Tag Archive for: watch

Una pieza de tu tiempo: ¿Qué significa regalarle un reloj a una mujer?

Desde el siglo XVI, los relojes han sido un lujo que tiene mucho más valor sentimental que simplemente dar la hora. Hoy en día, regalar un reloj todavía tiene mucho significado. Si ese regalo es de un hombre a una mujer, es aún más significativo.

Si ha recibido uno de nuestros relojes de lujo de alta gama como regalo del hombre especial en su vida, es posible que se pregunte qué significa. Para ofrecer una idea, hemos resumido solo algunas de las maravillosas razones por las que los hombres han comprado a sus novias, prometidas o esposas un reloj Backes & Strauss.


Los relojes de pulsera han sido un accesorio de moda imprescindible desde que se hicieron populares a principios del siglo XX. Tan pequeños como son, dicen mucho sobre el usuario, y los diseños clásicos pueden complementar incluso al seguidor de la moda más dedicado.

Nuestros relojes han sido diseñados para usarse durante décadas y se vinculan con los gustos cambiantes en el mundo de lo que está de moda. Cuando recibe el reloj perfecto, obtiene el resultado de pensar detenidamente en su gusto y estilo de vida específicos. Con suerte, recibirá un accesorio que complemente su estilo general y lo haga lucir mucho más fabuloso.

Ya se trate de un cronógrafo aerodinámico o de un espumoso reloj de oro rosa con una correa delicada, cada reloj Backes & Strauss tiene un carácter propio. Al igual que tú. La persona que compró su reloj habrá considerado su esencia y su reloj debe expresar esto.


Incluso las suntuosas obras maestras artesanales con incrustaciones de diamantes que creamos son artículos utilitarios. Por muy avanzados que seamos tecnológicamente, ¡la gente todavía necesita relojes!

Es bueno mantenerse organizado, y esto significa llevar un registro del tiempo a lo largo del día. Pero como muchas mujeres pueden estar de acuerdo, no siempre es la tarea más sencilla hurgar en su bolso para encontrar su teléfono celular. Un rápido vistazo a un hermoso reloj en su muñeca es mucho más fácil y mucho más satisfactorio. Además, proporciona un recordatorio sutil pero constante de la persona especial que también le regaló su reloj.


No hay nada que se pueda comparar con abrir un regalo de lujo y Backes & Strauss hace que esta parte del proceso sea especialmente agradable. La suntuosidad de nuestros diseños se extiende a cómo se empaquetan nuestras piezas, ¡y nos aseguramos de que cada segundo que pase con uno de nuestros artículos cuente!

Al igual que las joyas, existe el exquisito suspenso al abrir la caja para revelar lo que hay dentro y luego la pura alegría por la belleza que encuentras. Ya sea un regalo de cumpleaños, un regalo para la temporada navideña o simplemente porque, cuando le regalas un reloj a una mujer, también le estás regalando un símbolo de opulencia y esplendor.


Otra metáfora significativa que entra en juego con un reloj de regalo es la de darle tiempo a alguien. Este es un bien del que todos desearíamos tener más con los que amamos. Alta relojería pueden incluso convertirse en reliquias preciadas, transmitidas a la próxima generación de mujeres poderosas de la familia para marcar hitos importantes. En ese sentido, el fuerte valor sentimental de su reloj no tiene límite de tiempo: debe ser disfrutado por las generaciones venideras.

¡Usar su nuevo regalo puede incluso ayudarlo a llegar más a tiempo! Después de todo, te eleva y te hace lucir más pulido y profesional. Esto contribuye en gran medida a prepararlo para los desafíos que enfrenta todos los días.


No hay nada descartable en el regalo de un reloj. Después de todo, han sido cuidadosamente diseñados para usarse, usarse y disfrutarse todos los días. También son una de las únicas cosas que se pueden usar todo el tiempo y darle a alguien un reloj significa que pensarán en ti más a menudo.

Un reloj de pulsera le recordará a una mujer a la persona que se lo regaló cada vez que se lo ponga, cada vez que lo mire durante el día o la noche. Y luego, una vez más, cuando se lo quita antes de ducharse, bañarse, nadar o para descansar bien por la noche.

Para las parejas comprometidas, los relojes pueden ser un regalo poético y romántico que simboliza el tiempo que pasan juntos. Los relojes clásicos son ideales como regalo de aniversario, ya que representan el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Un hombre que te da este tipo de regalo te está comunicando la profundidad de su compromiso y su afecto permanente por ti.

Si aún no estás prometida y has recibido algo de este calibre del hombre de tu vida, casi siempre significa que está comprometido contigo. Significa la profundidad de su relación y consolida la idea de que le gustaría compartir cada segundo, minuto y hora juntos.


Lo que hace que el reloj de pulsera perfecto sea un regalo ideal para las mujeres es el hecho de que se necesita tanto cuidado y atención para elegirlo. No solo atesorarás la excelencia artesanal que define nuestras piezas, sino también su significado personal. Te dice que el dador valora tus deseos y necesidades y profundiza tu relación con el reconocimiento de tu individualidad.

El regalo del reloj de pulsera muestra que se ha pensado mucho en el presente y que el donante está interesado en ti y quiere saber lo que te gusta. Tan complejo como es este proceso, es la simplicidad misma y es evidencia de una conexión profunda y duradera entre dos personas.

Dar algo tan personal y significativo como un reloj de pulsera Backes & Strauss requiere que el donante haga un riesgo calculado porque tiene que entenderte para comprarte algo que te encantará. Es una forma de establecer un lazo emocional aún mayor entre una pareja y se trata de que tu amado tome un papel más activo en tu vida.

Se pueden atribuir muchos significados literales y figurativos a la entrega de un reloj como regalo. Pero al final del día, depende de ti descifrar cuál es la intención detrás de esto. Sin embargo, es una suposición bastante segura que si alguien se ha tomado el tiempo para tratar de averiguar qué tipo de reloj se adapta mejor a usted y sus necesidades; ¡ha sido alcanzado por la flecha de Cupido!

Vacheron Constantin – Les Cabinotiers Grande Complication Bacchus

  • This single-piece edition referring to astronomy and mythology combines engraving and gem-setting on the outside of the case.
  • Remarkable mastery of the art of craftsmanship, along with watchmaking expertise: 16 complications on a double-sided wristwatch, beating to the rhythm of in-house calibre 2755 GCC16.
  • Inspired by mythology, the decoration gracing the pink gold case takes the form of a bas-relief sculpture featuring vine leaves and clusters of grapes set with rubies in a nod to Bacchus.

Geneva, January 2022 – The single-piece edition Les Cabinotiers Grande Complication Bacchus combines Vacheron Constantin’s expertise in grand complication watches with its mastery of artistic crafts. This double-sided wristwatch comprises 16 complications, essentially astronomical and calendar-related, powered by Calibre 2755 GC16 with minute repeater and tourbillon. A technical feat housed in an 18K 5N gold case whose middle is sculpted in bas-relief. In tribute to the god of vines and wine, this “Bacchus” watch finds another source of inspiration in Johannes Kepler, resulting in a captivating association between mythology and astronomy.

