Tag Archive for: Trends

Tendencias en el baño: el baño como zona de estar y estancia de bienestar

Los materiales naturales, los colores sutiles y las formas orgánicas crean un baño acogedor en el que pasar el rato.

  • El baño acogedor ofrece un lugar de refugio del ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida cotidiana.
  • Los materiales naturales de alta calidad, como la cerámica y la madera, definen el interior con su tacto agradable
  • El diseño sin complicaciones se une a las formas redondas
  • Excelente diseño de baño para habitaciones de cualquier tamaño.
  • Sostenibilidad: productos duraderos, ahorradores de agua y reciclables
  • El diseño y las características técnicas garantizan una mayor higiene en el baño

El baño ya no es solo un lugar para la rutina diaria de cuidado y salud. Se ha convertido en un lugar de refugio del ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida cotidiana donde puedes sentirte a gusto, relajarte y ser uno contigo mismo. Así como la cocina ha convergido con la sala de estar, el baño ahora se está convirtiendo en uno con el dormitorio. Los límites de las habitaciones se vuelven fluidos con el área de lavado y la bañera ubicadas en el centro del dormitorio, por ejemplo, con solo el inodoro separado físicamente. Los espacios flotantes funcionan porque los objetos sanitarios ahora se diseñan e instalan como muebles, como elementos decorativos independientes hechos de materiales naturales como cerámica, madera y piedra natural con una apariencia que crea una sensación de santuario.

El baño como zona de estar

No solo los baños contemporáneos se diseñan con un estilo cada vez más hogareño en cuanto a sus objetos sanitarios y muebles de baño, sino que los muebles, lámparas, textiles y complementos se abren paso cada vez más en este rincón de la casa. Las formas y los materiales se combinan con relajantes tonos beige y marrón para crear un ambiente acogedor, realzado con plantas que acentúan el espacio y aseguran un clima agradable en la habitación. La inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores es un sello distintivo del diseño escandinavo y de la estética japonesa en particular. La colección de baño Zencha de Duravit armoniza estos dos conceptos. El diseñador Sebastian Herkner elaboró ​​los objetos sanitarios y muebles de baño con materiales naturales como cerámica, madera y vidrio texturizado. Mientras que los muebles de almacenamiento modulares con sus bordes delicados y huecos de sombra emanan un aspecto más austero, la bañera independiente da la impresión de un gran canal que culmina en un elegante borde con una suave curva hacia el exterior. La colección de baño White Tulip de Duravit presenta formas orgánicas combinadas con muebles en superficies de madera maciza natural y lacados de alto brillo o mate satinado para crear armonía y suavidad en el interior. Diseñado por Philippe Starck, las formas de los objetos sanitarios, la grifería y el mobiliario recuerdan la silueta de un tulipán en flor. La colección de baño White Tulip de Duravit presenta formas orgánicas combinadas con muebles en superficies de madera maciza natural y lacados de alto brillo o mate satinado para crear armonía y suavidad en el interior. Diseñado por Philippe Starck, las formas de los objetos sanitarios, la grifería y el mobiliario recuerdan la silueta de un tulipán en flor. La colección de baño White Tulip de Duravit presenta formas orgánicas combinadas con muebles en superficies de madera maciza natural y lacados de alto brillo o mate satinado para crear armonía y suavidad en el interior. Diseñado por Philippe Starck, las formas de los objetos sanitarios, la grifería y el mobiliario recuerdan la silueta de un tulipán en flor.

Estilo de vida natural

La inspiración en la naturaleza es una tendencia que ha llegado para quedarse en el diseño de interiores. Como material, la madera tiene superficies atractivas al tacto, así como cualidades estéticas y táctiles que la hacen adecuada para un estilo de decoración natural como casi ningún otro material. La madera también es una característica establecida del baño. En D-Neo, el diseñador belga Bertrand Lejoly ha creado una gama de baño completa que ofrece tocadores sencillos y armarios semi-altos en una gama de acabados de muebles de roble y nogal.

Pequeño y de buen gusto

Del mismo modo, cada vez más fabricantes ofrecen ahora no solo objetos sanitarios, sino también muebles de dimensiones reducidas para que incluso los baños con medidas compactas puedan transformarse fácilmente en espacios habitables. Después de todo, los baños en las grandes ciudades suelen tener solo unos pocos metros cuadrados. Los armarios con espejos, los muebles de almacenamiento y los lavabos con espacio de almacenamiento también contribuyen a mantener el orden en el baño. Cuando todo tiene un lugar, la calma visual también está asegurada. Las superficies libres pueden acomodar piezas decorativas llamativas como joyeros, jarrones y cuencos.

