Tag Archive for: Wine

Chandon descorcha una nueva versión pionera y vibrante del rosado del sur de Francia con el vino espumoso Chant des Cigales

El sur de Francia nunca ha estado tan lleno de sorpresa e inspiración. Al crear un nuevo vino efervescente con una mezcla inconformista,  Chandon  celebra la diversidad de sus terruños en un vino rosado espumoso único para una experiencia de degustación distintivamente vibrante y aromática.

El último lanzamiento de Maison Chandon surge de la visión de un lugar famoso por su tierra increíblemente fértil y sinónimo de mezcla, tanto una ubicación geográfica como la encarnación de olores, colores y sabores inspiradores. En el sur de Francia, los enólogos de Chandon exploran un mundo de posibilidades y abren un nuevo capítulo en las aventuras vinícolas trotamundos de la casa.

Chant Des Cigales es un encuentro innovador entre enólogos pioneros y un lugar definido por un crisol de energía innovadora, co-creado por un trío de enólogos y chefs de cave que combinan su excepcional savoir-faire:

  • Audrey Bourgeois, el mago residente y jefe de innovación enológica y coordinación técnica de Chandon en las seis Chandon Maisons internacionales;
  • Richard Geoffroy, el visionario que comenzó su carrera como enólogo en Chandon a mediados de los años ochenta antes de convertirse en el legendario chef de cave de Dom Pérignon;
  • Eric Lebel, maestro de la precisión y chef de cave en Maison Krug durante 22 años.

Los tres compartían el deseo de trabajar con variedades de uva exclusivas del sur de Francia, alejándose de los confines de donde se cosecharon las uvas. Creando un  vin d’auteurs  en lugar de un vino de un solo terruño, han elaborado una mezcla única que expresa el carácter ricamente diverso del sur de Francia. El estilo emergente de este rosado espumoso contemporáneo tiene que ver con la inclusión, más que con la exclusividad. El vino es  frémissant,  con una sutil efervescencia y una cautivadora complejidad aromática. Es una  naturaleza brut  que es a la vez orgánica y vegana, una novedad para Chandon.

Conocido por algo más que vinos espumosos, el sur de Francia tiende a proponer vinos elaborados con solo tres o cuatro variedades de uva. Desde el principio, el trío de Chandon imaginó un vino espumoso que se apartaría de las prácticas habituales y cambiaría las tradiciones. Su idea era una mezcla precisa de ocho variedades de uva diferentes cosechadas en una amplia franja, que se extiende desde Perpignan hasta Saint-Tropez. Con este enfoque innovador, el ensamblaje innovador de Chant des Cigales reúne garnacha, cinsault, syrah, rolle, cabernet sauvignon, mourvèdre, cariñena y tibouren.

Basándose en una amplia gama de variedades de uva emblemáticas del sur de Francia, los enólogos han aprovechado la rica riqueza natural de la región. Chant des Cigales captura la diversidad del Sur mientras abre nuevos caminos para redescubrir la región.

Desde su fundación en las estribaciones de los Andes argentinos en 1959, Chandon se ha definido por compartir y transmitir el saber hacer, inspirándose en la diversidad de su gente para elaborar vinos espumosos excepcionales. Para Chant des Cigales, la Casa se ha asociado con cooperativas y productores de renombre por sus viñedos orgánicos, donde el trío ha obtenido las mejores variedades de uva, todas cultivadas orgánicamente. Los creadores también trabajaron con los viticultores para elegir la mejor técnica para hacer el vino, analizando métodos tradicionales e innovadores. Audrey, Richard y Eric están completamente de acuerdo en que se tuvo que usar el método Charmat para preservar el carácter afrutado primario y la frescura del vino.

Durante más de dos años, mezclaron y probaron cientos de composiciones hasta lograr el equilibrio perfecto. Hicieron elecciones audaces, como agregar mosto de uva para iniciar la segunda fermentación, o fermentar el vino en tanques de presión de hasta 4 bares, lo que le dio a Chant des Cigales su característica efervescencia sutil pero persistente. Su obsesión general siguió siendo la elaboración de un  vino espumoso brut nature  único que revela toda la complejidad y diversidad de los aromas de frutas frescas, sin ninguna adición de azúcar en la etapa final.

