Tag Archive for: RM Sotheby’s


Con un total de casi 90 autos deportivos en una lista diversa de marcas, el hilo común que une a la Colección Carrera es su impresionante diversidad. Una selección casi enciclopédica de autos deportivos Porsche representa la mayoría de los modelos, incluidos los primeros 356 ejemplares, los 928 grand tourers de primera línea, así como múltiples generaciones del legendario cupé deportivo 911. La colección también incluye una variedad de atractivos clásicos modernos de marcas como Alfa Romeo, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Alpina y Chevrolet. Cabe destacar que todos los coches de la colección se ofrecerán sin reserva.

La Colección Carrera se ofrecerá en dos ventas, una en Suiza y otra en Italia. Muy pronto se anunciarán más detalles, y lo alentamos a que se registre para obtener una cuenta de RM Sotheby’s para obtener las últimas actualizaciones.

El Porsche 911 Sally Special se vende por un récord de 3,6 millones de dólares en la subasta de RM Sotheby’s en Monterey

Porsche 911 Sally Special se vende por un récord de $3,6 millones en la subasta de RM Sotheby’s en Monterey Cada dólar del precio de venta del 911 Sally Special, único en uno, se donará a Girls Inc. y a EE. familias Monterey, California. El Porsche 911 Sally Special se vendió en la subasta de RM Sotheby’s Monterey el sábado por la noche por un récord de $3,6 millones (precio de subasta). En la atmósfera cargada de la sala de subastas abarrotada, el automóvil individual atrajo un interés significativo, y la oferta ganadora final provino de un postor telefónico. El precio fue un récord para un Porsche nuevo vendido en una subasta, según la casa de subastas.

La venta reunió a los miembros del equipo original de Cars que crearon tanto el automóvil de la película de Disney y Pixar como el Sally Carrera de tamaño natural, basado en un Porsche 911 Carrera de 2002. Ese equipo incluía a la actriz Bonnie Hunt, la voz de Sally Carrera, Jay Ward, director creativo de franquicias en Pixar Animation Studios, y Bob Pauley, quien, como diseñador de producción de Cars, dibujó a Sally por primera vez hace 20 años. A ellos se unieron Kjell Gruner, presidente y director ejecutivo de Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (PCNA), y miembros clave del equipo Sonderwunsch de Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur, incluidos Alexander Fabig y Boris Apenbrink.

“Me gustaría expresar mi gratitud y mis profundas felicitaciones al postor ganador”, dijo Kjell Gruner, presidente y director ejecutivo de PCNA. “Este acto generoso ha marcado la diferencia para dos importantes organizaciones benéficas y para las vidas de aquellos a quienes ayudarán. A cambio, espero que el postor esté muy feliz de haber obtenido una pieza especial y única de nuestra historia y la de Pixar”.

El 911 Sally Special estuvo acompañado por un exclusivo reloj hecho a medida de Porsche Design, diseñado específicamente para combinar con la configuración única de este icónico automóvil deportivo, con reflejos en Sally Blue Metallic y detalles exclusivos creados en colaboración con Pixar.

Una serie de artículos más pequeños también acompañaban al automóvil, entre ellos un segundo juego de ruedas presentado en un portaequipajes a medida, así como una cubierta de automóvil “Sally Special” equipada y un libro que trazaba la creación del automóvil de principio a fin, incorporando bocetos originales. tanto de Porsche como de Pixar.

“¡Qué noche y qué resultado! Es fantástico ver un auto inspirado en mi personaje en Cars hacer tanto bien”, dijo Bonnie Hunt, quien estaba en el escenario para la subasta en vivo. “Me encantó interpretar el papel de Sally durante los últimos 16 años, tiene un lugar especial en mi corazón y es maravilloso que su personalidad y valores sigan inspirando a las nuevas generaciones en la actualidad. El auto se veía increíble, y sé que el equipo puso su corazón y alma en crearlo. Estoy emocionado por el nuevo propietario que tiene algo muy especial y completamente único”.

“Sé que hablo en nombre de todo el equipo de Pixar cuando digo lo orgullosos que estamos no solo del resultado de la subasta, sino también de que el 911 Sally Special también creó conciencia sobre el trabajo de dos organizaciones benéficas increíbles: Girls Inc. y USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency”, dijo Jay Ward, director creativo de franquicias de Pixar Animation Studios. “La reacción ha sido increíble. Un momento realmente especial. El dinero recaudado irá directamente a ellas, brindando programas educativos que cambiarán la vida de las niñas en los EE. UU. y ayuda para los refugiados ucranianos afectados por la guerra”.

“El automóvil atrajo un interés sin precedentes”, dijo Gord Duff, director global de subastas de RM Sotheby’s. “Vimos una cantidad significativa de consultas en la semana anterior a la subasta, pero esto realmente se aceleró en las últimas horas previas al evento, impulsado por el increíble interés de las redes sociales en el automóvil. Ha sido un verdadero honor haber sido parte del proyecto y trabajar con Porsche y Pixar durante los últimos meses para facilitar la venta. Nos gustaría felicitar al nuevo propietario por su compra y agradecerle la contribución que ha hecho a Girls Inc. y USA para ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados”.

Información sobre Girls Inc. y USA para ACNUR
Dos organizaciones benéficas son las beneficiarias de la venta del 911 Sally Special, donándose la totalidad del precio de venta de $3,6 millones.

Girls Inc. inspira a todas las niñas a ser fuertes, inteligentes y audaces a través del servicio directo y la promoción. Una red de 76 organizaciones locales, que opera en más de 1600 sitios en los Estados Unidos y Canadá, equipa a las niñas con el conocimiento y las habilidades para lograr cambios positivos en sus vidas y convertirse en líderes que cambiarán el mundo. “Estamos agradecidos con Porsche y Pixar por su compromiso con este proyecto, que beneficiará directamente nuestro trabajo”, dijo Stephanie J. Hull, Ph.D., presidenta y directora ejecutiva de Girls Inc. “El personaje de Sally, y lo que representa, es un gran modelo a seguir para las niñas y es apropiado que ayude a una nueva generación a alcanzar sus sueños”.

El proyecto también apoya a EE. UU. para ACNUR, la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados, que está trabajando para brindar ayuda urgente a casi 6,2 millones de refugiados que han sido desplazados en toda Europa desde el estallido de la guerra en Ucrania. “La mayoría de las personas obligadas a huir de Ucrania son mujeres y niños, entre ellos niños no acompañados y separados de sus padres”, dijo Anne-Marie Grey, Directora Ejecutiva y Directora General de ACNUR en EE. UU. “Pero hay razones para tener esperanza con el apoyo crítico de compañías como Porsche y Pixar que generosamente han dado un paso al frente para ayudar a garantizar su seguridad y protección en los próximos meses”.

Ver relacionado: – Rm-Sothebys-1957-ferrari-500-trc-spider-by-scaglietti/

Porsche 911 Sally Special sells for record $3.6 million at RM Sotheby’s Monterey Auction

Porsche 911 Sally Special sells for record $3.6 million at RM Sotheby’s Monterey Auction
Every dollar of the sale price for the one-of-one 911 Sally Special will be donated to Girls Inc. and USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to support children and families

Monterey, Calif. The Porsche 911 Sally Special sold at the RM Sotheby’s Monterey Auction on Saturday evening for a record $3.6 million (auction hammer price). In the charged atmosphere of the packed bidding hall, the one-of-one car attracted significant interest, with the final winning offer coming from a telephone bidder. The price was a record for a new Porsche sold at auction, according to the auction house.

The sale reunited members of the original Cars team who created both the car in the Disney and Pixar film and the life-size Sally Carrera, based on a 2002 Porsche 911 Carrera. That team included actress Bonnie Hunt, the voice of Sally Carrera, Jay Ward, Creative Director of Franchise at Pixar Animation Studios, and Bob Pauley, who, as Production Designer for Cars, sketched Sally for the first time 20 years ago. They were joined by Kjell Gruner, President and CEO of Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (PCNA), and key members of Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur’s Sonderwunsch team including Alexander Fabig and Boris Apenbrink.

