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V12 Vantage ha representado audazmente la pasión de lujo de Aston Martin por el rendimiento

V12 Vantage ha representado audazmente la pasión de lujo de Aston Martin por el rendimiento


  • El nuevo V12 Vantage celebra la orgullosa historia de los autos deportivos con motor V12
  • Dinámica de conducción perfeccionada para ofrecer el máximo rendimiento y un disfrute inigualable
  • Limitado a 333 unidades en todo el mundo y una cartera de pedidos cerrada debido a una demanda sin precedentes
  • La última vez que se instalará un V12 Twin Turbo de 5.2 litros en el Vantage
  • Las salidas de 700PS y 753Nm hacen de este el Vantage más poderoso de todos los tiempos
  • Velocidad máxima de 200 mph, 0-60 en 3,4 segundos
  • El paquete aerodinámico genera 204 kg de carga aerodinámica en Vmax
  • El espectacular diseño de cabina ancha se adapta a un aumento de 40 mm en el ancho de vía
  • Entregas programadas para comenzar el segundo trimestre de 2022

Gaydon, Reino Unido: Durante quince años, el V12 Vantage ha representado audazmente la pasión de Aston Martin por el rendimiento . Rápidos y feroces en igual medida, las iteraciones sucesivas de estos grandes autos han formado un linaje icónico. Uno construido alrededor de la premisa de equipar el modelo más compacto y centrado en el conductor con el motor de producción en serie más grande y potente. Con este linaje único acercándose a su fin, Aston Martin se enorgullece de presentar el más rápido, feroz y dinámico de todos; el nuevo V12 Vantage.

Con la producción del V12 Vantage estrictamente limitada a 333 ejemplares en todo el mundo, esta edición final celebra el final de una era épica con estilo. La máxima expresión de rendimiento extremo y emociones centradas en el conductor, esta extraordinaria máquina combina una velocidad vertiginosa en línea recta y un manejo deslumbrante con un aspecto espectacular y una exclusividad envidiable: una propuesta extremadamente atractiva.

Tan tentador, que desde que se confirmó el V12 Vantage en diciembre del año pasado, Aston Martin ha visto una demanda sin precedentes de este futuro ícono con todos los ejemplos vendidos antes del lanzamiento y un registro de interés sobresuscrito esperando ansiosamente en las alas.

El director ejecutivo de Aston Martin, Tobias Moers, dijo sobre el V12 Vantage:: “Cada gran marca de autos deportivos tiene un auto héroe. Para Aston Martin en años más recientes, ese automóvil ha sido el V12 Vantage. Desde el momento en que se mostró el primer V12 Vantage RS Concept en 2007, nuestros clientes y fanáticos de todo el mundo se enamoraron de la idea de instalar nuestro motor más grande en nuestro modelo más pequeño y deportivo. La receta se ha refinado a lo largo de los años con gran éxito, pero la esencia sigue siendo la misma. Ahora es el momento de poner fin a este linaje, como corresponde con el ejemplo más espectacular hasta el momento: el V12 Vantage más rápido, más potente y con mayor capacidad dinámica de todos los tiempos. Una celebración de sus antepasados ​​y una encarnación del enfoque cada vez más intenso de Aston Martin en la dinámica de conducción, asegura que el V12 Vantage salga al máximo”.
El motor es el corazón de cada Aston Martin, pero nunca tanto como en este, el Vantage más rápido y potente jamás construido. Desarrollando 700 CV a 6500 rpm y 753 Nm de par de tan solo 1800 rpm a 6000 rpm, el V12 de 5,2 litros y 60 grados de cuatro cámaras ofrece una combinación embriagadora de magnífica musculatura de rango bajo y medio con una potencia abrasadora de gama alta. Con una velocidad máxima de 200 mph, V12 Vantage llega a 0-60 en solo 3,4 segundos. Gracias a los esfuerzos de propulsión de este magnífico motor, y al amplio uso de materiales que reducen el peso en todo el automóvil, el V12 Vantage tiene una relación potencia-peso de 390 CV por tonelada; un aumento de más del 20% en comparación con el Vantage con motor V8. Estas medidas de ahorro de peso incluyen paragolpes delantero de fibra de carbono, capó en forma de concha, guardabarros delanteros y umbrales laterales, paragolpes trasero y tapa del maletero de material compuesto, batería ligera y un sistema especial de escape de doble salida montado en el centro. Ajustado para garantizar que el V12 Vantage tenga una voz que coincida con su apariencia y rendimiento, este nuevo sistema de escape está hecho de acero inoxidable liviano de 1 mm, lo que ahorra unos 7,2 kg en comparación con el sistema instalado en el Vantage.La potencia se transmite a través de una transmisión automática ZF de 8 velocidades y un diferencial mecánico de deslizamiento limitado (LSD) montado en la parte trasera del automóvil. El V12 Vantage recibe una calibración de transmisión única para mejorar las velocidades de cambio y la interacción del conductor, con aprendizajes tomados de los modelos V12 Speedster y Vantage F1® Edition. Este software especialmente calibrado ofrece un nivel de refinamiento de cambios y usabilidad que va más allá de lo que se ve en las cajas de cambios de doble embrague. El software adaptativo de la transmisión está diseñado para medir las condiciones en las que opera el automóvil, junto con las demandas que hace el conductor, para garantizar que el automóvil esté exactamente en la marcha correcta en el momento adecuado, brindando una experiencia de conducción verdaderamente conectada.

