Tag Archive for: sublime

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend

Sunshine, Superdeportivos sublimes y números récord para Beaulieu Supercar Weekend 2022

El glorioso sol de verano y más de 1000 superdeportivos durante todo el fin de semana hicieron  del fin de semana de superdeportivos de Beaulieu el  mejor y más grande hasta ahora, ya que más de 20 000 asistentes asistieron al espectáculo repleto de dos días el 6 y  7 de agosto  .

Se exhibió una selección excepcional de máquinas de alto rendimiento en los terrenos del  Museo Nacional del Motor , mientras las familias y los fanáticos de los superdeportivos experimentaron las imágenes y los sonidos de algunos de los autos más impresionantes del mundo. Con exhibiciones de alto octanaje y acción impresionante, así como exhibiciones especiales y puestos comerciales, hubo algo para que disfrutara cada miembro de la familia.

Siempre en el corazón del espectáculo, las muy esperadas carreras de demostración regresaron para el deleite de los espectadores, con tres carreras cada día para ver todo tipo de superdeportivos que se ponían a prueba a lo largo de Chestnut Avenue en Beaulieu. Desde Lamborghini Superleggera, Nissan GTR, Ferrari 812 Superfast y Aston Martin DB9, hasta Ginetta G33, Audi R8, BMW i8, Lotus Exige 430 Cup, Rolls-Royce Wraith y más, el chirrido de los neumáticos y el rugido de los motores fue un verdadero placer de ver.

Otro punto culminante imperdible fue el sonido de superdeportivo diario, ya que una amplia variedad de autos de alto rendimiento se estacionaron en la Arena y se aceleraron para descubrir qué motor sonaba mejor. Desde Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches y Mustangs, hasta un impresionante corredor de Fórmula 2, estos increíbles autos fueron aclamados por la multitud amante de los autos.

Había mucho que ver en el recinto ferial. Ariel Motor Company trajo consigo una selección de sus extraordinarias máquinas ligeras de alto rendimiento, con la Atom, la todoterreno Nomad y la moto Ace. Celebrando la legendaria marca italiana hubo una exhibición con un Ferrari F40, F50, Daytona y LaFerrari, junto con una línea de superdeportivos e hiperdeportivos Ferrari contemporáneos.

Los fanáticos de McLaren quedaron asombrados con una selección de ejemplos de edición limitada en exhibición, incluido un legendario McLaren F1, un híbrido Artura y P1, junto con, solo el domingo, un McLaren Senna y MSO 1. Mientras que un par de Jaguar XJ220 y un E-type clásico fue un verdadero placer para la multitud.

El Supra de Toyota estuvo bien representado por ejemplos clásicos y modernos de la impresionante máquina, junto con el impresionante 2000GT. Cerca de allí, el GT40 Enthusiasts Club mostró una selección de los autos de sus miembros que complació a la multitud, mientras que el Honda NSX Owners Club realizó una exhibición sólida.

Hubo algunos tesoros automotrices reales que se pueden encontrar en los campos de eventos, ya que los propietarios de superdeportivos y autos de alto rendimiento estacionaron su orgullo y alegría en el paddock. Un Noble M12 GTO-3R, un Holden Monaro, una selección de Audi R8 y Nissan GT-R, un clásico Marcos Mantula e incluso un par de Deloreans, uno de ellos una réplica perfecta del  auto Regreso al futuro  , se unieron a una línea: por Lamborghini Club UK, que incluía un Miura S, Urraco, Diablo, Hurracan EVO y Aventador LP 700-4.


La exhibición del Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club incluyó ejemplos del 718 Boxster S, GT3, GT4, 911 Targa 4S y Speedster, mientras que el TVR Car Club fue una visita obligada para los fanáticos de los autos británicos de alto rendimiento, con Chimaera, Tuscan, Sagaris, Griffith y más. en el programa. Una selección de autos de Lotus Driver’s Club y Club Lotus incluía ejemplos del Espirit, Elise, Exige, Elise S Cup, Elan S2 y Evora GT410.

