Tag Archive for: Series

World’s first crewed flying racing car ready for the Airspeeder Racing Series

El primer auto de carreras volador tripulado del mundo listo para la serie Airspeeder Racing

  • Alauda Aeronautics presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, la primera versión tripulada de su auto volador de carreras
  • Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo, con una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph)
  • Impulsado por Thunderstrike Hydrogen Turbogenerator, que ofrece un alcance excepcional de 300 km (188 millas)
  • La tecnología Gimballed Thrust de inteligencia artificial produce cualidades de manejo de un automóvil de Fórmula 1 o un avión de combate
  • Pruebas de vuelo en curso en el sur de Australia; primeras carreras tripuladas programadas para 2024
  • El Airspeeder Mk4 se presentará públicamente en el festival de innovación Southstart el 7 de  marzo de 2023.
  • Las inscripciones de equipos ahora están abiertas para la serie de carreras tripuladas Airspeeder

“Nosotros y el mundo estamos listos para las carreras de autos voladores tripulados. Hemos construido los vehículos, desarrollado el deporte, asegurado las sedes, atraído a los patrocinadores y socios técnicos. Ha llegado el momento de que las marcas de automóviles, los fabricantes de equipos originales y los equipos de automovilismo más progresistas, innovadores y ambiciosos del mundo formen parte de un nuevo automovilismo verdaderamente revolucionario. Al presentar el Airspeeder Mk4 tripulado, mostramos los vehículos que lucharán en carreras de pala a pala tripulados por los pilotos más capacitados en sus campos”. –  Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo, Alauda Aeronáutica

Alauda Aeronautics está buscando socios OEM para unirse a esta revolución en el automovilismo, ya que presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, el primer automóvil volador tripulado del mundo y el más rápido.

Diseñado y construido en Adelaida, Australia Meridional, el Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo. Capaz de alcanzar una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph) en solo 30 segundos desde parado, está diseñado para establecer el estándar de rendimiento y tecnología en el nuevo y radical deporte de las carreras de aerodeslizadores pilotados.

Con su sofisticado sistema de propulsión eléctrica, aerodinámica avanzada y un peso de despegue (MTOW) de solo 950 kg, el Airspeeder Mk4 también es extremadamente eficiente, con un alcance proyectado de 300 km (188 millas) mientras produce casi cero emisiones.

El nuevo avión es un desarrollo del Mk3 pilotado a distancia, que completó con éxito más de 350 vuelos de prueba y participó en dos carreras de demostración de Airspeeder en el sur de Australia en 2022.

Al igual que todos los Airspeeders, el Mk4 está destinado principalmente a las carreras, por lo que está diseñado para una máxima agilidad a altas velocidades y bajas altitudes. Dos tecnologías inspiradas en la industria espacial le dan al vehículo su velocidad, maniobrabilidad y alcance sin precedentes.

El Airspeeder Mk4 funciona con un turbogenerador de 1000 kW (1340 caballos de fuerza) que alimenta las baterías y los motores. Diseñada específicamente para su uso en eVTOL, esta tecnología revolucionaria permite utilizar hidrógeno verde como combustible, proporcionando energía segura, confiable y sostenible en largas distancias y tiempos de vuelo. El Mk4 tiene un alcance proyectado de más de 300 km (188 millas).

El motor de demostración ‘Thunderstrike’ de Alauda Aeronautics incorpora un combustor único fabricado con técnicas de impresión 3D desarrolladas en la industria espacial para motores de cohetes. El diseño de la cámara de combustión mantiene la temperatura de la llama de hidrógeno relativamente baja, lo que reduce en gran medida las emisiones de óxido nitroso (NOx).

El hidrógeno es un combustible ideal para la aviación del futuro y, específicamente, para los viajes aéreos urbanos personales. Tiene una alta densidad de energía y se puede almacenar en una forma compacta y liviana, lo que lo hace adecuado para aeronaves pequeñas; tampoco es tóxico y no produce emisiones excepto agua pura, por lo que no contamina el aire. Además de esto, debido a que el gas de hidrógeno es más liviano que el aire, simplemente se elevará y se dispersará en la atmósfera en caso de fuga, lo que reduce el riesgo de incendio o explosión.

Además de llevar la industria eVTOL existente a la era H2eVTOL de próxima generación , esta tecnología tiene el potencial de reducir significativamente las emisiones y crear un futuro sostenible para los viajes aéreos individuales.

La mayoría de los eVTOL se dirigen utilizando rotores basculantes, que simplemente se colocan verticalmente para despegar y aterrizar y horizontalmente durante el crucero. Por el contrario, el Mk4 maniobra utilizando un exclusivo sistema de empuje cardán, mediante el cual un controlador de vuelo de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ajusta individualmente cuatro pares de rotores montados en cardanes ligeros impresos en 3D. Esto hace que el Mk4 no solo sea rápido en línea recta, sino que también pueda maniobrar con la increíble precisión esencial en las carreras cuerpo a cuerpo. De hecho, se maneja menos como un multicóptero y más como un avión de combate o un auto de carreras de Fórmula 1.

Alauda Aerospace planea comenzar las pruebas de vuelo del chasis y el tren motriz Mk4, incluidos los primeros vuelos tripulados de la estructura del avión, en el primer trimestre de 2023. El avión estará listo para tomar la línea de salida en el Campeonato de carreras de aerodeslizadores en 2024.

La serie de carreras Airspeeder tiene una enorme base de fans internacionales y atrae a los mejores pilotos del mundo. Pero es más que un espectáculo espectacular de velocidad y habilidad. También es un campo de pruebas para sistemas de propulsión ecológicos sostenibles, con el potencial de cambiar la forma en que todos viajamos en el futuro.

Alauda Aeronautics ya está mirando más allá de las carreras hacia un mundo donde los autos voladores privados son una realidad diaria y un medio viable de transporte urbano. Su equipo de ingenieros y diseñadores, formado por empresas como Airbus, Boeing, Ferrari, MagniX y McLaren, confía en que sus tecnologías podrían hacer que los viajes aéreos sean más rápidos, más eficientes, más respetuosos con el medio ambiente y más accesibles que nunca.

Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo de Alauda Aeronautics  , dice: “Verá estas tecnologías en la pista de carreras. Sin embargo, los eVTOL ya son una industria de un billón de dólares y vemos un mercado muy importante para los autos voladores privados que emergen en un futuro cercano. En la industria aeroespacial convencional, hay tantos aviones privados como aviones comerciales en funcionamiento. Creemos que podría ser lo mismo con los autos voladores algún día, con una cantidad aproximadamente similar de taxis comerciales y autos privados inicialmente. Una vez que podamos venderle un automóvil volador por el mismo precio que un Tesla, verá rápidamente el cambio de equilibrio. Hoy en día, los automóviles privados superan en número a los taxis en aproximadamente 300 a uno, por lo que el potencial para que las personas posean y conduzcan su propio automóvil volador algún día es absolutamente enorme. Es un momento muy emocionante”.

Para obtener más información sobre el Alauda Airspeeder Mk4 y el próximo campeonato de carreras de Airspeeder, visite el sitio web de Airspeeder en  www.airspeeder.com .

Airspeeder se basa en la filosofía de que nada acelera el progreso técnico como la competencia deportiva. El deporte de próxima generación desempeña el mismo papel que los pioneros de la Fórmula Uno tuvieron hace casi un siglo al impulsar el desarrollo técnico y generar la aceptación pública de una nueva revolución de la movilidad. El sector eVTOL está preparado para transformar el transporte aéreo urbano, la logística global e incluso el transporte médico remoto con una solución de transporte aéreo de aire limpio y cero emisiones.

Matt Pearson es el fundador y visionario detrás de Alauda y Airspeeder. Junto con un equipo de ingenieros, diseñadores y mentes comerciales de Australia, Nueva York y Londres, está acelerando el desarrollo de vehículos voladores eléctricos a través del calor de la competencia deportiva.

Más allá de su papel como una voz definitoria en el futuro de la movilidad, Matt está impulsando el espacio del Internet industrial de las cosas en rápida expansión a través de su trabajo en Fleet. Desde su base en el sur de Australia, millones de dispositivos se alimentan a través de la órbita terrestre baja a través de una red creciente de nanosatélites.