Al igual que sus célebres antepasados, el nuevo V12 Vantage se centra en ofrecer una experiencia de conducción dinámica que complemente su inconfundible rendimiento y carácter del motor, al tiempo que garantiza que el conductor permanezca realmente en el centro de la experiencia de conducción. Para lograr esto, el automóvil está equipado con un nuevo sistema de suspensión de amortiguación adaptativa que incluye nuevas barras estabilizadoras, casquillos y conjuntos de resorte y amortiguador.

Los índices de resorte de la suspensión se han aumentado un 50 % en la parte delantera y un 40 % en la parte trasera, combinado con un aumento de la rigidez del montaje superior en un 13 % y las nuevas barras estabilizadoras son un 5 % más rígidas en la parte delantera y un 41 % más blandas en la parte trasera. Para mantener la comodidad del conductor, se ha introducido un resorte auxiliar secundario en la parte trasera. El resorte tierno proporciona una tasa de resorte más baja que el resorte principal, lo que brinda una mayor comodidad de conducción sin afectar el rendimiento dinámico.

La rigidez de la carrocería aumenta con paneles de corte delanteros y traseros adicionales, un tirante de torre de suspensión trasera y refuerzos en el tanque de combustible, lo que aumenta la rigidez de la carrocería (kNm/grados) en un 8 % y la rigidez lateral (kNm/mm) en un 6,7 %, lo que brinda la plataforma óptima rigidez para la dinámica de conducción.

Estos cambios también están respaldados por una nueva calibración de la dirección, que mejora la sensación de la dirección y brinda una respuesta más precisa y, a su vez, una experiencia mejorada para el conductor.

Para una potencia de frenado que supera con creces su rendimiento, el V12 Vantage cuenta con un sistema Carbon Ceramic Braking (CCB) de serie: en la parte delantera, discos de 410 mm x 38 mm con pinzas de 6 pistones, mientras que en la parte trasera se combinan discos de 360 ​​mm x 32 mm. con pinzas de 4 pistones.

Estos discos CCB, que ofrecen un mayor rendimiento de frenado y una reducción significativa de la masa no suspendida, mantienen un rendimiento de frenado constante a altas temperaturas y han sido diseñados para resistir el desvanecimiento de los frenos a temperaturas de hasta 800 grados, lo que ayuda al V12 Vantage a liberar todo su potencial de rendimiento al mismo tiempo que brinda el conductor máxima confianza y control preciso.

Esta tecnología CCB también ahorra 23 kg de peso en comparación con los frenos de acero. Además, dado que esta masa no está suspendida, el ahorro de peso contribuye aún más a la calidad de conducción y al carácter de manejo dinámico del V12 Vantage.

Completando el paquete dinámico V12 Vantage hay una opción de dos nuevos diseños de llantas de aleación de 21 pulgadas que se ofrecen en negro satinado o negro satinado torneado, además de una opción ligera opcional disponible en negro satinado, que ahorra otros 8 kg. El servicio a medida Q by Aston Martin ofrece más posibilidades para complementar o combinar el color de los reflejos convertidos en diamantes con el de la carrocería o el paquete de gráficos. Los neumáticos Michelin Pilot 4S de alto rendimiento, 275/35 R21 delante y 315/30 R21 detrás, son equipamiento estándar en todas las llantas.

