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El arte del caviar francés por Prunier

En medio de varias hectáreas de terreno preservado en el borde de Isle, uno de los afluentes del Dordoña, en Montpon-Ménestérol, cerca de Burdeos, la Manufactura Prunier continúa con su herencia tradicional produciendo su caviar en un entorno totalmente controlado.

Para obtener un caviar “perfecto”, la Manufactura cría dos esturiones: el acipenser baerii y el acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Transformar estos huevos en caviar requiere una cuidadosa preparación según un saber hacer desarrollado hace 100 años por la casa Prunier.

5 datos sobre la Manufactura Podadora ¿Sabías que…?

1 . Prunier es uno de los principales productores de caviar del mundo

La Manufactura Prunier es la única granja en Francia que cría sus esturiones a partir de sus propios alevines y produce su propio caviar vendido bajo su marca.

2 . En 1994, la Manufactura Prunier se convirtió en el primer productor en obtener caviar de esturiones de piscifactoría.

Creó una alternativa sostenible y segura para las especies en peligro de extinción en el Mar Caspio. Hoy en día, el proceso de selección del grano, así como las recetas de la Manufactura Prunier, permiten elaborar caviares con sabores muy diferentes.

3 . Fue en 2010 cuando Prunier Manufacture lanzó el primer alevín Oscietra, el acipenser gueldenstaedtii.

Desde entonces, las ha criado con mucho cuidado y paciencia… Hoy L’Osciètre Prunier te seduce con su color marrón carbón y el aspecto brillante de sus granos. En boca, se caracteriza por la típica salazón del ciruelo que le confiere un sabor sutil, agradablemente salado y a nuez.

Revelar el sabor del caviar es todo un arte para Prunier

El sabor del caviar rara vez se ha presentado como su principal atractivo, ya que sigue evolucionando incluso después del envasado. ¡Por lo tanto, es difícil para los simples importadores garantizar un sabor a menos que abran las latas!
Y sin embargo, las notas redactadas en 1932 por Alexander Scott, el experto en caviar de Maison Prunier detrás del primer caviar francés, muestran que la poca importancia dada al gusto en relación con el tamaño y el color ya estaba en discusión. En su momento, incluso se propuso educar a los consumidores, enseñarles a apreciar la maravillosa diversidad de aromas que ofrece el caviar y no solo a admirar su apariencia.
Es esta herencia de sabor la que la Manufactura Prunier perpetúa hoy, con cinco caviares franceses de esturión ascipenser baerii.

5 . Maison Prunier ofrece 5 recetas que revelan 5 grandes caviares

Como los grandes vinos, los sabores y aromas específicos de los caviares 5 Prunier se obtienen según los diferentes grados de maduración, la edad del pescado y las técnicas de preparación, que varían según los procesos desarrollados durante décadas por la Manufactura.

Caviar Podadora “Tradición”
Firme y oscuro, este caviar con finura y características únicas, representa el arquetipo del caviar Prunier, con un pronunciado sabor a nuez que es cada vez más apreciado. Desprende aromas muy francos y generosos de frutos secos y almendras, y tiene una buena longitud en boca.

Caviar Podadora “París”
Para apreciar todas sus sutilezas, el caviar de París con grandes granos de ámbar se consume muy rápidamente después de su preparación. Esta frescura se explica por la ínfima cantidad de sal utilizada: cuanto más ligera es la salazón, más volátiles son los aromas del caviar. Gracias a esta corta maduración, los huevos conservan una fragancia más concentrada. su carácter sutil y cremoso le otorga una complejidad aromática y una textura única. A esto se suma una frescura única que realza el placer de degustar este raro producto. El caviar de París solo está disponible unas pocas semanas al año, durante los períodos de pesca de primavera y otoño.

Caviar de poda “Saint-James”
Producido históricamente desde 1932 para la inauguración del restaurante Prunier en St James Street en Londres, Saint-James es el arquetipo de un gran Prunier Caviar. Elaborado con sal excepcional de origen iraní, alcanza la maduración perfecta dos meses después de la pesca. Este caviar muy audaz, picante y muy terroso tiene un ataque generoso y un sabor excelente en el paladar incluso una vez que ha sido devorado. Un caviar extraordinario.

Caviar Podadora “Malossol”
Este caviar específico también llamado “pura sal” es un caviar con un grano grueso negro profundo y aromas potentes. Es muy rico con una persistencia interminable de sabor en el paladar. Este caviar “distintivo, rico y concentrado” es especialmente apreciado por los conocedores más exigentes.