“I’d like to express my gratitude and profound congratulations to the winning bidder,” said Kjell Gruner, PCNA’s President and CEO. “This generous act has made a difference for two important charities and to the lives of those they’ll help. In return, I hope the bidder is very happy to have secured a special and unique piece of our and Pixar’s history.”

The 911 Sally Special was accompanied by a one-of-one Porsche Design custom-built Timepiece, designed specifically to match the unique configuration of this iconic sports car, with Sally Blue Metallic highlights and exclusive details created in collaboration with Pixar.

An array of smaller items also accompanied the car – these included a second set of wheels presented in a bespoke rack as well as a fitted “Sally Special” car cover and a book charting the creation of the car from beginning to end, incorporating original sketches from both Porsche and Pixar.

“What a night and what a result! It’s fantastic to see a car inspired by my character in Cars do so much good,” said Bonnie Hunt, who was on stage for the live bidding. “I’ve loved playing the role of Sally for the past 16 years, she has a special place in my heart, and it’s wonderful that her personality and values continue to inspire new generations today. The car looked amazing, and I know the team put their heart and souls into creating it. I am thrilled for the new owner who has something very special, and completely unique.”

“I know I speak for the whole Pixar team when I say how proud we are of not only the auction result but that the 911 Sally Special also raised awareness of the work of two incredible charities – Girls Inc. and USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency,” said Jay Ward, Creative Director of Franchise of Pixar Animation Studios. “The reaction has been nothing short of amazing. A really special moment. The money raised will go directly to them, providing life-changing educational programs to young girls in the U.S. and relief for Ukrainian refugees affected by the war.”

“The car attracted unprecedented interest,” said Gord Duff, Global Head of Auctions for RM Sotheby’s. “We saw a significant number of inquiries in the week before the auction, but this really accelerated as the final hours leading up to the event – driven by the incredible social media interest in the car. It’s been a real honor to have been a part of the project and to work with both Porsche and Pixar over the past months to facilitate the sale. We’d like to congratulate the new owner on their purchase and thank them for the contribution they’ve made to Girls Inc. and USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.”

Information about Girls Inc. and USA for UNHCR
Two charities are the beneficiaries of the sale of the 911 Sally Special, with the entirety of the $3.6 million sale price being donated.

Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through direct service and advocacy. A network of 76 local organizations, operating in over 1,600 sites across the United States and in Canada, equips girls with the knowledge and skills to effect positive changes in their lives and become leaders who will change the world. “We are grateful to Porsche and to Pixar for their commitment to this project, which will directly benefit our work,” said Stephanie J. Hull, Ph.D., Girls Inc. President and CEO. “The character of Sally, and what she represents, is a great role model for young girls and it is fitting that she should be helping a new generation achieve their dreams.”

The project also supports USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, which is working to provide urgent help to nearly 6.2 million refugees who have been displaced across Europe since the outbreak of war in Ukraine. “The majority of those forced to flee Ukraine are women and children, among them unaccompanied children and those separated from their parents,” said Anne-Marie Grey, Executive Director and CEO of USA for UNHCR. “But there is reason to hope with the critical support of companies like Porsche and Pixar who have generously stepped up to help ensure their safety and protection in months to come.”

More – Rm-Sothebys-1957-ferrari-500-trc-spider-by-scaglietti/

Porsche 911 Sally Special sells for record $3.6 million at RM Sotheby’s Monterey Auction

Porsche 911 Sally Special sells for record $3.6 million at RM Sotheby’s Monterey Auction
Every dollar of the sale price for the one-of-one 911 Sally Special will be donated to Girls Inc. and USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to support children and families

Monterey, Calif. The Porsche 911 Sally Special sold at the RM Sotheby’s Monterey Auction on Saturday evening for a record $3.6 million (auction hammer price). In the charged atmosphere of the packed bidding hall, the one-of-one car attracted significant interest, with the final winning offer coming from a telephone bidder. The price was a record for a new Porsche sold at auction, according to the auction house.

The sale reunited members of the original Cars team who created both the car in the Disney and Pixar film and the life-size Sally Carrera, based on a 2002 Porsche 911 Carrera. That team included actress Bonnie Hunt, the voice of Sally Carrera, Jay Ward, Creative Director of Franchise at Pixar Animation Studios, and Bob Pauley, who, as Production Designer for Cars, sketched Sally for the first time 20 years ago. They were joined by Kjell Gruner, President and CEO of Porsche Cars North America, Inc. (PCNA), and key members of Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur’s Sonderwunsch team including Alexander Fabig and Boris Apenbrink.

“I’d like to express my gratitude and profound congratulations to the winning bidder,” said Kjell Gruner, PCNA’s President and CEO. “This generous act has made a difference for two important charities and to the lives of those they’ll help. In return, I hope the bidder is very happy to have secured a special and unique piece of our and Pixar’s history.”

The 911 Sally Special was accompanied by a one-of-one Porsche Design custom-built Timepiece, designed specifically to match the unique configuration of this iconic sports car, with Sally Blue Metallic highlights and exclusive details created in collaboration with Pixar.

An array of smaller items also accompanied the car – these included a second set of wheels presented in a bespoke rack as well as a fitted “Sally Special” car cover and a book charting the creation of the car from beginning to end, incorporating original sketches from both Porsche and Pixar.

“What a night and what a result! It’s fantastic to see a car inspired by my character in Cars do so much good,” said Bonnie Hunt, who was on stage for the live bidding. “I’ve loved playing the role of Sally for the past 16 years, she has a special place in my heart, and it’s wonderful that her personality and values continue to inspire new generations today. The car looked amazing, and I know the team put their heart and souls into creating it. I am thrilled for the new owner who has something very special, and completely unique.”

“I know I speak for the whole Pixar team when I say how proud we are of not only the auction result but that the 911 Sally Special also raised awareness of the work of two incredible charities – Girls Inc. and USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency,” said Jay Ward, Creative Director of Franchise of Pixar Animation Studios. “The reaction has been nothing short of amazing. A really special moment. The money raised will go directly to them, providing life-changing educational programs to young girls in the U.S. and relief for Ukrainian refugees affected by the war.”

“The car attracted unprecedented interest,” said Gord Duff, Global Head of Auctions for RM Sotheby’s. “We saw a significant number of inquiries in the week before the auction, but this really accelerated as the final hours leading up to the event – driven by the incredible social media interest in the car. It’s been a real honor to have been a part of the project and to work with both Porsche and Pixar over the past months to facilitate the sale. We’d like to congratulate the new owner on their purchase and thank them for the contribution they’ve made to Girls Inc. and USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.”

Information about Girls Inc. and USA for UNHCR
Two charities are the beneficiaries of the sale of the 911 Sally Special, with the entirety of the $3.6 million sale price being donated.

Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold through direct service and advocacy. A network of 76 local organizations, operating in over 1,600 sites across the United States and in Canada, equips girls with the knowledge and skills to effect positive changes in their lives and become leaders who will change the world. “We are grateful to Porsche and to Pixar for their commitment to this project, which will directly benefit our work,” said Stephanie J. Hull, Ph.D., Girls Inc. President and CEO. “The character of Sally, and what she represents, is a great role model for young girls and it is fitting that she should be helping a new generation achieve their dreams.”

The project also supports USA for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, which is working to provide urgent help to nearly 6.2 million refugees who have been displaced across Europe since the outbreak of war in Ukraine. “The majority of those forced to flee Ukraine are women and children, among them unaccompanied children and those separated from their parents,” said Anne-Marie Grey, Executive Director and CEO of USA for UNHCR. “But there is reason to hope with the critical support of companies like Porsche and Pixar who have generously stepped up to help ensure their safety and protection in months to come.”

More – Rm-Sothebys-1957-ferrari-500-trc-spider-by-scaglietti/

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

RM Sotheby’s | 1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti

Ofrecido de la colección Oscar Davis.

