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En el 60 aniversario de su viaje a bordo de la nave espacial Aurora 7, el mítico reloj con esfera de 24 horas está listo para despegar una vez más en una nueva versión que rinde homenaje a la histórica misión.

Para conmemorar la ocasión, Breitling ofreció la primera exhibición pública del Cosmonaute original desde 1962 y reveló la increíble historia del reloj.

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Edición Limitada_Ref. PB02301A1B1P1_RGB

En la década de 1960, el Navitimer de Breitling era el reloj de aviador indiscutible. Pero la atención del mundo estaba avanzando rápidamente más allá de los viajes aéreos y hacia la exploración espacial, y eso significaba que un tipo diferente de carrera espacial estaba en marcha silenciosamente. Esta vez, entre relojeros que compiten por ser los primeros en las muñecas de los astronautas.

La experiencia de Breitling en relojes de aviación llevó a la marca a la cabeza del grupo. El 24 de mayo de 1962, Breitling reclamó oficialmente el título de “primer reloj de pulsera suizo en el espacio” después de que el astronauta Scott Carpenter orbitara la Tierra tres veces mientras usaba el Navitimer Cosmonaute durante su misión Mercury-Atlas 7. El reloj había sido un pedido personal de Carpenter, una variación del icónico reloj de aviador que había encontrado en sus días de vuelo, pero con un dial de 24 horas para diferenciar el día de la noche en el espacio.

Hoy, en el 60 aniversario de esa misión, Breitling no solo presentó el Navitimer Cosmonaute original de Carpenter, sino que también lanzó un tributo moderno a él. Este lanzamiento especial está limitado a 362 piezas que reconocen tanto las circunnavegaciones de la Tierra de la nave espacial como el año en que la misión hizo historia, marcando un paso crucial en los vuelos espaciales tripulados.

Histórico Breitling Navitimer Cosmonaute de 1962 y el nuevo Navitimer Cosmonaute Limited Edition (de izquierda a derecha)_CMYK

Georges Kern, CEO de Breitling, dice: “Cuando presentamos el Navitimer rediseñado a principios de este año, una pregunta en boca de todos era: ‘¿Qué pasa con el Cosmonaute?’ Hoy, estoy encantado de anunciar finalmente dos revelaciones de Cosmonaute: la primera exhibición pública del reloj que Scott Carpenter usó en el espacio, y un reloj de edición limitada del 60 aniversario que rinde homenaje


El 24 de mayo de 1962, cinco horas después del lanzamiento, la cápsula espacial Aurora 7 con Carpenter a bordo amerizó a salvo en el Atlántico. La operación de recuperación duró tres horas, y la larga exposición al agua de mar provocó daños irreparables en el Cosmonaute de Carpenter. Breitling reemplazó de inmediato el reloj de Carpenter, pero esa pieza maltratada y corroída de la historia espacial permaneció en los archivos de la familia Breitling, sin restaurar y ampliamente desconocida. Es decir, hasta hoy.

Ahora, exactamente 60 años después de su vuelo histórico, ese gran reloj espacial se exhibió por primera vez para coleccionistas seleccionados, periodistas y entusiastas de los relojes en un evento de temática espacial en Zúrich. Fue una tarde de interacción animada, organizada conjuntamente por Georges Kern y el exastronauta de la NASA Scott Kelly, y contó con una impresionante lista de oradores invitados que incluyeron miembros de la  familia Carpenter, Gregory Breitling y el historiador y coleccionista Fred Mandelbaum. Los panelistas reflexionaron sobre la creación del Cosmonaute, la importancia de la misión de Carpenter y cómo ambos encajan en el contexto más amplio del programa espacial en ese momento.

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1A1_CMYK

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1P1_CMYK

También se exhibió un Cosmonaute que alguna vez fue propiedad del astronauta John Glenn y adquirido en una subasta en 2019 por Gregory Breitling.


El Cosmonaute es un auténtico Navitimer, lo que significa que tiene todas las características del icono de la aviación de Breitling: la regla de cálculo circular para realizar cálculos matemáticos, el
logotipo de “alas” de la Asociación de Pilotos y Propietarios de Aeronaves y el trío de subesferas de cronógrafo. Lo que separa al Cosmonaute del resto de su familia es su capacidad de decir el tiempo de 24 horas. El Calibre B02 de la Manufactura Breitling
fue diseñado específicamente para esta tarea.

A primera vista, el nuevo Cosmonaute es una reproducción fiel del original, hecho atemporal con una esfera completamente negra y una correa de piel de aligátor negra o un brazalete de acero inoxidable de siete filas. Sin embargo, en una inspección más cercana, el reloj de 41 mm de elegantes proporciones está repleto de nuevas características. Uno es su bisel de platino, un toque premium que hace que esta edición sea aún más una pieza de colección.

Otro es su fondo de caja de cristal de zafiro abierto que brinda una ventana al movimiento B02 con sus grabados especiales en el puente para marcar la ocasión: las palabras “Carpenter”, “Aurora 7” y “3 órbitas alrededor de la Tierra”, junto con el nombre de el grupo original de siete astronautas elegidos para los primeros vuelos espaciales tripulados por humanos de la NASA, Mercury 7.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – MAY 24: Matt Carpenter, Nick Carpenter and Kris Stoever during the Breitling launch of the new Navitimer Cosmonaute and the unveiling of the original “first Swiss wristwatch in space” at a space-themed event on May 24, 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo by Harold Cunningham/Breitling)

Mientras que otras marcas de relojes afirman ser primicias en el espacio, solo Breitling puede llamarse a sí mismo el “primer reloj de pulsera suizo en el espacio”. El único otro reloj suizo que había alcanzado la órbita anteriormente era un cronómetro de bolsillo equipado con una correa. Mientras tanto, el Cosmonaute, un reloj de pulsera usado en el espacio y diseñado de acuerdo con las especificaciones de un astronauta, se mantuvo exactamente con esas especificaciones cuando estuvo disponible para su compra en 1962. El reloj de 24 horas no solo se convirtió en un éxito entre los coleccionistas, sino que se vio con frecuencia en las muñecas de otros astronautas.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – MAY 24: The Breitling launch of the new Navitimer Cosmonaute and the unveiling of the original “first Swiss wristwatch in space” at a space-themed event on May 24, 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo by Harold Cunningham/Breitling)

El Cosmonaute de hoy nos lleva a los orígenes de los viajes espaciales, cuando la carrera estaba en marcha, había mucho en juego y cada misión era un triunfo del ingenio humano. Este nuevo reloj honra la estética del Cosmonaute original, con sutiles actualizaciones que funcionan casi imperceptiblemente para darle su atractivo moderno y retro. Como tributo final, el fondo de la caja está grabado con la fecha de la misión de Carpenter, “ONE OF 362”, y la frase “First Swiss Wristwatch in Space”.

Historical Breitling Navitimer Cosmonaute from 1962 and the original Navitimer Cosmonaute/ first Swiss wristwatch in space worn by Scott Carpenter during his Mercury-Atlas 7 mission in 1962 (left to right)_RGB

Fundada en 1884, Breitling es una de las principales relojeras suizas. La empresa innovadora inventó el cronógrafo moderno y fue pionera en el reloj de herramientas de navegación. Hoy en día, todavía está abriendo nuevos caminos como una marca de lujo informal, inclusiva y sostenible con más de 150 tiendas minoristas inspiradas en lofts industriales en todo el mundo. Las colecciones de Breitling se centran en actividades aéreas, terrestres y marítimas, todas capturadas en el inconfundible estilo retro moderno de la marca. La calidad excepcional de cada movimiento de reloj se confirma por su condición de cronómetro certificado por COSC, y la marca sigue siendo una de los pocos relojeros independientes que produce sus propios calibres de fabricación. Combinando la relojería clásica con las últimas innovaciones, Breitling es tanto una empresa con historia como una que está adelantada a su tiempo.


