Tag Archive for: premiere

Klipsch ReferenceTM Premiere: tecnología avanzada bajo un diseño espectacular

La firma lanza la tercera generación de su línea más vendida. Formada por 11 altavoces, llega cargada de prestaciones tecnológicas de última generación bajo un diseño elegante y diferenciador donde los detalles cuentan tanto como sus materiales de gran calidad.

Destacan por integrar la tecnología Tractrix® que mejora la respuesta y extensión de las altas frecuencias, los woofers Cerametallic®, capaces de brindar unas potentes frecuencias bajas y minimizar la distorsión, y un exclusivo tweeter de titanio con suspensión lineal (LTS) que maximiza la dinámica y ofrece un rendimiento detallado.

Junio 2022.- Magnetrón, empresa especializada en equipos y soluciones de sonido, presenta la nueva edición de los altavoces ReferenceTM Premiere de Klipsch.

La nueva línea es una versión mejorada de la serie de altavoces ReferenceTM Premiere, la más galardonada de la firma en toda su historia. Ahora, en su tercera generación, todos los altavoces que la conforman presentan las actualizaciones más impactantes en la historia de la serie, incluyendo los últimos avances tecnológicos de audio, materiales de primera calidad y detalles estéticos espectaculares.

A la última en tecnología

Así, esta serie utiliza la nueva y más avanzada tecnología patentada basada en el altavoz Tractrix®, destinado a mejorar la respuesta y extensión de alta frecuencia, tanto como la imagen y la dinámica.

También, cuenta con los woofers CerametallicTM de cobre, exclusivos de la firma, que presentan anillos Faraday de aluminio y puertos Tractrix para brindar potentes frecuencias bajas, al mismo tiempo que minimizan la distorsión y optimizan la eficiencia. Además, su exclusivo tweeter de titanio con suspensión lineal (LTS) optimiza la dinámica y ofrece un rendimiento detallado.

Diseño diferenciador

Los materiales premium que se han utilizado para su fabricación, así como los detalles diferenciadores que presenta la gama Klipsch ReferenceTM Premiere, consiguen un diseño espectacular y moderno.

Disponibles en dos acabados en madera, ébano y nogal, los elegantes detalles del diseño de la caja emanan refinamiento y se materializan en refuerzos mejorados del recinto, remates de unión en aluminio, soportes de aluminio fundido y conexiones para Dolby Atmos que permiten una integración fácil y refinada de los altavoces. Además, los tweeters y los woofers cuentan con los característicos anillos de cobre de Klipsch, pudiéndose ocultar, también, con rejillas magnéticas flexibles pero resistentes.

Gama completa

Klipsch ReferenceTM Premiere se compone de 11 altavoces: cuatro torres de suelo (RP-8060FA II habilitado para Dolby Atmos®, RP-8000F II, RP-6000F II y RP-5000F II); dos altavoces de estantería (RP-600M II y RP-500M II); tres altavoces centrales (RP-504C II, RP-500C II y RP-404C II); y dos altavoces de sonido envolvente (RP-502S II y el innovador RP-500SA II de doble función, ya que es capaz de funcionar como altavoz de altura Dolby Atmos y como trasero o lateral para crear un efecto envolvente).

PVP Klipsch RP-8060FA II: 1.599euros (IVA incluido) UNIDAD

PVP Klipsch RP-8000F II: 949 euros (IVA incluido) UNIDAD

PVP Klipsch RP-6000F II: 799 euros (IVA incluido) UNIDAD

PVP Klipsch RP-5000F II: 699 euros (IVA incluido) UNIDAD

PVP Klipsch RP-600M II: 799 euros (IVA incluido) PAREJA

PVP Klipsch RP-500M II: 649 euros (IVA incluido) PAREJA

PVP Klipsch RP-504C II: 799 euros (IVA incluido) UNIDAD

PVP Klipsch RP-500C II: 499 euros (IVA incluido) UNIDAD

PVP Klipsch RP-404C II: 599 euros (IVA incluido) UNIDAD

PVP Klipsch RP-502S II: 999 euros (IVA incluido) PAREJA

PVP Klipsch RP-500SA II: 749 euros (IVA incluido) PAREJA

Perfil corporativo

Magnetrón, empresa especializada en equipos y soluciones relacionadas con el sonido, es el distribuidor exclusivo de Sennheiser para España y Portugal. Con casi 50 años de experiencia, es distribuidor, además, de otras marcas de reconocido prestigio internacional: Klipsch, Jamo, Arcam y Oehlbach. De esta forma, cuenta en su haber con un sinfín de referencias en forma de auriculares, micrófonos, sistemas de sonido y accesorios, entre otros productos. Presente en el mercado español y el portugués, dispone de una cualificada plantilla de más de 50 empleados repartidos entre sus delegaciones de Madrid y Lisboa.