  • El 18 de 19 ejemplos construidos; ampliamente considerado el más bello de los diseños de Testa Rossa
  • Corrió en las 24 Horas de Le Mans de 1957 por Richie Ginther y François Picard
  • Conducido a 12 victorias generales o de clase por la leyenda de las carreras Gaston Andrey en el camino hacia los campeonatos SCCA E-Modified de 1958 y 1959
  • Carrera de carreras excepcionalmente larga y exitosa en al menos 30 largadas entre 1957 y 1963, con 18 podios
  • Actualmente equipado con motor de números coincidentes
  • Altamente elegible para los eventos más exclusivos del mundo en carreras, rallies y concursos, incluidos Mille Miglia Storica y Le Mans Classic
Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby's

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby’s


Aunque es mejor recordado por diseñar el motor V-12 de bloque largo que Ferrari llevó hasta la victoria en las 24 Horas de Le Mans de 1954, el ingeniero Aurelio Lampredi también fue responsable de un motor de cuatro cilindros muy exitoso. El pilar de los campeonatos mundiales de pilotos de Fórmula 2 de 1952 y 1953 de Ferrari (los años durante los cuales la Fórmula 1 se canceló esencialmente debido a la falta de competencia), este motor pronto se transpuso a las carreras de autos deportivos, impulsando el 500 Mondial y el 750 Modelos de Monza a numerosas victorias.

Las fortalezas del motor fueron particularmente evidentes en circuitos sinuosos más cortos, donde el motor liviano y de altas revoluciones podía impulsar las curvas, a menudo dejando a los competidores con motor V-12 en el polvo.

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby's

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby’s

Después de la salida de Lampredi en 1955, un nuevo equipo de ingeniería dirigido por el ex-maestro de Alfa Romeo Vittorio Jano se encargó de desarrollar aún más el motor de cuatro cilindros, y su trabajo contó con el auspicio de la instalación de un nuevo bloque de cilindros con acabado en rojo brillante. pintar. Esto marcó el inicio del poderoso Testa Rossa, un modelo que finalmente estaría equipado con un V-12 de cabeza roja y se convertiría posiblemente en la serie de prototipos de carreras deportivas más legendaria de todos los tiempos.

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby's

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby’s

El 500 TR hizo su debut en el Gran Premio de Senegal con el equipo de carreras Ecurie Francorchamps de Jacques Swaters, logrando un éxito inmediato con un 1° en su clase. La mayoría de los ejemplos posteriores fueron carrozados por Scaglietti y destinados a los principales clientes privados de Ferrari, mientras que un pequeño puñado se actualizó a motores de 2.5 litros y Touring los carrozó para usarlos como autos Scuderia Ferrari Works. Fueron dos de estos últimos ejemplos los que lograron el primer gran éxito internacional del modelo cuando terminaron primero y tercero en el Gran Premio Supercortemaggiore de 1956 en Monza. El éxito continuó a lo largo de 1956 con el nuevo “Red Head” logrando más de 30 victorias generales y de clase en América del Norte y Europa.

Para 1957, el 500 TR se actualizó para cumplir con las últimas regulaciones del Apéndice C de la FIA, y el modelo pasó a llamarse 500 TRC. Tres pulgadas más bajo que su predecesor, el TRC utilizó una caja de cambios convencional de cuatro velocidades montada en el motor y un eje trasero vivo, evitando la parte trasera más pesada de De Dion empleada en el 500 Mondial. Con bielas y conjunto de cigüeñal más fuertes, y un volante de inercia más ligero, el motor tipo 131C fue alimentado por dos carburadores Weber 40 DCOA/3, combinándose para desarrollar 190 caballos de fuerza y ​​alcanzar una velocidad máxima potencial de 153 mph. Desarrollado exclusivamente para clientes de carreras privadas, el 500 TRC obtuvo victorias en su clase en las 24 Horas de Le Mans, la Mille Miglia, las 12 Horas de Sebring y los 1000 KM de Nürburgring.

El 500 TRC se construyó en una cantidad exclusiva de solo 19 ejemplares, y fue el último modelo de cuatro cilindros que produjo Ferrari. Por supuesto, con su cuerpo abierto Scaglietti sensual y su motor pelirrojo, resultó ser solo la salva inicial de la leyenda de Testa Rossa, pero fue un primer capítulo memorable.

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby's

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby’s


En campaña con numerosas victorias por una alineación de pilotos de carreras de luminarias, este hermoso 500 TRC es un ejemplo muy deseable de los primeros Testa Rossa. Colocado al final de la producción, el 0706 MDTR es el penúltimo automóvil construido y en abril de 1957 la fábrica lo prestó a François Picard, quien volvió a pintar el automóvil en azul francés y corrió bajo la bandera de su Ecurie. Los Amigos. Después de obtener tres victorias en su clase hasta principios de junio, incluida la quinta en la general en el Gran Premio de Portugal, Picard se asoció con la estrella en ascenso Richie Ginther para correr las 24 Horas de Le Mans. A pesar de mostrar una promesa temprana en la carrera, el TRC se retiró luego de una falla en la bomba de agua.

A fines de 1957, el Ferrari se vendió a través de Luigi Chinetti a Mike Garber de Hamden, Connecticut, el patrocinador del legendario piloto de carreras nacido en Suiza, Gaston “Gus” Andrey. Habiendo emigrado a los Estados Unidos, Andrey disfrutó de una carrera muy exitosa que incluyó cuatro campeonatos SCCA y dos campeonatos Trans-Am, conduciendo para NART de Ferrari, Maserati y Alfa Romeo, entre otros.

Todavía terminado con su librea azul de Le Mans, Andrey condujo por primera vez el hermoso 500 TRC en la Nassau Bahamas Speed ​​Week en diciembre de 1957. Andrey no pudo terminar el evento del Tourist Trophy pero volvió fuerte con un segundo lugar en su clase en la carrera preliminar del Governor’s Trophy y un respetable quinto lugar en la clase en la reñida carrera del Trofeo Nassau. Después de Nassau, el automóvil permaneció en el sureste y Mike Garber lo inscribió en las 12 Horas de Sebring de 1958. Conducido por Andrey, Bill Loyd y, durante un breve período, el gran Dan Gurney, el automóvil funcionó bien hasta la vuelta 125, cuando sufrió una falla en el cojinete del eje trasero.

Siguiendo a Sebring, el automóvil se repintó en un esquema de dos tonos de blanco sobre una parte inferior de la carrocería roja, una franja roja y emblemas suizos en cada lado, en homenaje a la herencia suiza de Andrey. Andrey condujo el 0706 MDTR en una serie de carreras hasta 1959, lo que le valió los campeonatos E-Modified de la SCCA en 1958 y 1959. Casi siempre entre los 10 primeros clasificados, el auto logró una victoria general en Lime Rock en abril de 1958 y un victoria de su clase en la President’s Cup de 1958 en Marlboro, Maryland. También ganó su clase en Bridgehampton en junio de 1958, Virginia International Raceway en octubre de 1958, Thompson en mayo de 1959 y Lime Rock en julio de 1959.

El éxito de Ferrari provocó una buena cantidad de cobertura en la prensa automovilística, incluido un artículo en la edición de octubre de 1959 de Road & Track, y el estado del automóvil de portada para la edición de enero de 1960 de Sports Car Graphic. A principios de 1960, Andrey puso a la venta el TRC y, durante las siguientes dos décadas, pasó por una cadena documentada de propietarios en todo Estados Unidos.

A principios de la década de 1960, mientras Henry Hironaka lo conducía en una escuela de carreras, el motor original de 2 litros número 0706 MDTR dejó caer una válvula y se retiró del automóvil. Durante un tiempo, el 0706 MDTR, al igual que muchos autos de carreras Ferrari usados ​​​​de la época, tenía instalado un motor Ford 289 V-8 para mantenerlo operativo. Posteriormente, se retiró el motor Ford y se instaló un nuevo motor de 2 litros, estampado con el número 0582 LM.

En mayo de 1980, Stanley Nowak encontró el motor 0706 MDTR original embalado en el almacén de Luigi Chinetti, y pronto se lo vendió a Derek Lees en Birmingham, Inglaterra, quien lo instaló en la restauración de un 500 TR, número de chasis 0640 MDTR.

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby's

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby’s


En 1984, el 500 TRC fue comprado por el conde Hubertus von Dönhoff en Alemania, y durante los siguientes 10 años ingresó al automóvil dos veces en Mille Miglia Storica y tres veces en el AvD-Oldtimer Grand Prix en Nürburgring. Para 1995, el Ferrari estaba de regreso en los EE. UU. y se exhibió con orgullo en el Cavallino Classic de 1995, ganando la Coppa per Quattro Cilindri al mejor Ferrari de cuatro cilindros.

