Tag Archive for: worlds



Julio 2022 – Banbury, Reino Unido. Prodrive ha revelado el simulador de carreras que se entregará por primera vez a los clientes a finales de este año.

Creado para ser una pieza escultórica de declaración, la casa de diseño e ingeniería CALLUM ha combinado materiales tradicionales y modernos para diseñar un mueble que ocupará un lugar privilegiado en cualquier hogar o lugar.

El monocasco de carbono esculpido que alberga el asiento del conductor, la pantalla, el volante y la caja de pedales parece flotar debajo de un llamativo dosel de 16 capas de abedul, envuelto en un elegante acabado lacado en negro brillante. No solo es hermoso verlo desde el exterior, sino que envuelve al conductor para brindar una experiencia tan inmersiva que se siente como estar en la cabina de un auto de carreras.

Además de su hermosa forma, el Prodrive Racing Simulator tiene el rendimiento para igualar y ofrece al conductor una experiencia de simulador de primera clase. Con un sistema especialmente diseñado con una tarjeta gráfica GeForce RTX de 12 GB y 16 GB de memoria en el centro, los gráficos fluidos se reproducen en la pantalla curva de 49” con alta frecuencia de actualización. El volante Precision SIM junto con un motor de dirección Simcube permite entradas de conducción precisas, y la caja de pedales mecánicos se ha seleccionado a propósito para completar la experiencia realista.

Una vez que hayan registrado su interés, los clientes serán invitados a la sede central de Prodrive en Banbury, donde  además de recorrer las operaciones de tecnología y deportes de motor de clase mundial de la compañía, podrán probar el simulador de primera mano en su propia sala de exposición. Luego, como parte de la compra, Prodrive entregará e instalará el simulador con los clientes en sus propios hogares.

A medida que más y más dispositivos digitales encuentran lugar en nuestros hogares, el presidente de Prodrive, David Richards, tuvo la idea de crear la llamativa pieza de escultura doméstica. Él dijo:

“Los últimos años han visto una explosión de personas que se dedican a los juegos y los deportes electrónicos. Pero quería algo que combinara tecnología con muebles contemporáneos, algo que estaría orgulloso de tener en exhibición en su hogar como un piano de cola, en lugar de estar escondido. Estoy orgulloso del resultado, es algo que no se vería fuera de lugar en una galería de arte contemporáneo”.

El proyecto comenzó el año pasado, cuando Richards se acercó a CALLUM, que estaba muy involucrado con Prodrive, habiendo ayudado a diseñar los recientes proyectos Hunter Dakar e Hypercar de la compañía, para crear algunos conceptos.

Ian Callum dijo:

“Había una visión muy clara para este proyecto: crear algo técnicamente estimulante y visualmente impactante. En lugar de tomar la ruta funcional y trillada de una estructura similar a un automóvil, optamos por algo más abstracto, contemporáneo y elegante. Este diseño intriga. Sabes que es un simulador, pero luego tienes que mirar de nuevo. La forma amplia y el acabado brillante ‘piano black’ llevan al Racing Simulator a un lugar completamente nuevo: es un mueble que se puede colocar con elegancia en un espacio habitable”.

El Prodrive Racing Simulator ahora está disponible directamente desde Prodrive, con un precio de £ 39,000 sin IVA, aranceles y envío. Para registrar su interés, los compradores potenciales deben visitar prodrive.com/simulator antes de ser invitados a la sede central de Prodrive en Banbury para probar el simulador de primera mano.



Simulador a medida con 12GB

Tarjeta gráfica GeForce RTX y memoria de 16 GB

Software preinstalado

ajuste de carrera


AOC 49” Dual-QHD Resolución 5k curvo

monitor con frecuencia de actualización de 165Hz


Precisión SIM LM Pro con 5 diales giratorios,

12 pulsadores y paletas de fibra de carbono

Motor de dirección

Motor de dirección Simucube 2 PRO

Caja de pedales

​Caja de pedales mecánica, ajustable eléctricamente


Cobra Nogaro Street

Dimensiones (L x Al x An)

