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Tendencias en el baño: el baño como zona de estar y estancia de bienestar

Los materiales naturales, los colores sutiles y las formas orgánicas crean un baño acogedor en el que pasar el rato.

  • El baño acogedor ofrece un lugar de refugio del ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida cotidiana.
  • Los materiales naturales de alta calidad, como la cerámica y la madera, definen el interior con su tacto agradable
  • El diseño sin complicaciones se une a las formas redondas
  • Excelente diseño de baño para habitaciones de cualquier tamaño.
  • Sostenibilidad: productos duraderos, ahorradores de agua y reciclables
  • El diseño y las características técnicas garantizan una mayor higiene en el baño

El baño ya no es solo un lugar para la rutina diaria de cuidado y salud. Se ha convertido en un lugar de refugio del ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida cotidiana donde puedes sentirte a gusto, relajarte y ser uno contigo mismo. Así como la cocina ha convergido con la sala de estar, el baño ahora se está convirtiendo en uno con el dormitorio. Los límites de las habitaciones se vuelven fluidos con el área de lavado y la bañera ubicadas en el centro del dormitorio, por ejemplo, con solo el inodoro separado físicamente. Los espacios flotantes funcionan porque los objetos sanitarios ahora se diseñan e instalan como muebles, como elementos decorativos independientes hechos de materiales naturales como cerámica, madera y piedra natural con una apariencia que crea una sensación de santuario.

El baño como zona de estar

No solo los baños contemporáneos se diseñan con un estilo cada vez más hogareño en cuanto a sus objetos sanitarios y muebles de baño, sino que los muebles, lámparas, textiles y complementos se abren paso cada vez más en este rincón de la casa. Las formas y los materiales se combinan con relajantes tonos beige y marrón para crear un ambiente acogedor, realzado con plantas que acentúan el espacio y aseguran un clima agradable en la habitación. La inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores es un sello distintivo del diseño escandinavo y de la estética japonesa en particular. La colección de baño Zencha de Duravit armoniza estos dos conceptos. El diseñador Sebastian Herkner elaboró ​​los objetos sanitarios y muebles de baño con materiales naturales como cerámica, madera y vidrio texturizado. Mientras que los muebles de almacenamiento modulares con sus bordes delicados y huecos de sombra emanan un aspecto más austero, la bañera independiente da la impresión de un gran canal que culmina en un elegante borde con una suave curva hacia el exterior. La colección de baño White Tulip de Duravit presenta formas orgánicas combinadas con muebles en superficies de madera maciza natural y lacados de alto brillo o mate satinado para crear armonía y suavidad en el interior. Diseñado por Philippe Starck, las formas de los objetos sanitarios, la grifería y el mobiliario recuerdan la silueta de un tulipán en flor. La colección de baño White Tulip de Duravit presenta formas orgánicas combinadas con muebles en superficies de madera maciza natural y lacados de alto brillo o mate satinado para crear armonía y suavidad en el interior. Diseñado por Philippe Starck, las formas de los objetos sanitarios, la grifería y el mobiliario recuerdan la silueta de un tulipán en flor. La colección de baño White Tulip de Duravit presenta formas orgánicas combinadas con muebles en superficies de madera maciza natural y lacados de alto brillo o mate satinado para crear armonía y suavidad en el interior. Diseñado por Philippe Starck, las formas de los objetos sanitarios, la grifería y el mobiliario recuerdan la silueta de un tulipán en flor.

Estilo de vida natural

La inspiración en la naturaleza es una tendencia que ha llegado para quedarse en el diseño de interiores. Como material, la madera tiene superficies atractivas al tacto, así como cualidades estéticas y táctiles que la hacen adecuada para un estilo de decoración natural como casi ningún otro material. La madera también es una característica establecida del baño. En D-Neo, el diseñador belga Bertrand Lejoly ha creado una gama de baño completa que ofrece tocadores sencillos y armarios semi-altos en una gama de acabados de muebles de roble y nogal.

Pequeño y de buen gusto

Del mismo modo, cada vez más fabricantes ofrecen ahora no solo objetos sanitarios, sino también muebles de dimensiones reducidas para que incluso los baños con medidas compactas puedan transformarse fácilmente en espacios habitables. Después de todo, los baños en las grandes ciudades suelen tener solo unos pocos metros cuadrados. Los armarios con espejos, los muebles de almacenamiento y los lavabos con espacio de almacenamiento también contribuyen a mantener el orden en el baño. Cuando todo tiene un lugar, la calma visual también está asegurada. Las superficies libres pueden acomodar piezas decorativas llamativas como joyeros, jarrones y cuencos.

Preservando los recursos

Pensar y actuar de manera sostenible siempre ha sido importante en Duravit, sobre todo cuando se trata de productos de diseño atemporal fabricados con materiales duraderos y de alta calidad. Duravit también ofrece una gama de soluciones para el baño que consumen menos agua que las convencionales o están fabricadas con materiales sostenibles. Sustano es un buen ejemplo: el primer plato de ducha reciclable que se comercializa es un golpe de efecto del fabricante alemán. Fabricado con el material mineral sostenible DuroCast Nature, no solo tiene una alta dureza superficial y densidad, sino que también los platos de ducha pueden devolverse al fabricante o a un centro de reciclaje local después del final de su vida útil. La gama minimalista de grifos Tulum de Philippe Starck ahorra energía y agua porque está equipada con una función FreshStart. En la posición central, esto solo produce agua fría para empezar. El caudal limitado por la función MinusFlow también ayuda a ahorrar este preciado recurso. Paralelamente a su gama de productos sostenibles existente, Duravit ha incorporado el objetivo de ser climáticamente neutral para 2045 en sus objetivos empresariales.

higiene en el baño

Desde la pandemia se ha prestado mayor atención a la higiene, especialmente en el baño. La limpieza a fondo está garantizada no solo por las superficies fáciles de limpiar, como la cerámica o DuroCast Nature, sino también por el diseño y las características técnicas. Por ejemplo, los inodoros de la gama White Tulip de Philippe Starck están equipados con la innovadora tecnología HygieneFlush que limpia todo el interior del inodoro. El esmalte cerámico HygieneGlaze también garantiza que aprox. El 90 por ciento de las bacterias (bacterias Ege coli) se han eliminado después de solo seis minutos, aumentando a aprox. 99,9 por ciento después de 24 horas. Otra creación de Philippe Starck es la serie de baño Soleil by Starck, cuyo inodoro sorprende con una delicada tapa que sobresale ligeramente. Esta característica de diseño especial significa que la tapa es fácil de agarrar sin tocar el asiento o la cerámica.


01_Salón Zencha

Diseño de baño acogedor con la gama de baño Duravit Zencha en Antracita Mate. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

02 Espacio habitable_Zencha

Diseño de baño acogedor con la gama de baño Duravit Zencha en Blanco. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

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Diseño de baño acogedor con la línea de baño White Tulip de Duravit. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores: cuarto de baño con un ambiente agradable. La gama de baño Duravit D-Neo ofrece una serie de baño completa con unidades de tocador sin complicaciones en una gama de acabados de roble y nogal. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores: cree un baño D-Neo para sentirse bien con Duravit. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG))


Inspiración de la naturaleza en el diseño de interiores: cree un baño D-Neo para sentirse bien con Duravit. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

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Compacto pero elegante: lavabo con lavabo y consola de metal de la serie Duravit DuraSquare. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Duravit presenta Sustano, el primer plato de ducha reciclable fabricado con el innovador material DuroCast Nature. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Sustano representa la primera aplicación del nuevo material futurista DuroCast Nature en el baño. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


Gama de grifería ahorradora de energía y agua Tulum de Philippe Starck con función FreshStart y MinusFlow de caudal reducido para un menor consumo de agua y energía en el baño. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


