez más a sus límites en lo que respecta a los cálculos necesarios para las redes neuronales. Porsche Engineering informa sobre nuevas tecnologías que acelerarán los cálculos de IA en el futuro.

La inteligencia artificial (IA) es una tecnología clave para la industria automotriz, y el hardware rápido es igualmente importante para los complejos cálculos de back-end involucrados. Después de todo, en el futuro solo será posible llevar nuevas funciones a la producción en serie con computadoras de alto rendimiento. “La conducción autónoma es una de las aplicaciones de IA más exigentes de todas”, explica el Dr. Joachim Schaper, Gerente Senior de IA y Big Data en Porsche Engineering. “Los algoritmos aprenden de una multitud de ejemplos recopilados por vehículos de prueba que utilizan cámaras, radares u otros sensores en el tráfico real”.

Dr. Joachim Schaper, gerente sénior de IA y Big Data en Porsche Engineering

dr. Joachim Schaper, Gerente Senior de IA y Big Data en Porsche Engineer

Los centros de datos convencionales son cada vez más incapaces de hacer frente a las crecientes demandas. “Ahora lleva días entrenar una sola variante de una red neuronal”, explica Schaper. Entonces, en su opinión, una cosa está clara: los fabricantes de automóviles necesitan nuevas tecnologías para los cálculos de IA que puedan ayudar a que los algoritmos aprendan mucho más rápido. Para lograr esto, se deben ejecutar en paralelo tantas multiplicaciones de matriz vectorial como sea posible en las complejas redes neuronales profundas (DNN), una tarea en la que se especializan las unidades de procesamiento de gráficos (GPU). Sin ellos, los increíbles avances en IA de los últimos años no habrían sido posibles.

50 veces el tamaño de una GPU

Sin embargo, las tarjetas gráficas no se diseñaron originalmente para el uso de IA, sino para procesar datos de imagen de la manera más eficiente posible. Están cada vez más al límite cuando se trata de algoritmos de entrenamiento para la conducción autónoma. Por lo tanto, se requiere hardware especializado en IA para cálculos aún más rápidos. La empresa californiana Cerebras ha presentado una posible solución. Su Wafer Scale Engine (WSE) se adapta de manera óptima a los requisitos de las redes neuronales al combinar la mayor potencia informática posible en un chip de computadora gigante. Es más de 50 veces el tamaño de un procesador de gráficos normal y ofrece espacio para 850 000 núcleos informáticos, más de 100 veces más que en una GPU superior actual.

Además, los ingenieros de Cerebras han conectado en red los núcleos computacionales junto con líneas de datos de gran ancho de banda. Según el fabricante, la red del Wafer Scale Engine transporta 220 petabits por segundo. Cerebras también ha ampliado el cuello de botella dentro de las GPU: los datos viajan entre la memoria y la unidad de cómputo casi 10 000 veces más rápido que en las GPU de alto rendimiento, a 20 petabytes por segundo.


Chip gigante: el Wafer Scale Engine de Cerebras combina una enorme potencia informática en un solo circuito integrado con una longitud lateral de más de 20 centímetros.

Chip gigante: el Wafer Scale Engine de Cerebras combina una enorme potencia informática en un solo circuito integrado con una longitud lateral de más de 20 centímetros.

Para ahorrar aún más tiempo, Cerebras imita un truco del cerebro. Allí, las neuronas funcionan solo cuando reciben señales de otras neuronas. Las muchas conexiones que están actualmente inactivas no necesitan ningún recurso. En las DNN, por otro lado, la multiplicación de matriz vectorial a menudo implica multiplicar por el número cero. Esto cuesta tiempo innecesariamente. Por lo tanto, Wafer Scale Engine se abstiene de hacerlo. “Todos los ceros se filtran”, escribe Cerebras en su libro blanco sobre el WSE. Entonces, el chip solo realiza operaciones que producen un resultado distinto de cero.

Un inconveniente del chip es su alto requerimiento de energía eléctrica de 23 kW y requiere refrigeración por agua. Por lo tanto, Cerebras ha desarrollado su propia carcasa de servidor para su uso en centros de datos. El Wafer Scale Engine ya se está probando en los centros de datos de algunos institutos de investigación. El experto en inteligencia artificial Joachim Schaper cree que el chip gigante de California también podría acelerar el desarrollo automotriz. “Al usar este chip, el entrenamiento de una semana podría reducirse teóricamente a unas pocas horas”, estima. “Sin embargo, la tecnología aún tiene que demostrarlo en pruebas prácticas”.