Preservando los recursos

Pensar y actuar de manera sostenible siempre ha sido importante en Duravit, sobre todo cuando se trata de productos de diseño atemporal fabricados con materiales duraderos y de alta calidad. Duravit también ofrece una gama de soluciones para el baño que consumen menos agua que las convencionales o están fabricadas con materiales sostenibles. Sustano es un buen ejemplo: el primer plato de ducha reciclable que se comercializa es un golpe de efecto del fabricante alemán. Fabricado con el material mineral sostenible DuroCast Nature, no solo tiene una alta dureza superficial y densidad, sino que también los platos de ducha pueden devolverse al fabricante o a un centro de reciclaje local después del final de su vida útil. La gama minimalista de grifos Tulum de Philippe Starck ahorra energía y agua porque está equipada con una función FreshStart. En la posición central, esto solo produce agua fría para empezar. El caudal limitado por la función MinusFlow también ayuda a ahorrar este preciado recurso. Paralelamente a su gama de productos sostenibles existente, Duravit ha incorporado el objetivo de ser climáticamente neutral para 2045 en sus objetivos empresariales.

higiene en el baño

Desde la pandemia se ha prestado mayor atención a la higiene, especialmente en el baño. La limpieza a fondo está garantizada no solo por las superficies fáciles de limpiar, como la cerámica o DuroCast Nature, sino también por el diseño y las características técnicas. Por ejemplo, los inodoros de la gama White Tulip de Philippe Starck están equipados con la innovadora tecnología HygieneFlush que limpia todo el interior del inodoro. El esmalte cerámico HygieneGlaze también garantiza que aprox. El 90 por ciento de las bacterias (bacterias Ege coli) se han eliminado después de solo seis minutos, aumentando a aprox. 99,9 por ciento después de 24 horas. Otra creación de Philippe Starck es la serie de baño Soleil by Starck, cuyo inodoro sorprende con una delicada tapa que sobresale ligeramente. Esta característica de diseño especial significa que la tapa es fácil de agarrar sin tocar el asiento o la cerámica.


01_Salón Zencha

Diseño de baño acogedor con la gama de baño Duravit Zencha en Antracita Mate. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

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Diseño de baño acogedor con la gama de baño Duravit Zencha en Blanco. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

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Diseño de baño acogedor con la línea de baño White Tulip de Duravit. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores: cuarto de baño con un ambiente agradable. La gama de baño Duravit D-Neo ofrece una serie de baño completa con unidades de tocador sin complicaciones en una gama de acabados de roble y nogal. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores: cree un baño D-Neo para sentirse bien con Duravit. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG))


Inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores: cree un baño D-Neo para sentirse bien con Duravit. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

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Compacto pero elegante: lavabo con lavabo y consola de metal de la serie Duravit DuraSquare. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Duravit presenta Sustano, el primer plato de ducha reciclable fabricado con el innovador material DuroCast Nature. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Sustano representa la primera aplicación del nuevo material futurista DuroCast Nature en el baño. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Gama de grifería ahorradora de energía y agua Tulum de Philippe Starck con función FreshStart y MinusFlow de caudal reducido para un menor consumo de agua y energía en el baño. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


La función FreshStart de ahorro de energía en los mezcladores monomando garantiza que el agua caliente solo se agregue cuando la palanca se mueve deliberadamente hacia la izquierda, una opción cuidadosamente considerada disponible, por ejemplo, en la inconfundible gama de grifos Tulum by Starck. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


HygieneFlush: la innovadora tecnología de descarga que limpia toda la superficie interior del inodoro con una innovadora técnica de descarga. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

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El inodoro de la gama de baño Soleil by Starck sorprende con una delicada tapa que sobresale ligeramente y es fácil de agarrar sin tocar el asiento o la cerámica. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG

Acerca de Duravit AG

Fundada en 1817 en Hornberg, en la Selva Negra, Duravit AG es hoy en día un fabricante internacional líder de baños de diseño y opera en más de 130 países en todo el mundo. La cartera completa de productos del proveedor de baño comprende cerámica sanitaria de primera calidad, muebles de baño, bañeras y platos de ducha, sistemas de bienestar, inodoros con ducha, grifería y accesorios, así como sistemas de instalación. Además de su experiencia en diseño interna, Duravit también trabaja en estrecha colaboración en el desarrollo de productos con una red internacional de diseñadores como Cecilie Manz, Philippe Starck, Christian Werner, Sebastian Herkner y Bertrand Lejoly, así como con talentosos recién llegados. La ambición de Duravit es hacer que la vida de sus accionistas sea un poco mejor cada día a través de una combinación de diseños con visión de futuro, excelencia de producto sin concesiones, un agudo sentido de las necesidades humanas y una gestión empresarial responsable. Una medida clave para lograr estos objetivos es la misión primordial de convertirse en una empresa climáticamente neutra para 2045 sin excepciones.

