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World’s first crewed flying racing car ready for the Airspeeder Racing Series

El primer auto de carreras volador tripulado del mundo listo para la serie Airspeeder Racing

  • Alauda Aeronautics presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, la primera versión tripulada de su auto volador de carreras
  • Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo, con una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph)
  • Impulsado por Thunderstrike Hydrogen Turbogenerator, que ofrece un alcance excepcional de 300 km (188 millas)
  • La tecnología Gimballed Thrust de inteligencia artificial produce cualidades de manejo de un automóvil de Fórmula 1 o un avión de combate
  • Pruebas de vuelo en curso en el sur de Australia; primeras carreras tripuladas programadas para 2024
  • El Airspeeder Mk4 se presentará públicamente en el festival de innovación Southstart el 7 de  marzo de 2023.
  • Las inscripciones de equipos ahora están abiertas para la serie de carreras tripuladas Airspeeder

“Nosotros y el mundo estamos listos para las carreras de autos voladores tripulados. Hemos construido los vehículos, desarrollado el deporte, asegurado las sedes, atraído a los patrocinadores y socios técnicos. Ha llegado el momento de que las marcas de automóviles, los fabricantes de equipos originales y los equipos de automovilismo más progresistas, innovadores y ambiciosos del mundo formen parte de un nuevo automovilismo verdaderamente revolucionario. Al presentar el Airspeeder Mk4 tripulado, mostramos los vehículos que lucharán en carreras de pala a pala tripulados por los pilotos más capacitados en sus campos”. –  Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo, Alauda Aeronáutica

Alauda Aeronautics está buscando socios OEM para unirse a esta revolución en el automovilismo, ya que presenta el Airspeeder Mk4, el primer automóvil volador tripulado del mundo y el más rápido.

Diseñado y construido en Adelaida, Australia Meridional, el Airspeeder Mk4 es el avión eléctrico de despegue y aterrizaje vertical (eVTOL) más rápido del mundo. Capaz de alcanzar una velocidad máxima de 360 ​​kph (225 mph) en solo 30 segundos desde parado, está diseñado para establecer el estándar de rendimiento y tecnología en el nuevo y radical deporte de las carreras de aerodeslizadores pilotados.

Con su sofisticado sistema de propulsión eléctrica, aerodinámica avanzada y un peso de despegue (MTOW) de solo 950 kg, el Airspeeder Mk4 también es extremadamente eficiente, con un alcance proyectado de 300 km (188 millas) mientras produce casi cero emisiones.

El nuevo avión es un desarrollo del Mk3 pilotado a distancia, que completó con éxito más de 350 vuelos de prueba y participó en dos carreras de demostración de Airspeeder en el sur de Australia en 2022.

Al igual que todos los Airspeeders, el Mk4 está destinado principalmente a las carreras, por lo que está diseñado para una máxima agilidad a altas velocidades y bajas altitudes. Dos tecnologías inspiradas en la industria espacial le dan al vehículo su velocidad, maniobrabilidad y alcance sin precedentes.

El Airspeeder Mk4 funciona con un turbogenerador de 1000 kW (1340 caballos de fuerza) que alimenta las baterías y los motores. Diseñada específicamente para su uso en eVTOL, esta tecnología revolucionaria permite utilizar hidrógeno verde como combustible, proporcionando energía segura, confiable y sostenible en largas distancias y tiempos de vuelo. El Mk4 tiene un alcance proyectado de más de 300 km (188 millas).

El motor de demostración ‘Thunderstrike’ de Alauda Aeronautics incorpora un combustor único fabricado con técnicas de impresión 3D desarrolladas en la industria espacial para motores de cohetes. El diseño de la cámara de combustión mantiene la temperatura de la llama de hidrógeno relativamente baja, lo que reduce en gran medida las emisiones de óxido nitroso (NOx).

El hidrógeno es un combustible ideal para la aviación del futuro y, específicamente, para los viajes aéreos urbanos personales. Tiene una alta densidad de energía y se puede almacenar en una forma compacta y liviana, lo que lo hace adecuado para aeronaves pequeñas; tampoco es tóxico y no produce emisiones excepto agua pura, por lo que no contamina el aire. Además de esto, debido a que el gas de hidrógeno es más liviano que el aire, simplemente se elevará y se dispersará en la atmósfera en caso de fuga, lo que reduce el riesgo de incendio o explosión.

Además de llevar la industria eVTOL existente a la era H2eVTOL de próxima generación , esta tecnología tiene el potencial de reducir significativamente las emisiones y crear un futuro sostenible para los viajes aéreos individuales.

La mayoría de los eVTOL se dirigen utilizando rotores basculantes, que simplemente se colocan verticalmente para despegar y aterrizar y horizontalmente durante el crucero. Por el contrario, el Mk4 maniobra utilizando un exclusivo sistema de empuje cardán, mediante el cual un controlador de vuelo de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) ajusta individualmente cuatro pares de rotores montados en cardanes ligeros impresos en 3D. Esto hace que el Mk4 no solo sea rápido en línea recta, sino que también pueda maniobrar con la increíble precisión esencial en las carreras cuerpo a cuerpo. De hecho, se maneja menos como un multicóptero y más como un avión de combate o un auto de carreras de Fórmula 1.

Alauda Aerospace planea comenzar las pruebas de vuelo del chasis y el tren motriz Mk4, incluidos los primeros vuelos tripulados de la estructura del avión, en el primer trimestre de 2023. El avión estará listo para tomar la línea de salida en el Campeonato de carreras de aerodeslizadores en 2024.

La serie de carreras Airspeeder tiene una enorme base de fans internacionales y atrae a los mejores pilotos del mundo. Pero es más que un espectáculo espectacular de velocidad y habilidad. También es un campo de pruebas para sistemas de propulsión ecológicos sostenibles, con el potencial de cambiar la forma en que todos viajamos en el futuro.

Alauda Aeronautics ya está mirando más allá de las carreras hacia un mundo donde los autos voladores privados son una realidad diaria y un medio viable de transporte urbano. Su equipo de ingenieros y diseñadores, formado por empresas como Airbus, Boeing, Ferrari, MagniX y McLaren, confía en que sus tecnologías podrían hacer que los viajes aéreos sean más rápidos, más eficientes, más respetuosos con el medio ambiente y más accesibles que nunca.

Matt Pearson, director ejecutivo de Alauda Aeronautics  , dice: “Verá estas tecnologías en la pista de carreras. Sin embargo, los eVTOL ya son una industria de un billón de dólares y vemos un mercado muy importante para los autos voladores privados que emergen en un futuro cercano. En la industria aeroespacial convencional, hay tantos aviones privados como aviones comerciales en funcionamiento. Creemos que podría ser lo mismo con los autos voladores algún día, con una cantidad aproximadamente similar de taxis comerciales y autos privados inicialmente. Una vez que podamos venderle un automóvil volador por el mismo precio que un Tesla, verá rápidamente el cambio de equilibrio. Hoy en día, los automóviles privados superan en número a los taxis en aproximadamente 300 a uno, por lo que el potencial para que las personas posean y conduzcan su propio automóvil volador algún día es absolutamente enorme. Es un momento muy emocionante”.

Para obtener más información sobre el Alauda Airspeeder Mk4 y el próximo campeonato de carreras de Airspeeder, visite el sitio web de Airspeeder en  www.airspeeder.com .

Airspeeder se basa en la filosofía de que nada acelera el progreso técnico como la competencia deportiva. El deporte de próxima generación desempeña el mismo papel que los pioneros de la Fórmula Uno tuvieron hace casi un siglo al impulsar el desarrollo técnico y generar la aceptación pública de una nueva revolución de la movilidad. El sector eVTOL está preparado para transformar el transporte aéreo urbano, la logística global e incluso el transporte médico remoto con una solución de transporte aéreo de aire limpio y cero emisiones.

Matt Pearson es el fundador y visionario detrás de Alauda y Airspeeder. Junto con un equipo de ingenieros, diseñadores y mentes comerciales de Australia, Nueva York y Londres, está acelerando el desarrollo de vehículos voladores eléctricos a través del calor de la competencia deportiva.

Más allá de su papel como una voz definitoria en el futuro de la movilidad, Matt está impulsando el espacio del Internet industrial de las cosas en rápida expansión a través de su trabajo en Fleet. Desde su base en el sur de Australia, millones de dispositivos se alimentan a través de la órbita terrestre baja a través de una red creciente de nanosatélites.

Redes sociales:  @Airspeeder

Foto estática, Color: Verde azulado ártico

Como cuarto modelo de la serie, el concepto Audi activesphere marca la culminación de los vehículos conceptuales esféricos presentados por la marca de los cuatro aros. Tras el Audi skysphere roadster en 2021, y tanto el Audi grandsphere sedán como el Audi urbansphere space concept en abril de 2022, ahora hace su debut un crossover coupé de cuatro puertas con un diseño de carrocería asombrosamente versátil. Con una longitud de 4,98 metros, el elegante automóvil es más que un mero automóvil deportivo de lujo, con una impresionante distancia al suelo y grandes ruedas de 22 pulgadas que anuncian su talento todoterreno. La parte trasera Sportback del activesphere puede convertirse en una plataforma de carga abierta (“espalda activa”) con solo tocar un botón, perfecta para transportar equipos recreativos como bicicletas eléctricas o equipos para deportes acuáticos e invernales.