Chant des Cigales tiene una composición viva pero delicada, servido junto o con un solo cubito de hielo que revive la efervescencia. Los sabores cambian, liberando una mineralidad tonificante. El carácter intrigante y la complejidad aromática de Chant des Cigales lo convierten en el maridaje perfecto con una tentadora variedad de platos.

Chant des Cigales, dice Richard Geoffroy, es sobre todo “una nueva experiencia de sabor, un  rosado frémissant  brut nature, orgánico y vegano, que muestra una elegancia natural, mucha fruta fresca, un carácter floral intrigante, salinidad, un ligero amargor tónico y una burbuja delicada y tentadora que llamamos  frémissant  por su sutil efervescencia”.

Con Chant des Cigales, Chandon celebra una comunidad de enólogos unidos por la curiosidad y el compromiso, por un deseo incansable de superar los límites del savoir-faire sin dejar de ser fieles a la misión de la Maison desde 1959 de innovar con vinos burbujeantes.


Chandon uncorks pioneering and vibrant new take on rosé from the South of France with Chant des Cigales sparkling wine



The South of France has never been so full of surprise and inspiration. Creating a new effervescent wine with a maverick blend, Chandon celebrates the diversity of its terroirs in a unique sparkling rosé wine for a distinctively vibrant and aromatic tasting experience.

The latest drop from Maison Chandon springs from a vision of a place reputed for its incredibly fertile land and synonymous with blending, both a geographic location and the embodiment of inspiring smells, colors and tastes. In the South of France, Chandon winemakers explore a world of possibilities, opening a new chapter in the House’s globetrotting wine adventures.

Chant Des Cigales is a rule-breaking meeting between pioneering winemakers and a place defined by a melting pot of innovative energy, co-created by a trio of winemakers and chefs de cave who combine their exceptional savoir-faire:

  • Audrey Bourgeois, the resident wizard and Chandon’s head of winemaking innovation and technical coordination across the six international Chandon Maisons;
  • Richard Geoffroy, the visionary who began his career as winemaker at Chandon in the mid-eighties before becoming the legendary chef de cave at Dom Pérignon;
  • Eric Lebel, a master of precision and chef de cave at Maison Krug for 22 years.

All three shared a desire to work with signature grape varieties of the South of France, moving away from the confines of where the grapes were harvested. Creating a vin d’auteurs rather than a wine from a single terroir, they have crafted a unique blend that expresses the richly diverse character of the South of France. The breakout style of this contemporary sparkling rosé is about inclusivity, rather than exclusivity. The wine is frémissant, with a subtle effervescence and a captivating aromatic complexity. It is a brut nature that is both organic and vegan, a first for Chandon.

Noted for still more than sparkling wines, the South of France tends to propose wines made from just three or four grape varieties. Right from the outset, Chandon’s trio imagined a sparkling wine that would depart from usual practices and upend traditions. Their idea was a precise blend of eight different grape varieties harvested across a wide swath, stretching from Perpignan to Saint-Tropez. With this groundbreaking approach, the innovative assemblage of Chant des Cigales brings together grenache, cinsault, syrah, rolle, cabernet sauvignon, mourvèdre, carignan and tibouren.

By drawing on a vast array of emblematic grape varieties from the South of France, the winemakers have tapped into the region’s rich natural wealth. Chant des Cigales captures the diversity of the South while trailblazing new paths to rediscover the region.

Since its founding in the foothills of the Argentine Andes in 1959, Chandon has been defined by sharing and passing on savoir-faire, drawing inspiration from the diversity of its people to make exceptional sparkling wines. For Chant des Cigales, the House has partnered with cooperatives and producers reputed for their organic vineyards, where the trio has sourced the best grape varieties, all organically grown. The creators also worked with the growers to choose the best technique to make the wine, looking at both traditional and innovative methods. Audrey, Richard and Eric are all in complete agreement that the Charmat method had to be used in order to preserve the wine’s primary fruity character and freshness.