4 tendencias de diseño de interiores de lujo para el otoño/invierno de 2022

El otoño es la mezcla de calor y frío , siendo una transición al invierno. El diseño interior de una casa debe representar este estado de ánimo de transición, abrazando los cambios pero sin olvidar nunca la personalidad , el estilo y las raíces. ¡Descubramos las tendencias de diseño de interiores de otoño/invierno para 2022 !

stocklist por boca do lobo



Si bien parece ser demasiado pronto para pensar en una nueva temporada, este es el momento adecuado para planificar y comenzar a preparar el interior de nuestros hogares para recibir la nueva temporada. Como el otoño y el invierno están a la vuelta de la esquina, también se acerca el clima más frío y con eso más tiempo en casa, es crucial invertir en diseño de interiores .


Inspirándose en los colores de la naturaleza en esta temporada, las tendencias de color de diseño de interiores de otoño/invierno tienen que ver con tonos cómodos y acogedores . Desde tonos mostaza hasta marrón , naranja y verde intenso , el diseño interior de una casa debe combinar con los colores de las hojas de los árboles. Desde pequeños detalles, como piezas de arte y decoración pequeña, hasta el diseño de muebles, estos colores pueden estar presentes de diferentes maneras, convirtiendo un interior en perfecto para la temporada.

Tendencias de diseño de interiores de otoño e invierno: un sentido de transición del estilo hogareño

Boca do Lobo tiene diseños increíbles que pueden traer esa sensación de comodidad y calidez a través de los colores, como el aparador Diamond Chocolate , el Pixel Anodized , el Biombo Gold Marquetry Folding y el Picadilly Mirror . Como la madera es uno de los materiales principales en la colección de Boca do Lobo , por supuesto, cada pieza hecha en este material puede traer esta tendencia de color a la decoración, por ejemplo, el Aparador Voltaire y la Mesa de Comedor Empire .

aparador de diamantes de boca do lobo
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aparador de diamantes de boca do lobo
aparador de diamantes de boca do lobo
aparador de diamantes de boca do lobo
pixel anodizado por boca do lobo
pixel anodizado por boca do lobo

La tendencia de las capas está presente desde la temporada pasada, sobre todo en la moda, pero también en el diseño. En este otoño/invierno, se trata de superponer y mezclar diferentes materiales , desde madera hasta mármol , latón y vidrio , los diseños de Boca do Lobo son los muebles perfectos para incluir en el diseño de interiores de esta temporada , ya que sus piezas artesanales a menudo incluyen diferentes materiales nobles en un sentido único de estilo , lujo contemporaneidad.

Los imprescindibles perfectos de Boca do Lobo para la tendencia de esta temporada son la Stonehenge Side Table , que mezcla con maestría el mármol y el latón . Además, el sofá modular Imperfectio crea la combinación perfecta de latón y tela. Otros ejemplos son Wave Center Table y The Collactionista Bookcase.

mesa auxiliar stonehenge de boca do lobo
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imperfectio modular sofa by boca do lobo
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Tendencias de diseño de interiores: diseño biofílico

Llevando la tendencia de la última temporada al otoño/invierno de este año, una vez más para convertir un interior en tendencia, la naturaleza debe llevarse al interior. Eso completa la idea de confort y comodidad , ya que la naturaleza tiene un efecto calmante y pacífico en los interiores. Desde las formas hasta el color y la introducción de plantas en el interior , el diseño biofílico es una tendencia a mantener.

Tendencias de diseño de interiores de otoño e invierno: sentido de transición del estilo hogareño

Con su forma natural , la Mesa de Comedor Verde Bonsai es el elemento perfecto para realizar un diseño de interior inspirado en la Naturaleza. Además, el espejo Convex Metamorphosis y la mesa de centro Eden son los muebles perfectos para completar la decoración de otoño/invierno de un hogar.

mesa de comedor bonsai de boca do lobo
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espejo convexo de metamorfosis de boca do lobo
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mesa de centro eden de boca do lobo
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Tendencias de diseño de interiores: estilo Japandi
Tendencias de diseño de interiores de otoño e invierno: sentido de transición del estilo hogareño

El arboleda de los años 60 con un toque contemporáneo es la tendencia más creativa de la nueva temporada apoyándose en la mezcla de diferentes formas con estilo y creatividad. Los diseños de Boca do Lobo que marcarán la diferencia en esta tendencia interior son el Aparador Monochrome Chamaleon , el Cubic Sconce y la Newton Console .

aparador monocromático de boca do lobo
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aparador monocromático de boca do lobo
aparador monocromático de boca do lobo
¡Quédese con nosotros para descubrir más noticias de diseño de interiores!