La función FreshStart de ahorro de energía en los mezcladores monomando garantiza que el agua caliente solo se agregue cuando la palanca se mueve deliberadamente hacia la izquierda, una opción cuidadosamente considerada disponible, por ejemplo, en la inconfundible gama de grifos Tulum by Starck. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)


HygieneFlush: la innovadora tecnología de descarga que limpia toda la superficie interior del inodoro con una innovadora técnica de descarga. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG)

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El inodoro de la gama de baño Soleil by Starck sorprende con una delicada tapa que sobresale ligeramente y es fácil de agarrar sin tocar el asiento o la cerámica. (Fuente de la imagen: Duravit AG

Acerca de Duravit AG

Fundada en 1817 en Hornberg, en la Selva Negra, Duravit AG es hoy en día un fabricante internacional líder de baños de diseño y opera en más de 130 países en todo el mundo. La cartera completa de productos del proveedor de baño comprende cerámica sanitaria de primera calidad, muebles de baño, bañeras y platos de ducha, sistemas de bienestar, inodoros con ducha, grifería y accesorios, así como sistemas de instalación. Además de su experiencia en diseño interna, Duravit también trabaja en estrecha colaboración en el desarrollo de productos con una red internacional de diseñadores como Cecilie Manz, Philippe Starck, Christian Werner, Sebastian Herkner y Bertrand Lejoly, así como con talentosos recién llegados. La ambición de Duravit es hacer que la vida de sus accionistas sea un poco mejor cada día a través de una combinación de diseños con visión de futuro, excelencia de producto sin concesiones, un agudo sentido de las necesidades humanas y una gestión empresarial responsable. Una medida clave para lograr estos objetivos es la misión primordial de convertirse en una empresa climáticamente neutra para 2045 sin excepciones.

Engel & Volkers | Riviera de Atenas: hermosa vida cerca del centro de la ciudad

  • Precios medios por metro cuadrado de 7.000 euros
  • El atractivo de la región está atrayendo una creciente demanda internacional
  • El proyecto de desarrollo urbano más grande de Europa en el sitio del antiguo aeropuerto

Hamburgo, 20 de octubre de 2022. El extremo sur de la capital griega, Atenas, a solo 20 minutos en coche al sur de la Acrópolis, marca el comienzo de la Riviera de Atenas, que se extiende casi 50 kilómetros a lo largo del golfo Sarónico. Esta pintoresca costa, desde el puerto de El Pireo hasta el cabo Sounion, es famosa por sus galardonadas playas, bahías rocosas con aguas cristalinas y un ambiente elegante y cosmopolita, pero al mismo tiempo relajado. “La Riviera de Atenas actualmente está experimentando un renacimiento notable. La visión se encuentra con la tradición aquí, con una atmósfera que recuerda a Beverly Hills, solo que sin tantos turistas. Muchos puntos de acceso a lo largo de esta costa todavía se consideran consejos de expertos, incluso entre los atenienses, con una gran cantidad de potencial para ofrecer. El alto ritmo de la actividad de construcción en los últimos meses refleja el desarrollo dinámico que la región está experimentando actualmente”, dice Georg Petras, CEO de Engel & Völkers Grecia.

Fuerte demanda en todas las localidades costeras

Orientada al suroeste y disfrutando de unos 300 días de sol al año, esta costa en toda su longitud es conocida por sus sensacionales puestas de sol. Esto hace que las propiedades aquí en ubicaciones frente al mar con vistas al mar Egeo sean especialmente buscadas. El tamaño y la diversidad de la Riviera de Atenas garantizan un número superior a la media de listados de propiedades y una amplia gama de precios, por lo que los precios son generalmente más moderados que en el resto de Europa, incluso en las muy buenas ubicaciones. Los metros cuadrados medios oscilan entre los 6.000 y los 7.000 euros. Las áreas con los precios más altos a lo largo de la Riviera incluyen Vouliagmeni, Voula y Glyfada. Estos elegantes suburbios de Atenas también se conocen como los “Hamptons helénicos”. Cuentan con una variedad de opciones de compras y vida nocturna, desde tiendas locales y auténticas tabernas hasta boutiques de diseñadores, restaurantes gourmet y bares de copas, además de encantadores paseos marítimos y exclusivos clubes de playa. La creciente popularidad en el escenario internacional hizo que el precio promedio por metro cuadrado de los apartamentos aumentara a 7.000 euros en muy buenas ubicaciones en el primer semestre de 2022 (primer semestre de 2021: 5.000 euros). Los precios top por plaza pueden llegar hasta los 10.000 euros. Las villas contemporáneas con comodidades premium directamente en la costa alcanzan precios promedio de 8.000 a 12.000 euros por metro cuadrado. Las residencias de lujo con un estilo excepcional y características extra especiales pueden venderse por hasta 6 millones de euros.
El aumento de los precios significa que el interés de los compradores se está alejando cada vez más del centro de Atenas, hacia ubicaciones promedio. “La distancia desde el centro de la ciudad hasta el punto más al sur de la Riviera, Cabo Sunión, es, de hecho, de solo una hora en coche. Todavía es posible encontrar aquí propiedades directamente junto al mar a precios muy moderados. Las abundantes posibilidades en oferta, la ubicación conveniente y el potencial para la relajación y la recreación hacen que las propiedades inmobiliarias en las partes más al sur de la Riviera de Atenas también sean una excelente inversión”, dice Georg Petras. Desde la región de Lagonisi hasta Lavrio, en el extremo sur de la Riviera, los precios de las viviendas unifamiliares oscilan entre los 600 000 y los 700 000 euros. Los apartamentos tienen un precio promedio de aprox. 4.000 euros el metro cuadrado.

Los nuevos proyectos de construcción aumentan el atractivo mundial de la costa ateniense

Además de las propiedades existentes en ubicaciones clásicas, son los diversos proyectos de nueva construcción y regeneración en la región los que impulsan la fuerte dinámica del mercado y el creciente interés internacional en la Riviera de Atenas. Un excelente ejemplo de un proyecto de este tipo es el nuevo e innovador y visionario barrio Hellikikon. Actualmente, el desarrollo urbano más grande de toda Europa, está tomando forma en el sitio del antiguo aeropuerto de Ellinikon, que ha estado cerrado desde 2001. El área abarca unas 620 hectáreas en total, y se establecen una gran cantidad de restaurantes y servicios recreativos. tomará forma aquí a partir de 2023, junto con unidades residenciales y comerciales en un diseño arquitectónico bioclimático e híbrido. El nuevo barrio también contará con un puerto deportivo, así como con un parque público de dos millones de metros cuadrados, con aproximadamente 50 kilómetros de ciclovías y senderos para caminar. “La creación de Hellinikon abrirá un nuevo capítulo para Atenas y Grecia, y esperamos que crezca el interés internacional en la Riviera de Atenas y que la ubicación gane importancia internacional”, declara el Sr. Petras. Las áreas de Neo Faliro y Moschato, junto con la ciudad portuaria de Pireo, directamente al sur del centro de Atenas en la costa, también son regiones prometedoras con un potencial particularmente alto para la regeneración y nuevos proyectos de construcción importantes. El precio medio de las villas contemporáneas de nueva construcción es de 1 millón de euros, mientras que las propiedades existentes se venden por una media de 500.000 euros.

Los clientes nacionales dominan el mercado inmobiliario: los grupos de compradores internacionales se están poniendo al día

Debido a su proximidad al centro de Atenas y al aeropuerto internacional, la Riviera es un lugar de residencia deseable entre los profesionales que trabajan en la capital griega, así como viajeros frecuentes, familias y jubilados que buscan llevar un estilo de vida activo. El mercado inmobiliario todavía está dominado por compradores nacionales, que representan alrededor del 60 por ciento de la actividad. En la elegante zona de Vouliagmeni, esta proporción llega incluso al 90 por ciento. No obstante, la región está evolucionando rápidamente de ser un lugar privilegiado local a convertirse en un área residencial y un destino de vacaciones buscado internacionalmente, tanto en términos de residencia principal como de inversión. La mayoría de los grupos de compradores en el extranjero provienen de Europa Central a aprox. 40 por ciento El 20 por ciento de estos clientes internacionales son de Alemania, el 10 por ciento son de Suiza y el 10 por ciento son del Reino Unido.