Estreno mundial del nuevo Maserati MC20 Cielo

Módena, 25 de mayo de 2022  – El superdeportivo MC20, ahora también un espía: Maserati presenta MC20 Cielo, un coche único en su tipo que puede ofrecer el rendimiento de un auténtico superdeportivo, junto con una conducción holística e inmersiva. placer como nunca se ha visto antes.

MC20 Cielo anuncia sus características especiales en su mismo nombre:  MC  significa Maserati Corse (‘Racing’); 20  hace referencia a 2020, año en que comenzó la nueva era de la marca; Cielo  (‘sky’) destaca el hecho de que es un modelo dedicado al placer de conducir al aire libre, manteniendo todas las prerrogativas del coupé.

Equipado con el revolucionario motor Nettuno V6, el Cielo ofrece una combinación perfecta de deportividad y lujo, cortesía de una especificación única en el segmento: el innovador techo de vidrio retráctil.
De hecho, el nuevo spyder actúa como un punto de encuentro entre la audacia de Maserati y el cielo infinito, presentando una “sensación de cielo” especial.
El modelo está equipado con una ventana electrocrómica (vidrio inteligente) de última generación que puede transformarse instantáneamente de transparente a opaco con solo tocar un botón en la pantalla central, cortesía de la tecnología Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC). . El techo también es el mejor de su clase en términos de aislamiento térmico y velocidad de apertura y cierre (solo 12 segundos).
Cortesía de este epítome de la tecnología, el MC20 Cielo brinda una experiencia de manejo multisensorial: que lo abarca todo con el techo cerrado y opaco; único por la luminosidad en la cabina cuando el techo es transparente; holístico con la parte superior hacia abajo.

Desarrollado en el Laboratorio de Innovación de Maserati y producido en la histórica planta de Viale Ciro Menotti, el spyder es 100 % fabricado en Italia y 100 % fabricado en Módena, al igual que la versión coupé.

MC20 Cielo está diseñado para la perfección. Pesa solo 65 kg más que el coupé, gracias a un trabajo minucioso y preciso durante las etapas de diseño del automóvil. Además de su excelente relación peso-potencia, el chasis de fibra de carbono (el mismo para las tres configuraciones por venir: coupé, spyder y la futura versión eléctrica) también garantiza una rigidez torsional sin concesiones, ofreciendo una combinación de manejo extraordinario en la carretera. y en la pista.

El nuevo spyder es un coche con un diseño elegante pero muy deportivo. Su carácter y personalidad son verdaderamente llamativos por la pureza de sus formas y la refinada aerodinámica sometida a pruebas de 360° en túnel de viento, ya sea con el techo abierto o cerrado.
Nada es superfluo en el diseño; todo tiene su propia función. La única concesión al efecto sorpresa son las puertas de mariposa, como en el superdeportivo MC20.
La puerta de mariposa proporciona un acceso mucho más fácil dentro y fuera de la cabina, además de mostrar la cabina de fibra de carbono y la rueda delantera completamente descubierta.

Desde una perspectiva estética, la versión de lanzamiento presenta un nuevo color metálico de tres capas conocido como Acquamarina, disponible como parte del programa de personalización Maserati Fuoriserie.
Un color que interactúa con la luz, revelándose de manera sorprendente  La base es un gris pastel inspirado en las carreras, que recuerda el ADN deportivo del MC20, acompañado de una mica aguamarina iridiscente que anima el tono y lo hace excepcional.

El nuevo modelo añade además una amplia gama de Sistemas de Seguridad Activa. Además de los sensores de estacionamiento, la cámara retrovisora ​​y el monitoreo de ángulo muerto incluidos en el MC20 desde el MY22, el nuevo spyder presenta un freno de emergencia autónomo, información de señales de tránsito y una nueva cámara de 360°.

El MC20 Cielo está equipado con un sistema de audio High Premium Sonus faber opcional. El sistema MC20 Coupé, un sistema de audio para vehículos ganador del premio EISA, ha sido optimizado específicamente para adaptarse a las necesidades acústicas y de posicionamiento únicas de la cabina del spyder, ubicando los 12 parlantes del sistema para dar como resultado el sonido natural que distingue a los sistemas de audio Faber de Sonus. .
Finalmente, la experiencia en el automóvil se gestiona desde el sistema multimedia Maserati Intelligent Assistant (MIA) y desde Maserati Connect.