Posteriormente, el 500 TRC se vendió en septiembre de 1998 a Roger Willbanks, Sr., un respetado coleccionista con sede en Colorado que presentó el automóvil en el Meadow Brook Concours d’Elegance de 2001, el Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance de 2003 y el Pebble Beach de 2005. Concours d´Elegance. Tras la venta a un coleccionista con sede en Nueva York en 2006, el coche se mostró en el Concurso de Elegancia de Reading de 2007, donde ganó el Premio Scaglietti. En 2014, este 500 TRC fue adquirido por Oscar Davis y, lo que es más importante, el automóvil se reunió con el motor de coincidencia de números número 0706 MDTR, que se reinstaló recientemente en preparación para la oferta actual del automóvil. Su motor de repuesto, número 0582 LM, acompaña a la venta.

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby's

Ferrari 500 TRC Spider de 1957 por Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Cortesía de RM Sotheby’s

Esta sensacional araña, que ahora se ofrece de la Colección Oscar Davis, sigue beneficiándose de una restauración más antigua. Reclama un uso importante en la competencia, ya que fue conducido por Richie Ginther en las 24 Horas de Le Mans y por Gaston Andrey en las 12 Horas de Sebring, que también formaron el componente principal de sus campeonatos SCCA de 1958 y 1959.

Simplemente inspirador en su carrocería Scaglietti rojo sobre negro amenazante, este llamativo 500 TRC sería un gran participante en importantes eventos de marca o se puede disfrutar en reuniones de carreras clásicas como Mille Miglia Storica, Le Mans Classic o Monterey Historics. , además de los mejores concursos de elegancia del mundo. La carrocería voluptuosa declara instantáneamente la posición del automóvil en la evolución de una célebre leyenda, esa obra maestra de carreras de autos deportivos conocida para siempre por dos palabras: Testa Rossa.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

RM Sotheby’s | 1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti

Offered from the Oscar Davis Collection

  • The 18th of 19 examples built; widely considered the most beautiful of the Testa Rossa designs
  • Raced at the 1957 24 Hours of Le Mans by Richie Ginther and François Picard
  • Driven to 12 overall or class victories by racing legend Gaston Andrey en route to the 1958 and 1959 SCCA E-Modified championships
  • Exceptionally long and successful racing career across at least 30 starts between 1957 and 1963, with 18 podium finishes
  • Currently fitted with matching-numbers engine
  • Highly eligible for the world’s most exclusive events across racing, rally, and concours, including the Mille Miglia Storica and Le Mans Classic
1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


Though he is best remembered for designing the long-block V-12 engine that Ferrari rode all the way to a victory at the 1954 24 Hours of Le Mans, engineer Aurelio Lampredi was also responsible for a very successful four-cylinder motor. The mainstay of Ferrari’s dominating 1952 and 1953 World Drivers’ Championships in Formula Two competition (the years during which Formula One was essentially canceled due to a lack of competition), this engine was soon transposed to sports car racing, powering the 500 Mondial and 750 Monza models to numerous wins.

The engine’s strengths were particularly evident on shorter winding circuits, where the high-revving, lightweight motor could power through the turns, often leaving V-12-powered competitors in the dust.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

After Lampredi’s exit in 1955, a new engineering team led by ex-Alfa Romeo maestro Vittorio Jano was charged with developing the four-cylinder engine even further, and their work most auspiciously featured the fitting of a new cylinder block that was finished in gloss red paint. This marked the inception of the mighty Testa Rossa, a model that would ultimately be fitted with a red-head V-12, and go on to become arguably the most legendary sports racing prototype series of all-time.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

The 500 TR made its debut at the Senegal Grand Prix with Jacques Swaters’ Ecurie Francorchamps racing team, achieving immediate success with a 1st in class. The majority of the subsequent examples were bodied by Scaglietti and destined for Ferrari’s top privateer clients, while a small handful were upgraded to 2.5-liter engines and bodied by Touring for use as Scuderia Ferrari Works cars. It was two of the latter examples which achieved the model’s first major international success when they finished 1st and 3rd at the 1956 Supercortemaggiore Grand Prix at Monza. Success continued throughout 1956 with the new “Red Head” achieving over 30 class and overall victories across North America and Europe.

For 1957, the 500 TR was updated to comply with the FIA’s latest Appendix C regulations, and the model was duly renamed the 500 TRC. Three inches lower than its predecessor, the TRC utilized a conventional engine-mounted four-speed gearbox and a live rear axle, eschewing the heavier De Dion rear end employed in the 500 Mondial. With stronger connecting rods and crankshaft assembly, and a lighter flywheel, the type 131C engine was fed by two Weber 40 DCOA/3 carburetors, combining to develop 190 horsepower and good for a potential top speed of 153 mph. Developed exclusively for privateer racing clients, the 500 TRC went on to collect class wins at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the Mille Miglia, the 12 Hours of Sebring, and the Nürburgring 1000 KM.

The 500 TRC was built in a boutique quantity of just 19 examples, and it was the last four-cylinder model that Ferrari ever produced. Of course, with its sensuous Scaglietti open body and red-head motor, it proved to be just the opening salvo of the Testa Rossa legend—but what a memorable first chapter it was.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


Campaigned to numerous wins by a luminary racing driver lineup, this beautiful 500 TRC is a highly desirable example of the early Testa Rossa. Slotted in at the end of the production run, 0706 MDTR is the second-to-last car built and in April 1957 it was loaned by the factory to François Picard, who repainted the car French blue and raced it under the banner of his Ecurie Los Amigos. After scoring three class wins through early June, including 5th overall at the Portuguese Grand Prix, Picard teamed with rising star Richie Ginther to run the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Despite showing early promise in the race, the TRC retired following a water pump failure.

In late 1957 the Ferrari was sold through Luigi Chinetti to Mike Garber of Hamden, Connecticut, the sponsor of the legendary Swiss-born racing driver Gaston “Gus” Andrey. Having emigrated to the United States, Andrey went on to enjoy a very successful career that included four SCCA championships and two Trans-Am championships, driving for Ferrari’s NART, Maserati, and Alfa Romeo, among others.

Still finished in its Le Mans blue livery, Andrey first drove the beautiful 500 TRC at the Nassau Bahamas Speed Week in December 1957. Andrey failed to finish the Tourist Trophy event but came back strong with a 2nd in class in the Governor’s Trophy prelim race and a respectable 5th in class in the hotly contested Nassau Trophy race. Following Nassau, the car remained in the Southeast and was entered by Mike Garber in the 1958 12 Hours of Sebring. Driven by Andrey, Bill Loyd, and for a short stint the great Dan Gurney, the car ran well until the 125th lap when it suffered a rear axle bearing failure.

Following Sebring, the car was refinished in a two-tone scheme of white over a red lower body, a red stripe, and Swiss emblems on each side, paying homage to Andrey’s Swiss heritage. 0706 MDTR was driven by Andrey in a slew of races through 1959, earning him the SCCA E-Modified championships in 1958 and 1959. Almost always among the top 10 finishers, the car claimed an overall win at Lime Rock in April 1958, and a class win at the 1958 President’s Cup at Marlboro, Maryland. It also won its class at Bridgehampton in June 1958, Virginia International Raceway in October 1958, Thompson in May 1959, and Lime Rock in July 1959.

The Ferrari’s success prompted a fair amount of coverage in the motoring press, including a piece in the October 1959 issue of Road & Track, and cover car status for the January 1960 issue of Sports Car Graphic. In early, 1960 Andrey offered the TRC for sale, and over the next two decades it passed through a documented chain of owners across the United States.

In the early 1960s, while driven in a racing school by Henry Hironaka, the original 2-liter engine number 0706 MDTR dropped a valve and was removed from the car. For a time 0706 MDTR, as with many used Ferrari racing cars of the period, had a Ford 289 V-8 motor installed to keep it operational. Later, the Ford engine was removed and a new 2-liter engine, stamped with the number 0582 LM, was installed.