Celebrando el músculo estadounidense estuvieron el Classic Corvette Club y los Mustangs Unleashed, mientras que el Maserati Club, el Prestige y el Performance Car Club, y el domingo, el Four Marks Supercar Owners Club, todos ocuparon sus lugares en el espectáculo.

Para aquellos que querían ponerse manos a la obra, un gran éxito fue el simulador de carreras Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1. Mientras que el  Sporting Bears Motor Club  recaudó más de £ 8,000 para la organización benéfica local Simon Says sorteando paseos en las carreras de demostración en un número selecto de superdeportivos.

A lo largo del fin de semana, los jardines de Palace House se convirtieron en el hogar de una prestigiosa exhibición de Aston Martins a través de los tiempos. Desde los clásicos DB4, DB5 y DB6, hasta el Vantage, DBS Volante, DB9, V12 Vantage, DB11, Virage y Zagato Shooting Break, había algo para cada fanático de Aston, mientras que dentro del Museo Nacional del Motor se podía disfrutar del propio DB5 de Bond. en la exposición Bond in Motion – No Time To Die  .

Durante todo el fin de semana, el equipo de estudiantes de fórmula de la Universidad de Southampton estuvo en su stand hablando con los asistentes sobre el auto de carreras que habían diseñado y construido.

No olvides dirigirte a las redes sociales y compartir tus recuerdos de tu día usando  #beaulieusupercarweekend .

Beaulieu Supercar Weekend es solo uno de los eventos que tendrán lugar en Beaulieu durante 2022. Simply Mercedes será el domingo 21 de  agosto, seguido de International Autojumble el 10 y  11 de septiembre , Simply  BMW el domingo 18 de septiembre, Simply  British Classics el domingo 25 de septiembre y Simply  Smart el domingo 13 de noviembre  . Visite  www.beaulieu.co.uk/events  para obtener más información sobre los eventos de Beaulieu.

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend 2022

Glorious summer sunshine and over 1,000 supercars across the weekend made Beaulieu’s Supercar Weekend the biggest and best yet, as over 20,000 show-goers came for the packed two-day show on 6th and 7th August.

An exceptional selection of high-performance machines was on show in the grounds of the National Motor Museum, as families and supercar fans alike experienced the sights and sounds of some of the world’s most impressive cars. With high-octane displays and impressive action, as well as special displays and trade stands, there was something for every member of the family to enjoy.

Always at the heart of the show, the greatly anticipated demonstration runs returned to the delight of spectators, with three runs each day seeing all manner of supercars being put through their paces along Beaulieu’s Chestnut Avenue. From the Lamborghini Superleggera, Nissan GTR, Ferrari 812 Superfast and Aston Martin DB9, to the Ginetta G33, Audi R8, BMW i8, Lotus Exige 430 Cup, Rolls-Royce Wraith and more, the squeal of tyres and the roar of engines was a real treat to watch.

Another must-see highlight was the daily supercar sound-off, as a wide variety high performance cars were parked up on the Arena and revved to discover which engine sounded best. From Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches and Mustangs, to an impressive Formula 2 racer, these amazing cars were cheered on by the car-loving crowd.

There was a lot to see across the showground. Ariel Motor Company brought along a selection of their extraordinary lightweight high-performance machines, with the Atom, the off-road Nomad and the Ace motorbike. Celebrating the legendary Italian brand was a display featuring a Ferrari F40, F50, Daytona and LaFerrari, along with a line-up of contemporary Ferrari supercars and hypercars.

McLaren fans were in awe of a selection of limited-edition examples on display, including a legendary McLaren F1, hybrid Artura and P1, along with, for the Sunday only, a McLaren Senna and MSO 1. While a pairing of a Jaguar XJ220 and a classic E-type was a real crowd-pleaser.

Toyota’s Supra was well represented by classic and modern-day examples of the impressive machine, along with the stunning 2000GT. Nearby, the GT40 Enthusiasts Club was showing a crowd-pleasing selection of its members’ cars, while the Honda NSX Owners Club put together a strong display.