On the 60th anniversary of its journey aboard the Aurora 7 spacecraft, the mythic watch with the 24-hour dial is set to lift off once again in a new release that pays tribute to the historic mission.
To mark the occasion, Breitling offered the first-ever public viewing of the original Cosmonaute since 1962—and revealed the watch’s incredible story.

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1P1_RGB

In the 1960s, Breitling’s Navitimer was the undisputed pilot’s watch. But the world’s attention was rapidly advancing beyond air travel and into space exploration, and that meant a different
kind of Space Race was quietly underway. This time, between watchmakers vying to be the first on astronauts’ wrists.

Breitling’s expertise in aviation watches shot the brand to the head of the pack. On May 24, 1962, Breitling officially claimed the title “first Swiss wristwatch in space” after astronaut Scott Carpenter orbited the Earth three times while wearing the Navitimer Cosmonaute during his Mercury-Atlas 7 mission. The watch had been Carpenter’s personal request, a variation on the iconic aviator’s watch he’d encountered in his flight days, but with a 24-hour dial to tell day from night in space.

Today—on the 60th anniversary of that mission—Breitling not only unveiled Carpenter’s original Navitimer Cosmonaute, but also launched a modern tribute to it. This special release is limited to 362 pieces that recognize both the spacecraft’s circumnavigations of the Earth and the year the mission made history, marking a crucial step in manned spaceflight.

Historical Breitling Navitimer Cosmonaute from 1962 and the new Navitimer Cosmonaute Limited Edition (left to right)_CMYK

Georges Kern, CEO of Breitling, says, “When we introduced the redesigned Navitimer earlier this year, a question on everybody’s lips was, ‘What about the Cosmonaute?’ Today, I’m thrilled
to finally announce two Cosmonaute reveals: the first-ever public viewing of the watch Scott Carpenter wore into space, and a 60th-anniversary limited-edition timepiece that pays tribute
to its history-making forerunner.”


On May 24, 1962, five hours after launch, the Aurora 7 space capsule with Carpenter aboard splashed down safely in the Atlantic. The recovery operation lasted three hours, with the long
exposure to seawater resulting in irreparable damage to Carpenter’s Cosmonaute. Breitling immediately replaced Carpenter’s watch, but that battered and corroded piece of space history
remained in the Breitling family archives—unrestored and widely unknown. That is, until today.


Now, exactly 60 years after its historic flight, that great space watch was exhibited for the first time to select collectors, journalists, and watch enthusiasts at a space-themed event in Zurich.
It was an afternoon of lively interaction, co-hosted by Georges Kern and former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, and featuring an impressive lineup of guest speakers that included members of the
Carpenter family, Gregory Breitling, and historian and collector Fred Mandelbaum. The panelists reflected on the Cosmonaute’s creation, the significance of Carpenter’s mission, and how both
fit into the wider context of the space program at the time.

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1A1_CMYK

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1P1_CMYK

Also exhibited was a Cosmonaute once owned by astronaut John Glenn and acquired at auction in 2019 by Gregory Breitling


The Cosmonaute is a true Navitimer, meaning it has all the hallmarks of Breitling’s aviation icon: the circular slide rule for performing mathematical calculations, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association “wings” logo, and the trio of chronograph subdials. What separates the Cosmonaute from the rest of its family is its ability to tell 24-hour time. The Breitling Manufacture Caliber B02
was specifically designed for this task.

At first glance, the new Cosmonaute is a faithful reproduction of the original, made timeless with an all-black dial and black alligator strap or seven-row stainless-steel bracelet. On closer inspection, though, the elegantly proportioned 41 mm watch is packed with new features. One is its platinum bezel, a premium touch that makes this edition even more of a collector’s piece.

Another is its open sapphire crystal caseback that provides a window on the B02 movement with its special bridge engravings to mark the occasion: the words “Carpenter,” “Aurora 7,” and “3
orbits around the Earth,” along with the name of the original group of seven astronauts chosen for NASA’s first human-crewed spaceflights, Mercury 7.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – MAY 24: Matt Carpenter, Nick Carpenter and Kris Stoever during the Breitling launch of the new Navitimer Cosmonaute and the unveiling of the original “first Swiss wristwatch in space” at a space-themed event on May 24, 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo by Harold Cunningham/Breitling)

While other watch brands have claims to space firsts, only Breitling can call itself the “first Swiss wristwatch in space.” The only other Swiss timepiece to have reached orbit previously was a
pocket stopwatch equipped with a strap. The Cosmonaute, meanwhile—a wristwatch worn in space and designed according to an astronaut’s specifications—was kept precisely to those specs when it became available for purchase in 1962. Not only did the 24-hour timepiece go on to become a hit amongst collectors, it was frequently spotted on other astronauts’ wrists.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – MAY 24: The Breitling launch of the new Navitimer Cosmonaute and the unveiling of the original “first Swiss wristwatch in space” at a space-themed event on May 24, 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo by Harold Cunningham/Breitling)

Today’s Cosmonaute takes us back to the origins of space travel, when the race was on, stakes were high, and every mission was a triumph of human ingenuity. This new watch honors the
aesthetics of the original Cosmonaute, with subtle updates that work almost imperceptibly to give it its modern-retro appeal. As a final tribute, the caseback is engraved with the date of Carpenter’s
mission, “ONE OF 362,” and the phrase “First Swiss wristwatch in space.

Historical Breitling Navitimer Cosmonaute from 1962 and the original Navitimer Cosmonaute/ first Swiss wristwatch in space worn by Scott Carpenter during his Mercury-Atlas 7 mission in 1962 (left to right)_RGB

Founded in 1884, Breitling is a leading Swiss watchmaker. The innovative company invented the modern chronograph and pioneered the navigational tool watch. Today, it’s still breaking
new ground as a casual, inclusive, and sustainable luxury brand with more than 150 industrialloft-inspired retail locations around the world. Breitling’s collections center around air, land,
and sea pursuits, all captured in the brand’s unmistakable modern-retro style. The exceptional quality of every watch movement is confirmed by its status as a COSC-certified chronometer,
and the brand remains one of only a handful of independent watchmakers to produce its own manufacture calibers. Combining classic watchmaking with the latest innovations, Breitling is
both a company with history and one that’s ahead of its time.


On the 60th anniversary of its journey aboard the Aurora 7 spacecraft, the mythic watch with the 24-hour dial is set to lift off once again in a new release that pays tribute to the historic mission.
To mark the occasion, Breitling offered the first-ever public viewing of the original Cosmonaute since 1962—and revealed the watch’s incredible story.

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1P1_RGB

In the 1960s, Breitling’s Navitimer was the undisputed pilot’s watch. But the world’s attention was rapidly advancing beyond air travel and into space exploration, and that meant a different
kind of Space Race was quietly underway. This time, between watchmakers vying to be the first on astronauts’ wrists.