In May 1980 Stanley Nowak found the original 0706 MDTR engine crated within Luigi Chinetti’s warehouse, and he soon sold it to Derek Lees in Birmingham, England, who installed it in the restoration of a 500 TR, chassis number 0640 MDTR.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


In 1984, the 500 TRC was purchased by Count Hubertus von Dönhoff in Germany, and over the following 10 years he entered the car twice at the Mille Miglia Storica and three times at the AvD-Oldtimer Grand Prix at the Nürburgring. By 1995 the Ferrari was back in the U.S. and proudly displayed at the 1995 Cavallino Classic, winning the Coppa per Quattro Cilindri for the best four-cylinder Ferrari.

Subsequently the 500 TRC was sold in September 1998 to Roger Willbanks, Sr., a respected collector based in Colorado who presented the car at the 2001 Meadow Brook Concours d’Elegance, the 2003 Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, and the 2005 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Following the sale to a New York-based collector in 2006, the car was shown at the 2007 Reading Concours d’Elegance, where it won the Scaglietti Award. In 2014, this 500 TRC was acquired by Oscar Davis and, most importantly, the car was reunited with the numbers-matching engine number 0706 MDTR, which has recently been reinstalled in preparation for the car’s current offering. Its spare engine, number 0582 LM, accompanies the sale.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

Now offered from the Oscar Davis Collection, this sensational spider continues to benefit from an older restoration. It claims important competition use, having been driven by Richie Ginther at the 24 Hours of Le Mans and by Gaston Andrey at the 12 Hours of Sebring—also forming the primary component of his 1958 and 1959 SCCA championships.

Simply awe-inspiring in its menacing red-over-black Scaglietti coachwork, this striking 500 TRC would make a great entrant at significant marque events or may be enjoyed at vintage racing gatherings like the Mille Miglia Storica, Le Mans Classic, or the Monterey Historics, in addition to the world’s top concours d’elegance. The voluptuous coachwork instantly declares the car’s position in the evolution of a celebrated legend, that sports-car racing masterpiece forever known by two words: Testa Rossa.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

RM Sotheby’s | 1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti

Offered from the Oscar Davis Collection

  • The 18th of 19 examples built; widely considered the most beautiful of the Testa Rossa designs
  • Raced at the 1957 24 Hours of Le Mans by Richie Ginther and François Picard
  • Driven to 12 overall or class victories by racing legend Gaston Andrey en route to the 1958 and 1959 SCCA E-Modified championships
  • Exceptionally long and successful racing career across at least 30 starts between 1957 and 1963, with 18 podium finishes
  • Currently fitted with matching-numbers engine
  • Highly eligible for the world’s most exclusive events across racing, rally, and concours, including the Mille Miglia Storica and Le Mans Classic
1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


Though he is best remembered for designing the long-block V-12 engine that Ferrari rode all the way to a victory at the 1954 24 Hours of Le Mans, engineer Aurelio Lampredi was also responsible for a very successful four-cylinder motor. The mainstay of Ferrari’s dominating 1952 and 1953 World Drivers’ Championships in Formula Two competition (the years during which Formula One was essentially canceled due to a lack of competition), this engine was soon transposed to sports car racing, powering the 500 Mondial and 750 Monza models to numerous wins.

The engine’s strengths were particularly evident on shorter winding circuits, where the high-revving, lightweight motor could power through the turns, often leaving V-12-powered competitors in the dust.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

After Lampredi’s exit in 1955, a new engineering team led by ex-Alfa Romeo maestro Vittorio Jano was charged with developing the four-cylinder engine even further, and their work most auspiciously featured the fitting of a new cylinder block that was finished in gloss red paint. This marked the inception of the mighty Testa Rossa, a model that would ultimately be fitted with a red-head V-12, and go on to become arguably the most legendary sports racing prototype series of all-time.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

The 500 TR made its debut at the Senegal Grand Prix with Jacques Swaters’ Ecurie Francorchamps racing team, achieving immediate success with a 1st in class. The majority of the subsequent examples were bodied by Scaglietti and destined for Ferrari’s top privateer clients, while a small handful were upgraded to 2.5-liter engines and bodied by Touring for use as Scuderia Ferrari Works cars. It was two of the latter examples which achieved the model’s first major international success when they finished 1st and 3rd at the 1956 Supercortemaggiore Grand Prix at Monza. Success continued throughout 1956 with the new “Red Head” achieving over 30 class and overall victories across North America and Europe.

For 1957, the 500 TR was updated to comply with the FIA’s latest Appendix C regulations, and the model was duly renamed the 500 TRC. Three inches lower than its predecessor, the TRC utilized a conventional engine-mounted four-speed gearbox and a live rear axle, eschewing the heavier De Dion rear end employed in the 500 Mondial. With stronger connecting rods and crankshaft assembly, and a lighter flywheel, the type 131C engine was fed by two Weber 40 DCOA/3 carburetors, combining to develop 190 horsepower and good for a potential top speed of 153 mph. Developed exclusively for privateer racing clients, the 500 TRC went on to collect class wins at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the Mille Miglia, the 12 Hours of Sebring, and the Nürburgring 1000 KM.

The 500 TRC was built in a boutique quantity of just 19 examples, and it was the last four-cylinder model that Ferrari ever produced. Of course, with its sensuous Scaglietti open body and red-head motor, it proved to be just the opening salvo of the Testa Rossa legend—but what a memorable first chapter it was.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


Campaigned to numerous wins by a luminary racing driver lineup, this beautiful 500 TRC is a highly desirable example of the early Testa Rossa. Slotted in at the end of the production run, 0706 MDTR is the second-to-last car built and in April 1957 it was loaned by the factory to François Picard, who repainted the car French blue and raced it under the banner of his Ecurie Los Amigos. After scoring three class wins through early June, including 5th overall at the Portuguese Grand Prix, Picard teamed with rising star Richie Ginther to run the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Despite showing early promise in the race, the TRC retired following a water pump failure.

In late 1957 the Ferrari was sold through Luigi Chinetti to Mike Garber of Hamden, Connecticut, the sponsor of the legendary Swiss-born racing driver Gaston “Gus” Andrey. Having emigrated to the United States, Andrey went on to enjoy a very successful career that included four SCCA championships and two Trans-Am championships, driving for Ferrari’s NART, Maserati, and Alfa Romeo, among others.

Still finished in its Le Mans blue livery, Andrey first drove the beautiful 500 TRC at the Nassau Bahamas Speed Week in December 1957. Andrey failed to finish the Tourist Trophy event but came back strong with a 2nd in class in the Governor’s Trophy prelim race and a respectable 5th in class in the hotly contested Nassau Trophy race. Following Nassau, the car remained in the Southeast and was entered by Mike Garber in the 1958 12 Hours of Sebring. Driven by Andrey, Bill Loyd, and for a short stint the great Dan Gurney, the car ran well until the 125th lap when it suffered a rear axle bearing failure.

Following Sebring, the car was refinished in a two-tone scheme of white over a red lower body, a red stripe, and Swiss emblems on each side, paying homage to Andrey’s Swiss heritage. 0706 MDTR was driven by Andrey in a slew of races through 1959, earning him the SCCA E-Modified championships in 1958 and 1959. Almost always among the top 10 finishers, the car claimed an overall win at Lime Rock in April 1958, and a class win at the 1958 President’s Cup at Marlboro, Maryland. It also won its class at Bridgehampton in June 1958, Virginia International Raceway in October 1958, Thompson in May 1959, and Lime Rock in July 1959.

The Ferrari’s success prompted a fair amount of coverage in the motoring press, including a piece in the October 1959 issue of Road & Track, and cover car status for the January 1960 issue of Sports Car Graphic. In early, 1960 Andrey offered the TRC for sale, and over the next two decades it passed through a documented chain of owners across the United States.

In the early 1960s, while driven in a racing school by Henry Hironaka, the original 2-liter engine number 0706 MDTR dropped a valve and was removed from the car. For a time 0706 MDTR, as with many used Ferrari racing cars of the period, had a Ford 289 V-8 motor installed to keep it operational. Later, the Ford engine was removed and a new 2-liter engine, stamped with the number 0582 LM, was installed.