Fall is the mix of warm and cold, being a transition to winter. The interior design of a home should represent this transitional mood, embracing changes but never forgetting personality, style, and roots. Let’s discover the fall/winter interior design trends for 2022!

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While it seems to be too early to be thinking about a new season this is just the right time to plan and start to prepare the inside of our homes to embrace the new season. As Fall and Winter are just around the corner, also the colder weather is coming and with that more time at home, is crucial to invest in Interior Design.


Inspired by the colours of Nature in this season, Fall/Winter interior design colour trends are all about comfortable and cosy tones. From mustard shades to brown, orange, and deep green, the interior design of a home, should be matching the tree leaves colours. From small details, such as art pieces and small decor, to furniture design these colours can be present in different ways turning an interior perfect for the season.

Fall & Winter Interior Design Trends: A Transitional Sense Of Home Style

Boca do Lobo has incredible designs that can bring this sense of comfort and cosiness through colours, such as the Diamond Chocolate Sideboard, the Pixel Anodized, the Gold Marquetry Folding Screen, and the Picadilly Mirror. As wood is one of the main materials in Boca do Lobo’s collection, of course, every piece made in this material can bring this colour trend to the decor, for example, the Voltaire Sideboard and the Empire Dining Table.

diamond sideboard by boca do lobo
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diamond sideboard by boca do lobo
diamond sideboard by boca do lobo
diamond sideboard by boca do lobo
pixel anodized by boca do lobo
pixel anodized by boca do lobo
Interior Design Trends: Curved Furniture Designs

The layering trend has been present since last season, mostly in fashion, but also in design. In this fall/winter, it is all about layering and mixing different materials, from wood to marble, brass, and glass, Boca do Lobo designs are the perfect furniture pieces to include in this season’s interior design, as its crafted pieces often include different noble materials in a unique sense of style, luxury and contemporaneity.

The perfect Boca do Lobo must-haves for this season’s trend are the Stonehenge Side Table, which mixes marble and brass with mastery. Also, the Imperfectio Modular Sofa creates the perfect mix of brass and fabric. Other examples are the Wave Center Table and The Collactionista Bookcase.

stonehenge side table by boca do lobo
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imperfectio modular sofa by boca do lobo
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Interior Design Trends: Biophilic Design

Bringing the last season trend to this year’s fall/winter, once again to turn an interior trendy, Nature must be brought to the inside. That completes the idea of comfort and cosiness as Nature has a calming and peaceful effect on interiors. From shapes to colour and the introduction of plants in the interior, biophilic design is a trend to keep.

Fall & Winter Interior Design Trends: Transitional Sense Of Home Style

With its natural shape, the Bonsai Green Dining Table is the perfect element to make an interior design inspired by Nature. Also, the Convex Metamorphosis Mirror and the Eden Center Table are the perfect furniture pieces to complete the fall/winter decor of a home.

bonsai dining table by boca do lobo
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convex metamorphosis mirror by boca do lobo
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eden center table by boca do lobo
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Interior Design Trends: Japandi Style
Fall & Winter Interior Design Trends: Transitional Sense Of Home Style

The 60s grove with a contemporary twist is the most creative trend of the new season relying on the mix of different shapes with style and creativity. The Boca do Lobo designs that will make the difference in this interior trend are the Monochrome Chamaleon Sideboard, the Cubic Sconce, and the Newton Console.

monochrome sideboard by boca do lobo
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monochrome sideboard by boca do lobo
monochrome sideboard by boca do lobo
Stay With Us To Discover More Interior Design News!
See also: 10 Modern Bedrooms Designs To Create a Relaxing Environment

Fall is the mix of warm and cold, being a transition to winter. The interior design of a home should represent this transitional mood, embracing changes but never forgetting personality, style, and roots. Let’s discover the fall/winter interior design trends for 2022!

stocklist by boca do lobo



While it seems to be too early to be thinking about a new season this is just the right time to plan and start to prepare the inside of our homes to embrace the new season. As Fall and Winter are just around the corner, also the colder weather is coming and with that more time at home, is crucial to invest in Interior Design.