Al combinar opuestos en una síntesis perfecta, el Audi activesphere demuestra ser un versátil transgresor de fronteras, con un sistema de propulsión y una suspensión que lo hacen igualmente hábil tanto dentro como fuera de la carretera. El volante y los pedales permiten al conductor controlar activamente el automóvil, al tiempo que ofrecen una conducción autónoma para un tiempo más relajado en la carretera. Como un coupé que es tan elegante como dinámico, presenta proporciones y líneas clásicas, pero en solo unos segundos, el automóvil se transforma en una camioneta para transportar equipos deportivos de primera clase: incluso hay espacio suficiente para dos bicicletas eléctricas. en la plataforma de carga.

El concept car fue concebido y diseñado en el Audi Design Studio en Malibu, a tiro de piedra de la Pacific Coast Highway, la legendaria carretera costera. El gerente del estudio Gael Buzyn y su equipo son las mentes creativas detrás del proyecto. Él describe la idea detrás del proyecto: “La esfera activa es única. Es un nuevo tipo de crossover que combina hábilmente la elegancia de un Audi Sportback, la practicidad de un SUV y verdaderas capacidades todoterreno”.

Con un accionamiento eléctrico y tecnología de carga rápida del sistema modular PPE de Audi, el Audi activesphere se une a la familia de vehículos de concepto de esfera. Sin emisiones locales, una autonomía de más de 600 km y tiempos de carga extremadamente rápidos gracias a la tecnología de 800 voltios, combina la sostenibilidad, el dinamismo y la capacidad de larga distancia de los vehículos eléctricos de última generación.

Oliver Hoffmann, miembro del Consejo de Administración de Desarrollo Técnico : “Los vehículos de concepto de esfera muestran nuestra visión de la movilidad premium del futuro. Estamos experimentando un cambio de paradigma, especialmente en el interior de nuestros futuros modelos Audi. El interior se convierte en un lugar donde los pasajeros se sienten como en casa y pueden conectarse con el mundo exterior al mismo tiempo. La innovación técnica más importante en Audi activesphere es nuestra adaptación de la realidad aumentada para la movilidad. Audi dimension crea la síntesis perfecta entre el entorno y la realidad digital”.

La capacidad de conducción autónoma en terreno adecuado brinda a los conductores y pasajeros un nuevo nivel de libertad que, gracias a la nueva pantalla y tecnología operativa, se puede utilizar en la esfera activa de varias maneras. El concepto operativo innovador, las dimensiones de Audi, combina los mundos físico y virtual (es decir, realidad mixta) al mostrar contenido digital en los campos de visión de los ocupantes en tiempo real.

Los auriculares de alta tecnología brindan una vista del entorno real y la ruta, al mismo tiempo que muestran contenido 3D y elementos interactivos, configurables individualmente para conductores y pasajeros.

Esto significa que se puede mostrar toda la información relevante para el conductor, como el estado de conducción y la navegación. Y en el interior, los usuarios de auriculares pueden ver los paneles de control y otras pantallas virtuales en un diseño ordenado y minimalista que permanece oculto a simple vista. La óptica de realidad mixta brinda a los usuarios la capacidad de interactuar con precisión con estas zonas sensibles al tacto reales, pero invisibles, ya que los auriculares muestran y realizan funciones al reaccionar en tiempo real cuando los usuarios los tocan.

Como todoterreno perfecto, el concepto Audi activesphere es ideal para las altas exigencias de una generación de clientes Audi orientada al futuro: personas para quienes la movilidad individual y la sostenibilidad no son mutuamente excluyentes. Además, los propietarios que esperan que su vehículo brinde la estética y el dinamismo típicos de la marca en el más alto grado, combinados con tecnología orientada al futuro. Para estos clientes, el concepto Audi activesphere actúa como una visión fascinante de cruzar los límites entre estas dimensiones.

Foto estática, Color: Verde azulado ártico

Elegancia robusta – diseño exterior

Sus dimensiones -4,98 metros de largo, 2,07 metros de ancho y 1,60 metros de alto- hacen del Audi activesphere concept un miembro del segmento premium. Típico de un coche eléctrico, la distancia entre ejes es de unos generosos 2,97 metros, lo que proporciona el máximo espacio para las piernas de los pasajeros. Los voladizos delantero y trasero son correspondientemente cortos para una impresión mucho más compacta de lo que indican los números. Desde todas las perspectivas, el concepto Audi activesphere parece monolítico, como si fuera de un solo molde.

Las grandes llantas de 22 pulgadas y la sorprendente distancia al suelo, la cabina plana tan típica de un Audi y un arco de techo dinámico le dan al automóvil proporciones que recuerdan claramente a un automóvil deportivo.

Los neumáticos 285/55 son lo suficientemente voluminosos para todo tipo de terreno, y su banda de rodadura contorneada destaca el talento del activesphere para el uso todoterreno. Las ruedas cuentan con segmentos móviles: cuando se usan fuera de la carretera, se abren para una ventilación óptima y se cierran en la carretera para una aerodinámica óptima. Los espejos de cámara elegantes y con estilo en las dos puertas delanteras también están diseñados específicamente para minimizar la resistencia.

La ausencia de bordes duros da como resultado transiciones suaves entre superficies convexas y cóncavas en todo el cuerpo, así como sombras suaves. Vistos desde el lateral y la parte trasera, los huecos de las ruedas traseras parecen marcadamente horizontales, visualizando el potencial dinámico del vehículo conceptual.

Las superficies de vidrio constituyen una parte importante de la carrocería del vehículo, y de ninguna manera solo a la altura de la cabeza. El extremo delantero del activesphere presenta la cara de la marca, el Singleframe, diseñado como un acristalamiento transparente para brindar a los pasajeros una vista sin obstrucciones a través del gran tramo de la carretera frente al vehículo.

También hay superficies de vidrio en el costado en el área inferior de la puerta, que parecen disolver el límite entre el mundo natural y el interior cuando la esfera activa está en modo todoterreno. El portón trasero ancho y curvo presenta un amplio acristalamiento para una iluminación óptima, mientras que incluso el techo es transparente, lo que deja entrar mucha luz natural en el interior.

El aspecto exterior señala específicamente la capacidad todoterreno del vehículo y, con sus voluminosos pasos de rueda, retrata la tracción total quattro variable y controlada electrónicamente. La distancia al suelo del Audi activesphere también es variable; ideal para uso todoterreno, puede aumentarse en 40 milímetros desde la altura básica de 208 milímetros, o reducirse en la misma cantidad cuando se conduce por carretera. Esto beneficia tanto al centro de gravedad como a la aerodinámica cuando se conduce rápido. El ángulo de aproximación del Audi activesphere, relevante para la conducción todoterreno, es de 18,9 grados, el ángulo de salida de 28,1 grados.

La distancia al suelo variable recuerda a una familia de modelos Audi que ha atraído a una base de seguidores leales y entusiastas en los segmentos C y B posteriores desde 2000: el Audi allroad. Desde la primera generación, esta familia también cuenta con suspensión neumática con distancia al suelo variable y un conjunto de piso visualmente desplazado con elementos de protección antiempotramiento como una característica de diseño importante. Igualmente importante para todos los modelos allroad es la opción del paquete Avant.

El activesphere marca la primera vez que un automóvil con un hatchback Sportback incorpora los elementos de diseño y el equipamiento técnico de un allroad. Por este motivo, Audi llama a la nueva variante de carrocería “sportback activo” en contraste con el allroad.

Otra nueva variación del tema allroad: el Audi activesphere concept cuenta con acabados de pintura oscuros de alto brillo en Arctic Teal en la parte delantera y trasera, así como debajo de las puertas en el área lateral, además de superficies mate que yuxtaponen visualmente el conjunto del piso y la cabina. . Aquí se integran listones de metal con montantes verticales ligeramente desplazados, dispuestos en paralelo entre sí. Estos elementos se despliegan cuando se aumenta la distancia al suelo, visualizando el modo todoterreno.

Al igual que con su pariente, el Audi grandsphere concept, las puertas del Audi activesphere, que están unidas a los pilares A y C en la parte delantera y trasera, se abren en direcciones opuestas; aquí tampoco hay un pilar B. Esta innovación significa que todo el espacio interior se abre a los pasajeros tan pronto como se suben al automóvil.