Breitling’s expertise in aviation watches shot the brand to the head of the pack. On May 24, 1962, Breitling officially claimed the title “first Swiss wristwatch in space” after astronaut Scott Carpenter orbited the Earth three times while wearing the Navitimer Cosmonaute during his Mercury-Atlas 7 mission. The watch had been Carpenter’s personal request, a variation on the iconic aviator’s watch he’d encountered in his flight days, but with a 24-hour dial to tell day from night in space.

Today—on the 60th anniversary of that mission—Breitling not only unveiled Carpenter’s original Navitimer Cosmonaute, but also launched a modern tribute to it. This special release is limited to 362 pieces that recognize both the spacecraft’s circumnavigations of the Earth and the year the mission made history, marking a crucial step in manned spaceflight.

Historical Breitling Navitimer Cosmonaute from 1962 and the new Navitimer Cosmonaute Limited Edition (left to right)_CMYK

Georges Kern, CEO of Breitling, says, “When we introduced the redesigned Navitimer earlier this year, a question on everybody’s lips was, ‘What about the Cosmonaute?’ Today, I’m thrilled
to finally announce two Cosmonaute reveals: the first-ever public viewing of the watch Scott Carpenter wore into space, and a 60th-anniversary limited-edition timepiece that pays tribute
to its history-making forerunner.”


On May 24, 1962, five hours after launch, the Aurora 7 space capsule with Carpenter aboard splashed down safely in the Atlantic. The recovery operation lasted three hours, with the long
exposure to seawater resulting in irreparable damage to Carpenter’s Cosmonaute. Breitling immediately replaced Carpenter’s watch, but that battered and corroded piece of space history
remained in the Breitling family archives—unrestored and widely unknown. That is, until today.


Now, exactly 60 years after its historic flight, that great space watch was exhibited for the first time to select collectors, journalists, and watch enthusiasts at a space-themed event in Zurich.
It was an afternoon of lively interaction, co-hosted by Georges Kern and former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, and featuring an impressive lineup of guest speakers that included members of the
Carpenter family, Gregory Breitling, and historian and collector Fred Mandelbaum. The panelists reflected on the Cosmonaute’s creation, the significance of Carpenter’s mission, and how both
fit into the wider context of the space program at the time.

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1A1_CMYK

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1P1_CMYK

Also exhibited was a Cosmonaute once owned by astronaut John Glenn and acquired at auction in 2019 by Gregory Breitling


The Cosmonaute is a true Navitimer, meaning it has all the hallmarks of Breitling’s aviation icon: the circular slide rule for performing mathematical calculations, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association “wings” logo, and the trio of chronograph subdials. What separates the Cosmonaute from the rest of its family is its ability to tell 24-hour time. The Breitling Manufacture Caliber B02
was specifically designed for this task.

At first glance, the new Cosmonaute is a faithful reproduction of the original, made timeless with an all-black dial and black alligator strap or seven-row stainless-steel bracelet. On closer inspection, though, the elegantly proportioned 41 mm watch is packed with new features. One is its platinum bezel, a premium touch that makes this edition even more of a collector’s piece.

Another is its open sapphire crystal caseback that provides a window on the B02 movement with its special bridge engravings to mark the occasion: the words “Carpenter,” “Aurora 7,” and “3
orbits around the Earth,” along with the name of the original group of seven astronauts chosen for NASA’s first human-crewed spaceflights, Mercury 7.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – MAY 24: Matt Carpenter, Nick Carpenter and Kris Stoever during the Breitling launch of the new Navitimer Cosmonaute and the unveiling of the original “first Swiss wristwatch in space” at a space-themed event on May 24, 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo by Harold Cunningham/Breitling)

While other watch brands have claims to space firsts, only Breitling can call itself the “first Swiss wristwatch in space.” The only other Swiss timepiece to have reached orbit previously was a
pocket stopwatch equipped with a strap. The Cosmonaute, meanwhile—a wristwatch worn in space and designed according to an astronaut’s specifications—was kept precisely to those specs when it became available for purchase in 1962. Not only did the 24-hour timepiece go on to become a hit amongst collectors, it was frequently spotted on other astronauts’ wrists.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – MAY 24: The Breitling launch of the new Navitimer Cosmonaute and the unveiling of the original “first Swiss wristwatch in space” at a space-themed event on May 24, 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo by Harold Cunningham/Breitling)

Today’s Cosmonaute takes us back to the origins of space travel, when the race was on, stakes were high, and every mission was a triumph of human ingenuity. This new watch honors the
aesthetics of the original Cosmonaute, with subtle updates that work almost imperceptibly to give it its modern-retro appeal. As a final tribute, the caseback is engraved with the date of Carpenter’s
mission, “ONE OF 362,” and the phrase “First Swiss wristwatch in space.

Historical Breitling Navitimer Cosmonaute from 1962 and the original Navitimer Cosmonaute/ first Swiss wristwatch in space worn by Scott Carpenter during his Mercury-Atlas 7 mission in 1962 (left to right)_RGB

Founded in 1884, Breitling is a leading Swiss watchmaker. The innovative company invented the modern chronograph and pioneered the navigational tool watch. Today, it’s still breaking
new ground as a casual, inclusive, and sustainable luxury brand with more than 150 industrialloft-inspired retail locations around the world. Breitling’s collections center around air, land,
and sea pursuits, all captured in the brand’s unmistakable modern-retro style. The exceptional quality of every watch movement is confirmed by its status as a COSC-certified chronometer,
and the brand remains one of only a handful of independent watchmakers to produce its own manufacture calibers. Combining classic watchmaking with the latest innovations, Breitling is
both a company with history and one that’s ahead of its time.


On the 60th anniversary of its journey aboard the Aurora 7 spacecraft, the mythic watch with the 24-hour dial is set to lift off once again in a new release that pays tribute to the historic mission.
To mark the occasion, Breitling offered the first-ever public viewing of the original Cosmonaute since 1962—and revealed the watch’s incredible story.

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1P1_RGB

In the 1960s, Breitling’s Navitimer was the undisputed pilot’s watch. But the world’s attention was rapidly advancing beyond air travel and into space exploration, and that meant a different
kind of Space Race was quietly underway. This time, between watchmakers vying to be the first on astronauts’ wrists.

Breitling’s expertise in aviation watches shot the brand to the head of the pack. On May 24, 1962, Breitling officially claimed the title “first Swiss wristwatch in space” after astronaut Scott Carpenter orbited the Earth three times while wearing the Navitimer Cosmonaute during his Mercury-Atlas 7 mission. The watch had been Carpenter’s personal request, a variation on the iconic aviator’s watch he’d encountered in his flight days, but with a 24-hour dial to tell day from night in space.

Today—on the 60th anniversary of that mission—Breitling not only unveiled Carpenter’s original Navitimer Cosmonaute, but also launched a modern tribute to it. This special release is limited to 362 pieces that recognize both the spacecraft’s circumnavigations of the Earth and the year the mission made history, marking a crucial step in manned spaceflight.

Historical Breitling Navitimer Cosmonaute from 1962 and the new Navitimer Cosmonaute Limited Edition (left to right)_CMYK

Georges Kern, CEO of Breitling, says, “When we introduced the redesigned Navitimer earlier this year, a question on everybody’s lips was, ‘What about the Cosmonaute?’ Today, I’m thrilled
to finally announce two Cosmonaute reveals: the first-ever public viewing of the watch Scott Carpenter wore into space, and a 60th-anniversary limited-edition timepiece that pays tribute
to its history-making forerunner.”


