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Uboatworx: el Super Sub es el submarino más hidrodinámico del mercado.

Uboatworx – el Super Sub es el submarino más hidrodinámico del mercado.

Distinguido por una cola larga y un diseño avanzado de alas, el Super Sub es el submarino más hidrodinámico del mercado. El mejor sistema de propulsión de su clase con cuatro potentes propulsores ofrece un total de 60 kW, lo que permite subidas e inmersiones empinadas de 30 grados.

El resultado es la experiencia submarina más suave y estimulante, capaz de sumergirse a profundidades de 300 metros, todo mientras se mantiene una vista de casi 360 grados.

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Uboatworx – The Super Sub is the most hydrodynamic sub on the market.

Uboatworx – The Super Sub is the most hydrodynamic sub on the market.

Distinguished by a long tail and advanced wing design, the Super Sub is the most hydrodynamic sub on the market. A best-in class propulsion system with four powerful thrusters delivers a total of 60 kW allowing for steep 30-degree climbs and dives.

The result is the smoothest and most exhilarating underwater experience, capable of diving to depths of 300 metres, all while maintaining an almost 360-degree view.

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Uboatworx – The Super Sub is the most hydrodynamic sub on the market.

Uboatworx – The Super Sub is the most hydrodynamic sub on the market.

Distinguished by a long tail and advanced wing design, the Super Sub is the most hydrodynamic sub on the market. A best-in class propulsion system with four powerful thrusters delivers a total of 60 kW allowing for steep 30-degree climbs and dives.

The result is the smoothest and most exhilarating underwater experience, capable of diving to depths of 300 metres, all while maintaining an almost 360-degree view.

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