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Value of global intangible assets falls by 25%

Value of global intangible assets falls by 25%

15 November 2022
  • Apple takes over top spot to become world’s most intangible company; Microsoft falls to third as Saudi Aramco is second
  • Oil and Gas is stand-out sector for intangible gains, up 52%
  • China and United States lead fall in intangible values

View the full Brand Finance GIFT™ 2022 Ranking here

The value of intangible assets owned by the world’s largest companies has fallen by 25%, according to a new report published by Brand Finance, the world’s leading brand and intangible asset valuation consultancy. The new analysis has found that global intangible value has followed the trend seen in previous financial crises and has now declined 25% year-on-year, from US$76 trillion in 2021 to US$57 trillion in 2022.

Every year, the Brand Finance Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) report tracks the value of the world’s largest companies by intangible asset value. Intangible assets are identifiable, non-monetary assets without physical substance. Intangible assets can be grouped into three broad categories – rights (including leases, agreements, contracts), relationships (including a trained workforce), and intellectual property (including brands, patents, copyrights).

This year’s fall in the value of intangible assets resembles the 27% decline in total intangible value in 2011 but is only half as big as the 59% decline observed in 2008 in connection with the global financial crisis.

David Haigh, CEO & Chairman, Brand Finance commented:

It is important for businesses to understand the value of intangible assets. Brand Finance’s new data highlights the volatility of market values of firms when so much value is left unaccounted for. Investors should be concerned that these intangibles undisclosed, which could indicate they are also insufficiently supported and managed. 

  • Apple takes over top spot; Microsoft falls to third as Saudi Aramco is second

Apple (intangible assets up 23% to US$2,297 billion) has taken top spot as owning the world’s most valuable intangible assets, up from 2nd last year. Saudi Aramco (intangible assets up 9% to US$1,786 billion) has risen one place from 3rd to 2nd, while Microsoft (intangible assets down 17% to US$1,586 billion) has fallen from 1st to 3rd.

UnitedHealth Group (intangible assets up 35% to US$526 billion) is one of the big winners this year, entering the global top ten rankings at 7th, a big jump from 13th last year.

  • Oil and Gas is stand-out sector for intangible gains, up 52%

With most economic sectors suffering a fall in intangible asset value, Oil & Gas was the significant outlier with a 52% increase in intangible asset value. The growth in the Oil & Gas sector is largely driven by the increase in global oil prices and three companies: Exxon Mobil (intangible assets up 268% to US$292 billion), Chevron (intangible assets up 197% to US$222 billion) and Saudi Aramco (intangible assets up 9% to US$1,786 billion).

  • China and United States lead fall in intangible values

China (down 39%) and the United States (down 27%) are the countries accounting for the largest intangible value decreases. The United States accounts for nearly two thirds of global intangible value (61%), with China having the second largest contribution equalling 5% of global intangible value.

View the full Brand Finance GIFT™ 2022 Ranking here 

 Brand Finance

The Brand Finance Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) report is the world’s most extensive annual research exercise into intangible assets, considering over 59,000 publicly quoted companies (with a total value of over US$120 trillion) across 150 jurisdictions.

In its analysis, the Brand Finance Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) report provides detailed insight into intangible value reporting by company, sector, and country. Graphs, additional insights, and opinion pieces by our experts can be found in the report.

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Value of global intangible assets falls by 25%

Value of global intangible assets falls by 25%

15 November 2022
  • Apple takes over top spot to become world’s most intangible company; Microsoft falls to third as Saudi Aramco is second
  • Oil and Gas is stand-out sector for intangible gains, up 52%
  • China and United States lead fall in intangible values

View the full Brand Finance GIFT™ 2022 Ranking here

The value of intangible assets owned by the world’s largest companies has fallen by 25%, according to a new report published by Brand Finance, the world’s leading brand and intangible asset valuation consultancy. The new analysis has found that global intangible value has followed the trend seen in previous financial crises and has now declined 25% year-on-year, from US$76 trillion in 2021 to US$57 trillion in 2022.

Every year, the Brand Finance Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) report tracks the value of the world’s largest companies by intangible asset value. Intangible assets are identifiable, non-monetary assets without physical substance. Intangible assets can be grouped into three broad categories – rights (including leases, agreements, contracts), relationships (including a trained workforce), and intellectual property (including brands, patents, copyrights).

This year’s fall in the value of intangible assets resembles the 27% decline in total intangible value in 2011 but is only half as big as the 59% decline observed in 2008 in connection with the global financial crisis.

David Haigh, CEO & Chairman, Brand Finance commented:

It is important for businesses to understand the value of intangible assets. Brand Finance’s new data highlights the volatility of market values of firms when so much value is left unaccounted for. Investors should be concerned that these intangibles undisclosed, which could indicate they are also insufficiently supported and managed. 

  • Apple takes over top spot; Microsoft falls to third as Saudi Aramco is second

Apple (intangible assets up 23% to US$2,297 billion) has taken top spot as owning the world’s most valuable intangible assets, up from 2nd last year. Saudi Aramco (intangible assets up 9% to US$1,786 billion) has risen one place from 3rd to 2nd, while Microsoft (intangible assets down 17% to US$1,586 billion) has fallen from 1st to 3rd.

