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URWERK – Subasta – UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT – C19”

Como habrás visto, el 4 de mayo fue el día en que la nueva UR-100 Gold Edition se estrenó con el sobrenombre de C3PO. ¡Esta edición dorada es la cuarta edición de la saga UR-100!


Episodio 4 El regreso del UR-100 …

La subasta

Estamos subastando la primera pieza de producción de la UR-100 Gold Edition en nuestra TIENDA URWERK. Para hacer que este NUEVO reloj sea un poco más especial, la placa de edición limitada que generalmente tiene 25 PCS grabadas para tener en cuenta que la cantidad que fabricamos se ha cambiado a FIGHT C19 grabado.

La llegada de la UR-100 Gold Edition también nos brinda una oportunidad de oro para devolver algo y ayudar en la lucha contra Covid-19.

The UR-100 Gold Edition

Como todos los URWERK, el UR-100 ha sido influenciado por la ciencia ficción. El padre del cofundador Martin Frei trabajó en el Apollo Lunar Rover para la NASA, y este logro dejó una marca indeleble, y se puede ver en el diseño que el geek de ciencia ficción interno está en plena vigencia.

Cortado de un bloque sólido de oro amarillo 2N y acabado satinado, este UR-100 tiene el mismo brillo pálido que el droide Star Wars del que toma su apodo. El UR-100 C3PO tiene un diseño delgado, extraplano para un reloj orientado por satélite, con contornos angulares; Es un octágono alargado con tres lados con muescas. El formulario utiliza una asimetría sutil, tomando pistas del Halcón Milenario de Han Solo. Encima de la caja hay una burbuja de cristal de zafiro que recuerda la forma de los primeros modelos URWERK, la cúpula que alberga el centro de control de este visitante intergaláctico.

La astrofísica del UR-100 gobierna el universo URWERK con satélites giratorios que muestran las horas y los minutos. Las revoluciones isocrónicas crean un ballet cósmico en miniatura, los satélites horarios también muestran minutos a medida que atraviesan 120 grados a través de la escala verde brillante. Una punta de flecha roja marca la confluencia de horas y minutos, ofreciendo una visualización de tiempo única, altamente legible e intuitiva. Incluso mientras se maniobra a la velocidad de la luz, el sistema de bobinado automático nunca se sobrecarga gracias a la regulación de Windfänger de la masa oscilante: este engranaje planetario limita la velocidad de rotación del rotor, minimiza el desgaste y el devanado excesivos y maximiza la fiabilidad y la vida útil.

Y por último, pero no menos importante, están las discretas indicaciones de espacio-tiempo a cada lado de la parte superior de la periferia del domo, que son esenciales para los viajes intergalácticos y únicas en el planeta tierra. Después de que cada una de las tres puntas de flecha rojas pasa el número 60, desaparecen y luego vuelven a aparecer en dos escalas de kilómetros separadas. La primera pantalla a las 9 en punto marca los 555 km recorridos a lo largo del ecuador durante 20 minutos de la rotación de la tierra, la segunda pantalla a las 3 en punto indica la distancia – 35,740 kilómetros – recorrida por la tierra mientras orbita alrededor del sol Más de 20 minutos. El espacio-tiempo nunca se vio tan bien; ¡Einstein estaría orgulloso!

Una oportunidad única

Si bien lamentablemente el UR-100 no puede acelerar el espacio y el tiempo hacia un mundo más seguro, URWERK junto con usted puede hacer todo lo posible para ayudarlo. Por lo tanto, durante dos días, puede ofertar por esta primera pieza de producción UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT C19”. URWERK luego donará los ingresos a la organización benéfica elegida por los ganadores para ayudar a apoyar la lucha contra Covid-19.

De parte de todos en URWERK, mantente a salvo, quédate en casa y que la fuerza te acompañe.

Recuerde ofertar para crear una cuenta primero.

