Tag Archive for: sale

Engel & Völkers Artá | Mallorca: La demanda durante todo el año asegura una evolución estable de los precios

  • Los motivos de compra de los clientes inmobiliarios del centro y noreste de la isla se centran en una renovada cercanía con la naturaleza y la sostenibilidad
  • Las propiedades con los mejores estándares de construcción ofrecen potencial para la apreciación del valor

Hamburgo, noviembre de 2022. Mallorca es el principal destino de ensueño para muchos compradores de propiedades de habla alemana. Las islas Baleares seguirán siendo muy solicitadas como lugar de inversión en 2023. “Los clientes con planes de inversión a largo plazo pueden disfrutar de los beneficios de una vida aislada aquí, así como de la excelente infraestructura y el acceso durante todo el año a zonas recreativas y recreativas exclusivas”. actividades culturales, además de la amplia oferta que ofrecen 17 colegios internacionales”, comenta Florian Hofer, Director General de Engel & Völkers en Baleares. El enfoque de los posibles compradores de propiedades se ha desplazado recientemente, lejos de los puntos turísticos, a los pueblos de montaña llenos de historia en el centro de la isla y en el noreste. El interés de los clientes se centra cada vez más en fincas tradicionales y casas adosadas renovadas, así como en nuevas construcciones contemporáneas que cumplen con las más altas exigencias en términos de sostenibilidad y estándares ecológicos. La disponibilidad limitada de listados de propiedades y la demanda constante significan que se espera que los precios se estabilicen en un nivel alto en el futuro.

Centro de la isla: tiempos de comercialización cortos para casas de campo auténticas y fincas rurales de lujo

Tierra adentro, en la región central de Mallorca, se pueden encontrar muchos pueblos de montaña históricos ubicados en un paisaje glorioso salpicado de almendros y olivos, y fincas vinícolas. Pueblos tradicionales como Alaró, Binissalem y Santa María son muy deseables entre los compradores. Con sus amados mercados semanales, son un imán para los artesanos locales, viticultores y agricultores por igual. “Aquellos que buscan adquirir bienes raíces aprecian la proximidad a la capital Palma, así como el alto grado de privacidad que ofrecen las grandes parcelas de tierra, donde se puede experimentar un regreso a la naturaleza y un estilo de vida mallorquín más virgen y auténtico”, dice Christina Deutsch, Socia Directora de Engel & Völkers Mallorca Centro & Sur. Ella observa la siguiente tendencia: “Los clientes inmobiliarios buscan cada vez más oportunidades para poseer una casa sostenible y se sienten atraídos por la opción de la autosuficiencia, como cultivar olivos o uvas en su propio jardín”. La demanda es especialmente alta para casas de campo tradicionales con amplios jardines y piscinas, así como para auténticas fincas revestidas con una típica fachada de piedra mallorquina. Estas propiedades en ubicaciones privilegiadas en Santa María tienen actualmente un precio de venta promedio de 3 millones de euros. En los municipios de Alaró y Bunyola los precios oscilan entre 2 y 3 millones de euros. Ciudades vecinas como Binissalem y Consell comandan precios que oscilan entre 1,5 y 2 millones de euros. La mayoría de los compradores del centro de Mallorca son de países de habla alemana. Recientemente, se ha observado un número creciente de posibles compradores de España, Francia, Bélgica y EE. UU.

Noreste: Alta demanda de retiros en la naturaleza y nuevas propiedades ecoeficientes

El noreste de Mallorca está bendecido con naturaleza virgen y costas impresionantes. Canyamel, Costa de los Pinos y Artà se encuentran entre las regiones más buscadas, donde el estilo mediterráneo de la isla balear se puede experimentar en su totalidad, lejos de los puntos turísticos más frecuentados. Las fincas y villas exclusivas con amplias áreas al aire libre, jardines y terrazas con vistas al mar se encuentran entre las propiedades más deseables en venta en el norte de la isla. En ubicaciones privilegiadas alrededor de Artà y Colònia de St. Pere, el precio promedio de venta de este tipo de viviendas es de 1,9 millones de euros. En las localidades costeras entre Cala Mesquida y Canyamel, y en el municipio de Manacor, los precios oscilan entre 1,5 y 1,8 millones de euros. “Muchos compradores están optando por adquirir una propiedad vacacional en su destino favorito y extender sus estadías en la isla para combinar las vacaciones con el trabajo remoto”, dice Rainer Fischer, socio gerente de Engel & Völkers Mallorca Northeast, y agrega: “La increíble escena del restaurante y La gran cantidad de oportunidades para realizar actividades al aire libre como golf, vela, senderismo o tenis en la Academia de Tenis Rafael Nadal le dan a la región otro impulso en el atractivo”. La mayoría de los clientes de búsqueda en el noreste son de países de habla alemana. Recientemente ha habido un aumento en la demanda de personas en los Países Bajos que buscan un nuevo hogar en la isla.