Redes sociales:  @Airspeeder

Take Your Passions Further With the New Samsung Galaxy S23 Series: Designed for a Premium Experience Today and Beyond

Galaxy S23 Ultra’s most advanced camera, next-level gaming performance, and more eco-conscious design come together in Samsung’s most innovative Galaxy S series yet.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – February, 2023 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. today unveiled the Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+, and Galaxy S23, marking a new era of Samsung Galaxy’s ultimate premium phone experience. Samsung Galaxy’s epic camera gives users more freedom to explore their creativity, like capturing truly cinematic Nightography videos with transformative AI. The Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy unleashes premium experiences, including groundbreaking AI, future-ready mobile gaming feature and powerfully sustained game play with the world’s fastest mobile graphics.1 On the Galaxy S23 Ultra, an embedded S Pen2 that many long-time Samsung Galaxy users know and love offers more possibilities for productivity, notetaking, hobbies and more. All the Galaxy S23 series’ new standard-setting innovations are housed within a striking design that advances the company’s sustainability commitment with more components made using recycled materials than any other Samsung Galaxy smartphone.3

“The value of impactful technology is measured, not just by what it enables for people today, but also how it contributes to a better future,” said TM Roh, President and Head of Mobile eXperience Business at Samsung Electronics. “The entire Galaxy S23 series is the new standard-bearer of trustworthy premium smartphone experiences. We’re on a mission to redefine peak performance by bringing together powerful, lasting innovations and sustainability.”

A Samsung Galaxy Camera with More Megapixels and Extensive Creative Controls, From Day to Night
Galaxy S23 Ultra makes it easier for any level of photographer to capture phenomenal content. It offers Samsung Galaxy’s most advanced camera system, tailored for nearly any lighting conditions and engineered to render incredible detail. Improved Nightography capabilities transform how the Galaxy S series optimizes photos and videos in a wide range of ambient conditions. Filming a favorite song at a concert, snapping a selfie at the aquarium, or grabbing a group shot of friends at dinner — users can get sharper images and videos.4 Visual noise that usually ruins low-light images is corrected by a new AI-powered image signal processing (ISP) algorithm that enhances object details and color tone.

In a Samsung Galaxy first, Galaxy S23 Ultra boasts a new 200MP Adaptive Pixel sensor that captures epic moments with incredible precision. It uses pixel binning to support multiple levels of high-resolution processing at once.5 And because selfie cameras are more important than ever to how we communicate today, the Galaxy S23 series introduces fast autofocus and our first Super HDR selfie camera, jumping from 30fps to 60fps, for noticeably better front-facing images and videos.

For users who want the ultimate creative control and customization, the Galaxy S23 series offers a suite of tools that differentiate any photography experience. The Expert RAW app,6 available exclusively on Samsung Galaxy, enables DSLR-style image shooting and editing in RAW and JPEG — no bulky camera equipment is required. Users can experiment with Multiple exposures photo art or capture a clear view of the Milky Way with Astrophoto settings, and now, after being downloaded on Galaxy S23, Expert RAW features can be accessed within Samsung’s native Camera app. Meanwhile, the new zoom capabilities on Galaxy Watch5 series’ Camera Controller app7 empower users to capture a perfectly framed shot right from their wrist.

Additional camera advancements include:

  • Low-light or in situations that would normally create a blur, videos are stable with doubled optical image stabilizer (OIS) angles in all directions on Galaxy S23 Ultra.
  • Recording videos feel more cinematic with enhanced 8K video8 at 30 frames per second with a wider angle.
  • Advanced, object-based AI analyzes each detail in the frame, even down to minute facial features, such as hair and eyes, to carefully reflect a person’s dynamic characteristics.
  • For an even more enhanced video experience, the new 360 Audio Recording feature9 on Galaxy Buds2 Pro creates multi-dimensional sound.

On Galaxy S23+ and Galaxy S23, the iconic Samsung Galaxy camera also gets an upgraded look. The contour housing has been removed, marking a new era of essential Galaxy design that makes the entire series stand out.

Premium Performance Makes Way for the Future of Mobile Gaming
For creators and gamers alike, the desire to push limits and constantly reimagine what’s possible requires technology that outpaces expectations. Together, Samsung and Qualcomm optimized the Samsung Galaxy experience with the brand-new Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy, the most powerful and efficient platform ever in a Samsung Galaxy smartphone and the fastest10 Snapdragon available today. Meanwhile, on the Galaxy S23 Ultra, a 5000mAh battery11 powers a larger camera than Galaxy S22 Ultra without increasing the device’s size.

A newly designed CPU micro architecture boosts the processing abilities of the Galaxy S23 series by about 30 percent compared to the Galaxy S22 series.12 Capturing stunning photos in low light requires trillions of calculations per second, so Samsung Galaxy’s highly efficient NPU architecture has been optimized by 49 percent to balance performance and power while using an AI algorithm to help users take epic photos and videos.12 One of the most significant improvements to the Galaxy S23 series is the optimized GPU, which is approximately 41 percent faster compared to Galaxy 22 series and designed especially for power users.12

In anticipation of the future of ultimate digital realism, Galaxy S23 Ultra comes ready to support real-time ray tracing as it comes to the mobile gaming mainstream. Users will be able to see noticeably more lifelike renderings of scenes, thanks to technology that simulates and tracks every ray of light. Plus, Samsung Galaxy’s vapor chamber, now bigger13 and on every Galaxy S23 series model, keeps your gaming marathon going.

All this power underpins Galaxy S23 Ultra’s expansive 6.8-inch14 edge display with a reduced curvature to create a larger and flatter surface area15 for the best visual experience on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Samsung Galaxy’s unique Enhanced comfort feature allows users to adjust color tones and contrast levels, lessening eye strain from screen time at night. Vision booster now adjusts at three levels of lighting instead of two to combat brightness and glare in daylight.

Designed with the Planet in Mind
The Galaxy S23 series raises the bar for premium technology that can enrich people’s lives and help contribute to a healthier planet. Since the Galaxy S22 series, Samsung Galaxy increases its use of recycled materials from six internal components in Galaxy S22 Ultra to 12 internal and external components in Galaxy S23 Ultra. Galaxy S23 series also has a wider variety of recycled materials than any other Galaxy smartphone, including pre-consumer recycled aluminum and glass and post-consumer recycled plastics sourced from discarded fishing nets, PET bottles and water barrels.

The new S series is the first to feature Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus® 2, offering durability for long-term use and consisting of an average of 22 percent pre-consumer recycled content16. Plus, every Galaxy S23 smartphone comes in a redesigned packaging box which applied paper made with 100 percent recycled paper.

With the Galaxy S23 series, Samsung Galaxy is doing more to minimize its impact on the environment without compromising quality and aesthetic. The Galaxy S23 series is UL ECOLOGO® certified17, meaning that the product has been certified for reduced environmental impact.

For users who want to extend the life of their device, the Galaxy S23 series’ premium experience can be sustained through the years with four generations of OS upgrades and five years of security updates18. To enhance its longevity, users can also leverage programs such as Samsung Care+19, a support service for accidental damages, repairs and more.

User-Friendly Security and Privacy Enable a Transparent Experience without Compromise
Secure and private experiences are the foundation of the Galaxy S23 series. Every smartphone comes with Samsung’s end-to-end Samsung Knox protection, which has received more government and industry certifications than any other mobile device, platform or solution on the market. The Security and Privacy Dashboard on Samsung Galaxy gives users full visibility over who has access to their data and how it’s being used. With just a glance, it’s easy to see if personal data is at risk and receive simple prompts to change settings for a more secure experience. Users can also decide exactly which applications and programs get access to their data and how it can be used.

For an added layer of security, Knox Vault, which was first introduced on the Galaxy S21 series, protects critical information on the Galaxy S23 series by isolating it from the rest of the device, including the OS, for added protection against vulnerabilities.

More Freedom and Flexibility for Connected Lifestyles
At the core of the Samsung Galaxy S series’ premium experience is the uncompromising innovation of Samsung Galaxy Ultra. But the power and creative capabilities of Samsung Galaxy Ultra don’t stop at smartphones. With the brand new, first-ever Galaxy Book3 Ultra, and the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, users can now enjoy an ultimate Samsung Galaxy’s ecosystem.

Across every Galaxy S series model, connected experiences get added benefits. Samsung Multi Control,20 which connects mouse and keyboard functionality between a Samsung Galaxy PC and tablet, now extends to Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+, and Galaxy S23 for the ultimate flexibility between devices. Plus, enhanced text usability makes it easy to copy and paste text, like URLs, from one device to another to pick up an activity on another device. On Galaxy S23 Ultra, Google Meet paired with Samsung Notes and the embedded S Pen now make video calls even more collaborative. With Google Meet live sharing, participants can simultaneously co-edit21 a document from each of their Android devices, rather than viewing a shared screen.22

The Galaxy S23 series comes in four nature-inspired matte hues: Phantom Black, Cream, Green and Lavender23.

Starting on February 17, 2023, Galaxy S23 Ultra, Galaxy S23+ and Galaxy S23 will be widely available in carriers and retailers, and on https://samsung.com.

For more information about Galaxy S23 series, please visit: https://www.samsungmobilepress.comhttps://news.samsung.com/global or https://www.samsung.com/global/galaxy/.