Inspired by the colours of Nature in this season, Fall/Winter interior design colour trends are all about comfortable and cosy tones. From mustard shades to brown, orange, and deep green, the interior design of a home, should be matching the tree leaves colours. From small details, such as art pieces and small decor, to furniture design these colours can be present in different ways turning an interior perfect for the season.

Fall & Winter Interior Design Trends: A Transitional Sense Of Home Style

Boca do Lobo has incredible designs that can bring this sense of comfort and cosiness through colours, such as the Diamond Chocolate Sideboard, the Pixel Anodized, the Gold Marquetry Folding Screen, and the Picadilly Mirror. As wood is one of the main materials in Boca do Lobo’s collection, of course, every piece made in this material can bring this colour trend to the decor, for example, the Voltaire Sideboard and the Empire Dining Table.

diamond sideboard by boca do lobo
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diamond sideboard by boca do lobo
diamond sideboard by boca do lobo
diamond sideboard by boca do lobo
pixel anodized by boca do lobo
pixel anodized by boca do lobo
Interior Design Trends: Curved Furniture Designs

The layering trend has been present since last season, mostly in fashion, but also in design. In this fall/winter, it is all about layering and mixing different materials, from wood to marble, brass, and glass, Boca do Lobo designs are the perfect furniture pieces to include in this season’s interior design, as its crafted pieces often include different noble materials in a unique sense of style, luxury and contemporaneity.

The perfect Boca do Lobo must-haves for this season’s trend are the Stonehenge Side Table, which mixes marble and brass with mastery. Also, the Imperfectio Modular Sofa creates the perfect mix of brass and fabric. Other examples are the Wave Center Table and The Collactionista Bookcase.

stonehenge side table by boca do lobo
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imperfectio modular sofa by boca do lobo
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Interior Design Trends: Biophilic Design

Bringing the last season trend to this year’s fall/winter, once again to turn an interior trendy, Nature must be brought to the inside. That completes the idea of comfort and cosiness as Nature has a calming and peaceful effect on interiors. From shapes to colour and the introduction of plants in the interior, biophilic design is a trend to keep.

Fall & Winter Interior Design Trends: Transitional Sense Of Home Style

With its natural shape, the Bonsai Green Dining Table is the perfect element to make an interior design inspired by Nature. Also, the Convex Metamorphosis Mirror and the Eden Center Table are the perfect furniture pieces to complete the fall/winter decor of a home.

bonsai dining table by boca do lobo
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convex metamorphosis mirror by boca do lobo
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eden center table by boca do lobo
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Interior Design Trends: Japandi Style
Fall & Winter Interior Design Trends: Transitional Sense Of Home Style

The 60s grove with a contemporary twist is the most creative trend of the new season relying on the mix of different shapes with style and creativity. The Boca do Lobo designs that will make the difference in this interior trend are the Monochrome Chamaleon Sideboard, the Cubic Sconce, and the Newton Console.

monochrome sideboard by boca do lobo
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monochrome sideboard by boca do lobo
monochrome sideboard by boca do lobo
Stay With Us To Discover More Interior Design News!
See also: 10 Modern Bedrooms Designs To Create a Relaxing Environment
The Jills Zeder Group: Nº1 Luxury Property Specialists in real Trends 2021 Rankings

The Jills Zeder Group: Nº1 Luxury Property Specialists Miami in real Trends 2021 Rankings

In real estate, there are numerous firms and agencies claiming to be number one in their market. But only a few can back their claims with recognition from trusted industry authorities – and The Jills Zeder Group in Miami is one of them.

Ranked by RealTrends as the #1 Real Estate Team for 2021, The Jills Zeder Group, Coldwell Banker Luxury Property Specialists has firmly established themselves among the top Realtors not only in the Miami area, but also throughout Florida and the entire United States.

Get to Know The Jills Zeder Group

The Jills Zeder Group is the combination of two of the most powerful real estate brokerage teams in South Florida – The JILLS® and The Zeder Team. Realizing they’re driven by the same goals and business ethics, the teams joined forces in March, 2019, and quickly went on to create real estate history.

The team’s logo features three palm trees, symbolizing the three families that make up the core of this regional powerhouse. The JILLS® Team is represented by Jill Hertzberg and her children Danny Hertzberg and Hillary Hertzberg, as well as by Jill Eber and her sister Felise Eber. The Zeder Team is led by Judy Zeder and her children Nathan Zeder and Kara Zeder Rosen.