Perspectivas: Los bienes inmuebles como inversión a largo plazo

“Las propiedades residenciales en el centro de la isla y en el noreste son particularmente atractivas por sus precios moderados y potencial para una futura apreciación del valor. Sirven como una inversión de capital a largo plazo, ofreciendo una forma firme de protección contra la inflación en comparación con otras inversiones alternativas”, dice Florian Hofer en resumen. Dada la continua evolución de Mallorca hacia un destino turístico de alto nivel y la constante inversión del Govern Balear en el desarrollo de las infraestructuras de la isla, los expertos de Engel & Völkers confían en que el mercado seguirá experimentando un crecimiento positivo.



Refurbished 17th century estate with modern standards
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Esta masía catalogada fue construida en 1604 entre Alaró y Santa María. Sus interiores abarcan unos 1.051 metros cuadrados en total, con seis habitaciones y cinco baños. Situada en un entorno natural pintoresco en el centro de Mallorca, la propiedad se extiende sobre una parcela de aproximadamente dos hectáreas. Está a la venta por 6,85 millones de euros y cuenta con una piscina al aire libre y su propia fuente, así como una amplia terraza y jardines.
(Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Eco-efficient country estate in Petra
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A pocos pasos de la ciudad vinícola de Petra, esta tradicional propiedad mallorquina cotiza actualmente en Engel & Völkers por 2,9 millones de euros. Se extiende por unos 876 metros cuadrados en total y consta de dos casas completamente equipadas separadas por una piscina al aire libre y alimentadas con energía solar. La casa principal cuenta con un amplio salón comedor, una cocina y cinco dormitorios. Mientras que la segunda casa tiene licencia de alquiler turístico para hasta doce personas, y cuenta con salón comedor con cocina y seis dormitorios en suite. (Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Mallorca Central)

Modern villa with sea views in Canyamel
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Esta villa ultramoderna de nueva construcción se encuentra en el lado soleado de la localidad costera de Canyamel, cerca de Capdepera, en el noreste de Mallorca. Está a la venta por 4,9 millones de euros. La propiedad de tres niveles abarca 671 metros cuadrados en total, con cuatro dormitorios, cinco baños, una amplia sala de estar y un comedor independiente con cocina abierta, además de un gimnasio y cine en casa. Todas las habitaciones y amplias terrazas ofrecen vistas panorámicas al mar, contemplando el espectacular panorama costero de Canyamel. (Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Artá)

Charming finca estate in Costa de los Pinos
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Muy cerca de los centros turísticos costeros de Costa de los Pinos y Port Vert, Engel & Völkers está actualmente negociando esta finca excepcional con un precio inicial de 4,5 millones de euros. La propiedad cuenta con piscina y tiene una parcela de 7.100 metros cuadrados, con un interior de 522 metros cuadrados, que incluye seis habitaciones y seis baños. Se utilizaron materiales naturales de primera calidad en la construcción, incluidos losas de mármol sin tratar, vigas de techo antiguas y marcos de ventanas de teca.
(Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Artá)

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals  The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.  Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.  Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.  In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.  Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:  Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page  typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.  Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals

The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals.

Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists.

Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud.

In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud.

Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are:

  1. Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don’t click on links in emails you don’t trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb’s design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page
  2. typing in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb.
    Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don’t match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn’t on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host’s identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed.
  3. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that’s a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages.
  4. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.
The Police warn of the summer scam in Spain and Marbella: scams in vacation rentals The summer scam has skyrocketed this year and already exceeds the figures for 2019. Faced with such a trend, the National Police, together with companies for the sale and rental of villas, luxury homes in Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, have launched the alert for users to be more careful about possible scams in vacation rentals. Remember that only during this 2022, more than 6,000 Spaniards will fall into the trap of scammers like those who have starred in the program. So before you put up a down payment for what looks like a bargain, make sure the apartment exists. Faced with this situation, the General Directorate of the Police has launched this Thursday a series of recommendations to avoid being a victim of fraud. In this way, they warn that citizens not used to reserving an apartment or house online or those who do not know how platforms such as Airbnb work can be an easy target for organizations dedicated to this type of fraud. In order for users to book with peace of mind and find a trustworthy host this summer, the National Police, Airbnb and Confianza Online have worked together so that guests can be alert to detect and avoid fraud. Some of the signs and tips to avoid scams when booking summer vacations are: Beware of messages with suspicious links. Don't click on links in emails you don't trust. They may contain links to fake web pages that mimic Airbnb's design in an attempt to steal personal information or infect devices. In this situation, return to the home page typing https://www.airbnb.es in your browser and continue browsing from there. Find out here how to detect if an email or website really belongs to Airbnb. Be wary of offers that are too good to be true. Beware of offers that combine excessively low prices with very attractive images or accommodations. If an owner wants to make too many changes during the booking process (offers you to pay differently, sends you contact addresses that don't match the listing, offers you a different listing that wasn't on the page, etc.) there could be something behind a criminal who wants to avoid his location. To avoid this, look for ads that have a lot of positive reviews and read them carefully. This will allow you to detect if there are any negative aspects that several guests point out and that could tarnish your vacation. You can also check that the host's identity and other account details have been verified or confirmed. Communication and payment, always on the platform. If they ask you to make a deposit or a bank transfer, if they give you a PDF or paper invoice or offer you a discount for paying outside the platform, be wary. Pay special attention if that person proposes to use for payment companies that are normally dedicated to sending money, bank checks, money orders. If they suggest payment methods outside the platform, it is most likely that they intend to carry out some type of fraud. Therefore, you must always make payments and communicate through the Airbnb website or app. As long as you communicate, book and pay through Airbnb you will have the security guaranteed by the multiple protection system. If the host never asks you to speak through other means or sends you emails, that's a good sign. You can also help other travelers by reporting suspicious messages. You are suspicious of an urgent tone or inconsistencies on the part of the host. Scammers often try to rush or pressure guests to book, show inconsistencies in the language in which they express themselves and in their nationalities, areas of residence or telephone prefixes, as well as in the text of the accommodation advertisement. Do not feel pressured, before deciding on an accommodation, carefully read the profile of the host, the comments of previous guests and, for example, use the image comparator available in the main search engines on the Internet, and check if the images correspond to different rentals located in different geographical areas.