Galaxy S23 Ultra
Display 6.8-inch QHD+ Edge*
Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display
Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (1~120Hz)
240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode
Vision booster
Enhanced comfort
*Measured diagonally, actual viewable area is less due to rounded corners and camera hole. 
Dimensions & Weight 78.1 X 163.4 X 8.9mm, 234g
Camera 12MP Ultra-Wide Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 120˚

200MP Wide Camera

  • F1.7, FOV 85˚

10MP Telephoto Camera

  • 3x Optical Zoom, F2.4, FOV 36˚

10MP Telephoto Camera

  • 10x Optical Zoom, F4.9, FOV 11˚

12MP Front Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 80˚
*100X Space Zoom includes 10x Optical Zoom and 10x digital zoom with AI Super Resolution technology.
Zooming in past 10x may cause some image deterioration.
AP Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy
Memory 12GB + 1TB
12 + 512GB
12 + 256GB
8 + 256GB
*Available storage capacity is subject to preloaded software.
*Memory option may vary by market.
Battery 5,000mAh
*Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated (minimum) capacity is 4,855mAh. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
Charging Wired charging*: Up to 65% charge in around 30 mins with 45W Adapter** and 5A USB-C cable***
Fast Wireless Charging 2.0****
Wireless PowerShare*****
*Wired charging compatible with QC2.0 and AFC.
**45W Power Adapter sold separately. Use only Samsung-approved chargers and cables.

***Results from internal Samsung lab tests, conducted with 45W Travel Adapter connected to newly pre-released version of Galaxy S23 Ultra while device had 0% of power remaining, with all services, features and screen turned off. Actual charging speed may vary depending on the actual usage, charging conditions and other factors.
****Wireless charging compatible with WPC.
*****Limited to Samsung or other brand smartphones with Qi wireless charging, such as Galaxy S23 Ultra, S23+, S23, Z Fold4, Z Flip4, S22 series, Z Fold3 5G, Z Flip3 5G, S21 FE 5G, S21 series, Z Fold2, Note20 series, S20 series, Z Flip, Note10, Note10+, S10e, S10, S10+, Fold, S9, S9+, S8, S8+, S8 Active, S7, S7 edge, S7 Active, S6, S6 edge, S6 Active, S6 edge+, Note9, Note8, Note FE and Note5. Only available with certain Samsung Galaxy wearables such as Galaxy Buds2 Pro, Buds2, Buds Pro, Buds Live, Watch5, Watch 5 Pro, Watch4, Watch4 Classic, Watch3, Watch Active2, Watch Active, Gear Sport, Gear S3, Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Buds. If battery power is lower than 30% Wireless PowerShare may not function. May not work with certain accessories, covers, other brand devices or some Samsung wearables. During PowerShare, it may affect call reception or data services, depending on your network environment.
OS Android 13
One UI 5.1
Network & Connectivity 5G*, LTE**, Wi-Fi 6E***, Wi-Fi Direct Bluetooth® v 5.3
*Requires optimal 5G network connection, available in select markets. Check with your carrier for availability and details. Download and streaming speeds may vary based on content provider, server connection and other factors.
**Availability of LTE model varies by market and carrier. Actual speed may vary depending on market, carrier, and user environment.
***Wi-Fi 6E network availability may vary by market, network provider and user environment. Requires optimal connection. Will require a Wi-Fi 6E router.
Security Samsung Knox, Samsung Knox Vault
Water Resistance IP68
*IP68 Rating: Conducted under lab test conditions. Water resistant in up to 1.5 meters of fresh water for up to 30 minutes and protected from dust, dirt, and sand. Rinse residue/dry after wet. Not advised for beach or pool use. Water and dust resistance of your device is not permanent and may diminish over time.
Galaxy S23 and Galaxy S23+
Display Galaxy S23 Galaxy S23+
6.1-inch FHD+*
Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display
Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (48~120Hz)
240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode
Vision booster
Enhanced comfort
6.6-inch FHD+*
Dynamic AMOLED 2X Display
Super Smooth 120Hz refresh rate (48~120Hz)
240Hz Touch Sampling Rate in Game Mode
Vision booster
Enhanced comfort
*Measured diagonally, Galaxy S23’s screen size is 6.1-inch in the full rectangle and 5.9-inch with accounting for the rounded corners, Galaxy S23+’s screen size is 6.6-inch in the full rectangle and 6.4-inch with accounting for the rounded corners; actual viewable area is less due to the rounded corners and camera hole.
Dimensions & Weight 70.9 x 146.3 x 7.6mm, 168g 76.2 x 157.8 x 7.6mm, 196g
Camera 12MP Ultra-Wide Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 120˚

50MP Wide Camera

  • F1.8, FOV 85˚

10MP Telephoto Camera

  • 3x Optical Zoom, F2.4, FOV 36˚

12MP Front Camera

  • F2.2, FOV 80˚
AP Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy
Memory 8 + 512GB
8 + 256GB
8 + 128GB
8 + 512GB
8 + 256GB
*Available storage capacity is subject to preloaded software.
*Memory option may vary by market.
Battery 3,900mAh 4,700mAh
*Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated (minimum) capacity is 3,785mAh for Galaxy S23 and 4,563mAh for Galaxy S23+. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
Charging Wired Charging*: Up to 50% charge in around 30 mins with 25W Adapter** and 3A USB-C cable***
Fast Wireless Charging 2.0****
Wireless PowerShare*****
Wired charging*: Up to 65% charge in around 30 mins with 45W Adapter** and 5A USB-C cable***
Fast Wireless Charging 2.0****
Wireless PowerShare*****
*Wired charging compatible with QC2.0 and AFC.
**Power Adapter and data cable sold separately. Using the original Samsung 45W Power Adapter and data cable is recommended for Galaxy S23+ and the original Samsung 25W Power Adapter and data cable recommended for Galaxy S23.
***Results from internal Samsung lab tests, conducted with 25W Travel Adapter connected to newly pre-released version of Galaxy S23 and 45W Travel Adapter connected to newly pre-released version of Galaxy S23+ while a device had 0% of power remaining, with all services, features and screen turned off. Actual charging speed may vary depending on the actual usage, charging conditions and other factors.
****Wireless charging compatible with WPC.

*****Limited to Samsung or other brand smartphones with Qi wireless charging, such as Galaxy S23 Ultra, S23+, S23, Z Fold4, Z Flip4, S22 series, Z Fold3 5G, Z Flip3 5G, S21 FE 5G, S21 series, Z Fold2, Note20 series, S20 series, Z Flip, Note10, Note10+, S10e, S10, S10+, Fold, S9, S9+, S8, S8+, S8 Active, S7, S7 edge, S7 Active, S6, S6 edge, S6 Active, S6 edge+, Note9, Note8, Note FE and Note5. Only available with certain Samsung Galaxy wearables such as Galaxy Buds2 Pro, Buds2, Buds Pro, Buds Live, Watch5, Watch 5 Pro, Watch4, Watch4 Classic, Watch3, Watch Active2, Watch Active, Gear Sport, Gear S3, Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Buds. If battery power is lower than 30% Wireless PowerShare may not function. May not work with certain accessories, covers, other brand devices or some Samsung wearables. During PowerShare, it may affect call reception or data services, depending on your network environment.
OS Android 13
One UI 5.1
Network & Connectivity
5G*, LTE**, Wi-Fi 6E***, Wi-Fi Direct Bluetooth® v 5.3
*5G services are only supported in 5G network enabled locations. Requires optimal 5G connection. Actual speed may vary depending on market, carrier, and user environment.
**Availability of LTE model varies by market and carrier.
***Wi-Fi 6E network availability may vary by market, network provider and user environment. Requires optimal connection. Will require a Wi-Fi 6E router.
Security Samsung Knox, Samsung Knox Vault
Water Resistance IP68
*IP68 Rating: Conducted under lab test conditions. Water resistant in up to 1.5 meters of fresh water for up to 30 minutes and protected from dust, dirt, and sand. Rinse residue/dry after wet. Not advised for beach or pool use. Water and dust resistance of your device is not permanent and may diminish over time.

About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung inspires the world and shapes the future with transformative ideas and technologies. The company is redefining the worlds of TVs, smartphones, wearable devices, tablets, digital appliances, network systems, and memory, system LSI, foundry and LED solutions. For the latest news, please visit the Samsung Newsroom at news.samsung.com.