En el estreno mundial del nuevo Maserati spyder, el vínculo con el cielo será el tema central, para llevarte a una nueva dimensión holística: simplemente levanta los ojos y mira hacia el cielo.

Maserati España
Maserati produce una gama completa de automóviles únicos, inmediatamente reconocibles por su extraordinaria personalidad. Gracias a su estilo, tecnología y carácter innatamente exclusivo, hacen las delicias de los gustos más exigentes y exigentes y siempre han sido un punto de referencia para la industria automotriz mundial. Una tradición de autos exitosos, cada uno de los cuales redefine lo que hace un auto deportivo italiano en términos de diseño, rendimiento, comodidad, elegancia y seguridad, actualmente disponible en más de setenta mercados a nivel internacional. Embajadores de esta herencia son el buque insignia Quattroporte, el sedán deportivo Ghibli, el Levante, el primer SUV fabricado por Maserati, y el Grecale, el nuevo SUV “todos los días excepcional”, todos modelos caracterizados por el uso de materiales de la más alta calidad y excelentes soluciones técnicas. ghibli, Grecale y Levante también están disponibles en versiones híbridas. Una gama completa, equipada con motores híbridos de 4 cilindros, V6 de gasolina y V8 de gasolina, con tracción trasera y en las cuatro ruedas, que encarna el ADN de rendimiento de la marca Trident. El tope de gama es el superdeportivo MC20, propulsado por el innovador motor Nettuno V6, que incorpora por primera vez tecnologías derivadas de la F1 disponibles en la unidad de potencia de un coche de producción estándar.

New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

Modena, 25 May 2022 – The MC20 super sports car, now also a spyder: Maserati presents MC20 Cielo, a one-of-a-kind car that can deliver the performance of a true super sports car, together with a holistic and immersive driving pleasure the like of which has never been seen before.

MC20 Cielo announces its special features in its very name: MC stands for Maserati Corse (‘Racing’); 20 refers to 2020, the year that began the brand’s new era; Cielo (‘sky’) highlights the fact that it is a model devoted to driving pleasure in the great outdoors, while maintaining all the prerogatives of the coupé.

Equipped with the revolutionary V6 Nettuno engine, the Cielo offers a perfect mix of sportiness and luxury, courtesy of a specification unique to the segment: the innovative retractable glass roof.
In actual fact, the new spyder acts a meeting point between Maserati audacity and the infinite sky, featuring a special “sky feeling”.
The model is equipped with a state-of-the-art electrochromic (smart glass) window that can instantly be transformed from clear to opaque at the touch of a button on the central screen, courtesy of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) technology. The roof is also best-in-class in terms of thermal insulation and of opening and closing speed (just 12 seconds).
Courtesy of this epitome of technology, MC20 Cielo provides a multi-sensory driving experience: all-encompassing with the roof closed and opaque; unique for the in-cabin brightness when the roof is transparent; holistic with the top down.

Developed at the Maserati Innovation Lab and produced at the historic plant on Viale Ciro Menotti, the spyder is 100% made in Italy and 100% made in Modena, as is the coupé version.

MC20 Cielo is designed for perfection. It weighs just 65 kg more than the coupé, made possible by meticulous, precise work during the stages of the car’s design. As well as its outstanding weight-to-power ratio, the carbon fibre chassis (the same for all three configurations to come: coupé, spyder and the future electric version) also guarantees uncompromising torsional rigidity, offering a combination of extraordinary handling on the road and on the track.

The new spyder is a car with an elegant yet highly sporty design. Its character and personality are truly eye-catching for the purity of its forms and the refined aerodynamics subjected to 360° testing in a wind tunnel, whether the roof is open or closed.
Nothing is superfluous in the design; everything has its own function. The only concession to a surprise effect is the butterfly doors, as in the MC20 super sports car.
The butterfly door provides much easier access into and out of the cabin, as well as showing off the carbon fibre cockpit and the completely unmasked front wheel.

From an aesthetic perspective, the launch version features a new three-layer metallic colour known as Acquamarina, available as part of the Maserati Fuoriserie customisation programme.
A colour that interacts with light, revealing itself in a surprising way. The base is a pastel grey inspired by racing, reminiscent of the MC20’s sporty DNA, accompanied by an iridescent aquamarine mica that enlivens the hue and makes it exceptional.

The new model also adds a wide range of Active Safety Systems. As well as the parking sensors, rear-view camera and blind spot monitoring included in the MC20 since the MY22, the new spyder introduces autonomous emergency brake, traffic sign information and a new 360° camera.