There were some real automotive treasures to be found over in the event fields, as supercar and performance car owners parked up their pride and joy in the paddock. A Noble M12 GTO-3R, Holden Monaro, a selection of Audi R8s and Nissan GT-Rs, a classic Marcos Mantula and even a pair of Deloreans – one a perfect replica of the Back to the Future car – were joined by a line-up by Lamborghini Club UK, which included a Miura S, Urraco, Diablo, Hurracan EVO, and Aventador LP 700-4.

The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club display included examples of the 718 Boxster S, GT3, GT4, 911 Targa 4S and Speedster, while the TVR Car Club was must-see for fans of British performance cars, with Chimaera, Tuscan, Sagaris, Griffith and more on show. A selection of cars from the Lotus Driver’s Club and Club Lotus included examples of the Espirit, Elise, Exige, Elise S Cup, Elan S2 and Evora GT410.

Celebrating American muscle were the Classic Corvette Club and Mustangs Unleashed, while the Maserati Club, Prestige and Performance Car Club, and on the Sunday, the Four Marks Supercar Owners Club, all took their places in the show.

For those wanting to get hands-on, a huge hit was the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 racing simulator. While the Sporting Bears Motor Club raised over £8,000 for local charity Simon Says by raffling off rides in the demonstration runs in a select number of supercars.

Throughout the weekend, the lawns of Palace House became home to a prestigious display of Aston Martins through the ages. From the classic DB4, DB5 and DB6, to the Vantage, DBS Volante, DB9, V12 Vantage, DB11, Virage and Zagato Shooting Break, there was something for every Aston fan, while inside the National Motor Museum, Bond’s own DB5 could be enjoyed in the exhibitionBond in Motion – No Time To Die exhibition.

Throughout the weekend, Southampton University Formula Student Team were on their stand talking to showgoers about the racing car that they had designed and built.

Don’t forget to head over to social and share your memories from your day out using #beaulieusupercarweekend.

Beaulieu Supercar Weekend is just one of the events taking place at Beaulieu during 2022. Simply Mercedes will be on Sunday 21st August, followed by International Autojumble on 10th and 11th September, Simply BMW on Sunday 18th September, Simply British Classics on Sunday 25th September and Simply Smart on Sunday 13th November. Visit www.beaulieu.co.uk/events for more information on Beaulieu’s events.

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend 2022

Glorious summer sunshine and over 1,000 supercars across the weekend made Beaulieu’s Supercar Weekend the biggest and best yet, as over 20,000 show-goers came for the packed two-day show on 6th and 7th August.

An exceptional selection of high-performance machines was on show in the grounds of the National Motor Museum, as families and supercar fans alike experienced the sights and sounds of some of the world’s most impressive cars. With high-octane displays and impressive action, as well as special displays and trade stands, there was something for every member of the family to enjoy.

Always at the heart of the show, the greatly anticipated demonstration runs returned to the delight of spectators, with three runs each day seeing all manner of supercars being put through their paces along Beaulieu’s Chestnut Avenue. From the Lamborghini Superleggera, Nissan GTR, Ferrari 812 Superfast and Aston Martin DB9, to the Ginetta G33, Audi R8, BMW i8, Lotus Exige 430 Cup, Rolls-Royce Wraith and more, the squeal of tyres and the roar of engines was a real treat to watch.

Another must-see highlight was the daily supercar sound-off, as a wide variety high performance cars were parked up on the Arena and revved to discover which engine sounded best. From Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches and Mustangs, to an impressive Formula 2 racer, these amazing cars were cheered on by the car-loving crowd.

There was a lot to see across the showground. Ariel Motor Company brought along a selection of their extraordinary lightweight high-performance machines, with the Atom, the off-road Nomad and the Ace motorbike. Celebrating the legendary Italian brand was a display featuring a Ferrari F40, F50, Daytona and LaFerrari, along with a line-up of contemporary Ferrari supercars and hypercars.

McLaren fans were in awe of a selection of limited-edition examples on display, including a legendary McLaren F1, hybrid Artura and P1, along with, for the Sunday only, a McLaren Senna and MSO 1. While a pairing of a Jaguar XJ220 and a classic E-type was a real crowd-pleaser.