Over more than two years, they blended and tasted hundreds of compositions until they had the perfect balance. They made bold choices, such as adding grape must to start the second fermentation, or fermenting the wine in pressure tanks at up to 4 bars, giving Chant des Cigales its characteristic subtle yet persistent effervescence. Their over-arching obsession remained crafting a unique brut nature sparkling wine that reveals the full complexity and diversity of the fresh fruit aromas, without any addition of sugar in the final stage.

Chant des Cigales has a vivid yet delicate composition, served along or with a single ice cube that revives the effervescence. The flavors shift, releasing a bracing minerality. The intriguing character and aromatic complexity of Chant des Cigales make for perfect pairing with an enticing variety of dishes.

Chant des Cigales, says Richard Geoffroy, is above all “a new taste experience, a rosé frémissant brut nature, organic and vegan, that displays natural elegance, plenty of fresh fruit, an intriguing floral character, salinity, a slight tonic bitterness, and a delicate, inviting bubble we call frémissant for its subtle effervescence.”

With Chant des Cigales, Chandon celebrates a community of winemakers united by curiosity and commitment, by an indefatigable desire to push the limits of savoir-faire while remaining faithful to the Maison’s mission since 1959 of innovating with bubbly wines.


Chandon uncorks pioneering and vibrant new take on rosé from the South of France with Chant des Cigales sparkling wine



The South of France has never been so full of surprise and inspiration. Creating a new effervescent wine with a maverick blend, Chandon celebrates the diversity of its terroirs in a unique sparkling rosé wine for a distinctively vibrant and aromatic tasting experience.

The latest drop from Maison Chandon springs from a vision of a place reputed for its incredibly fertile land and synonymous with blending, both a geographic location and the embodiment of inspiring smells, colors and tastes. In the South of France, Chandon winemakers explore a world of possibilities, opening a new chapter in the House’s globetrotting wine adventures.

Chant Des Cigales is a rule-breaking meeting between pioneering winemakers and a place defined by a melting pot of innovative energy, co-created by a trio of winemakers and chefs de cave who combine their exceptional savoir-faire:

  • Audrey Bourgeois, the resident wizard and Chandon’s head of winemaking innovation and technical coordination across the six international Chandon Maisons;
  • Richard Geoffroy, the visionary who began his career as winemaker at Chandon in the mid-eighties before becoming the legendary chef de cave at Dom Pérignon;
  • Eric Lebel, a master of precision and chef de cave at Maison Krug for 22 years.

All three shared a desire to work with signature grape varieties of the South of France, moving away from the confines of where the grapes were harvested. Creating a vin d’auteurs rather than a wine from a single terroir, they have crafted a unique blend that expresses the richly diverse character of the South of France. The breakout style of this contemporary sparkling rosé is about inclusivity, rather than exclusivity. The wine is frémissant, with a subtle effervescence and a captivating aromatic complexity. It is a brut nature that is both organic and vegan, a first for Chandon.

Noted for still more than sparkling wines, the South of France tends to propose wines made from just three or four grape varieties. Right from the outset, Chandon’s trio imagined a sparkling wine that would depart from usual practices and upend traditions. Their idea was a precise blend of eight different grape varieties harvested across a wide swath, stretching from Perpignan to Saint-Tropez. With this groundbreaking approach, the innovative assemblage of Chant des Cigales brings together grenache, cinsault, syrah, rolle, cabernet sauvignon, mourvèdre, carignan and tibouren.

By drawing on a vast array of emblematic grape varieties from the South of France, the winemakers have tapped into the region’s rich natural wealth. Chant des Cigales captures the diversity of the South while trailblazing new paths to rediscover the region.

Since its founding in the foothills of the Argentine Andes in 1959, Chandon has been defined by sharing and passing on savoir-faire, drawing inspiration from the diversity of its people to make exceptional sparkling wines. For Chant des Cigales, the House has partnered with cooperatives and producers reputed for their organic vineyards, where the trio has sourced the best grape varieties, all organically grown. The creators also worked with the growers to choose the best technique to make the wine, looking at both traditional and innovative methods. Audrey, Richard and Eric are all in complete agreement that the Charmat method had to be used in order to preserve the wine’s primary fruity character and freshness.