A derecha e izquierda sobre el Singleframe, las estrechas unidades de los faros parecen ojos enfocados. Las unidades de iluminación hacen eco del logotipo de la marca con los cuatro aros al agrandar y aislar la intersección de dos anillos para formar una pupila: una nueva e inconfundible firma de luz digital que Audi introdujo por primera vez en el Audi grandsphere: el Audi eye. En la esfera activa, esta firma ahora es variada: los modos de conducción en carretera y fuera de carretera tienen cada uno su propia variante. Las luces de circulación diurna y las luces traseras utilizan tecnología micro-LED ultrafina para una precisión y un contraste aún mayores.

Sportback y espalda activa: arquitectura trasera variable

El Audi activesphere concept es un transgresor de fronteras, lo que significa que es un maestro de la metamorfosis. Su sección trasera, en particular, refleja el estilo de vida activo de sus clientes y permite transportar incluso equipos deportivos voluminosos, sin sacrificar la elegancia y la deportividad de la silueta Sportback.

Si es necesario, las correderas transparentes de la luneta trasera quedan casi al mismo nivel que el techo del Audi activesphere. Al mismo tiempo, el segmento vertical inferior de la parte trasera se pliega horizontalmente, lo que abre una amplia plataforma de carga llamada respaldo activo que cuenta con soportes para bicicletas eléctricas, por ejemplo. Las superficies laterales de la parte trasera, los pilares C, permanecen en posición para mantener la silueta dinámica de la esfera activa, mientras que un mamparo motorizado se despliega desde detrás de los asientos traseros para aislar la cabina de los elementos.

Un portaesquís está integrado en el centro de la estructura del techo. Completamente enrasado en posición nominal y prácticamente invisible en el arco del techo, se extiende si es necesario, para que los esquís puedan sujetarse y transportarse con seguridad.

Interior priorizado: centrado en las personas

“Sphere” marca la pauta: el componente de nombre común del Audi skysphere, grandsphere, urbansphere, y ahora también activesphere, alude al interior. Los kilovatios y los km/h o la aceleración lateral ya no están en la parte superior de las especificaciones de diseño para esta nueva generación de automóviles. En cambio, el punto de partida es el interior, la esfera de vida y experiencia de los ocupantes mientras viajan. Sus necesidades y deseos dan forma al espacio, la arquitectura y las funciones.

Con esa reevaluación, el proceso de diseño en sí mismo cambia. Al comienzo de todas las discusiones, la atención se dirige hacia el interior y su diseño. Solo entonces se diseñan el paquete, las proporciones y las líneas del exterior.


Funcional y minimalista: el interior

El epítome de la claridad y el orden: esta es la primera impresión para los pasajeros cuando suben al interior del Audi activesphere a través de las puertas abiertas de par en par.

Las superficies verticales y horizontales, junto con los ángulos rectos, dominan la arquitectura del espacio. Las zonas interiores cuentan con colores contrastantes horizontales y la pieza central reinante son las superficies de los asientos, las puertas y los paneles frontales en cálido rojo lava, que contrastan con el exterior oscuro incluso cuando se mira a través de las ventanas laterales. Por encima y por debajo de esta zona central, también dominan los colores oscuros (negro, antracita y gris oscuro).

Los cuatro asientos individuales están suspendidos como extensiones de la consola central alta y de cuerpo entero. Descansando sobre la consola central, el extremo superior del lado interior de la carcasa del asiento tiene forma horizontal de reposabrazos. Los diseñadores imaginaron las superficies del asiento, el respaldo y los hombros como tres carcasas circunferenciales separadas; la apariencia visual por sí sola ya promete un buen soporte lateral. También parecen tan ligeros que flotan y, por lo tanto, mantienen el equilibrio entre la función automotriz y la elegancia de un sillón.

Cuando el Audi activesphere concept se conduce en modo autónomo, el salpicadero, el volante y los pedales desaparecen en una posición invisible. Especialmente en la primera fila de asientos, se abre un amplio espacio frente al conductor, que se extiende hasta el extremo delantero de la esfera activa y más allá. Para un campo de visión claro, el Singleframe completamente acristalado brinda a los pasajeros una vista sin obstáculos de la carretera.

El tablero en sí funciona como una barra de sonido extra grande (a través de las láminas de madera), así como una salida de aire inteligente de ancho completo, tanto en la posición desplegada como guardada.

Si el conductor quiere tomar el volante, el tablero de instrumentos, junto con el volante, gira desde su posición al ras debajo del parabrisas; cada conductor puede ajustar la posición ergonómica ideal individualmente. Los controles sin contacto MMI en las puertas siempre están accesibles a la vista y la mano, por ejemplo, para controlar las ventanas y los ajustes de los asientos.

La arquitectura y la sensación de espacio en el Audi activesphere están determinadas en gran medida por la consola central alta y completa. Por supuesto, en los coches eléctricos ya no se necesita la consola para sostener un eje cardán, sino que ofrece espacio para almacenamiento y una barra a bordo, ya sea refrigerada o calentada. La tapa superior es transparente, lo que permite ver la botella y los vasos, pero también integra visualmente la voluminosa consola en el interior. Además, hay una consola en el techo, directamente encima de la consola central y que refleja sus dimensiones, donde los cuatro auriculares AR para el sistema de realidad mixta se mantienen al alcance de todos los pasajeros.

Dimensiones de Audi: atravesando mundos

Cruzar fronteras es la fuerza del concepto Audi activesphere, y esto también se aplica a la interfaz entre el automóvil, el usuario y el medio ambiente. Por primera vez, el nuevo sistema combina la realidad física y la esfera digital para crear un nuevo mundo: las dimensiones de Audi.

La pieza central del nuevo sistema son los innovadores auriculares de realidad mixta, disponibles individualmente para cada conductor y pasajero. Los usuarios también tienen acceso a un completo ecosistema digital mientras están en Audi activesphere.

En los primeros días, las gafas de realidad virtual se limitaban a representar una realidad virtual sin ningún elemento del mundo real. Sin embargo, la tecnología evolucionó hacia la realidad aumentada, en la que el mundo real se superpone al contenido virtual. La realidad mixta ahora puede representar contenido virtual con referencia espacial al mundo real en tres dimensiones. No hay duda al respecto: en el futuro, la realidad mixta llevará las posibilidades de las pantallas frontales AR a un nivel completamente nuevo en términos de flexibilidad, precisión y contenido visualizable.

El Audi activesphere concept es el primero en utilizar una generación pionera de esta tecnología, que a su vez añade la dimensión de la interacción a la dimensión de los mundos real y digital superpuestos. Con una precisión óptica sin precedentes, la más alta resolución y un excelente contraste, el sistema trae superficies de control y pantallas, invisibles a simple vista, al campo de visión del usuario mientras está detrás del volante.

En otras palabras, el usuario puede ver contenido virtual, que inicialmente es solo para información. Si el usuario enfoca con sus ojos la información, mostrando así interés, el sistema muestra información más detallada. El contenido se convierte en un elemento activo e interactivo tan pronto como el usuario se concentra y participa, es decir, con gestos.

Luego, la mano puede seguir intuitivamente la mirada del usuario para controlar las funciones del automóvil, mientras que la interfaz de usuario (la pantalla virtual en los auriculares) reacciona a los cambios en tiempo real como un instrumento convencional. Una característica particularmente fácil de usar, el control virtual se mueve hacia el usuario para que pueda interactuar cómodamente con la interfaz de usuario, independientemente de la posición en la que se siente.

El interior ordenado y espacioso del Audi activesphere ya no tiene que quedar relegado a la función de los teclados y las baterías de básculas, como siempre ocurría en los habitáculos de los coches clásicos. Solo cuando los usuarios necesitan un elemento, este aparece y se puede operar de manera tan intuitiva como lo haría en el mundo real. Importante: Las diversas funciones del automóvil ahora no están organizadas de la forma típica en que lo están hoy en día en un automóvil con pantallas y funciones físicas. Pero, en cambio, se ubican lógicamente directamente frente a los elementos con los que están relacionados. Solo dos ejemplos: las aspiradoras de control de CA frente a la salida de aire, las aspiradoras del panel interactivo de entretenimiento y sonido sobre el altavoz.

Sin embargo, las posibilidades de esta tecnología no están agotadas. En el modo todoterreno, por ejemplo, se pueden proyectar gráficos topográficos en 3D de alta resolución sobre el paisaje real y se puede mostrar información sobre la navegación y el destino. La información de seguridad del tráfico, es decir, alertas de atascos o carreteras resbaladizas, también se puede utilizar aquí.

Dependiendo de sus necesidades y tareas, los pasajeros y los conductores reciben contenido muy individual en sus respectivos auriculares de realidad mixta. Con el conductor concentrado en la dirección mientras está activo detrás del volante, los pasajeros pueden comenzar a investigar e incluso preparar actividades en el destino.

Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, también pueden controlar la temperatura y el suministro de aire para su área de asientos con el aire acondicionado, así como navegar por la selección de música del sistema de sonido, que cada ocupante puede usar individualmente. Debido a que los auriculares están diseñados con precisión para coincidir con la geometría del interior de la esfera activa, incluso pueden proyectar fichas virtuales en la consola central para visualizar el acceso al contenido web. Dado que los sensores de los cascos de realidad mixta miden el interior con precisión milimétrica, el contenido virtual puede superponerse según los requisitos personales e incluso utilizarse para la interacción individual.