Toyota’s Supra was well represented by classic and modern-day examples of the impressive machine, along with the stunning 2000GT. Nearby, the GT40 Enthusiasts Club was showing a crowd-pleasing selection of its members’ cars, while the Honda NSX Owners Club put together a strong display.

There were some real automotive treasures to be found over in the event fields, as supercar and performance car owners parked up their pride and joy in the paddock. A Noble M12 GTO-3R, Holden Monaro, a selection of Audi R8s and Nissan GT-Rs, a classic Marcos Mantula and even a pair of Deloreans – one a perfect replica of the Back to the Future car – were joined by a line-up by Lamborghini Club UK, which included a Miura S, Urraco, Diablo, Hurracan EVO, and Aventador LP 700-4.

The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club display included examples of the 718 Boxster S, GT3, GT4, 911 Targa 4S and Speedster, while the TVR Car Club was must-see for fans of British performance cars, with Chimaera, Tuscan, Sagaris, Griffith and more on show. A selection of cars from the Lotus Driver’s Club and Club Lotus included examples of the Espirit, Elise, Exige, Elise S Cup, Elan S2 and Evora GT410.

Celebrating American muscle were the Classic Corvette Club and Mustangs Unleashed, while the Maserati Club, Prestige and Performance Car Club, and on the Sunday, the Four Marks Supercar Owners Club, all took their places in the show.

For those wanting to get hands-on, a huge hit was the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 racing simulator. While the Sporting Bears Motor Club raised over £8,000 for local charity Simon Says by raffling off rides in the demonstration runs in a select number of supercars.

Throughout the weekend, the lawns of Palace House became home to a prestigious display of Aston Martins through the ages. From the classic DB4, DB5 and DB6, to the Vantage, DBS Volante, DB9, V12 Vantage, DB11, Virage and Zagato Shooting Break, there was something for every Aston fan, while inside the National Motor Museum, Bond’s own DB5 could be enjoyed in the exhibitionBond in Motion – No Time To Die exhibition.

Throughout the weekend, Southampton University Formula Student Team were on their stand talking to showgoers about the racing car that they had designed and built.

Don’t forget to head over to social and share your memories from your day out using #beaulieusupercarweekend.

Beaulieu Supercar Weekend is just one of the events taking place at Beaulieu during 2022. Simply Mercedes will be on Sunday 21st August, followed by International Autojumble on 10th and 11th September, Simply BMW on Sunday 18th September, Simply British Classics on Sunday 25th September and Simply Smart on Sunday 13th November. Visit www.beaulieu.co.uk/events for more information on Beaulieu’s events.

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend 2022

Glorious summer sunshine and over 1,000 supercars across the weekend made Beaulieu’s Supercar Weekend the biggest and best yet, as over 20,000 show-goers came for the packed two-day show on 6th and 7th August.

An exceptional selection of high-performance machines was on show in the grounds of the National Motor Museum, as families and supercar fans alike experienced the sights and sounds of some of the world’s most impressive cars. With high-octane displays and impressive action, as well as special displays and trade stands, there was something for every member of the family to enjoy.

Always at the heart of the show, the greatly anticipated demonstration runs returned to the delight of spectators, with three runs each day seeing all manner of supercars being put through their paces along Beaulieu’s Chestnut Avenue. From the Lamborghini Superleggera, Nissan GTR, Ferrari 812 Superfast and Aston Martin DB9, to the Ginetta G33, Audi R8, BMW i8, Lotus Exige 430 Cup, Rolls-Royce Wraith and more, the squeal of tyres and the roar of engines was a real treat to watch.

Another must-see highlight was the daily supercar sound-off, as a wide variety high performance cars were parked up on the Arena and revved to discover which engine sounded best. From Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches and Mustangs, to an impressive Formula 2 racer, these amazing cars were cheered on by the car-loving crowd.

There was a lot to see across the showground. Ariel Motor Company brought along a selection of their extraordinary lightweight high-performance machines, with the Atom, the off-road Nomad and the Ace motorbike. Celebrating the legendary Italian brand was a display featuring a Ferrari F40, F50, Daytona and LaFerrari, along with a line-up of contemporary Ferrari supercars and hypercars.