Una búsqueda tan intransigente de rendimiento y placer de conducción exige una estética igualmente intransigente. Con este fin, el V12 Vantage cuenta con un físico asombroso gracias a una carrocería ensanchada unos 40 mm para acomodar un chasis de pista ancha optimizado para el rendimiento y la estabilidad en las curvas. Empleando un uso extensivo de fibra de carbono, este nuevo diseño de fuselaje ancho también presenta un paquete aerodinámico espectacular.

Si bien es espectacular desde cualquier ángulo, es cuando se ve desde el frente que el V12 Vantage es más dramático. Como complemento perfecto de un nuevo diseño de parachoques delantero, un divisor delantero de ancho completo genera una carga aerodinámica adicional y un equilibrio aerodinámico, además de perfeccionar la postura de rozar el suelo.

Para proporcionar un mayor flujo de aire a través de los radiadores de refrigeración del motor, la rejilla delantera es un 25 % más grande. Además, se ha integrado en el capó un respiradero del motor con un diseño distintivo de “herradura”, que mejora la refrigeración y refleja el carácter de diseño del magnífico Vantage GT12, el tributo de carretera de Aston Martin al legendario V12 Vantage GT3 de carreras. El diseño asertivo continúa a lo largo del perfil lateral con un nuevo umbral esculpido de una sola pieza también inspirado en los deportes de motor y que recuerda a los modelos V12 Vantage anteriores.

En la parte trasera, un parachoques nuevo y exclusivo con difusor integrado mantiene el equilibrio aerodinámico de adelante hacia atrás. La pieza central de este nuevo diseño es el ligero sistema de escape doble montado en el centro. Para completar esta transformación de la nariz a la cola, se encuentra un espectacular alerón trasero que contribuye a una carga aerodinámica máxima de 204 kg a máxima velocidad y mejora aún más el inconfundible impacto visual del V12 Vantage. Para un estilo más sutil con una silueta más elegante, está disponible la opción de eliminar el alerón trasero. Sin embargo, en cualquier configuración, el extenso trabajo en la parte inferior de la carrocería asegura que se mantenga el equilibrio aerodinámico, brindando estabilidad a alta velocidad y máximo rendimiento.
Maximizando la experiencia de conducción con la icónica banda sonora del V12, el V12 Vantage viene con un espacio de carga trasero abierto que también exhibe el nuevo puntal de la suspensión trasera.

Pasando al interior, el V12 Vantage conserva el diseño reconocible al instante del Vantage actual, al tiempo que significa su posicionamiento de halo con un asiento deportivo Plus tapizado en cuero completo de semianilina con acolchado ‘Wings’ y patrón de perforaciones como estándar.

También hay un nuevo asiento de rendimiento de fibra de carbono con carcasa de fibra de carbono de sarga expuesta y ajuste manual de 6 posiciones disponible como opción, que ofrece un diseño de asiento de apoyo para esas dinámicas de conducción mejoradas y un carácter de diseño distintivo. Este es un diseño patentado de Aston Martin inspirado en los deportes de motor, optimizado para ahorrar 7,3 kg sin comprometer la comodidad.

Mejorando aún más el estilo espectacular tanto en el exterior como en el interior, cada V12 Vantage se puede adaptar individualmente a través del servicio de personalización a medida de la marca, Q by Aston Martin. Ofreciendo una variedad de opciones únicas, los clientes pueden crear una especificación verdaderamente única.

Llamativos gráficos exteriores y libreas están disponibles para seleccionar en una gama de combinaciones de colores, así como una selección de pinzas de freno de colores y acabados de llantas pintadas. En una forma de hacer que los elementos de fibra de carbono expuestos sean aún más exclusivos, el servicio Q by Aston Martin: Commission también ofrece una gama de lacas tintadas, lo que ayuda a acentuar la artesanía detrás de los paneles de fibra de carbono colocados a mano. Los tintes cambian de apariencia bajo diferentes condiciones de iluminación; estacionados en una calle oscura o bajo una luz tenue, parecen sutiles y discretos, pero colocados bajo una luz más brillante, el tinte transforma el automóvil con un brillo similar al de una joya.