On May 24, 1962, five hours after launch, the Aurora 7 space capsule with Carpenter aboard splashed down safely in the Atlantic. The recovery operation lasted three hours, with the long
exposure to seawater resulting in irreparable damage to Carpenter’s Cosmonaute. Breitling immediately replaced Carpenter’s watch, but that battered and corroded piece of space history
remained in the Breitling family archives—unrestored and widely unknown. That is, until today.


Now, exactly 60 years after its historic flight, that great space watch was exhibited for the first time to select collectors, journalists, and watch enthusiasts at a space-themed event in Zurich.
It was an afternoon of lively interaction, co-hosted by Georges Kern and former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, and featuring an impressive lineup of guest speakers that included members of the
Carpenter family, Gregory Breitling, and historian and collector Fred Mandelbaum. The panelists reflected on the Cosmonaute’s creation, the significance of Carpenter’s mission, and how both
fit into the wider context of the space program at the time.

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1A1_CMYK

Breitling Navitimer B02 Chronograph 41 Cosmonaute Limited Edition_Ref. PB02301A1B1P1_CMYK

Also exhibited was a Cosmonaute once owned by astronaut John Glenn and acquired at auction in 2019 by Gregory Breitling


The Cosmonaute is a true Navitimer, meaning it has all the hallmarks of Breitling’s aviation icon: the circular slide rule for performing mathematical calculations, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots
Association “wings” logo, and the trio of chronograph subdials. What separates the Cosmonaute from the rest of its family is its ability to tell 24-hour time. The Breitling Manufacture Caliber B02
was specifically designed for this task.

At first glance, the new Cosmonaute is a faithful reproduction of the original, made timeless with an all-black dial and black alligator strap or seven-row stainless-steel bracelet. On closer inspection, though, the elegantly proportioned 41 mm watch is packed with new features. One is its platinum bezel, a premium touch that makes this edition even more of a collector’s piece.

Another is its open sapphire crystal caseback that provides a window on the B02 movement with its special bridge engravings to mark the occasion: the words “Carpenter,” “Aurora 7,” and “3
orbits around the Earth,” along with the name of the original group of seven astronauts chosen for NASA’s first human-crewed spaceflights, Mercury 7.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – MAY 24: Matt Carpenter, Nick Carpenter and Kris Stoever during the Breitling launch of the new Navitimer Cosmonaute and the unveiling of the original “first Swiss wristwatch in space” at a space-themed event on May 24, 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo by Harold Cunningham/Breitling)

While other watch brands have claims to space firsts, only Breitling can call itself the “first Swiss wristwatch in space.” The only other Swiss timepiece to have reached orbit previously was a
pocket stopwatch equipped with a strap. The Cosmonaute, meanwhile—a wristwatch worn in space and designed according to an astronaut’s specifications—was kept precisely to those specs when it became available for purchase in 1962. Not only did the 24-hour timepiece go on to become a hit amongst collectors, it was frequently spotted on other astronauts’ wrists.

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND – MAY 24: The Breitling launch of the new Navitimer Cosmonaute and the unveiling of the original “first Swiss wristwatch in space” at a space-themed event on May 24, 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland. (Photo by Harold Cunningham/Breitling)

Today’s Cosmonaute takes us back to the origins of space travel, when the race was on, stakes were high, and every mission was a triumph of human ingenuity. This new watch honors the
aesthetics of the original Cosmonaute, with subtle updates that work almost imperceptibly to give it its modern-retro appeal. As a final tribute, the caseback is engraved with the date of Carpenter’s
mission, “ONE OF 362,” and the phrase “First Swiss wristwatch in space.

Historical Breitling Navitimer Cosmonaute from 1962 and the original Navitimer Cosmonaute/ first Swiss wristwatch in space worn by Scott Carpenter during his Mercury-Atlas 7 mission in 1962 (left to right)_RGB

Founded in 1884, Breitling is a leading Swiss watchmaker. The innovative company invented the modern chronograph and pioneered the navigational tool watch. Today, it’s still breaking
new ground as a casual, inclusive, and sustainable luxury brand with more than 150 industrialloft-inspired retail locations around the world. Breitling’s collections center around air, land,
and sea pursuits, all captured in the brand’s unmistakable modern-retro style. The exceptional quality of every watch movement is confirmed by its status as a COSC-certified chronometer,
and the brand remains one of only a handful of independent watchmakers to produce its own manufacture calibers. Combining classic watchmaking with the latest innovations, Breitling is
both a company with history and one that’s ahead of its time.

ROLEX: el Oyster Perpetual Day-Date es el reloj más prestigioso y exclusivo de la colección Oyster Perpetual.

En su lanzamiento en 1956, el Day-Date supuso una gran innovación: fue el primer reloj de pulsera con calendario que indicaba, además de la fecha, el día de la semana completo en una ventana en la esfera, una hazaña técnica en el tiempo. El Day-Date solo se ha fabricado con metales preciosos: oro amarillo, blanco o Everose de 18 quilates, o platino 950.

Usado por muchas de las figuras políticas, directores y visionarios del mundo, el Day-Date es reconocible al instante, en particular gracias a su emblemático brazalete President, cuyo nombre evocador, junto con las figuras eminentes que lo han usado, aseguró que el Day-Date se conociera como el “reloj de los presidentes”.

El calendario de Day-Date muestra el día de la semana completo en una ventana en forma de arco a las 12 en punto, además de la fecha en una ventana separada a las 3 en punto. Esta pantalla se basa en mecanismos de disco; el día y la fecha cambian de forma simultánea e instantánea. La indicación del día de la semana está disponible en 26 idiomas. El Day-Date también está equipado con un mecanismo que permite un ajuste rápido del día y la fecha utilizando la corona de cuerda.

Como todos los relojes Rolex, el Day-Date está cubierto por la certificación Superlative Chronometer redefinida por Rolex en 2015. Esta designación exclusiva atestigua que cada reloj que sale de los talleres de la marca ha superado con éxito una serie de pruebas realizadas por Rolex en sus propios laboratorios y según sus propios criterios. Estas pruebas de certificación se aplican al reloj completamente ensamblado, después de la caja del movimiento, lo que garantiza un rendimiento superlativo en la muñeca en términos de precisión, reserva de marcha, impermeabilidad y cuerda automática. El estado de cronómetro superlativo está simbolizado por el sello verde que viene con cada reloj Rolex y se combina con una garantía internacional de cinco años.

La precisión de cada movimiento, oficialmente certificado como cronómetro por el Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC), es probada por segunda vez por Rolex después de ser encajonado, para garantizar que cumple con criterios que son mucho más estrictos que los de la certificación oficial. La precisión de un cronómetro superlativo de Rolex es del orden de −2/+2 segundos por día: la desviación de velocidad tolerada por la marca para un reloj terminado es significativamente menor que la aceptada por COSC solo para la certificación oficial del movimiento.

La prueba de certificación Superlative Chronometer se lleva a cabo después de la caja utilizando equipos de última generación especialmente desarrollados por Rolex y de acuerdo con una metodología exclusiva que simula las condiciones en las que se usa un reloj y representa más fielmente la experiencia de la vida real. La serie de pruebas totalmente automatizadas también comprueba la impermeabilidad, la capacidad de carga automática y la reserva de marcha del 100 % de los relojes Rolex. Estas pruebas complementan sistemáticamente las pruebas de calificación durante el desarrollo y la producción, para garantizar la confiabilidad, robustez y resistencia de los relojes al magnetismo y los golpes.