1 Snapdragon® 8 Gen 2 Mobile Platform for Galaxy is optimized for Samsung and exclusive at the time of Galaxy S23 series’ launch. World’s fastest Snapdragon claim true as of February 1, 2023.
2 S pen support is only available on Galaxy S23 Ultra. Not available on Galaxy S23+ or Galaxy S23.
3 Galaxy S23 Ultra uses recycled materials in 12 internal and external components (Galaxy S23+ and S23: 11 internal and external components), compared to six internal components in the Galaxy S22 Ultra.
4 Compared to Galaxy S22 Ultra.
5 Samsung’s updated pixel binning technology for Galaxy S23 Ultra provides 200MP, 50MP, and 12MP output options.
6 Expert RAW must be downloaded separately from the Galaxy Store, for free, before use. Expert RAW app is available on Galaxy S23 series (S23 Ultra, S23+, S23), Z Fold4, Galaxy S22 Series (S22 Ultra/S22+/S22), Z Fold3, S21 Ultra, S20 Ultra, Z Fold2, and Note 20 Ultra.
7 Camera Controller app is preloaded on Galaxy Watch5 series.
8 8K video playback is available only on devices supporting 8K resolution.
9 The feature will be available on Galaxy Buds2 Pro paired with a Samsung Galaxy smartphone running One UI 5.0 or above with LE Audio support, including Galaxy S23 series. Installation of the latest software versions of Samsung Galaxy smartphone and Galaxy Buds devices is required. To activate the feature, go to Samsung Camera app > tap Camera settings after selecting Video mode > tap Advanced video options > turn on 360 Audio Recording.
10 World’s fastest Snapdragon claim true as of February 1, 2023.
11 Typical value tested under third-party laboratory condition. Typical value is the estimated average value considering the deviation in battery capacity among the battery samples tested under IEC 61960 standard. Rated capacity is 4855mAh for Galaxy S23 Ultra. Actual battery life may vary depending on network environment, usage patterns and other factors.
12 AP performance improvements shown compared to prior generation chipset. Actual performance will depend on user environment, conditions, and pre-installed software and applications.
13 Compared to Galaxy S22 Ultra.
14 Display measurements are diagonal. Actual viewable area is less due to rounded corners and camera hole.
15 Compared to the Galaxy S22 Ultra.
16 Corning® Gorilla® Glass Victus® 2 is incorporated into front screen and back cover of Galaxy S23 series.
17 UL ECOLOGO® Certified products and services are verified for reduced environmental impact based on environmental performance criteria throughout its life cycle, including energy reduction, materials, health, environment, manufacturing and operations. Galaxy S23 series met the UL 110.
18 Availability and timing of Android OS upgrades and security updates may vary by device model and market. Devices eligible for four generations of Android OS upgrades and five years of security updates currently include Galaxy S23 series (S23 Ultra/S23+/S23), Galaxy S22 series (S22/S22+/S22 Ultra), S21 series (S21/S21+/S21 Ultra/S21 FE), Z Fold4, Z Flip4, Z Fold3, Z Flip3, and Tab S8 series (Tab S8/Tab S8+/Tab S8 Ultra).
19 Terms and conditions apply. Samsung Care+ coverage, service type and redemption may vary by market and deductibles (additional service fee) may apply. For detailed Samsung Care+ information, please visit https://www.samsung.com/samsung-care-plus/.
20 Samsung Multi Control works on Galaxy tablets with One UI 4.1 or above, Galaxy phones with One UI 5.1 or above and Galaxy Book series devices launched in 2021 or later with either Samsung Settings v1.5 (Intel) or Samsung Settings v3.3 (ARM). Some models may have limited feature support and both phone and PC must be signed into same Samsung account.
21 Co-edit is currently available on Galaxy S23 Ultra.
22 Users are required to log in both their Samsung and Google account to their device.
23 Availability may vary by market.

Sotheby’s Hong Kong Presents the Most Significant Chinese Works of Art Sale Series to Take Place in the Last Decade

Hong Kong
Convergence of the Finest Private Collections from the World’s Greatest Chinese Art Collectors
Dr Wou Kiuan, Mr Joseph Lau & Sir Joseph Hotung, and more

(Left to Right)

The Private Collection of Joseph Lau
A Fine Blue and White ‘Lotus Scroll’ Vase, Meiping, Ming Dynasty, Yongle Period
Est: HK$ 25 – 35 million / US$ 3.2 – 4.5 million

The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection
A Magnificent Ruby-Ground Yangcai ‘Trigrams’ Reticulated Vase,
Seal Mark and Period of Qianlong
Est: HK$ 60 – 120 million / US$ 7.6 – 15.3 million

The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung
A Unique and Highly Important Moulded Blue and White Barbed ‘Fish’ Charger, Yuan Dynasty
Est: HK$ 30 – 50 million / US$ 3.8 – 6.4 million

Auction: 8 – 9 October 2022

This October, Sotheby’s Hong Kong presents the most significant Chinese Works of Art sale series with the convergence of the finest private collections from the world’s greatest Chinese art collectors including Dr Wou Kiuan, Mr Joseph Lau and Sir Joseph Hotung. The star lot of this season is a Magnificent Ruby-Ground yangcai ‘Trigrams’ Reticulated Vase from the Qianlong period (Est: HK$ 60 – 120 million / US$ 7.6 – 15.3 million) from the Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Part II, a carefully curated sale presenting six masterpieces from the 18th century. The collection of Joseph Lau, comprising 11 imperial gems, occupies pride of place among the very finest ever assembled in the field. At the heart of Sir Joseph Hotung’s personal collection is an array of masterpieces which charts many of the peaks in China’s long history, from the Neolithic Period to the Qing dynasty. Adding to this season’s strong line-up of renowned private collections are a selection of Ming and Qing jades from the collection of Victor Shaw and a group of archaic artworks from an important Japanese collection.

This Autumn sale series marks a once-in-a lifetime opportunity for collectors and enthusiasts of Chinese art. Very rarely will you see such a superlative line-up from the world’s most celebrated Chinese art collections. We will be offering fresh to market masterpieces in almost each and every field of Chinese art and this is possibly the most anticipated sale series Sotheby’s has ever hosted.


These illustrious private collections not only showcase the impeccable taste, vision and passion of this century’s most influential Chinese art collectors, but also offer a window to the extraordinary depth and breadth of Chinese art forms.


A Journey Through China’s History: The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection Part II

Following on from the success of Part I in New York in March and the record-breaking first Hong Kong chapter in April, the carefully curated sale presents six masterpieces from the 18th century showcasing the unparalleled technical mastery in the imperial kilns in Jingdezhen, including a group of enamelled porcelains formerly from the Fonthill heirlooms which have not surfaced the market in around half a century. Highlights include a Qianlong magnificent and possibly unique ruby-ground yangcai ‘trigrams’ reticulated vase, corroborated by the court archives to have been made either in 1743 or immediately thereafter. The vase is a tangible testament to the unprecedented and unparalleled culmination of technical virtuosity in porcelain production between 1741 and 1743, fuelled by an imperial reprimand from the Qianlong Emperor. (Catalogue essay available upon request)

H. 31 CM
EST: HK$ 60,000,000 – 120,000,000 / US$ 7,644,000 – 15,287,000

Another highlight also endowed with the Fonthill provenance is a magnificent pair of yangcai ‘butterfly’ vases superbly enamelled on a bright pink ground in a manner imbued with Western influences and fired to perfection.

H. 47 CM
EST: HK$ 40,000,000 – 60,000,000 / US$ 5,096,000 – 7,644,000

Gems of Imperial Porcelain from the Private Collection of Joseph Lau Part II

The name Joseph Lau resonates with collectors around the globe and it is one that stands for excellence. Chinese art stands at the genesis of Joseph Lau’s adventure with art and it is on Chinese art that he cut his exacting eye before expanding his horizons. Lau assembled one of the finest collections of Chinese porcelain ever, articulated around masterpieces, each representative of the best of a certain period and type, and handpicked from the most prestigious collections.

This season’s offerings include a very fine blue and white porcelain dating from the Yongle period in the early 15th century, the pinnacle of underglaze-blue decorated wares and a period much celebrated for imperial patronage in the arts.

31.4 CM
EST: HK$ 25,000,000 – 35,000,000 / US$ 3,185,000 – 4,459,000

This meiping decorated with a lotus scroll is remarkably elegant in its potting and represents the epitome of that classic shape. Similar examples are known in the palace museums in Beijing and Taipei as well as in the Middle Eastern Royal collections of the Ottoman sultans which attest to their universal appeal and high status.

31.3 CM
EST: HK$ 20,000,000 – 30,000,000 / US$ 2,548,000 – 3,822,000

This magnificent circular flask brilliantly enamelled with fruit represents a particularly ambitious and unusual combination of the doucai and fencai schemes, which brings out the ripe fruit. The present example is superior in all aspects, from the quality of the painting, richness of the cobalt, clarity of the glaze to its pristine condition.