Luz en lugar de electrones

A pesar de lo inusual que es el nuevo chip, al igual que sus predecesores convencionales, también funciona con transistores convencionales. Empresas como Lightelligence y Lightmatter, con sede en Boston, quieren utilizar el medio de la luz mucho más rápido para los cálculos de IA en lugar de la electrónica comparativamente lenta, y están construyendo chips ópticos para hacerlo. Por lo tanto, los DNN podrían funcionar “al menos varios cientos de veces más rápido que los electrónicos”, escriben los desarrolladores de Lightelligence.

“Con Wafer Scale Engine, una semana de entrenamiento teóricamente podría reducirse a solo unas pocas horas”. Dr. Joachim Schaper, gerente sénior de IA y Big Data en Porsche Engineering

Para ello, Lightelligence y Lightmatter utilizan el fenómeno de la interferencia. Cuando las ondas de luz se amplifican o anulan entre sí, forman un patrón claro-oscuro. Si dirige la interferencia de cierta manera, el nuevo patrón corresponde a la multiplicación vector-matriz del patrón anterior. Entonces, las ondas de luz pueden “hacer matemáticas”. Para que esto sea práctico, los desarrolladores de Boston grabaron diminutas guías de luz en un chip de silicio. Como en un tejido textil, se cruzan varias veces. La interferencia tiene lugar en los cruces. En el medio, diminutos elementos calefactores regulan el índice de refracción de la guía de luz, lo que permite que las ondas de luz se desplacen entre sí. Esto permite controlar su interferencia y realizar multiplicaciones vector-matriz.

Sin embargo, las empresas de Boston no prescinden por completo de la electrónica. Combinan sus computadoras livianas con componentes electrónicos convencionales que almacenan datos y realizan todos los cálculos, excepto las multiplicaciones de vectores y matrices. Estos incluyen, por ejemplo, las funciones de activación no lineal que modifican los valores de salida de cada neurona antes de pasar a la siguiente capa.

Computación con luz: el chip Envise de Lightmatter utiliza fotones en lugar de electrones para calcular redes neuronales.  Los datos de entrada y salida son suministrados y recibidos por electrónica convencional.

Computación con luz: el chip Envise de Lightmatter utiliza fotones en lugar de electrones para calcular redes neuronales. Los datos de entrada y salida son suministrados y recibidos por electrónica convencional.

Con la combinación de computación óptica y digital, los DNN se pueden calcular extremadamente rápido. “Su principal ventaja es la baja latencia”, explica Lindsey Hunt, portavoz de Lightelligence. Por ejemplo, esto permite que la DNN detecte objetos en imágenes más rápido, como peatones y usuarios de scooters eléctricos. En la conducción autónoma, esto podría dar lugar a reacciones más rápidas en situaciones críticas. “Además, el sistema óptico toma más decisiones por vatio de energía eléctrica”, dijo Hunt. Eso es especialmente importante ya que el aumento de la potencia informática en los vehículos se produce cada vez más a expensas de la economía de combustible y la autonomía.

Las soluciones de Lightmatter y Lightelligence se pueden insertar como módulos en computadoras convencionales para acelerar los cálculos de IA, al igual que las tarjetas gráficas. En principio, también podrían integrarse en vehículos, por ejemplo, para implementar funciones de conducción autónoma. “Nuestra tecnología es muy adecuada para servir como motor de inferencia para un automóvil autónomo”, explica Lindsey Hunt. El experto en inteligencia artificial Schaper tiene una opinión similar: “Si Lightelligence tiene éxito en la construcción de componentes adecuados para automóviles, esto podría acelerar en gran medida la introducción de funciones complejas de inteligencia artificial en los vehículos”. La tecnología ya está lista para el mercado: la compañía está planeando sus primeras pruebas piloto con clientes en el año 2022.