Caviar Prunier “Patrimonio”
Solo el 2% de la producción de Prunier merece ser elegido para la selección Héritage. Este producto excepcional se distingue por sus grandes granos claros pero también por sus sutiles notas terrosas. Es complejo y largo en boca. La textura cremosa se debe principalmente a la cuidadosa selección de los pescados más viejos y su singular preparación según el método persa.

¿Qué hace que el caviar Beluga sea legendario?


Procedente del esturión Acipenser Huso Huso, este legendario caviar tiene un grano de tamaño sorprendente y finura extrema. Reconocido por su sabor único; es cremoso, con delicadas notas mantecosas y persistente en boca. Su color es un gris perla antracita, que recuerda a las preciosas perlas de Tahití.


#8 Datos sobre la beluga

#1. Su nombre científico es Huso Huso.

#2. Es una especie de esturión endémica del Mar Caspio.

#3. Su primo es el Huso Dauricus, endémico del río Amur.

#4. Es el más grande de los esturiones y puede medir hasta 6 metros.

#5. Ambos esturiones de Huso son carnívoros.

#6. La beluga es un animal prehistórico que data del período Jura (200 millones de años)

y puede vivir más de 100 años en su medio natural.

#7. Beluga es el caviar más caro del mundo, debido a su rareza.

#8. Beluga es el caviar favorito de James Bond.

En conclusión, no hay mejor caviar en el mercado. Si no nos crees, ¡pruébalo tú mismo!

Disponible a través de nuestra boutique de compras en línea.

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The art of French caviar by Prunier

In the middle of several hectares of preserved land on the edge of Isle, one of the tributaries of the Dordogne, in Montpon-Ménestérol near Bordeaux, the Prunier Manufacture continues its traditional heritage by producing its caviar in a totally controlled environment.

To obtain a “perfect” caviar, the Manufacture breeds two sturgeons: the acipenser baerii and the acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Transforming these eggs into caviar requires careful preparation according to a know-how developed 100 years ago by the Prunier house.

5 facts about the Manufacture Prunier Did you know that …?

1 . Prunier is one of the main caviar producers in the world

The Prunier Manufacture is the only farm in France to raise its sturgeons from its own fry and to produce its own caviar sold under its brand.

2 . In 1994, the Manufacture Prunier became the first producer to obtain caviar from farmed sturgeons.

It created a sustainable and safe alternative for endangered species in the Caspian Sea. Today, the grain selection process as well as the recipes of the Prunier Manufacture, make it possible to produce caviars with very different flavours.

3 . It was in 2010 that Prunier Manufacture launched the first Oscietra fry, the acipenser gueldenstaedtii.

Since then, it has bred them with great care and patience … Today L’Osciètre Prunier seduces you with its charcoal-brown colour and the shiny appearance of its grains. On the palate, it is characterised by the typical salting of Plum tree which gives it a subtle, pleasantly salty and nutty taste.

  1. Revealing the flavour of caviar is an absolute art for Prunier

The flavour of caviar has rarely been presented as its main attraction as it continues to evolve even after packaging. It is therefore difficult for simple importers to guarantee a taste unless they open the tins!
And yet the notes drafted in 1932 by Alexander Scott, the caviar expert from Maison Prunier behind the first French caviar, show that the little importance given to taste in relation to size and colour was already up for debate. At the time, he even proposed to educate consumers, to teach them to appreciate the wonderful diversity of aromas that caviar offers and not just to admire its appearance.
It is this heritage of taste that the Prunier Manufacture perpetuates today, with five French caviars from ascipenser baerii sturgeon.

5 . Maison Prunier offers 5 recipes revealing 5 great caviars 

Such as great wines, the specific flavours and fragrances of the 5 Prunier caviars are obtained according to the different degrees of maturation, the age of the fish and the preparation techniques, which vary according to processes developed for decades by the Manufacture.

Caviar Prunier “Tradition”
Firm and dark, this caviar with finesse and unique characteristics, represents the archetypal Prunier caviar, with a pronounced nutty taste that is increasingly appreciated. It gives off very frank, generous aromas of nuts and almonds, and has a good length in the mouth.