The single-piece edition Les Cabinotiers Grand Complication Bacchus offers proof that the tradition of combining artistic crafts with watchmaking expertise remains alive and well within the Maison. Vacheron Constantin’s master engravers and gem-setters have worked together to make this watch an applied arts masterpiece powered by in-house Calibre 2755 GC16, whose complexity is expressed through its 16 complications. This double-sided creation dedicated to Bacchus, the Roman god of vines and wine is adorned with ruby grapes set in gold foliage hand-carved. In addition to these mythological references, the tourbillon and minute repeater movement displays virtually every astronomical and calendar-type complication a timepiece can muster. This association between the study of the stars and the divine world, between Bacchus and Johannes Kepler, makes this timepiece doubly remarkable.

Artistic crafts perform a duet

The 18K 5N pink gold case of this Les Cabinotiers timepiece features a decoration composed of vine leaves interspersed with bunches of ruby grapes. The engraver’s work is complemented by that of the gem-setter on the outside of the case in giving life to figurative motifs, making this watch a piece of fine craftsmanship. The two master artisans working on this model took turns, with the gem-setter first taking the case from the engraver’s hands and then returning it for the last finishing touches, a progressive duet-style operation that required more than 300 hours of combined dexterity.

Before embarking on such a project, an initial gem-setting test had to be performed on part of the case middle that had been prepared beforehand, so as to ensure the feasibility of the project and the various phases of its development. After putting the decoration in place using a scribing tool, the engraver began to prepare the model using the bas-relief technique that consists of creating cells or troughs by delicately “gouging” the material with a burin to make the foliage motif stand out. This preparation included the 113 recessed spaces for the five different sized rubies that form the grapes along with enough surrounding material to hold them in place. The gem-setter then took over, in successive phases, in order to set the cabochon-cut rubies using a technique combining prong and bezel setting, involving a minimum of three points of attachment.

Once the bunches of grapes had been formed, the engraver took over the model to perform the finishing, while facing the added difficulty of having to work around the gem-set parts without touching them. The vine leaves were thus delicately modelled using the intaglio engraving technique that involve hollowing out the material and then polished. And because every detail is important, the engraver took the trouble to dig slightly below the outline of each leaf so as to accentuate the 3D visual effect. This foliage thus emerges clearly against the case middle, especially as the base has been delicately chased. To achieve this sandblasted effect, the engraver hammers the surface point by point so as to enhance the contrast with the raised polished elements.

The case decoration continues on the bezel and case-back with a hand engraving depicting vine leaves. The difficulty implied by this intaglio engraving lies in the absence of a border or contour line. Hollowed out across the entire width of the bezel, the garland thus stands alone thanks to the metronomic regularity of the motif. This latter aspect is picked up on the two fastening options – folding clasp and pin buckle – accompanying the watch and which required a full week’s work in themselves.

Calibre 2755 GC16

To create the movement of this highly complicated watch, Vacheron Constantin’s watchmakers took the Tour de l’Île as a reference, a timepiece presented in 2005 as a tribute to 250 years of watchmaking expertise cultivated by the Geneva-based Manufacture. In the same spirit, the Les Cabinotiers – Bacchus timepiece combines 16 complications, making it one of the most complex watches produced by the Maison. For the sake of precision timekeeping, its manual winding Calibre 2755 GC16 is equipped with a tourbillon regulator to compensate for the effects of the earth’s gravity on the mechanism. Featuring a cage shaped like Vacheron Constantin’s signature Maltese cross emblem, the tourbillon completes one full rotation per minute, thus serving as a small seconds indicator. This watch also incorporates a minute repeater chiming the hours, quarters and minutes on demand. To avoid unnecessary noise as well as wear and tear on the mechanism, the striking of the gongs is equipped with an ingenious centripetal flying strike regulator. This perfectly silent device regulates the duration of the musical sequences so as to obtain clear, distinct and regular sounds.

The calendar and astronomical functions play a starring role on both sides of the watch. On the front, where the mechanical ballet of the tourbillon can be admired at 6 o’clock, the perpetual calendar indications are displayed on three counters. Positioned in the upper part of the dial, they respectively show the date, day and month. Designed to keep track of the Gregorian calendar’s vagaries without any need for adjustment until 2100, this horological complication is further enhanced by the indication of the leap-year cycle. The latter appears in a small aperture next to the hand indicating the torque of the minute repeater mechanism between 1 and 2 o’clock. This striking mechanism power reserve is matched by an indication of the movement power reserve, which can be read by means of a serpentine pointer coaxial with the day of the week hand.

The complex mechanics of this piece also provide an astronomical reading of time representing a tribute to Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), regarded as one of the founders of modern astronomy for having discovered the laws of planetary motion, in perfect agreement with Copernicus’ heliocentric hypotheses. The first astronomical functions thus appear on this same opaline champagne-coloured dial, starting with the equation of time positioned between 10 and 11 o’clock. As the Earth’s path around the Sun is not circular but elliptical, and since the Earth’s axis is inclined at 24° to the plane of its orbit, the time between two zenith passages of the Sun is not the same throughout the year. This difference between the (true) solar day and the (average) 24-hour civil day ranges from -16 to +14 minutes depending on the time of year and coincides only four times a year. Called the equation of time, or time correction in astronomical language, this differential is displayed by a dedicated pointer, while sunrise and sunset times – adjusted according to a reference city – appear at the bottom of the dial.

An astronomical watch as conceived by the watchmakers at Vacheron Constantin would not be complete without a sidereal time indication. This display finds its place the back of the watch in the shape of a rotating disc depicting the celestial vault with its constellations observable from the Northern hemisphere. Taking a fixed star in the sky as a reference point, the time required for the Earth to complete a full 360° rotation, or sidereal day, is exactly 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds. Since the Earth is both spinning on its axis and revolving around the Sun, it takes about four minutes less than a calendar day to return to its point of origin relative to a given star. On this model, the “celestial” disc thus performs a complete rotation according to sidereal time with the time displayed on the periphery, opposite the date appearing on the periphery of the mobile disc. This same date is read off by a large central hand moving over the fixed outer flange bearing a scale graduated in five-day increments. This hand also indicates the sign of the zodiac, the season and the four dates corresponding to the solstices and equinoxes. Finally, the small central hand indicates the age of the moon, i.e. the number of days that have elapsed since the last full moon.

Comprising 839 parts and measuring a total 33.90 mm in diameter and 12.15 mm thick, this movement endowed with a 58-hour power reserve represents a technical feat that is all the rarer in that it displays all its functions in a perfectly legible manner on both sides. Equipped with a balance oscillating at a rate of 18,000 vibrations per hour (2.5 Hz), it is housed in a 47 mm-diameter 18K 5N pink gold case, of which the characteristics been specifically designed to provide the best possible sound quality for the minute repeater.

“Le Temps Céleste”

 Each year, the Les Cabinotiers department unveils a range of single-piece editions relating to a theme cherished by Vacheron Constantin. The year 2021 is dedicated to “Le Temps Céleste” (which means Celestial Time), with timepieces referring to the astronomical origins of time measurement.

From the dawn of civilisations, the cycle of days and seasons, the evolution of constellations in the night sky, the phases of the moon and eclipses have exerted an almost mystical fascination. Eager to unravel the mysteries of the universe, the first human beings found in mythological tales a cosmogony blending legends with poetry. At a very early stage, the first scientific minds attempted to decipher the rhythms of Nature and to organise them according to predictable patterns.

It was from these calculations, and with the appearance of writing, that the first calendars were born, before the Babylonian sexagesimal system gave meaning to the physical division of time into units of angle. Traditional watchmaking is a direct heir to this rigorous and scientific approach, expressed today on watches with depictions of the calendar, the sky chart, moon phases, tides and seasons, and even civil, solar and sidereal time with their differentials. Vacheron Constantin has nevertheless sought to endow these genuine observation instruments with all the charm of the founding myths through the subtlety of its craftsmanship, through its work in guilloché engraving and the engraving of symbolic motifs, or in the “stellar” glittering of gem-set stones. This new Les Cabinotiers range is the expression of exceptional expertise in astronomical watches, dedicated to the poetry of time.

