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RELOJES: Hublot Loves Football – La campaña 2018 Jugadores, entrenadores, leyendas, unidos en el mismo espíritu: el del amor por el fútbol. Un equipo de 16 estrellas de fútbol.

Mantener el ritmo con los juegos en tiempo real
¡2018 significa la Copa Mundial de la FIFATM! ¡Para su 3ra participación como licenciatario calificado, Hublot ha creado el reloj que todos los fanáticos del fútbol y los fanáticos de Hublot han estado esperando! Un reloj inteligente que te conectará instantáneamente con cada segundo decisivo de los partidos jugados en la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2018 ™. Una innovación muy anticipada que no podría haber sido imaginada por ninguna otra marca de relojes, dado el hecho de que Hublot y Football son una sola. ¡No solo el mundo del fútbol va a marchar al ritmo del relojero, sino que ahora el pulso de los partidos llegará a su punto máximo en la muñeca! Y aunque tendrá que esperar 85 días para el comienzo de la competencia, ¡puede usar el fútbol conectado en la muñeca en solo un mes!

“The Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM ofrece todas las características habituales de un reloj inteligente, por supuesto, pero no es allí donde Hublot ha aplicado su innovación y audacia. ¡Reúne todo lo que inspira la pasión de los amantes del fútbol! La Copa Mundial de la FIFA es el Santo Grial de las emociones para los fanáticos del fútbol, ​​así que imagínense qué objeto, como un reloj, capta todos y cada uno de sus momentos, sus puntos de inflexión, sus apuestas de repente podrían representar. ¡Los aficionados al fútbol de entre los amigos de la marca han estado esperando este reloj por mucho tiempo! “
Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO de Hublot

Era una necesidad específica expresada por la FIFA, ¡y Hublot le dio vida! Queriendo un reloj personalizado para los árbitros, la FIFA le pidió a Hublot que concibiera el reloj perfecto para acompañarlos en
los lanzamientos durante los partidos. Hublot diseñó este reloj conectado, el primero para el universo del fútbol: el Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM. Es una edición única que está limitada a 2018 piezas. Tiene todos los atributos del icónico Big Bang. Su arquitectura emblemática se recorta de la ligereza del titanio, su bisel está decorado con 6 tornillos en forma de H, su inserción de Kevlar. Incluso la pantalla en su dial de modo analógico podría pasar por la misma estética que la de los modelos automáticos. En términos de tamaño, su caja de 49 mm es lo que marca la primera diferencia, luego su motor,
que, por primera vez, es impulsado por la tecnología conectada a la inteligencia digital. Sin duda es un reloj conectado, ¡pero es ante todo un reloj Hublot!

Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2018
Cifras clave A medida que Baselworld 2018 abre sus puertas, los Relojes Hublot Countdown muestran 85 días. El 14 de junio de 2018, Hublot, FIFA y Rusia comenzarán el primer partido de la XXI Copa Mundial de la FIFA desde que comenzó en 1928. En el mundo digital actual, será la primera competencia en la que los árbitros reciban asistencia de video. . Desde San Petersburgo a Moscú vía Ekaterinburgo, Kaliningrado, Kazán, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov del Don, Samara, Saransk, Sochi y Volgogrado, hay 12 estadios para 32 equipos que juegan 64 partidos. “Estamos muy emocionados de presenciar otro hito impresionante en la relación de la FIFA con Hublot. El lanzamiento del Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM es una ilustración perfecta de la capacidad de Hublot de combinar tradición, conocimiento experto e innovación. La Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2018 en Rusia ™ proporcionará la plataforma perfecta para que este increíble reloj muestre todo su potencial “. FIFA CCO Philippe Le Floc’h

Big Bang Árbitro 2018 FIFA
Copa del Mundo Rusia ™
¡El relojero ama el torneo! Limitado a 2018 piezas, disponible desde el 1 de mayo de 2018 en los puntos de venta de Hublot, este es el reloj de fútbol y el reloj oficial de FIFA. Golpeando al ritmo de la competencia, el Big Bang Réféire 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM inmediatamente muestra su espíritu distintivo como la personificación de una aplicación especialmente desarrollada para fútbol y una serie de diales de “fan” en los colores de cada nación participante. Con varias notificaciones, el Big Bang Árbitro 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM anuncia los partidos 15 minutos antes de su lanzamiento, así como las tarjetas amarillas y rojas, los cambios de jugadores y los objetivos. El árbitro de Big Bang 2018 La Copa Mundial de la FIFA RussiaTM vibra, mostrando la palabra META al instante cada vez que se marca un gol. Durante el partido, el dial muestra las estadísticas del partido, incluida la puntuación, el número de tarjetas, los nombres de los goleadores, las sustituciones de los jugadores y el tiempo de partido.

