Tag Archive for: Rodolfo Dordoni

25 Years in progress. Minotti with Rodolfo Dordoni

25 Years in progress. Minotti with Rodolfo Dordoni

25 years of work and passion.

A quarter of a century shared in unison, with a single goal: to shape and evolve the Minotti style throughout the world.

Rodolfo Dordoni has passionately accompanied the family on the path of this important project.

Years that have seen the alternation of tastes and references, of fashions and trends: the only constant is the Minotti stylistic code that, as a guiding thread, both in terms of creativity and strategic guidelines, both in tradition and in innovation has made the collection recognizable for its aesthetic sobriety and timeless elegance.

A value that goes beyond form and becomes a lifestyle: Minotti timelessness.


25 Years in progress. Minotti with Rodolfo Dordoni

25 Years in progress. Minotti with Rodolfo Dordoni

25 years of work and passion.

A quarter of a century shared in unison, with a single goal: to shape and evolve the Minotti style throughout the world.

Rodolfo Dordoni has passionately accompanied the family on the path of this important project.

Years that have seen the alternation of tastes and references, of fashions and trends: the only constant is the Minotti stylistic code that, as a guiding thread, both in terms of creativity and strategic guidelines, both in tradition and in innovation has made the collection recognizable for its aesthetic sobriety and timeless elegance.

A value that goes beyond form and becomes a lifestyle: Minotti timelessness.


25 Years in progress. Minotti with Rodolfo Dordoni

25 Años en marcha. Minotti con Rodolfo Dordoni

25 años de trabajo y pasión.

Un cuarto de siglo compartido al unísono, con un único objetivo: dar forma y evolucionar el estilo Minotti en todo el mundo.

Rodolfo Dordoni ha acompañado con pasión a la familia en el camino de este importante proyecto.

Años que han visto la alternancia de gustos y referencias, de modas y tendencias: la única constante es el código estilístico de Minotti que, como hilo conductor, tanto en términos de creatividad como de pautas estratégicas, tanto en tradición como en innovación, ha hecho de la colección reconocible por su sobriedad estética y elegancia atemporal.

Un valor que va más allá de la forma y se convierte en un estilo de vida: la atemporalidad de Minotti .

25 Years in progress. Minotti with Rodolfo Dordoni

25 Years in progress. Minotti with Rodolfo Dordoni

25 years of work and passion.

A quarter of a century shared in unison, with a single goal: to shape and evolve the Minotti style throughout the world.

Rodolfo Dordoni has passionately accompanied the family on the path of this important project.

Years that have seen the alternation of tastes and references, of fashions and trends: the only constant is the Minotti stylistic code that, as a guiding thread, both in terms of creativity and strategic guidelines, both in tradition and in innovation has made the collection recognizable for its aesthetic sobriety and timeless elegance.

A value that goes beyond form and becomes a lifestyle: Minotti timelessness.


25 Years in progress. Minotti with Rodolfo Dordoni

25 Years in progress. Minotti with Rodolfo Dordoni

25 years of work and passion.

A quarter of a century shared in unison, with a single goal: to shape and evolve the Minotti style throughout the world.

Rodolfo Dordoni has passionately accompanied the family on the path of this important project.

Years that have seen the alternation of tastes and references, of fashions and trends: the only constant is the Minotti stylistic code that, as a guiding thread, both in terms of creativity and strategic guidelines, both in tradition and in innovation has made the collection recognizable for its aesthetic sobriety and timeless elegance.

A value that goes beyond form and becomes a lifestyle: Minotti timelessness.


Molo Collection by Rodolfo Dordoni

Este es un ejemplo de un sofá modular en su forma más pura. Su geometría ortogonal se basa en un diseño de modularidad rectangular, lo que significa que puede adaptarse fácilmente para adaptarse a cualquier situación y optimizar el espacio en el que se sienta.

KETTAL: Molo Collection by Rodolfo Dordoni

Molo Collection by Rodolfo Dordoni

Molo Collection by Rodolfo Dordoni

Cada módulo se puede desmontar y reorganizar, creando nuevos usos y configuraciones.

El diseño es estéticamente minimalista con piezas intencionalmente sobredimensionadas.

Por otro lado, los elementos decorativos no se han enfatizado concienzudamente para dar protagonismo a las diversas combinaciones de telas,
colores y detalles cuidadosamente seleccionados.

“Molo, o embarcadero en inglés, jetée en francés y embarcadero en español, es una estructura construida a orillas de un océano, mar, lago o río que se extiende desde la tierra sobre el agua; un lugar de amarre para botes, un descanso entre viajes y un refugio del oleaje. Un regreso a tierra firme y gente.

Molo by Kettal ofrece un lugar de relajación y reconexión ”. Fabricada en aluminio, teca, hormigón y telas de terreno, la colección se compone de sofás, una tumbona y una mesa central.