Vacheron Constantin and astronomical watches

Astronomical watches enjoy a rich and longstanding tradition within the Maison. The Vacheron Constantin archives reveal a first perpetual calendar in 1884, integrated into a double-sided yellow gold pocket watch, now part of the Maison’s private collection. This was the beginning of a mechanical “epic” that would singularly take shape at the turn of the century. In 1900, the Maison set up a workshop exclusively dedicated to the assembly of watches with complications, often incorporating astronomical functions. Orders flooded in for complicated and even very complicated watches. The perpetual calendar was then combined with other technical feats such as those enriching a 1905 pocket watch comprising a minute repeater, split-seconds chronograph and perpetual calendar with phases and age of the moon.

Delivered in 1929, the pocket watch made for King Fouad I of Egypt with chronograph, perpetual calendar, Grande and Petite Sonnerie and minute repeater functions is characteristic of this golden age. This exceptional watchmaking expertise, later applied to wristwatches, would be powerfully expressed in the Tour de l’Île with its 16 horological and astronomical complications, produced in 2005 to mark the 250th anniversary of the Maison. It features a sky chart, a complication that has become a speciality of Vacheron Constantin. Reference 57260, which has 57 complications, also features a sky chart, notably accompanied by sidereal time and a secular Hebrew calendar. In 2017, Vacheron Constantin once again innovated with Calibre 3600, powering displays of civil, solar and sidereal time, the latter synchronised with a mobile representation of constellations.

Les Cabinotiers: single-piece editions

In the Vacheron Constantin universe, Les Cabinotiers represents a department in its own right dedicated to the personalisation of Grand Complication models and single-piece editions. This tradition dates back to the 18th century, an age when master-watchmakers were called cabinotiers and worked in ateliers bathed in natural light, known as cabinets and located on the top floors of Geneva’s buildings. In the hands of these learned artisans, open to the new ideas of the Enlightenment, exceptional timepieces were born, inspired by astronomy, mechanical engineering and the arts. This expertise, which constitutes the great Geneva watchmaking tradition, has been flowing through Vacheron Constantin’s veins since 1755.



Astronomy and mythology meet and mingle in the Vacheron Constantin Les Cabinotiers Grand Complication Bacchus watch. This union of science and art finds an original field of expression in this highly sophisticated Grand Complication timepiece. The mythological references to Bacchus, the god of vines and wine, are symbolised by the ornamentation of the case with a vineyard motif. The Maison’s master engravers and gem-setters have worked together to create a bas-relief vine foliage on the case middle of the watch, embellished with ruby-set bunches of grapes. A masterpiece of applied arts, this model is doubly remarkable for its Calibre 2755 GC16 movement powering 16 complications and representing one of the most complex ever made by the Manufacture. A tourbillon and striking watch with a minute repeater mechanism, Les Cabinotiers Grand Complication Bacchus brings together on its double-sided display the essential calendar and astronomical functions in tribute to Johannes Kepler, one of the founders of modern astronomy. The perpetual calendar offers an equation of time indication as well as sunrise and sunset times on the front, complemented on the back by a display of sidereal time with a rotating sky chart of the constellations, the age of the moon along with indications of the date, seasons and signs of the zodiac. Through this timepiece, Vacheron Constantin perpetuates the grand watchmaking tradition of pocket watches that are both mechanically complex and richly decorated.



Reference 9700C/000R-B755

Caliber 2755 GC16
Developed and manufactured by Vacheron Constantin
Mechanical, manual-winding
33.90 mm diameter, 12.15 mm thick
Approximately 58 hours of power reserve
2.5Hz (18,000 vibrations/hour)
839 components
42 jewels
Hallmark of Geneva certified timepiece

Front side: Hours, minutes, small second at 6 o’clock on tourbillon carriage – Minute repeater – Tourbillon – Perpetual calendar (date, day of the week, month, leap year) – Power reserve indication – Equation of time – Sunrise time – Sunset time – Alarm torque indication
Back side: Sky chart – Age and phases of the moon – Sidereal hours and minutes – Seasons, zodiac signs

Hours and minutes adjustment: winding crown (2 positions)
Moon phase adjustment: correction push-piece on the case
Perpetual calendar adjustment: two correction push-pieces on the case
Sky chart adjustment: with crown and screwed-down push-piece

18K 5N pink gold with bezel and back side hand-engraved with “vine leaves” and case band hand-engraved with “vine leaves” and gem-set with 113 rubies for a total weight of approximately 1.84 cts representing bunch of grapes
47 mm diameter, 19.10 mm thick

Dials (face & back side)
Champagne opaline dials
18K 5N pink gold applied hour-markers
18K 5N pink gold hands

Dark brown Mississippiensis alligator leather, hand-stitched, saddle-finish, large square scales

18K 5N pink gold folding clasp and buckle hand-engraved with a “vine leaves” pattern
Half Maltese cross-shaped

Les Cabinotiers Prestige box

Delivered with a corrector pen and a magnifying glass
A winder box

Single-piece edition
« Les Cabinotiers », « Pièce unique », « AC » hallmark engraved on caseback


Hublot takes on the (Black) Diamond and pays tribute to 75 years of Aspen Snowmass with the Classic Fusion Aerofusion Aspen Snowmass Limited Edition

Aspen Snowmass is an enigma. A destination steeped in history and community, it also moves with speed and draws visitors the world over. It is hard to make time stand still in America’s most iconic and adventurous mountain town, but that’s exactly what Swiss luxury watchmaker Hublot and Aspen Snowmass have achieved today.

In honor of the 75th Anniversary of Aspen Snowmass, Hublot: The Official Resort Partner and Official Timekeeper of Aspen Snowmass, has kicked off the resort’s auspicious 75th anniversary (taking place in January 2022) ahead of time, by launching a limited-edition commemorative timepiece to celebrate the Diamond Anniversary (that is fondly termed “The Black Diamond Anniversary” in acknowledgement of the mountain’s famed downhill terrain).

Aspen Snowmass – home to four mountains, two towns and one unforgettable experience at the confluence of nature, culture, and recreation – and Hublot – renowned for The Art of Fusion, have combined forces to design a piece that speaks to the DNA of both the mountain and the Swiss luxury Maison.

Designed in artful collaboration, the alpine-white skeletonized timepiece takes on the iconic Hublot Classic Fusion model. This limited edition of 30 pieces made of black ceramic with a white ceramic bezel features the Aspen tree leaf on the second hand and high shine brilliant titanium, a homage to the silver mining heritage of the Rockies and Aspen township. The limitation is stamped on the back of the timepiece along with the 75-year commemorative logo: the piece is a true collector’s item for 30 lucky few.

Baume & Mercier celebrates haute horlogerie design is expressed in all its forms

Baume & Mercier celebrates haute horlogerie design is expressed in all its forms



From the Hampton to the Riviera, from Clifton to Baume or Classima, it is a rhythmic tableau of curves and angles that form and intertwine to no end… No limits, ever.

Baume & Mercier has played with shapes and materials, unveiling a diverse selection for the holiday season. Christmas is alive, the night sparkles. The creativity and technical prowess of the infinitely small are celebrated while bright baubles, decorated trees, and shining stars infiltrate our homes in perfect elegance. A ballet of light and shadow begins in this subtle blend of tradition and modernity. And last but not least, respect for conventions!