El mundo digital proporciona al Big Bang una mayor flexibilidad y versatilidad. Un reloj que trasportó de forma emblemática el primer movimiento de fabricación Hublot, el más inusual y
materiales audaces, los colores más asertivos, se han reinventado para la era digital al ofrecer 32 esferas inspiradas en las banderas de los países participantes y dos esferas neutrales. Está disponible en versiones analógicas o digitales. Gracias a su correa patentada intercambiable “One Click”, el reloj se puede adaptar fácilmente a una de sus dos correas. Dos vienen con el reloj, una correa para el puño en
esponja luciendo el emblema de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2018 y el de Hublot, una correa de caucho natural con forro negro. Para perfeccionar el kit de cada ventilador, Hublot también anticipó una correa adicional para ellos
en los colores de su país. En un giro del dial, deslizando un dedo, seleccione su equipo o siga de cerca a un competidor. El árbitro de Big Bang 2018 Copa Mundial de la FIFA RusiaTM ya ha
ha sido probado discretamente en la muñeca de los árbitros muchas veces durante la Copa FIFA Confederaciones 2017 ™ y la Copa Mundial de Clubes FIFA 2017TM.Beneficiándose del ecosistema vivo de Android, el Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM tiene miles de aplicaciones descargables además de sus funciones de competición. En términos de sincronización, el Big Bang Referee 2018
La Copa Mundial de la FIFA RussiaTM es compatible con todos los teléfonos que utilicen Android 4.4 y superior o iOS 9 y superior. Para cargar, el reloj solo necesita colocarse en un cargador de contacto. Los árbitros: por primera vez, llevarán el Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM con su tecnología inteligente imaginada por Hublot. Además de todas las funciones disponibles en los modelos 2018 numerados del Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM, los relojes de los árbitros estarán conectados a la tecnología de línea de gol, un sistema de asistencia de video electrónico para el arbitraje que sigue todas las trayectorias delbola y determina con certeza si la pelota cruzó por completo o no la línea de gol. En el terreno de juego, el relojero estará siempre presente en el juego, como siempre, secuenciando el tiempo, los cambios y el tiempo extra al ritmo de sus tableros de árbitros en forma de Big Bang. Un tablero que ha demostrado su valía, ya que está detrás de la mayor visibilidad de Hublot durante los partidos. Vamos a
No lo olvides, durante la última Copa Mundial de la FIFA ™ en Brasil, ¡se acreditaron no menos de 21 minutos de tiempo de juego en Hublot! No hay límite para amar … Hublot ama el fútbol y su familia incluye muchos jugadores y entrenadores estrella – Pelé, Maradona, Mourinho – de prestigiosos clubes – Benfica, Chelsea, Juventus, Ajax.Habiéndose unido al mundo del fútbol en 2006, al convertirse en el patrocinador de la selección nacional suiza, Hublot es ahora el mejor de la liga. Con su estado de “FIFA Official Watch” y “FIFA Official Timekeeper” para la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2018TM, tiene un total de tres Copas Mundiales, tres Copas FIFA Confederaciones, así como tres ediciones de la UEFA EURO, y tres temporadas de los Campeones Liga y Europa League. En el terreno de juego, al igual que en las muñecas, desde su 4º tablero oficial hasta su cronógrafo retrógrado calculando el tiempo del partido, y ahora el primer reloj de fútbol conectado, ¡Hublot está ahí para todos los partidos y todas las victorias! ¡Se ha dicho que mientras más pasión se comparte, más fuerte se vuelve!Armado con este adagio, Hublot dará la bienvenida a más de 1,000 invitados a lo largo de la competencia. ¡Solo queda una pregunta!

¿Podrás esperar hasta el 1 de mayo de 2018?  Esa es la fecha de inicio de los relojes en los puntos de venta de Hublot en todo el mundo. Mientras esperas a que comience la Copa Mundial de la FIFA, sumérgete en el espíritu
de fútbol en todas las boutiques de Hublot que se habrán puesto en su kit de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA ™, ¡y sigue la cuenta regresiva que se muestra en tu muñeca!