La conexión entre los usuarios de los auriculares y el automóvil, junto con su ecosistema, ofrece innumerables posibilidades, incluso fuera del automóvil. Por ejemplo, mientras que las rutas de navegación o el mantenimiento del vehículo se pueden preparar hoy desde la sala de su casa en una computadora portátil o tableta, en el futuro la tecnología de realidad mixta y los auriculares serán el único hardware requerido.

Por el contrario, el pasajero de activesphere puede sacar sus auriculares del automóvil y llevarlos a la pista de esquí para ayudarlo a navegar por el sendero para bicicletas o para encontrar el descenso ideal cuando esquía alpino.

También se puede acceder a la información sobre el automóvil en sí, la autonomía de la batería y las estaciones de carga más cercanas dentro y fuera del vehículo. Y cuando sea necesario, también hay advertencias anticipadas, como la presión baja de los neumáticos, así como una función de pronóstico del tiempo como criterio para seleccionar una ruta.

PPE: tecnología de conducción personalizada

Debido a sus dimensiones y nivel de rendimiento, el concepto Audi activesphere se presta al uso del sistema de propulsión eléctrica más innovador de Audi: Premium Platform Electric, o PPE para abreviar.

Al igual que los prototipos relacionados Audi grandsphere y Audi urbansphere, el concepto activesphere se basa en este sistema modular para la producción en serie. Se está desarrollando bajo el liderazgo de Audi junto con Porsche AG: los primeros vehículos de producción de Audi basados ​​​​en PPE se presentarán, uno tras otro, antes de finales de 2023.

El PPE está diseñado exclusivamente para sistemas de conducción eléctrica a batería y, por lo tanto, puede aprovechar al máximo todos los beneficios de esta tecnología, para mejorar las características de conducción, la economía y las opciones de paquete de los automóviles.

Como resultado, Audi puede expandir efectivamente la gama de vehículos eléctricos en su cartera a través de los segmentos B y C de alto volumen. Además, las economías de escala permitirán que la tecnología de clase de lujo y varias versiones de modelos diferentes se incorporen a una amplia gama de modelos sin rival en el mercado premium.

El PPE es la primera plataforma diseñada para adaptarse a una gama sin precedentes de automóviles de gran volumen, incluidos SUV y CUV con una gran distancia al suelo, así como automóviles con una silueta plana que forman parte de la gama de productos principales de Audi, como la serie Audi A6. cuyas dimensiones exteriores y distancia entre ejes son casi idénticas a las del Audi activesphere concept.

El elemento clave de la futura flota de EPI es un módulo de batería entre los ejes; en el Audi activesphere concept, contiene alrededor de 100 kWh de energía. El uso de todo el ancho del automóvil entre los ejes permite lograr un diseño relativamente plano para la batería.

Los motores eléctricos en los ejes delantero y trasero del Audi activesphere concept de tracción total ofrecen una potencia total de 325 kW y un par de sistema de 720 Newton metro. Las ruedas delanteras y traseras están conectadas a través de un eje de cinco brazos. El prototipo cuenta con suspensión neumática adaptativa de Audi con amortiguadores adaptativos.

Carga rápida con 800 voltios

El corazón de la tecnología de accionamiento en todos los futuros modelos de PPE será la tecnología de carga de 800 voltios. Esto garantiza que la batería, como la del Audi e-tron GT quattro1 anterior, se pueda cargar con hasta 270 kW en muy poco tiempo en las estaciones de carga rápida. Esta tecnología revolucionaria entrará por primera vez en los segmentos de gama media y lujo de alto volumen con el PPE.

La tecnología PPE permite tiempos de carga que se acercan a una parada de repostaje convencional para un automóvil con motor de combustión. Solo 10 minutos es tiempo suficiente para llevar suficiente energía a bordo para hacer funcionar el automóvil durante más de 300 kilómetros.

Y en menos de 25 minutos, la batería de 100 kWh se carga del 5 al 80 por ciento. Junto con su autonomía de más de 600 kilómetros, el Audi activesphere se posiciona así como incondicionalmente adecuado para largas distancias, cuando sea necesario.

Ferox Corp | Azaris is a six wheeled Off-Road advanced vehicle.

Unbound by the traditional nexus between the wheels, drivetrain and chassis – providing exceptional capabilities for extreme terrains.

Using Ferox technology, Azaris pushes the boundaries of vehicle design and brings future envisaged transport to life.

As our first fully operating prototype, Azaris is just the beginning.

There’s nothing else like Azaris in the world.


During a creative process, we use a combination of internal elements, such as our experiences and intuition, as well as external factors from the world around us to spark ideas.

Creating theme boards is a way of visually compiling our thoughts, ideas, inspiration and research that forms a tool, in which to draw from.

Theme boards can be used to build a story, as a collection of ideas to explore or as a way to establish a certain feeling or mood.


The core of the Azaris vehicle is its innovative technology which uses fluid as the medium to transfer force.

Fluid flows, is free and is alive. From these qualities various ideas were explored and combined to inspire our design language.

A splash of water is one way of seeing water in motion. Every splash of water is individual in nature; however, shares a set of common characteristics – as the water stretches it forms a flow, creating soft and sharp lines whilst also generating negative space.

We drew further inspiration from the human muscular system. Seeing how each muscle wraps and intertwines around the other, each serving a purpose with strength and adaptability, forming the basis of our movement.

Continuing to draw from life, we explored the structure that exists within all living beings. That structure being the DNA strand. This unique form was the underlying inspiration for the DNA Arms on Azaris.


In keeping with the water theme for the Azaris, a few different forms of water were explored.

Ice caves and geodes were the main inspiration behind the Azaris’ headlight design.

This geometric aesthetic was chosen to contrast against the fluid surfaces of the Azaris’ body, adding interest to the Azaris’ ‘eyes’.

We see prisms and faceted lenses as a key design element in the future of Advanced Vehicles to assist vehicles with interpreting their surroundings.


During the design process, we use colour and trim theme boards to guide the aesthetics of a vehicle, from the physical form all the way through to the surface treatment and colours.

How a vehicle is perceived and initially experienced is largely influenced by its colour.


During the concept stage, the Azaris’ strong, tough and agile capabilities were identified.

To express this, we explored a dark colour palette comprising of gunmetals and anodised finishes, evoking a robust and stealthy presence.


Another early concept highlighted the Azaris’ innovation and potential for futuristic advancement.

Here a rather clean ‘Utopian’ aesthetic was created with the use of white, contrasted with metals, silvers and translucency, giving the vehicle a lighter, efficient feeling.


The Ferox Technology has the potential to make vehicles more connected to and conscious of the environments they operate in, with the Azaris prototype being the first step in the journey.

Drawing inspiration from our natural world, and in particular paying homage to the Australian landscape, red earthy tones would be combined with watery blues and raw materials such as metals and stone.


In keeping with the water theme for the Azaris, we explored one of the most powerful forces of water – an ocean wave.

An ocean wave consists of a plethora of different blues, ranging from dark to light, warm to cool and satin to glossy finishes.

These contrasting colour features illustrate motion and expresses the transformative nature of the Ferox Technology.

This concept was selected and further developed for the Azaris colour scheme.

This case study has been put together to help educate and share our process with the community. 

The images used in our theme boards come from various sources as a part of our internal research process.

The storage champ – Audi A6 Avant e-tron concept

  • Audi exhibits concept for an executive class Avant with electric drive system
  • Unmistakable design for the electric age
  • Fast charging with 270 kW – 300 km (186 miles) range in just 10 minutes

Static photo,
Colour: Neptune Valley

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

  • Second concept car from Polestar builds on Precept design language
  • Bespoke aluminum platform showcases quality and rigidity
  • Sustainability and technology ambitions take next steps toward greater circularity with recycled polyester thermoplastic mono-material and aluminum labeling
  • Autonomous cinematic drone mixes innovation with fun
Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN – March 2, 2022. Polestar, the pure play electric performance car brand, has revealed a new concept car that redefines sports roadsters for the electric age. Named Polestar O2, the hard-top convertible is Polestar’s vision of open-top performance and a thrilling driving experience – with all the benefits of electric mobility.

“Polestar O2 is the hero car for our brand,” comments Thomas Ingenlath, Polestar CEO. “It opens the door to our secret chamber of future potential. This is a taste of what we can design and engineer with the talent and technology we have in-house. It looks incredible, and being able to lower the roof and not hear an engine promises a superb sensation.”


Maximilian Missoni, Polestar’s Head of Design, says: “Polestar O2 is our vision of a new era for sports cars. By mixing the joy of open top driving with the purity of electric mobility, it unlocks a new mix of emotions in a car. But as with all our cars, we are about more than just straight-line sprints. It’s when you turn the steering wheel that the true fun begins.