Longitud 3,3 m

Altura 1,35 m

Ancho 0,8m (1,25m incl. pantalla)


Auriculares Bowers & Wilkins PX7


£ 39,000 sin IVA, aranceles y envío

Acerca de Prodrive

Prodrive es una de las empresas de tecnología y deportes de motor más grandes y exitosas del mundo. Más de 500 empleados están empleados en su sede de Banbury y sus instalaciones de fabricación de compuestos en Milton Keynes. Si bien la empresa es quizás más conocida por los deportes de motor, hoy en día es solo una parte de una organización que en la última década se ha diversificado para convertirse en una empresa de tecnología que trabaja en una variedad de sectores y brinda una variedad de servicios.

Dentro del Grupo Prodrive, hay cuatro áreas comerciales distintas pero interconectadas: Automovilismo, programas operativos de carrera y rally para fabricantes de vehículos y marcas globales; Tecnología Avanzada, proporcionando tecnología innovadora para los sectores automotriz, aeroespacial, de defensa y marino; Composites, desarrollando componentes compuestos ligeros para los sectores automotriz, aeroespacial y marino; y Brand& desarrollo de ropa y complementos a medida para primeras marcas.


Acerca de Callum

CALLUM es una empresa de diseño e ingeniería que crea productos personalizados y de edición limitada.

CALLUM se centra en el diseño, el estilo de vida y los viajes, asumiendo proyectos que intrigan, emocionan y cuentan una historia. Es una colaboración de personas talentosas con experiencia en marcas de arte, audio, automoción, moda y automovilismo.

Ágil y ágil, CALLUM produce un diseño exquisito respaldado por una ejecución de calidad, con sus instalaciones de Warwick de 30,000 pies cuadrados que albergan la última tecnología para brindar servicios de diseño, creación de prototipos, mecanizado y recorte.

Entre sus miembros fundadores se encuentra el diseñador británico Ian Callum CBE, admirado por su prolífico trabajo automotriz, que incluye Aston Martin Vanquish, Vantage y DB9, Jaguar F-Type, F-PACE, XJ y, más recientemente, World Car of the Year. El galardonado I-PACE, entre otros.




July 2022 – Banbury, United Kingdom. Prodrive has revealed the Racing Simulator due for first delivery to customers later this year.

Created to be a statement sculptural piece, design and engineering house CALLUM has blended traditional and modern materials together to design a piece of furniture that would take pride of place in any home or venue.

The sculpted carbon monocoque housing the driver’s seat, the screen, steering wheel, and pedal box appear to float beneath a striking canopy of 16 layers of birch, encased in an elegant, lacquered gloss black finish. Not only is this beautiful to look at from the outside but wraps around the driver to give such an immersive experience that it feels like being in the cockpit of a race car.

As well as its beautiful form, the Prodrive Racing Simulator has the performance to match offering the driver a first-class simulator experience. Featuring a purpose built system with a 12GB GeForce RTX graphics card and 16GB of memory at its heart, smooth graphics are rendered across the sweeping curved 49” high refresh rate display. The Precision SIM steering wheel coupled with a Simcube steering motor allows for precise driving inputs, and the mechanical pedal box has been purposely selected to complete the realistic experience.

Once they have registered their interest, customers will be invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters, where  alongside touring the company’s world-class motorsport and technology operations they will get to try the simulator first hand in its own showroom. Then, as part of the purchase, Prodrive will deliver and install the simulator with customers in their own homes.

As more and more digital devices find places in our homes Prodrive chairman, David Richards had the idea to create the striking piece of home sculpture. He said:

“The last few years have seen an explosion in people taking up gaming and e-sports. But I wanted something that married technology with contemporary furniture, something you would be proud to have on display in your home like a grand piano, rather than tucked out of the way. I’m proud of the result, it’s something that would not look out of place in a gallery of contemporary art.”

The project began last year, when Richards approached CALLUM, which was closely involved with Prodrive, having helped design the company’s recent Hunter Dakar and Hypercar projects, to create some concepts.