Caviar Prunier “Paris”
In order to appreciate all its subtleties, Paris caviar with large amber grains is consumed very quickly after preparation. This freshness is explained by the very small amount of salt used: the lighter the salting, the more volatile the aromas of the caviar. Thanks to this short maturation, the eggs retain a more concentrated fragrance. its subtle and creamy character gives it an aromatic complexity and a unique texture. Added to this a unique freshness which enhances the pleasure of tasting this rare product. Paris caviar is only available a few weeks a year, during the spring and autumn fishing periods.

“Saint-James” Prunier Caviar
Historically produced since 1932 for the inauguration of the Prunier restaurant on St James Street in London, Saint-James is the archetype of a great Prunier Caviar. Prepared with exceptional salt of Iranian origin, it reaches perfect maturation two months after fishing. This very bold, racy and highly earthy caviar has a generous attack and a superb flavour on the palate even once it’s been devoured. An extraordinary caviar.

Caviar Prunier “Malossol”
This specific caviar also called “pure salt” is a caviar with a deep black coarse grain and powerful aromas. It is very rich with an interminable linger of flavour on the palate. This “distinctive, rich and concentrated” caviar is particularly appreciated by demanding connoisseurs.

Caviar Prunier “Héritage”
Only 2% of the Prunier production deserves to be chosen for the Héritage selection. This exceptional product is distinguished by its large clear grains but also by its subtle earthy notes. It is complex and lingers on the palate. The creamy texture is mainly due to the careful selection of the oldest fish and its unique preparation according to the Persian method.

What Makes Beluga Caviar Legendary?


From the Acipenser Huso Huso sturgeon, this legendary caviar has a grain of surprising size and extreme finesse. Recognised for its unique taste; it is creamy, with delicate buttery notes and lingers in the mouth. Its colour is an anthracite pearl gray, reminiscent of precious Tahitian pearls.

Did you know?

#8 Facts About The Beluga

#1. Its scientific name is Huso Huso.

#2. It is a species of sturgeon endemic to the Caspian Sea.

#3. Its cousin is the Huso Dauricus, endemic to the Amur River.

#4. It is the largest of the sturgeon and can measure up to 6 meters.

#5. Both Huso sturgeons are carnivorous.

#6. The Beluga is a prehistoric animal dating back to the Jura period (200 million years)

and can live more than 100 years in its natural environment.

#7. Beluga is the most expensive caviar in the world, due to its rarity.

#8. Beluga is James Bond’s favorite caviar.

In conclusion, there is no better caviar on the market. If you don’t believe us, try it for yourself!

Available via our online shopping boutique.

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The art of French caviar by Prunier

In the middle of several hectares of preserved land on the edge of Isle, one of the tributaries of the Dordogne, in Montpon-Ménestérol near Bordeaux, the Prunier Manufacture continues its traditional heritage by producing its caviar in a totally controlled environment.

To obtain a “perfect” caviar, the Manufacture breeds two sturgeons: the acipenser baerii and the acipenser gueldenstaedtii. Transforming these eggs into caviar requires careful preparation according to a know-how developed 100 years ago by the Prunier house.

5 facts about the Manufacture Prunier Did you know that …?

1 . Prunier is one of the main caviar producers in the world

The Prunier Manufacture is the only farm in France to raise its sturgeons from its own fry and to produce its own caviar sold under its brand.

2 . In 1994, the Manufacture Prunier became the first producer to obtain caviar from farmed sturgeons.

It created a sustainable and safe alternative for endangered species in the Caspian Sea. Today, the grain selection process as well as the recipes of the Prunier Manufacture, make it possible to produce caviars with very different flavours.

3 . It was in 2010 that Prunier Manufacture launched the first Oscietra fry, the acipenser gueldenstaedtii.

Since then, it has bred them with great care and patience … Today L’Osciètre Prunier seduces you with its charcoal-brown colour and the shiny appearance of its grains. On the palate, it is characterised by the typical salting of Plum tree which gives it a subtle, pleasantly salty and nutty taste.

  1. Revealing the flavour of caviar is an absolute art for Prunier

The flavour of caviar has rarely been presented as its main attraction as it continues to evolve even after packaging. It is therefore difficult for simple importers to guarantee a taste unless they open the tins!
And yet the notes drafted in 1932 by Alexander Scott, the caviar expert from Maison Prunier behind the first French caviar, show that the little importance given to taste in relation to size and colour was already up for debate. At the time, he even proposed to educate consumers, to teach them to appreciate the wonderful diversity of aromas that caviar offers and not just to admire its appearance.
It is this heritage of taste that the Prunier Manufacture perpetuates today, with five French caviars from ascipenser baerii sturgeon.