In May 1980 Stanley Nowak found the original 0706 MDTR engine crated within Luigi Chinetti’s warehouse, and he soon sold it to Derek Lees in Birmingham, England, who installed it in the restoration of a 500 TR, chassis number 0640 MDTR.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


In 1984, the 500 TRC was purchased by Count Hubertus von Dönhoff in Germany, and over the following 10 years he entered the car twice at the Mille Miglia Storica and three times at the AvD-Oldtimer Grand Prix at the Nürburgring. By 1995 the Ferrari was back in the U.S. and proudly displayed at the 1995 Cavallino Classic, winning the Coppa per Quattro Cilindri for the best four-cylinder Ferrari.

Subsequently the 500 TRC was sold in September 1998 to Roger Willbanks, Sr., a respected collector based in Colorado who presented the car at the 2001 Meadow Brook Concours d’Elegance, the 2003 Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, and the 2005 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Following the sale to a New York-based collector in 2006, the car was shown at the 2007 Reading Concours d’Elegance, where it won the Scaglietti Award. In 2014, this 500 TRC was acquired by Oscar Davis and, most importantly, the car was reunited with the numbers-matching engine number 0706 MDTR, which has recently been reinstalled in preparation for the car’s current offering. Its spare engine, number 0582 LM, accompanies the sale.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

Now offered from the Oscar Davis Collection, this sensational spider continues to benefit from an older restoration. It claims important competition use, having been driven by Richie Ginther at the 24 Hours of Le Mans and by Gaston Andrey at the 12 Hours of Sebring—also forming the primary component of his 1958 and 1959 SCCA championships.

Simply awe-inspiring in its menacing red-over-black Scaglietti coachwork, this striking 500 TRC would make a great entrant at significant marque events or may be enjoyed at vintage racing gatherings like the Mille Miglia Storica, Le Mans Classic, or the Monterey Historics, in addition to the world’s top concours d’elegance. The voluptuous coachwork instantly declares the car’s position in the evolution of a celebrated legend, that sports-car racing masterpiece forever known by two words: Testa Rossa.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

RM Sotheby’s | 1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti

Offered from the Oscar Davis Collection

  • The 18th of 19 examples built; widely considered the most beautiful of the Testa Rossa designs
  • Raced at the 1957 24 Hours of Le Mans by Richie Ginther and François Picard
  • Driven to 12 overall or class victories by racing legend Gaston Andrey en route to the 1958 and 1959 SCCA E-Modified championships
  • Exceptionally long and successful racing career across at least 30 starts between 1957 and 1963, with 18 podium finishes
  • Currently fitted with matching-numbers engine
  • Highly eligible for the world’s most exclusive events across racing, rally, and concours, including the Mille Miglia Storica and Le Mans Classic
1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


Though he is best remembered for designing the long-block V-12 engine that Ferrari rode all the way to a victory at the 1954 24 Hours of Le Mans, engineer Aurelio Lampredi was also responsible for a very successful four-cylinder motor. The mainstay of Ferrari’s dominating 1952 and 1953 World Drivers’ Championships in Formula Two competition (the years during which Formula One was essentially canceled due to a lack of competition), this engine was soon transposed to sports car racing, powering the 500 Mondial and 750 Monza models to numerous wins.

The engine’s strengths were particularly evident on shorter winding circuits, where the high-revving, lightweight motor could power through the turns, often leaving V-12-powered competitors in the dust.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

After Lampredi’s exit in 1955, a new engineering team led by ex-Alfa Romeo maestro Vittorio Jano was charged with developing the four-cylinder engine even further, and their work most auspiciously featured the fitting of a new cylinder block that was finished in gloss red paint. This marked the inception of the mighty Testa Rossa, a model that would ultimately be fitted with a red-head V-12, and go on to become arguably the most legendary sports racing prototype series of all-time.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

The 500 TR made its debut at the Senegal Grand Prix with Jacques Swaters’ Ecurie Francorchamps racing team, achieving immediate success with a 1st in class. The majority of the subsequent examples were bodied by Scaglietti and destined for Ferrari’s top privateer clients, while a small handful were upgraded to 2.5-liter engines and bodied by Touring for use as Scuderia Ferrari Works cars. It was two of the latter examples which achieved the model’s first major international success when they finished 1st and 3rd at the 1956 Supercortemaggiore Grand Prix at Monza. Success continued throughout 1956 with the new “Red Head” achieving over 30 class and overall victories across North America and Europe.

For 1957, the 500 TR was updated to comply with the FIA’s latest Appendix C regulations, and the model was duly renamed the 500 TRC. Three inches lower than its predecessor, the TRC utilized a conventional engine-mounted four-speed gearbox and a live rear axle, eschewing the heavier De Dion rear end employed in the 500 Mondial. With stronger connecting rods and crankshaft assembly, and a lighter flywheel, the type 131C engine was fed by two Weber 40 DCOA/3 carburetors, combining to develop 190 horsepower and good for a potential top speed of 153 mph. Developed exclusively for privateer racing clients, the 500 TRC went on to collect class wins at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the Mille Miglia, the 12 Hours of Sebring, and the Nürburgring 1000 KM.

The 500 TRC was built in a boutique quantity of just 19 examples, and it was the last four-cylinder model that Ferrari ever produced. Of course, with its sensuous Scaglietti open body and red-head motor, it proved to be just the opening salvo of the Testa Rossa legend—but what a memorable first chapter it was.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


Campaigned to numerous wins by a luminary racing driver lineup, this beautiful 500 TRC is a highly desirable example of the early Testa Rossa. Slotted in at the end of the production run, 0706 MDTR is the second-to-last car built and in April 1957 it was loaned by the factory to François Picard, who repainted the car French blue and raced it under the banner of his Ecurie Los Amigos. After scoring three class wins through early June, including 5th overall at the Portuguese Grand Prix, Picard teamed with rising star Richie Ginther to run the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Despite showing early promise in the race, the TRC retired following a water pump failure.

In late 1957 the Ferrari was sold through Luigi Chinetti to Mike Garber of Hamden, Connecticut, the sponsor of the legendary Swiss-born racing driver Gaston “Gus” Andrey. Having emigrated to the United States, Andrey went on to enjoy a very successful career that included four SCCA championships and two Trans-Am championships, driving for Ferrari’s NART, Maserati, and Alfa Romeo, among others.

Still finished in its Le Mans blue livery, Andrey first drove the beautiful 500 TRC at the Nassau Bahamas Speed Week in December 1957. Andrey failed to finish the Tourist Trophy event but came back strong with a 2nd in class in the Governor’s Trophy prelim race and a respectable 5th in class in the hotly contested Nassau Trophy race. Following Nassau, the car remained in the Southeast and was entered by Mike Garber in the 1958 12 Hours of Sebring. Driven by Andrey, Bill Loyd, and for a short stint the great Dan Gurney, the car ran well until the 125th lap when it suffered a rear axle bearing failure.

Following Sebring, the car was refinished in a two-tone scheme of white over a red lower body, a red stripe, and Swiss emblems on each side, paying homage to Andrey’s Swiss heritage. 0706 MDTR was driven by Andrey in a slew of races through 1959, earning him the SCCA E-Modified championships in 1958 and 1959. Almost always among the top 10 finishers, the car claimed an overall win at Lime Rock in April 1958, and a class win at the 1958 President’s Cup at Marlboro, Maryland. It also won its class at Bridgehampton in June 1958, Virginia International Raceway in October 1958, Thompson in May 1959, and Lime Rock in July 1959.

The Ferrari’s success prompted a fair amount of coverage in the motoring press, including a piece in the October 1959 issue of Road & Track, and cover car status for the January 1960 issue of Sports Car Graphic. In early, 1960 Andrey offered the TRC for sale, and over the next two decades it passed through a documented chain of owners across the United States.

In the early 1960s, while driven in a racing school by Henry Hironaka, the original 2-liter engine number 0706 MDTR dropped a valve and was removed from the car. For a time 0706 MDTR, as with many used Ferrari racing cars of the period, had a Ford 289 V-8 motor installed to keep it operational. Later, the Ford engine was removed and a new 2-liter engine, stamped with the number 0582 LM, was installed.