Together, this formidable group has 150 years of collective experience and $2 billions of dollars in sales just in 2021. Prior to their merger, their combined sales totaled $6 billion, some of which were achieved through their collaborative work on high-profile luxury sales.

The group specializes in upscale real estate throughout Miami-Dade County, representing buyers and sellers in the sale of multimillion dollar estates, high-end condominiums, and stunning waterfront properties.

Their affiliation with the Coldwell Banker Realty offices in Miami Beach and Coral Gables gives them access to a wide range of regional, national, and international clients across 43 countries, as well as to cutting edge resources and technology.

The group is also affiliated with the International Luxury Alliance and Hamptons International – London, expanding their reach to ultra high net worth individuals from anywhere in the world.

Unifying their varied strengths, the two generations of experts in The Jills Zeder team provide unparalleled service to match the needs and preferences of their highly discriminating clientele.

The #1 Real Estate Team in the United States in RealTrends’ 2021 Rankings

For 2021, The Jills Zeder Group was ranked the number one large real estate team in sales volume by RealTrends, as featured in Wall Street Journal. This means that, in 2020, among real estate teams in the country with 11 to 20 sales professionals, The Jills Zeder Group achieved the highest sales volume.

The team leads an elite list of what RealTrends describes as “the top one-tenth of one percent of more than 1.4 million licensed Realtors nationwide.” The Jills Zeder Group leads the top 250 real estate teams in the United States, with their closed sales volume of $1,236,209,506 and closed transaction sides (buying or selling) of 214.6 in 2020.

In addition, RealTrends data show that The Jills Zeder Group was the first non-team owned brokerage to have achieved sales of over $1 billion in just one year, an achievement the group was able to accomplish just a few months after the merger.

What it Means to Stakeholders

Coldwell Banker president and CEO called the group’s accomplishment “a testament to the team’s expertise, professionalism, and constant dedication to serve their clients as their trusted advisors.”

Buying or selling a luxury property in Miami-Dade County often involves multimillion dollar transactions. With so much at stake, you want to make sure you’re represented only by proven and tested professionals.

It’s important to have the guidance of experts who will see to it that your interests are protected, no matter which side of the transaction you’re in. Your Realtor should be someone who has the capability to guide you and steer the transaction toward a seamless and worry-free closing.

The Jills Zeder Group’s track record, both collectively and separately, speaks volumes about their performance, earning them the trust and confidence of high net worth individuals from around the world.

Their #1 ranking from RealTrends serves as a seal of confidence, affirming the group’s expertise, abilities, and commitment to achieving their clients’ goals.

What is RealTrends?

RealTrends is an independent and privately held communications, publication, and consulting firm specializing in residential real estate. They provide a range of services to the residential real estate industry, including valuations, M&A, and technology and marketing. In addition to realtors and brokers, their consulting clients include mortgage providers, title companies, tech service providers, and other professionals and companies involved in the real estate business.

Stakeholders in the industry look to RealTrends for updated market reports and analyses, which the organization bases on the financial data provided by hundreds of RealTrends Association Network members.

RealTrends also conducts surveys and studies to get the latest pulse of the market and uncover current industry trends. These reports are accessed through RealTrends’ monthly newsletter and other publications.

The organization also stages Gathering of Eagles, an annual event where leading real estate professionals can get the latest information and insights about the industry. RealTrends Association members also get access to association president Steve Murray’s podcasts, webinars, and one-on-one consultations.

The RealTrends Ranking Programs

RealTrends has several ranking programs designed for specific segments of the real estate industry. These include:

  • The RealTrends + Tom Ferry The Thousand RankingsIn this program, RealTrends, in collaboration with Tom Ferry International, invites individuals and teams to submit their production information. RealTrends will then verify the data and rank the entries accordingly.The Thousand team rankings program is broken down into four categories:
    • Small – for teams with 2 to 5 licensed agents
    • Medium – for teams with 6 to 10 licensed agents
    • Large – for teams with 11 to 20 licensed agents
    • Mega – for teams with 21 or more licensed agents

    For the RealTrends 2021 rankings, The Jills Zeder Group topped the Large Team category with sales volume of over $1.2 billion.