La computadora cuántica como un turbo AI

Las computadoras cuánticas están algo más alejadas de la aplicación práctica. Ellos también acelerarán los cálculos de IA porque pueden procesar grandes cantidades de datos en paralelo. Para ello, trabajan con los llamados “qubits”. A diferencia de la unidad de información clásica, el bit, un qubit puede representar los dos valores binarios 0 y 1 simultáneamente. Los dos números coexisten en un estado de superposición que solo es posible en la mecánica cuántica.

“Cuanto más complicados son los patrones, más dificultad tienen las computadoras convencionales para distinguir clases”. Heike Riel, directora de IBM Research Quantum Europa/África

Las computadoras cuánticas podrían impulsar la inteligencia artificial cuando se trata de clasificar cosas, por ejemplo, en el tráfico. Hay muchas categorías diferentes de objetos allí, incluidas bicicletas, automóviles, peatones, señales, carreteras secas y mojadas. Difieren en términos de muchas propiedades, razón por la cual los expertos hablan de “reconocimiento de patrones en espacios de dimensiones superiores”.

“Cuanto más complicados son los patrones, más difícil es para las computadoras convencionales distinguir las clases”, explica Heike Riel, quien dirige la investigación cuántica de IBM en Europa y África. Eso se debe a que con cada dimensión, se vuelve más costoso calcular la similitud de dos objetos: ¿Qué tan similares son un conductor de e-scooter y un usuario de andador tratando de cruzar la calle? Las computadoras cuánticas pueden funcionar de manera eficiente en espacios de alta dimensión en comparación con las computadoras convencionales. Para ciertos problemas, esta propiedad podría ser útil y dar como resultado que algunos problemas se resuelvan más rápido con la ayuda de las computadoras cuánticas que con las computadoras convencionales de alto rendimiento.

Heike Riel, directora de IBM Research Quantum Europa/África

Heike Riel, directora de IBM Research Quantum Europa/África

Los investigadores de IBM han analizado modelos estadísticos que se pueden entrenar para la clasificación de datos. Los resultados iniciales sugieren que los modelos cuánticos inteligentemente elegidos funcionan mejor que los métodos convencionales para ciertos conjuntos de datos. Los modelos cuánticos son más fáciles de entrenar y parecen tener una mayor capacidad, lo que les permite aprender relaciones más complicadas.

Riel admite que, si bien las computadoras cuánticas actuales se pueden usar para probar estos algoritmos, aún no tienen una ventaja sobre las computadoras convencionales. Sin embargo, el desarrollo de las computadoras cuánticas avanza rápidamente. Tanto el número de qubits como su calidad aumentan constantemente. Otro factor importante es la velocidad, medida en operaciones de capa de circuito por segundo (CLOPS). Este número indica cuántos circuitos cuánticos pueden ejecutarse en la computadora cuántica por vez. Es uno de los tres criterios de rendimiento importantes de una computadora cuántica: escalabilidad, calidad y velocidad.

En un futuro previsible, debería ser posible demostrar la superioridad de las computadoras cuánticas para ciertas aplicaciones, es decir, que resuelven problemas de manera más rápida, eficiente y precisa que una computadora convencional. Pero la construcción de una computadora cuántica potente, con errores corregidos y de propósito general aún llevará algún tiempo. Los expertos estiman que llevará al menos otros diez años. Pero la espera podría valer la pena. Al igual que los chips ópticos o las nuevas arquitecturas para computadoras electrónicas, las computadoras cuánticas podrían ser la clave de la movilidad del futuro.

En breve

Cuando se trata de cálculos de IA, no solo los microprocesadores convencionales, sino también los chips gráficos, ahora están llegando a sus límites. Por lo tanto, empresas e investigadores de todo el mundo están trabajando en nuevas soluciones. Los chips en formato oblea y los ordenadores ligeros están cerca de hacerse realidad. En unos años, estos podrían complementarse con computadoras cuánticas para cálculos particularmente exigentes.

2022 Porsche Taycan GTS Sedan and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

Porsche Taycan GTS Sedán y Taycan GTS Sport Turismo 2022

Nuevo modelo de rendimiento y debut en el estilo de carrocería Sport Turismo

Atlanta, Georgia. No importa la forma de fuerza motriz, la variante GTS de cualquier Porsche es la combinación óptima de rendimiento y lujo, sin sacrificar la facilidad de uso diario. El sedán Taycan GTS y el Taycan GTS Sport Turismo ejemplifican esta distinción. Estilo y rendimiento mejorados, así como un ajuste de suspensión único y sonido deportivo eléctrico entre una serie de cambios que denotan que este es el primer GTS eléctrico.