Over more than two years, they blended and tasted hundreds of compositions until they had the perfect balance. They made bold choices, such as adding grape must to start the second fermentation, or fermenting the wine in pressure tanks at up to 4 bars, giving Chant des Cigales its characteristic subtle yet persistent effervescence. Their over-arching obsession remained crafting a unique brut nature sparkling wine that reveals the full complexity and diversity of the fresh fruit aromas, without any addition of sugar in the final stage.

Chant des Cigales has a vivid yet delicate composition, served along or with a single ice cube that revives the effervescence. The flavors shift, releasing a bracing minerality. The intriguing character and aromatic complexity of Chant des Cigales make for perfect pairing with an enticing variety of dishes.

Chant des Cigales, says Richard Geoffroy, is above all “a new taste experience, a rosé frémissant brut nature, organic and vegan, that displays natural elegance, plenty of fresh fruit, an intriguing floral character, salinity, a slight tonic bitterness, and a delicate, inviting bubble we call frémissant for its subtle effervescence.”

With Chant des Cigales, Chandon celebrates a community of winemakers united by curiosity and commitment, by an indefatigable desire to push the limits of savoir-faire while remaining faithful to the Maison’s mission since 1959 of innovating with bubbly wines.


Chandon uncorks pioneering and vibrant new take on rosé from the South of France with Chant des Cigales sparkling wine



The South of France has never been so full of surprise and inspiration. Creating a new effervescent wine with a maverick blend, Chandon celebrates the diversity of its terroirs in a unique sparkling rosé wine for a distinctively vibrant and aromatic tasting experience.

The latest drop from Maison Chandon springs from a vision of a place reputed for its incredibly fertile land and synonymous with blending, both a geographic location and the embodiment of inspiring smells, colors and tastes. In the South of France, Chandon winemakers explore a world of possibilities, opening a new chapter in the House’s globetrotting wine adventures.

Chant Des Cigales is a rule-breaking meeting between pioneering winemakers and a place defined by a melting pot of innovative energy, co-created by a trio of winemakers and chefs de cave who combine their exceptional savoir-faire:

  • Audrey Bourgeois, the resident wizard and Chandon’s head of winemaking innovation and technical coordination across the six international Chandon Maisons;
  • Richard Geoffroy, the visionary who began his career as winemaker at Chandon in the mid-eighties before becoming the legendary chef de cave at Dom Pérignon;
  • Eric Lebel, a master of precision and chef de cave at Maison Krug for 22 years.

All three shared a desire to work with signature grape varieties of the South of France, moving away from the confines of where the grapes were harvested. Creating a vin d’auteurs rather than a wine from a single terroir, they have crafted a unique blend that expresses the richly diverse character of the South of France. The breakout style of this contemporary sparkling rosé is about inclusivity, rather than exclusivity. The wine is frémissant, with a subtle effervescence and a captivating aromatic complexity. It is a brut nature that is both organic and vegan, a first for Chandon.

Noted for still more than sparkling wines, the South of France tends to propose wines made from just three or four grape varieties. Right from the outset, Chandon’s trio imagined a sparkling wine that would depart from usual practices and upend traditions. Their idea was a precise blend of eight different grape varieties harvested across a wide swath, stretching from Perpignan to Saint-Tropez. With this groundbreaking approach, the innovative assemblage of Chant des Cigales brings together grenache, cinsault, syrah, rolle, cabernet sauvignon, mourvèdre, carignan and tibouren.

By drawing on a vast array of emblematic grape varieties from the South of France, the winemakers have tapped into the region’s rich natural wealth. Chant des Cigales captures the diversity of the South while trailblazing new paths to rediscover the region.

Since its founding in the foothills of the Argentine Andes in 1959, Chandon has been defined by sharing and passing on savoir-faire, drawing inspiration from the diversity of its people to make exceptional sparkling wines. For Chant des Cigales, the House has partnered with cooperatives and producers reputed for their organic vineyards, where the trio has sourced the best grape varieties, all organically grown. The creators also worked with the growers to choose the best technique to make the wine, looking at both traditional and innovative methods. Audrey, Richard and Eric are all in complete agreement that the Charmat method had to be used in order to preserve the wine’s primary fruity character and freshness.