MC20 Cielo is equipped with an optional High Premium Sonus faber audio system. The MC20 Coupé system, an EISA award-winning in-vehicle audio system, has been specifically optimized to fit the unique acoustic and positioning needs of the spyder’s cabin, situating the system’s 12 speakers to result in the Natural Sound that distinguishes Sonus faber audio systems.
Finally, the in-car experience is managed from the Maserati Intelligent Assistant (MIA) Multimedia system, and from Maserati Connect.

At the World Premiere of the new Maserati spyder, the bond with the sky will be the central theme, to take you into a new, holistic dimension: just raise your eyes and look up to the sky.

Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable by their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a reference point for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. Ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante, the first SUV made by Maserati, and the Grecale, the all-new “everyday exceptional” SUV, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. Ghibli, Grecale and Levante are also available in hybrid versions. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid powertrains, V6 petrol and V8 petrol, with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, embodying the performance DNA of the Trident Brand. The top-of-the-range is the MC20 super sports car, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time.

For further information:

New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

Modena, 25 May 2022 – The MC20 super sports car, now also a spyder: Maserati presents MC20 Cielo, a one-of-a-kind car that can deliver the performance of a true super sports car, together with a holistic and immersive driving pleasure the like of which has never been seen before.

MC20 Cielo announces its special features in its very name: MC stands for Maserati Corse (‘Racing’); 20 refers to 2020, the year that began the brand’s new era; Cielo (‘sky’) highlights the fact that it is a model devoted to driving pleasure in the great outdoors, while maintaining all the prerogatives of the coupé.

Equipped with the revolutionary V6 Nettuno engine, the Cielo offers a perfect mix of sportiness and luxury, courtesy of a specification unique to the segment: the innovative retractable glass roof.
In actual fact, the new spyder acts a meeting point between Maserati audacity and the infinite sky, featuring a special “sky feeling”.
The model is equipped with a state-of-the-art electrochromic (smart glass) window that can instantly be transformed from clear to opaque at the touch of a button on the central screen, courtesy of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) technology. The roof is also best-in-class in terms of thermal insulation and of opening and closing speed (just 12 seconds).
Courtesy of this epitome of technology, MC20 Cielo provides a multi-sensory driving experience: all-encompassing with the roof closed and opaque; unique for the in-cabin brightness when the roof is transparent; holistic with the top down.

Developed at the Maserati Innovation Lab and produced at the historic plant on Viale Ciro Menotti, the spyder is 100% made in Italy and 100% made in Modena, as is the coupé version.

MC20 Cielo is designed for perfection. It weighs just 65 kg more than the coupé, made possible by meticulous, precise work during the stages of the car’s design. As well as its outstanding weight-to-power ratio, the carbon fibre chassis (the same for all three configurations to come: coupé, spyder and the future electric version) also guarantees uncompromising torsional rigidity, offering a combination of extraordinary handling on the road and on the track.

The new spyder is a car with an elegant yet highly sporty design. Its character and personality are truly eye-catching for the purity of its forms and the refined aerodynamics subjected to 360° testing in a wind tunnel, whether the roof is open or closed.
Nothing is superfluous in the design; everything has its own function. The only concession to a surprise effect is the butterfly doors, as in the MC20 super sports car.
The butterfly door provides much easier access into and out of the cabin, as well as showing off the carbon fibre cockpit and the completely unmasked front wheel.

From an aesthetic perspective, the launch version features a new three-layer metallic colour known as Acquamarina, available as part of the Maserati Fuoriserie customisation programme.
A colour that interacts with light, revealing itself in a surprising way. The base is a pastel grey inspired by racing, reminiscent of the MC20’s sporty DNA, accompanied by an iridescent aquamarine mica that enlivens the hue and makes it exceptional.

The new model also adds a wide range of Active Safety Systems. As well as the parking sensors, rear-view camera and blind spot monitoring included in the MC20 since the MY22, the new spyder introduces autonomous emergency brake, traffic sign information and a new 360° camera.

MC20 Cielo is equipped with an optional High Premium Sonus faber audio system. The MC20 Coupé system, an EISA award-winning in-vehicle audio system, has been specifically optimized to fit the unique acoustic and positioning needs of the spyder’s cabin, situating the system’s 12 speakers to result in the Natural Sound that distinguishes Sonus faber audio systems.
Finally, the in-car experience is managed from the Maserati Intelligent Assistant (MIA) Multimedia system, and from Maserati Connect.

At the World Premiere of the new Maserati spyder, the bond with the sky will be the central theme, to take you into a new, holistic dimension: just raise your eyes and look up to the sky.

Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable by their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a reference point for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. Ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante, the first SUV made by Maserati, and the Grecale, the all-new “everyday exceptional” SUV, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. Ghibli, Grecale and Levante are also available in hybrid versions. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid powertrains, V6 petrol and V8 petrol, with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, embodying the performance DNA of the Trident Brand. The top-of-the-range is the MC20 super sports car, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time.