La caja Oyster del Day-Date, de 36 o 40 mm de diámetro y hermética garantizada hasta una profundidad de 100 metros (330 pies), es un modelo de robustez y elegancia. La caja central está hecha de un bloque sólido de oro de 18 quilates o platino 950. El fondo de la caja, bordeado con un fino estriado, está herméticamente atornillado con una herramienta especial que solo permite el acceso al movimiento a los relojeros certificados por Rolex. La corona de cuerda Twinlock, equipada con un sistema de doble impermeabilidad, se atornilla de forma segura a la caja. El bisel puede ser estriado o engastado con diamantes. La indicación de la fecha a las 3 en punto se amplía con una lente Cyclops en el cristal, que está hecho de zafiro prácticamente resistente a los arañazos y se beneficia de un revestimiento antirreflectante. La caja impermeable Oyster ofrece una protección óptima para el movimiento del Day-Date.

El Day-Date 36 y el Day-Date 40 están equipados con el calibre 3255, un movimiento mecánico automático desarrollado y fabricado íntegramente por Rolex. Una demostración consumada de la tecnología, este movimiento lleva una serie de patentes. Ofrece un rendimiento excepcional en términos de precisión, reserva de marcha, resistencia a los golpes, comodidad y fiabilidad.

El oscilador del calibre 3255 tiene un gran volante de inercia variable regulado con gran precisión mediante tuercas Microstella de oro. Se mantiene firmemente en su lugar mediante un puente transversal de altura ajustable que permite un posicionamiento muy estable para aumentar la resistencia a los golpes. El oscilador también está montado sobre amortiguadores Paraflex de alto rendimiento, diseñados por Rolex y patentados.

El calibre 3255 presenta una versión optimizada de la espiral azul Parachrom, fabricada por Rolex en una aleación paramagnética. Insensible a los campos magnéticos, la espiral Parachrom ofrece una gran estabilidad frente a las variaciones de temperatura. Está equipado con un overcoil Rolex, lo que garantiza su regularidad en cualquier posición.

Este calibre incorpora el escape patentado Chronergy, fabricado en níquel-fósforo, que combina una alta eficiencia energética con una gran fiabilidad y además es insensible a los campos magnéticos.

El calibre 3255 está equipado con un módulo de cuerda automática con un rotor Perpetual, que asegura la cuerda continua del resorte principal aprovechando los movimientos de la muñeca para proporcionar una fuente constante de energía. Gracias a su arquitectura de barrilete ya la eficiencia superior del escape, la reserva de marcha de este movimiento se extiende hasta aproximadamente 70 horas.

El movimiento del Day-Date solo lo verán los relojeros certificados de Rolex, pero está bellamente acabado y decorado de acuerdo con los estrictos estándares de calidad de la marca.

Creado especialmente para el Day-Date y presentado en 1956 en el lanzamiento del modelo, el elegante e imponente brazalete President es inherente al prestigio del reloj. Inmediatamente reconocible, este brazalete de oro macizo de 18 quilates o platino 950 con tres eslabones semicirculares proporciona total fiabilidad y comodidad.

El brazalete President está equipado con un Crownclasp oculto, abierto con una corona Rolex con bisagras: el toque estético y funcional final de este brazalete. Incluye inserciones de cerámica en el interior de los eslabones para mejorar su flexibilidad y longevidad. Un sistema de fijación oculto en el brazalete garantiza una continuidad visual perfecta entre el brazalete y la caja.

ROLEX – The Oyster Perpetual Day-Date is the most prestigious and most exclusive watch in the Oyster Perpetual collection.

At its launch in 1956, the Day-Date was a major innovation: it was the first calendar wristwatch to indicate, in addition to the date, the day of the week spelt out in full in a window on the dial – a technical feat at the time. The Day-Date has only ever been made from precious metals – 18 ct yellow, white or Everose gold, or 950 platinum.

Worn by many of the world’s political figures, directors and visionaries, the Day-Date is instantly recognizable, in particular thanks to its emblematic President bracelet, whose evocative name, together with the eminent figures who have worn it, ensured the Day-Date became known as the ‘presidents’ watch’.

The Day-Date’s calendar displays the day of the week spelt out in full in an arc-shaped window at 12 o’clock in addition to the date in a separate window at 3 o’clock. This display relies on disc mechanisms; the day and date change simultaneously and instantaneously. The indication of the day of the week is available in a choice of 26 languages. The Day-Date is also equipped with a mechanism allowing rapid adjustment of the day and the date using the winding crown.

Like all Rolex watches, the Day-Date is covered by the Superlative Chronometer certification redefined by Rolex in 2015. This exclusive designation testifies that every watch leaving the brand’s workshops has successfully undergone a series of tests conducted by Rolex in its own laboratories and according to its own criteria. These certification tests apply to the fully assembled watch, after casing the movement, guaranteeing superlative performance on the wrist in terms of precision, power reserve, waterproofness and self-winding. The Superlative Chronometer status is symbolized by the green seal that comes with every Rolex watch and is coupled with an international five-year guarantee.

The precision of every movement – officially certified as a chronometer by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC) – is tested a second time by Rolex after being cased, to ensure that it meets criteria that are far stricter than those of the official certification. The precision of a Rolex Superlative Chronometer is of the order of −2/+2 seconds per day – the rate deviation tolerated by the brand for a finished watch is significantly smaller than that accepted by COSC for official certification of the movement alone.

The Superlative Chronometer certification testing is carried out after casing using state-of-the-art equipment specially developed by Rolex and according to an exclusive methodology that simulates the conditions in which a watch is actually worn and more closely represents real-life experience. The entirely automated series of tests also checks the waterproofness, the self-winding capacity and the power reserve of 100 per cent of Rolex watches. These tests systematically complement the qualification testing during development and production, in order to ensure the watches’ reliability, robustness, and resistance to magnetism and shocks.

The Day-Date’s Oyster case, 36 or 40 mm in diameter and guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 100 metres (330 feet), is a paragon of robustness and elegance. The middle case is crafted from a solid block of either 18 ct gold or 950 platinum. The case back, edged with fine fluting, is hermetically screwed down with a special tool that grants only certified Rolex watchmakers access to the movement. The Twinlock winding crown, fitted with a double waterproofness system, screws down securely against the case. The bezel can be fluted or set with diamonds. The date display at 3 o’clock is magnified by a Cyclops lens on the crystal, which is made of virtually scratchproof sapphire and benefits from an anti-reflective coating. The waterproof Oyster case provides optimum protection for the Day-Date’s movement.

The Day-Date 36 and Day-Date 40 are equipped with calibre 3255, a self-winding mechanical movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex. A consummate demonstration of technology, this movement carries a number of patents. It offers outstanding performance in terms of precision, power reserve, resistance to shocks, convenience and reliability.

The oscillator of calibre 3255 has a large balance wheel with variable inertia regulated extremely precisely via gold Microstella nuts. It is held firmly in place by a height-adjustable traversing bridge enabling very stable positioning to increase shock resistance. The oscillator is also fitted on highperformance Paraflex shock absorbers, designed by Rolex and patented.