Baume et Mercier celebrates watchmaking with character, collectively, even collaboratively. An invitation to celebrate Christmas in a new way, as you like. There’s nothing better for the occasion than to satisfy absolutely every desire: discover a radiant tribute to all the collections, each with its own distinctive design. Dive into a graphic, artistic, and luminous Christmas with the lightheartedness we all need at the end of 2021.

Baume & Mercier wishes you all a happy holiday season!

Riviera: You don’t need a passport to see the Riviera.

2021 saw the grand return of the Riviera watch with its famous dodecagonal case… 12 corners like the 12 months that are coming to a close, bringing us ever closer to what Baume & Mercier now wants to embody through its timepieces: creative, elegant watchmaking with character… Here, without softening the edges!

The Riviera is an assertive and uncompromising collection. Dive into the shades of the Mediterranean, appreciate the sharp edges and the comfort of sporty materials around your wrist. Chic and sophisticated, it is back with its distinctive design and sparkling colors. For Christmas, there is no shortage of options: a watch in polished/satin-finished or black microblasted ADLC steel, interchangeable straps – either steel or integrated grained satin-finished rubber, a lacquered dial decorated with waves or a smoky black sapphire dial, a 36, 42, or 43 mm case, a quartz or automatic movement, a host of functions including small seconds, chronograph, day and date apertures… To each his own Riviera! The Riviera is yours, in all its forms.

Seize the one that suits you.

Riviera 10616, Riviera 10625, Riviera 10618, Riviera 10683

Clifton: Built to last a lifetime and designed to turn heads for just as long.

Clifton is the ultimate Baume & Mercier watch collection. A genuine tribute to the expert craftsmanship that the Brand has preserved for nearly two centuries. Behind the soft, elegant curves of these watches is all the expertise and finesse that fascinates fine watchmaking aficionados, with no compromise on style. Its classic lines allow it to stand the test of time, while the innovation and performance of the Baumatic movement at its heart continue to surprise and captivate. That is the secret of its timelessness. Baume & Mercier expresses itself here with round and voluptuous shapes, giving the Clifton collection masterful balance.

The Clifton watch is the perfect intergenerational Christmas gift combining modernity, functionality, and precision engineering. Classic, colorful, more watchmaking artistry, always very powerful. There are so many combinations that you won’t know which one to choose: a smoky gray, intense red, or forest green lacquered dial, an 18K rose gold or polished/satin-finished steel case, a black or blue alligator strap with square scales, a certified chronometer function (COSC) or day, date, and moon phase apertures… The Clifton collection will shine in all its facets under your illuminated Christmas tree for Christmas as it should be!

Clifton 10467, Clifton 10592, Clifton 10591, Clifton 10548

Classima: The ultimate elegance is discretion. Classima, simply self-evident.

Classima is the round, classic watch with perfect proportions, always pleasant to wear: timeless, ageless, never insolent. The watch that Baume & Mercier never ceases to reinterpret with modernity and style, making light of the materials, from the most traditional to the most innovative. Dive into a palette of unique colors, allow yourself to be carried away by small creative touches. Everyone wants their own Classima. This collection embodies the art of simplicity.

For the holiday season, Classima unveils its panoply of sizes, materials, and colors to suit every desire, every look, and every budget. 31, 34, 39, or 42 mm, a quartz or automatic movement, a polished/satin-finished steel or 18K rose gold case, a slate sun satin-finished or white mother-of-pearl dial, rhodium-plated or diamond-set indexes… Anything is possible! Interchangeable straps also offer multiple combinations for every occasion: canvas, alligator with overstitching, or five rows of polished stainless steel – indulge yourself… Of course, all the watches can be personalized with the engraving of your choice, the ultimate final touch for an unforgettable gift. Classic yet contemporary, elegant yet sometimes surprising, its perfect round shape will be sweeping people off their feet for years to come. And Christmas is the right time to treat yourself!

Classima 10608, Classima 10607, Classima 10633, Clifton 10598  

Hampton: For when it feels like everybody else is going around in circles.

Between creativity and elegance, the Hampton collection made its great comeback two years ago. With its rectangular case, which was considered unconventional and avant-garde when launched, it continues to symbolize renewal and hope in tribute to the Art Deco movement. Baume & Mercier has reinterpreted its silhouettes in step with the times: a colorful fashion show that combines creativity and finesse for these jewelry watches, whose interchangeable straps offer multiple variations to satisfy each of your desires.

For both men and women, in 18K rose gold, polished/satin-finished steel, or even set with diamonds, this collection has its own unique characteristics: “glaive” hands or a cabochon-shaped crown, the well-marked minute track that emphasizes the perimeter of the dial and enhances the geometric Art Deco effect… Hampton watches are worth discovering or rediscovering, and we can’t get enough of them! They leave the classic codes behind by playing with shapes, embracing the world, and daring. Hampton is the collection that elegantly stands out from the crowd. The ideal gift for a Christmas free of conventions, to be celebrated however you wish!

Hampton 10528, Hampton 10472, Hampton 10630, Hampton 10628  

Baume: A different take on the concept of time. By Baume.

The latest Baume collection embodies renewal and creativity in the context of sustainable development, the circular economy, and protecting the environment. Swiss made, it reinvents time in motion. This collection has a strong design signature with its crown centered at noon, its articulated lugs at noon and 6 o’clock, its interchangeable bracelet with buttons, and its filigree hands.

Amidst the natural, offbeat materials are attributes such as a handcrafted decoration or small functions to evoke Baume & Mercier’s watchmaking roots. Here, it is not a question of dwelling on traditions but rather of making things happen and moving with the times in a different way. We don’t abide by the rules, we make them our own! A committed approach and a collection to embody it.

Baume watches are invited to the holiday season in an explosion of creativity adorned with their cotton or linen straps. With a 35 or 41 mm case, equipped here with a quartz movement, with a blue satin or white opaline dial coated with PVD steel, there is something for everyone. We like the black date at 6 o’clock and the small seconds hand with its gilt flange. Baume reinvents the watchmaking codes with style, finesse, and the nonconformity that was missing to arouse certain curiosities. For the more poetic, one of the models reveals a moon phase at its center encircled by a hypnotic minute track: a modern and daring interpretation of this complication with two moons against a starry background with a very graphic look. Baume & Mercier lights Christmas up from another angle and offers a form of collective, collaborative, and responsible watchmaking with its Baume collection.

Baume 10600, Baume 10637, Baume 10639, Baume 10638

Excalibur Gully Monotourbillon


Buscar inspiración en los lugares más inesperados está en el ADN de Roger Dubuis. Esto incluye unirse con artistas de la cultura urbana de fama mundial que comparten sus valores comunes para romper las reglas, mostrar una experiencia radical y obsesionarse diariamente con el diseño del futuro. Continuando con un viaje para crear obras maestras que rompen fronteras en el mundo de la hiperhorología, Roger Dubuis se enorgullece de presentar el segundo de sus relojes URBAN ART TRIBE con el Excalibur Gully Monotourbillon.

Gully, el grafiti francés convertido en estudio, sigue el camino iniciado por Dr. Woo después de que se le concediera acceso a la sala más importante de Roger Dubuis: la propia manufactura. Asumiendo el mismo desafío creativo para reinterpretar la firma astral del icónico Excalibur Monotourbillon, presenta su visión de la estrella uniéndola con su colorido mundo de graffiti.