Over more than two years, they blended and tasted hundreds of compositions until they had the perfect balance. They made bold choices, such as adding grape must to start the second fermentation, or fermenting the wine in pressure tanks at up to 4 bars, giving Chant des Cigales its characteristic subtle yet persistent effervescence. Their over-arching obsession remained crafting a unique brut nature sparkling wine that reveals the full complexity and diversity of the fresh fruit aromas, without any addition of sugar in the final stage.

Chant des Cigales has a vivid yet delicate composition, served along or with a single ice cube that revives the effervescence. The flavors shift, releasing a bracing minerality. The intriguing character and aromatic complexity of Chant des Cigales make for perfect pairing with an enticing variety of dishes.

Chant des Cigales, says Richard Geoffroy, is above all “a new taste experience, a rosé frémissant brut nature, organic and vegan, that displays natural elegance, plenty of fresh fruit, an intriguing floral character, salinity, a slight tonic bitterness, and a delicate, inviting bubble we call frémissant for its subtle effervescence.”

With Chant des Cigales, Chandon celebrates a community of winemakers united by curiosity and commitment, by an indefatigable desire to push the limits of savoir-faire while remaining faithful to the Maison’s mission since 1959 of innovating with bubbly wines.


Christie's | Out of this world: the wine that went into orbit

Christie’s | Out of this world: the wine that went into orbit

In January a case of Petrus 2000 came back down to Earth after more than a year in space. Now Christie’s is offering one of the bottles for sale — and experts say it tastes sensational

On 1 March, a dozen of the world’s leading wine tasters gathered at the University of Bordeaux’s Institute of Vine and Wine Science for the chance to sample a wine unlike any other.

In front of the world’s press, each of them was given two glasses for blind tasting. One contained 30ml of Petrus 2000, which had been stored in a local cellar. The other contained 30ml of the same wine from a bottle that had spent 438 days in space.

Christie's | Out of this world: the wine that went into orbit

Christie’s | Out of this world: the wine that went into orbit

The space wine had splash-landed in the Atlantic inside SpaceX’s Dragon capsule on 14 January, having spent 14 months orbiting the earth at 17,000mph on board the International Space Station.

At the tasting, the connoisseurs noted that the liquid had not only survived zero-gravity conditions and almost 180 million miles of travel, but had also developed a different colour, aroma and taste from its terrestrial counterpart.

Proceeds from the sale of this unique bottle of space-aged Petrus 2000 will be used to fund future projects undertaken by Space Cargo Unlimited. Estimate in the region of $1 million. Offered via

Private Sales

Some said the flavour of the space wine resembled rose petals, and that it smelled like cured leather or a campfire, and shone with a burnt-orange lustre.

One of the wine experts even told journalists that it seemed to taste two to three years older than its cellar equivalent. ‘There were more floral aromatics, and the tannins were a bit softer and more evolved,’ she remarked.

Other post: Petrus collection Michel Jack

Above all, the panel of tasters unanimously considered the space wine to be ‘great’.

The International Space Station, on which the bottle of Petrus 2000 being offered at Christie’s spent 14 months. Photo: NASA/Roscosmos

The case of Petrus was not sent into space out of mere curiosity. It was the first stage in a six-part experiment led by Space Cargo Unlimited that aims to further our understanding of how organic material adapts to the stresses of changing environments.

Ultimately, the goal is to create new technologies to support agriculture in the face of climate change here on planet Earth.

Grapes were chosen for the first mission because of their sensitivity to small fluctuations in the conditions in which they are stored; and, along with the 12 bottles of wine, 320 vine canes were also sent into orbit.

Remarkably, early indications suggest that the vines grew faster in space, despite limited light and water.

‘Who knows, perhaps this will be the beginning of cosmic viticulture, or even a Martian Merlot’ — specialist Tim Triptree MW

Space Cargo Unlimited did not collaborate with Petrus on the project, and the identity of the wine, which retails for more than $7,000 a bottle, was a closely guarded secret until the tasting.