The driving experience in the Polestar O2 is designed to be lively, light and full of confidence. Predictability and playfulness are core to exciting, spirited driving. Tight body control, high rigidity and intuitive dynamics are inherent benefits of the bespoke bonded aluminum platform, which is adapted from the Polestar 5, developed in-house by Polestar’s R&D team in the UK.

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

The high quality and rigidity of the bonded aluminum platform are geared toward heightened dynamic response. Handling dynamics are taut thanks also to small roll angles and high roll damping, and the agile, direct steering feel is linear, with great steering torque build-up.

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters


Clearly related to the Polestar Precept concept car but with its own distinct character, the look of Polestar O2 shows how Polestar’s evolving design language can be adapted to different body styles with a strong family resemblance. The low and wide body with an assertive stance, compact 2+2 cabin design, minimal overhangs and a long wheelbase, embody classic sports car proportions but with a clearly modern, electric feel.

“This car is a meeting point between technology and art, between precision and sculpture, with a determined but not aggressive stance,” continues Maximilian Missoni.

Aerodynamics are manipulated to maximize range thanks to disguised design features like integrated ducts that improve laminar air flow over the wheels and body sides, and the rear lights that function as air blades to reduce turbulence behind the car.

Sustainability and technology

Polestar O2 also showcases advances in sustainability and technology. A new thermoplastic mono-material features extensively in the interior. The term “mono-material” describes the use of a single base material to manufacture different components.

In Polestar O2, recycled polyester is the sole material used for all the soft components of the interior: foam, adhesive, 3D knit fibers and non-woven lamination. This simplifies recycling and is a significant step towards greater circularity, while also reducing weight and waste.

Polestar sustainability teams believe that materials should be recycled, not downcycled. In Polestar O2, they have integrated a new method of controlling recycled content and improving circularity of metal components. Different grades of aluminum are used throughout the chassis to help deliver a thrilling driving experience.

These different grades are labeled, allowing them to be recycled more effectively and for their properties to be retained. High grade aluminum remains high grade, while other grades maintain their varied characteristics, allowing for greater material efficiency and a lower requirement for virgin aluminum.

INTERIOR Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters

INTERIOR Polestar O₂ concept envisions new age for electric roadsters


In a world increasingly driven by social media, the Polestar O2 features an autonomous cinematic drone integrated behind the rear seats. Developed in collaboration with Aerofugia’s consumer electronics brand Hoco Flow, the concept drone can be deployed while the car is moving, to record the perfect driving sequence.

Polestar engineers have developed a specialized aerofoil that raises behind the rear seats to create a calm area of negative pressure that allows the drone to take off when the car is on the move. The drone operates autonomously, automatically following the car at speeds up to 56 mph (90 km/h), and the driver can choose between an atmospheric sequence – great for a coastline cruise – or a more action-filled sequence with a sportier expression. After filming, the drone can autonomously return to the car. Video clips can be edited and shared directly from the 15-inch center display when the car is parked.

“We wanted to emphasize the experience you can have with a car like the Polestar O2 in new and unusual ways,” continues Maximilian Missoni. “Integrating an autonomous cinematic drone was something that allowed us to push the boundaries on the innovation front. Not needing to stop and off-load the drone before filming, but rather deploying it at speed, is a key benefit to this innovative design.”

Polestar O2 continues the strong foundations laid by Polestar Precept as a vision of the company’s future design, technology and sustainability ambitions. Polestar plans to launch three new cars over the coming three years, starting in 2022, each of which has potential to gradually realize some of the ideas presented by these concept cars.

Polestar also intends to list on the Nasdaq in a proposed business combination with Gores Guggenheim, Inc. (Nasdaq: GGPI, GGPIW, and GGPIU), which is expected to close in the first half of 2022.

About Polestar

Polestar was established as a new, standalone Swedish premium electric vehicle manufacturer in 2017. Founded by Volvo Cars and Geely Holding, Polestar enjoys specific technological and engineering synergies with Volvo Cars and benefits from significant economies of scale as a result.

Polestar is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, and its vehicles are currently available and on the road in markets across Europe, North America, China and Asia Pacific. By 2023, the company plans that its cars will be available in an aggregate of 30 markets. Polestar cars are currently manufactured in two facilities in China, with additional future manufacturing planned in the USA.

In September 2021, Polestar announced its intention to list as a public company on the Nasdaq in a business combination agreement with Gores Guggenheim, Inc. Full information on this definitive agreement can be found here.

Polestar has produced two electric performance cars. The Polestar 1 was built between 2019 and 2021 as a low-volume electric performance hybrid GT with a carbon fiber body, 609 hp, 1,000 Nm and an electric-only range of 124 km (WLTP) – the longest of any hybrid car in the world.

The Polestar 2 electric performance fastback is the company’s first fully electric, high volume car. The Polestar 2 model range includes three variants with a combination of long- and standard range batteries as large as 78 kWh, and dual- and single-motor powertrains with as much as 300 kW / 408 hp and 660 Nm.

In the coming three years, Polestar plans to launch one new electric vehicle per year, starting with Polestar 3 in 2022 – the company’s first electric performance SUV. Polestar 4 is expected to follow in 2023, a smaller electric performance SUV coupe.

In 2024, the Polestar 5 electric performance 4-door GT is planned to be launched as the production evolution of Polestar Precept – the manifesto concept car that Polestar released in 2020 that showcases the brand’s future vision in terms of design, technology, and sustainability. As the company seeks to reduce its climate impact with every new model, Polestar aims to produce a truly climate-neutral car by 2030.

About Gores Guggenheim, Inc

Gores Guggenheim, Inc. (Nasdaq: GGPI, GGPIW, and GGPIU) is a special purpose acquisition company sponsored by an affiliate of The Gores Group, LLC, founded by Alec Gores, and by an affiliate of Guggenheim Capital, LLC. Gores Guggenheim completed its initial public offering in April 2021, raising approximately USD 800 million in cash proceeds for the purpose of effecting a merger, capital stock exchange, asset acquisition, stock purchase, reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses. Gores Guggenheim’s strategy is to identify and complete business combinations with market leading companies with strong equity stories that will benefit from the growth capital of the public equity markets and be enhanced by the experience and expertise of Gores’ and Guggenheim’s long history and track record of investing in and operating businesses.

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements in this press release (“Press Release”) may be considered “forward-looking statements” as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or the future financial or operating performance of Gores Guggenheim, Inc. (“Gores Guggenheim”), Polestar Performance AB and/or its affiliates (the “Company”) and Polestar Automotive Holding UK Limited (“ListCo”). For example, projections of future Adjusted EBITDA or revenue and other metrics are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as “may”, “should”, “expect”, “intend”, “will”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “predict”, “potential”, “forecast”, “plan”, “seek”, “future”, “propose” or “continue”, or the negatives of these terms or variations of them or similar terminology. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties, and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements.

These forward-looking statements are based upon estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Gores Guggenheim and its management, and the Company and its management, as the case may be, are inherently uncertain. Factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations include, but are not limited to: (1) the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of definitive agreements with respect to the Business Combination; (2) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against Gores Guggenheim, the combined company or others following the announcement of the Business Combination and any definitive agreements with respect thereto; (3) the inability to complete the Business Combination due to the failure to obtain approval of the stockholders of Gores Guggenheim, to obtain financing to complete the Business Combination or to satisfy other conditions to closing; (4) changes to the proposed structure of the Business Combination that may be required or appropriate as a result of applicable laws or regulations or as a condition to obtaining regulatory approval of the Business Combination; (5) the ability to meet stock exchange listing standards following the consummation of the Business Combination; (6) the risk that the Business Combination disrupts current plans and operations of the Company as a result of the announcement and consummation of the Business Combination; (7) the ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the Business Combination, which may be affected by, among other things, competition, the ability of the combined company to grow and manage growth profitably, maintain relationships with customers and suppliers and retain its management and key employees; (8) costs related to the Business Combination; (9) risks associated with changes in applicable laws or regulations and the Company’s international operations; (10) the possibility that the Company or the combined company may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; (11) the Company’s estimates of expenses and profitability; (12) the Company’s ability to maintain agreements or partnerships with its strategic partners Volvo Cars and Geely and to develop new agreements or partnerships; (13) the Company’s ability to maintain relationships with its existing suppliers and strategic partners, and source new suppliers for its critical components, and to complete building out its supply chain, while effectively managing the risks due to such relationships; (14) the Company’s reliance on its partnerships with vehicle charging networks to provide charging solutions for its vehicles and its strategic partners for servicing its vehicles and their integrated software; (15) the Company’s ability to establish its brand and capture additional market share, and the risks associated with negative press or reputational harm, including from lithium-ion battery cells catching fire or venting smoke; (16) delays in the design, manufacture, launch and financing of the Company’s vehicles and the Company’s reliance on a limited number of vehicle models to generate revenues; (17) the Company’s ability to continuously and rapidly innovate, develop and market new products; (18) risks related to future market adoption of the Company’s offerings; (19) increases in costs, disruption of supply or shortage of materials, in particular for lithium-ion cells or semiconductors; (20) the Company’s reliance on its partners to manufacture vehicles at a high volume, some of which have limited experience in producing electric vehicles, and on the allocation of sufficient production capacity to the Company by its partners in order for the Company to be able to increase its vehicle production capacities; (21) risks related to the Company’s distribution model; (22) the effects of competition and the high barriers to entry in the automotive industry, and the pace and depth of electric vehicle adoption generally on the Company’s future business; (23) changes in regulatory requirements, governmental incentives and fuel and energy prices; (24) the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic on Gores Guggenheim, the Company, the Company’s post business combination’s projected results of operations, financial performance or other financial metrics, or on any of the foregoing risks; and (25) other risks and uncertainties set forth in the section entitled “Risk Factors” and “Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements” in Gores Guggenheim’s final prospectus relating to its initial public offering (File No. 333-253338) declared effective by the SEC on March 22, 2021, and other documents filed, or to be filed, with the SEC by Gores Guggenheim or ListCo, including the Registration/Proxy Statement. There may be additional risks that neither Gores Guggenheim, the Company nor ListCo presently know or that Gores Guggenheim, the Company or ListCo currently believe are immaterial that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements.