Las opciones son igualmente distintivas dentro del automóvil. Las inserciones de los asientos de cuero tejido o Alcantara, las incrustaciones decorativas y los diales giratorios anodizados que se encuentran en la consola central pueden colorearse de manera que combinen o contrasten con el color exterior de la carrocería o el gráfico, proporcionando una inyección de color más sutil dentro de la cabina. Con tantas combinaciones de diseño disponibles, no sería una sorpresa no ver dos autos iguales.

Marco Mattiacci, Director Comercial y de Marca Global de Aston Martin, agrega: “En Aston Martin construimos automóviles, pero vendemos sueños. Esa es la magia de esta marca. Solo un número selecto de clientes en todo el mundo puede comprar el V12 Vantage, pero como todos nuestros modelos icónicos, su importancia se extiende mucho más allá de su exclusividad. Además, tal es el nivel de personalización a medida disponible a través de Q by Aston Martin que incluso un automóvil tan raro como el V12 Vantage puede fabricarse con una especificación completamente única para su propietario”.

La producción del V12 Vantage, cuyo libro de pedidos ya está cerrado debido a una demanda sin precedentes, comenzará en el primer trimestre de 2022, y las primeras entregas están programadas para comenzar durante el segundo trimestre de 2022.

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V12 Vantage has boldly represented Aston Martin’s luxury passion for performance


  • New V12 Vantage celebrates proud history of V12-engined sportscars
  • Driving dynamics honed to deliver utmost performance and unmatched enjoyment
  • Limited to 333 units globally and a closed order book due to unprecedented demand
  • The final time a 5.2 litre Twin Turbo V12 will be fitted to the Vantage
  • Outputs of 700PS and 753Nm make this the most powerful Vantage ever
  • Top speed of 200mph, 0-60 in 3.4 seconds
  • Aerodynamic package generates 204kg of downforce at Vmax
  • Dramatic widebody design accommodates 40mm increase in track width
  • Deliveries scheduled to begin Q2 2022

Gaydon, UK: For fifteen years the V12 Vantage has boldly represented Aston Martin’s passion for performance. Fast and fierce in equal measure, successive iterations of these great cars have formed an iconic bloodline. One built around the premise of fitting the most compact and driver-focussed model with the largest and most potent series production engine. With this unique lineage nearing its end, Aston Martin is proud to introduce the fastest, fiercest and most dynamically accomplished of them all; the new V12 Vantage.

With production of the V12 Vantage strictly limited to 333 examples globally, this final edition celebrates the end of an epic era in fitting style. The ultimate expression of extreme performance and driver-focussed thrills, this remarkable machine mixes blistering straight-line speed and scintillating handling with spectacular looks and enviable exclusivity: An extremely enticing proposition.

So enticing, that since V12 Vantage was confirmed in December last year, Aston Martin have seen unprecedented demand for this future icon with all examples sold ahead of release and an oversubscribed register of interest eagerly waiting in the wings.

Aston Martin Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said of the V12 Vantage: “Every great sportscar brand has a hero car. For Aston Martin in more recent years that car has been the V12 Vantage. Right from the moment the first V12 Vantage RS Concept was shown back in 2007 our customers and fans around the world fell in love with the idea of fitting our biggest engine into our smallest and most sporting model. The recipe has been refined over the years with great success, but the essence has remained the same. Now it is time to bring this bloodline to a close, fittingly with the most spectacular example yet – the fastest, most powerful and most dynamically capable V12 Vantage ever. A celebration of its forebears and an embodiment of Aston Martin’s intensifying focus on driving dynamics, it ensures the V12 Vantage goes out on the highest of highs”.
The engine is the heart of every Aston Martin, but never more so than in this, the fastest and most powerful Vantage ever built. Developing 700PS at 6500 rpm and 753Nm of torque from just 1800rpm to 6000rpm, the quad-cam 60-deg 5.2-litre V12 offers an intoxicating combination of magnificent low and mid-range muscularity with searing top-end power. With a top speed of 200mph, V12 Vantage reaches to 0-60 in just 3.4 seconds. Thanks to the propulsive efforts of this magnificent powerplant – and extensive use of weight-saving materials throughout the car – the V12 Vantage has a power-to-weight ratio of 390PS-per-ton; an increase of more than 20% compared to the V8 powered Vantage.These weight saving measures include carbon fibre front bumper, clamshell bonnet, front fenders and side sills, composite rear bumper and deck lid, lightweight battery and a special centre-mounted twin-exit exhaust system. Tuned to ensure the V12 Vantage has a voice to match its looks and performance, this new exhaust system is made from lightweight 1mm stainless-steel, saving some 7.2kg compared with the system fitted to the Vantage.