Stanislas Cherchesov el entrenador que preparó al equipo nacional del país anfitrión. Su última Copa Mundial de la FIFA ™ fue en 2002. Campeón de la URSS, ganador de la Copa de la URSS, campeón de Rusia, 3 veces campeón de la Bundesliga de fútbol de Austria, campeón de la Liga Ekstraklasa, el mejor portero de la URSS y el mejor portero de Rusia.
El sueño de cada entrenador: ganar. El último sueño de cada entrenador: ganar en su propio país. Didier Deschamps es 2018 su año? Jugador, Capitán, Entrenador, fue nominado por la FIFA como uno de los mejores jugadores vivos. Sus resultados le han valido el honor de ser el mejor entrenador del año en dos ocasiones, y el mejor entrenador de la Liga 1. Ganó la Copa Mundial de la FIFA en 1998 y llevó a Francia a las ¼ finales de la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2014 ™ y al final de la UEFA EURO 2016. Marcel Desailly “The Rock”

Con su historial, uno de los más completos en el fútbol francés, ha sido uno de los pilares del equipo francés, y el tercer jugador con más partidos de ese país. Ganó tanto la UEFA Champions League como la Supercopa de la UEFA dos veces, en 1993/1994 y 1995/1999, respectivamente. En su muñeca, definitivamente llevará el azul de Les Bleus; con ellos, ganó la Copa Mundial de la FIFA ™ en 1998, el Campeonato de Europa en 2000 y dos ediciones de la Copa FIFA Confederaciones en 2001 y 2003. Su trayectoria le valió el legado Golden Foot Legend en 2017. Björn Kuipers el árbitro de todos los campeonatos , todas las copas, en el nivel más alto del fútbol Con silbatos y cartas, ha sido testigo de las mayores victorias en el fútbol y ha arbitrado casi todo …

Hublot Loves Football –
the 2018 campaign
Players, coaches, legends, united in the
same, single spirit – that of love for football.
A team of 16 football stars.


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WATCHES: Hublot Loves Football – the 2018 campaign Players, coaches, legends, united in the same, single spirit – that of love for football. A team of 16 football stars.

Keeping pace with the games in real time
2018 means the FIFA World CupTM! For its 3rd participation as a Branded Licensee, Hublot has created the watch that all football fans and Hublot fans have been waiting for! A smart watch that will instantly connect you to every decisive second of the matches being played at the 2018 FIFA World Cup™. A much-anticipated innovation that could not have been imagined by any other watch brand, given the extent to which Hublot and Football are as one. Not only is the footballing world going to march to the beat of the watchmaker, but now the pulse of the matches will reach its peak on your wrist! And although you’ll have to wait 85 days for the start of the Competition, you can wear connected football on your wrist in just one month time!

“The Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM offers all the usual features of a smart watch of course, but that’s not where Hublot has applied its innovation and audacity. It brings together everything that inspires the passion of football lovers! The FIFA World Cup is the Holy Grail of emotions for football fans, so just imagine what an object such as a watch that captures each and every one of its moments, its turning points, its stakes could suddenly represent? The football aficionados from among the brand’s friends have been waiting for this watch for a long time!”
Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO of Hublot

It was a specific need expressed by FIFA, and Hublot brought it to life! Wanting a customised watch for the referees, FIFA asked Hublot to conceive the perfect watch to accompany them on
the pitches during the matches. Hublot designed this connected watch, its first, for the footballing universe: the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM. It is a unique edition that is limited to 2018 pieces. It has all the attributes of the iconic Big Bang. Its emblematic architecture cut out of the lightness of titanium, its bezel decorated with 6 H-shaped screws, its Kevlar insert. Even the display on its analogue mode dial could pass for the same aesthetic as that of the automatic models. In terms of size, its 49-mm case is what makes the first difference, then its motor,
which, for the first time, is driven by technology connected to digital intelligence. It is certainly a connected watch, but it is first and foremost a Hublot watch!

2018 FIFA World CupTM
Key figures As Baselworld 2018 opens its doors, the Hublot Countdown Clocks are showing 85 days. On 14 June 2018, Hublot, FIFA and Russia will kick off the first match of the 21st FIFA World CupTM since it began in 1928. In the current digital world, it will be the very first Competition in which the referees are supported by video assistance. From Saint Petersburg to Moscow via Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Saransk, Sochi and Volgograd, there are 12 stadiums for 32 teams playing 64 matches. “We are all very excited to witness another impressive milestone in FIFA’s relationship with Hublot. The launch of the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM is a perfect illustration of Hublot’s ability to combine tradition, expert knowledge and innovation. The 2018 FIFA World Cup in RussiaTM will provide the perfect platform for this amazing watch to showcase its full potential.” FIFA CCO Philippe Le Floc’h

Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA
World Cup Russia™
The watchmaker loves the tournament! Limited to 2018 pieces, available from 1 May, 2018 in Hublot sales outlets, this is the football watch, and the Official FIFA Watch! Beating to the rhythm of the competition, the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM immediately shows its distinctive spirit as the personification of an application specially developed  ¡for football and a series of “fan” dials in the colours of each participating nation. Featuring several notifications, the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM announces matches 15 minutes before their kick-off, as well as yellow and red cards, player changes and goals. The Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM vibrates, displaying the word GOAL instantly every time a goal is scored. During the match, the dial shows the match statistics including the score, number of cards, names of goal-scorers, player substitutions and match time.

The digital world provides the Big Bang with even greater flexibility and versatility. A watch which having emblematically borne the first Hublot manufacture movement, the most unusual and
audacious materials, the most assertive colours— has been reinvented for the digital era by offering 32 dials inspired by the flags of the participating countries, and two neutral dials. It is available in analogue or digital versions. Thanks to its patented interchangeable “One Click” strap, the watch can easily be matched to one of its two straps. Two are provided with the watch, a cuff strap in
sponge sporting the 2018 FIFA World CupTM emblem and that of Hublot, a black lined natural rubber strap. So as to perfect each fan’s kit, Hublot has also anticipated an additional strap for them
in the colours of their country. In a turn of the dial, with the swipe of a finger, select your team or closely follow a competitor. The Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM has already
been tested discreetly on the wrist of the referees many times during the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017TM and the FIFA Club World Cup 2017TM. Benefiting from the Android living ecosystem, the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM has thousands of downloadable applications in  addition to its competition functions. In terms of synchronisation, the Big Bang Referee 2018
FIFA World Cup RussiaTM is compatible with all telephones using Android 4.4 and above or iOS 9 and above. For charging, the watch just needs to be placed on a contact charger. The referees For the first time, they will be wearing the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM with its smart technology imagined by Hublot. As well as all the functions available on the 2018 numbered models of the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM, the referees’ watches will be connected to goal-line technology, an electronic video assistance system for refereeing which follows all the trajectories of the ball and determines for certain if the ball did or did not entirely cross the goal line. On the pitch, the watchmaker will be ever present in the game as always, by sequencing time, changes and extra time to the rhythm of its Big Bang-shaped referee boards. A board that has proved itself, as it is behind Hublot’s greatest visibility during matches. Let’s
not forget, during the last FIFA World CupTM in Brazil, no less than 21 minutes of playing time were credited to Hublot! There’s no limit to love… Hublot loves football and its family includes many star players and coaches – Pelé, Maradona, Mourinho – from prestigious clubs – Benfica, Chelsea, Juventus, Ajax. Having joined the world of football in 2006, by becoming the sponsor of the Swiss national team, Hublot is now top of the league. With its status of “FIFA Official Watch” and “FIFA Official Timekeeper” for the 2018 FIFA World CupTM, it has a total of three World Cups, three FIFA Confederations Cups, as well as three UEFA EURO editions, and three seasons of the Champions League and Europa League. On the pitch, just like on wrists, from its 4th official boards to its Retrograde Chronograph calculating the match time, and now the first connected football watch, Hublot is there for all the matches and all the wins! It has been said that the more passion shared, the stronger it becomes! Armed with this adage, Hublot will welcome more than 1,000 guests throughout the competition. Just one question remains!

Will you be able to wait until 1 May 2018? That’s the kick-off date for the watches in Hublot sales outlets all over the world. While waiting for the FIFA World Cup™ to start, get into the spirit
of football in all the Hublot boutiques which will have put on their FIFA World Cup™ kit, and follow the countdown displayed on your wrist!

Stanislas Cherchesov the coach who has prepared the national team of the World Cup’s host country His last FIFA World Cup™ was in 2002. USSR Champion, Winner of the USSR Cup, Champion of Russia, 3 Times Champion of the Austrian Football Bundesliga, Champion of the Ekstraklasa League, USSR’s Best Goalkeeper and Russia’s Best Goalkeeper.
The dream of every coach: to win. The ultimate dream of every coach: to win in their own country. Didier Deschamps is 2018 his year? Player, Captain, Coach, he was nominated by FIFA as one of the best living players. His results have earned him the distinction of best coach of the year on two occasions, and best coach in League 1. He won the FIFA World Cup™ in 1998, and took France into the ¼ finals of the 2014 FIFA World Cup™ and the final of UEFA EURO 2016. Marcel Desailly “The Rock”