  • America’s BestThis ranking program recognizes the top individual real estate professionals by state.
  • RealTrends Five HundredStarted 34 years ago, the RealTrends Five Hundred rankings is considered the definitive ranking program for the largest residential real estate brokerage firms. It has several categories, including:
    • 500 By Volume – This ranks the country’s top brokerage firms by closed sales volume per year.
    • Billionaires’ Club – This ranks the top brokerages that closed at least $1 billion worth of transactions for the year
    • Nation’s Best – Includes brokerage firms that closed at least 500 transaction sides for the year but did not rank in the RealTrends Five Hundred category
    • Average Sale – This ranks brokerage firms according to the average sales price closed for the year
    • Independents – This honors the top independent brokerage firms in the country.
    • Top Movers – This recognizes brokerages with the biggest increase in closed sides for the year.
  • The RealTrends Market LeadersAs with the RealTrends Five Hundred rankings, RealTrends Market Leaders ranks the largest residential brokerage firms in the United States, but breaks down the rankings by metropolitan area.
  • RealTrends Website RankingsThis program ranks the top real estate websites in the United States. It includes six categories highlighting the facets that make a website effective:
    • Best Overall
    • Best Design
    • Best Community
    • Best Mobile
    • Best Property Detail
    • Best Video

    In the RealTrends 2021 Website Rankings, The Jills Zeder Group’s website ranked highly in several categories, including #3 in Best Overall, #2 in Best Design, and #1 in Best Mobile.

Why a RealTrends Ranking is Significant

In real estate, recognition from RealTrends is considered a badge of honor and an affirmation of a Realtor’s or real estate team’s ability to produce outstanding results. As an independent and unbiased authority in the industry since 1987, RealTrends’ rankings and awards are considered as benchmarks in defining excellence in the industry.

The organization’s ranking programs are participated in by thousands of real estate professionals and brokerage firms from around the country, who have to meet strict qualifications before their entries can be considered. To be ranked by RealTrends means the Realtor or brokerage has truly made it to the top of the heap.

With its #1 ranking, The Jills Zeder Group has achieved a remarkable milestone that speaks to the team’s expertise, dedication, and hard work.

One of the highlights of RealTrends’ The Thousand program is the publication of the results in the Wall Street Journal, giving it an added layer of significance and prominence. In fact, the program is often casually referred to as the WSJ Real Estate Ranking, although WSJ is not involved in the production of the rankings.

Other Achievements by The Jills Zeder Group

In addition to its #1 Ranking by RealTrends, The Jills Zeder Group has been recognized by other prestigious organizations and publications in 2021.

  • The #1 Team for Coldwell Banker RealtyIn March, 2021, Coldwell Banker Realty named The Jills Zeder Group as the firm’s number one top-performing large firm nationally in 2020, outperforming more than 96,000 Coldwell Banker sales professionals. The group was also named the #1 Coldwell Banker Realty Team, besting more than 45,000 sales professionals, and the #1 Team within Coldwell Banker Florida.The team got the top spot for the second year in a row, coming in on the back of their outstanding sales achievement of over $6 billion for 2020.

    Along with this, the group also earned the Society of Excellence designation, which is given to the top 1% of Coldwell Banker sales agents throughout the country.

  • Variety’s Showbiz Real Estate Elite 2021The iconic entertainment magazine Variety has named Jill Eber, Jill Hertzberg, and Judy Zeber among its Showbiz Real Estate Elite – a designation given to the top performing real estate professionals who count showbiz celebrities and business leaders among their clients.
  • SFBJ’s 2021 Power Brokers in Real Estate
  • South Florida Business Journal - Meet 2021 Power BrokersThe South Florida Business Journal has once again included Jill Eber, Judy Zeder, and Jill Hertzberg in its annual list of residential Power Brokers throughout Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties, citing The Jills Zeder Group’s outstanding sales achievement.

In addition, the agents at The Jills Zeder Group have been featured in numerous publications, TV shows, podcasts, and other far reaching venues, where they shared their expert industry insights and formidable market knowledge. You can find them individually or collectively in widely-circulated magazines, newspapers, and TV shows, including The Wall Street Journal, South Florida Business Journal, The Real Deal, Forbes, Modern Luxury, and so much more.

High-Profile Luxury Sales

The Jills Zeder Group also brokered a number of high-profile and record-breaking sales in 2021, further boosting their reputation as the go-to real estate powerhouse in Southern Florida.

These are just a few of their noteworthy accomplishments:

Partner with the #1 Real Estate Team in the United States

Together, merging their traditional expertise and contemporary outlook, The Jills Zeder Group continues to receive the highest rankings and accolades from around the globe, the U.S., Florida, and various cities. The Jills Zeder Group is — quite simply — an intergenerational formula for success.