Extravagante, decidido y perturbador, Gully es tan atrevido y brillante en sus ideas como Roger Dubuis. Después de haberse hecho un nombre pintando por toda Francia en los años noventa y noventa, dejó las calles para mantener su anonimato. Ahora trabaja en un estudio y exhibe su trabajo en galerías respetadas. Maestro de las apropiaciones, el arte de Gully combina todos los movimientos, desde el hiperrealismo al pop art, pasando por el surrealismo y el cubismo, para crear obras maestras graciosas y narrativas que viajan por la historia del arte como si fueran vistas a través de los ojos de un niño. Hablando de su oficio, Gully dice: “Unir mundos diferentes es mi marca registrada. Este proyecto tiene ese espíritu en su esencia, lo que lo convierte en una colaboración obvia para ambos”.

Roger Dubuis, que nunca se alejó de un desafío, tomó la decisión de remodelar y remodelar su propia obra de arte, el Excalibur Monotourbillon, a principios de este año. Gracias a la habilidad y el ingenio excepcionales de sus relojeros, se crearon las condiciones perfectas para la colaboración de URBAN ART TRIBE. El uso de líneas de corte limpias tanto en la caja como en el movimiento, así como los materiales modernos y técnicos, no solo eleva el reloj a un estándar aún más alto, sino que también lo convierte en un lienzo emocionante para la creatividad. Al proporcionar este espacio puro y versátil, se convierte en el patio de recreo en el que Gully se expresa.


Gully une dos mundos en una nueva obra maestra singular al combinar la alta experiencia en relojería de la Maison con su divertido estilo artístico. Apropiando conscientemente la firma astral y fusionándola con su graffiti, la estrella se eleva a nuevas alturas por su estilo. Como un guiño a sus primeras obras callejeras, la etiqueta con letras de Gully utiliza la famosa técnica de una sola línea. Comenzando desde el centro del reloj, su mano se mueve directamente hacia las 11 en punto, dibujando el borrador preliminar de una G. La línea luego se dirige hacia las 3 en punto, pero cambia de dirección a la mitad para diseñar parcialmente una Y. Finalmente, la línea llega a las 9, luego a las 12, 6 y 3, antes de moverse hacia el centro del tourbillon y cruzar a las 4 en punto. Volviendo la línea al centro, queda claro que se han dibujado dos L. Termina la carrera dibujando una U parcialmente alrededor del tourbillon. Observe con atención las letras que nacen de este movimiento continuo, ya que el artista no solo reinterpreta la estrella de Roger Dubuis, sino que también firma la esfera. Mire más de cerca y se verá que se han creado dos nuevas estrellas, levitando en armonía paralela en la parte superior izquierda e inferior derecha de la esfera. De una sola línea a una obra maestra singular.

Inspirándose en la pintura en aerosol utilizada en el arte urbano, los relojeros de la Maison llenaron las letras con laca de colores luminiscentes, mientras que los marcadores de hora y las manecillas se llenaron de Super-Luminova ™ *. Los tonos modernos y brillantes recuerdan el universo del artista, al tiempo que crean una armonía estética y un Acabado único. Imbuido con una proeza técnica adicional, el Excalibur Gully Monotourbillon brilla bajo la luz ultravioleta mientras la obsesión de la Maison por la luminiscencia se refleja.

Gully agrega: “Colaborar con artesanos expertos en industrias con las que no estoy familiarizado me ayuda a crecer en mi comprensión del mundo y del arte en sí. Juntos hemos creado algo singular, completamente nuevo e inimitable “.

El talento técnico de los relojeros es aún más evidente en el calibre RD512SQ en sí. Al reducir el peso del tourbillon, la reserva de marcha se optimiza radicalmente a 72 horas, lo que brinda la opción de dejar el reloj sin usar durante los fines de semana. Además, para sellar con una firma muy exigente en alta relojería, el Poinçon de Genève, se requiere la decoración manual de todos los componentes, así como decoraciones inesperadas y antinómicas, como superficies superiores pulidas con chorro de arena y ángulos pulidos. Subrayado por la rareza y limitado a solo ocho piezas, el Excalibur Gully Monotourbillon está alojado en una caja de titanio DLC gris oscuro de 42 mm y montado en una correa de piel de becerro negra, intercambiable con un sistema de liberación rápida para máxima comodidad y flexibilidad.

Junto a sus amigos, la Maison muestra lo que sucede cuando se rechazan las reglas y se desata la creatividad. Al reunir a un artista visionario con relojeros increíbles, Roger Dubuis demuestra una vez más que es sin duda la forma más emocionante de experimentar la hiperhorología.


* Roger Dubuis no es propietario de la marca comercial Super Luminova ™



Patek Philippe Ref. 5711/1A-018

Un histórico, muy importante y nuevo reloj de pulsera de acero inoxidable con esfera, fecha y brazalete lacados en “Tiffany Blue”, con certificado de origen y caja de presentación, cuyas ganancias beneficiarán a The Nature Conservancy.



2021 Caja de 40 mm de diámetro, esfera, movimiento y brazalete firmados

Estimación en exceso de $ 50,000

  • Fabricante: Patek Philippe
    Año: 2021
    Número de referencia: 5711/1A-018
    Número de movimiento: 7’441’868
    Número de caso: 6’497’092
    Nombre del modelo: Nautilus
    Material: Acero inoxidable
    Calibre: Automático, cal. 26-330 SC, 30 joyas
    Brazalete/Correa: Brazalete Patek Philippe de acero inoxidable, longitud total máxima de 190 mm
    Cierre/hebilla: cierre desplegable Patek Philippe de acero inoxidable
    Dimensiones: 40 mm de diámetro
    Firmado: caja, esfera, movimiento y brazalete firmados
    Accesorios: acompañado de un certificado de origen Patek Philippe fechado (11 de diciembre) de Tiffany & Co. en Nueva York, caja de presentación ajustada, sobre de cuero y documentación del producto.

Ensayo de catálogo

Phillips se siente extremadamente honrado y emocionado de presentar el primer Patek Philippe Nautilus ref. 5711/1A-018 con una impresionante esfera lacada Tiffany Blue®. Es, sin duda, uno de los ejemplos más emocionantes, exclusivos y codiciados de un Nautilus jamás ofrecido.

Anunciada al público hace solo unos días, esta serie limitada Nautilus celebra los 170 años de alianza entre Patek Philippe y Tiffany & Co., que sigue siendo una de las relaciones más largas y duraderas en toda la relojería. Se producirán y estarán disponibles un total de 170 relojes exclusivamente a través de las ubicaciones de Tiffany en Nueva York, Beverly Hills y San Francisco, con la excepción de este mismo reloj. Por lo tanto, el presente lote es el primer reloj que se vende y estará disponible para su entrega inmediata al postor ganador.

La referencia Nautilus 5711 es la iteración moderna del primer reloj de pulsera deportivo de lujo de Patek Philippe, lanzado por primera vez en 1976 como la referencia 3700. Presentada en 2006, la referencia 5711 actualizó el Nautilus para los tiempos modernos con nuevas innovaciones, como un fondo de caja de exhibición, y un movimiento interno de cuerda automática con segundero central.