The power is fed through a ZF 8-speed automatic transmission and mechanical Limited-Slip Differential (LSD) mounted at the rear of the car. The V12 Vantage receives a unique transmission calibration to enhance shift speeds and driver interaction, with learnings taken from the V12 Speedster and Vantage F1® Edition models. This specially calibrated software delivers a level of shift refinement and usability which is beyond that seen on dual clutch gearboxes. The transmission’s adaptive software is designed to gauge the conditions the car is operating in, along with the demands the driver is making, to ensure the car is in exactly the right gear at the right time providing a truly connected driving experience.

Like its celebrated forebears the new V12 Vantage is focused on delivering a dynamic driving experience that compliments its unmistakable engine performance and character, while ensuring the driver truly remains at the centre of the driving experience. To achieve this, the car is equipped with a new adaptive damping suspension system including new anti-roll bars, bushes, and spring and damper assemblies.

Suspension spring rates have been increased by 50% at the front and 40% at the rear, combined with top mount stiffness increasing by 13% and new anti-roll bars are 5% stiffer at the front and 41% softer at the rear.  To maintain comfort for the driver, a secondary tender spring has been introduced to the rear. The tender spring provides a lower spring rate than the main spring providing enhanced ride comfort without affecting dynamic performance.

Body stiffness is increased with additional front and rear shear panels, a rear suspension tower strut brace and fuel tank bracing, increasing body stiffness (kNm/Deg) by 8% and lateral stiffness (kNm/mm) by 6.7%, giving the optimum platform stiffness for driving dynamics.

These changes are also supported by a new steering calibration, improving steering feel and delivering a sharper response – and in turn, an enhanced driver experience.

For stopping power that’s more than a match for its performance, the V12 Vantage features a Carbon Ceramic Braking (CCB) system as standard – At the front 410mm x 38mm discs with 6-piston calipers, while at the rear 360mm x 32mm discs are paired with 4-piston calipers.

Offering increased braking performance and significant reduction in un-sprung mass, these CCB discs maintain consistent braking performance at high temperatures and have been engineered to resist brake fade at temperatures up to 800 degrees, helping the V12 Vantage unleash its full performance potential while giving the driver maximum confidence and precise control.

This CCB technology also saves 23kg of weight when compared to steel brakes. Moreover, as this mass is unsprung, the weight savings further contribute to the V12 Vantage’s ride quality and dynamic handling character.

Completing the V12 Vantage dynamic package are a choice of two new designs of 21in alloy wheels offered in satin black or satin black diamond turned, plus an optional lightweight option available in Satin Black, which saves a further 8kg.  Further scope to complement or match the colour of the diamond turned highlights to that of the body or graphics package is available via the Q by Aston Martin bespoke service. Michelin Pilot 4S high performance tyres – 275/35 R21 front and 315/30 R21 at the rear – are standard fitment on all rims.

Such an uncompromising pursuit of performance and driving pleasure demands an equally uncompromising aesthetic. To this end the V12 Vantage boasts a jaw-dropping physique thanks to a bodywork widened by some 40mm new to accommodate a wide track chassis optimised for cornering performance and stability. Employing extensive use of carbon fibre, this new widebody design also features a dramatic aerodynamic package.

While spectacular from any angle, it is when viewed from the front that the V12 Vantage is at its most dramatic. Perfectly complimenting a new front bumper design, a full width front splitter generates additional downforce and aerodynamic balance as well as perfecting the ground-skimming stance.

To provide increased air flow through the engine cooling radiators the front grille is 25% larger. In addition, a distinct ‘horse shoe’ design engine vent has been integrated into the bonnet, enhancing cooling and echoing the design character of the magnificent Vantage GT12, Aston Martin’s road-going tribute to the legendary V12 Vantage GT3 racer. The assertive design continues along the side profile with a new sculpted single-piece sill also inspired by motorsport and reminiscent of previous V12 Vantage models.