With his track record, one of the most well-rounded in French football, he has been one of the pillars of the French team, and that nation’s 3rd most capped player. He has won both the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Super Cup twice, in 1993/1994 and 1995/1999 respectively. On his wrist, he’ll definitely be wearing the blue of Les Bleus; with them, he won the FIFA World Cup™ in 1998, the European Championships in 2000 and two FIFA Confederations Cup editions in 2001 and 2003. His track record earned him the Golden Foot Legend award in 2017. Björn Kuipers the referee of all the championships, all the cups, at the highest level of football With whistles and cards, he has witnessed the greatest victories in football and refereed almost everything…

Hublot Loves Football –
the 2018 campaign
Players, coaches, legends, united in the
same, single spirit – that of love for football.
A team of 16 football stars.


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WATCHES: Hublot Loves Football – the 2018 campaign Players, coaches, legends, united in the same, single spirit – that of love for football. A team of 16 football stars.

Keeping pace with the games in real time
2018 means the FIFA World CupTM! For its 3rd participation as a Branded Licensee, Hublot has created the watch that all football fans and Hublot fans have been waiting for! A smart watch that will instantly connect you to every decisive second of the matches being played at the 2018 FIFA World Cup™. A much-anticipated innovation that could not have been imagined by any other watch brand, given the extent to which Hublot and Football are as one. Not only is the footballing world going to march to the beat of the watchmaker, but now the pulse of the matches will reach its peak on your wrist! And although you’ll have to wait 85 days for the start of the Competition, you can wear connected football on your wrist in just one month time!

“The Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM offers all the usual features of a smart watch of course, but that’s not where Hublot has applied its innovation and audacity. It brings together everything that inspires the passion of football lovers! The FIFA World Cup is the Holy Grail of emotions for football fans, so just imagine what an object such as a watch that captures each and every one of its moments, its turning points, its stakes could suddenly represent? The football aficionados from among the brand’s friends have been waiting for this watch for a long time!”
Ricardo Guadalupe, CEO of Hublot

It was a specific need expressed by FIFA, and Hublot brought it to life! Wanting a customised watch for the referees, FIFA asked Hublot to conceive the perfect watch to accompany them on
the pitches during the matches. Hublot designed this connected watch, its first, for the footballing universe: the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM. It is a unique edition that is limited to 2018 pieces. It has all the attributes of the iconic Big Bang. Its emblematic architecture cut out of the lightness of titanium, its bezel decorated with 6 H-shaped screws, its Kevlar insert. Even the display on its analogue mode dial could pass for the same aesthetic as that of the automatic models. In terms of size, its 49-mm case is what makes the first difference, then its motor,
which, for the first time, is driven by technology connected to digital intelligence. It is certainly a connected watch, but it is first and foremost a Hublot watch!

2018 FIFA World CupTM
Key figures As Baselworld 2018 opens its doors, the Hublot Countdown Clocks are showing 85 days. On 14 June 2018, Hublot, FIFA and Russia will kick off the first match of the 21st FIFA World CupTM since it began in 1928. In the current digital world, it will be the very first Competition in which the referees are supported by video assistance. From Saint Petersburg to Moscow via Ekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Saransk, Sochi and Volgograd, there are 12 stadiums for 32 teams playing 64 matches. “We are all very excited to witness another impressive milestone in FIFA’s relationship with Hublot. The launch of the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM is a perfect illustration of Hublot’s ability to combine tradition, expert knowledge and innovation. The 2018 FIFA World Cup in RussiaTM will provide the perfect platform for this amazing watch to showcase its full potential.” FIFA CCO Philippe Le Floc’h

Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA
World Cup Russia™
The watchmaker loves the tournament! Limited to 2018 pieces, available from 1 May, 2018 in Hublot sales outlets, this is the football watch, and the Official FIFA Watch! Beating to the rhythm of the competition, the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM immediately shows its distinctive spirit as the personification of an application specially developed  ¡for football and a series of “fan” dials in the colours of each participating nation. Featuring several notifications, the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM announces matches 15 minutes before their kick-off, as well as yellow and red cards, player changes and goals. The Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM vibrates, displaying the word GOAL instantly every time a goal is scored. During the match, the dial shows the match statistics including the score, number of cards, names of goal-scorers, player substitutions and match time.