También puede establecer ofertas automáticas, hacer clic en el botón de ofertas automáticas y establecer su valor más alto. Se le enviarán actualizaciones por correo electrónico durante la subasta, para informarle si ha recibido una oferta superior.

Pensamientos de los creadores:

Martin – “La ciencia ficción ha sido una fuente inagotable de inspiración desde la creación de URWERK”, explica el cofundador Martin Frei. “He sido un geek de ciencia ficción desde la infancia. Mi padre era ingeniero y trabajó en proyectos increíbles, incluido el Apollo Lunar Rover. Él era mi héroe y me dejó su amor por el cosmos y sus sueños. “

Felix: “Vivimos en un universo gobernado por tres dimensiones: tiempo, rotación y órbita, que intentamos medir y dominar, pero lo que se nos escapa es esta noción del espacio-tiempo”.

El reloj de la subasta se ejecutará desde el 8 de mayo a las 4 PM hasta el 10 de mayo a las 4 PM. Vuelva a consultar para ingresar a la subasta.

* El precio de oferta mostrado no incluye impuestos. Esto será pagadero por el ganador a la entrega

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URWERK – UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT – C19”

As you may have seen May The 4th was the day the new UR-100 Gold Edition premiered nicknamed C3PO this golden edition is the 4th edition of the UR-100 saga!


Episode 4 The Return of the UR-100…

The Auction

We are auctioning the first production piece of the UR-100 Gold Edition on our URWERK-STORE. To make this BRAND NEW watch a little more special the limited edition plate which usually has 25 PCS engraved to note the amount we are manufacturing has been changed to FIGHT C19 engraved instead.

The arrival of the UR-100 Gold Edition also gives us a golden opportunity to give something back, and help in the fight against Covid-19.

The UR-100 Gold Edition

Like all URWERK’s the UR-100 has been influenced by science fiction. Co-founder Martin Frei’s father worked on the Apollo Lunar Rover for NASA, and this achievement left an indelible mark, and you can see from the design that inner sci-fi geek is in full force.

Cut from a solid block of 2N yellow gold, and satin-finished this UR-100 has the same pale shine as the Star Wars droid it takes its moniker from. The UR-100 C3PO’s has a slim design – extra-flat for a satellite-geared watch – with angular contours; it’s an elongated octagon with three notched sides. The form uses subtle asymmetry, taking clues from Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon. Topping the case is a sapphire crystal bubble reminiscent of the shape of the first URWERK models, the dome housing the control centre of this intergalactic visitor.

The UR-100’s astrophysics govern the URWERK universe with rotating satellites displaying the hours and minutes. Isochronal revolutions create a miniature cosmic ballet, the hour satellites also displaying minutes as they traverse 120 degrees across the bright green scale. A bold red arrowhead marks the confluence of hours and minutes, offering a unique, highly legible, and intuitive time display. Even while manoeuvring at light speed, the automatic winding system is never overloaded thanks to the Windfänger’s regulation of the oscillating mass: this planetary gear limits the speed of rotation of the rotor, minimising both excessive winding and wear and maximising reliability and lifespan.

And last, but certainly not least, are the discreet spacetime indications on each side of the top of the dome’s periphery, which are both essential for intergalactic voyages and unique on planet earth. After each of the three red minute arrowheads passes the numeral 60 they disappear and then reappear again on two separate kilometre scales. The first display at 9 o’clock marks the 555 km travelled along the equator during 20 minutes of the earth’s rotation, the second display at 3 o’clock indicates the distance – 35,740 kilometres – travelled by the earth as it orbits the around the sun over 20 minutes. Spacetime never looked so good; Einstein would be proud!

A Unique Opportunity

While sadly the UR-100 cannot speed up space and time to a safer world, URWERK together with you can do our bit to help. So for two days, you can bid for this first production piece UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT C19.” URWERK will then donate proceeds to the winners chosen charity to help support the fight against Covid-19.

From everyone at URWERK, stay safe, stay home and may the force be with you!

Please remember to bid you need to create an account first.