For further information:

New Maserati MC20 Cielo Global Premiere

Modena, 25 May 2022 – The MC20 super sports car, now also a spyder: Maserati presents MC20 Cielo, a one-of-a-kind car that can deliver the performance of a true super sports car, together with a holistic and immersive driving pleasure the like of which has never been seen before.

MC20 Cielo announces its special features in its very name: MC stands for Maserati Corse (‘Racing’); 20 refers to 2020, the year that began the brand’s new era; Cielo (‘sky’) highlights the fact that it is a model devoted to driving pleasure in the great outdoors, while maintaining all the prerogatives of the coupé.

Equipped with the revolutionary V6 Nettuno engine, the Cielo offers a perfect mix of sportiness and luxury, courtesy of a specification unique to the segment: the innovative retractable glass roof.
In actual fact, the new spyder acts a meeting point between Maserati audacity and the infinite sky, featuring a special “sky feeling”.
The model is equipped with a state-of-the-art electrochromic (smart glass) window that can instantly be transformed from clear to opaque at the touch of a button on the central screen, courtesy of Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) technology. The roof is also best-in-class in terms of thermal insulation and of opening and closing speed (just 12 seconds).
Courtesy of this epitome of technology, MC20 Cielo provides a multi-sensory driving experience: all-encompassing with the roof closed and opaque; unique for the in-cabin brightness when the roof is transparent; holistic with the top down.

Developed at the Maserati Innovation Lab and produced at the historic plant on Viale Ciro Menotti, the spyder is 100% made in Italy and 100% made in Modena, as is the coupé version.

MC20 Cielo is designed for perfection. It weighs just 65 kg more than the coupé, made possible by meticulous, precise work during the stages of the car’s design. As well as its outstanding weight-to-power ratio, the carbon fibre chassis (the same for all three configurations to come: coupé, spyder and the future electric version) also guarantees uncompromising torsional rigidity, offering a combination of extraordinary handling on the road and on the track.

The new spyder is a car with an elegant yet highly sporty design. Its character and personality are truly eye-catching for the purity of its forms and the refined aerodynamics subjected to 360° testing in a wind tunnel, whether the roof is open or closed.
Nothing is superfluous in the design; everything has its own function. The only concession to a surprise effect is the butterfly doors, as in the MC20 super sports car.
The butterfly door provides much easier access into and out of the cabin, as well as showing off the carbon fibre cockpit and the completely unmasked front wheel.

From an aesthetic perspective, the launch version features a new three-layer metallic colour known as Acquamarina, available as part of the Maserati Fuoriserie customisation programme.
A colour that interacts with light, revealing itself in a surprising way. The base is a pastel grey inspired by racing, reminiscent of the MC20’s sporty DNA, accompanied by an iridescent aquamarine mica that enlivens the hue and makes it exceptional.

The new model also adds a wide range of Active Safety Systems. As well as the parking sensors, rear-view camera and blind spot monitoring included in the MC20 since the MY22, the new spyder introduces autonomous emergency brake, traffic sign information and a new 360° camera.

MC20 Cielo is equipped with an optional High Premium Sonus faber audio system. The MC20 Coupé system, an EISA award-winning in-vehicle audio system, has been specifically optimized to fit the unique acoustic and positioning needs of the spyder’s cabin, situating the system’s 12 speakers to result in the Natural Sound that distinguishes Sonus faber audio systems.
Finally, the in-car experience is managed from the Maserati Intelligent Assistant (MIA) Multimedia system, and from Maserati Connect.

At the World Premiere of the new Maserati spyder, the bond with the sky will be the central theme, to take you into a new, holistic dimension: just raise your eyes and look up to the sky.

Maserati S.p.A.
Maserati produces a complete range of unique cars, immediately recognisable by their extraordinary personality. Thanks to their style, technology and innately exclusive character, they delight the most discerning, demanding tastes and have always been a reference point for the global automotive industry. A tradition of successful cars, each of them redefining what makes an Italian sports car in terms of design, performance, comfort, elegance and safety, currently available in more than seventy markets internationally. Ambassadors of this heritage are the Quattroporte flagship, the Ghibli sports sedan, the Levante, the first SUV made by Maserati, and the Grecale, the all-new “everyday exceptional” SUV, all models characterised by the use of the highest quality materials and excellent technical solutions. Ghibli, Grecale and Levante are also available in hybrid versions. A complete range, equipped with 4-cylinder hybrid powertrains, V6 petrol and V8 petrol, with rear-wheel and four-wheel drive, embodying the performance DNA of the Trident Brand. The top-of-the-range is the MC20 super sports car, powered by the ground-breaking Nettuno V6 engine, incorporating F1-derived technologies available in the power unit of a standard production car for the first time.

