Theatrum Mundi

Theatrum Mundi trae el espíritu de Wunderkammer al siglo XXI, explorando lo que hoy puede considerarse maravilloso y excepcional.

Theatrum Mundi presenta una selección ecléctica en la que extraordinarios especímenes paleontológicos, como dinosaurios, fósiles y meteoritos, conviven en perfecta armonía con los mitos contemporáneos, incluidos vestuarios originales de películas de Hollywood y auténticos trajes espaciales, testigos de la era de la conquista espacial. Una combinación única de arqueología, diseño, arte clásico y primitivo.

Theatrum Mundi desea crear una nueva celebración del conocimiento y los logros humanos, combinando la experiencia rigurosa y la integridad con el gusto por lo no convencional.

teatro del mundo

Theatrum Mundi


Theatrum Mundi

Theatrum Mundi brings the spirit of the Wunderkammer to the 21st century, by exploring what today can be considered marvelous and exceptional.

Theatrum Mundi presents an eclectic selection in which extraordinary paleontological specimens, such as dinosaurs, fossils, and meteorites, coexist in perfect harmony with contemporary myths, including original costumes from Hollywood movies and authentic spacesuits, witnesses to the space conquest era. A unique combination of archaeology, design, classical and primitive art.

Theatrum Mundi wishes to create a new celebration of human knowledge and achievements, combining rigorous experience and integrity with a taste for the unconventional.

Theatrum Mundi

Theatrum Mundi


Theatrum Mundi

Theatrum Mundi brings the spirit of the Wunderkammer to the 21st century, by exploring what today can be considered marvelous and exceptional.

Theatrum Mundi presents an eclectic selection in which extraordinary paleontological specimens, such as dinosaurs, fossils, and meteorites, coexist in perfect harmony with contemporary myths, including original costumes from Hollywood movies and authentic spacesuits, witnesses to the space conquest era. A unique combination of archaeology, design, classical and primitive art.

Theatrum Mundi wishes to create a new celebration of human knowledge and achievements, combining rigorous experience and integrity with a taste for the unconventional.

Theatrum Mundi

Theatrum Mundi


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