Calibre 3255 features an optimized version of the blue Parachrom hairspring, manufactured by Rolex in a paramagnetic alloy. Insensitive to magnetic fields, the Parachrom hairspring offers great stability in the face of temperature variations. It is equipped with a Rolex overcoil, ensuring its regularity in any position.

This calibre incorporates the patented Chronergy escapement, made of nickel-phosphorus, which combines high energy efficiency with great dependability and is also insensitive to magnetic fields.

Calibre 3255 is fitted with a self-winding module featuring a Perpetual rotor, which ensures continuous winding of the mainspring by harnessing the movements of the wrist to provide a constant source of energy. Thanks to its barrel architecture and the escapement’s superior efficiency, the power reserve of this movement extends to approximately 70 hours.

The Day-Date’s movement will be seen only by certified Rolex watchmakers, yet it is beautifully finished and decorated in keeping with the brand’s uncompromising quality standards.

Created specially for the Day-Date and unveiled in 1956 at the model’s launch, the elegant and imposing President bracelet is inherent to the standing of the watch. Immediately recognizable, this solid 18 ct gold or 950 platinum bracelet with three semi-circular links provides complete reliability and comfort.

The President bracelet is fitted with a concealed Crownclasp, opened with a hinged Rolex crown – the final aesthetic and functional touch to this bracelet. It includes ceramic inserts inside the links to enhance its flexibility and longevity. A concealed attachment system on the bracelet ensures seamless visual continuity between the bracelet and case.

ROLEX – The Oyster Perpetual Day-Date is the most prestigious and most exclusive watch in the Oyster Perpetual collection.

At its launch in 1956, the Day-Date was a major innovation: it was the first calendar wristwatch to indicate, in addition to the date, the day of the week spelt out in full in a window on the dial – a technical feat at the time. The Day-Date has only ever been made from precious metals – 18 ct yellow, white or Everose gold, or 950 platinum.

Worn by many of the world’s political figures, directors and visionaries, the Day-Date is instantly recognizable, in particular thanks to its emblematic President bracelet, whose evocative name, together with the eminent figures who have worn it, ensured the Day-Date became known as the ‘presidents’ watch’.

The Day-Date’s calendar displays the day of the week spelt out in full in an arc-shaped window at 12 o’clock in addition to the date in a separate window at 3 o’clock. This display relies on disc mechanisms; the day and date change simultaneously and instantaneously. The indication of the day of the week is available in a choice of 26 languages. The Day-Date is also equipped with a mechanism allowing rapid adjustment of the day and the date using the winding crown.

Like all Rolex watches, the Day-Date is covered by the Superlative Chronometer certification redefined by Rolex in 2015. This exclusive designation testifies that every watch leaving the brand’s workshops has successfully undergone a series of tests conducted by Rolex in its own laboratories and according to its own criteria. These certification tests apply to the fully assembled watch, after casing the movement, guaranteeing superlative performance on the wrist in terms of precision, power reserve, waterproofness and self-winding. The Superlative Chronometer status is symbolized by the green seal that comes with every Rolex watch and is coupled with an international five-year guarantee.

The precision of every movement – officially certified as a chronometer by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC) – is tested a second time by Rolex after being cased, to ensure that it meets criteria that are far stricter than those of the official certification. The precision of a Rolex Superlative Chronometer is of the order of −2/+2 seconds per day – the rate deviation tolerated by the brand for a finished watch is significantly smaller than that accepted by COSC for official certification of the movement alone.

The Superlative Chronometer certification testing is carried out after casing using state-of-the-art equipment specially developed by Rolex and according to an exclusive methodology that simulates the conditions in which a watch is actually worn and more closely represents real-life experience. The entirely automated series of tests also checks the waterproofness, the self-winding capacity and the power reserve of 100 per cent of Rolex watches. These tests systematically complement the qualification testing during development and production, in order to ensure the watches’ reliability, robustness, and resistance to magnetism and shocks.

The Day-Date’s Oyster case, 36 or 40 mm in diameter and guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 100 metres (330 feet), is a paragon of robustness and elegance. The middle case is crafted from a solid block of either 18 ct gold or 950 platinum. The case back, edged with fine fluting, is hermetically screwed down with a special tool that grants only certified Rolex watchmakers access to the movement. The Twinlock winding crown, fitted with a double waterproofness system, screws down securely against the case. The bezel can be fluted or set with diamonds. The date display at 3 o’clock is magnified by a Cyclops lens on the crystal, which is made of virtually scratchproof sapphire and benefits from an anti-reflective coating. The waterproof Oyster case provides optimum protection for the Day-Date’s movement.

The Day-Date 36 and Day-Date 40 are equipped with calibre 3255, a self-winding mechanical movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex. A consummate demonstration of technology, this movement carries a number of patents. It offers outstanding performance in terms of precision, power reserve, resistance to shocks, convenience and reliability.

The oscillator of calibre 3255 has a large balance wheel with variable inertia regulated extremely precisely via gold Microstella nuts. It is held firmly in place by a height-adjustable traversing bridge enabling very stable positioning to increase shock resistance. The oscillator is also fitted on highperformance Paraflex shock absorbers, designed by Rolex and patented.

Calibre 3255 features an optimized version of the blue Parachrom hairspring, manufactured by Rolex in a paramagnetic alloy. Insensitive to magnetic fields, the Parachrom hairspring offers great stability in the face of temperature variations. It is equipped with a Rolex overcoil, ensuring its regularity in any position.

This calibre incorporates the patented Chronergy escapement, made of nickel-phosphorus, which combines high energy efficiency with great dependability and is also insensitive to magnetic fields.

Calibre 3255 is fitted with a self-winding module featuring a Perpetual rotor, which ensures continuous winding of the mainspring by harnessing the movements of the wrist to provide a constant source of energy. Thanks to its barrel architecture and the escapement’s superior efficiency, the power reserve of this movement extends to approximately 70 hours.

The Day-Date’s movement will be seen only by certified Rolex watchmakers, yet it is beautifully finished and decorated in keeping with the brand’s uncompromising quality standards.

Created specially for the Day-Date and unveiled in 1956 at the model’s launch, the elegant and imposing President bracelet is inherent to the standing of the watch. Immediately recognizable, this solid 18 ct gold or 950 platinum bracelet with three semi-circular links provides complete reliability and comfort.

The President bracelet is fitted with a concealed Crownclasp, opened with a hinged Rolex crown – the final aesthetic and functional touch to this bracelet. It includes ceramic inserts inside the links to enhance its flexibility and longevity. A concealed attachment system on the bracelet ensures seamless visual continuity between the bracelet and case.

ROLEX – The Oyster Perpetual Day-Date is the most prestigious and most exclusive watch in the Oyster Perpetual collection.

At its launch in 1956, the Day-Date was a major innovation: it was the first calendar wristwatch to indicate, in addition to the date, the day of the week spelt out in full in a window on the dial – a technical feat at the time. The Day-Date has only ever been made from precious metals – 18 ct yellow, white or Everose gold, or 950 platinum.

Worn by many of the world’s political figures, directors and visionaries, the Day-Date is instantly recognizable, in particular thanks to its emblematic President bracelet, whose evocative name, together with the eminent figures who have worn it, ensured the Day-Date became known as the ‘presidents’ watch’.