Perspectivas: el floreciente sector turístico está listo para fortalecer aún más el mercado inmobiliario

Además de su ubicación geográfica deseable y su alta calidad de vida, es la gran cantidad de nuevos proyectos de desarrollo lo que está poniendo a Athens Riviera nuevamente en el mapa como un punto de acceso internacional codiciado. La región va a ser cada vez más importante como mercado de primera y segunda vivienda debido al aumento de la demanda mundial. Engel & Völkers espera que los precios aumenten moderadamente durante el resto de 2022 y que el mercado experimente un crecimiento positivo en 2023, como confirma Georg Petras: “Se acerca un nuevo apogeo para la región, con un futuro emocionante por delante. La costa ateniense continuará jugar un papel más central para el sector turístico griego, y esto tendrá un impacto positivo en el mercado inmobiliario aquí a largo plazo”.
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Leyendas: (Fuente de la imagen: Engel & Völkers Grecia)

Visionary new built in Vouliagmeni
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The Chrysalis es un complejo visionario de cuatro exclusivas residencias independientes en la ubicación privilegiada de Vouliagmeni. La residencia Chrysalis A1 está siendo comercializada por Engel & Völkers por aprox. 6,35 millones de euros. La arquitectura se asemeja a la forma de una mariposa, cuyas alas se extienden desde las viviendas hasta la zona ajardinada, proporcionando sombra en la planta baja y vistas al mar en la planta superior. Cada residencia cuenta con cinco dormitorios y cinco baños en una superficie habitable total de aprox. 500 metros cuadrados. Varias comodidades de lujo como áreas de bienestar y apartamentos para invitados completan la oferta.

Gate to the Aegean
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Esta villa está ubicada en una parcela única de 4.820 metros cuadrados, a solo un kilómetro de distancia del cabo Sounio y del mundialmente famoso Templo de Poseidón, que está catalogado como sitio arqueológico y patrimonial. La superficie habitable total se extiende sobre más de 430 metros cuadrados, con cuatro dormitorios, cinco baños y dos casas de huéspedes con baño completamente independientes. Lo más destacado de la propiedad es su vista panorámica sin obstáculos sobre el sur del Egeo. La residencia está a la venta con Engel & Völkers bajo pedido.

Two luxurious villas in walking distance to the beach
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Engel & Völkers comercializa estas dos villas modernas cerca del cabo Sounion en una parcela de 3.000 metros cuadrados por aprox. 4,4 millones de euros. Ambas villas están lujosamente equipadas y cada una ofrece cinco amplios dormitorios, cinco baños y una piscina privada. Debido a la proximidad directa al mar, se aseguran vistas panorámicas y puestas de sol desde cada terraza.

Engel & Völkers | Athens Riviera: Beautiful living close to the city  centre

  • Average prices per square metre of 7,000 euros
  • Appeal of the region is drawing increasing international demand
  • Europe’s largest urban development project on former airport site 

Hamburg, 20 October 2022. The southern edge of the Greek capital Athens, just a 20-minute drive south of the Acropolis, marks the start of the Athens Riviera – stretching almost 50 kilometres along the Saronic Gulf. This picturesque coastline, from the port of Piraeus to Cape Sounion, is famous for its award-winning beaches, rocky bays with crystal-clear waters and elegant, cosmopolitan, but at the same time laid-back flair. “The Athens Riviera is currently undergoing a remarkable renaissance. Vision meets tradition here, with an atmosphere reminiscent of Beverly Hills, only without so many tourists. Many hotspots along this coast are still considered insider tips, even among Athenians, with a great deal of potential to offer. The high pace of construction activity in recent months is reflective of the dynamic development the region is currently witnessing,” says Georg Petras, CEO of Engel & Völkers Greece.

Strong demand in all coastal locations

Facing southwest and enjoying around 300 days of sunshine a year, the entire length of this coastline is known for its sensational sunsets. This makes properties here in beachfront locations overlooking the Aegean Sea especially sought after. The size and diversity of the Athens Riviera ensure an above-average number of property listings and a broad price range, whereby prices are generally more moderate than in the rest of Europe, even in the very good locations. Average square metres range from 6,000 to 7,000 euros. The highest priced areas along the Riviera include VouliagmeniVoula and Glyfada. These elegant Athens suburbs are also known as the “Hellenic Hamptons”. They boast a range of shopping and nightlife options, from local shops and authentic tavernas through to designer boutiques, gourmet restaurants and cocktail bars, in addition to charming waterfront promenades and exclusive beach clubs. Increasing popularity on the international stage saw the average price per square metre for apartments rise to 7,000 euros in very good locations in H1 2022 (H1 2021: 5.000 euros). Top prices per square can range up to 10,000 euros. Contemporary villas with premium amenities directly on the coast reach average prices of 8,000 to 12,000 euros per square metre. Luxurious residences with exceptional flair and extra-special features can sell for as much as 6 million euros.
Rising prices mean that buyer interest is shifting further away from the centre of Athens, to average locations. “The distance from the city centre to the southernmost point of the Riviera, Cape Sounion, is, in fact, only around an hour’s drive. It is still possible here to find properties directly by the sea at very moderate prices. The abundant possibilities on offer, the convenient location, and potential for relaxation and recreation all make real estate in the more southern parts of the Athens Riviera a superb investment as well,” says Georg Petras. From the region around Lagonisi to Lavrio at the southernmost tip of the Riviera, prices for detached properties range from 600.000 to 700.000 euros. Apartments are priced at an average of approx. 4,000 euros per square metre.

New construction projects boost global appeal of Athenian coastline

Besides existing properties in classic locations, it is the various new construction and regeneration projects in the region that are the driving force behind the strong market dynamics and growing international interest in the Athens Riviera. A prime example of such a project is the new groundbreaking and visionary Hellinikon quarter. Currently the largest urban development in the whole of Europe, it is taking shape on the site of the former Ellinikon Airport, which has been defunct since 2001. The area spans some 620 hectares in total, and a host of dining and recreational amenities are set to take shape here from 2023 onwards, alongside residential and commercial units in a bioclimatic, hybrid architectural design. The new quarter will also boast a marina, as well as a public park spanning two million square metres, with approximately 50 kilometres of cycle paths and walking trails. “The creation of Hellinikon will open up a new chapter for Athens and Greece, and we expect international interest in the Athens Riviera to grow and the location to gain international importance,” Mr. Petras declares. The areas of Neo Faliro and Moschato, along with the port town of Piraeus, directly south of the centre of Athens on the coast, are also up-and-coming regions with particularly high potential for regeneration and new major construction projects. The average price for contemporary newly-built villas is 1 million euros, while existing properties sell for an average of 500.000 euros.

Domestic clients dominate real estate market – international buyer groups catching up

Due to its proximity to the centre of Athens and the international airport, the Riviera is a desirable place of residence among professionals working in the Greek capital, as well as frequent flyers, families and retirees looking to lead an active lifestyle. The property market is still dominated by domestic buyers, accounting for some 60 percent of activity. In the elegant area of Vouliagmeni this ratio is even up to 90 percent. Nonetheless, the region is fast evolving from a local insider’s tip into an internationally sought-after residential area and holiday destination, both in terms of primary residences and investments. The majority of buyer groups abroad come from Central Europe at approx. 40 percent. 20 percent of these international clients are from Germany, 10 percent are from Switzerland, and 10 percent are from the UK.