Hotung: The Personal Collection of the late Sir Joseph Hotung

The late Sir Joseph Hotung (1930-2021) was respected and revered in the art world for his jade collection and for his philanthropy. What is much less known is his discriminating eye for the quality and design, and the personal collection formed at his house in London as a backdrop to his life – seen only by a privileged few. The series of dedicated sales begin in Hong Kong with a focus on the Chinese masterpieces in his collection and are divided into Evening and Day sales. The works on offer, ranging from Neolithic jades and bronzes from Shang – Han dynasties to Ming dynasty furniture and modern Chinese paintings, each represent the most sought-after of their period and type. Highlights include a unique and highly important moulded blue and white barbed ‘fish’ charger from the Yuan dynasty and an important and outstanding bronze male chimera, bixie, from the Han dynasty, the latter endowed with a prestigious provenance and illustration history tracing back to as early as the 1920s in Paris.

47.8 CM
EST: HK$ 30,000,000 – 50,000,000 / US$ 3,822,000 – 6,370,000

This dish is unique and was done with an attention to detail that is exceptional even among this rare group of relief-moulded dishes of the Yuan dynasty. Not only is its relief decoration extraordinarily crisp and detailed, but the popular fish design is here also rendered in a highly individual manner that knows few close comparisons. It is a masterpiece that combines the best and rarest Yuan blue-and-white styles.

L. 27 CM, H. 18 CM
EST: HK$ 6,000,000 – 8,000,000 / US$ 764,500 – 1,019,000

This Han dynasty bronze chimera, powerfully rendered with vitality and strength, is a tour de force of Chinese bronzes at their peak. In addition to the prestigious Stoclet provenance, the sculpture’s publication and exhibition history can be traced back to as early as the first half of the 20th century, setting it apart from other archaic bronzes in private hands and even the most important museum examples.

Important Chinese Art including Jades from the Victor Shaw Collection

The Important Chinese Art auction presents a tightly curated sale including masterworks spanning five millennia, from the Neolithic period through to the Qing dynasty. Highlights include an extremely rare Qianlong period chenxiang mirror ‘raree’ cabinet and a Shang dynasty marble frog.

The ‘raree’ box, possibly commissioned in the 17th year (1752), is set with a mirror flanked by two circular holes through which the Qianlong Emperor would have peeped through to view painted pictures, one of which being his most poignant and enigmatically titled double-portrait, ‘One or Two?’ The powerfully carved box cabinet not only showcases the influence of Western mechanism in 18th century court in China, but is possibly the only example known to be employed by the Qianlong Emperor to ponder on the nuances between the literal reflection of the self and self-identity.

75.5 BY 16 BY H. 66 CM
EST: HK$ 5,000,000 – 8,000,000 / US$ 637,000 – 1,019,000

The Shang dynasty marble frog belongs to a very rare group of marble carvings marking the dawn of Chinese sculpture. Ever so skilfully and minimalistically carved, the sculpture has truly stood the test of time in its timeless aesthetic. Also from the same important Japanese collection as the marble frog is a group of archaic artworks, including a splendidly decorated gold and silver inlaid sword-hilt, also not seen on the market for over 30 years.

25.3 BY 15.4 BY H. 12.5 CM
EST: HK$ 3,000,000 – 4,000,000 / US$ 382,000 – 509,600
17.5 CM
EST: HK$ 1,500,000 – 2,000,000 / US$ 191,000 – 255,000

The sale also includes a carefully selected group of Ming – Qing jades from the collection of Victor Shaw (1935-2020), who was renowned not only for his discerning eye but also his philanthropic pursuits.

H. 10.8 CM
EST: HK$ 700,000 – 900,000 / US$ 89,000 – 115,000
13.8 CM
EST: HK$ 500,000 – 600,000 / US$ 63,700 – 76,500FOTOGRAPHY & TEXT “Courtesy Sotheby’s”.


Interview with Cecilie Manz

Sheer coziness for that feel-good factor in the bathroom

Since the introduction of the Luv series, Nordic style has become a firm fixture in the bathroom. Danish designer Cecilie Manz’s minimalist design language invokes the Scandinavian concept of living for a brand-new sense of wellbeing. Carefully conceived materials that also appeal to the sense of touch emphasise the gentle forms and strict geometry. Perfectly harmonized color combinations round off the overall picture.

What emotion do you associate with the bathroom range Luv that you designed for Duravit?

For me, Luv is about sheer coziness for the perfect feel-good factor – natural, uncomplicated, and unobtrusive.

What’s most important to you in a bathroom?

The bathroom is one of the most intimate rooms and what matters to me are qualities like “clean, “functional”, and “comfortable”.  Everything should be hygienic and low-maintenance, it should work well and at the same time I want the materials, colors, and the overall ambience to exude a sense of wellbeing. In the bathroom I enjoy my “every day spa moment”.

The colors and surfaces that you’ve selected for the bathroom series Luv radiate natural warmth while simultaneously managing to appear contemporary. Where do you get your inspiration?

In the bathroom you often find cool and clear colors. Because Luv has a very pure design, it was important for me to create a cozy and welcoming component using subtle, natural tones. I often find inspiration for colors in nature – I always have a couple of pebbles in my bag.

What were the biggest challenges for you in designing furnishings for the bathroom?

I’m not sure if it makes such a big difference whether you’re designing a piece of furniture for the bathroom, the living room, or the kitchen. The design process involves the same approach and we go through the same mechanisms. At the same time, you have a greater responsibility to a certain extent: for me it feels as though each individual object that I design in the bathroom is tailor-made for the specific person buying it. That might be because each object in this room is so important. For instance, you might have various chairs in your home and can choose which one to use at any given time. You arrange your home how you want and are constantly moving things around. That’s not so easy in the bathroom. That’s why I also think that people’s decisions are a lot more conscious when selecting bathroom furniture.

Do you believe that people’s wishes in terms of bathroom furniture are changing?

It seems that bathrooms are constantly getting bigger. On the other side there is also a need for tiny, highly efficient bathrooms. In any case we expect the level of comfort enjoyed in the rest of the home to be part of bathroom, too: more warm colors, natural materials, coziness alongside inventive solutions for keeping it clean and using less water.

Duravit AG
Founded in 1817 in Hornberg in the Black Forest, Duravit AG is today a leading international manufacturer of designer bathrooms. The company is active in more than 130 countries worldwide and stands for innovation in the fields of signature design, comfort-enhancing technology and premium quality. In cooperation with an international network of high-profile designers

such as Philippe Starck, sieger design, Christian Werner, Cecilie Manz and young talents such as Bertrand Lejoly and Kurt Merki Jr., the company develops unique bathrooms that enhance quality of life for users on a sustained basis. Duravit’s product portfolio comprises sanitary ceramics, bathroom furniture, bathtubs and shower trays, wellness systems, shower-toilets, tap fittings and accessories as well as installation systems.


Premiere of the Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS

Premiere of the Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS – a look forward at the first fully electric Maybach series model

Stuttgart/Munich, September 05, 2021

Mercedes-Maybach is expanding its product portfolio with a luxurious all-electric SUV based on the modular architecture for luxury- and executive-class electric vehicles

With the Concept EQS, Mercedes-Maybach is providing a clear preview of the first fully electric series-production model for the tradition-steeped luxury brand. The SUV concept vehicle is based on the modular architecture for luxury- and executive-class electric vehicles from Mercedes-Benz and takes the exclusivity of Maybach into a locally emission-free future. The near-production one-off shows identifying features that are characteristic of Maybach – such as the elaborate two-tone paint finish – but with its innovative drive technology, also takes a step towards a significantly more progressive way of presenting the brand. In the interior, the rear becomes a comfortable place to work or rest thanks to Executive seats and the Chauffeur Package. Added to this are exclusive details such as the new door panels, the armrests of which are designed like high-quality sideboards. There are also trim elements in white piano lacquer and materials in deep-sea blue, which create a feel-good atmosphere on board as if on an elegant yacht.

The Mercedes-Maybach brand has always stood for state-of-the-art technology, handcrafted precision and exclusivity. It is considered a pioneer in defining luxury, style and status. Mercedes-Maybach is a legend that is constantly reinventing itself. In 1921, Wilhelm and Karl Maybach began building cars with the goal of creating “the very best of the very best”. It is this claim that has been defining the unique aura of Mercedes‑Maybach for 100 years now.

Maybach customers are looking for something special, and the aim here is to exceed their expectations with the highest standards of exclusivity and individuality, elegant design and consummate craftsmanship as well as state-of-the-art technology. Because customers in the core markets of China, Russia, South Korea, the U.S. and Germany are becoming younger on average, the definition of luxury is also changing.

“Many of our Mercedes-Maybach customers are digitally connected to a high degree and place the highest demands on our digital solutions. They also expect the brand of their choice to stand up for sustainable values and take responsibility for the environment. The Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS fulfils all these points and embodies sophisticated luxury in a more progressive way: the all-electric powertrain not only makes consistently sustainable mobility possible, but also enables a new level of calm and relaxation for passengers,” said Britta Seeger, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG, responsible for Marketing & Sales.