Ian Callum said:

“There was a very clear vision for this project – to create something technically stimulating and visually striking. Rather than taking the functional and well-trodden route of a car-like structure, we opted for something more abstract, contemporary and elegant. This design intrigues. You know it’s a simulator, but then you have to look again. The sweeping form and ‘piano black’ gloss finish take the Racing Simulator to a whole new place – it’s a piece of furniture that can elegantly sit in a living space.”

The Prodrive Racing Simulator is now available direct from Prodrive, priced at £39,000 ex VAT, duties and shipping. To register interest potential purchasers should visit prodrive.com/simulator before being invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters to try the simulator first hand.



​Bespoke simulator computer with a 12GB

GeForce RTX graphics card & 16GB memory

Pre-Installed Software

Race trim


AOC 49” Dual-QHD 5k resolution curved

monitor with 165Hz refresh rate

Steering Wheel

Precision SIM LM Pro with 5 rotary dials,

12 push buttons & carbon fibre paddles

Steering Motor

Simucube 2 PRO steering motor

Pedal Box

​Mechanical pedal box, electrically adjustable


Cobra Nogaro Street

Dimensions (L x H x W)

Length 3.3m

Height 1.35m

Width 0.8m (1.25m incl. screen)


Bowers & Wilkins PX7 headphones


£39,000 excluding VAT, duties and shipping

About Prodrive

Prodrive is one of the world’s largest and most successful motorsport and technology businesses. Over 500 staff are employed across its Banbury headquarters and composites manufacturing facility in Milton Keynes. While the company is perhaps best known for motorsport, today it is just one part of an organisation that in the last decade has diversified to become a technology business working in a range of sectors and providing a range of services.

Within the Prodrive Group, there are four distinct but interconnected business areas: Motorsport, operating race and rally programmes for vehicle manufacturers and global brands; Advanced Technology, providing innovative technology for the automotive, aerospace, defence and marine sectors; Composites, developing lightweight composite components for the automotive, aerospace and marine sectors; and Brand& developing bespoke clothing and accessories for leading brands.


About Callum

CALLUM is a design and engineering business creating bespoke and limited-edition products.

CALLUM is focused on design, lifestyle and travel, taking on projects that intrigue, excite and tell a story. It is a collaboration of talented individuals with experience across art, audio, automotive, fashion and motorsport brands.

Nimble and agile, CALLUM produces exquisite design supported by quality execution, with its 30,000 sq. ft Warwick facility housing the latest technology to deliver design, prototyping, machining and trim services.

Amongst its founding members is British designer Ian Callum CBE, admired for his prolific automotive work, which includes the Aston Martin Vanquish, Vantage and DB9, Jaguar F-Type, F-PACE, XJ and, most recently, the World Car of the Year Award-winning I-PACE, amongst others.




July 2022 – Banbury, United Kingdom. Prodrive has revealed the Racing Simulator due for first delivery to customers later this year.

Created to be a statement sculptural piece, design and engineering house CALLUM has blended traditional and modern materials together to design a piece of furniture that would take pride of place in any home or venue.

The sculpted carbon monocoque housing the driver’s seat, the screen, steering wheel, and pedal box appear to float beneath a striking canopy of 16 layers of birch, encased in an elegant, lacquered gloss black finish. Not only is this beautiful to look at from the outside but wraps around the driver to give such an immersive experience that it feels like being in the cockpit of a race car.

As well as its beautiful form, the Prodrive Racing Simulator has the performance to match offering the driver a first-class simulator experience. Featuring a purpose built system with a 12GB GeForce RTX graphics card and 16GB of memory at its heart, smooth graphics are rendered across the sweeping curved 49” high refresh rate display. The Precision SIM steering wheel coupled with a Simcube steering motor allows for precise driving inputs, and the mechanical pedal box has been purposely selected to complete the realistic experience.

Once they have registered their interest, customers will be invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters, where  alongside touring the company’s world-class motorsport and technology operations they will get to try the simulator first hand in its own showroom. Then, as part of the purchase, Prodrive will deliver and install the simulator with customers in their own homes.