At the rear a new and unique bumper with integrated diffuser maintains aerodynamic balance from front to rear. The centre piece of this new design is the lightweight centre mounted, twin tailpipe, exhaust system. Completing this nose-to-tail transformation is a dramatic rear wing which contributes to a maximum downforce of 204kg at top speed and further enhances the V12 Vantage’s unmistakable visual impact. For a more subtle styling with a sleeker silhouette, the option to delete the rear wing is available.  Yet in either configuration, extensive work to the underbody ensures aerodynamic balance is maintained, delivering high speed stability and ultimate performance.
Maximising the driving experience with the iconic V12 soundtrack, V12 Vantage comes with an open rear load space also placing the new rear suspension strut brace on display.

Moving to the interior, the V12 Vantage retains the instantly recognisable layout of the current Vantage, whilst signifying its halo positioning with a Sports Plus Seat trimmed in full semi-aniline leather featuring ‘Wings’ quilt and perforation pattern as standard.

There is also a new carbon fibre performance seat with exposed twill carbon fibre shell and manual 6-way adjustment available as an option, offering a supportive seat design for those enhanced driving dynamics and a distinct design character. This is an Aston Martin patented design inspired by motorsport, optimised to save 7.3kg without compromising comfort.

Further enhancing the dramatic styling both outside and inside, every V12 Vantage can be individually tailored through the marque’s bespoke personalisation service, Q by Aston Martin. Offering a variety of unique options, customers can create a true one-of-a-kind specification.

Striking exterior graphics and liveries are available to select in a range of colourways, as well as a selection of coloured brake callipers and painted wheel finishes. In a way to make the exposed Carbon Fibre elements even more unique, the Q by Aston Martin: Commission service also offers a range of tinted lacquers, helping accentuate the craftsmanship behind the hand-laid carbon fibre panels. The tints change appearance under different lighting conditions; parked in a dark street or under faded light, they appear subtle and understated, but placed under a brighter light, the tint transforms the car with a jewel-like glisten.

Options are equally distinctive inside the car. Woven leather or Alcantara seat inserts, trim inlays and the anodised rotary dials found in the centre console can coloured in a way to match or contrast with the exterior body or graphic colour, providing a more subtle injection of colour inside the cabin. With so many design combinations available, it would not be a surprise to see no two cars the same.

Marco Mattiacci, Aston Martin Global Chief Brand and Commercial Officer, adds: “At Aston Martin we build cars, but we sell dreams. That is the magic of this brand. Only a select number of customers around the world can buy the V12 Vantage, yet like all our iconic models, its significance extends far beyond its exclusivity. What’s more, such is the level of bespoke personalisation available via Q by Aston Martin even a car as rare as the V12 Vantage can be made to a specification completely unique to its owner”.

Production of the V12 Vantage – the order book for which is already closed due to unprecedented demand – is due to commence in Q1 of 2022, with first deliveries scheduled to begin during Q2 2022.

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V12 Vantage has boldly represented Aston Martin’s luxury passion for performance


  • New V12 Vantage celebrates proud history of V12-engined sportscars
  • Driving dynamics honed to deliver utmost performance and unmatched enjoyment
  • Limited to 333 units globally and a closed order book due to unprecedented demand
  • The final time a 5.2 litre Twin Turbo V12 will be fitted to the Vantage
  • Outputs of 700PS and 753Nm make this the most powerful Vantage ever
  • Top speed of 200mph, 0-60 in 3.4 seconds
  • Aerodynamic package generates 204kg of downforce at Vmax
  • Dramatic widebody design accommodates 40mm increase in track width
  • Deliveries scheduled to begin Q2 2022

Gaydon, UK: For fifteen years the V12 Vantage has boldly represented Aston Martin’s passion for performance. Fast and fierce in equal measure, successive iterations of these great cars have formed an iconic bloodline. One built around the premise of fitting the most compact and driver-focussed model with the largest and most potent series production engine. With this unique lineage nearing its end, Aston Martin is proud to introduce the fastest, fiercest and most dynamically accomplished of them all; the new V12 Vantage.

With production of the V12 Vantage strictly limited to 333 examples globally, this final edition celebrates the end of an epic era in fitting style. The ultimate expression of extreme performance and driver-focussed thrills, this remarkable machine mixes blistering straight-line speed and scintillating handling with spectacular looks and enviable exclusivity: An extremely enticing proposition.

So enticing, that since V12 Vantage was confirmed in December last year, Aston Martin have seen unprecedented demand for this future icon with all examples sold ahead of release and an oversubscribed register of interest eagerly waiting in the wings.

