Tag Archive for: Watch A peacock

Reloj Animal World “Peacock” Un pavo real se une al audaz bestiario de joyería de Caroline Scheufele


Chopard continúa su extraordinario viaje por el camino del mundo animal que comenzó en 2010 cuando Caroline Scheufele, copresidenta y directora artística, imaginó una colección de Alta Joyería en homenaje al 150 aniversario de la Maison. Desplegando un impresionante bestiario de joyas, la colección Animal World dejó una huella memorable en la historia de la Maison y de la Alta Joyería en general. La aventura continúa con un reloj-joya ‘Peacock’, un pavo real, que revive el mundo de picardía y belleza infinita que hizo que la colección fuera tan exitosa.

Desde la presentación de las primeras piezas de la colección, Animal World inspira el maravilloso mundo de la Alta Joyería con frescos en miniatura y cuentos de ensueño. Cada animal, investido de su propia carga simbólica, representa un nuevo desafío para los escultores, fundidores, pulidores y engastadores de Chopard. Gracias a su excepcional dominio de la joyería, aprovechan al máximo las formas, los tonos y los materiales, dando vida a animales en pedrería y oro con gestos y expresiones cargadas de emoción.

En esta ocasión Caroline Scheufele ha decidido rendir homenaje a través de un reloj-joya a un pavo real lleno de elegancia. El pájaro extiende con gracia su cola alrededor de la esfera de nácar, guardando el curso del tiempo con un ramillete de plumas enjoyadas. Este fascinante abanico de plumas fascina con sus múltiples ojos de pupilas azul zafiro, orlados de pestañas de un verde intenso. Esta rueda solar, celebrada en la mitología india, abre la mente a la contemplación serena y la regeneración del alma. La pluma de pavo real es también símbolo de justicia porque el equilibrio de su plumaje pende de un hilo y el peso puede romperlo al menor suspiro.

Propulsado por un movimiento automático, este reloj excepcional fue seleccionado en el prestigioso concurso Gran Premio de Relojería de Ginebra en la categoría de joyería. Su creación ha requerido nada menos que 340 horas de trabajo de los talleres, incluyendo el engaste de unas 2.230 piedras preciosas -desde diamantes hasta turmalinas de Paraíba, zafiros, tsavoritas y lazulitas- en un hábil engaste de titanio anodizado.

Detalles técnicos
Reloj-joya ético de oro blanco de 18 quilates y titanio engastado con zafiros (4,7 cts), turmalinas Paraíba (1,67 cts), diamantes blancos, coñac, negros y marrones (para un total de 1,55 cts), tsavoritas (1,04 cts) y lazulitas (0,71 cts).
Árbitro. 134674-9001

Animal World “Peacock” Watch

A peacock joins the bold
jewelery bestiary by Caroline Scheufele

Chopard continues its extraordinary journey down the path of the animal world that began in 2010 when Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director, envisioned a High Jewelery collection in tribute to the House’s 150th anniversary. Unfolding an impressive jewelery bestiary, the Animal World collection left a memorable mark on the history of the House and of High Jewelery in general. The adventure continues with a watch-jewel ‘Peacock’, a peacock, which revives the world of mischief and infinite beauty that made the collection so successful.

Since the presentation of the first pieces of the collection, Animal World inspires the wonderful world of High Jewelery with miniature frescoes and dreamy tales. Each animal, invested with its own symbolic charge, represents a new challenge for Chopard’s sculptors, casters, polishers and setters. Thanks to their exceptional mastery of jewellery, they make the best possible use of shapes, tones and materials, bringing to life animals in precious stones and gold with gestures and expressions charged with emotion.

This time Caroline Scheufele has decided to pay homage through a jewel-watch to a peacock full of elegance. The bird gracefully spreads its tail around the mother-of-pearl sphere, guarding the course of time with a corsage of jeweled feathers. This fascinating fan of feathers fascinates with its multiple eyes with sapphire blue pupils, fringed with intense green eyelashes. This sun wheel, celebrated in Indian mythology, opens the mind to serene contemplation and regeneration of the soul. The peacock feather is also a symbol of justice because the balance of its plumage hangs by a thread and the weight can break it at the slightest breath.

Powered by an automatic movement, this exceptional timepiece was selected in the prestigious Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix competition in the jewelery category. Its creation has required no less than 340 hours of work by the workshops, including the setting of some 2,230 precious stones – ranging from diamonds to Paraíba tourmalines, sapphires, tsavorites and lazulites – in a skillful anodized titanium setting.