The digital world provides the Big Bang with even greater flexibility and versatility. A watch which having emblematically borne the first Hublot manufacture movement, the most unusual and
audacious materials, the most assertive colours— has been reinvented for the digital era by offering 32 dials inspired by the flags of the participating countries, and two neutral dials. It is available in analogue or digital versions. Thanks to its patented interchangeable “One Click” strap, the watch can easily be matched to one of its two straps. Two are provided with the watch, a cuff strap in
sponge sporting the 2018 FIFA World CupTM emblem and that of Hublot, a black lined natural rubber strap. So as to perfect each fan’s kit, Hublot has also anticipated an additional strap for them
in the colours of their country. In a turn of the dial, with the swipe of a finger, select your team or closely follow a competitor. The Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM has already
been tested discreetly on the wrist of the referees many times during the FIFA Confederations Cup 2017TM and the FIFA Club World Cup 2017TM. Benefiting from the Android living ecosystem, the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM has thousands of downloadable applications in  addition to its competition functions. In terms of synchronisation, the Big Bang Referee 2018
FIFA World Cup RussiaTM is compatible with all telephones using Android 4.4 and above or iOS 9 and above. For charging, the watch just needs to be placed on a contact charger. The referees For the first time, they will be wearing the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM with its smart technology imagined by Hublot. As well as all the functions available on the 2018 numbered models of the Big Bang Referee 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM, the referees’ watches will be connected to goal-line technology, an electronic video assistance system for refereeing which follows all the trajectories of the ball and determines for certain if the ball did or did not entirely cross the goal line. On the pitch, the watchmaker will be ever present in the game as always, by sequencing time, changes and extra time to the rhythm of its Big Bang-shaped referee boards. A board that has proved itself, as it is behind Hublot’s greatest visibility during matches. Let’s
not forget, during the last FIFA World CupTM in Brazil, no less than 21 minutes of playing time were credited to Hublot! There’s no limit to love… Hublot loves football and its family includes many star players and coaches – Pelé, Maradona, Mourinho – from prestigious clubs – Benfica, Chelsea, Juventus, Ajax. Having joined the world of football in 2006, by becoming the sponsor of the Swiss national team, Hublot is now top of the league. With its status of “FIFA Official Watch” and “FIFA Official Timekeeper” for the 2018 FIFA World CupTM, it has a total of three World Cups, three FIFA Confederations Cups, as well as three UEFA EURO editions, and three seasons of the Champions League and Europa League. On the pitch, just like on wrists, from its 4th official boards to its Retrograde Chronograph calculating the match time, and now the first connected football watch, Hublot is there for all the matches and all the wins! It has been said that the more passion shared, the stronger it becomes! Armed with this adage, Hublot will welcome more than 1,000 guests throughout the competition. Just one question remains!

Will you be able to wait until 1 May 2018? That’s the kick-off date for the watches in Hublot sales outlets all over the world. While waiting for the FIFA World Cup™ to start, get into the spirit
of football in all the Hublot boutiques which will have put on their FIFA World Cup™ kit, and follow the countdown displayed on your wrist!

Stanislas Cherchesov the coach who has prepared the national team of the World Cup’s host country His last FIFA World Cup™ was in 2002. USSR Champion, Winner of the USSR Cup, Champion of Russia, 3 Times Champion of the Austrian Football Bundesliga, Champion of the Ekstraklasa League, USSR’s Best Goalkeeper and Russia’s Best Goalkeeper.
The dream of every coach: to win. The ultimate dream of every coach: to win in their own country. Didier Deschamps is 2018 his year? Player, Captain, Coach, he was nominated by FIFA as one of the best living players. His results have earned him the distinction of best coach of the year on two occasions, and best coach in League 1. He won the FIFA World Cup™ in 1998, and took France into the ¼ finals of the 2014 FIFA World Cup™ and the final of UEFA EURO 2016. Marcel Desailly “The Rock”

With his track record, one of the most well-rounded in French football, he has been one of the pillars of the French team, and that nation’s 3rd most capped player. He has won both the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Super Cup twice, in 1993/1994 and 1995/1999 respectively. On his wrist, he’ll definitely be wearing the blue of Les Bleus; with them, he won the FIFA World Cup™ in 1998, the European Championships in 2000 and two FIFA Confederations Cup editions in 2001 and 2003. His track record earned him the Golden Foot Legend award in 2017. Björn Kuipers the referee of all the championships, all the cups, at the highest level of football With whistles and cards, he has witnessed the greatest victories in football and refereed almost everything…

Hublot Loves Football –
the 2018 campaign
Players, coaches, legends, united in the
same, single spirit – that of love for football.
A team of 16 football stars.