Nothing in this Press Release should be regarded as a representation by any person that the forward-looking statements set forth herein will be achieved or that any of the contemplated results of such forward-looking statements will be achieved. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. Neither Gores Guggenheim, the Company nor ListCo undertakes any duty to update these forward-looking statements.

Additional Information

In connection with the proposed Business Combination, (i) ListCo has filed with the SEC a Registration/Proxy Statement, and (ii) Gores Guggenheim will file a definitive proxy statement relating to the proposed Business Combination (the “Definitive Proxy Statement”) and will mail the Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant materials to its stockholders after the Registration/Proxy Statement is declared effective. The Registration/Proxy Statement will contain important information about the proposed Business Combination and the other matters to be voted upon at a meeting of Gores Guggenheim stockholders to be held to approve the proposed Business Combination. This Press Release does not contain all the information that should be considered concerning the proposed Business Combination and is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision or any other decision in respect of the Business Combination. Before making any voting or other investment decisions, securityholders of Gores Guggenheim and other interested persons are advised to read, the Registration/Proxy Statement and the amendments thereto and the Definitive Proxy Statement and other documents filed in connection with the proposed Business Combination, as these materials will contain important information about Gores Guggenheim, the Company, ListCo and the Business Combination. When available, the Definitive Proxy Statement and other relevant materials for the proposed Business Combination will be mailed to stockholders of Gores Guggenheim as of a record date to be established for voting on the proposed Business Combination. Stockholders will also be able to obtain copies of the Registration/Proxy Statement, the Definitive Proxy Statement and other documents filed with the SEC, without charge, once available, at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov, or by directing a request to: Gores Guggenheim, Inc., 6260 Lookout Rd., Boulder, CO 80301, attention: Jennifer Kwon Chou.


Participants in the Solicitation

Gores Guggenheim and certain of its directors and executive officers may be deemed participants in the solicitation of proxies from Gores Guggenheim’s stockholders with respect to the proposed Business Combination. A list of the names of those directors and executive officers and a description of their interests in Gores Guggenheim is set forth in Gores Guggenheim’s filings with the SEC (including Gores Guggenheim’s final prospectus related to its initial public offering (File No. 333-253338) declared effective by the SEC on March 22, 2021), and are available free of charge at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov, or by directing a request to Gores Guggenheim, Inc., 6260 Lookout Rd., Boulder, CO 80301, attention: Jennifer Kwon Chou. Additional information regarding the interests of such participants is contained in the Registration/Proxy Statement.

The Company and ListCo, and certain of their directors and executive officers may also be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the stockholders of Gores Guggenheim in connection with the proposed Business Combination. A list of the names of such directors and executive officers and information regarding their interests in the proposed Business Combination is included in the Registration/Proxy Statement.

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This Press Release is not a proxy statement or solicitation of a proxy, consent or authorization with respect to any securities or in respect of the potential transaction and shall not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities of Gores Guggenheim, the Company or ListCo, nor shall there be any sale of any such securities in any state or jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, or sale would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of such state or jurisdiction. No offer of securities shall be made except by means of a prospectus meeting the requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


Press releases, Cars, Design, Technology, Sustainability , Polestar O₂

Smart technology with perfect styling

Duravit’s focus is on comfort and added value for the user

As the world becomes ever more digital, innovative products that enhance the user’s comfort are also finding their way into the bathroom. This is the end product of a customer-focused research and development process that combines technology, functionality, and design in a meaningful way.

Individual mirror control
Gone are the days of users being dazzled by harsh light in front of the mirror. The mirrors from the Happy D.2 Plus and XViu series by sieger design offer practical control via icons on the mirror surface. Contactless operation of the illuminated symbols by “hovering” a finger over the desired icon (infra-red sensor): thanks to the universal symbols, operation is intuitive.

Aesthetically, the icons harmonize perfectly with the overall design of the mirror.
The LED lighting can be individually configured via the touchscreen. With a luminosity of up to 1000 lux, XViu allows continual adjustment of the light color from warm light at 2700 K to cold light at 6500 K. The integrated mirror heating, which keeps the mirror clear of fog at all times, is also controlled using the relevant icon.

The optional dual mirror sets from the Happy D.2 Plus series, also by sieger design, are a perfect blend of aesthetics and technology. Innovative wireless technology allows for synchronized adjustment of the settings for both mirrors. All technologies are subtly integrated within the mirror.

Mirrors from the White Tulip series are available in versions controlled by sensors or an app. The light temperature featuring a memory effect can be synchronized with other lamps connected in the living area and controlled via “Casambi”, an app that has established itself as a reference in smart homes control systems. This feature can be used to dim the mirrors and switch the mirror heating on and off.

Iconic design and hi-tech

The D.1 faucet range saw Duravit team up with Matteo Thun and Antonio Rodriguez to create an iconic design. With the D.1e electronic version, extra state-of-the-art technology has been integrated into the accentuated design for even greater operating comfort. This variant offers the highest comfort and safety thanks to a range of functions. The flat operating button with the integrated LED colored ring is easy and intuitive to operate. A light tap starts or stops the flow of water, and a turn to the left or right alters the water temperature from cold to warm. With the continuous color display from blue to red, the LED ring also provides visual feedback.

Up to three temperature values can be individually stored and directly activated via the “Quick Access” feature. An electronic thermostat integrated into the control unit reacts sensitively to any change to the cold and warm water flow, so that the required temperature is automatically adjusted and kept constant. Additionally, the scald protection is preset at 38 degrees Celsius.

D.1e features a range of presets that can be configured easily and individually, for instance temperature limitation, maximum water flow time, hygiene interval, thermal disinfection, color selection for the ambient lighting on the LED illuminated ring.

Intuitive operation for perfect hygiene
SensoWash® is a by-word for contemporary, gentle, and flawless hygiene. The SensoWash® Starck f shower-toilet is iconic and minimalistic in equal measure. The design of the new shower-toilet generation bears the hallmark of star designer Philippe Starck. His mission: to make the most natural form of cleansing – with water – accessible to a broad public, to subtly integrate technology into the design, and to guarantee the highest level of comfort.

Users’ individual requirements were taken into account during product development – for example, the option to adjust the intensity and position of the spray arm. This function and others are managed using an innovative remote control. While the “Lite” version impresses with its elegantly restrained look, the premium version, SensoWash® Starck f Plus, stands out thanks to its sophisticated, streamlined design. In addition to operation via remote control, on this model, functions such as the water and seat temperature can also be configured using the app. Five different user profiles can be set up. The customer-oriented app enables quick and easy operation and reflects the stylish design of the shower-toilet.

The flush function and odor extraction system may also be controlled via remote control or app if the wall-mounted element, itself perfectly harmonized for SensoWash® Starck f by Duravit, is combined with the A2 electronic actuator plate. An ideal example of how Duravit deploys digital technologies to enhance and maximize comfort.

Duravit AG
Founded in 1817 in Hornberg in the Black Forest, Duravit AG is today a leading international manufacturer of designer bathrooms. The company is active in more than 130 countries worldwide and stands for innovation in the fields of signature design, comfort-enhancing technology and premium quality. In cooperation with an international network of high-profile designers such as Philippe Starck, sieger design, Christian Werner, Cecilie Manz and young talents such as Bertrand Lejoly and Kurt Merki Jr., the company develops unique bathrooms that enhance quality of life for users on a sustained basis. Duravit’s product portfolio comprises sanitary ceramics, bathroom furniture, bathtubs and shower trays, wellness systems, shower-toilets, tap fittings and accessories as well as installation systems.