Technical details
18-carat ethical white gold and titanium watch-jewel set with sapphires (4.7 cts), Paraíba tourmalines (1.67 cts), white, cognac, black and brown diamonds (for a total of 1.55 cts), tsavorites (1.04 cts) and lazulites (0.71 cts).
Ref. 134674-9001

Animal World “Peacock” Watch

A peacock joins the bold
jewelery bestiary by Caroline Scheufele

Chopard continues its extraordinary journey down the path of the animal world that began in 2010 when Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director, envisioned a High Jewelery collection in tribute to the House’s 150th anniversary. Unfolding an impressive jewelery bestiary, the Animal World collection left a memorable mark on the history of the House and of High Jewelery in general. The adventure continues with a watch-jewel ‘Peacock’, a peacock, which revives the world of mischief and infinite beauty that made the collection so successful.

Since the presentation of the first pieces of the collection, Animal World inspires the wonderful world of High Jewelery with miniature frescoes and dreamy tales. Each animal, invested with its own symbolic charge, represents a new challenge for Chopard’s sculptors, casters, polishers and setters. Thanks to their exceptional mastery of jewellery, they make the best possible use of shapes, tones and materials, bringing to life animals in precious stones and gold with gestures and expressions charged with emotion.

This time Caroline Scheufele has decided to pay homage through a jewel-watch to a peacock full of elegance. The bird gracefully spreads its tail around the mother-of-pearl sphere, guarding the course of time with a corsage of jeweled feathers. This fascinating fan of feathers fascinates with its multiple eyes with sapphire blue pupils, fringed with intense green eyelashes. This sun wheel, celebrated in Indian mythology, opens the mind to serene contemplation and regeneration of the soul. The peacock feather is also a symbol of justice because the balance of its plumage hangs by a thread and the weight can break it at the slightest breath.

Powered by an automatic movement, this exceptional timepiece was selected in the prestigious Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix competition in the jewelery category. Its creation has required no less than 340 hours of work by the workshops, including the setting of some 2,230 precious stones – ranging from diamonds to Paraíba tourmalines, sapphires, tsavorites and lazulites – in a skillful anodized titanium setting.

Technical details
18-carat ethical white gold and titanium watch-jewel set with sapphires (4.7 cts), Paraíba tourmalines (1.67 cts), white, cognac, black and brown diamonds (for a total of 1.55 cts), tsavorites (1.04 cts) and lazulites (0.71 cts).
Ref. 134674-9001

Animal World “Peacock” Watch

A peacock joins the bold
jewelery bestiary by Caroline Scheufele

Chopard continues its extraordinary journey down the path of the animal world that began in 2010 when Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director, envisioned a High Jewelery collection in tribute to the House’s 150th anniversary. Unfolding an impressive jewelery bestiary, the Animal World collection left a memorable mark on the history of the House and of High Jewelery in general. The adventure continues with a watch-jewel ‘Peacock’, a peacock, which revives the world of mischief and infinite beauty that made the collection so successful.

Since the presentation of the first pieces of the collection, Animal World inspires the wonderful world of High Jewelery with miniature frescoes and dreamy tales. Each animal, invested with its own symbolic charge, represents a new challenge for Chopard’s sculptors, casters, polishers and setters. Thanks to their exceptional mastery of jewellery, they make the best possible use of shapes, tones and materials, bringing to life animals in precious stones and gold with gestures and expressions charged with emotion.

This time Caroline Scheufele has decided to pay homage through a jewel-watch to a peacock full of elegance. The bird gracefully spreads its tail around the mother-of-pearl sphere, guarding the course of time with a corsage of jeweled feathers. This fascinating fan of feathers fascinates with its multiple eyes with sapphire blue pupils, fringed with intense green eyelashes. This sun wheel, celebrated in Indian mythology, opens the mind to serene contemplation and regeneration of the soul. The peacock feather is also a symbol of justice because the balance of its plumage hangs by a thread and the weight can break it at the slightest breath.

Powered by an automatic movement, this exceptional timepiece was selected in the prestigious Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix competition in the jewelery category. Its creation has required no less than 340 hours of work by the workshops, including the setting of some 2,230 precious stones – ranging from diamonds to Paraíba tourmalines, sapphires, tsavorites and lazulites – in a skillful anodized titanium setting.