As more and more digital devices find places in our homes Prodrive chairman, David Richards had the idea to create the striking piece of home sculpture. He said:

“The last few years have seen an explosion in people taking up gaming and e-sports. But I wanted something that married technology with contemporary furniture, something you would be proud to have on display in your home like a grand piano, rather than tucked out of the way. I’m proud of the result, it’s something that would not look out of place in a gallery of contemporary art.”

The project began last year, when Richards approached CALLUM, which was closely involved with Prodrive, having helped design the company’s recent Hunter Dakar and Hypercar projects, to create some concepts.

Ian Callum said:

“There was a very clear vision for this project – to create something technically stimulating and visually striking. Rather than taking the functional and well-trodden route of a car-like structure, we opted for something more abstract, contemporary and elegant. This design intrigues. You know it’s a simulator, but then you have to look again. The sweeping form and ‘piano black’ gloss finish take the Racing Simulator to a whole new place – it’s a piece of furniture that can elegantly sit in a living space.”

The Prodrive Racing Simulator is now available direct from Prodrive, priced at £39,000 ex VAT, duties and shipping. To register interest potential purchasers should visit prodrive.com/simulator before being invited to Prodrive’s Banbury headquarters to try the simulator first hand.



​Bespoke simulator computer with a 12GB

GeForce RTX graphics card & 16GB memory

Pre-Installed Software

Race trim


AOC 49” Dual-QHD 5k resolution curved

monitor with 165Hz refresh rate

Steering Wheel

Precision SIM LM Pro with 5 rotary dials,

12 push buttons & carbon fibre paddles

Steering Motor

Simucube 2 PRO steering motor

Pedal Box

​Mechanical pedal box, electrically adjustable


Cobra Nogaro Street

Dimensions (L x H x W)

Length 3.3m

Height 1.35m

Width 0.8m (1.25m incl. screen)


Bowers & Wilkins PX7 headphones


£39,000 excluding VAT, duties and shipping

About Prodrive

Prodrive is one of the world’s largest and most successful motorsport and technology businesses. Over 500 staff are employed across its Banbury headquarters and composites manufacturing facility in Milton Keynes. While the company is perhaps best known for motorsport, today it is just one part of an organisation that in the last decade has diversified to become a technology business working in a range of sectors and providing a range of services.

Within the Prodrive Group, there are four distinct but interconnected business areas: Motorsport, operating race and rally programmes for vehicle manufacturers and global brands; Advanced Technology, providing innovative technology for the automotive, aerospace, defence and marine sectors; Composites, developing lightweight composite components for the automotive, aerospace and marine sectors; and Brand& developing bespoke clothing and accessories for leading brands.


About Callum

CALLUM is a design and engineering business creating bespoke and limited-edition products.

CALLUM is focused on design, lifestyle and travel, taking on projects that intrigue, excite and tell a story. It is a collaboration of talented individuals with experience across art, audio, automotive, fashion and motorsport brands.

Nimble and agile, CALLUM produces exquisite design supported by quality execution, with its 30,000 sq. ft Warwick facility housing the latest technology to deliver design, prototyping, machining and trim services.

Amongst its founding members is British designer Ian Callum CBE, admired for his prolific automotive work, which includes the Aston Martin Vanquish, Vantage and DB9, Jaguar F-Type, F-PACE, XJ and, most recently, the World Car of the Year Award-winning I-PACE, amongst others.


As an interior designer, Chahan Minassian’s first concern is space. He will often redesign the interior spaces in a project to improve their circulation or to create the desired atmosphere. He uses his talent to create interior design projects full of harmony and with an appreciation of detail that lends his decors their signature «couture» effect.

Chahan Minassian

After studying interior design in Paris, he joined the prestigious firm of Ralph Lauren where he was the creavite director for Europe. In 1993, he created his own interior design agency, Chahan Interior Design, rapidly attracting commissions in the United States, Canada, Japan and Europe.

Take a look at some of these projects by this amazing interior designer!

New York Central Park

In this apartment with an incredible view over Central Park, Chahan Minassian designed and composed an interior that expresses the essence of his style: cream palette, textures, masterpieces and signed furniture collections.