Outlook: Booming tourism sector set to strengthen real estate market further

In addition to its desirable geographical location and high quality of life, it is the large number of new development projects that are putting Athens Riviera on the map again as a sought-after international hotspot. The region is set to become increasingly important as a market for first and second homes due to the rise in global demand. Engel & Völkers expects prices to increase moderately for the remainder of 2022 and the market to see positive growth in 2023, as Georg Petras confirms: “A new heyday for the region is upon us, with an exciting future ahead. The Athenian coast will continue to play a more central role for the Greek tourism sector, and this will have a positive impact on the real estate market here in the long term.”
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Captions: (Image source: Engel & Völkers Greece)

Visionary new built in Vouliagmeni
Image Image ImageThe Chrysalis is a visionary complex of four exclusive independent residences in the prime location of Vouliagmeni. The Chrysalis A1 residence is being marketed by Engel & Völkers for approx. 6.35 million euros. The architecture resembles the shape of a butterfly, whose wings extend from the properties to the garden area, providing shade for the ground floor and sea views for the top floor. Each residency features five bedrooms and five bathrooms on a total living area of approx. 500 square metres. Several luxurious amenities like wellness areas and guest apartments complete the offer.

Gate to the Aegean
Image Image ImageThis villa is located on a unique 4,820 square metres plot, only one kilometre away from Cape Sounio and the world famous Poseidon Temple, which is listed as an archaeological and heritage site. The total living area spans over more than 430 square metres, featuring four bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as two completely independent en-suite guest houses. Highlight of the property is its unobstructed panoramic view over the South Aegean. The residence is for sale with Engel & Völkers upon request.

Two luxurious villas in walking distance to the beach
Image Image Image Engel & Völkers is marketing these two modern villas close to Cape Sounion on a 3,000 square metre plot for approx. 4.4 million euros. Both villas are luxuriously equipped, each offering five large bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as a private pool. Due to the direct proximity to the sea, panoramic vistas and sunsets from each terrace are ensured.

Engel & Völkers | Athens Riviera: Beautiful living close to the city  centre

  • Average prices per square metre of 7,000 euros
  • Appeal of the region is drawing increasing international demand
  • Europe’s largest urban development project on former airport site 

Hamburg, 20 October 2022. The southern edge of the Greek capital Athens, just a 20-minute drive south of the Acropolis, marks the start of the Athens Riviera – stretching almost 50 kilometres along the Saronic Gulf. This picturesque coastline, from the port of Piraeus to Cape Sounion, is famous for its award-winning beaches, rocky bays with crystal-clear waters and elegant, cosmopolitan, but at the same time laid-back flair. “The Athens Riviera is currently undergoing a remarkable renaissance. Vision meets tradition here, with an atmosphere reminiscent of Beverly Hills, only without so many tourists. Many hotspots along this coast are still considered insider tips, even among Athenians, with a great deal of potential to offer. The high pace of construction activity in recent months is reflective of the dynamic development the region is currently witnessing,” says Georg Petras, CEO of Engel & Völkers Greece.

Strong demand in all coastal locations

Facing southwest and enjoying around 300 days of sunshine a year, the entire length of this coastline is known for its sensational sunsets. This makes properties here in beachfront locations overlooking the Aegean Sea especially sought after. The size and diversity of the Athens Riviera ensure an above-average number of property listings and a broad price range, whereby prices are generally more moderate than in the rest of Europe, even in the very good locations. Average square metres range from 6,000 to 7,000 euros. The highest priced areas along the Riviera include VouliagmeniVoula and Glyfada. These elegant Athens suburbs are also known as the “Hellenic Hamptons”. They boast a range of shopping and nightlife options, from local shops and authentic tavernas through to designer boutiques, gourmet restaurants and cocktail bars, in addition to charming waterfront promenades and exclusive beach clubs. Increasing popularity on the international stage saw the average price per square metre for apartments rise to 7,000 euros in very good locations in H1 2022 (H1 2021: 5.000 euros). Top prices per square can range up to 10,000 euros. Contemporary villas with premium amenities directly on the coast reach average prices of 8,000 to 12,000 euros per square metre. Luxurious residences with exceptional flair and extra-special features can sell for as much as 6 million euros.
Rising prices mean that buyer interest is shifting further away from the centre of Athens, to average locations. “The distance from the city centre to the southernmost point of the Riviera, Cape Sounion, is, in fact, only around an hour’s drive. It is still possible here to find properties directly by the sea at very moderate prices. The abundant possibilities on offer, the convenient location, and potential for relaxation and recreation all make real estate in the more southern parts of the Athens Riviera a superb investment as well,” says Georg Petras. From the region around Lagonisi to Lavrio at the southernmost tip of the Riviera, prices for detached properties range from 600.000 to 700.000 euros. Apartments are priced at an average of approx. 4,000 euros per square metre.

New construction projects boost global appeal of Athenian coastline

Besides existing properties in classic locations, it is the various new construction and regeneration projects in the region that are the driving force behind the strong market dynamics and growing international interest in the Athens Riviera. A prime example of such a project is the new groundbreaking and visionary Hellinikon quarter. Currently the largest urban development in the whole of Europe, it is taking shape on the site of the former Ellinikon Airport, which has been defunct since 2001. The area spans some 620 hectares in total, and a host of dining and recreational amenities are set to take shape here from 2023 onwards, alongside residential and commercial units in a bioclimatic, hybrid architectural design. The new quarter will also boast a marina, as well as a public park spanning two million square metres, with approximately 50 kilometres of cycle paths and walking trails. “The creation of Hellinikon will open up a new chapter for Athens and Greece, and we expect international interest in the Athens Riviera to grow and the location to gain international importance,” Mr. Petras declares. The areas of Neo Faliro and Moschato, along with the port town of Piraeus, directly south of the centre of Athens on the coast, are also up-and-coming regions with particularly high potential for regeneration and new major construction projects. The average price for contemporary newly-built villas is 1 million euros, while existing properties sell for an average of 500.000 euros.

Domestic clients dominate real estate market – international buyer groups catching up

Due to its proximity to the centre of Athens and the international airport, the Riviera is a desirable place of residence among professionals working in the Greek capital, as well as frequent flyers, families and retirees looking to lead an active lifestyle. The property market is still dominated by domestic buyers, accounting for some 60 percent of activity. In the elegant area of Vouliagmeni this ratio is even up to 90 percent. Nonetheless, the region is fast evolving from a local insider’s tip into an internationally sought-after residential area and holiday destination, both in terms of primary residences and investments. The majority of buyer groups abroad come from Central Europe at approx. 40 percent. 20 percent of these international clients are from Germany, 10 percent are from Switzerland, and 10 percent are from the UK.

Outlook: Booming tourism sector set to strengthen real estate market further

In addition to its desirable geographical location and high quality of life, it is the large number of new development projects that are putting Athens Riviera on the map again as a sought-after international hotspot. The region is set to become increasingly important as a market for first and second homes due to the rise in global demand. Engel & Völkers expects prices to increase moderately for the remainder of 2022 and the market to see positive growth in 2023, as Georg Petras confirms: “A new heyday for the region is upon us, with an exciting future ahead. The Athenian coast will continue to play a more central role for the Greek tourism sector, and this will have a positive impact on the real estate market here in the long term.”
Please be sure to include the copyright notice when using any of the images.

Captions: (Image source: Engel & Völkers Greece)

Visionary new built in Vouliagmeni
Image Image ImageThe Chrysalis is a visionary complex of four exclusive independent residences in the prime location of Vouliagmeni. The Chrysalis A1 residence is being marketed by Engel & Völkers for approx. 6.35 million euros. The architecture resembles the shape of a butterfly, whose wings extend from the properties to the garden area, providing shade for the ground floor and sea views for the top floor. Each residency features five bedrooms and five bathrooms on a total living area of approx. 500 square metres. Several luxurious amenities like wellness areas and guest apartments complete the offer.