In May 1980 Stanley Nowak found the original 0706 MDTR engine crated within Luigi Chinetti’s warehouse, and he soon sold it to Derek Lees in Birmingham, England, who installed it in the restoration of a 500 TR, chassis number 0640 MDTR.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


In 1984, the 500 TRC was purchased by Count Hubertus von Dönhoff in Germany, and over the following 10 years he entered the car twice at the Mille Miglia Storica and three times at the AvD-Oldtimer Grand Prix at the Nürburgring. By 1995 the Ferrari was back in the U.S. and proudly displayed at the 1995 Cavallino Classic, winning the Coppa per Quattro Cilindri for the best four-cylinder Ferrari.

Subsequently the 500 TRC was sold in September 1998 to Roger Willbanks, Sr., a respected collector based in Colorado who presented the car at the 2001 Meadow Brook Concours d’Elegance, the 2003 Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, and the 2005 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Following the sale to a New York-based collector in 2006, the car was shown at the 2007 Reading Concours d’Elegance, where it won the Scaglietti Award. In 2014, this 500 TRC was acquired by Oscar Davis and, most importantly, the car was reunited with the numbers-matching engine number 0706 MDTR, which has recently been reinstalled in preparation for the car’s current offering. Its spare engine, number 0582 LM, accompanies the sale.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

Now offered from the Oscar Davis Collection, this sensational spider continues to benefit from an older restoration. It claims important competition use, having been driven by Richie Ginther at the 24 Hours of Le Mans and by Gaston Andrey at the 12 Hours of Sebring—also forming the primary component of his 1958 and 1959 SCCA championships.

Simply awe-inspiring in its menacing red-over-black Scaglietti coachwork, this striking 500 TRC would make a great entrant at significant marque events or may be enjoyed at vintage racing gatherings like the Mille Miglia Storica, Le Mans Classic, or the Monterey Historics, in addition to the world’s top concours d’elegance. The voluptuous coachwork instantly declares the car’s position in the evolution of a celebrated legend, that sports-car racing masterpiece forever known by two words: Testa Rossa.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

RM Sotheby’s | 1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti

Offered from the Oscar Davis Collection

  • The 18th of 19 examples built; widely considered the most beautiful of the Testa Rossa designs
  • Raced at the 1957 24 Hours of Le Mans by Richie Ginther and François Picard
  • Driven to 12 overall or class victories by racing legend Gaston Andrey en route to the 1958 and 1959 SCCA E-Modified championships
  • Exceptionally long and successful racing career across at least 30 starts between 1957 and 1963, with 18 podium finishes
  • Currently fitted with matching-numbers engine
  • Highly eligible for the world’s most exclusive events across racing, rally, and concours, including the Mille Miglia Storica and Le Mans Classic
1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


Though he is best remembered for designing the long-block V-12 engine that Ferrari rode all the way to a victory at the 1954 24 Hours of Le Mans, engineer Aurelio Lampredi was also responsible for a very successful four-cylinder motor. The mainstay of Ferrari’s dominating 1952 and 1953 World Drivers’ Championships in Formula Two competition (the years during which Formula One was essentially canceled due to a lack of competition), this engine was soon transposed to sports car racing, powering the 500 Mondial and 750 Monza models to numerous wins.

The engine’s strengths were particularly evident on shorter winding circuits, where the high-revving, lightweight motor could power through the turns, often leaving V-12-powered competitors in the dust.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

After Lampredi’s exit in 1955, a new engineering team led by ex-Alfa Romeo maestro Vittorio Jano was charged with developing the four-cylinder engine even further, and their work most auspiciously featured the fitting of a new cylinder block that was finished in gloss red paint. This marked the inception of the mighty Testa Rossa, a model that would ultimately be fitted with a red-head V-12, and go on to become arguably the most legendary sports racing prototype series of all-time.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

The 500 TR made its debut at the Senegal Grand Prix with Jacques Swaters’ Ecurie Francorchamps racing team, achieving immediate success with a 1st in class. The majority of the subsequent examples were bodied by Scaglietti and destined for Ferrari’s top privateer clients, while a small handful were upgraded to 2.5-liter engines and bodied by Touring for use as Scuderia Ferrari Works cars. It was two of the latter examples which achieved the model’s first major international success when they finished 1st and 3rd at the 1956 Supercortemaggiore Grand Prix at Monza. Success continued throughout 1956 with the new “Red Head” achieving over 30 class and overall victories across North America and Europe.

For 1957, the 500 TR was updated to comply with the FIA’s latest Appendix C regulations, and the model was duly renamed the 500 TRC. Three inches lower than its predecessor, the TRC utilized a conventional engine-mounted four-speed gearbox and a live rear axle, eschewing the heavier De Dion rear end employed in the 500 Mondial. With stronger connecting rods and crankshaft assembly, and a lighter flywheel, the type 131C engine was fed by two Weber 40 DCOA/3 carburetors, combining to develop 190 horsepower and good for a potential top speed of 153 mph. Developed exclusively for privateer racing clients, the 500 TRC went on to collect class wins at the 24 Hours of Le Mans, the Mille Miglia, the 12 Hours of Sebring, and the Nürburgring 1000 KM.

The 500 TRC was built in a boutique quantity of just 19 examples, and it was the last four-cylinder model that Ferrari ever produced. Of course, with its sensuous Scaglietti open body and red-head motor, it proved to be just the opening salvo of the Testa Rossa legend—but what a memorable first chapter it was.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


Campaigned to numerous wins by a luminary racing driver lineup, this beautiful 500 TRC is a highly desirable example of the early Testa Rossa. Slotted in at the end of the production run, 0706 MDTR is the second-to-last car built and in April 1957 it was loaned by the factory to François Picard, who repainted the car French blue and raced it under the banner of his Ecurie Los Amigos. After scoring three class wins through early June, including 5th overall at the Portuguese Grand Prix, Picard teamed with rising star Richie Ginther to run the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Despite showing early promise in the race, the TRC retired following a water pump failure.

In late 1957 the Ferrari was sold through Luigi Chinetti to Mike Garber of Hamden, Connecticut, the sponsor of the legendary Swiss-born racing driver Gaston “Gus” Andrey. Having emigrated to the United States, Andrey went on to enjoy a very successful career that included four SCCA championships and two Trans-Am championships, driving for Ferrari’s NART, Maserati, and Alfa Romeo, among others.

Still finished in its Le Mans blue livery, Andrey first drove the beautiful 500 TRC at the Nassau Bahamas Speed Week in December 1957. Andrey failed to finish the Tourist Trophy event but came back strong with a 2nd in class in the Governor’s Trophy prelim race and a respectable 5th in class in the hotly contested Nassau Trophy race. Following Nassau, the car remained in the Southeast and was entered by Mike Garber in the 1958 12 Hours of Sebring. Driven by Andrey, Bill Loyd, and for a short stint the great Dan Gurney, the car ran well until the 125th lap when it suffered a rear axle bearing failure.

Following Sebring, the car was refinished in a two-tone scheme of white over a red lower body, a red stripe, and Swiss emblems on each side, paying homage to Andrey’s Swiss heritage. 0706 MDTR was driven by Andrey in a slew of races through 1959, earning him the SCCA E-Modified championships in 1958 and 1959. Almost always among the top 10 finishers, the car claimed an overall win at Lime Rock in April 1958, and a class win at the 1958 President’s Cup at Marlboro, Maryland. It also won its class at Bridgehampton in June 1958, Virginia International Raceway in October 1958, Thompson in May 1959, and Lime Rock in July 1959.

The Ferrari’s success prompted a fair amount of coverage in the motoring press, including a piece in the October 1959 issue of Road & Track, and cover car status for the January 1960 issue of Sports Car Graphic. In early, 1960 Andrey offered the TRC for sale, and over the next two decades it passed through a documented chain of owners across the United States.

In the early 1960s, while driven in a racing school by Henry Hironaka, the original 2-liter engine number 0706 MDTR dropped a valve and was removed from the car. For a time 0706 MDTR, as with many used Ferrari racing cars of the period, had a Ford 289 V-8 motor installed to keep it operational. Later, the Ford engine was removed and a new 2-liter engine, stamped with the number 0582 LM, was installed.