5 . Maison Prunier offers 5 recipes revealing 5 great caviars 

Such as great wines, the specific flavours and fragrances of the 5 Prunier caviars are obtained according to the different degrees of maturation, the age of the fish and the preparation techniques, which vary according to processes developed for decades by the Manufacture.

Caviar Prunier “Tradition”
Firm and dark, this caviar with finesse and unique characteristics, represents the archetypal Prunier caviar, with a pronounced nutty taste that is increasingly appreciated. It gives off very frank, generous aromas of nuts and almonds, and has a good length in the mouth.

Caviar Prunier “Paris”
In order to appreciate all its subtleties, Paris caviar with large amber grains is consumed very quickly after preparation. This freshness is explained by the very small amount of salt used: the lighter the salting, the more volatile the aromas of the caviar. Thanks to this short maturation, the eggs retain a more concentrated fragrance. its subtle and creamy character gives it an aromatic complexity and a unique texture. Added to this a unique freshness which enhances the pleasure of tasting this rare product. Paris caviar is only available a few weeks a year, during the spring and autumn fishing periods.

“Saint-James” Prunier Caviar
Historically produced since 1932 for the inauguration of the Prunier restaurant on St James Street in London, Saint-James is the archetype of a great Prunier Caviar. Prepared with exceptional salt of Iranian origin, it reaches perfect maturation two months after fishing. This very bold, racy and highly earthy caviar has a generous attack and a superb flavour on the palate even once it’s been devoured. An extraordinary caviar.

Caviar Prunier “Malossol”
This specific caviar also called “pure salt” is a caviar with a deep black coarse grain and powerful aromas. It is very rich with an interminable linger of flavour on the palate. This “distinctive, rich and concentrated” caviar is particularly appreciated by demanding connoisseurs.

Caviar Prunier “Héritage”
Only 2% of the Prunier production deserves to be chosen for the Héritage selection. This exceptional product is distinguished by its large clear grains but also by its subtle earthy notes. It is complex and lingers on the palate. The creamy texture is mainly due to the careful selection of the oldest fish and its unique preparation according to the Persian method.

What Makes Beluga Caviar Legendary?


From the Acipenser Huso Huso sturgeon, this legendary caviar has a grain of surprising size and extreme finesse. Recognised for its unique taste; it is creamy, with delicate buttery notes and lingers in the mouth. Its colour is an anthracite pearl gray, reminiscent of precious Tahitian pearls.

Did you know?

#8 Facts About The Beluga

#1. Its scientific name is Huso Huso.

#2. It is a species of sturgeon endemic to the Caspian Sea.

#3. Its cousin is the Huso Dauricus, endemic to the Amur River.

#4. It is the largest of the sturgeon and can measure up to 6 meters.

#5. Both Huso sturgeons are carnivorous.

#6. The Beluga is a prehistoric animal dating back to the Jura period (200 million years)

and can live more than 100 years in its natural environment.

#7. Beluga is the most expensive caviar in the world, due to its rarity.

#8. Beluga is James Bond’s favorite caviar.

In conclusion, there is no better caviar on the market. If you don’t believe us, try it for yourself!

Available via our online shopping boutique.

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Bee My Love new Luxury Precious Pieces


Bee My Love new Luxury Precious Pieces

An established Maison icon, Bee My Love revisits the imperial symbol of the bee with a fresh modernity, transforming the honeycomb of the hive through an interplay of gold and geometry. Rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings in yellow, rose and white gold combine for a sophisticated and sensual look.

Bee My Love new Luxury Precious Pieces


More precious than ever, the Bee My Love collection is enriched by new graphic creations.

Chaumet reinterprets the timeless diamond necklace and tennis bracelet into a white gold parure that is deliberately modern, audacious and elegant all at once.

Finally, a new Y necklace in rose gold has been welcomed in the collection, completing the declination of second skin effect jewellery piece

A symbol of the divine and eternal power of Napoleon I, the gold bee adorned the attire and decorated the apartments of the Imperial couple. Marie-Etienne Nitot, official jeweller to the Emperor and founder of Chaumet, followed by successive Master Jewellers of the House, created all sorts of naturalist jewellery depicting bees.