Gate to the Aegean
Image Image ImageThis villa is located on a unique 4,820 square metres plot, only one kilometre away from Cape Sounio and the world famous Poseidon Temple, which is listed as an archaeological and heritage site. The total living area spans over more than 430 square metres, featuring four bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as two completely independent en-suite guest houses. Highlight of the property is its unobstructed panoramic view over the South Aegean. The residence is for sale with Engel & Völkers upon request.

Two luxurious villas in walking distance to the beach
Image Image Image Engel & Völkers is marketing these two modern villas close to Cape Sounion on a 3,000 square metre plot for approx. 4.4 million euros. Both villas are luxuriously equipped, each offering five large bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as a private pool. Due to the direct proximity to the sea, panoramic vistas and sunsets from each terrace are ensured.

Engel & Völkers | Athens Riviera: Beautiful living close to the city  centre

  • Average prices per square metre of 7,000 euros
  • Appeal of the region is drawing increasing international demand
  • Europe’s largest urban development project on former airport site 

Hamburg, 20 October 2022. The southern edge of the Greek capital Athens, just a 20-minute drive south of the Acropolis, marks the start of the Athens Riviera – stretching almost 50 kilometres along the Saronic Gulf. This picturesque coastline, from the port of Piraeus to Cape Sounion, is famous for its award-winning beaches, rocky bays with crystal-clear waters and elegant, cosmopolitan, but at the same time laid-back flair. “The Athens Riviera is currently undergoing a remarkable renaissance. Vision meets tradition here, with an atmosphere reminiscent of Beverly Hills, only without so many tourists. Many hotspots along this coast are still considered insider tips, even among Athenians, with a great deal of potential to offer. The high pace of construction activity in recent months is reflective of the dynamic development the region is currently witnessing,” says Georg Petras, CEO of Engel & Völkers Greece.

Strong demand in all coastal locations

Facing southwest and enjoying around 300 days of sunshine a year, the entire length of this coastline is known for its sensational sunsets. This makes properties here in beachfront locations overlooking the Aegean Sea especially sought after. The size and diversity of the Athens Riviera ensure an above-average number of property listings and a broad price range, whereby prices are generally more moderate than in the rest of Europe, even in the very good locations. Average square metres range from 6,000 to 7,000 euros. The highest priced areas along the Riviera include VouliagmeniVoula and Glyfada. These elegant Athens suburbs are also known as the “Hellenic Hamptons”. They boast a range of shopping and nightlife options, from local shops and authentic tavernas through to designer boutiques, gourmet restaurants and cocktail bars, in addition to charming waterfront promenades and exclusive beach clubs. Increasing popularity on the international stage saw the average price per square metre for apartments rise to 7,000 euros in very good locations in H1 2022 (H1 2021: 5.000 euros). Top prices per square can range up to 10,000 euros. Contemporary villas with premium amenities directly on the coast reach average prices of 8,000 to 12,000 euros per square metre. Luxurious residences with exceptional flair and extra-special features can sell for as much as 6 million euros.
Rising prices mean that buyer interest is shifting further away from the centre of Athens, to average locations. “The distance from the city centre to the southernmost point of the Riviera, Cape Sounion, is, in fact, only around an hour’s drive. It is still possible here to find properties directly by the sea at very moderate prices. The abundant possibilities on offer, the convenient location, and potential for relaxation and recreation all make real estate in the more southern parts of the Athens Riviera a superb investment as well,” says Georg Petras. From the region around Lagonisi to Lavrio at the southernmost tip of the Riviera, prices for detached properties range from 600.000 to 700.000 euros. Apartments are priced at an average of approx. 4,000 euros per square metre.

New construction projects boost global appeal of Athenian coastline

Besides existing properties in classic locations, it is the various new construction and regeneration projects in the region that are the driving force behind the strong market dynamics and growing international interest in the Athens Riviera. A prime example of such a project is the new groundbreaking and visionary Hellinikon quarter. Currently the largest urban development in the whole of Europe, it is taking shape on the site of the former Ellinikon Airport, which has been defunct since 2001. The area spans some 620 hectares in total, and a host of dining and recreational amenities are set to take shape here from 2023 onwards, alongside residential and commercial units in a bioclimatic, hybrid architectural design. The new quarter will also boast a marina, as well as a public park spanning two million square metres, with approximately 50 kilometres of cycle paths and walking trails. “The creation of Hellinikon will open up a new chapter for Athens and Greece, and we expect international interest in the Athens Riviera to grow and the location to gain international importance,” Mr. Petras declares. The areas of Neo Faliro and Moschato, along with the port town of Piraeus, directly south of the centre of Athens on the coast, are also up-and-coming regions with particularly high potential for regeneration and new major construction projects. The average price for contemporary newly-built villas is 1 million euros, while existing properties sell for an average of 500.000 euros.

Domestic clients dominate real estate market – international buyer groups catching up

Due to its proximity to the centre of Athens and the international airport, the Riviera is a desirable place of residence among professionals working in the Greek capital, as well as frequent flyers, families and retirees looking to lead an active lifestyle. The property market is still dominated by domestic buyers, accounting for some 60 percent of activity. In the elegant area of Vouliagmeni this ratio is even up to 90 percent. Nonetheless, the region is fast evolving from a local insider’s tip into an internationally sought-after residential area and holiday destination, both in terms of primary residences and investments. The majority of buyer groups abroad come from Central Europe at approx. 40 percent. 20 percent of these international clients are from Germany, 10 percent are from Switzerland, and 10 percent are from the UK.

Outlook: Booming tourism sector set to strengthen real estate market further

In addition to its desirable geographical location and high quality of life, it is the large number of new development projects that are putting Athens Riviera on the map again as a sought-after international hotspot. The region is set to become increasingly important as a market for first and second homes due to the rise in global demand. Engel & Völkers expects prices to increase moderately for the remainder of 2022 and the market to see positive growth in 2023, as Georg Petras confirms: “A new heyday for the region is upon us, with an exciting future ahead. The Athenian coast will continue to play a more central role for the Greek tourism sector, and this will have a positive impact on the real estate market here in the long term.”
Please be sure to include the copyright notice when using any of the images.

Captions: (Image source: Engel & Völkers Greece)

Visionary new built in Vouliagmeni
Image Image ImageThe Chrysalis is a visionary complex of four exclusive independent residences in the prime location of Vouliagmeni. The Chrysalis A1 residence is being marketed by Engel & Völkers for approx. 6.35 million euros. The architecture resembles the shape of a butterfly, whose wings extend from the properties to the garden area, providing shade for the ground floor and sea views for the top floor. Each residency features five bedrooms and five bathrooms on a total living area of approx. 500 square metres. Several luxurious amenities like wellness areas and guest apartments complete the offer.

Gate to the Aegean
Image Image ImageThis villa is located on a unique 4,820 square metres plot, only one kilometre away from Cape Sounio and the world famous Poseidon Temple, which is listed as an archaeological and heritage site. The total living area spans over more than 430 square metres, featuring four bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as two completely independent en-suite guest houses. Highlight of the property is its unobstructed panoramic view over the South Aegean. The residence is for sale with Engel & Völkers upon request.

Two luxurious villas in walking distance to the beach
Image Image Image Engel & Völkers is marketing these two modern villas close to Cape Sounion on a 3,000 square metre plot for approx. 4.4 million euros. Both villas are luxuriously equipped, each offering five large bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as a private pool. Due to the direct proximity to the sea, panoramic vistas and sunsets from each terrace are ensured.