In May 1980 Stanley Nowak found the original 0706 MDTR engine crated within Luigi Chinetti’s warehouse, and he soon sold it to Derek Lees in Birmingham, England, who installed it in the restoration of a 500 TR, chassis number 0640 MDTR.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s


In 1984, the 500 TRC was purchased by Count Hubertus von Dönhoff in Germany, and over the following 10 years he entered the car twice at the Mille Miglia Storica and three times at the AvD-Oldtimer Grand Prix at the Nürburgring. By 1995 the Ferrari was back in the U.S. and proudly displayed at the 1995 Cavallino Classic, winning the Coppa per Quattro Cilindri for the best four-cylinder Ferrari.

Subsequently the 500 TRC was sold in September 1998 to Roger Willbanks, Sr., a respected collector based in Colorado who presented the car at the 2001 Meadow Brook Concours d’Elegance, the 2003 Amelia Island Concours d’Elegance, and the 2005 Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Following the sale to a New York-based collector in 2006, the car was shown at the 2007 Reading Concours d’Elegance, where it won the Scaglietti Award. In 2014, this 500 TRC was acquired by Oscar Davis and, most importantly, the car was reunited with the numbers-matching engine number 0706 MDTR, which has recently been reinstalled in preparation for the car’s current offering. Its spare engine, number 0582 LM, accompanies the sale.

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby's

1957 Ferrari 500 TRC Spider by Scaglietti Motorcar Studios ©2022 Courtesy of RM Sotheby’s

Now offered from the Oscar Davis Collection, this sensational spider continues to benefit from an older restoration. It claims important competition use, having been driven by Richie Ginther at the 24 Hours of Le Mans and by Gaston Andrey at the 12 Hours of Sebring—also forming the primary component of his 1958 and 1959 SCCA championships.

Simply awe-inspiring in its menacing red-over-black Scaglietti coachwork, this striking 500 TRC would make a great entrant at significant marque events or may be enjoyed at vintage racing gatherings like the Mille Miglia Storica, Le Mans Classic, or the Monterey Historics, in addition to the world’s top concours d’elegance. The voluptuous coachwork instantly declares the car’s position in the evolution of a celebrated legend, that sports-car racing masterpiece forever known by two words: Testa Rossa.

RM Sotheby’s | El automóvil más valioso del mundo Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé vendido por un precio récord de 135 millones de euros para establecer el “Fondo Mercedes-Benz”

  • Récord de todos los tiempos: uno de los dos 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupés originales ultra raros de la colección Mercedes-Benz Classic ha sido subastado por 135 millones de euros a un coleccionista privado, lo que lo convierte en el automóvil más valioso de todos los tiempos.
  • Uso de este valor para impulsar el cambio: los ingresos se utilizarán para establecer un “Fondo Mercedes Benz” mundial que proporcionará becas educativas y de investigación en las áreas de ciencias ambientales y descarbonización para jóvenes.

Stuttgart. Un Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé de 1955 se vendió en una subasta por un precio récord de 135 millones de euros a un coleccionista privado. Este ícono de la historia automotriz es una rareza absoluta: uno de los dos prototipos construidos en ese momento. Nombrado en honor a su creador e ingeniero jefe, Rudolf Uhlenhaut, es considerado uno de los mejores ejemplos de ingeniería y diseño automotriz por expertos y entusiastas automotrices de todo el mundo.

“Los 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupés son hitos en el desarrollo de autos deportivos y elementos históricos clave que han dado forma a nuestra marca. La decisión de vender uno de estos dos autos deportivos únicos se tomó con un razonamiento muy sólido: beneficiar una buena causa. Los ingresos de la subasta financiarán un programa global de becas. Con el “Fondo Mercedes-Benz” nos gustaría animar a una nueva generación a seguir los pasos innovadores de Rudolf Uhlenhaut y desarrollar nuevas tecnologías sorprendentes, en particular aquellas que apoyan el objetivo fundamental de la descarbonización y la preservación de los recursos”, dice Ola Källenius, CEO de Mercedes. -Benz Group AG. “Al mismo tiempo, lograr el precio más alto jamás pagado por un vehículo es extraordinario y una lección de humildad: un Mercedes-Benz es, con mucho, el automóvil más valioso del mundo”.

Fotos históricas del mítico Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé.

“Como empresa global y como marca de lujo, tenemos un gran nivel de responsabilidad hacia la sociedad”, dice Renata Jungo Brüngger, miembro del Consejo de Administración de Mercedes-Benz Group AG para Integridad y Asuntos Legales, responsable de la gobernanza. del “Fondo Mercedes-Benz”.

 “Los ingresos de la venta del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé nos brindan una oportunidad única para fortalecer nuestro compromiso con un proyecto emblemático a largo plazo: estableceremos el programa global de becas “Mercedes-Benz Fund” que apoya a los jóvenes en sus estudios, compromiso y acciones hacia un futuro más sostenible. Estamos convencidos de que el acceso a la educación en estas áreas será crucial para enfrentar los grandes desafíos de nuestro tiempo y contribuirá a una mayor estabilidad, prosperidad y cohesión social”.

Ola Källenius, Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Mercedes-Benz Group AG y Renata Jungo Brüngger, Miembro del Consejo de Administración de Mercedes-Benz Group AG por Integridad y Derecho frente al Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé en “The Economía del deseo” en la Costa Azul

Capital semilla para programas de becas a partir de los ingresos

Las ganancias de la subasta del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé sirven como capital semilla para la iniciativa global. Mercedes-Benz se compromete a invertir recursos adicionales en los próximos años. El “Fondo Mercedes Benz” se dividirá en dos subcategorías: Becas universitarias para conectar, educar y alentar a los estudiantes a realizar/realizar investigaciones sobre proyectos de ciencias ambientales y Becas escolares centradas en los alumnos para realizar proyectos ambientales locales en sus comunidades. Los fondos del programa se dirigirán a personas que de otro modo no tienen los medios financieros para sus proyectos y trayectorias profesionales. El programa irá más allá del apoyo financiero a los jóvenes e incluirá elementos extracurriculares como mentores de Mercedes-Benz que abren nuevas perspectivas profesionales. El “Fondo Mercedes Benz” será desarrollado y administrado conjuntamente por un socio experimentado que actualmente se está evaluando. La planificación detallada de la instalación y el despliegue, así como la organización asociada, se anunciarán más adelante este año.

El motivo muestra uno de los dos 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupés junto con el inventor Rudolf Uhlenhaut. Este vehículo se encuentra en exhibición en el Museo Mercedes-Benz.

Historia y subasta del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé

La venta del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé tuvo lugar el 5 de mayo en una subasta celebrada en el Museo Mercedes-Benz en colaboración con el renombrado subastador RM Sotheby’s. Los invitados se encontraban entre clientes seleccionados de Mercedes-Benz y coleccionistas internacionales de automóviles y arte, que comparten los valores corporativos de Mercedes-Benz. El 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé vendido en subasta formaba parte de la colección de vehículos privados perteneciente a Mercedes-Benz Classic, que comprende más de 1100 automóviles desde la invención del automóvil en 1886 hasta la actualidad.

“Estamos orgullosos de poder contribuir con nuestra colección histórica a esta iniciativa que conecta el pasado con el futuro de la ingeniería y la tecnología de descarbonización”, dice Marcus Breitschwerdt, director de Mercedes Benz Heritage. “El comprador privado ha acordado que el 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé seguirá estando accesible para exhibición pública en ocasiones especiales, mientras que el segundo 300 SLR Coupé original sigue siendo propiedad de la empresa y se seguirá exhibiendo en el Museo Mercedes-Benz de Stuttgart”.

Sorteo de oferta del coche más valioso del mundo: el Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé.
Dibujo de cotización del automóvil más valioso del mundo: el Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé.

Las circunstancias especiales de su creación, su diseño único y su tecnología innovadora han dotado al 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé de un notable nivel de mística que perdura hasta el día de hoy. El diseño del 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé estableció puntos de referencia que lo ubicaron entre los íconos automotrices más importantes del mundo, sobre todo debido a sus distintivas puertas de “ala de gaviota”. A esto se suma el excelente rendimiento que ofrece su tecnología de carreras de pura sangre. Juntos, ambos han asegurado al 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé su aclamada posición en la mitología de los autos deportivos y un lugar muy especial en los corazones de los fanáticos de Mercedes en todo el mundo.

Más información sobre el Mercedes-Benz 300 SLR Uhlenhaut Coupé está disponible en nuestro  especial web .