La Policía alerta de la estafa del verano en España y Marbella: estafas en alquileres vacacionales

La estafa veraniega se ha disparado este año y ya supera las cifras de 2019. Ante tal tendencia, la Policía Nacional, junto a empresas de venta y alquiler de villas, viviendas de lujo en Fotocasa, Airbnb, Confianza Online, han lanzado la alerta para que los usuarios tengan más cuidado con posibles estafas en los alquileres vacacionales.

Recuerda que solo durante este 2022, más de 6.000 españoles caerán en la trampa de estafadores como los que han protagonizado el programa. Entonces, antes de hacer un pago inicial por lo que parece una ganga, asegúrese de que el apartamento exista.

Ante esta situación, la Dirección General de la Policía ha lanzado este jueves una serie de recomendaciones para evitar ser víctima de fraude. De esta forma, advierten que los ciudadanos que no están acostumbrados a reservar un apartamento o casa online o que no saben cómo funcionan plataformas como Airbnb pueden ser un blanco fácil para las organizaciones dedicadas a este tipo de fraudes.

Para que los usuarios puedan reservar con tranquilidad y encontrar un anfitrión de confianza este verano, Policía Nacional, Airbnb y Confianza Online han trabajado de forma conjunta para que los huéspedes puedan estar alerta para detectar y evitar fraudes.

Algunas de las señales y consejos para evitar estafas a la hora de reservar vacaciones de verano son:

  1. Cuidado con los mensajes con enlaces sospechosos. No hagas clic en enlaces de correos electrónicos en los que no confíes. Pueden contener enlaces a páginas web falsas que imitan el diseño de Airbnb en un intento de robar información personal o infectar dispositivos. En esta situación, vuelve a la página de inicio
  2. escribiendo en su navegador y continúe navegando desde allí. Descubre aquí cómo detectar si un correo electrónico o sitio web realmente pertenece a Airbnb.
    Tenga cuidado con las ofertas que son demasiado buenas para ser verdad. Cuidado con las ofertas que combinan precios excesivamente bajos con imágenes o alojamientos muy atractivos. Si un propietario quiere hacer demasiados cambios durante el proceso de reserva (le ofrece pagar de manera diferente, le envía direcciones de contacto que no coinciden con la lista, le ofrece una lista diferente que no estaba en la página, etc.) podría ser algo detrás de un criminal que quiere evitar su ubicación. Para evitar esto, busque anuncios que tengan muchas críticas positivas y léalos con atención. Esto te permitirá detectar si hay algún aspecto negativo que varios huéspedes señalen y que pueda empañar tus vacaciones. También puede verificar que la identidad del anfitrión y otros detalles de la cuenta hayan sido verificados o confirmados.
  3. Comunicación y pago, siempre en la plataforma. Si te piden que hagas un depósito o una transferencia bancaria, si te dan una factura en PDF o en papel o te ofrecen un descuento por pagar fuera de la plataforma, desconfía. Presta especial atención si esa persona te propone utilizar para el pago empresas que normalmente se dedican al envío de dinero, cheques bancarios, giros postales. Si sugieren métodos de pago fuera de la plataforma, lo más probable es que pretendan realizar algún tipo de fraude. Por lo tanto, siempre debe realizar los pagos y comunicarse a través del sitio web o la aplicación de Airbnb. Siempre que te comuniques, reserves y pagues a través de Airbnb tendrás la seguridad que te garantiza el sistema de protección múltiple. Si el anfitrión nunca te pide que hables por otros medios o te envía correos electrónicos, es una buena señal.
  4. Sospechas de un tono de urgencia o de incoherencias por parte del anfitrión. Los estafadores suelen tratar de apurar o presionar a los huéspedes para que reserven, mostrar incoherencias en el idioma en el que se expresan y en sus nacionalidades, zonas de residencia o prefijos telefónicos, así como en el texto del anuncio del alojamiento. No te sientas presionado, antes de decidirte por un alojamiento, lee atentamente el perfil del anfitrión, los comentarios de anteriores huéspedes y, por ejemplo, utiliza el comparador de imágenes disponible en los principales buscadores de Internet, y comprueba si las imágenes corresponden a diferentes alquileres ubicados en diferentes áreas geográficas.