Engel & Völkers | Athens Riviera: Beautiful living close to the city  centre

  • Average prices per square metre of 7,000 euros
  • Appeal of the region is drawing increasing international demand
  • Europe’s largest urban development project on former airport site 

Hamburg, 20 October 2022. The southern edge of the Greek capital Athens, just a 20-minute drive south of the Acropolis, marks the start of the Athens Riviera – stretching almost 50 kilometres along the Saronic Gulf. This picturesque coastline, from the port of Piraeus to Cape Sounion, is famous for its award-winning beaches, rocky bays with crystal-clear waters and elegant, cosmopolitan, but at the same time laid-back flair. “The Athens Riviera is currently undergoing a remarkable renaissance. Vision meets tradition here, with an atmosphere reminiscent of Beverly Hills, only without so many tourists. Many hotspots along this coast are still considered insider tips, even among Athenians, with a great deal of potential to offer. The high pace of construction activity in recent months is reflective of the dynamic development the region is currently witnessing,” says Georg Petras, CEO of Engel & Völkers Greece.

Strong demand in all coastal locations

Facing southwest and enjoying around 300 days of sunshine a year, the entire length of this coastline is known for its sensational sunsets. This makes properties here in beachfront locations overlooking the Aegean Sea especially sought after. The size and diversity of the Athens Riviera ensure an above-average number of property listings and a broad price range, whereby prices are generally more moderate than in the rest of Europe, even in the very good locations. Average square metres range from 6,000 to 7,000 euros. The highest priced areas along the Riviera include VouliagmeniVoula and Glyfada. These elegant Athens suburbs are also known as the “Hellenic Hamptons”. They boast a range of shopping and nightlife options, from local shops and authentic tavernas through to designer boutiques, gourmet restaurants and cocktail bars, in addition to charming waterfront promenades and exclusive beach clubs. Increasing popularity on the international stage saw the average price per square metre for apartments rise to 7,000 euros in very good locations in H1 2022 (H1 2021: 5.000 euros). Top prices per square can range up to 10,000 euros. Contemporary villas with premium amenities directly on the coast reach average prices of 8,000 to 12,000 euros per square metre. Luxurious residences with exceptional flair and extra-special features can sell for as much as 6 million euros.
Rising prices mean that buyer interest is shifting further away from the centre of Athens, to average locations. “The distance from the city centre to the southernmost point of the Riviera, Cape Sounion, is, in fact, only around an hour’s drive. It is still possible here to find properties directly by the sea at very moderate prices. The abundant possibilities on offer, the convenient location, and potential for relaxation and recreation all make real estate in the more southern parts of the Athens Riviera a superb investment as well,” says Georg Petras. From the region around Lagonisi to Lavrio at the southernmost tip of the Riviera, prices for detached properties range from 600.000 to 700.000 euros. Apartments are priced at an average of approx. 4,000 euros per square metre.

New construction projects boost global appeal of Athenian coastline

Besides existing properties in classic locations, it is the various new construction and regeneration projects in the region that are the driving force behind the strong market dynamics and growing international interest in the Athens Riviera. A prime example of such a project is the new groundbreaking and visionary Hellinikon quarter. Currently the largest urban development in the whole of Europe, it is taking shape on the site of the former Ellinikon Airport, which has been defunct since 2001. The area spans some 620 hectares in total, and a host of dining and recreational amenities are set to take shape here from 2023 onwards, alongside residential and commercial units in a bioclimatic, hybrid architectural design. The new quarter will also boast a marina, as well as a public park spanning two million square metres, with approximately 50 kilometres of cycle paths and walking trails. “The creation of Hellinikon will open up a new chapter for Athens and Greece, and we expect international interest in the Athens Riviera to grow and the location to gain international importance,” Mr. Petras declares. The areas of Neo Faliro and Moschato, along with the port town of Piraeus, directly south of the centre of Athens on the coast, are also up-and-coming regions with particularly high potential for regeneration and new major construction projects. The average price for contemporary newly-built villas is 1 million euros, while existing properties sell for an average of 500.000 euros.

Domestic clients dominate real estate market – international buyer groups catching up

Due to its proximity to the centre of Athens and the international airport, the Riviera is a desirable place of residence among professionals working in the Greek capital, as well as frequent flyers, families and retirees looking to lead an active lifestyle. The property market is still dominated by domestic buyers, accounting for some 60 percent of activity. In the elegant area of Vouliagmeni this ratio is even up to 90 percent. Nonetheless, the region is fast evolving from a local insider’s tip into an internationally sought-after residential area and holiday destination, both in terms of primary residences and investments. The majority of buyer groups abroad come from Central Europe at approx. 40 percent. 20 percent of these international clients are from Germany, 10 percent are from Switzerland, and 10 percent are from the UK.

Outlook: Booming tourism sector set to strengthen real estate market further

In addition to its desirable geographical location and high quality of life, it is the large number of new development projects that are putting Athens Riviera on the map again as a sought-after international hotspot. The region is set to become increasingly important as a market for first and second homes due to the rise in global demand. Engel & Völkers expects prices to increase moderately for the remainder of 2022 and the market to see positive growth in 2023, as Georg Petras confirms: “A new heyday for the region is upon us, with an exciting future ahead. The Athenian coast will continue to play a more central role for the Greek tourism sector, and this will have a positive impact on the real estate market here in the long term.”
Please be sure to include the copyright notice when using any of the images.

Captions: (Image source: Engel & Völkers Greece)

Visionary new built in Vouliagmeni
Image Image ImageThe Chrysalis is a visionary complex of four exclusive independent residences in the prime location of Vouliagmeni. The Chrysalis A1 residence is being marketed by Engel & Völkers for approx. 6.35 million euros. The architecture resembles the shape of a butterfly, whose wings extend from the properties to the garden area, providing shade for the ground floor and sea views for the top floor. Each residency features five bedrooms and five bathrooms on a total living area of approx. 500 square metres. Several luxurious amenities like wellness areas and guest apartments complete the offer.

Gate to the Aegean
Image Image ImageThis villa is located on a unique 4,820 square metres plot, only one kilometre away from Cape Sounio and the world famous Poseidon Temple, which is listed as an archaeological and heritage site. The total living area spans over more than 430 square metres, featuring four bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as two completely independent en-suite guest houses. Highlight of the property is its unobstructed panoramic view over the South Aegean. The residence is for sale with Engel & Völkers upon request.

Two luxurious villas in walking distance to the beach
Image Image Image Engel & Völkers is marketing these two modern villas close to Cape Sounion on a 3,000 square metre plot for approx. 4.4 million euros. Both villas are luxuriously equipped, each offering five large bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as a private pool. Due to the direct proximity to the sea, panoramic vistas and sunsets from each terrace are ensured.

Engel & Völkers | Athens Riviera: Beautiful living close to the city  centre

  • Average prices per square metre of 7,000 euros
  • Appeal of the region is drawing increasing international demand
  • Europe’s largest urban development project on former airport site 

Hamburg, 20 October 2022. The southern edge of the Greek capital Athens, just a 20-minute drive south of the Acropolis, marks the start of the Athens Riviera – stretching almost 50 kilometres along the Saronic Gulf. This picturesque coastline, from the port of Piraeus to Cape Sounion, is famous for its award-winning beaches, rocky bays with crystal-clear waters and elegant, cosmopolitan, but at the same time laid-back flair. “The Athens Riviera is currently undergoing a remarkable renaissance. Vision meets tradition here, with an atmosphere reminiscent of Beverly Hills, only without so many tourists. Many hotspots along this coast are still considered insider tips, even among Athenians, with a great deal of potential to offer. The high pace of construction activity in recent months is reflective of the dynamic development the region is currently witnessing,” says Georg Petras, CEO of Engel & Völkers Greece.