McLaren fans were in awe of a selection of limited-edition examples on display, including a legendary McLaren F1, hybrid Artura and P1, along with, for the Sunday only, a McLaren Senna and MSO 1. While a pairing of a Jaguar XJ220 and a classic E-type was a real crowd-pleaser.

Toyota’s Supra was well represented by classic and modern-day examples of the impressive machine, along with the stunning 2000GT. Nearby, the GT40 Enthusiasts Club was showing a crowd-pleasing selection of its members’ cars, while the Honda NSX Owners Club put together a strong display.

There were some real automotive treasures to be found over in the event fields, as supercar and performance car owners parked up their pride and joy in the paddock. A Noble M12 GTO-3R, Holden Monaro, a selection of Audi R8s and Nissan GT-Rs, a classic Marcos Mantula and even a pair of Deloreans – one a perfect replica of the Back to the Future car – were joined by a line-up by Lamborghini Club UK, which included a Miura S, Urraco, Diablo, Hurracan EVO, and Aventador LP 700-4.

The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club display included examples of the 718 Boxster S, GT3, GT4, 911 Targa 4S and Speedster, while the TVR Car Club was must-see for fans of British performance cars, with Chimaera, Tuscan, Sagaris, Griffith and more on show. A selection of cars from the Lotus Driver’s Club and Club Lotus included examples of the Espirit, Elise, Exige, Elise S Cup, Elan S2 and Evora GT410.

Celebrating American muscle were the Classic Corvette Club and Mustangs Unleashed, while the Maserati Club, Prestige and Performance Car Club, and on the Sunday, the Four Marks Supercar Owners Club, all took their places in the show.

For those wanting to get hands-on, a huge hit was the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 racing simulator. While the Sporting Bears Motor Club raised over £8,000 for local charity Simon Says by raffling off rides in the demonstration runs in a select number of supercars.

Throughout the weekend, the lawns of Palace House became home to a prestigious display of Aston Martins through the ages. From the classic DB4, DB5 and DB6, to the Vantage, DBS Volante, DB9, V12 Vantage, DB11, Virage and Zagato Shooting Break, there was something for every Aston fan, while inside the National Motor Museum, Bond’s own DB5 could be enjoyed in the exhibitionBond in Motion – No Time To Die exhibition.

Throughout the weekend, Southampton University Formula Student Team were on their stand talking to showgoers about the racing car that they had designed and built.

Don’t forget to head over to social and share your memories from your day out using #beaulieusupercarweekend.

Beaulieu Supercar Weekend is just one of the events taking place at Beaulieu during 2022. Simply Mercedes will be on Sunday 21st August, followed by International Autojumble on 10th and 11th September, Simply BMW on Sunday 18th September, Simply British Classics on Sunday 25th September and Simply Smart on Sunday 13th November. Visit www.beaulieu.co.uk/events for more information on Beaulieu’s events.

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend 2022

Glorious summer sunshine and over 1,000 supercars across the weekend made Beaulieu’s Supercar Weekend the biggest and best yet, as over 20,000 show-goers came for the packed two-day show on 6th and 7th August.

An exceptional selection of high-performance machines was on show in the grounds of the National Motor Museum, as families and supercar fans alike experienced the sights and sounds of some of the world’s most impressive cars. With high-octane displays and impressive action, as well as special displays and trade stands, there was something for every member of the family to enjoy.

Always at the heart of the show, the greatly anticipated demonstration runs returned to the delight of spectators, with three runs each day seeing all manner of supercars being put through their paces along Beaulieu’s Chestnut Avenue. From the Lamborghini Superleggera, Nissan GTR, Ferrari 812 Superfast and Aston Martin DB9, to the Ginetta G33, Audi R8, BMW i8, Lotus Exige 430 Cup, Rolls-Royce Wraith and more, the squeal of tyres and the roar of engines was a real treat to watch.

Another must-see highlight was the daily supercar sound-off, as a wide variety high performance cars were parked up on the Arena and revved to discover which engine sounded best. From Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches and Mustangs, to an impressive Formula 2 racer, these amazing cars were cheered on by the car-loving crowd.