A spokesperson said the Petrus had been purchased from a broker in Bordeaux and selected because the wine is produced from one grape variety: Merlot.

‘Petrus 2000 is one of the finest wines in the world and ages brilliantly here on Earth,’ says Tim Triptree MW, international director of Wines and Spirits at Christie’s.

‘It was ideal for this study because so many tasting notes already exist for this particular vintage, meaning that any subtle differences could easily be picked up.’

The space-aged Petrus 2000 is offered in a unique trunk, imagined and handcrafted by the Parisian Maison d’Arts Les Ateliers Victor in collaboration with the French street artist Cyril Kongo. Estimate in the region of $1 million. Offered via Private Sales

Three of the bottles were used for the sampling, while eight are being kept for further laboratory study to see if science can explain the tasters’ initial reactions.

That might be the key to understanding exactly how wine ages — which still remains something of a mystery.

Other post: Christie’s Auctions | The life and times of STAN — one of the most complete T. Rex skeletons ever found

‘It will be hugely exciting to see the data on how zero gravity, changing temperatures, humidity and radiation have affected the wine on a molecular level,’ says Triptree. ‘And who knows, perhaps this will be the beginning of cosmic viticulture, or even a Martian Merlot.’

The space-aged Petrus 2000 is offered together with a bottle of terrestrial Petrus 2000, a decanter, glasses and a corkscrew made from a meteorite. Estimate in the region of $1 million. Offered via Private Sales

The 12th and final bottle is being offered through private sale at Christie’s with an estimate in the region of $1 million. Needless to say, this is the first time the opportunity to buy space-aged wine has ever arisen.

The exclusive bottle comes in a custom-made ‘celestial chest’ created in a collaboration between the Parisian leather goods manufacturer Les Ateliers Victor and the French street artist Cyril Kongo. It took 900 hours to make by hand.

Inside the trunk there is a moving solar system sculpture, which when perfectly aligned unlocks a vault that contains the space wine along with a regular bottle of Petrus 2000 — making the perfect pair for a home taste test.

In other drawers are a crystal decanter, two crystal glasses and a corkscrew made from a meteorite discovered at the North Pole.

The buyer will not only acquire a unique piece of cosmic history, but will also play a role in furthering the exploration of space. Proceeds from the sale will be used to fund Space Cargo Unlimited’s future projects.

‘Imagine being able to raise a glass of this space wine with your friends the next time the human race achieves something incredible beyond our planet,’ says Triptree. ‘What a toast that would be.’


A wine storage cabinet or a multi-temperature wine cabinet? Which would suit you best? What are the differences between the two? What advantages do Liebherr appliances offer when it comes to storing wine under optimal conditions? Read on to learn more about these appliances and the benefits they offer.

If you are a wine enthusiast, you would have invested a lot of precious time and money in selecting high quality wines. And for the full aroma and flavour of your fine wines to unfold, optimal storage is important. This brings us three essential factors: The correct temperature, optimum air quality, and protection from UV light.

Our modern homes don’t have the right climatic conditions for a proper wine cellar as storage areas in newer housing are typically too warm. Storing wine at too high a temperature increases the kinetic energy of its molecules. This in turn accelerates the maturing process and increase the likelihood of spoiling the wine.

Generally, a temperature of between 10°C and 12°C is recommended for long-term storage. When no natural cellar location is available, wine storage cabinets are your best solution. By maintaining an even, constant temperature and an optimised climate, wine storage cabinets offer the very best conditions for years of wine storage. Your highly prized wines are allowed to develop and reach their full potential in terms of taste and full enjoyment. The cooler a wine is stored, the longer its ‘lifecycle’ or journey to maturation. This is where the Van’t Hoff plot applies. With an increase in temperature of 10°C, biochemical reaction rates double or even triple.

What Is A Wine Storage Cabinet?