A luxury home in Miami-Dade County is one of the biggest investments you can ever make. Don’t leave the success of such a major undertaking to chance. Partner with The Jills Zeder Group and get peace of mind knowing you’re working with the best of the best.

Call the team today at 305.722.5721 (Coral Gables) or 305.341.7447 (Miami Beach). You may also send an email to cg@jillszeder.com (Coral Gables) or mb@jillszeder.com (Miami Beach), or leave a message here.


Boca Do Lobo – luxury Exclusive Design Furniture – Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home

Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home

Modern Design Trends For Your Hallway

Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home guggenheim cabinet 01 boca do lobo

This handcrafted, extremely versatile and unique piece is ideal for storing glassware and fine silver collectables – a great complement to any classic or modern interior setting.

Modern Design Trends For Your Reading Corner

Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home 2

A dark room decorated with one-of-a-kind pieces such as the Imperfectio Armchair.


Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home imperfectio armchair 01 boca do lobo
Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home 2

A mid-century corner with a customized armchair. Picture this: getting home from work, and pick that book that is waiting for you on the shelf!

Modern Design Trends For Your Dining Room

Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home 3

Dining tables are synonymous with celebration. Besides that, these wonderful elements will add depth and sophistication to your dining room – it can be simple and it can be complex, depending on your own personal style. For us, Fortuna will always have a special place in our hearts.

Modern Design Trends For Your Living Room

Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home 4 1 scaled

Through a passionate explosion of romance and drama, the Venice Mirror stirs emotion in anyone that catches its eye. Hand cut and carved by an experienced artisan whose passion for glasswork goes back as far as his childhood, Venice represents Boca do Lobo’s ambition to bring value to true craftsmanship through contemporary design.

Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home venice mirror 01 boca do lobo
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The creativity and rich decoration of the Versailles Palace contributed to the inspiration of the creation of this exuberant sofa. Boca do Lobo opens the way to freedom and the need of bringing extravagant creations to life.


Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home versailles sofa 02 boca do lobo
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Modern furniture is all about clean lines, a restrained palette and stripped-down simplicity.

Modern Design Trends For Your Office

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Every home office area should strive for the ultimate fusion of functionality and beautiful design.

Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home 5 1

The Boulevard modern desk is a highly desirable classical piece. Perfect for your home office, or for a private space in your modern house, where you wish to register your thoughts and your ideas.

Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home boulevard desk 01 boca do lobo

Modern Design Trends For Your Master Bedroom

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Surround yourself with luxury and highlight all the best fixtures of any room with exquisite lighting designs.

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The perfect setting for a modern master bedroom!

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A minimal corner to rest and relax, with soft tones and simple pieces, that make this bedroom a marvellous space.

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Pink interiors have something special and lovely about them, right?

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After you see it you will never unsee this delicate and carefully handmade armchair especially drawn for the little ones.

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With beautiful brown tones and gold embellishments, this cosy bedroom area is perfect for reading a book or simply relaxing.

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A beautiful bedroom space and an amazing view, with stunning pieces and neutral tones.

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A magical bedroom that will make you daydream! Without a doubt, the monochromatic style helps to enhance the incredible lighting set. Looks like someone is going to sleep under the stars!

Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home 6 10

We simply can’t get enough of this gorgeous blue kid’s bedroom décor. Blue can be simultaneously as bright and vivid as it is a complimentary neutral. That’s why it’s one of our top picks for bedroom palettes.

Modern Design Trends For Your Master Bathroom

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A glamorous idea is the white and golden combination. A pure white bathroom design can be enhanced by golden drawer hardware that can fit any elegant bathroom. The hardware design should be considered an important part of your bathroom decor renovation.

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This beautiful item features a cluster of gold plated brass asymmetrical bars enveloping a black leather structure, that results in a blend of artful and stout personality.

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A beautiful blue-coloured stone wall and golden details are our favourite ingredients for a luxury bathroom design! Through a passionate explosion of romance, the Venice Mirror awakens an emotion in anyone who catches your eye. The Eden Freestanding and Towel Rack pieces represent our ambition to add value to true craftsmanship through contemporary design.


Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home eden freestanding 01 boca do lobo
Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home 7 3

A striking powder room that will amaze your guests! The Newton Washbasin is a unique wonder with spheres handcrafted one by one and looks fabulous with the Magma Mirror and its exquisiteness.


Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home newton washbasin 01 boca do lobo
Modern Design Trends For A Contemporary Home 7 1

A white bathroom sets our hearts aflutter every time we see one. All-white bathrooms scream classic, clean, and cool, but you don’t want them to be too cold. So how do you add warmth to a colourless place? By playing with different materials and finishes!