Elegido por el fundador de Tiffany, Charles Lewis Tiffany, para la portada de su Blue Book anual publicado a partir de 1845, el color “Tiffany Blue” de la esfera se reconoce de inmediato por su tono distintivo y su vitalidad. Tiffany Blue ahora está registrado como una marca comercial de color por Tiffany & Co., estandarizado como un color personalizado privado por Pantone como “1837 Blue”, con el número que marca el año de la fundación de Tiffany. No solo presenta una esfera de color azul Tiffany por primera vez, la esfera también tiene un doble sello con el exclusivo “Tiffany & Co.” firma a las 6 en punto combinada con el logotipo de Patek Philippe a las 12 en punto, ambos impresos en negro. Los índices de hora tipo bastón luminosos y las manecillas están en oro blanco de 18 quilates ennegrecido, lo que combina perfectamente con la impresión, al tiempo que proporciona una legibilidad excepcional contra la superficie lacada en azul claro de la esfera.



Esta última versión de la referencia 5711, que se retirará próximamente en 2022, está equipada con el calibre automático 26-330 S C. Con un mecanismo de parada de segundos que permite ajustar el tiempo con una precisión de un segundo, este estado-de- el movimiento artístico es visible a través de un fondo de caja de cristal de zafiro, con la inscripción “170th Anniversary 1851-2021 Tiffany & Co. – Patek Philippe”.

En consecuencia, el reloj rinde homenaje a la histórica visión compartida de 170 años y la relación que vincula a Patek Philippe con los Estados Unidos. Poco después de la fundación de Patek Philippe (1839) y Tiffany & Co. (1837), en 1851, las dos empresas firmaron un acuerdo que convirtió a Tiffany & Co. en el primer socio oficial de los relojes Patek Philippe en los EE. UU. En 1876, las dos empresas firmó un nuevo acuerdo que designa a Tiffany & Co. como representante general de EE. UU. “que salvaguarda los intereses de Patek Philippe & Cie. como si fueran
eran sus propios intereses”. Al mismo tiempo, Patek Phillipe se comprometió a salvaguardar los intereses de Tiffany & Co., como lo demuestra un gran cartel que dice “Agentes de Tiffany & Co., Nueva York” en la sede histórica de Patek Philippe en Ginebra. En las instalaciones de los mismos Salones Patek Philippe en Ginebra, hay otra prueba de esta relación duradera: una gran bóveda de acero que antes era propiedad de Tiffany & Co. y decorada por un águila americana con dos banderas.

A principios del siglo XX, Tiffany & Co. apoyó las relaciones clave entre Patek Philippe y los principales coleccionistas estadounidenses, incluido Henry Graves Junior, para quien la manufactura elaboró ​​una amplia gama de relojes complicados. En el siglo XXI, Patek Philippe creó varias ediciones limitadas para Tiffany & Co., muchas de las cuales conmemoran fechas importantes y presentan esferas con doble sello para ambas marcas, incluida la ref. 5150 Calendario Anual lanzado en 2001, la ref. 4987 Gondolo botado en 2009, y la ref. 5396G-012 en 2012. Esta última referencia conmemoró el quinto aniversario de Patek Philippe Boutique en Tiffany & Co, que abrió en 2008 y fue la primera boutique de la manufactura en los EE. UU.

Hoy en día, Tiffany & Co. sigue siendo el único minorista del mundo cuyo nombre aparece en una esfera Patek Philippe, lo que hace que cualquier reloj firmado por Tiffany sea extremadamente buscado. A lo largo de los siglos XIX, XX y XXI, muchas cosas han cambiado, pero la relación entre Tiffany & Co. y Patek Philippe no ha hecho más que crecer. El lote actual, que se ofrece en condiciones nuevas de fábrica, es un Nautilus de serie limitada raro e impresionante que ejemplifica la fuerza de su asociación duradera y seguramente hará las delicias de cualquier entusiasta de los relojes.

El cien por ciento de los ingresos de la venta de este reloj beneficiará a The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Fundada en los EE. UU. en 1951, TNC es una organización ambiental global sin fines de lucro que trabaja para crear un mundo donde las personas y la naturaleza puedan prosperar. Su misión es conservar las tierras y las aguas de las que depende toda la vida y dar forma a un futuro más brillante para las personas y nuestro planeta. Hasta la fecha, TNC ha protegido más de 119 millones de acres de tierra y 5000 millas de ríos en todo el mundo, con el apoyo anterior de Tiffany & Co. y The Tiffany & Co. Foundation. Con programas de conservación en más de 70 países de todo el mundo, sus programas están dedicados a la sostenibilidad de los alimentos y el agua, la protección de la tierra y el agua, la implementación de soluciones para el cambio climático y la construcción de ciudades saludables.

Biografía del artista

Patek Philippe

Desde su fundación en 1839, esta famosa firma con sede en Ginebra ha sorprendido a su clientela con relojes magníficamente elaborados y equipados con las complicaciones más prestigiosas de la relojería. Los diseños tradicionales y conservadores se encuentran en los relojes de Patek Philippe fabricados a lo largo de su historia: lo máximo en elegancia discreta.

Conocida por Graves Supercomplication, un reloj de bolsillo muy complicado que fue el reloj más complicado del mundo durante 50 años, esta marca familiar se ha ganado una reputación de excelencia en todo el mundo. Los complicados relojes antiguos de Patek ostentan el mayor número de récords mundiales de resultados obtenidos en subastas en comparación con cualquier otra marca. Para los coleccionistas, los modelos clave incluyen la referencia 1518, el primer cronógrafo de calendario perpetuo producido en serie en el mundo, y su sucesor, la referencia 2499. Otros modelos famosos incluyen calendarios perpetuos como la ref. 1526, ref. 3448 y 3450, cronógrafos como las referencias 130, 530 y 1463, así como los cronógrafos con segundero de las referencias 1436 y 1563. Patek también es conocido por sus relojes de vestir “Calatrava” de estilo clásico y de solo tiempo, y el “Nautilus”, un icónico reloj deportivo de lujo presentado por primera vez en 1976 como la referencia 3700 que todavía está en producción hoy.

Vacheron Constantin – Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

  • Inspirado en la cultura china del jade, el modelo de tourbillon Traditionnelle está dedicado al mercado chino, numerado y grabado en edición limitada de 30 piezas.
  • Una edición limitada completamente vestida de Imperial Green, un color que representa el más puro y más alto grado de jadeíta verde.
  • Con el movimiento mecánico de cuerda automática ultrafino, calibre 2160/1.
Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

Ginebra, 29 de noviembre de 2021 – El fabricante suizo de alta relojería Vacheron Constantin presenta un reloj de edición limitada de alta complicación, exclusivo para el mercado chino.

Un caballero de jade

“Un caballero de jade” es una frase conocida desde la antigua China para describir a un hombre de carácter noble. Los chinos creen que un verdadero caballero es elegante y digno al igual que el Jade, lo que inspira la creación del primer reloj de pulsera de alta complicación especialmente diseñado para el mercado chino. Considerado como un espejo de la civilización china, Jade ha sido un tesoro de la tradición china durante miles de años. Esta piedra preciosa ha sido un símbolo de alta moralidad a lo largo de la historia de China.

“Verde imperial”

El color verde se describe en la poesía china como suave, relajante y lleno de vigor y energía. Vivir en un entorno verde o agregar toques de verde a su entorno puede traer sorprendentemente sofisticación, tranquilidad y vitalidad a la vida.

El conocido Dragón de Jade Hongshan (Verde) del Período Neolítico, la talla de dragón de jade más antigua conocida en China, define la naturaleza imperial de las tallas de jade verde. En los tiempos modernos, la jadeíta, una forma más dura de jade conocida por los chinos, es muy apreciada por su color suave, translúcido, lujoso, pero no exagerado.