When properly stored, bottled wine continues to develop its natural aroma and flavour. It becomes deeper and more complex as the aging process progresses. Successful long-term storage requires two things: a wine of inherent good quality, and consistent, suitable storage conditions. Liebherr’s wine storage cabinets create conditions similar to those of a wine cellar: Perfect for aging in the bottle. A constant temperature prevails throughout the entire interior compartment, making wine storage cabinets the optimal choice for long-term storage and maturing. At Liebherr, we offer the GrandCru and Barrique.

GrandCru Wine Storage Cabinets

Our GrandCru range offers a wealth of high quality features. The interior compartment can be set to a constant temperature of anywhere between 5°C to 20°C as required. View our full range here.

Barrique Wine Storage Cabinets

Barrique wine storage cabinets offer lots of useful features and are available in various sizes. Their storage capacity ranges from 60 with the compact WKb 1712 to 195 Bordeaux bottles with the magnificent WKb 4612. Check them out here.

What Is A Multi-Temperature Wine Cabinet?

A wine’s aroma unfolds fully when served at the correct drinking temperature. This temperature varies according to the type of wine and also according to personal taste, the time of year, and whether it’s being served as an accompaniment to food. The basic rule is that red wines should be served slightly warmer than white wines. The aroma and flavour of sparkling wines and champagnes emerge at their most distinct when they are well chilled. A Liebherr Vinidor multi-temperature wine cabinet affords the opportunity of having both a chilled bottle of champagne ready to be popped and a great bottle of red at its ideal serving temperature ready to welcome surprise guests.

Vinidor Multi-Temperature Wine Cabinets

Our Vinidor range features two or three wine safes, which can be individually set between 5°C to 20°C with degree accuracy, offering you the greatest versatility. Each safe will ensure the wine it is holding will be at optimum drinking temperature. If required, a Vinidor can also be set to create the ideal climate conditions for long-term wine storage. Check out our Vinidor range here.

1. Protection From UV Light

Invisible ultraviolet (UV) rays within the light spectrum cause damaging chemical reactions in wines – visually, red wines fade and white wines take on a golden yellow color. The French call this “le goût de lumière” (literally “the taste of light”). To prevent this deterioration, wines are often bottled in coloured glass (brown or green), which absorbs a large proportion of these harmful rays. This alone is still not enough to protect bottles unless they are stored in the dark. Liebherr’s wine cabinets feature insulated glass doors with special UV protection. Their double-glazed construction, with an inner tinted glass pane and an outer metalized “low-e” pane, means that most of the damaging UV radiation is reflected away. In addition, the cabinets benefit from LED lighting, which guarantees perfect illumination of the interior without any UV exposure: The LED light spectrum has no UV content. LEDs also generate very little heat, allowing illumination for long periods of time.

2. Ideal Storage Temperatures Ensured By Precise Controls

The ideal storage temperature for all wines lies between 10°C and 12°C, and it is important that the storage temperature is kept constant. Liebherr guarantees this consistency by using precise electronic control systems in conjunction with the very latest climate control technology even when ambient temperatures fluctuate considerably.

3. Optimum Air Quality And Ideal Humidity

Liebherr wine cabinets have a built-in FreshAir activated charcoal filter that provides optimum air quality. This filter prevents transmission of odours, which may harm the taste of wine, into the interior compartment from the ambient air. Our Vinidor appliances have an activated charcoal filter in each wine safe.

In addition, sustaining the correct humidity level plays a crucial role in successful long-term storage. At a humidity level of less than 50%, natural corks begin to shrink. If a cork’s fit is compromised, oxygen can enter the bottle and alcohol will evaporate – wines will become sweeter and eventually spoil altogether.

4. Vibration Protection For Optimum Storage

Specially developed, extremely low-vibration compressors ensure that wine in Liebherr cabinets is stored gently and protected from vibrations. What’s more, with the SoftSystem cushioned door closing mechanism, gentle door operation is guaranteed. The door closes automatically from an opening angle of about 45° degrees in freestanding models (from 30° in built-in models) and sturdy, handcrafted wooden shelves provide efficient storage. The wooden shelves have an untreated natural finish, which allows wines to mature without being harmed by any paint chemicals.

At Liebherr, we are passionate about wine and we are passionately committed to developing innovative appliances that deliver premium storage conditions. So do visit our website and look at our full range of wine cabinets!