Strong demand in all coastal locations

Facing southwest and enjoying around 300 days of sunshine a year, the entire length of this coastline is known for its sensational sunsets. This makes properties here in beachfront locations overlooking the Aegean Sea especially sought after. The size and diversity of the Athens Riviera ensure an above-average number of property listings and a broad price range, whereby prices are generally more moderate than in the rest of Europe, even in the very good locations. Average square metres range from 6,000 to 7,000 euros. The highest priced areas along the Riviera include VouliagmeniVoula and Glyfada. These elegant Athens suburbs are also known as the “Hellenic Hamptons”. They boast a range of shopping and nightlife options, from local shops and authentic tavernas through to designer boutiques, gourmet restaurants and cocktail bars, in addition to charming waterfront promenades and exclusive beach clubs. Increasing popularity on the international stage saw the average price per square metre for apartments rise to 7,000 euros in very good locations in H1 2022 (H1 2021: 5.000 euros). Top prices per square can range up to 10,000 euros. Contemporary villas with premium amenities directly on the coast reach average prices of 8,000 to 12,000 euros per square metre. Luxurious residences with exceptional flair and extra-special features can sell for as much as 6 million euros.
Rising prices mean that buyer interest is shifting further away from the centre of Athens, to average locations. “The distance from the city centre to the southernmost point of the Riviera, Cape Sounion, is, in fact, only around an hour’s drive. It is still possible here to find properties directly by the sea at very moderate prices. The abundant possibilities on offer, the convenient location, and potential for relaxation and recreation all make real estate in the more southern parts of the Athens Riviera a superb investment as well,” says Georg Petras. From the region around Lagonisi to Lavrio at the southernmost tip of the Riviera, prices for detached properties range from 600.000 to 700.000 euros. Apartments are priced at an average of approx. 4,000 euros per square metre.

New construction projects boost global appeal of Athenian coastline

Besides existing properties in classic locations, it is the various new construction and regeneration projects in the region that are the driving force behind the strong market dynamics and growing international interest in the Athens Riviera. A prime example of such a project is the new groundbreaking and visionary Hellinikon quarter. Currently the largest urban development in the whole of Europe, it is taking shape on the site of the former Ellinikon Airport, which has been defunct since 2001. The area spans some 620 hectares in total, and a host of dining and recreational amenities are set to take shape here from 2023 onwards, alongside residential and commercial units in a bioclimatic, hybrid architectural design. The new quarter will also boast a marina, as well as a public park spanning two million square metres, with approximately 50 kilometres of cycle paths and walking trails. “The creation of Hellinikon will open up a new chapter for Athens and Greece, and we expect international interest in the Athens Riviera to grow and the location to gain international importance,” Mr. Petras declares. The areas of Neo Faliro and Moschato, along with the port town of Piraeus, directly south of the centre of Athens on the coast, are also up-and-coming regions with particularly high potential for regeneration and new major construction projects. The average price for contemporary newly-built villas is 1 million euros, while existing properties sell for an average of 500.000 euros.

Domestic clients dominate real estate market – international buyer groups catching up

Due to its proximity to the centre of Athens and the international airport, the Riviera is a desirable place of residence among professionals working in the Greek capital, as well as frequent flyers, families and retirees looking to lead an active lifestyle. The property market is still dominated by domestic buyers, accounting for some 60 percent of activity. In the elegant area of Vouliagmeni this ratio is even up to 90 percent. Nonetheless, the region is fast evolving from a local insider’s tip into an internationally sought-after residential area and holiday destination, both in terms of primary residences and investments. The majority of buyer groups abroad come from Central Europe at approx. 40 percent. 20 percent of these international clients are from Germany, 10 percent are from Switzerland, and 10 percent are from the UK.

Outlook: Booming tourism sector set to strengthen real estate market further

In addition to its desirable geographical location and high quality of life, it is the large number of new development projects that are putting Athens Riviera on the map again as a sought-after international hotspot. The region is set to become increasingly important as a market for first and second homes due to the rise in global demand. Engel & Völkers expects prices to increase moderately for the remainder of 2022 and the market to see positive growth in 2023, as Georg Petras confirms: “A new heyday for the region is upon us, with an exciting future ahead. The Athenian coast will continue to play a more central role for the Greek tourism sector, and this will have a positive impact on the real estate market here in the long term.”
Please be sure to include the copyright notice when using any of the images.

Captions: (Image source: Engel & Völkers Greece)

Visionary new built in Vouliagmeni
Image Image ImageThe Chrysalis is a visionary complex of four exclusive independent residences in the prime location of Vouliagmeni. The Chrysalis A1 residence is being marketed by Engel & Völkers for approx. 6.35 million euros. The architecture resembles the shape of a butterfly, whose wings extend from the properties to the garden area, providing shade for the ground floor and sea views for the top floor. Each residency features five bedrooms and five bathrooms on a total living area of approx. 500 square metres. Several luxurious amenities like wellness areas and guest apartments complete the offer.

Gate to the Aegean
Image Image ImageThis villa is located on a unique 4,820 square metres plot, only one kilometre away from Cape Sounio and the world famous Poseidon Temple, which is listed as an archaeological and heritage site. The total living area spans over more than 430 square metres, featuring four bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as two completely independent en-suite guest houses. Highlight of the property is its unobstructed panoramic view over the South Aegean. The residence is for sale with Engel & Völkers upon request.

Two luxurious villas in walking distance to the beach
Image Image Image Engel & Völkers is marketing these two modern villas close to Cape Sounion on a 3,000 square metre plot for approx. 4.4 million euros. Both villas are luxuriously equipped, each offering five large bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as a private pool. Due to the direct proximity to the sea, panoramic vistas and sunsets from each terrace are ensured.

Engel & Völkers | Athens Riviera: Beautiful living close to the city  centre

  • Average prices per square metre of 7,000 euros
  • Appeal of the region is drawing increasing international demand
  • Europe’s largest urban development project on former airport site 

Hamburg, 20 October 2022. The southern edge of the Greek capital Athens, just a 20-minute drive south of the Acropolis, marks the start of the Athens Riviera – stretching almost 50 kilometres along the Saronic Gulf. This picturesque coastline, from the port of Piraeus to Cape Sounion, is famous for its award-winning beaches, rocky bays with crystal-clear waters and elegant, cosmopolitan, but at the same time laid-back flair. “The Athens Riviera is currently undergoing a remarkable renaissance. Vision meets tradition here, with an atmosphere reminiscent of Beverly Hills, only without so many tourists. Many hotspots along this coast are still considered insider tips, even among Athenians, with a great deal of potential to offer. The high pace of construction activity in recent months is reflective of the dynamic development the region is currently witnessing,” says Georg Petras, CEO of Engel & Völkers Greece.

Strong demand in all coastal locations

Facing southwest and enjoying around 300 days of sunshine a year, the entire length of this coastline is known for its sensational sunsets. This makes properties here in beachfront locations overlooking the Aegean Sea especially sought after. The size and diversity of the Athens Riviera ensure an above-average number of property listings and a broad price range, whereby prices are generally more moderate than in the rest of Europe, even in the very good locations. Average square metres range from 6,000 to 7,000 euros. The highest priced areas along the Riviera include VouliagmeniVoula and Glyfada. These elegant Athens suburbs are also known as the “Hellenic Hamptons”. They boast a range of shopping and nightlife options, from local shops and authentic tavernas through to designer boutiques, gourmet restaurants and cocktail bars, in addition to charming waterfront promenades and exclusive beach clubs. Increasing popularity on the international stage saw the average price per square metre for apartments rise to 7,000 euros in very good locations in H1 2022 (H1 2021: 5.000 euros). Top prices per square can range up to 10,000 euros. Contemporary villas with premium amenities directly on the coast reach average prices of 8,000 to 12,000 euros per square metre. Luxurious residences with exceptional flair and extra-special features can sell for as much as 6 million euros.
Rising prices mean that buyer interest is shifting further away from the centre of Athens, to average locations. “The distance from the city centre to the southernmost point of the Riviera, Cape Sounion, is, in fact, only around an hour’s drive. It is still possible here to find properties directly by the sea at very moderate prices. The abundant possibilities on offer, the convenient location, and potential for relaxation and recreation all make real estate in the more southern parts of the Athens Riviera a superb investment as well,” says Georg Petras. From the region around Lagonisi to Lavrio at the southernmost tip of the Riviera, prices for detached properties range from 600.000 to 700.000 euros. Apartments are priced at an average of approx. 4,000 euros per square metre.