Technical details
18-carat ethical white gold and titanium watch-jewel set with sapphires (4.7 cts), Paraíba tourmalines (1.67 cts), white, cognac, black and brown diamonds (for a total of 1.55 cts), tsavorites (1.04 cts) and lazulites (0.71 cts).
Ref. 134674-9001

Animal World “Peacock” Watch

A peacock joins the bold
jewelery bestiary by Caroline Scheufele

Chopard continues its extraordinary journey down the path of the animal world that began in 2010 when Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director, envisioned a High Jewelery collection in tribute to the House’s 150th anniversary. Unfolding an impressive jewelery bestiary, the Animal World collection left a memorable mark on the history of the House and of High Jewelery in general. The adventure continues with a watch-jewel ‘Peacock’, a peacock, which revives the world of mischief and infinite beauty that made the collection so successful.

Since the presentation of the first pieces of the collection, Animal World inspires the wonderful world of High Jewelery with miniature frescoes and dreamy tales. Each animal, invested with its own symbolic charge, represents a new challenge for Chopard’s sculptors, casters, polishers and setters. Thanks to their exceptional mastery of jewellery, they make the best possible use of shapes, tones and materials, bringing to life animals in precious stones and gold with gestures and expressions charged with emotion.

This time Caroline Scheufele has decided to pay homage through a jewel-watch to a peacock full of elegance. The bird gracefully spreads its tail around the mother-of-pearl sphere, guarding the course of time with a corsage of jeweled feathers. This fascinating fan of feathers fascinates with its multiple eyes with sapphire blue pupils, fringed with intense green eyelashes. This sun wheel, celebrated in Indian mythology, opens the mind to serene contemplation and regeneration of the soul. The peacock feather is also a symbol of justice because the balance of its plumage hangs by a thread and the weight can break it at the slightest breath.

Powered by an automatic movement, this exceptional timepiece was selected in the prestigious Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix competition in the jewelery category. Its creation has required no less than 340 hours of work by the workshops, including the setting of some 2,230 precious stones – ranging from diamonds to Paraíba tourmalines, sapphires, tsavorites and lazulites – in a skillful anodized titanium setting.

Technical details
18-carat ethical white gold and titanium watch-jewel set with sapphires (4.7 cts), Paraíba tourmalines (1.67 cts), white, cognac, black and brown diamonds (for a total of 1.55 cts), tsavorites (1.04 cts) and lazulites (0.71 cts).
Ref. 134674-9001

Animal World “Peacock” Watch

A peacock joins the bold
jewelery bestiary by Caroline Scheufele

Chopard continues its extraordinary journey down the path of the animal world that began in 2010 when Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director, envisioned a High Jewelery collection in tribute to the House’s 150th anniversary. Unfolding an impressive jewelery bestiary, the Animal World collection left a memorable mark on the history of the House and of High Jewelery in general. The adventure continues with a watch-jewel ‘Peacock’, a peacock, which revives the world of mischief and infinite beauty that made the collection so successful.

Since the presentation of the first pieces of the collection, Animal World inspires the wonderful world of High Jewelery with miniature frescoes and dreamy tales. Each animal, invested with its own symbolic charge, represents a new challenge for Chopard’s sculptors, casters, polishers and setters. Thanks to their exceptional mastery of jewellery, they make the best possible use of shapes, tones and materials, bringing to life animals in precious stones and gold with gestures and expressions charged with emotion.

This time Caroline Scheufele has decided to pay homage through a jewel-watch to a peacock full of elegance. The bird gracefully spreads its tail around the mother-of-pearl sphere, guarding the course of time with a corsage of jeweled feathers. This fascinating fan of feathers fascinates with its multiple eyes with sapphire blue pupils, fringed with intense green eyelashes. This sun wheel, celebrated in Indian mythology, opens the mind to serene contemplation and regeneration of the soul. The peacock feather is also a symbol of justice because the balance of its plumage hangs by a thread and the weight can break it at the slightest breath.

Powered by an automatic movement, this exceptional timepiece was selected in the prestigious Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix competition in the jewelery category. Its creation has required no less than 340 hours of work by the workshops, including the setting of some 2,230 precious stones – ranging from diamonds to Paraíba tourmalines, sapphires, tsavorites and lazulites – in a skillful anodized titanium setting.