“The Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS represents the transformation of the tradition-rich luxury brand into a more progressive, all-electric future. Like every Maybach, it stands for Sophisticated Luxury in all its facets. The near-production concept car represents proof that state-of-the-art electric drive technology and pioneering infotainment with MBUX Hyperscreen combine perfectly with hallmark Maybach craftsmanship and an exquisite interior. This passionate combination of meticulously perfected details creates a unique automotive luxury experience. With the future all-electric SUV series model, we’re extending our leadership aspirations in the high-end segment to the area of electric mobility, too,” says Philipp Schiemer, Head of Top End Vehicle Group at Mercedes-Benz AG and Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH.

Progressive luxury in brand-characteristic design

The concept car is instantly recognisable as a member of the Mercedes-Maybach and Mercedes-EQ families and provides a preview of the first all-electric SUV in the luxury segment. Based on a purely electric vehicle architecture, the design consistently follows the concept of “purpose design”. A dynamic silhouette extends the entire length of the vehicle, starting with a low front end, flowing tautly over the sloping A-pillar and roof contour and incorporating the airflow break-away edge of the rear spoiler. The transition to a new technological era is recognisable at first glance.

Continuous transitions, without breaks and edges, characterise the seamless design. The expressive surface modelling and muscular shoulders are further characteristic features. And numerous chrome applications set brand-characteristic accents. The pronounced wheel wells with cladding in high-gloss black emphasise power and emotionality.

Gorden Wagener, Chief Design Officer Daimler Group: “With the Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS, we’re transforming the brand into an electric future after 100 years. The futuristic design consists of an emotional integration of surfaces and shapes. The front, with its progressive Maybach grille, follows the principle of integration and gives the brand a completely new appearance. In conjunction with the new-style aerodynamic SUV proportions, we’re completely redefining the luxury SUV of the future.”

Chrome-plated Maybach pinstripes at the front and rear

The upright black panel front also flows seamlessly into the wraparound bonnet and headlights. The LED light units showcase the lighting with individual diamond blocks framed with a fine-knit mesh of the Maybach emblem. The filigree, vertical Maybach pinstripes in an elegant, three-dimensional effect are chrome-plated and characterise the cooler with its new, innovative Black Panel technology. Elegantly chrome-plated, filigree louvres are also found on the air intake in the bumper. This eye-catching design element is taken up again below the licence plate holder in the bumper at the rear. The classic Maybach lettering on the front bonnet, the upright Mercedes star and the longitudinal chrome-plated trim strip in the centre of the bonnet are a tribute to tradition.

Exclusive two-tone finish and subtly positioned brand emblems

Another key distinguishing feature is the brand’s signature two-tone paint finish in obsidian black metallic and zircon red metallic with a fine pinstripe in chrome as a visual dividing line. Generous chrome surfaces not only extend over the air intakes and diffuser at the front and rear, but also frame the side windows with a dynamically flowing chrome surround in a 3D design. The B-pillars are also chrome plated and have been exclusively finished with a subtle brand emblem pattern. The Maybach “M” can also be found on the D-pillar.

The aerodynamically optimised side running boards bear a customised inlay with the Maybach emblem. Generously dimensioned 24-inch light-alloy wheels in the Maybach “bowl” design – with five short spokes and a flat centre section – as well as Maybach lettering, emphasise the exclusive appearance of the all-electric SUV.

At the rear, the sparkling highlight is provided by the rear lights with their continuous helix light strip. The animation here runs from the outside in. The chrome roof spoiler acts as a sporty, aerodynamic trim element.

Another exclusive equipment option is provided by the automatic comfort doors front and rear. When the user approaches the vehicle, the door handles first extend. As the driver approaches further, the driver’s door opens automatically. Via MBUX, the driver also has the option of opening the rear doors remotely.

Virtual interior as an emotional and stylish statement

The interior of the Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS is just as emotional and stylish a statement as the exterior – realised completely virtually. The lounge character promises luxurious travel at the highest level. The front seats show parallels to the Mercedes-Maybach S-Class. The First-Class rear suite with two generous individual seats – also inspired by the S-Class – as well as the High-End Rear Seat Entertainment System guarantee the highest level of comfort on board. And because the SUV concept allows for more seat height, the calf rest could be made even larger. It lets the passenger’s feet float above the “faux fur” floor covering.

Floating centre console in the rear and plenty of freedom of movement

The centre console appears to float like a continuous ribbon from the cockpit to the rear seats, creating a particularly light and elegant impression of space with plenty of freedom of movement. In combination with many indirect and direct ambient lighting features, the impression of space and interior components appear visually lighter and also seem to float. The standard vase insert invites you to bring seasonally appropriate floral decorations and thus nature into the interior of the Maybach. Underneath, a large storage area offers plenty of space for utensils or for individual equipment options such as folding tables, a box of champagne goblets or a refrigerated compartment.

Newly designed door panels with floating armrests and controls with the appearance of elegant sideboards emphasise the simultaneously luxurious and modern character of the interior. The concept for colours and materials has been inspired by the world of fashion. Perfect craftsmanship, high-quality materials and extraordinary details show a new level of exclusivity. The colour combination of white and a deep, dark blue creates a spacious and technically sophisticated environment. A special highlight is the trim element in a white chrome look. Its rosé gold-coloured pilaster strips follow the shape perfectly. Additional rosé gold-coloured accents create an ideal contrast and contribute significantly to the luxurious feel of the interior.

Another unexpected contrast is brought to the interior by a fashion-inspired, progressive textile of the highest quality. It is used generously around the rear-seat area, while flashes of it also appear in further details in the interior. A progressive graphic printed on leather in the roof liner area demonstrates the perfect fusion of a traditional luxury material with modern technology.

MBUX Hyperscreen with Maybach-specific display styles

Another special eye-catcher in the interior is the MBUX Hyperscreen with Maybach-specific display styles and content. This large, curved screen unit extends almost from A-pillar to A-pillar. Three screens sit under a glass cover and appear to merge into one. The 12.3-inch OLED display for the front passenger gives them their own display and control area. There, the entertainment functions are only available while the car is being driven in accordance with the country-specific legal regulations. If the interior camera detects that the driver is looking at the passenger display, this is automatically dimmed when certain content is showing.

With adaptive software thanks to artificial intelligence, MBUX adapts completely to its user. It makes personalised suggestions for numerous infotainment, comfort and vehicle functions. With the zero layer, the most important applications are always offered on the top level within the field of vision, according to situation and context. Searching through submenus is no longer necessary.

In the high-resolution display of the infotainment system, there is an EQ tile in the main menu that serves as a central access point to the specific displays and settings. These include the charging current, departure time, energy flow and consumption histogram. In addition, the navigation and driving programs can also be operated via the media display. EV-specific navigation services and functions are also offered in conjunction with Mercedes me connect. These include, for example, the display of charging stations, the electric range and optimised route planning, taking into account the charging status, the weather and the traffic situation.

In addition, round air vents in high-gloss chrome, galvanised trim elements and the multifunction steering wheel from the VISION EQS with flattened top and bottom sections emphasise the high-quality and sophisticated look. The ambient lighting system, which can be adjusted in many ways, also creates a stylish atmosphere.

Modular architecture also serves as basis for another electric SUV

The Concept Mercedes-Maybach EQS is based on the modular architecture for luxury- and executive-class electric vehicles from Mercedes-Benz. A further all-electric model is also set to appear on this basis, the EQS SUV, which will go into series production in 2022, even before the Maybach. Here, too, the electric powertrain ensures exceptionally smooth and quiet running and provides for a new level of calm and relaxation in the interior. According to WLTP, ranges of around 600 kilometres are planned for the Mercedes EQS SUV architecture.


E1 Series and PIF announce partnership to create world’s first electric powerboat championship

Electric Sea Racing Limited (‘E1 Series’) and Public Investment Fund (PIF) have entered into a partnership that will see PIF support in creating the world’s first electric powerboat racing championship.

The news was revealed today during a virtual launch event, where E1 Series organisers also unveiled the new design of the electric RaceBird powerboat ahead of World Oceans Day on June 8.

The partnership represents a significant step forward in the long-term development of the championship, providing a strong foundation on which to build from and enabling the series to further accelerate preparations for the inaugural season, scheduled to take place in early 2023 – with Saudi Arabia to be one of the considered race locations.

As a major contributor to the global economy and partner of choice for innovative companies and investors, PIF’s investment in E1 is in line with its 2021-2025 strategy announced earlier this year, which focuses on 13 key strategic sectors, including sports and entertainment, and renewable energy. This includes major investments in renewable energy companies, such as ACWA Power and the Sudair Solar Energy project, as well as in the development of electric vehicles through its investment in Lucid Motors.

Series creators Alejandro Agag, Chairman of E1, and Rodi Basso, CEO of E1, were both joined live in the studio by the President of the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) Raffaele Chiulli, as well as SeaBird Technologies Founder Sophi Horne, and Founder & CEO of Victory Marine Brunello Acampora to present the RaceBird powerboat.