There was a lot to see across the showground. Ariel Motor Company brought along a selection of their extraordinary lightweight high-performance machines, with the Atom, the off-road Nomad and the Ace motorbike. Celebrating the legendary Italian brand was a display featuring a Ferrari F40, F50, Daytona and LaFerrari, along with a line-up of contemporary Ferrari supercars and hypercars.

McLaren fans were in awe of a selection of limited-edition examples on display, including a legendary McLaren F1, hybrid Artura and P1, along with, for the Sunday only, a McLaren Senna and MSO 1. While a pairing of a Jaguar XJ220 and a classic E-type was a real crowd-pleaser.

Toyota’s Supra was well represented by classic and modern-day examples of the impressive machine, along with the stunning 2000GT. Nearby, the GT40 Enthusiasts Club was showing a crowd-pleasing selection of its members’ cars, while the Honda NSX Owners Club put together a strong display.

There were some real automotive treasures to be found over in the event fields, as supercar and performance car owners parked up their pride and joy in the paddock. A Noble M12 GTO-3R, Holden Monaro, a selection of Audi R8s and Nissan GT-Rs, a classic Marcos Mantula and even a pair of Deloreans – one a perfect replica of the Back to the Future car – were joined by a line-up by Lamborghini Club UK, which included a Miura S, Urraco, Diablo, Hurracan EVO, and Aventador LP 700-4.

The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club display included examples of the 718 Boxster S, GT3, GT4, 911 Targa 4S and Speedster, while the TVR Car Club was must-see for fans of British performance cars, with Chimaera, Tuscan, Sagaris, Griffith and more on show. A selection of cars from the Lotus Driver’s Club and Club Lotus included examples of the Espirit, Elise, Exige, Elise S Cup, Elan S2 and Evora GT410.

Celebrating American muscle were the Classic Corvette Club and Mustangs Unleashed, while the Maserati Club, Prestige and Performance Car Club, and on the Sunday, the Four Marks Supercar Owners Club, all took their places in the show.

For those wanting to get hands-on, a huge hit was the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 racing simulator. While the Sporting Bears Motor Club raised over £8,000 for local charity Simon Says by raffling off rides in the demonstration runs in a select number of supercars.

Throughout the weekend, the lawns of Palace House became home to a prestigious display of Aston Martins through the ages. From the classic DB4, DB5 and DB6, to the Vantage, DBS Volante, DB9, V12 Vantage, DB11, Virage and Zagato Shooting Break, there was something for every Aston fan, while inside the National Motor Museum, Bond’s own DB5 could be enjoyed in the exhibitionBond in Motion – No Time To Die exhibition.

Throughout the weekend, Southampton University Formula Student Team were on their stand talking to showgoers about the racing car that they had designed and built.

Don’t forget to head over to social and share your memories from your day out using #beaulieusupercarweekend.

Beaulieu Supercar Weekend is just one of the events taking place at Beaulieu during 2022. Simply Mercedes will be on Sunday 21st August, followed by International Autojumble on 10th and 11th September, Simply BMW on Sunday 18th September, Simply British Classics on Sunday 25th September and Simply Smart on Sunday 13th November. Visit www.beaulieu.co.uk/events for more information on Beaulieu’s events.

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend 2022

Glorious summer sunshine and over 1,000 supercars across the weekend made Beaulieu’s Supercar Weekend the biggest and best yet, as over 20,000 show-goers came for the packed two-day show on 6th and 7th August.

An exceptional selection of high-performance machines was on show in the grounds of the National Motor Museum, as families and supercar fans alike experienced the sights and sounds of some of the world’s most impressive cars. With high-octane displays and impressive action, as well as special displays and trade stands, there was something for every member of the family to enjoy.

Always at the heart of the show, the greatly anticipated demonstration runs returned to the delight of spectators, with three runs each day seeing all manner of supercars being put through their paces along Beaulieu’s Chestnut Avenue. From the Lamborghini Superleggera, Nissan GTR, Ferrari 812 Superfast and Aston Martin DB9, to the Ginetta G33, Audi R8, BMW i8, Lotus Exige 430 Cup, Rolls-Royce Wraith and more, the squeal of tyres and the roar of engines was a real treat to watch.