UnitedHealth Group (intangible assets up 35% to US$526 billion) is one of the big winners this year, entering the global top ten rankings at 7th, a big jump from 13th last year.

  • Oil and Gas is stand-out sector for intangible gains, up 52%

With most economic sectors suffering a fall in intangible asset value, Oil & Gas was the significant outlier with a 52% increase in intangible asset value. The growth in the Oil & Gas sector is largely driven by the increase in global oil prices and three companies: Exxon Mobil (intangible assets up 268% to US$292 billion), Chevron (intangible assets up 197% to US$222 billion) and Saudi Aramco (intangible assets up 9% to US$1,786 billion).

  • China and United States lead fall in intangible values

China (down 39%) and the United States (down 27%) are the countries accounting for the largest intangible value decreases. The United States accounts for nearly two thirds of global intangible value (61%), with China having the second largest contribution equalling 5% of global intangible value.

View the full Brand Finance GIFT™ 2022 Ranking here 

 Brand Finance

The Brand Finance Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) report is the world’s most extensive annual research exercise into intangible assets, considering over 59,000 publicly quoted companies (with a total value of over US$120 trillion) across 150 jurisdictions.

In its analysis, the Brand Finance Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) report provides detailed insight into intangible value reporting by company, sector, and country. Graphs, additional insights, and opinion pieces by our experts can be found in the report.

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El valor de los activos intangibles cae un 25% según Brand Finance

El valor de los activos intangibles cae un 25% según Brand Finance

15 November 2022
  • Apple ocupa el primer puesto; Saudi Aramco el segundo y Microsoft cae a la tercera posición.
  • Petróleo y el Gas es el sector que más crece en intangibles, con un aumento del 52%.
  • China y Estados Unidos lideran, los países que más caen en valor de intangibles.

Accede al informe completo Brand Finance GIFT 2022 aquí

En Madrid a 15 de noviembre de 2022.- El valor de los activos intangibles de las mayores empresas del mundo ha caído un 25%, según un nuevo informe Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT ™) publicado por Brand Finance, la consultora líder mundial en valoración de marcas y activos intangibles. El nuevo análisis ha descubierto que el valor intangible mundial ha seguido la tendencia observada en anteriores crisis financieras y ha disminuido un 25% interanual, pasando de 76 trillones de dólares en 2021 a 57 trillones en 2022.

Si lo comparamos con otras crisis, la caída de este año en el valor de los activos intangibles se asemeja al descenso del 27% que sufrieron en 2011, pero es solo la mitad del descenso del 59% observado en 2008 cuando se produjo la crisis financiera mundial.

David Haigh, director general y presidente de Brand Finance, comentó: “Es importante que las empresas comprendan el valor de los activos intangibles. Los nuevos datos de Brand Finance ponen de manifiesto la volatilidad de los valores de mercado de las empresas cuando se deja tanto valor sin contabilizar. A los inversores debería preocuparles no sólo que estos intangibles no se contabilicen, sino que eso podría indicar que tampoco están suficientemente respaldados y gestionados.”

Apple ocupa el primer puesto; Saudi Aramco el segundo y Microsoft cae a la tercera posición.

Apple (sus activos intangibles han aumentado un 23%, hasta los 2.297 billones de dólares) se ha colocado en primera posición como marca propietaria de los activos intangibles más valiosos del mundo, subiendo desde la segunda posición del año pasado. Saudi Aramco (activos intangibles, con un aumento del 9%, hasta los 1.786 billones de dólares) ha subido un puesto, pasando del 3º al 2º, mientras que Microsoft (activos intangibles, con un descenso del 17%, hasta los 1.586 billones de dólares) ha caído del 1º al 3º.

UnitedHealth Group (activos intangibles por valor de 526 billones de dólares, un 35% más) es uno de los grandes destacados este año, ya que entra en la lista de los diez mejores del mundo en el puesto 7, lo que supone un gran salto desde el 13 del año pasado.

Petróleo y el Gas es el sector que más crece en intangibles, con un aumento del 52%.

Mientras que la mayoría de los sectores económicos sufren una caída en el valor de los activos intangibles, el sector del petróleo y el gas es el que más crece, con un aumento del 52% en el valor de los activos intangibles. El crecimiento en el sector del petróleo y el gas se debe en gran medida al aumento de los precios del petróleo a nivel mundial y a tres empresas: Exxon Mobil (los activos intangibles aumentaron un 268%, hasta 292 billones de dólares), Chevron (los activos intangibles aumentaron un 197%, hasta 222 billones de dólares) y Saudi Aramco (los activos intangibles aumentaron un 9%, hasta 1.786 billones de dólares).

China y Estados Unidos lideran, los países que más caen en valor de intangibles.

China (con un 39% menos) y Estados Unidos (con un 27% menos) son los países que registran los mayores descensos del valor intangible. Estados Unidos representa casi dos tercios del valor intangible mundial (61%), y China tiene la segunda mayor contribución, con un 5% del valor intangible mundial.

Accede al informe completo Brand Finance GIFT 2022 aquí

Cada año, la consultora líder en valoración de marcas, Brand Finance, lleva a cabo una evaluación anual del valor de los activos intangibles mundiales como parte del Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT). La clasificación completa, los datos adicionales, los gráficos, más información sobre la metodología y las definiciones de los términos clave están disponibles en el informe Brand Finance GIFT 2022.

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