The Day-Date’s calendar displays the day of the week spelt out in full in an arc-shaped window at 12 o’clock in addition to the date in a separate window at 3 o’clock. This display relies on disc mechanisms; the day and date change simultaneously and instantaneously. The indication of the day of the week is available in a choice of 26 languages. The Day-Date is also equipped with a mechanism allowing rapid adjustment of the day and the date using the winding crown.

Like all Rolex watches, the Day-Date is covered by the Superlative Chronometer certification redefined by Rolex in 2015. This exclusive designation testifies that every watch leaving the brand’s workshops has successfully undergone a series of tests conducted by Rolex in its own laboratories and according to its own criteria. These certification tests apply to the fully assembled watch, after casing the movement, guaranteeing superlative performance on the wrist in terms of precision, power reserve, waterproofness and self-winding. The Superlative Chronometer status is symbolized by the green seal that comes with every Rolex watch and is coupled with an international five-year guarantee.

The precision of every movement – officially certified as a chronometer by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC) – is tested a second time by Rolex after being cased, to ensure that it meets criteria that are far stricter than those of the official certification. The precision of a Rolex Superlative Chronometer is of the order of −2/+2 seconds per day – the rate deviation tolerated by the brand for a finished watch is significantly smaller than that accepted by COSC for official certification of the movement alone.

The Superlative Chronometer certification testing is carried out after casing using state-of-the-art equipment specially developed by Rolex and according to an exclusive methodology that simulates the conditions in which a watch is actually worn and more closely represents real-life experience. The entirely automated series of tests also checks the waterproofness, the self-winding capacity and the power reserve of 100 per cent of Rolex watches. These tests systematically complement the qualification testing during development and production, in order to ensure the watches’ reliability, robustness, and resistance to magnetism and shocks.

The Day-Date’s Oyster case, 36 or 40 mm in diameter and guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 100 metres (330 feet), is a paragon of robustness and elegance. The middle case is crafted from a solid block of either 18 ct gold or 950 platinum. The case back, edged with fine fluting, is hermetically screwed down with a special tool that grants only certified Rolex watchmakers access to the movement. The Twinlock winding crown, fitted with a double waterproofness system, screws down securely against the case. The bezel can be fluted or set with diamonds. The date display at 3 o’clock is magnified by a Cyclops lens on the crystal, which is made of virtually scratchproof sapphire and benefits from an anti-reflective coating. The waterproof Oyster case provides optimum protection for the Day-Date’s movement.

The Day-Date 36 and Day-Date 40 are equipped with calibre 3255, a self-winding mechanical movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex. A consummate demonstration of technology, this movement carries a number of patents. It offers outstanding performance in terms of precision, power reserve, resistance to shocks, convenience and reliability.

The oscillator of calibre 3255 has a large balance wheel with variable inertia regulated extremely precisely via gold Microstella nuts. It is held firmly in place by a height-adjustable traversing bridge enabling very stable positioning to increase shock resistance. The oscillator is also fitted on highperformance Paraflex shock absorbers, designed by Rolex and patented.

Calibre 3255 features an optimized version of the blue Parachrom hairspring, manufactured by Rolex in a paramagnetic alloy. Insensitive to magnetic fields, the Parachrom hairspring offers great stability in the face of temperature variations. It is equipped with a Rolex overcoil, ensuring its regularity in any position.

This calibre incorporates the patented Chronergy escapement, made of nickel-phosphorus, which combines high energy efficiency with great dependability and is also insensitive to magnetic fields.

Calibre 3255 is fitted with a self-winding module featuring a Perpetual rotor, which ensures continuous winding of the mainspring by harnessing the movements of the wrist to provide a constant source of energy. Thanks to its barrel architecture and the escapement’s superior efficiency, the power reserve of this movement extends to approximately 70 hours.

The Day-Date’s movement will be seen only by certified Rolex watchmakers, yet it is beautifully finished and decorated in keeping with the brand’s uncompromising quality standards.

Created specially for the Day-Date and unveiled in 1956 at the model’s launch, the elegant and imposing President bracelet is inherent to the standing of the watch. Immediately recognizable, this solid 18 ct gold or 950 platinum bracelet with three semi-circular links provides complete reliability and comfort.

The President bracelet is fitted with a concealed Crownclasp, opened with a hinged Rolex crown – the final aesthetic and functional touch to this bracelet. It includes ceramic inserts inside the links to enhance its flexibility and longevity. A concealed attachment system on the bracelet ensures seamless visual continuity between the bracelet and case.

ROLEX – The Oyster Perpetual Day-Date is the most prestigious and most exclusive watch in the Oyster Perpetual collection.

At its launch in 1956, the Day-Date was a major innovation: it was the first calendar wristwatch to indicate, in addition to the date, the day of the week spelt out in full in a window on the dial – a technical feat at the time. The Day-Date has only ever been made from precious metals – 18 ct yellow, white or Everose gold, or 950 platinum.

Worn by many of the world’s political figures, directors and visionaries, the Day-Date is instantly recognizable, in particular thanks to its emblematic President bracelet, whose evocative name, together with the eminent figures who have worn it, ensured the Day-Date became known as the ‘presidents’ watch’.

The Day-Date’s calendar displays the day of the week spelt out in full in an arc-shaped window at 12 o’clock in addition to the date in a separate window at 3 o’clock. This display relies on disc mechanisms; the day and date change simultaneously and instantaneously. The indication of the day of the week is available in a choice of 26 languages. The Day-Date is also equipped with a mechanism allowing rapid adjustment of the day and the date using the winding crown.

Like all Rolex watches, the Day-Date is covered by the Superlative Chronometer certification redefined by Rolex in 2015. This exclusive designation testifies that every watch leaving the brand’s workshops has successfully undergone a series of tests conducted by Rolex in its own laboratories and according to its own criteria. These certification tests apply to the fully assembled watch, after casing the movement, guaranteeing superlative performance on the wrist in terms of precision, power reserve, waterproofness and self-winding. The Superlative Chronometer status is symbolized by the green seal that comes with every Rolex watch and is coupled with an international five-year guarantee.

The precision of every movement – officially certified as a chronometer by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC) – is tested a second time by Rolex after being cased, to ensure that it meets criteria that are far stricter than those of the official certification. The precision of a Rolex Superlative Chronometer is of the order of −2/+2 seconds per day – the rate deviation tolerated by the brand for a finished watch is significantly smaller than that accepted by COSC for official certification of the movement alone.

The Superlative Chronometer certification testing is carried out after casing using state-of-the-art equipment specially developed by Rolex and according to an exclusive methodology that simulates the conditions in which a watch is actually worn and more closely represents real-life experience. The entirely automated series of tests also checks the waterproofness, the self-winding capacity and the power reserve of 100 per cent of Rolex watches. These tests systematically complement the qualification testing during development and production, in order to ensure the watches’ reliability, robustness, and resistance to magnetism and shocks.

The Day-Date’s Oyster case, 36 or 40 mm in diameter and guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 100 metres (330 feet), is a paragon of robustness and elegance. The middle case is crafted from a solid block of either 18 ct gold or 950 platinum. The case back, edged with fine fluting, is hermetically screwed down with a special tool that grants only certified Rolex watchmakers access to the movement. The Twinlock winding crown, fitted with a double waterproofness system, screws down securely against the case. The bezel can be fluted or set with diamonds. The date display at 3 o’clock is magnified by a Cyclops lens on the crystal, which is made of virtually scratchproof sapphire and benefits from an anti-reflective coating. The waterproof Oyster case provides optimum protection for the Day-Date’s movement.