You can also set auto bidding, click the auto-bid button and set your highest value. Email updates will be sent to you during the auction, to let you know if you have been outbid.

Creators Thoughts:

Martin – “Science fiction has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration since the creation of URWERK,” explains co-founder Martin Frei. “I have been a sci-fi geek since childhood. My father was an engineer and worked on incredible projects, including the Apollo Lunar Rover. He was my hero and left me his love of the cosmos and his dreams. ”

Felix – “We live in a universe governed by three dimensions — time, rotation, and orbit — that we attempt to measure and master, but what escapes us is this notion of spacetime.”

The auction clock will run from May 8th 4 PM – May 10th 4 PM. Please check back then to enter the auction. 

*Bid price displayed does not include taxes. This will be payable by the winner upon delivery

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URWERK – UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT – C19”

As you may have seen May The 4th was the day the new UR-100 Gold Edition premiered nicknamed C3PO this golden edition is the 4th edition of the UR-100 saga!


Episode 4 The Return of the UR-100…

The Auction

We are auctioning the first production piece of the UR-100 Gold Edition on our URWERK-STORE. To make this BRAND NEW watch a little more special the limited edition plate which usually has 25 PCS engraved to note the amount we are manufacturing has been changed to FIGHT C19 engraved instead.

The arrival of the UR-100 Gold Edition also gives us a golden opportunity to give something back, and help in the fight against Covid-19.

The UR-100 Gold Edition

Like all URWERK’s the UR-100 has been influenced by science fiction. Co-founder Martin Frei’s father worked on the Apollo Lunar Rover for NASA, and this achievement left an indelible mark, and you can see from the design that inner sci-fi geek is in full force.

Cut from a solid block of 2N yellow gold, and satin-finished this UR-100 has the same pale shine as the Star Wars droid it takes its moniker from. The UR-100 C3PO’s has a slim design – extra-flat for a satellite-geared watch – with angular contours; it’s an elongated octagon with three notched sides. The form uses subtle asymmetry, taking clues from Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon. Topping the case is a sapphire crystal bubble reminiscent of the shape of the first URWERK models, the dome housing the control centre of this intergalactic visitor.

The UR-100’s astrophysics govern the URWERK universe with rotating satellites displaying the hours and minutes. Isochronal revolutions create a miniature cosmic ballet, the hour satellites also displaying minutes as they traverse 120 degrees across the bright green scale. A bold red arrowhead marks the confluence of hours and minutes, offering a unique, highly legible, and intuitive time display. Even while manoeuvring at light speed, the automatic winding system is never overloaded thanks to the Windfänger’s regulation of the oscillating mass: this planetary gear limits the speed of rotation of the rotor, minimising both excessive winding and wear and maximising reliability and lifespan.

And last, but certainly not least, are the discreet spacetime indications on each side of the top of the dome’s periphery, which are both essential for intergalactic voyages and unique on planet earth. After each of the three red minute arrowheads passes the numeral 60 they disappear and then reappear again on two separate kilometre scales. The first display at 9 o’clock marks the 555 km travelled along the equator during 20 minutes of the earth’s rotation, the second display at 3 o’clock indicates the distance – 35,740 kilometres – travelled by the earth as it orbits the around the sun over 20 minutes. Spacetime never looked so good; Einstein would be proud!

A Unique Opportunity

While sadly the UR-100 cannot speed up space and time to a safer world, URWERK together with you can do our bit to help. So for two days, you can bid for this first production piece UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT C19.” URWERK will then donate proceeds to the winners chosen charity to help support the fight against Covid-19.

From everyone at URWERK, stay safe, stay home and may the force be with you!

Please remember to bid you need to create an account first.

You can also set auto bidding, click the auto-bid button and set your highest value. Email updates will be sent to you during the auction, to let you know if you have been outbid.