La calidad de un jade está determinada en gran medida por la pureza de su color. El verde imperial, el color con el que se vistió el primer reloj de pulsera de edición limitada de China de alta complicación de Vacheron Constantin, es conocido por representar el tono más puro y sofisticado de la jadeíta verde, y tiene una fuerte audacia sin dejar de ser discreto y cálido.

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Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition

Este reloj tourbillon Traditionnelle presenta una elegante caja de 41 mm de diámetro en oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N que alberga un movimiento automático desarrollado por Vacheron Constantin.

Además del refinamiento de su carro de tourbillon calado en forma de cruz de Malta, el emblema de la Manufactura y completamente biselado y acabado a mano, el Calibre 2160 se distingue por su increíble delgadez: este movimiento ultradelgado de 188 partes dotado de un diámetro aproximado de 80 -Horas de reserva de marcha mide solo 5,65 mm de grosor. Su frecuencia relativamente tranquila (2,5 Hz), junto con su peso oscilante periférico pulido con chorro de arena de oro de 22 quilates, brindan la oportunidad de admirar el ritmo constante de su mecanismo y el nivel excepcional del acabado tradicional de Côtes de Genève visible a través del fondo de caja de cristal de zafiro.

El nuevo reloj Traditionnelle tourbillon China Limited Edition muestra las horas y los minutos con agujas centrales, mientras que el segundero pequeño aparece a las 6 en punto en el tourbillon, enmarcado por una esfera de tono verde imperial adornada con marcadores de hora dorados y Dauphine bifacético. -tipo manos.

Como dice un viejo refrán chino, como el Jade, aquellos que logran grandes cosas son modestos en cuanto a sus capacidades. Como epítome de resplandor, proporciones equilibradas y detalles sutiles, el nuevo Vacheron Constantin Traditionnelle Tourbillon China Limited Edition honra e interpreta a un caballero de jade.



El refinamiento técnico se une a la elegancia estética en este modelo imbuido de una masculinidad exquisita. Representa el epítome de la luminosidad, las proporciones equilibradas y los detalles sutiles. Fiel a los orígenes de Vacheron Constantin y dedicado a los clientes chinos enamorados de relojes bellamente elaborados que son a la vez discretos y distinguidos. Emitido en una serie limitada de 30 piezas exclusivamente para China continental, reafirma el estilo en los acordes tonos de verde: desde la elegante esfera con acabado en tono verde imperial con acabado sunburst hasta la correa de piel de aligátor Mississippiensis con hebilla de oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N. Impulsado por el calibre 2160/1 de cuerda automática, este reloj tourbillon Traditionnelle muestra las horas y los minutos con agujas centrales, mientras que el segundero pequeño aparece a las 6 en punto en el tourbillon.




Reference 6000T/000R-B972

Desarrollado y fabricado por Vacheron Constantin
Rotor periférico mecánico, de cuerda automática
31 mm (13½ “”) de diámetro, 5,65 mm de grosor
Aproximadamente 80 horas de reserva de marcha
2,5 Hz (18.000 vibraciones / hora)
188 componentes
30 joyas
Reloj certificado Hallmark of Geneva

Horas, minutos, segundero pequeño en carruaje tourbillon

Oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N
41 mm de diámetro, 10,4 mm de espesor
Fondo de caja de cristal de zafiro transparente
Resistencia al agua probada a una presión de 3 bar (aprox.30 metros)

Imperial Green, acabado sunburst
Marcadores de hora aplicados en rosa 18K 5N y cruz de Malta

Piel de aligátor Imperial Green Mississippiensis con capa interna de cocodrilo, cosida a mano, acabado en silla de montar, escamas cuadradas grandes

Hebilla desplegable de oro rosa de 18 quilates 5N
Media cruz de Malta pulida

Edición limitada de 30 piezas, numeradas individualmente.

A bathroom is a very private space, a room of relaxation, it is a place of calm and inspiration. We bring you a curated selection of Bathroom Ideas to elevate your American home. Be inspired and choose your favorite design!


Luxury Bathroom

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas luxury bathroom
How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas

A luxury bathroom can be achieved by having an incredible statement piece. A sophisticated bathtub such as the Lapiaz will be the game changer in your private oasis.

This luxurious bespoke piece is the perfect addition to your modern bathroom, enhancing its rich interiors with a gold-painted tear that contrast with the mirrored effect of its stainless steel. This bathtub is a piece of art created by Maison Valentina, the polished brass details and mirrored sides attribute this luxury design artwork an artic yet comfy and warm beauty. Definitely a statement piece for the most luxurious bathrooms.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas lapiaz bathtub boca do lobo
Lapiaz Bathtub

Complement this incredible design with a simple yet sophisticated feature like the Erosion Stool, small but with a large presence, this sculptural piece is handcrafted from resin and fibers with a high gloss lacquer finish. This bespoke piece can also be customized to your taste so it can fit your requirements perfectly.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas erosion stool 01 boca do lobo
Erosion Stool

Classic Bathroom

Do you prefer classic furniture elements? Then these Bathroom Ideas are for you. WIth two classic furniture pieces, this classic bathroom will shine in any American home.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas a bathroom with classic finishes
How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas

The Ring Square Mirror is just like a jewel that reflects eternal beauty when it is contemplated. Exploring the main function of a mirror, the richness of the luxury mirror lies within its reflection and, between its frames, you find carved details lined with golden leaf.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas ring square mirror 01 boca do lobo
Ring Square Mirror

The Metropolitan Washbasin is a sober yet elegant statement piece, perfect for a classic bathroom. This piece has a wood body and the front of the cupboard is in a cut mirror made by the best craftsmen in the business.

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Metropolitan Washbasin

Mirrors Boca do Lobo bl mirror 750

Modern Bathroom

This modern bathroom is an ode to luxury interior design. Contemporary and with a certain organic softness, this is what groundbreaking design is all about.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas modern bathroom decor
How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas

The center of attention is undoubtedly the Diamond Bathtub, the true epitome of sophistication in our own private oasis. Maison Valentina interpreted one of Boca do Lobo’s statement pieces and adapted it to what the exclusive decor customer desires, all while maintaining the balance between the timeless values of decoration and utmost quality with an ever-growing modern vision. Every bathroom gets richer with this unique diamond.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas diamond bathtub 01 boca do lobo
Diamond Bathtub

The Symphony Freestand brings a great contemporary flair, a bespoke piece passionately inspired by music. Handcrafted with the finest materials, the Symphony Freestand ensures mystery and elegance and its golden color provides a luxury touch to every bathroom.

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Symphony Freestand

Sideboards GIF Boca do Lobo banner i lobo you blog sideboards

Golden Bathroom

Is there anything more luxurious than a bathroom made of sophisticated gold furnishings? If you like strong metals in your designs then this is the right inspiration for you. Another great addition to our Bathroom Ideas.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas a golden retreat 1
How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas

The Symphony Bathtub is an absolute showstopper, a truly unique bespoke piece handcrafted using quality material which ensures a certain mystery and the utmost elegance.

How to Get a Luxurious American Home? Bathroom Ideas symphony bathtub 01 boca do lobo
Symphony Bathtub

The lighting in your private paradise is also quite important, and the Soleil Sconce might be the perfect addition to your luxurious bathroom. This unique furnishing was born from the cataclysmic explosion of a massive star. The instant of a bright star burst that was suspended into a fascinating lighting design. An amazing design inspiration and the perfect fit in our Bathroom Ideas!