The vessel is a completely new design and was co-created by Horne and Acampora following an extensive validation process. The RaceBird is inspired by nature and birds flying low over the water and features an outboard motor, enclosed safety canopy and hydrofoil technology.

Using innovative hydrofoil technology, the electric RaceBird powerboats will rise high above the water’s surface, allowing for minimum drag and maximum energy efficiency. Being lifted above the waves will not only improve performance, but it will also promote close and competitive racing with a reduced wake when following an opponent.

The RaceBird is specially designed for foil-to-foil racing and is capable of reaching speeds up to 50 knots (93 km/h or 58 mph), with pilots showcasing their skills using tight and technical circuits located close to shore in the heart of urban areas.

With the design now validated, the RaceBird has entered into the production phase with the expert engineers at Victory Marine concentrating their efforts and resource over the coming months on manufacturing a full fleet of race-ready electric powerboats.

Alejandro Agag, Co-Founder & Chairman of E1, said: “It gives me great pleasure to welcome on board PIF as a new partner in this exciting venture. To get the backing of PIF at this early stage of development emphasises the importance of our mission to electrify marine mobility. With the new design of the RaceBird boat you see today, we hope to accelerate change in the marine industry and provide sustainable solutions for future leisure craft. The new powerboat that Sophi and Brunello designed looks like a spaceship. I’ve compared electric racing cars to podracers from Star Wars in the past, but the RaceBird looks even more futuristic. Working together with PIF, I look forward to ushering in a new era of electric powerboat racing.”

Rodi Basso, Co-Founder & CEO of E1, said: “We’re thrilled to be working together with PIF to jointly shape the future direction of powerboating. Forming a strong partnership with a global investment powerhouse such as PIF provides a solid foundation on which to build a new sport. The RaceBird presents a unique challenge and one that the teams at SeaBird Technologies and Victory Marine have delivered on. They’ve managed to develop an innovative powerboat with an eye-catching design and factored in practical solutions ready to go racing. Shortly we’ll also be announcing our powertrain and electronics partners; we’re on schedule to hit the water soon.”

Commenting on the announcement, HE Yasir Al-Rumayyan, Governor of the Public Investment Fund, said: “This exciting investment in a new premier sport format aligns with our strategy to enable innovation globally and unlock new industries, as well as build strategic partnerships with real value add to Saudi Arabia. We believe our support for future sports will also contribute to the growth of various sectors globally.

“Our partnership with E1 will help drive the development of innovative sustainable technology, which in turn positions Saudi as an enabler in the industries of the future and the creation of new opportunities.”

Sophi Horne, Founder of SeaBird Technologies, said: “It’s amazing to finally be able to share the new RaceBird design with the world. Obviously, I’ve seen it on a screen quite a lot in the past few months! But it’s great to show the new look of the boat that the pilots will race with. The bodywork and shape of the vessel is inspired by nature and birds flying above the water’s surface. What has been interesting is trying to find a balance between how you envisage the design and combining that with optimising both performance and efficiency. The solution we settled on fortunately doesn’t compromise on either the looks or performance capabilities.”

Brunello Acampora, Founder & CEO of Victory Marine, said: “Today’s announcement is the result of many months of hard work, creating a completely new design and simulating it in a competitive racing environment. I’ve really enjoyed working together with Sophi to produce the vessel that will compete in the world’s first electric powerboat championship. Now that the design has been fully validated, we’ll begin engineering and manufacturing the boats in preparation for prototype testing and ready for the teams to receive their first delivery. For us at Victory Marine, the E1 Series is the greatest test bench for cutting-edge solutions that will change the future of navigation forever.”

Dr. Raffaele Chiulli, President of the UIM, said: “At the International Powerboat Federation, we’re delighted to be part of this groundbreaking development in the powerboating sport. The futuristic RaceBird design combined with the use of hydrofoil technology in the E1 Series reflects the pioneering spirit of this initiative and are an inspiring answer to today’s challenges facing marine mobility. It’s an exciting moment for our sport and I cannot wait to see the RaceBird on the water.”

Released ahead of World Oceans Day, the RaceBird acts as a symbol of the future ambitions of the E1 Series, to revolutionise marine mobility and reduce the pressures being placed on fragile underwater ecosystems across the world.

The next major milestone in the RaceBird development is in September when the covers come off the first full-scale model at the Monaco Yacht Show, before the start of prototype testing which is set to get underway later this year.

E1 were advised by Shoosmiths law firm and financial advisers PJT Partners.

The French luxury brand is paving the way for series production of its exclusive and unique hyper sports car.

Highly exclusive, distinctive and high-performance. At “The Quail – A Motorsports Gathering” in California in summer 2019, Bugatti presented another project reflecting its excellent coachbuilding expertise: the Centodieci. The Centodieci evokes automotive history: the unique project is a tribute to the legendary EB 110. This few-off project comprises production of just ten vehicles for an exclusive clientele. The next phase is about to start for the hyper sports car with a W16 engine and 1,600 PS: the first prototype for series development is currently being assembled.

The design of the Centodieci with its flat front, low-slung front spoiler and three-part air intakes reinterpret the shape of the most famous super sports car of the 1990s. The EB 110 was a key milestone on the road to the revival of the Bugatti brand in 1998 at Bugatti’s historic headquarters in Molsheim, ultimately resulting in the first hyper sports car of the modern era – the Veyron.

The Centodieci is Bugatti’s way of paying its respects to the Italian entrepreneur Romano Artioli and architect Giampaolo Benedini, the men who created the EB 110 some 30 years ago. “The challenge for us was not to get caught up in the design of the legendary EB 110 itself and avoid focusing solely on a retrospective approach. Our aim was to create a modern interpretation of the shape and technology of that time: but at the same time, we didn’t want to lose the charm and character of the EB 110.

After all, the super sports car is still fascinating today with its distinctive design and technology,” says Achim Anscheidt, Design Director at Bugatti. The biggest challenge: to transform the very flat, wedge-shaped and graphically virtually two-dimensional body of the EB 110 into a modern, three-dimensional sculpture to project the fascination of the super sports cars of that time into the modern age.

Since the world premiere of the Centodieci, the Bugatti development team has been working on the technical implementation of the strictly limited model. “Every newly developed vehicle poses an immense challenge, as we are creating a very small series that at the same time has to meet and even exceed all the quality and safety standards of a large series,” says André Kullig, technical project manager for one-off and few-off projects at Bugatti.

The engineers first delve into calculations for the body, aerodynamics, engine and transmission. They simulate the airflow on the vehicle and check all components down to the smallest screw.

Meanwhile, the design team checks the styling in close collaboration with the developers before finalising this and designing the surfaces. They adjust the curvature of the components according to the incidence of light so that the appearance is homogeneous in all lighting conditions – an elaborate development process. After well over a year of design and simulation, the team has now developed the first prototype.

“I was hugely looking forward to the first prototype of the Centodieci,” says Kullig, who has been with Bugatti since 2004 and was previously involved in projects such as the Divo and La Voiture Noire3. “Series development of a few-off project is an especially exciting challenge – and that is also true in the case of the Centodieci, which is a very design-driven project,” says Andre Kullig. His task is to ensure a perfect match between the exterior shape and the technology. Despite only producing ten vehicles, the Centodieci must meet all the same technical requirements as a Chiron.

“With the newly designed body, there are changes in many areas that we had to simulate using special computer programmes. Based on the data, we were able to establish a basic set-up as a starting point for series development and the first prototype,” explains André Kullig.

The team was recently able to successfully put the rolling chassis into operation on the site’s own roller dynamometer in the Molsheim Atelier and check all the drivetrain functions –to ensure the Centodieci can move onto the next stage of development. The next step is now to build the elaborate exterior. “With a high-performance hyper sports car like the Centodieci, it’s a matter of filtering out subtleties based on the modified requirements of a completely new exterior – something that requires highly focused and intense development work,” says André Kullig.

The technical challenges involved were enormous: an engine with eight litres of displacement and 1,600 PS generates high temperatures that require sophisticated thermal management. As in the EB 110, the engine is seen behind a transparent glass surface. So to ensure more efficient engine thermodynamics, the Centodieci has a wide air outlet opening and modified air flows. In addition, guide flaps around the five circular air inserts – positioned in the form of a rhombus – ensure sufficient air intake for the 16-cylinder power unit. As a result, the otherwise dominant Bugatti line, the C-line, gives way to a new design. The rear is formed into a large ventilation outlet opening defined by the eight rear light elements. Other development challenges include the new light elements and the rear wing design, which is permanently mounted in the style of the EB 110 Super Sport.

But even if the development team can simulate and test so much data on the test rigs, the Centodieci will also undergo dynamic testing. “In the next few months, in addition to building the exterior and running more advanced simulations in the wind tunnel, we’re very much looking forward to going out on the test track to start tuning the chassis,” says Kullig.