For further information:

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Nuevos Ducati XDiavel & Scrambler MY 2021 | Ducati World Première

Ducati renueva la gama XDiavel presentando dos nuevas versiones para 2021: la XDiavel Dark y la XDiavel Black Star.

XDiavel, la Ducati cruiser que combina lo mejor de ambos mundos, se renueva, siendo fiel a su filosofía.

La nueva versión deportiva, Black Star, y la versión total look en negro mate, el XDiavel Dark, mejoran aún más los puntos fuertes de la XDiavel. Estos incluyen la capacidad de combinar un rendimiento emocionante, la potencia de una moto deportiva y una electrónica refinada con las características típicas de una cruiser: una moto larga, baja y cómoda con estribos avanzados y un potente par incluso a bajas revoluciones, pero también materiales y acabados de primera.

Mira el segundo episodio de la Ducati World Première

La nueva gama XDiavel presentada por Andrea Ferraresi, director del Ducati Style Centre.

Las novedades de la gama XDiavel


La nueva XDiavel ofrece una posición de conducción relajada, caracterizada por un asiento bajo y reposapiés avanzados. A partir de ahí, los múltiples ajustes posibles y el extenso catálogo de accesorios permiten a todos los moteros adaptar la moto a su estilo de conducción y características físicas.

Placer de conducir

Se nota que es una Ducati en la primera curva: la forma en que se inclina, su contenido técnico, su paquete electrónico de vanguardia y su alto rendimiento garantizan una experiencia de conducción inolvidable. El manillar ancho y los reposapiés avanzados de la nueva XDiavel, por otro lado, ofrecen sensaciones de conducción que permiten una conducción relajada y cómoda a cualquier velocidad.


Para toda la gama XDiavel 2021, el motor de dos cilindros Ducati Testastretta DVT 1262 cumple con la normativa Euro 5 en todos los países que adoptan esta norma. Para cumplir con la nueva norma europea de emisiones, se ha adoptado un diseño actualizado del silenciador, que mejora aún más las líneas de la moto y una nueva calibración del motor. Como resultado, la XDiavel ofrece una potencia máxima de 160 CV a 9.500 rpm y un par máximo de 13,0 kgm a 5.000 rpm, con un aumento de 8 CV y ​​0,2 kgm en comparación con la versión Euro 4. (Solo para países donde se aplica el estándar Euro 5.)


El equipamiento de serie de la XDiavel es extenso e incluye: plataforma inercial Bosch (IMU), ABS en curvas y Ducati Traction Control, Ducati Power Launch, sistema de iluminación full-LED y, en las versiones S y Black Star, luz de circulación diurna, forjada y Placas laterales anodizadas del bastidor con mecanizado a la vista, espejos retrovisores de aluminio macizo y Ducati Multimedia System.

On Tuesday September 28th, 2021 actresses Léa Seydoux and Ana de Armas attended the world premiere of No Time To Die wearing jewelry by Chopard

Léa selected to wear a pair of “Nuage”  earrings featuring brilliant-cut diamonds (totalling 3.77cts) Lea also selected an exquisite butterfly ring featuring pear shaped diamonds (totaling 14.5cts) in 18-carat white gold from The Haute Joaillerie collection and Precious Lace collections.

Ana selected to wear a pair of earrings featuring brilliant pear cut diamonds (totaling 26.78cts) a ring featuring a marquise brilliant cut diamond (totaling 9ct) with further brilliant cut diamonds set in 18-carat white gold, another ring featuring emerald cut diamonds (7.45ct) set in FairMined white gold, a pair of round brilliant solitaire earrings and lastly a ring featuring diamonds in 18-carat white gold.






Premiere of the Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS

Premiere of the Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS – a look forward at the first fully electric Maybach series model

Stuttgart/Munich, September 05, 2021

Mercedes-Maybach is expanding its product portfolio with a luxurious all-electric SUV based on the modular architecture for luxury- and executive-class electric vehicles

With the Concept EQS, Mercedes-Maybach is providing a clear preview of the first fully electric series-production model for the tradition-steeped luxury brand. The SUV concept vehicle is based on the modular architecture for luxury- and executive-class electric vehicles from Mercedes-Benz and takes the exclusivity of Maybach into a locally emission-free future. The near-production one-off shows identifying features that are characteristic of Maybach – such as the elaborate two-tone paint finish – but with its innovative drive technology, also takes a step towards a significantly more progressive way of presenting the brand. In the interior, the rear becomes a comfortable place to work or rest thanks to Executive seats and the Chauffeur Package. Added to this are exclusive details such as the new door panels, the armrests of which are designed like high-quality sideboards. There are also trim elements in white piano lacquer and materials in deep-sea blue, which create a feel-good atmosphere on board as if on an elegant yacht.