2022 Porsche Taycan GTS Sedan and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

2022 Porsche Taycan GTS Sedan and Taycan GTS Sport Turismo

El precio del sedán Taycan GTS comienza en $131,400, mientras que el precio del Taycan GTS Sport Turismo comenzará en $133,300. Ninguno de los precios incluye una tarifa de envío, procesamiento y manejo de $1,350. Ambos modelos Taycan GTS están disponibles para ordenar ahora y las entregas en EE. UU. comenzarán en el segundo trimestre de 2022. Las cifras de alcance y consumo de la EPA estarán disponibles más cerca de la entrega.


El sedán Taycan GTS y el GTS Sport Turismo cuentan con el mismo motor delantero de imán permanente de una sola velocidad, un motor trasero de imán permanente más grande con un diámetro de 245 mm y una longitud activa de 210 mm, y transmisión trasera de dos velocidades. Esta configuración proporciona una potencia de salida total de 590 hp con Launch Control, ubicando los modelos GTS entre el Taycan 4S (462 hp) y el Taycan Turbo (670 hp).

Al igual que el Taycan Turbo y el Taycan Turbo S, el Taycan GTS viene de serie con Performance Battery Plus de 93,4 kWh y su arquitectura de 800 voltios significa que puede manejar la demanda continua mientras minimiza la acumulación de calor. Esto se traduce en altas velocidades de carga de hasta 270 kW y es parte de la razón por la que puede cargar del 5 al 80 por ciento en 22,5 minutos, mientras acelera ambas variantes de 0 a 60 mph en 3,5 segundos.

En el interior del Taycan GTS, se mantienen el familiar tablero multipantalla y la posición de asiento ergonómica y deportiva. Y muchas de las características estándar de tecnología y comodidad de los otros autos deportivos Taycan, como Apple CarPlay y Android Auto, control de clima automático, Porsche Connect con Porsche Charging Planner también vienen de serie en las variantes GTS.


Aunque numerosos componentes de la familia Taycan GTS se heredan del modelo superior Taycan, existen diferencias notables. Visualmente, el GTS luce la fascia delantera SportDesign y los faldones laterales SportDesign y las molduras de las ventanillas laterales en negro brillante. El difusor trasero presenta una incrustación negra de alto brillo. Los faldones laterales cuentan con logotipos de GTS y la insignia en la parte trasera es de color negro mate. La rueda estándar Taycan Turbo S Aero Design de 20 pulgadas presenta un exclusivo acabado en negro satinado, y la franja de luces traseras presenta el logotipo de Porsche en negro. Finalmente, los faros LED-Matrix-Design con PDLS Plus están tintados en negro, y la parte inferior de las tapas de los retrovisores exteriores está pintada en el color de la carrocería, mientras que la base está en negro.

Aunque el equipo de suspensión y rendimiento se transfiere del modelo superior Taycan, la calibración y el ajuste están hechos a la medida del GTS. Todas las características de rendimiento estándar y opcionales se han masajeado para hacer que el automóvil responda aún más y esté más conectado con la carretera que antes. El sistema de frenos estándar comparte la misma pinza delantera roja de seis pistones y la pinza trasera de cuatro pistones que el 4S, pero está equipado con rotores delanteros más grandes de 390 mm (vs 360 mm en el Taycan 4S). El tamaño del rotor trasero es el mismo que el 4S, con 358 mm. También están disponibles los frenos con recubrimiento de superficie Porsche, con recubrimiento de carburo de tungsteno, y los frenos compuestos de cerámica Porsche. Incluso el Porsche Electric Sport Sound se ha ajustado para que sea más profundo y fuerte tanto para los transeúntes como para los pasajeros.