Coming soon, the Master & Dynamic headphones and earphones for Automobili Lamborghini in the Squadra Corse version 

Coming soon, the Master & Dynamic headphones and earphones for Automobili Lamborghini in the Squadra Corse version

The audio devices at the 2021 Super Trofeo World Finals

Sant’Agata Bolognese, 15 November 2021 – One year from the news of the partnership with Master & Dynamic, Automobili Lamborghini announces the Squadra Corse version of co-branded headphones. Master & Dynamic, a New York brand and a leading producer of premium audio devices, takes on the official colors of Automobili Lamborghini Squadra Corse, adding the new version of headphones and earphones to the three liveries already available.

The collection comprises two of Master & Dynamic’s most technologically advanced audio devices, with wireless connectivity range up to 30 m. The MW65 wireless headphones, equipped with Bluetooth 4.2 technology supporting AptX and SBC, feature two ANC (Active Noise-Cancelling) modes, so that each user can adjust the sound according to the listening environment, and battery life up to 24 hours.

The MW07 PLUS True Wireless earphones, equipped with Bluetooth 5.0 technology supporting AptX and SBC, boast 10 mm beryllium drivers for optimal sound quality and a stainless steel charging case that provides a full 40 hours of battery life.

The MW65 wireless headphones and MW07 PLUS True Wireless earphones are offered with a Y pattern and the Mantis Green color, the same color as the Lamborghini super sports cars. The headphones feature a black anodized aluminum frame covered with black Alcantara® and Mantis Green leather, and the exterior of the speakers is in sapphire glass that reveals the Automobili Lamborghini Squadra Corse logo and the pattern with the green Y. The MW07 PLUS acetate earphones are inspired by the striking finish of Lamborghini models, and the stainless steel charging case echoes the use of matte paint for the bodywork.

The world finals of the 2021 Lamborghini Super Trofeo at the Marco Simoncelli International Circuit in Misano Adriatico were the perfect setting to experience the new earphones and headphones, to be immersed in the silence and seek concentration before the race or to relax after the exertions of the race and the hours of adrenaline.

The entire Master & Dynamic for Automobili Lamborghini collection is available at lamborghinistore.comMasterDynamic.comMasterDynamic.co.uk and MasterDynamic.eu

Master & Dynamic

With an unrelenting attention to design and detail, Master & Dynamic has a deep passion for building beautifully crafted and technically sophisticated sound tools to help focus, inspire and transport your mind. Since its launch in 2014, New York City-based premium audio brand Master & Dynamic has released a variety of award-winning audio products ranging from wired and wireless headphones to a wireless speaker. Its first true wireless earphones, the MW07, were recognized for world class design as the winner of The Red Dot Award: Product Design 2019.

Designed to be modern yet timeless, Master & Dynamic products utilize only the finest materials and are engineered to last, creating the perfect balance of aesthetics, strength, comfort and exceptional sound. Master & Dynamic believes mastery is a never-ending exploration requiring a dynamic approach and has collaborated with leading luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton as well as world-renowned architect Sir David Adjaye. Our sound tools can be found in over 500 partner stores around the world. View the entire collection at www.masterdynamic.com and join the conversation at @masterdynamic.

Goodwood Announces 2022 Motorsport Event Dates

  • The 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport will be held on 9-10 April.
  • The Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard will be held on 23-26 June.
  • The Goodwood Revival will be held on 16-18 September.
  • Tickets go on sale to the general public on Monday 8 November at 9am.
  • Customers can get early access from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Goodwood is pleased to announce the dates for its 2022 motorsport and automotive events. Kicking off the season will be the 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport on 9-10 April, followed by the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard on 23-26 June and finishing with Goodwood Revival on 16-18 September.

2021 saw Goodwood make an incredible return to the motorsport and motoring calendar, with all three events taking place over the summer and autumn, welcoming back our passionate fans after more than 18 months away. Looking ahead to next year, the events will not only revert to the usual order – starting with the Members’ Meeting in April – but they will run at full capacity and bring back many popular aspects as well as new celebrations, moments, car launches and interactive customer experiences.

Members’ Meeting will remain the playground for Members and Fellows of the Goodwood Road Racing Club (GRRC), with a weekend of exceptional racing, high-speed demonstrations, off-track festivities and fireworks, and of course the unique school ‘house’ rivalry.

Festival of Speed 2021

The Festival of Speed will return as the destination for innovation, technology and future mobility, as well as hosting perennial favourites including Formula 1, drift, contemporary teams, champion drivers and riders of past, present and future, and more than a century of motorsport history. The awe-inspiring Future Lab will wow event-goers, as will the latest supercars in action on the Hill, and the world’s leading manufacturers launching their latest cars. Electric Avenue – the ultimate place for consumers to immerse themselves in the world of electric mobility – will be back after its debut in 2021.

Revival will once again host the world’s greatest weekend of historic racing, accompanied by fabulous vintage fashion and glamour, set within the iconic Goodwood Motor Circuit. Popular new initiatives for 2021, including the Make Do & Mend corner and Revival Car Boot Sale, will make a welcome – and enhanced – return, as Goodwood continues to celebrate and showcase sustainability and second-hand lifestyle, encouraging attendees to embrace the event’s Revive and Thrive ethos.

Goodwood Revival 2021

Further details and announcements on what will feature at this year’s events will be announced in the months ahead.

Commenting on next year’s events, The Duke of Richmond said: “I am thrilled that our much-loved, sell-out motorsport events will be making a spectacular return in 2022. Thank you to everyone who attended and partnered with the Festival of Speed, Revival and Members’ Meeting this year. Your loyalty and support after a challenging 18 months made them more special than ever, and we can’t wait to see you back at Goodwood again next year. It really will be a season not to miss.”

When do tickets go on sale?

Tickets for the 79th Members’ Meeting, Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will be on sale at goodwood.com on the following dates:

  • Saturday 30 October 2021 – GRRC Members
  • Monday 1 November 2021 – GRRC Fellowship
  • Monday 8 November 2021 – Public

As in previous years, children aged 12 and under go free and a Young Person ticket will also be available for those aged between 13 and 21 years of age.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, exclusive video content, competitions, offers and much more.

Goodwood’s unrivalled hospitality packages are available to book now for the 2022 Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival by emailing hospitality@goodwood.com or calling 01243 755054. Whether customers are looking for a great day out with friends, entertaining clients or celebrating something special, Goodwood’s hospitality provides the ultimate setting to enjoy the events.

Also launching at Goodwood in 2022, will be Goodwoof (28-29 May) and Eroica Britannia (6-7 August). The two new events will bring ‘all things dog’ and vintage cycling to the estate’s impressive and popular events portfolio. Tickets to Goodwoof are on sale now at goodwood.com, with Eroica Britannia to follow at the end of the year.

2022 Event Charities

The Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival will also partner with two new charities in 2022. Race Against Dementia, a charity set up by Sir Jackie Stewart OBE will be supported by the Festival of Speed and local charity Aldingbourne Trust will be supported by the Revival.

Race Against Dementia is a global charity established to fund pioneering research to find a prevention or treatment for dementia. The Race Against Dementia (RAD) Fellowship Programme draws from the most promising early career scientific talent around the world. Collaboration with forward-thinking teams in Formula One and other innovative organisations brings the dynamic attitude, dedication and agility of Grand Prix teamwork to drive results in dementia research. The programme not only accelerates the Fellows’ personal research agendas but also aspires to catalyse a change in dementia research culture globally.

The Aldingbourne Trust provides real skills, care and jobs in a 21st Century way. Through strong partnerships and social enterprise, they enable adults with learning disabilities to have real choices and to lead more independent lives. The trust provides much-valued support in all aspects of their lives including accommodation, training, employment, advice and having fun!

Image credit: 1. Jayson Fong | 2. Dominic James | 3. Jayson Fong | 4. Dominic James | 5. Jayson Fong

Goodwood Revival 2021

Tickets for the Festival of Speed and Goodwood Revival go on sale to the public on Monday 8 November at 9am at goodwood.com, with priority booking available for GRRC Members and Fellows. Customers can join the Fellowship at any time to receive priority booking for the 2022 events.

2022 Event Dates:

  • 79th Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport, Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 April 2022
  • Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard, Thursday 23 – Sunday 26 June 2022
  • Goodwood Revival, Friday 16 – Sunday 18 September 2022


Tickets can be purchased via goodwood.com or by calling the Ticket Office on 01243 755055.

Members of the public can get early access to tickets and buy from 1 November by joining the GRRC Fellowship. For just £43 a year, the Fellowship not only provides a special ticket window, but is the only entry route to join the GRRC, offering a range of benefits including access to the members-only Members’ Meeting, access to video archives, competitions, offers and much more.

For an extra special day out, hospitality is also available across the event and can be organised by emailing hospitality@goodwood.com or calling 01243 755054.

Goodwood wants customers to be able to book with confidence and if it is deemed that Goodwood events cannot take place on advice from the UK Government due to the ever-changing pandemic, the ‘Ticket Guarantee’ means customers can transfer their ticket to the following year or receive a full refund.