New construction projects boost global appeal of Athenian coastline

Besides existing properties in classic locations, it is the various new construction and regeneration projects in the region that are the driving force behind the strong market dynamics and growing international interest in the Athens Riviera. A prime example of such a project is the new groundbreaking and visionary Hellinikon quarter. Currently the largest urban development in the whole of Europe, it is taking shape on the site of the former Ellinikon Airport, which has been defunct since 2001. The area spans some 620 hectares in total, and a host of dining and recreational amenities are set to take shape here from 2023 onwards, alongside residential and commercial units in a bioclimatic, hybrid architectural design. The new quarter will also boast a marina, as well as a public park spanning two million square metres, with approximately 50 kilometres of cycle paths and walking trails. “The creation of Hellinikon will open up a new chapter for Athens and Greece, and we expect international interest in the Athens Riviera to grow and the location to gain international importance,” Mr. Petras declares. The areas of Neo Faliro and Moschato, along with the port town of Piraeus, directly south of the centre of Athens on the coast, are also up-and-coming regions with particularly high potential for regeneration and new major construction projects. The average price for contemporary newly-built villas is 1 million euros, while existing properties sell for an average of 500.000 euros.

Domestic clients dominate real estate market – international buyer groups catching up

Due to its proximity to the centre of Athens and the international airport, the Riviera is a desirable place of residence among professionals working in the Greek capital, as well as frequent flyers, families and retirees looking to lead an active lifestyle. The property market is still dominated by domestic buyers, accounting for some 60 percent of activity. In the elegant area of Vouliagmeni this ratio is even up to 90 percent. Nonetheless, the region is fast evolving from a local insider’s tip into an internationally sought-after residential area and holiday destination, both in terms of primary residences and investments. The majority of buyer groups abroad come from Central Europe at approx. 40 percent. 20 percent of these international clients are from Germany, 10 percent are from Switzerland, and 10 percent are from the UK.

Outlook: Booming tourism sector set to strengthen real estate market further

In addition to its desirable geographical location and high quality of life, it is the large number of new development projects that are putting Athens Riviera on the map again as a sought-after international hotspot. The region is set to become increasingly important as a market for first and second homes due to the rise in global demand. Engel & Völkers expects prices to increase moderately for the remainder of 2022 and the market to see positive growth in 2023, as Georg Petras confirms: “A new heyday for the region is upon us, with an exciting future ahead. The Athenian coast will continue to play a more central role for the Greek tourism sector, and this will have a positive impact on the real estate market here in the long term.”
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Captions: (Image source: Engel & Völkers Greece)

Visionary new built in Vouliagmeni
Image Image ImageThe Chrysalis is a visionary complex of four exclusive independent residences in the prime location of Vouliagmeni. The Chrysalis A1 residence is being marketed by Engel & Völkers for approx. 6.35 million euros. The architecture resembles the shape of a butterfly, whose wings extend from the properties to the garden area, providing shade for the ground floor and sea views for the top floor. Each residency features five bedrooms and five bathrooms on a total living area of approx. 500 square metres. Several luxurious amenities like wellness areas and guest apartments complete the offer.

Gate to the Aegean
Image Image ImageThis villa is located on a unique 4,820 square metres plot, only one kilometre away from Cape Sounio and the world famous Poseidon Temple, which is listed as an archaeological and heritage site. The total living area spans over more than 430 square metres, featuring four bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as two completely independent en-suite guest houses. Highlight of the property is its unobstructed panoramic view over the South Aegean. The residence is for sale with Engel & Völkers upon request.

Two luxurious villas in walking distance to the beach
Image Image Image Engel & Völkers is marketing these two modern villas close to Cape Sounion on a 3,000 square metre plot for approx. 4.4 million euros. Both villas are luxuriously equipped, each offering five large bedrooms, five bathrooms as well as a private pool. Due to the direct proximity to the sea, panoramic vistas and sunsets from each terrace are ensured.

¡Obtenga el aspecto de estas ideas de salas de estar de lujo!

La sala de estar es posiblemente la habitación donde la gente pasa más tiempo. Cuando una sala de estar de lujo coincide con el gusto sofisticado y exclusivo de su propietario, adquiere el nivel de una residencia de cinco estrellas. ¡El artículo de hoy te llevará en un viaje inspirador a través de algunas salas de estar de lujo, con fascinantes piezas de diseño coleccionables!



¡La arquitectura clásica se encuentra con piezas de diseño exclusivas y de lujo en esta sala de estar! Los tonos neutros y un fondo limpio hacen brillar las piezas de diseño coleccionables. El sofá Imperfectio de Boca do Lobo, con sus formas y texturas únicas, es el complemento perfecto para un ambiente elegante y atemporal.

How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces



Diseño de sala de estar clásico, siguiendo una inspiración de decoración del hogar de lujo francés, donde los detalles tradicionales y los muebles contemporáneos se combinan maravillosamente. La lámpara de suspensión Hera ilumina la habitación y captura la esencia de la belleza en la sala de estar de lujo.

How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces




Los interiores oscuros son sinónimo de elegancia y sofisticación, especialmente cuando se combinan con detalles y acentos dorados. ¡M.Serhat Sezgin pudo crear una sala de estar de lujo, amueblada con piezas de diseño exclusivas de Boca do Lobo y con la moderna lámpara de araña de Luxxu!

How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces



Esta sala de estar artística y de lujo es en realidad el hogar de la talentosa y estrella del pop, Yang Kun, un proyecto de Meng Ye, director de la Oficina de Diseño Creativo Meng Ye Space. Una atmósfera atrevida emana en toda la casa, mientras que los muebles pintados a mano tienen un estilo artístico.

How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces



El Pixel Sideboard presenta un trabajo revolucionario de diseño pionero. Esta pieza lleva la dedicación y el arte de quienes la construyeron, una variedad de técnicas de producción tradicionales para crear una pieza de diseño coleccionable que sea auténtica, alegre y una combinación perfecta para la era digital. Una gran elección para un salón de lujo, con un toque de modernidad y exclusividad, ¿verdad?


How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces



Rodeada de arte y esculturas románticas que recuerdan a la Antigua Grecia, esta lujosa sala de estar es la combinación perfecta de lo clásico y lo contemporáneo, en una simbiosis artística.

How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces



Un candelabro imponente sin duda mejora la decoración de una habitación. Esta lujosa sala de estar de Luxxu es tan elegante como glamorosa.

How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces


Contemporáneo y glamoroso, este espacio abierto es simplemente asombroso, ¿no crees? ¡Las piezas de diseño de edición limitada de Boca do Lobo componen esta lujosa sala de estar y transmiten una sensación única de lujo y sofisticación!

How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces



Una sala de estar de lujo es más que un lugar para relajarse y pasar tiempo de calidad con familiares y amigos. Este es un lugar donde realmente puede presumir de su diseño de interiores. completamente amueblado con piezas exclusivas de Luxxu, este es un diseño sobresaliente, con una vista aún más excepcional.

How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces


  Nos asombró el lujoso salón de Sara Habib, un interior caprichoso, en tonos verde oscuro, que permitió que piezas de diseño exclusivo iluminaran la estancia, como Boca do Lobo’s Navarra center table.

How To Style A Luxury Living Room With Collectible Design Pieces