Las características de rendimiento estándar incluyen la suspensión neumática adaptativa con Smart Lift y Porsche Active Suspension Management, Porsche Torque Vectoring Plus y el paquete Sport Chrono que incluye el volante multifunción GT y el dial de modo. El equipo de rendimiento disponible opcionalmente incluye Porsche Dynamic Chassis Control Sport, dirección en el eje trasero y ruedas RS Spyder Design de 21 pulgadas en negro satinado.


El Taycan GTS cuenta con un exclusivo paquete interior Race-Tex que refleja tratamientos similares de otras líneas de modelos GTS. Los asientos del conductor y del pasajero cuentan con ajuste eléctrico de 18 posiciones y funciones de memoria con logotipos “GTS” en los reposacabezas delanteros y traseros. Los protectores de los umbrales de las puertas y el acabado interior son de aluminio negro cepillado y el paquete de detalles es negro. El revestimiento del techo y el volante también están cubiertos con Race-Tex.

Opcionalmente, un paquete interior GTS disponible incluye costuras desviadas en rojo carmín o tiza en el tablero, las puertas, los reposabrazos, el volante y los asientos, con cinturones de seguridad a juego, bordado “GTS” en los reposacabezas delanteros y traseros, dial de instrumentos Sport Chrono y el logotipo de Porsche en las alfombrillas. Las molduras del volante, la consola central y las molduras de las puertas son de carbono mate.

Nuevo Deporte Turismo

Si el Taycan Cross Turismo ejemplifica la capacidad para todo tipo de clima y todo terreno, el Taycan GTS Sport Turismo agudiza el enfoque para la carretera. Con las mismas dimensiones interiores que el Taycan Cross Turismo, el Taycan GTS Sport Turismo mantiene los 15.7 pies cúbicos de volumen de carga trasera en la parte trasera. Pliegue los asientos traseros hacia adelante y tendrá disponible un total de 42.8 pies cúbicos. Al igual que los sedanes y el Cross Turismo, el GTS Sport Turismo también cuenta con una cajuela delantera de 2.9 pies cúbicos.

Al igual que el Cross Turismo, el Taycan GTS Sport Turismo también contará con un techo de vidrio y puntos duros para montar un portabicicletas Tequipment en la parte trasera del vehículo. El equipo opcional incluye rieles en el techo y un techo panorámico completamente nuevo con control de iluminación variable. Este sistema permite al conductor ajustar la cantidad de luz activando nueve segmentos de película de cristal líquido en el techo, como un reloj digital. Hay cuatro patrones preestablecidos, transparente, mate, 40 % (semi) y 60 % (negrita). O cada segmento individual puede activarse desde el PCM. Cuando se apaga el vehículo, el techo cambia automáticamente a mate y, una vez reiniciado, el sistema recordará la configuración anterior del techo. Esta opción también está disponible en el sedán.

Visualmente, hay señales adicionales que separan al Taycan GTS Sport Turismo de la familia Cross Turismo existente. El alerón trasero está pintado a juego con el color de la carrocería y no hay revestimiento sobre los pasos de rueda. La altura de manejo del Taycan GTS Sport Turismo se comparte con el sedán, lo que reduce aún más el centro de gravedad.

Acerca de Porsche Cars North America, Inc. | One Porsche Drive, Atlanta, GA 30354 EE. UU.

Establecida en 1984, Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (PCNA) es el importador exclusivo en EE. UU. de los Porsche 911, 718 Boxster, 718 Cayman, Macan, Cayenne, Panamera y Taycan. Con sede en Atlanta, Georgia, desde 1998, PCNA también alberga el primer Porsche Experience Center en América del Norte que cuenta con una pista de desarrollo de conductores de 1.6 millas basada en módulos, un centro de negocios y un restaurante de alta cocina, 356. La compañía opera una segunda Porsche Experience Centro cerca de Los Ángeles. Ese complejo de 53 acres cuenta con una pista de desarrollo de conductores con ocho módulos educativos que suman un total de 4.1 millas, un centro de negocios y el Restaurante 917. PCNA apoya a 193 concesionarios Porsche de propiedad y operación independientes en los EE. UU., incluido el suministro de piezas, servicio, marketing y capacitación. Ellos, a su vez, trabajan para brindar a los clientes de Porsche la mejor experiencia en su clase que está en consonancia con los 70 años de historia de liderazgo de la marca Porsche en el avance del rendimiento, la seguridad y la eficiencia de los vehículos. PCNA es una subsidiaria indirecta de propiedad total de Porsche AG, que tiene su sede en Stuttgart, Alemania.