Goodwood’s number one priority is the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved, whether working behind-the-scenes, at the wheel, or attending the spectacle. Goodwood continues to work closely with Public Health England and UK Government advisory groups and all events will be run strictly in accordance with the Government’s Covid-19 guidelines

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About the Members’ Meeting presented by Audrain Motorsport
The Goodwood Members’ Meeting is an epic weekend of motor racing founded by the Duke of Richmond, which aims to recreate the atmosphere and camaraderie of the original BARC Members’ Meetings held at Goodwood throughout the 1950s and 1960s.

As well as a full programme of racing, the Members’ Meeting features all kinds of cars from classic tin-tops and GTs, to motorcycles and open wheeled Formula 3 and F1 machines, offering visitors a friendly and intimate atmosphere with no crowds, thanks to being exclusively available to GRRC Members and Fellowship. A winning formula of spectacular cars, high-speed track demonstrations, fun-packed festivities and great entertainment; along with the very best food and drink. Joining the GRRC Fellowship is the only way to become a full GRRC Member.

About Audrain Motorsport
Audrain Motorsport is all about the chance to share extraordinary experiences centred around the way you want to engage with cars and motorcycles. No matter where your passion connects, on a tour, rally or back country drive; exploring the limits of your car and your talent against the clock on a track; as an insider at the world’s leading Concours d’Elegance and historic races; or sharing conversation with the movers, shakers and legends of the motoring world in an intimate setting, we are here to make it possible.

Audrain Motorsport promises “curated immersive automotive experiences” for all its members who are looking to take their passion to the next level, and to operate at the top of the automotive lifestyle chain. For more information please visit, www.AudrainMotorsport.com and stay up-to-date with all news and information by following us on our YouTube Channel and social media platforms.

About the Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard
First staged in 1993, the Goodwood Festival of Speed presented by Mastercard is the world’s largest automotive garden party; set against the spectacular backdrop of Goodwood House in West Sussex, UK. Over 600 cars and motorcycles spanning the phenomenal history of motoring and motorsport take part along with legendary figures from the automotive world. Highlights include Future Lab presented by bp, Electric Avenue, Forest Rally Stage, Michelin Supercar Paddock, Michelin Supercar Run, F1 paddock, Drivers’ Club, GAS Arena, Cartier Style et Luxe Concours d’Elegance, Aviation Exhibition and Bonhams Auction.

About the Goodwood Revival
The Goodwood Revival is the world’s greatest historic motor race meeting, and the only sporting event of its kind to be staged entirely in a period theme. More than just an unrivalled weekend of historic racing, it is a whimsical step back in time; an immersive celebration of a less disposable world, where “make do and mend” was a way of life rather than a casual slogan.

The Revival is, at its heart, a celebration of craftsmanship and sustainability, from an age when possessions were made to last and be cherished. It promotes a thoroughly modern ethos – to “reduce, reuse, repair, restore and recycle” – in the most authentic way possible. All the cars are original, having been lovingly maintained since new, many of the outfits have been handed down through generations, and even the retailers specialise in pre-owned artefacts – everything from clothes and accessories to automobilia and books.

It is, proudly, the world’s biggest and most glamorous second-hand event, encouraging attendees to embrace its Revive and Thrive ethos.


E1 Series and PIF announce partnership to create world’s first electric powerboat championship

Electric Sea Racing Limited (‘E1 Series’) and Public Investment Fund (PIF) have entered into a partnership that will see PIF support in creating the world’s first electric powerboat racing championship.

The news was revealed today during a virtual launch event, where E1 Series organisers also unveiled the new design of the electric RaceBird powerboat ahead of World Oceans Day on June 8.

The partnership represents a significant step forward in the long-term development of the championship, providing a strong foundation on which to build from and enabling the series to further accelerate preparations for the inaugural season, scheduled to take place in early 2023 – with Saudi Arabia to be one of the considered race locations.

As a major contributor to the global economy and partner of choice for innovative companies and investors, PIF’s investment in E1 is in line with its 2021-2025 strategy announced earlier this year, which focuses on 13 key strategic sectors, including sports and entertainment, and renewable energy. This includes major investments in renewable energy companies, such as ACWA Power and the Sudair Solar Energy project, as well as in the development of electric vehicles through its investment in Lucid Motors.

Series creators Alejandro Agag, Chairman of E1, and Rodi Basso, CEO of E1, were both joined live in the studio by the President of the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) Raffaele Chiulli, as well as SeaBird Technologies Founder Sophi Horne, and Founder & CEO of Victory Marine Brunello Acampora to present the RaceBird powerboat.

The vessel is a completely new design and was co-created by Horne and Acampora following an extensive validation process. The RaceBird is inspired by nature and birds flying low over the water and features an outboard motor, enclosed safety canopy and hydrofoil technology.

Using innovative hydrofoil technology, the electric RaceBird powerboats will rise high above the water’s surface, allowing for minimum drag and maximum energy efficiency. Being lifted above the waves will not only improve performance, but it will also promote close and competitive racing with a reduced wake when following an opponent.

The RaceBird is specially designed for foil-to-foil racing and is capable of reaching speeds up to 50 knots (93 km/h or 58 mph), with pilots showcasing their skills using tight and technical circuits located close to shore in the heart of urban areas.

With the design now validated, the RaceBird has entered into the production phase with the expert engineers at Victory Marine concentrating their efforts and resource over the coming months on manufacturing a full fleet of race-ready electric powerboats.

Alejandro Agag, Co-Founder & Chairman of E1, said: “It gives me great pleasure to welcome on board PIF as a new partner in this exciting venture. To get the backing of PIF at this early stage of development emphasises the importance of our mission to electrify marine mobility. With the new design of the RaceBird boat you see today, we hope to accelerate change in the marine industry and provide sustainable solutions for future leisure craft. The new powerboat that Sophi and Brunello designed looks like a spaceship. I’ve compared electric racing cars to podracers from Star Wars in the past, but the RaceBird looks even more futuristic. Working together with PIF, I look forward to ushering in a new era of electric powerboat racing.”

Rodi Basso, Co-Founder & CEO of E1, said: “We’re thrilled to be working together with PIF to jointly shape the future direction of powerboating. Forming a strong partnership with a global investment powerhouse such as PIF provides a solid foundation on which to build a new sport. The RaceBird presents a unique challenge and one that the teams at SeaBird Technologies and Victory Marine have delivered on. They’ve managed to develop an innovative powerboat with an eye-catching design and factored in practical solutions ready to go racing. Shortly we’ll also be announcing our powertrain and electronics partners; we’re on schedule to hit the water soon.”

Commenting on the announcement, HE Yasir Al-Rumayyan, Governor of the Public Investment Fund, said: “This exciting investment in a new premier sport format aligns with our strategy to enable innovation globally and unlock new industries, as well as build strategic partnerships with real value add to Saudi Arabia. We believe our support for future sports will also contribute to the growth of various sectors globally.

“Our partnership with E1 will help drive the development of innovative sustainable technology, which in turn positions Saudi as an enabler in the industries of the future and the creation of new opportunities.”

Sophi Horne, Founder of SeaBird Technologies, said: “It’s amazing to finally be able to share the new RaceBird design with the world. Obviously, I’ve seen it on a screen quite a lot in the past few months! But it’s great to show the new look of the boat that the pilots will race with. The bodywork and shape of the vessel is inspired by nature and birds flying above the water’s surface. What has been interesting is trying to find a balance between how you envisage the design and combining that with optimising both performance and efficiency. The solution we settled on fortunately doesn’t compromise on either the looks or performance capabilities.”

Brunello Acampora, Founder & CEO of Victory Marine, said: “Today’s announcement is the result of many months of hard work, creating a completely new design and simulating it in a competitive racing environment. I’ve really enjoyed working together with Sophi to produce the vessel that will compete in the world’s first electric powerboat championship. Now that the design has been fully validated, we’ll begin engineering and manufacturing the boats in preparation for prototype testing and ready for the teams to receive their first delivery. For us at Victory Marine, the E1 Series is the greatest test bench for cutting-edge solutions that will change the future of navigation forever.”

Dr. Raffaele Chiulli, President of the UIM, said: “At the International Powerboat Federation, we’re delighted to be part of this groundbreaking development in the powerboating sport. The futuristic RaceBird design combined with the use of hydrofoil technology in the E1 Series reflects the pioneering spirit of this initiative and are an inspiring answer to today’s challenges facing marine mobility. It’s an exciting moment for our sport and I cannot wait to see the RaceBird on the water.”

Released ahead of World Oceans Day, the RaceBird acts as a symbol of the future ambitions of the E1 Series, to revolutionise marine mobility and reduce the pressures being placed on fragile underwater ecosystems across the world.

The next major milestone in the RaceBird development is in September when the covers come off the first full-scale model at the Monaco Yacht Show, before the start of prototype testing which is set to get underway later this year.

E1 were advised by Shoosmiths law firm and financial advisers PJT Partners.


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Photo Taken In United States, Venice

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Photo Taken In United States, Venice


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