Creators Thoughts:

Martin – “Science fiction has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration since the creation of URWERK,” explains co-founder Martin Frei. “I have been a sci-fi geek since childhood. My father was an engineer and worked on incredible projects, including the Apollo Lunar Rover. He was my hero and left me his love of the cosmos and his dreams. ”

Felix – “We live in a universe governed by three dimensions — time, rotation, and orbit — that we attempt to measure and master, but what escapes us is this notion of spacetime.”

The auction clock will run from May 8th 4 PM – May 10th 4 PM. Please check back then to enter the auction. 

*Bid price displayed does not include taxes. This will be payable by the winner upon delivery

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URWERK – UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT – C19”

As you may have seen May The 4th was the day the new UR-100 Gold Edition premiered nicknamed C3PO this golden edition is the 4th edition of the UR-100 saga!


Episode 4 The Return of the UR-100…

The Auction

We are auctioning the first production piece of the UR-100 Gold Edition on our URWERK-STORE. To make this BRAND NEW watch a little more special the limited edition plate which usually has 25 PCS engraved to note the amount we are manufacturing has been changed to FIGHT C19 engraved instead.

The arrival of the UR-100 Gold Edition also gives us a golden opportunity to give something back, and help in the fight against Covid-19.

The UR-100 Gold Edition

Like all URWERK’s the UR-100 has been influenced by science fiction. Co-founder Martin Frei’s father worked on the Apollo Lunar Rover for NASA, and this achievement left an indelible mark, and you can see from the design that inner sci-fi geek is in full force.

Cut from a solid block of 2N yellow gold, and satin-finished this UR-100 has the same pale shine as the Star Wars droid it takes its moniker from. The UR-100 C3PO’s has a slim design – extra-flat for a satellite-geared watch – with angular contours; it’s an elongated octagon with three notched sides. The form uses subtle asymmetry, taking clues from Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon. Topping the case is a sapphire crystal bubble reminiscent of the shape of the first URWERK models, the dome housing the control centre of this intergalactic visitor.

The UR-100’s astrophysics govern the URWERK universe with rotating satellites displaying the hours and minutes. Isochronal revolutions create a miniature cosmic ballet, the hour satellites also displaying minutes as they traverse 120 degrees across the bright green scale. A bold red arrowhead marks the confluence of hours and minutes, offering a unique, highly legible, and intuitive time display. Even while manoeuvring at light speed, the automatic winding system is never overloaded thanks to the Windfänger’s regulation of the oscillating mass: this planetary gear limits the speed of rotation of the rotor, minimising both excessive winding and wear and maximising reliability and lifespan.

And last, but certainly not least, are the discreet spacetime indications on each side of the top of the dome’s periphery, which are both essential for intergalactic voyages and unique on planet earth. After each of the three red minute arrowheads passes the numeral 60 they disappear and then reappear again on two separate kilometre scales. The first display at 9 o’clock marks the 555 km travelled along the equator during 20 minutes of the earth’s rotation, the second display at 3 o’clock indicates the distance – 35,740 kilometres – travelled by the earth as it orbits the around the sun over 20 minutes. Spacetime never looked so good; Einstein would be proud!

A Unique Opportunity

While sadly the UR-100 cannot speed up space and time to a safer world, URWERK together with you can do our bit to help. So for two days, you can bid for this first production piece UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT C19.” URWERK will then donate proceeds to the winners chosen charity to help support the fight against Covid-19.

From everyone at URWERK, stay safe, stay home and may the force be with you!

Please remember to bid you need to create an account first.

You can also set auto bidding, click the auto-bid button and set your highest value. Email updates will be sent to you during the auction, to let you know if you have been outbid.

Creators Thoughts:

Martin – “Science fiction has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration since the creation of URWERK,” explains co-founder Martin Frei. “I have been a sci-fi geek since childhood. My father was an engineer and worked on incredible projects, including the Apollo Lunar Rover. He was my hero and left me his love of the cosmos and his dreams. ”

Felix – “We live in a universe governed by three dimensions — time, rotation, and orbit — that we attempt to measure and master, but what escapes us is this notion of spacetime.”