En el centro de este éxito se encuentra la orgullosa herencia de carreras de Porsche que cuenta con más de 30,000 victorias en automovilismo hasta la fecha.

Porsche Design celebrates its 50th anniversary

Stuttgart. Porsche AG congratulates Porsche Design on its golden jubilee. Two very special cars are the highlights of the anniversary year: the exclusive Porsche 911 Edition 50Y Porsche Design and a historical 911 S 2.4 Targa from Porsche Design’s founding year of 1972, which has been faithfully restored by Porsche Classic. What unites them is the colour scheme, which, in recalling the legendary Chronograph I designed by Professor Ferdinand Alexander Porsche in 1972, sees both the exterior and the interior dominated by the colour black. Alongside them, Porsche Design is also presenting the Chronograph 1 – 1972 Limited Edition. The Porsche Museum will be celebrating the anniversary with its own special exhibition, opening on 19 January 2022.

“When you rethink the function of something, the form sometimes emerges as if by itself” – this was how F.A. Porsche described what still drives the engineers and designers at Porsche Design today. In 1972, he founded Porsche Design with his brother Hans-Peter. The designer of the Porsche 911 envisaged a company that would carry the principles and spirit of Porsche beyond the boundaries of the automobile. Porsche Design has long since become an internationally renowned premium lifestyle brand, known for functional and durable products with a purist aesthetic.

Exclusive special edition: a modern take on a design classic
The 911 Edition 50Y Porsche Design is a limited run of 750 cars with numerous features inspired by the iconic designs of F.A. Porsche. In addition to the all-black exterior, the nods to the past include the classic checked Sport-Tex seat centre panels and the red second hand of the Porsche Design Subsecond clock in the Sport Chrono Package, which comes as standard.

The special edition is based on the 911 Targa 4 GTS and can be ordered now from 185,606 euros¹. The anniversary model will arrive with European sales partners from April. Buyers can also purchase a special version of the new edition of the legendary Chronograph I. Features such as the edition number and wheel-shaped winding rotor underline the connection to the 911 Edition 50Y Porsche Design.

Totally unique: a 911 S 2.4 Targa signed by F.A. Porsche
For the past two years, Porsche Classic has been working on a unique project to celebrate 50 years of Porsche Design. A 911 S 2.4 Targa from 1972, the year Porsche Design was founded, has been restored for the anniversary. “The vision was to produce a historical counterpart to the new 911 Edition 50Y Porsche Design,” explains Ulrike Lutz, Head of Porsche Classic. “With the aid of the new Sonderwunsch (special wishes) programme, we were able to implement the idea of a unique pair of vehicles. The job of the designers and works restorers was to carefully transfer the specifications of the new car to the classic.”

The base vehicle, a 911 T 2.4 Targa from 1972, was in a poor condition and was missing some parts. While this would normally be a tricky start to a restoration project, on this occasion it wasn’t important for the planned modifications. The Porsche Classic experts completely upgraded the engine and chassis to the spec of the S version. The top-of-the-range model in its day, it had a displacement of 2,341 cc, which generated 190 PS at 6,500 rpm, and was equipped with mechanical fuel injection.

In tribute to Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, this one-of-a-kind vehicle features the same colours as the legendary Chronograph I watch that he designed in 1972, with black dominating both the exterior and interior. Classic side stripes with a Platinum satin finish and integrated Porsche Design lettering adorn the flanks. As a special highlight, the Targa roll bar has also been lasered in a Platinum satin finish – a new interpretation of the brushed stainless steel of the original classic model. The Targa lettering is finished in matt black. Like the special edition model, the grille on the rear engine cover features a ‘Porsche Design 50th Anniversary’ badge with a reproduction of F.A. Porsche’s signature.

Other anniversary products and accessories
For all Porsche and watch fans, Porsche Design is also presenting the Chronograph 1 – 1972 Limited Edition with a historical logo and lettering. This edition of the original, limited to 500 examples, has no visual parallels to the new special edition car and is available in the usual way from Porsche Design.