Another must-see highlight was the daily supercar sound-off, as a wide variety high performance cars were parked up on the Arena and revved to discover which engine sounded best. From Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches and Mustangs, to an impressive Formula 2 racer, these amazing cars were cheered on by the car-loving crowd.

There was a lot to see across the showground. Ariel Motor Company brought along a selection of their extraordinary lightweight high-performance machines, with the Atom, the off-road Nomad and the Ace motorbike. Celebrating the legendary Italian brand was a display featuring a Ferrari F40, F50, Daytona and LaFerrari, along with a line-up of contemporary Ferrari supercars and hypercars.

McLaren fans were in awe of a selection of limited-edition examples on display, including a legendary McLaren F1, hybrid Artura and P1, along with, for the Sunday only, a McLaren Senna and MSO 1. While a pairing of a Jaguar XJ220 and a classic E-type was a real crowd-pleaser.

Toyota’s Supra was well represented by classic and modern-day examples of the impressive machine, along with the stunning 2000GT. Nearby, the GT40 Enthusiasts Club was showing a crowd-pleasing selection of its members’ cars, while the Honda NSX Owners Club put together a strong display.

There were some real automotive treasures to be found over in the event fields, as supercar and performance car owners parked up their pride and joy in the paddock. A Noble M12 GTO-3R, Holden Monaro, a selection of Audi R8s and Nissan GT-Rs, a classic Marcos Mantula and even a pair of Deloreans – one a perfect replica of the Back to the Future car – were joined by a line-up by Lamborghini Club UK, which included a Miura S, Urraco, Diablo, Hurracan EVO, and Aventador LP 700-4.

The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club display included examples of the 718 Boxster S, GT3, GT4, 911 Targa 4S and Speedster, while the TVR Car Club was must-see for fans of British performance cars, with Chimaera, Tuscan, Sagaris, Griffith and more on show. A selection of cars from the Lotus Driver’s Club and Club Lotus included examples of the Espirit, Elise, Exige, Elise S Cup, Elan S2 and Evora GT410.

Celebrating American muscle were the Classic Corvette Club and Mustangs Unleashed, while the Maserati Club, Prestige and Performance Car Club, and on the Sunday, the Four Marks Supercar Owners Club, all took their places in the show.

For those wanting to get hands-on, a huge hit was the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 racing simulator. While the Sporting Bears Motor Club raised over £8,000 for local charity Simon Says by raffling off rides in the demonstration runs in a select number of supercars.

Throughout the weekend, the lawns of Palace House became home to a prestigious display of Aston Martins through the ages. From the classic DB4, DB5 and DB6, to the Vantage, DBS Volante, DB9, V12 Vantage, DB11, Virage and Zagato Shooting Break, there was something for every Aston fan, while inside the National Motor Museum, Bond’s own DB5 could be enjoyed in the exhibitionBond in Motion – No Time To Die exhibition.

Throughout the weekend, Southampton University Formula Student Team were on their stand talking to showgoers about the racing car that they had designed and built.

Don’t forget to head over to social and share your memories from your day out using #beaulieusupercarweekend.

Beaulieu Supercar Weekend is just one of the events taking place at Beaulieu during 2022. Simply Mercedes will be on Sunday 21st August, followed by International Autojumble on 10th and 11th September, Simply BMW on Sunday 18th September, Simply British Classics on Sunday 25th September and Simply Smart on Sunday 13th November. Visit www.beaulieu.co.uk/events for more information on Beaulieu’s events.

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend

Sunshine, sublime supercars and record numbers for Beaulieu Supercar Weekend 2022

Glorious summer sunshine and over 1,000 supercars across the weekend made Beaulieu’s Supercar Weekend the biggest and best yet, as over 20,000 show-goers came for the packed two-day show on 6th and 7th August.

An exceptional selection of high-performance machines was on show in the grounds of the National Motor Museum, as families and supercar fans alike experienced the sights and sounds of some of the world’s most impressive cars. With high-octane displays and impressive action, as well as special displays and trade stands, there was something for every member of the family to enjoy.