The Mercedes-Maybach brand has always stood for state-of-the-art technology, handcrafted precision and exclusivity. It is considered a pioneer in defining luxury, style and status. Mercedes-Maybach is a legend that is constantly reinventing itself. In 1921, Wilhelm and Karl Maybach began building cars with the goal of creating “the very best of the very best”. It is this claim that has been defining the unique aura of Mercedes‑Maybach for 100 years now.

Maybach customers are looking for something special, and the aim here is to exceed their expectations with the highest standards of exclusivity and individuality, elegant design and consummate craftsmanship as well as state-of-the-art technology. Because customers in the core markets of China, Russia, South Korea, the U.S. and Germany are becoming younger on average, the definition of luxury is also changing.

“Many of our Mercedes-Maybach customers are digitally connected to a high degree and place the highest demands on our digital solutions. They also expect the brand of their choice to stand up for sustainable values and take responsibility for the environment. The Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS fulfils all these points and embodies sophisticated luxury in a more progressive way: the all-electric powertrain not only makes consistently sustainable mobility possible, but also enables a new level of calm and relaxation for passengers,” said Britta Seeger, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, responsible for Marketing & Sales.

“The Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS represents the transformation of the tradition-rich luxury brand into a more progressive, all-electric future. Like every Maybach, it stands for Sophisticated Luxury in all its facets. The near-production concept car represents proof that state-of-the-art electric drive technology and pioneering infotainment with MBUX Hyperscreen combine perfectly with hallmark Maybach craftsmanship and an exquisite interior. This passionate combination of meticulously perfected details creates a unique automotive luxury experience. With the future all-electric SUV series model, we’re extending our leadership aspirations in the high-end segment to the area of electric mobility, too,” says Philipp Schiemer, Head of Top End Vehicle Group at Mercedes-Benz AG and Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Progressive luxury in brand-characteristic design

The concept car is instantly recognisable as a member of the Mercedes-Maybach and Mercedes-EQ families and provides a preview of the first all-electric SUV in the luxury segment. Based on a purely electric vehicle architecture, the design consistently follows the concept of “purpose design”. A dynamic silhouette extends the entire length of the vehicle, starting with a low front end, flowing tautly over the sloping A-pillar and roof contour and incorporating the airflow break-away edge of the rear spoiler. The transition to a new technological era is recognisable at first glance.

Continuous transitions, without breaks and edges, characterise the seamless design. The expressive surface modelling and muscular shoulders are further characteristic features. And numerous chrome applications set brand-characteristic accents. The pronounced wheel wells with cladding in high-gloss black emphasise power and emotionality.

Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer Daimler Group: “With the Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS, we’re transforming the brand into an electric future after 100 years. The futuristic design consists of an emotional integration of surfaces and shapes. The front, with its progressive Maybach grille, follows the principle of integration and gives the brand a completely new appearance. In conjunction with the new-style aerodynamic SUV proportions, we’re completely redefining the luxury SUV of the future.”

Chrome-plated Maybach pinstripes at the front and rear

The upright black panel front also flows seamlessly into the wraparound bonnet and headlights. The LED light units showcase the lighting with individual diamond blocks framed with a fine-knit mesh of the Maybach emblem. The filigree, vertical Maybach pinstripes in an elegant, three-dimensional effect are chrome-plated and characterise the cooler with its new, innovative Black Panel technology. Elegantly chrome-plated, filigree louvres are also found on the air intake in the bumper. This eye-catching design element is taken up again below the licence plate holder in the bumper at the rear. The classic Maybach lettering on the front bonnet, the upright Mercedes star and the longitudinal chrome-plated trim strip in the centre of the bonnet are a tribute to tradition.

Exclusive two-tone finish and subtly positioned brand emblems

Another key distinguishing feature is the brand’s signature two-tone paint finish in obsidian black metallic and zircon red metallic with a fine pinstripe in chrome as a visual dividing line. Generous chrome surfaces not only extend over the air intakes and diffuser at the front and rear, but also frame the side windows with a dynamically flowing chrome surround in a 3D design. The B-pillars are also chrome plated and have been exclusively finished with a subtle brand emblem pattern. The Maybach “M” can also be found on the D-pillar.