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Soleil Sconce
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Since 2017, Hublot has been setting its watches with all the colours of the rainbow. However, the watch brand has never combined all of its seven colours in one piece. Until now! Two exceptional High Jewellery pieces adorned with the full rainbow spectrum, from the case to the dial and to the bracelet.  Two Big Bang Tourbillon models made from King Gold or white gold, which allow a glimpse beneath the sapphire to reveal the fascinating automatic tourbillon manufacture movement.

While Hublot is now completely synonymous with its Art of Fusion, the watch brand is also a master of the Art of Colour. It excels at imbuing all the materials it uses with colour, from those it has built expertise in, such as sapphire, to those it has patented, like vibrantly coloured ceramic.

With a Pop Art spirit and a penchant for bright tones, Hublot loves its watches to really show their colours. Juxtapositions, gradations, contrasts, no Pantone is out of reach – not even the palette required for “Rainbow”. While the Rainbow trend has recently taken the fashion world by storm, for Hublot, this love of polychromy is anything but fleeting – unlike the rainbow itself – with the first Big Bang Rainbow released in 2017.

This piece totals almost 36 carats, with 484 invisibly set baguette-cut stones of seven different types to echo the seven visible colours of the spectrum: bright red rubies, fuchsia pink sapphires, ultraviolet amethysts, topaz in Klein blue, leaf green tsavorites, lemon yellow sapphires and bright orange sapphires. Two striking creations with generous dimensions of 43 mm; two unique pieces crafted from King Gold or white gold, with the integrated bracelet further reinforcing the visual impact, as the graduated spectrum of colours radiates outwards from the bezel to the bracelet.

The colour gradation is expertly executed, subtle yet captivating. It would be impossible to choose a favourite colour or stone. It must be said that, when it comes to perfectly combining and harmonising colours, Nature knows best. The continuous transition between the seven types of stones further accentuates the piece’s artistic appeal.
To reproduce the perfection of Nature takes 1200 hours of work, selecting the stones, choosing their colours, cutting them and setting them to ensure the perfect gradation of colours. Nothing is left to chance in this work of art, including its mechanism, a manufacture movement entirely designed and manufactured in-house. It features a tourbillon at 6 o’clock which is no less striking than the piece itself: self-winding, with a micro-rotor visible on the dial side, and three bridges made from transparent sapphire. Once again, Hublot has fused innovation with expertise, combining Haute Horlogerie and Haute Joaillerie in a truly stunning watch.

Multicoloured is no longer a fashion faux pas; rather a deliberate multifaceted style. With all the colours of the rainbow combined in a single watch, are you ready for a look versatile enough for your every mood?

Skeleton Concept reimagines the Rolex GMT-Master II Batman for Paris Saint-Germain footballer Presnel Kimpembe

Skeleton Concept reimagines the Rolex GMT-Master II Batman for Paris Saint-Germain footballer Presnel Kimpembe


Presnel Kimpembe was born on August 13, 1995 in France, to a Congolese father and Haitian mother. Named after his maternal grandfather, for him the value of family has always been of utmost importance. Passionated with football since a young age, Kimpembe took his first steps in football at the age of 10 years old. He made his professional debut for Paris Saint-Germain in 2014 and participated in the UEFA Champions league for the first time in February 2017. Presnel Kimpembe was born to become a winner: he won his first “French champion” title with Paris Saint-Germain at the end of the season. France and the rest of the world had the pleasure to discover his talent and joviality over the summer of 2018, during which he was crowned World Champion with Didier Deschamps’ french team “les Bleus”. Since then, Kimpembe keeps playing for PSG as a centre-back with the club’s emblem bolted to his heart.

Skeleton Concept reimagines the Rolex GMT-Master II Batman for Paris Saint-Germain footballer Presnel Kimpembe

Skeleton Concept reimagines the Rolex GMT-Master II Batman for Paris Saint-Germain footballer Presnel Kimpembe


When we first met with Presnel Kimpembe, we discovered a very passionate and creative man with a special sense of aesthetics and fashion.  It’s not for nothing that Kimpembe began his own streetwear collection in 2020. Once the football player finds an interest in something, he wants to get to the bottom of it, understand and master the subject to its smallest details. That’s also what happened during the process of creating his exclusive Skeleton Concept timepiece.

Never doing things halfway, Kimpembe challenged our watchmakers into skeletonizing his Rolex®  GMT-MASTER II “Batman”. A real technical challenge that has never been taken up by any other team of master watchmakers before us. Another requirement was to keep the “sportswear” aspect of the timepiece and intensify the blue color on the bezel, since it is his signature color.


Due to the particularity of the movement and its 2 complications (the date disc and the second GMT time zone), hundreds of hours of hard work and several sketches were needed to create the design and craft it. Our master watchmakers had to use a lot of ingenuity and creativity in order to find the technical solutions to keep the complications working all the while skeletonizing the cutout of the dial and the rest of the movement in a harmonious and flattering way.

The density of the original movement of the GMT-Master II, required a particular attention. A special sandblasting treatment was made in order to keep the consistency of the timepiece and add a matte  aspect to its visual beauty. The movement has been fully refined. Its color is a beautiful pale Oyster steel gray that enhances the bi-color blue and black bezel – carefully chosen by the World cup Champion, Kimpembe. The matte bracelet in Oyster steel fits perfectly with the color palette chosen for this design.

Skeleton Concept reimagines the Rolex GMT-Master II Batman for Paris Saint-Germain footballer Presnel Kimpembe

Skeleton Concept reimagines the Rolex GMT-Master II Batman for Paris Saint-Germain footballer Presnel Kimpembe


The smooth handmade anglage adds life and volume to the movement that is achievable only in haute horology. The strong-edged plate with its Rubi creates a nice and delightful reflection of the light. Thanks to the superposition of the Sapphire module of the date, the numbers on the dial seem to be “floating”, as if suspended in air…. almost transparent.

We also gave Kimpembe a special nod: the number 3 on the date module is in blue – as “3” is his number on the football team. The Kimpembe Concept turned the GMT-Master II watch into a dynamic and elegant timepiece. The skeletonized timepiece is of exceptional finesse, the result is exquisite.


“Ever since I was a young boy, I’ve always been a fan of everything that has to do with customization. I have been lucky to learn more about the fascinating and complicated world of horology, thanks to the master watchmakers of Skeleton Concept. The process of personalizing my timepiece has been marvelous to me. I feel blessed and lucky to wear such a unique timepiece.




Oyster, 40 mm, Oystersteel



Monobloc middle case, screw-down case back and winding crown



40 mm






Bidirectional rotatable 24-hour graduated bezel.

Two-colour blue and black Cerachrom insert in ceramic,

moulded numerals and graduations



Screw-down, Triplock triple waterproofness system



 Scratch-resistant sapphire, , Cyclops lens over the date



Waterproof to 100 meters / 330 feet



Perpetual, mechanical, self-winding, GMT function


3186, Manufacture Rolex



-2/+2 sec/day, after casing



Centre hour, minute and seconds hands.

24-hour display. Second time zone with independent rapid-setting

of the hour hand. Instantaneous date.

Stop-seconds for precise time setting



Paramagnetic blue Parachrom hairspring.

High-performance Paraflex shock absorbers



Bidirectional self-winding via Perpetual rotor



Approximately 72 hours



Oyster, five-piece links






Folding Oysterlock safety clasp with

Easylink 5 mm comfort extension link