Aston Martin Chief Executive Officer, Tobias Moers, said of the V12 Vantage: “Every great sportscar brand has a hero car. For Aston Martin in more recent years that car has been the V12 Vantage. Right from the moment the first V12 Vantage RS Concept was shown back in 2007 our customers and fans around the world fell in love with the idea of fitting our biggest engine into our smallest and most sporting model. The recipe has been refined over the years with great success, but the essence has remained the same. Now it is time to bring this bloodline to a close, fittingly with the most spectacular example yet – the fastest, most powerful and most dynamically capable V12 Vantage ever. A celebration of its forebears and an embodiment of Aston Martin’s intensifying focus on driving dynamics, it ensures the V12 Vantage goes out on the highest of highs”.
The engine is the heart of every Aston Martin, but never more so than in this, the fastest and most powerful Vantage ever built. Developing 700PS at 6500 rpm and 753Nm of torque from just 1800rpm to 6000rpm, the quad-cam 60-deg 5.2-litre V12 offers an intoxicating combination of magnificent low and mid-range muscularity with searing top-end power. With a top speed of 200mph, V12 Vantage reaches to 0-60 in just 3.4 seconds. Thanks to the propulsive efforts of this magnificent powerplant – and extensive use of weight-saving materials throughout the car – the V12 Vantage has a power-to-weight ratio of 390PS-per-ton; an increase of more than 20% compared to the V8 powered Vantage.These weight saving measures include carbon fibre front bumper, clamshell bonnet, front fenders and side sills, composite rear bumper and deck lid, lightweight battery and a special centre-mounted twin-exit exhaust system. Tuned to ensure the V12 Vantage has a voice to match its looks and performance, this new exhaust system is made from lightweight 1mm stainless-steel, saving some 7.2kg compared with the system fitted to the Vantage.

The power is fed through a ZF 8-speed automatic transmission and mechanical Limited-Slip Differential (LSD) mounted at the rear of the car. The V12 Vantage receives a unique transmission calibration to enhance shift speeds and driver interaction, with learnings taken from the V12 Speedster and Vantage F1® Edition models. This specially calibrated software delivers a level of shift refinement and usability which is beyond that seen on dual clutch gearboxes. The transmission’s adaptive software is designed to gauge the conditions the car is operating in, along with the demands the driver is making, to ensure the car is in exactly the right gear at the right time providing a truly connected driving experience.

Like its celebrated forebears the new V12 Vantage is focused on delivering a dynamic driving experience that compliments its unmistakable engine performance and character, while ensuring the driver truly remains at the centre of the driving experience. To achieve this, the car is equipped with a new adaptive damping suspension system including new anti-roll bars, bushes, and spring and damper assemblies.

Suspension spring rates have been increased by 50% at the front and 40% at the rear, combined with top mount stiffness increasing by 13% and new anti-roll bars are 5% stiffer at the front and 41% softer at the rear.  To maintain comfort for the driver, a secondary tender spring has been introduced to the rear. The tender spring provides a lower spring rate than the main spring providing enhanced ride comfort without affecting dynamic performance.

Body stiffness is increased with additional front and rear shear panels, a rear suspension tower strut brace and fuel tank bracing, increasing body stiffness (kNm/Deg) by 8% and lateral stiffness (kNm/mm) by 6.7%, giving the optimum platform stiffness for driving dynamics.

These changes are also supported by a new steering calibration, improving steering feel and delivering a sharper response – and in turn, an enhanced driver experience.

For stopping power that’s more than a match for its performance, the V12 Vantage features a Carbon Ceramic Braking (CCB) system as standard – At the front 410mm x 38mm discs with 6-piston calipers, while at the rear 360mm x 32mm discs are paired with 4-piston calipers.

Offering increased braking performance and significant reduction in un-sprung mass, these CCB discs maintain consistent braking performance at high temperatures and have been engineered to resist brake fade at temperatures up to 800 degrees, helping the V12 Vantage unleash its full performance potential while giving the driver maximum confidence and precise control.

This CCB technology also saves 23kg of weight when compared to steel brakes. Moreover, as this mass is unsprung, the weight savings further contribute to the V12 Vantage’s ride quality and dynamic handling character.