The aerodynamically optimised side running boards bear a customised inlay with the Maybach emblem. Generously dimensioned 24-inch light-alloy wheels in the Maybach “bowl” design – with five short spokes and a flat centre section – as well as Maybach lettering, emphasise the exclusive appearance of the all-electric SUV.

At the rear, the sparkling highlight is provided by the rear lights with their continuous helix light strip. The animation here runs from the outside in. The chrome roof spoiler acts as a sporty, aerodynamic trim element.

Another exclusive equipment option is provided by the automatic comfort doors front and rear. When the user approaches the vehicle, the door handles first extend. As the driver approaches further, the driver’s door opens automatically. Via MBUX, the driver also has the option of opening the rear doors remotely.

Virtual interior as an emotional and stylish statement

The interior of the Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS is just as emotional and stylish a statement as the exterior – realised completely virtually. The lounge character promises luxurious travel at the highest level. The front seats show parallels to the Mercedes-Maybach S-Class. The First-Class rear suite with two generous individual seats – also inspired by the S-Class – as well as the High-End Rear Seat Entertainment System guarantee the highest level of comfort on board. And because the SUV concept allows for more seat height, the calf rest could be made even larger. It lets the passenger’s feet float above the “faux fur” floor covering.

Floating centre console in the rear and plenty of freedom of movement

The centre console appears to float like a continuous ribbon from the cockpit to the rear seats, creating a particularly light and elegant impression of space with plenty of freedom of movement. In combination with many indirect and direct ambient lighting features, the impression of space and interior components appear visually lighter and also seem to float. The standard vase insert invites you to bring seasonally appropriate floral decorations and thus nature into the interior of the Maybach. Underneath, a large storage area offers plenty of space for utensils or for individual equipment options such as folding tables, a box of champagne goblets or a refrigerated compartment.

Newly designed door panels with floating armrests and controls with the appearance of elegant sideboards emphasise the simultaneously luxurious and modern character of the interior. The concept for colours and materials has been inspired by the world of fashion. Perfect craftsmanship, high-quality materials and extraordinary details show a new level of exclusivity. The colour combination of white and a deep, dark blue creates a spacious and technically sophisticated environment. A special highlight is the trim element in a white chrome look. Its rosé gold-coloured pilaster strips follow the shape perfectly. Additional rosé gold-coloured accents create an ideal contrast and contribute significantly to the luxurious feel of the interior.

Another unexpected contrast is brought to the interior by a fashion-inspired, progressive textile of the highest quality. It is used generously around the rear-seat area, while flashes of it also appear in further details in the interior. A progressive graphic printed on leather in the roof liner area demonstrates the perfect fusion of a traditional luxury material with modern technology.

MBUX Hyperscreen with Maybach-specific display styles

Another special eye-catcher in the interior is the MBUX Hyperscreen with Maybach-specific display styles and content. This large, curved screen unit extends almost from A-pillar to A-pillar. Three screens sit under a glass cover and appear to merge into one. The 12.3-inch OLED display for the front passenger gives them their own display and control area. There, the entertainment functions are only available while the car is being driven in accordance with the country-specific legal regulations. If the interior camera detects that the driver is looking at the passenger display, this is automatically dimmed when certain content is showing.

With adaptive software thanks to artificial intelligence, MBUX adapts completely to its user. It makes personalised suggestions for numerous infotainment, comfort and vehicle functions. With the zero layer, the most important applications are always offered on the top level within the field of vision, according to situation and context. Searching through submenus is no longer necessary.

In the high-resolution display of the infotainment system, there is an EQ tile in the main menu that serves as a central access point to the specific displays and settings. These include the charging current, departure time, energy flow and consumption histogram. In addition, the navigation and driving programs can also be operated via the media display. EV-specific navigation services and functions are also offered in conjunction with Mercedes me connect. These include, for example, the display of charging stations, the electric range and optimised route planning, taking into account the charging status, the weather and the traffic situation.

In addition, round air vents in high-gloss chrome, galvanised trim elements and the multifunction steering wheel from the VISION EQS with flattened top and bottom sections emphasise the high-quality and sophisticated look. The ambient lighting system, which can be adjusted in many ways, also creates a stylish atmosphere.

Modular architecture also serves as basis for another electric SUV

The Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS is based on the modular architecture for luxury- and executive-class electric vehicles from Mercedes-Benz. A further all-electric model is also set to appear on this basis, the EQS SUV, which will go into series production in 2022, even before the Maybach. Here, too, the electric powertrain ensures exceptionally smooth and quiet running and provides for a new level of calm and relaxation in the interior. According to WLTP, ranges of around 600 kilometres are planned for the Mercedes EQS SUV architecture.