The Day-Date 36 and Day-Date 40 are equipped with calibre 3255, a self-winding mechanical movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex. A consummate demonstration of technology, this movement carries a number of patents. It offers outstanding performance in terms of precision, power reserve, resistance to shocks, convenience and reliability.

The oscillator of calibre 3255 has a large balance wheel with variable inertia regulated extremely precisely via gold Microstella nuts. It is held firmly in place by a height-adjustable traversing bridge enabling very stable positioning to increase shock resistance. The oscillator is also fitted on highperformance Paraflex shock absorbers, designed by Rolex and patented.

Calibre 3255 features an optimized version of the blue Parachrom hairspring, manufactured by Rolex in a paramagnetic alloy. Insensitive to magnetic fields, the Parachrom hairspring offers great stability in the face of temperature variations. It is equipped with a Rolex overcoil, ensuring its regularity in any position.

This calibre incorporates the patented Chronergy escapement, made of nickel-phosphorus, which combines high energy efficiency with great dependability and is also insensitive to magnetic fields.

Calibre 3255 is fitted with a self-winding module featuring a Perpetual rotor, which ensures continuous winding of the mainspring by harnessing the movements of the wrist to provide a constant source of energy. Thanks to its barrel architecture and the escapement’s superior efficiency, the power reserve of this movement extends to approximately 70 hours.

The Day-Date’s movement will be seen only by certified Rolex watchmakers, yet it is beautifully finished and decorated in keeping with the brand’s uncompromising quality standards.

Created specially for the Day-Date and unveiled in 1956 at the model’s launch, the elegant and imposing President bracelet is inherent to the standing of the watch. Immediately recognizable, this solid 18 ct gold or 950 platinum bracelet with three semi-circular links provides complete reliability and comfort.

The President bracelet is fitted with a concealed Crownclasp, opened with a hinged Rolex crown – the final aesthetic and functional touch to this bracelet. It includes ceramic inserts inside the links to enhance its flexibility and longevity. A concealed attachment system on the bracelet ensures seamless visual continuity between the bracelet and case.

ROLEX – The Oyster Perpetual Day-Date is the most prestigious and most exclusive watch in the Oyster Perpetual collection.

At its launch in 1956, the Day-Date was a major innovation: it was the first calendar wristwatch to indicate, in addition to the date, the day of the week spelt out in full in a window on the dial – a technical feat at the time. The Day-Date has only ever been made from precious metals – 18 ct yellow, white or Everose gold, or 950 platinum.

Worn by many of the world’s political figures, directors and visionaries, the Day-Date is instantly recognizable, in particular thanks to its emblematic President bracelet, whose evocative name, together with the eminent figures who have worn it, ensured the Day-Date became known as the ‘presidents’ watch’.

The Day-Date’s calendar displays the day of the week spelt out in full in an arc-shaped window at 12 o’clock in addition to the date in a separate window at 3 o’clock. This display relies on disc mechanisms; the day and date change simultaneously and instantaneously. The indication of the day of the week is available in a choice of 26 languages. The Day-Date is also equipped with a mechanism allowing rapid adjustment of the day and the date using the winding crown.

Like all Rolex watches, the Day-Date is covered by the Superlative Chronometer certification redefined by Rolex in 2015. This exclusive designation testifies that every watch leaving the brand’s workshops has successfully undergone a series of tests conducted by Rolex in its own laboratories and according to its own criteria. These certification tests apply to the fully assembled watch, after casing the movement, guaranteeing superlative performance on the wrist in terms of precision, power reserve, waterproofness and self-winding. The Superlative Chronometer status is symbolized by the green seal that comes with every Rolex watch and is coupled with an international five-year guarantee.

The precision of every movement – officially certified as a chronometer by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC) – is tested a second time by Rolex after being cased, to ensure that it meets criteria that are far stricter than those of the official certification. The precision of a Rolex Superlative Chronometer is of the order of −2/+2 seconds per day – the rate deviation tolerated by the brand for a finished watch is significantly smaller than that accepted by COSC for official certification of the movement alone.

The Superlative Chronometer certification testing is carried out after casing using state-of-the-art equipment specially developed by Rolex and according to an exclusive methodology that simulates the conditions in which a watch is actually worn and more closely represents real-life experience. The entirely automated series of tests also checks the waterproofness, the self-winding capacity and the power reserve of 100 per cent of Rolex watches. These tests systematically complement the qualification testing during development and production, in order to ensure the watches’ reliability, robustness, and resistance to magnetism and shocks.

The Day-Date’s Oyster case, 36 or 40 mm in diameter and guaranteed waterproof to a depth of 100 metres (330 feet), is a paragon of robustness and elegance. The middle case is crafted from a solid block of either 18 ct gold or 950 platinum. The case back, edged with fine fluting, is hermetically screwed down with a special tool that grants only certified Rolex watchmakers access to the movement. The Twinlock winding crown, fitted with a double waterproofness system, screws down securely against the case. The bezel can be fluted or set with diamonds. The date display at 3 o’clock is magnified by a Cyclops lens on the crystal, which is made of virtually scratchproof sapphire and benefits from an anti-reflective coating. The waterproof Oyster case provides optimum protection for the Day-Date’s movement.

The Day-Date 36 and Day-Date 40 are equipped with calibre 3255, a self-winding mechanical movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex. A consummate demonstration of technology, this movement carries a number of patents. It offers outstanding performance in terms of precision, power reserve, resistance to shocks, convenience and reliability.

The oscillator of calibre 3255 has a large balance wheel with variable inertia regulated extremely precisely via gold Microstella nuts. It is held firmly in place by a height-adjustable traversing bridge enabling very stable positioning to increase shock resistance. The oscillator is also fitted on highperformance Paraflex shock absorbers, designed by Rolex and patented.

Calibre 3255 features an optimized version of the blue Parachrom hairspring, manufactured by Rolex in a paramagnetic alloy. Insensitive to magnetic fields, the Parachrom hairspring offers great stability in the face of temperature variations. It is equipped with a Rolex overcoil, ensuring its regularity in any position.

This calibre incorporates the patented Chronergy escapement, made of nickel-phosphorus, which combines high energy efficiency with great dependability and is also insensitive to magnetic fields.

Calibre 3255 is fitted with a self-winding module featuring a Perpetual rotor, which ensures continuous winding of the mainspring by harnessing the movements of the wrist to provide a constant source of energy. Thanks to its barrel architecture and the escapement’s superior efficiency, the power reserve of this movement extends to approximately 70 hours.

The Day-Date’s movement will be seen only by certified Rolex watchmakers, yet it is beautifully finished and decorated in keeping with the brand’s uncompromising quality standards.

Created specially for the Day-Date and unveiled in 1956 at the model’s launch, the elegant and imposing President bracelet is inherent to the standing of the watch. Immediately recognizable, this solid 18 ct gold or 950 platinum bracelet with three semi-circular links provides complete reliability and comfort.

The President bracelet is fitted with a concealed Crownclasp, opened with a hinged Rolex crown – the final aesthetic and functional touch to this bracelet. It includes ceramic inserts inside the links to enhance its flexibility and longevity. A concealed attachment system on the bracelet ensures seamless visual continuity between the bracelet and case.