Geneva Cityline

This apartment, opening onto the shores of Lake Geneva, offers an architectural setting in each of the rooms, playing with the effects of materials or trompe l’oeil works of art.

Sophisticated living room

The craftsmanship thus highlights contemporary works of art and artists’ furniture.

Fisher Island

The sea blends into the cream and turquoise palette of this Fisher Island apartment, where layers of textures and materials accentuate the architecture of the spaces. Serenity comes first.

Hôtel de Crillon

Palace nested in a listed historic building in the heart of Paris, the Hôtel de Crillon has seen its main spaces, redefined and designed by Chahan Minassian. It was awarded the 2018 Villégiature award for best hotel design and architecture in Europe, as well as best hotel bar in Europe.

Chahan Minassian is more than a mere designer, not that there’s anything mere about the job. Chahan is a collectionneur, a gallerist, a connoisseur of joie de vivre in the world of interior design. His work, as he says, is the pinnacle of his passion. The creativity of his ongoing work describes him better than any other words.


Prodrive ha presentado el Hunter, un vehículo de aventuras todo terreno con tracción en las cuatro ruedas y 600 CV con una capacidad y un rendimiento inigualables en cualquier terreno.

Nacido del coche de competición Bahrain Raid Xtreme conducido por el nueve veces campeón mundial, Sebastien Loeb, para competir en la carrera de automovilismo más dura del mundo, el Dakar, prospera en la arena del desierto, las dunas y las pistas de montaña accidentadas. De hecho, esta Hunter es incluso más extrema que la impulsada por Loeb, con un aumento del 50 % en la potencia del motor biturbo V6 de 3,5 litros y más recorrido de la suspensión para absorber los terrenos más duros.

Pero si bien el automóvil es incluso más rápido y capaz que el de carreras, también es más refinado. Ian Callum, que diseñó el exterior del coche de competición original, ha vuelto al proyecto para crear un nuevo interior más acorde con el uso diario que con las carreras. Una pantalla digital brinda al conductor toda la información importante que necesita, mientras que la consola central alberga los controles más tradicionales que se encuentran en un automóvil de carretera.

El Hunter es el producto de más de 40 años de exitosa competencia todoterreno en Prodrive, cuyo presidente, David Richards, dijo: “Hay numerosos hipercoches en el mercado, sin embargo, todos necesitan buenos caminos o incluso pistas de carreras para mostrar su rendimiento. Identificamos que en ciertas partes del mundo, particularmente en el Medio Oriente, existen vastas extensiones por explorar que van mucho más allá del acceso que brindan las carreteras asfaltadas. Por lo tanto, ¿por qué no crear un vehículo que brinde la oportunidad de explorar estas regiones con un rendimiento mucho mayor que el ofrecido por cualquier vehículo todoterreno anterior?

El Hunter conserva el motor, la transmisión y la suspensión del coche de competición del Dakar, pero para mejorar la facilidad de conducción, la caja de cambios secuencial manual ha sido sustituida por una paleta de cambios de seis velocidades, lo que proporciona un cambio de marcha suave en solo milisegundos.

Como el hipercoche no tiene que cumplir con las estrictas normas de competencia, la potencia se ha incrementado en más del 50%. El motor V6 biturbo de 3,5 litros ha sido refinado y reajustado en el banco de pruebas transitorio avanzado de Prodrive en Banbury, Reino Unido, para producir más de 600 CV y ​​700 Nm de par, al tiempo que hace que su entrega de potencia sea más suave y fácil de conducir.

Prodrive estima que esto le daría un tiempo de 0 a 100 km/h en menos de cuatro segundos y una velocidad máxima de casi 300 km/h, sin embargo, el vehículo está equipado con neumáticos todoterreno de 35” hechos a medida, diseñados para optimizar el agarre sobre terreno accidentado y arena en lugar de que en asfalto.

Richards dijo: “Tomamos la decisión deliberada de mantener el Hunter Hypercar lo más cerca posible del original. Se trata de dar a los propietarios la oportunidad de experimentar lo que es conducir el coche Dakar de Loeb por el desierto, pero con todas las comodidades de un coche de calle y la posibilidad de conducirlo desde su casa, a través de una ciudad, a cualquier destino de su elección. .”