The auction clock will run from May 8th 4 PM – May 10th 4 PM. Please check back then to enter the auction. 

*Bid price displayed does not include taxes. This will be payable by the winner upon delivery

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URWERK – UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT – C19”

As you may have seen May The 4th was the day the new UR-100 Gold Edition premiered nicknamed C3PO this golden edition is the 4th edition of the UR-100 saga!


Episode 4 The Return of the UR-100…

The Auction

We are auctioning the first production piece of the UR-100 Gold Edition on our URWERK-STORE. To make this BRAND NEW watch a little more special the limited edition plate which usually has 25 PCS engraved to note the amount we are manufacturing has been changed to FIGHT C19 engraved instead.

The arrival of the UR-100 Gold Edition also gives us a golden opportunity to give something back, and help in the fight against Covid-19.

The UR-100 Gold Edition

Like all URWERK’s the UR-100 has been influenced by science fiction. Co-founder Martin Frei’s father worked on the Apollo Lunar Rover for NASA, and this achievement left an indelible mark, and you can see from the design that inner sci-fi geek is in full force.

Cut from a solid block of 2N yellow gold, and satin-finished this UR-100 has the same pale shine as the Star Wars droid it takes its moniker from. The UR-100 C3PO’s has a slim design – extra-flat for a satellite-geared watch – with angular contours; it’s an elongated octagon with three notched sides. The form uses subtle asymmetry, taking clues from Han Solo’s Millennium Falcon. Topping the case is a sapphire crystal bubble reminiscent of the shape of the first URWERK models, the dome housing the control centre of this intergalactic visitor.

The UR-100’s astrophysics govern the URWERK universe with rotating satellites displaying the hours and minutes. Isochronal revolutions create a miniature cosmic ballet, the hour satellites also displaying minutes as they traverse 120 degrees across the bright green scale. A bold red arrowhead marks the confluence of hours and minutes, offering a unique, highly legible, and intuitive time display. Even while manoeuvring at light speed, the automatic winding system is never overloaded thanks to the Windfänger’s regulation of the oscillating mass: this planetary gear limits the speed of rotation of the rotor, minimising both excessive winding and wear and maximising reliability and lifespan.

And last, but certainly not least, are the discreet spacetime indications on each side of the top of the dome’s periphery, which are both essential for intergalactic voyages and unique on planet earth. After each of the three red minute arrowheads passes the numeral 60 they disappear and then reappear again on two separate kilometre scales. The first display at 9 o’clock marks the 555 km travelled along the equator during 20 minutes of the earth’s rotation, the second display at 3 o’clock indicates the distance – 35,740 kilometres – travelled by the earth as it orbits the around the sun over 20 minutes. Spacetime never looked so good; Einstein would be proud!

A Unique Opportunity

While sadly the UR-100 cannot speed up space and time to a safer world, URWERK together with you can do our bit to help. So for two days, you can bid for this first production piece UR-100 Gold Edition “FIGHT C19.” URWERK will then donate proceeds to the winners chosen charity to help support the fight against Covid-19.

From everyone at URWERK, stay safe, stay home and may the force be with you!

Please remember to bid you need to create an account first.

You can also set auto bidding, click the auto-bid button and set your highest value. Email updates will be sent to you during the auction, to let you know if you have been outbid.

Creators Thoughts:

Martin – “Science fiction has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration since the creation of URWERK,” explains co-founder Martin Frei. “I have been a sci-fi geek since childhood. My father was an engineer and worked on incredible projects, including the Apollo Lunar Rover. He was my hero and left me his love of the cosmos and his dreams. ”

Felix – “We live in a universe governed by three dimensions — time, rotation, and orbit — that we attempt to measure and master, but what escapes us is this notion of spacetime.”

The auction clock will run from May 8th 4 PM – May 10th 4 PM. Please check back then to enter the auction. 

*Bid price displayed does not include taxes. This will be payable by the winner upon delivery

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