Always at the heart of the show, the greatly anticipated demonstration runs returned to the delight of spectators, with three runs each day seeing all manner of supercars being put through their paces along Beaulieu’s Chestnut Avenue. From the Lamborghini Superleggera, Nissan GTR, Ferrari 812 Superfast and Aston Martin DB9, to the Ginetta G33, Audi R8, BMW i8, Lotus Exige 430 Cup, Rolls-Royce Wraith and more, the squeal of tyres and the roar of engines was a real treat to watch.

Another must-see highlight was the daily supercar sound-off, as a wide variety high performance cars were parked up on the Arena and revved to discover which engine sounded best. From Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches and Mustangs, to an impressive Formula 2 racer, these amazing cars were cheered on by the car-loving crowd.

There was a lot to see across the showground. Ariel Motor Company brought along a selection of their extraordinary lightweight high-performance machines, with the Atom, the off-road Nomad and the Ace motorbike. Celebrating the legendary Italian brand was a display featuring a Ferrari F40, F50, Daytona and LaFerrari, along with a line-up of contemporary Ferrari supercars and hypercars.

McLaren fans were in awe of a selection of limited-edition examples on display, including a legendary McLaren F1, hybrid Artura and P1, along with, for the Sunday only, a McLaren Senna and MSO 1. While a pairing of a Jaguar XJ220 and a classic E-type was a real crowd-pleaser.

Toyota’s Supra was well represented by classic and modern-day examples of the impressive machine, along with the stunning 2000GT. Nearby, the GT40 Enthusiasts Club was showing a crowd-pleasing selection of its members’ cars, while the Honda NSX Owners Club put together a strong display.

There were some real automotive treasures to be found over in the event fields, as supercar and performance car owners parked up their pride and joy in the paddock. A Noble M12 GTO-3R, Holden Monaro, a selection of Audi R8s and Nissan GT-Rs, a classic Marcos Mantula and even a pair of Deloreans – one a perfect replica of the Back to the Future car – were joined by a line-up by Lamborghini Club UK, which included a Miura S, Urraco, Diablo, Hurracan EVO, and Aventador LP 700-4.

The Independent Porsche Enthusiasts Club display included examples of the 718 Boxster S, GT3, GT4, 911 Targa 4S and Speedster, while the TVR Car Club was must-see for fans of British performance cars, with Chimaera, Tuscan, Sagaris, Griffith and more on show. A selection of cars from the Lotus Driver’s Club and Club Lotus included examples of the Espirit, Elise, Exige, Elise S Cup, Elan S2 and Evora GT410.

Celebrating American muscle were the Classic Corvette Club and Mustangs Unleashed, while the Maserati Club, Prestige and Performance Car Club, and on the Sunday, the Four Marks Supercar Owners Club, all took their places in the show.

For those wanting to get hands-on, a huge hit was the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 racing simulator. While the Sporting Bears Motor Club raised over £8,000 for local charity Simon Says by raffling off rides in the demonstration runs in a select number of supercars.

Throughout the weekend, the lawns of Palace House became home to a prestigious display of Aston Martins through the ages. From the classic DB4, DB5 and DB6, to the Vantage, DBS Volante, DB9, V12 Vantage, DB11, Virage and Zagato Shooting Break, there was something for every Aston fan, while inside the National Motor Museum, Bond’s own DB5 could be enjoyed in the exhibitionBond in Motion – No Time To Die exhibition.

Throughout the weekend, Southampton University Formula Student Team were on their stand talking to showgoers about the racing car that they had designed and built.

Don’t forget to head over to social and share your memories from your day out using #beaulieusupercarweekend.

Beaulieu Supercar Weekend is just one of the events taking place at Beaulieu during 2022. Simply Mercedes will be on Sunday 21st August, followed by International Autojumble on 10th and 11th September, Simply BMW on Sunday 18th September, Simply British Classics on Sunday 25th September and Simply Smart on Sunday 13th November. Visit www.beaulieu.co.uk/events for more information on Beaulieu’s events.