Completing the V12 Vantage dynamic package are a choice of two new designs of 21in alloy wheels offered in satin black or satin black diamond turned, plus an optional lightweight option available in Satin Black, which saves a further 8kg.  Further scope to complement or match the colour of the diamond turned highlights to that of the body or graphics package is available via the Q by Aston Martin bespoke service. Michelin Pilot 4S high performance tyres – 275/35 R21 front and 315/30 R21 at the rear – are standard fitment on all rims.

Such an uncompromising pursuit of performance and driving pleasure demands an equally uncompromising aesthetic. To this end the V12 Vantage boasts a jaw-dropping physique thanks to a bodywork widened by some 40mm new to accommodate a wide track chassis optimised for cornering performance and stability. Employing extensive use of carbon fibre, this new widebody design also features a dramatic aerodynamic package.

While spectacular from any angle, it is when viewed from the front that the V12 Vantage is at its most dramatic. Perfectly complimenting a new front bumper design, a full width front splitter generates additional downforce and aerodynamic balance as well as perfecting the ground-skimming stance.

To provide increased air flow through the engine cooling radiators the front grille is 25% larger. In addition, a distinct ‘horse shoe’ design engine vent has been integrated into the bonnet, enhancing cooling and echoing the design character of the magnificent Vantage GT12, Aston Martin’s road-going tribute to the legendary V12 Vantage GT3 racer. The assertive design continues along the side profile with a new sculpted single-piece sill also inspired by motorsport and reminiscent of previous V12 Vantage models.

At the rear a new and unique bumper with integrated diffuser maintains aerodynamic balance from front to rear. The centre piece of this new design is the lightweight centre mounted, twin tailpipe, exhaust system. Completing this nose-to-tail transformation is a dramatic rear wing which contributes to a maximum downforce of 204kg at top speed and further enhances the V12 Vantage’s unmistakable visual impact. For a more subtle styling with a sleeker silhouette, the option to delete the rear wing is available.  Yet in either configuration, extensive work to the underbody ensures aerodynamic balance is maintained, delivering high speed stability and ultimate performance.
Maximising the driving experience with the iconic V12 soundtrack, V12 Vantage comes with an open rear load space also placing the new rear suspension strut brace on display.

Moving to the interior, the V12 Vantage retains the instantly recognisable layout of the current Vantage, whilst signifying its halo positioning with a Sports Plus Seat trimmed in full semi-aniline leather featuring ‘Wings’ quilt and perforation pattern as standard.

There is also a new carbon fibre performance seat with exposed twill carbon fibre shell and manual 6-way adjustment available as an option, offering a supportive seat design for those enhanced driving dynamics and a distinct design character. This is an Aston Martin patented design inspired by motorsport, optimised to save 7.3kg without compromising comfort.

Further enhancing the dramatic styling both outside and inside, every V12 Vantage can be individually tailored through the marque’s bespoke personalisation service, Q by Aston Martin. Offering a variety of unique options, customers can create a true one-of-a-kind specification.

Striking exterior graphics and liveries are available to select in a range of colourways, as well as a selection of coloured brake callipers and painted wheel finishes. In a way to make the exposed Carbon Fibre elements even more unique, the Q by Aston Martin: Commission service also offers a range of tinted lacquers, helping accentuate the craftsmanship behind the hand-laid carbon fibre panels. The tints change appearance under different lighting conditions; parked in a dark street or under faded light, they appear subtle and understated, but placed under a brighter light, the tint transforms the car with a jewel-like glisten.

Options are equally distinctive inside the car. Woven leather or Alcantara seat inserts, trim inlays and the anodised rotary dials found in the centre console can coloured in a way to match or contrast with the exterior body or graphic colour, providing a more subtle injection of colour inside the cabin. With so many design combinations available, it would not be a surprise to see no two cars the same.

Marco Mattiacci, Aston Martin Global Chief Brand and Commercial Officer, adds: “At Aston Martin we build cars, but we sell dreams. That is the magic of this brand. Only a select number of customers around the world can buy the V12 Vantage, yet like all our iconic models, its significance extends far beyond its exclusivity. What’s more, such is the level of bespoke personalisation available via Q by Aston Martin even a car as rare as the V12 Vantage can be made to a specification completely unique to its owner”.

Production of the V12 Vantage – the order book for which is already closed due to unprecedented demand – is due to commence in Q1 of 2022, with first deliveries scheduled to begin during Q2 2022.

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