Within a few hours, all ten units of the Centodieci were sold out at a net price of eight million euros. The highly exclusive, hand-crafted small series will be delivered to customers next year.



  • 2021 LC 500 Inspiration Series limited to 100 units, unique serialized badge included
  • Carbon-fiber rear spoiler inspired by air racing

  • Features include carbon-fiber roof, 21-inch black forged wheels
  • Performance enhanced with limited slip differential, rear performance rod with damper
  • Unique black Alcantara-trimmed sport seats with Saddle Tan accents and seat belts

PLANO, Texas (January 12, 2021) – The Lexus LC 500 needs no formal introduction. It greets all encounters with a growl from its powerful 471-horsepower naturally aspirated V8 engine. Its artfully chiseled lines and refined curvature marry luxury and performance in a way that only Lexus can. The new 2021 LC 500 Inspiration Series takes the grand-touring coupe to the next level with an aviation-inspired design that will land in dealerships later this winter.

Inspiration Takes Flight

The new LC 500 Inspiration Series, the fifth on the LC platform, takes cue from a partnership between air race pilot Yoshihide Muroya and Lexus engineers. The Lexus team worked on ways to create efficiencies for Muroya’s aircraft for everything from the grip design of the control column to maximizing aerodynamics efficiencies using testing data learned on Lexus automobiles. The partnership ultimately assisted Muroya on his path to winning the 2017 Red Bull Air Race World Championships.

With some of the same engineers who built the Lexus LFA supercar on board, Lexus took a unique approach to the aerodynamic efficiencies of Muroya’s airplane by turning a preconceived concept on its head – literally. They found that taking an airplane wing and flipping it upside down created vortices that improved maneuverability and efficiency at the wingtips. After the team was able to prove their theory on Muroya’s aircraft through testing and competition success, the Lexus team then aimed to employ that knowledge onto the LC by creating an automotive wing prototype built from aluminum. The team knew the final version, which would span nearly six feet in width, would need to be light, durable and warp resistant. Carbon-fiber, the same material employed on Muroya’s aircraft, seemed like the appropriate material. Yet creating a carbon-fiber wing that large, much of which would be done by hand, would be a great challenge – but it’s one the engineers took head-on.

In the end, the engineering team created an exquisite carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) spoiler that meets the demanding production quality expected of Lexus vehicles. The wing serves as the defining attribute of the new LC Inspiration Series, following the trailing edge arc of the trunk and uniquely defined with two downturned winglets on either end. The winglets, of course, are fully functional and create a vertical vortex that helps smooth out the turbulence generated from airflow along the car’s flanks.

Limited Engagement

The 2021 LC 500 Inspiration Series certainly has an interesting backstory, but its aerial inspiration is only part of the narrative. With only 100 units available, the latest Inspiration Series is a limited edition of the highest order.

Standing apart from the standard LC 500, a magnificent vehicle in its own right, the 2021 Inspiration Series is accented with a combination of features not found on any other LC package. The limited-edition vehicle is offered in one exterior color, the superbly dark Obsidian, which is paired with bold and beautiful 21-inch black forged-alloy wheels that fill out the wheel wells. An eye-catching carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) roof is standard, and it proves to be the perfect complement to the carbon-fiber rear air wing spoiler.

The LC 500 Inspiration Series also gains some additional enhancements in driving performance thanks to the Torsen limited slip differential. The high-capacity torque-sensing limited-slip rear differential efficiently distributes engine power to the rear axle, helping to optimize traction, handling and control in a variety of conditions. The standard Yamaha rear performance rod with damper, an available option on other LC models, provides added rigidity to the suspension package.

Stepping inside, the serialized badge on the center console immediately identifies the limited nature of the vehicle and its sequence of the 100 produced. The cabin is adorned with black Alcantara-trimmed sport seats that feature elegant Saddle Tan accents and seat belts. The steering wheel and shift lever are also accented in black Alcantara trim. A carbon-fiber scuff plate accents the door, and once inside driver and passengers can bask in the sound of the standard Mark Levinson 13-speaker 915-watt Reference Surround Sound Audio system.

The LC Inspiration Series also comes standard with a large color Head-Up Display (HUD) that projects a range of information onto the bottom of the windshield glass. Relevant information can be displayed to the driver without taking their focus from the road such as: road speed, gear, engine speed; turn-by-turn directions; Dynamic Radar Cruise Control status; Pre-Collision System; Lane Keep Assist/Lane Departure Alert; master warning indicator; information icons; clearance sonar.

Standard on the Inspiration Series is the SmartAccess Card Key, which operates all of the same SmartAccess systems as a key fob without the manual button operation. Users can simply place the Card Key on their person and use the SmartAccess system to unlock/lock the doors by grasping the outside door handle and start the vehicle once inside. Each SmartAccess Card Key also comes equipped with a backup mechanical key to unlock the doors in the event the battery is depleted.

Key Evolutions for 2021

The LC 500 Inspiration Series benefits from the same updates to the standard LC 500 for 2021. Lexus engineers were able to trim 22 pounds of unsprung weight from the vehicle, which is highlighted by the use of aluminum lower suspension arms, lighter suspension stabilizers with a hollow design and revised diameter, new high-strength coil spring material, and lighter 21-inch rear wheels.

With unsprung weight reduced, the LC’s suspension was refined to provide a smoother, softer stroke for an enhanced connection to the road. This was accomplished with adjustments to the electronic absorber controls of the front suspension to increase the length of the stroke. Engineers then optimized the bound stopper rigidity to help create a smoother overall suspension stroke. Rear stabilizer rigidity was enhanced to aid front turn-in ability to provide more linear steering input.

Vehicle control at mid- to high-speed ranges are enhanced thanks to the 2021 LC’s Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) system gaining Active Cornering Assist (ACA). This system helps with cornering by providing brake control to the inner wheels based on G-force and lateral acceleration demands during spirited driving.

High Performance

Upon startup, thundering through the variable Active Exhaust, the 5.0-liter naturally aspirated V8 issues a full-throated engine note as a call to driving enthusiasts. The LC 500 has an output of 471 hp and 398 lb.-ft. of peak torque. The LC is also capable of delivering a 0-to-60 mph time of 4.4 seconds and has an EPA estimated 25 mpg rating on the highway.

Other key enhancements for the 2021 model were made to the 10-speed automatic Direct-Shift transmission on the V8-powered LC 500, as the shift logic was updated to help provide improvement for daily driving in what engineers refer to as the “active zone,” or the area where most drivers find themselves at in the 50-70% throttle range. The Direct-Shift transmission allows engine RPM to expand in this range to accentuate the feeling of acceleration before shifting into the next gear.

Lexus Enform for Safety and Convenience

Lexus Enform Safety Connect comes with a three-year trial with access to Lexus Enform response centers 24/7/365. With Lexus Enform Service Connect, complimentary for the first 10 years, the vehicle can send alerts for specific factory recommended maintenance, simultaneously alerting a preferred Lexus dealer. The Lexus App can be used to set push-reminders and alerts for maintenance and service issues. The Lexus Enform Remote (three-year trial subscription included) mobile app lets you lock and unlock doors, start the engine and climate controls, check the fuel level, and more all through your smartphone, smartwatch or Amazon Alexa–enabled devices at home.

Advanced Safety Features and Driver Support

Lexus Safety System+ comes standard on the 2021 LC 500. Lexus Safety System+ features Lane Departure Alert with Lane Keep Assist. Pre-Collision System with Pedestrian Detection is standard and includes features such as Frontal Collision Warning (FCW), Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB) and Pedestrian Detection. All-Speed Dynamic Radar Cruise Control is also included, as is Intelligent High Beam that will default to high-beam mode when the road ahead is clear but will temporarily switch to low beams when headlamps or taillamps are detected.

Intuitive Parking Assist comes standard on the LC Inspiration Series. It uses sonar sensors in the front and rear bumpers to detect obstacles in the vehicle’s path during low-speed maneuvering. The system gives an audible alert and the Multi-Information Display (MID) shows the position and distance to the obstacle. Blind Spot Monitor is standard equipment, as is a windshield de-icer.

Lexus’ passion for brave design, imaginative technology, and exhilarating performance enables the luxury lifestyle brand to create amazing experiences for its guests. Lexus began its journey in 1989 with two luxury sedans and a commitment to pursue perfection. Since then, Lexus has developed its lineup to meet the needs of global luxury customers in more than 90 countries. In the United States, Lexus vehicles are sold through 242 dealers offering a full lineup of luxury vehicles. With six models incorporating Lexus Hybrid Drive, Lexus is the luxury hybrid leader. Lexus also offers six F SPORT models and two F performance models. Lexus is committed to being a visionary brand that anticipates the future for luxury customers.