Technical details
18-carat ethical white gold and titanium watch-jewel set with sapphires (4.7 cts), Paraíba tourmalines (1.67 cts), white, cognac, black and brown diamonds (for a total of 1.55 cts), tsavorites (1.04 cts) and lazulites (0.71 cts).
Ref. 134674-9001

Animal World “Peacock” Watch

A peacock joins the bold
jewelery bestiary by Caroline Scheufele

Chopard continues its extraordinary journey down the path of the animal world that began in 2010 when Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director, envisioned a High Jewelery collection in tribute to the House’s 150th anniversary. Unfolding an impressive jewelery bestiary, the Animal World collection left a memorable mark on the history of the House and of High Jewelery in general. The adventure continues with a watch-jewel ‘Peacock’, a peacock, which revives the world of mischief and infinite beauty that made the collection so successful.

Since the presentation of the first pieces of the collection, Animal World inspires the wonderful world of High Jewelery with miniature frescoes and dreamy tales. Each animal, invested with its own symbolic charge, represents a new challenge for Chopard’s sculptors, casters, polishers and setters. Thanks to their exceptional mastery of jewellery, they make the best possible use of shapes, tones and materials, bringing to life animals in precious stones and gold with gestures and expressions charged with emotion.

This time Caroline Scheufele has decided to pay homage through a jewel-watch to a peacock full of elegance. The bird gracefully spreads its tail around the mother-of-pearl sphere, guarding the course of time with a corsage of jeweled feathers. This fascinating fan of feathers fascinates with its multiple eyes with sapphire blue pupils, fringed with intense green eyelashes. This sun wheel, celebrated in Indian mythology, opens the mind to serene contemplation and regeneration of the soul. The peacock feather is also a symbol of justice because the balance of its plumage hangs by a thread and the weight can break it at the slightest breath.

Powered by an automatic movement, this exceptional timepiece was selected in the prestigious Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix competition in the jewelery category. Its creation has required no less than 340 hours of work by the workshops, including the setting of some 2,230 precious stones – ranging from diamonds to Paraíba tourmalines, sapphires, tsavorites and lazulites – in a skillful anodized titanium setting.

Technical details
18-carat ethical white gold and titanium watch-jewel set with sapphires (4.7 cts), Paraíba tourmalines (1.67 cts), white, cognac, black and brown diamonds (for a total of 1.55 cts), tsavorites (1.04 cts) and lazulites (0.71 cts).
Ref. 134674-9001

Animal World “Peacock” Watch

A peacock joins the bold
jewelery bestiary by Caroline Scheufele

Chopard continues its extraordinary journey down the path of the animal world that began in 2010 when Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director, envisioned a High Jewelery collection in tribute to the House’s 150th anniversary. Unfolding an impressive jewelery bestiary, the Animal World collection left a memorable mark on the history of the House and of High Jewelery in general. The adventure continues with a watch-jewel ‘Peacock’, a peacock, which revives the world of mischief and infinite beauty that made the collection so successful.

Since the presentation of the first pieces of the collection, Animal World inspires the wonderful world of High Jewelery with miniature frescoes and dreamy tales. Each animal, invested with its own symbolic charge, represents a new challenge for Chopard’s sculptors, casters, polishers and setters. Thanks to their exceptional mastery of jewellery, they make the best possible use of shapes, tones and materials, bringing to life animals in precious stones and gold with gestures and expressions charged with emotion.

This time Caroline Scheufele has decided to pay homage through a jewel-watch to a peacock full of elegance. The bird gracefully spreads its tail around the mother-of-pearl sphere, guarding the course of time with a corsage of jeweled feathers. This fascinating fan of feathers fascinates with its multiple eyes with sapphire blue pupils, fringed with intense green eyelashes. This sun wheel, celebrated in Indian mythology, opens the mind to serene contemplation and regeneration of the soul. The peacock feather is also a symbol of justice because the balance of its plumage hangs by a thread and the weight can break it at the slightest breath.

Powered by an automatic movement, this exceptional timepiece was selected in the prestigious Geneva Watchmaking Grand Prix competition in the jewelery category. Its creation has required no less than 340 hours of work by the workshops, including the setting of some 2,230 precious stones – ranging from diamonds to Paraíba tourmalines, sapphires, tsavorites and lazulites – in a skillful anodized titanium setting.

Technical details
18-carat ethical white gold and titanium watch-jewel set with sapphires (4.7 cts), Paraíba tourmalines (1.67 cts), white, cognac, black and brown diamonds (for a total of 1.55 cts), tsavorites (1.04 cts) and lazulites (0.71 cts).
Ref. 134674-9001