Limited Capsule Collections in the fashion, shoes and sportswear, luggage and accessories ranges, as well as special eyewear collections complete the anniversary offer.

About Porsche Design
“Good design must be honest,” F.A. Porsche always emphasised. He designed the legendary Porsche 911 and founded the design studio in 1972. Today, Managing Director Roland Heiler and his team still follow that philosophy. Using authentic materials, they design carefully thought-out, functional and durable products with a purist aesthetic. As the in-house design team of the Porsche Design brand, their inspiring high-quality products include watches, sunglasses, luggage and leather goods.

With locations in Zell am See, Berlin and Ludwigsburg, Los Angeles and Shanghai, the design office also offers its services to international clients. This results in first-class consumer goods, household appliances and industrial products – for example in collaboration with Elan, KEF, LaCie, Morita and Panasonic.

The choice of materials plays a decisive role in Studio F. A. Porsche’s products. Titanium and carbon can turn them into lifetime companions and add new, unexpected functions. The combination of traditional, honest design approaches with ambitious innovations turns the products into genuine luxury items.

Special exhibition at the Porsche Museum
The Porsche Museum is celebrating the 50th anniversary of Porsche Design with a special exhibition that will run until 11 July 2022. Part of it will feature information on the life of F.A. Porsche, his design philosophy and his huge creative influence. Exhibits spanning five decades and many product ranges will also be on display.

Symbolising the birth of Porsche Design is the Chronograph I, with two versions of the legendary timepiece forming the centrepiece of the special exhibition. The design concept radiates from this centrepiece through to the other exhibits. These include, for example, the P8478 aviator sunglasses, the Monobloc Actuator chronotimer series with fully integrated stopwatch pushers, as well as the P3613 tobacco pipe and the P9521 mobile phone. Items on display on the balcony of the Porsche Museum include the 993 Speedster owned by F.A. himself – as well as the 904 that he described as his masterpiece. The 1972 Porsche 911 S 2.4 Targa restored by Porsche Classic and the new 911 Edition 50Y Porsche Design will also form part of the special exhibition.

¹ Including VAT and with country-specific features (Germany)
More information as well as videos and photos can be found in the Porsche Newsroom: newsroom.porsche.com
Consumption and emission data determined in accordance with the measurement procedure required by law. As all new cars offered by Porsche are type-approved in accordance with the WLTP, the NEDC values are therefore derived from the WLTP values.

Further information on the official fuel consumption and official, specific CO₂ emissions of new passenger cars is available in the publication entitled “Guidelines on fuel consumption, CO₂ emissions and power consumption of new passenger cars”, which is available free of charge from all sales outlets and from DAT.

Porsche Vision Gran Turismo, el coche de carreras virtual del futuro

Porsche Vision Gran Turismo, el coche de carreras virtual del futuro

Porsche y la empresa japonesa de desarrollo de videojuegos Polyphony Digital Inc., subsidiaria de Sony Interactive Entertainment, presentan un espectacular prototipo virtual.

Porsche Vision Gran Turismo, el coche de carreras virtual del futuro

Porsche Vision Gran Turismo, el coche de carreras virtual del futuro

Porsche está presente en la serie de videojuegos “Gran Turismo” desde 2017. Entre sus modelos más recientes figura el Taycan Turbo S. Para el lanzamiento de la séptima entrega de la saga, Porsche, por primera vez, ha desarrollado un vehículo exclusivo para el mundo virtual.

Porsche Vision Gran Turismo, el coche de carreras virtual del futuro

Porsche Vision Gran Turismo, el coche de carreras virtual del futuro

El Porsche Vision Gran Turismo es el primer concept car del fabricante de automóviles deportivos creado de manera específica para su uso en juegos de ordenador. Se podrá ver únicamente en el Gran Turismo 7, que se lanzará al mercado el 4 de marzo de 2022 para PlayStation 4 y PlayStation 5.

Al asociarse con Polyphony Digital Inc., Porsche muestra su enfoque futurista y demuestra una vez más el alto nivel de experiencia de sus diseñadores, quienes, liberados de las limitaciones que impone la producción en serie, han podido dar rienda suelta a sus ideas a la hora de crear un prototipo para el videojuego.