Todo el automóvil está construido alrededor de un chasis de marco espacial de acero de alta resistencia a la tracción, lo que brinda una plataforma rígida para optimizar la geometría y el rendimiento de la suspensión y una jaula de seguridad estándar de la FIA para proteger a los ocupantes.

La suspensión integral de doble horquilla con amortiguadores dobles ajustables en cada esquina tiene 400 mm de recorrido, un aumento de 350 mm en el auto de competencia, para brindar una conducción más suave y una capacidad aún mayor para cruzar los terrenos más difíciles a velocidades inimaginables en cualquier otro vehículo. Las pinzas de freno de carreras de seis pistones y los discos ventilados le dan una gran potencia de frenado tanto dentro como fuera de la carretera.

Todo el vehículo ha sido diseñado para minimizar el peso total y optimizar la distribución del peso y el centro de gravedad. Toda la carrocería está hecha de compuesto de carbono ligero, que incluye materiales reciclados producidos por Prodrive Composites.

Richards dijo:  El primer vehículo de desarrollo está actualmente de gira por el Medio Oriente, donde a los clientes se les ofrece la oportunidad de conducir el Hunter y confirmar sus especificaciones personales para los vehículos de producción que se entregarán más adelante este año”.

Para saber más sobre el Cazador haz clic aquí



V6 biturbo de 3,5 litros delantero medio

Plenum simple/acelerador

Sumidero seco

Potencia superior a 600 CV

Par 700 Nm


Tracción en las 4 ruedas

Caja de cambios de paletas de seis velocidades

Diferenciales delantero, central y trasero


Estructura tubular de acero de alta resistencia

Carrocería compuesta de fibra de carbono que incluye materiales reciclados


doble horquilla

Dos amortiguadores regulables por rueda


Asientos de fibra de carbono

Arnés de seguridad de seis puntos

Sistema de extinción de incendios dual

Batería ligera de iones de litio


480 litros en celda de seguridad


Pinzas de seis pistones delanteras y traseras

discos ventilados


Llantas de aluminio forjado 8.5J x 172

Neumáticos todoterreno 35/12.5-17


1,25 millones de libras esterlinas más impuestos locales


The world’s first technology-enabled meditation pod.

We’ve entered a time in our world where we must go within to connect, seek balance, and to better ourselves so that we can better the world.

“During this pandemic and with the intense, non-stop negative news…the Somadome has become a place of refuge, reset and renewal for me…it has gone from being something I did to something that I need to do. ”

Margaret, Private User


Somadome uses light and color therapy to transform our body’s state at the cellular level.

The dome structure gives the illusion of infinite space, immersing you into an illuminated pod of colors that coordinate with your session goals. Using colors and light to heal is an age-old technique, premised on the idea that the colors of the spectrum of visible light have specific beneficial health properties. Contemporary research shows that light helps regulate and control the autonomic nervous system and production of melatonin and cortisol, two hormones critical to health and wellness. With the option to select a single color of light or cycle through the whole spectrum, the Somadome provides an environment conducive to the gentle and positive health effects of being immersed in light.

Somadome transforms EMF frequencies that are out of harmony with our bodies’ natural electromagnetic signals.

We are constantly inundated with unnatural electromagnetic fields and wave forms created by human-made electronics. These EMF frequencies and wave forms can disrupt the natural frequencies of healthy cells and organs and create pain, fatigue, feelings of misalignment and low energy. Somadome incorporates the use of micro-crystalline ceramic tiles, which use a proprietary design to transform these unnatural waveforms into forms more like those found in nature.

Somadome uses binaural beats in guided and unguided tracks to achieve beneficial states associated with your session goals.


Binaural beats use varying inaudible frequencies to help guide our minds into brain states achieved during meditation. Just as Tibetan monks use singing bowls, gongs, and other instruments to help access meditative states, modern technology has perfected these binaural beat frequencies, making their benefits obtainable to anyone searching for peace and mental clarity.









Improve Ability
To Heal



Improve Skin






Connect To
Your Being