“Un vehículo diseñado exclusivamente para el mundo virtual nos abre posibilidades emocionantes que, de otro modo, están fuertemente reglamentadas en un automóvil de fabricación en serie”, dice Michael Mauer, Director de Diseño de Porsche. “Proyectos como el Porsche Vision Gran Turismo son especialmente valiosos para nosotros en el proceso creativo. Desarrollar aún más nuestro ADN Porsche claramente definido e intercambiar opiniones con diseñadores de otras industrias es una parte importante de nuestro trabajo”.

Elementos de diseño tradicionales orientados hacia el futuro

El Vision Gran Turismo presenta rasgos de diseño de Porsche que resultan familiares, aunque con una clara orientación al futuro. El concept car exhibe las proporciones típicas de la marca, con una relación altura/anchura especialmente deportiva, un capó extremadamente bajo y unos pasos de rueda muy pronunciados. Los faros y las tomas de aire integrados en un frontal purista, crean un vínculo con el lenguaje de diseño del Taycan, en un claro guiño a la conducción eléctrica. En la parte trasera destaca la franja de luz estrecha, que recuerda a la firma lumínica de los modelos 911 y Taycan.

El claro énfasis en la identidad de marca continúa en el interior, con la pantalla de la instrumentación de diseño curvado hecha a la medida del conductor, que parece flotar sobre el volante. La posición baja del asiento pone el acento en el dinamismo, mientras algunas superficies de apariencia realista que definen el habitáculo también juegan un papel clave. “Estuvimos mucho tiempo decidiendo el material adecuado, que al final resultó ser una mezcla de carbono y titanio. El objetivo era reducir el peso y aumentar las prestaciones”, dice Markus Auerbach, Director de Diseño de Interiores de Porsche. “Además, la sostenibilidad es fundamental en cualquier proyecto que mire hacia el futuro. Por eso solo usamos materiales completamente veganos en el concept car”.

“El atractivo de un Porsche proviene de su diseño purista”, dice Kazunori Yamauchi, Presidente de Polyphony Digital. “Y en términos de experiencia en ingeniería, tanto nuestra empresa como Porsche seguimos la misma filosofía basada en la perfección. Compartimos la misma pasión por las carreras y miramos hacia el futuro del automóvil”. Además de los temas puramente relacionados con el diseño, también hay nuevas funciones que contribuyen a que los jugadores sientan la deportividad en sus manos. Por ejemplo, a través de la respuesta háptica del controlador, que imita las reacciones naturales del volante y recuerda, por su rapidez y precisión, a la dirección de un coche de carreras real.

Porsche Vision Gran Turismo, el coche de carreras virtual del futuro

Porsche Vision Gran Turismo, el coche de carreras virtual del futuro

La expansión de las actividades de juegos también tiene un significado estratégico para Porsche. “Podemos situar a jóvenes usuarios digitales en el lugar donde nacen sus sueños automovilísticos: el mundo de los videojuegos”, dice Robert Ader, Vicepresidente de Marketing de Porsche AG. “La asociación con Polyphony Digital y ‘Gran Turismo’ encaja perfectamente con Porsche, porque el deporte del motor, ya sea real o virtual, es parte de nuestro ADN”. La integración del primer automóvil deportivo Porsche desarrollado exclusivamente para el espacio virtual es un hito importante en la asociación estratégica entre Porsche y Polyphony Digital Inc.

Porsche es sinónimo de experiencias auténticas y emocionales. En este contexto, los videojuegos y el mundo virtual ofrecen nuevas oportunidades para hacer que los coches deportivos sean interactivos y que conducirlos sea una experiencia accesible. Por esta razón, la marca ha estado cooperando con varias empresas de la industria del videojuego durante varios años y estas actividades son ahora una parte integral de sus acciones de marketing. El objetivo primordial es crear una experiencia de marca duradera.

Acerca de Gran Turismo™

Gran Turismo™ es un videojuego desarrollado por Polyphony Digital Inc., subsidiaria de Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. Lanzado en Japón por primera vez en 1997, está considerado como el mejor y más auténtico simulador de conducción debido al realismo de sus gráficos, a la tecnología que reproduce la física y al cuidado por el detalle. Polyphony y su famoso creador Kazunori Yamauchi han revolucionado el género de los juegos de carreras.